[libcxx-commits] [libcxx] [libc++] <experimental/simd> Add implicit type conversion constructor for class simd/simd_mask (PR #71132)
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Thu Nov 16 22:47:24 PST 2023
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// UNSUPPORTED: c++03, c++11, c++14
+// <experimental/simd>
+// [simd.class]
+// template<class U> simd(const simd<U, simd_abi::fixed_size<size()>>&) noexcept;
+#include "../test_utils.h"
+#include <experimental/simd>
+namespace ex = std::experimental::parallelism_v2;
+template <class T, class SimdAbi, std::size_t array_size>
+struct ConversionHelper {
+ const std::array<T, array_size>& expected_value;
+ ConversionHelper(const std::array<T, array_size>& value) : expected_value(value) {}
+ template <class U>
+ void operator()() const {
+ if constexpr (!std::is_same_v<U, T> && std::is_same_v<SimdAbi, ex::simd_abi::fixed_size<array_size>> &&
+ is_non_narrowing_convertible_v<U, T>) {
+ static_assert(noexcept(ex::simd<T, SimdAbi>(ex::simd<U, SimdAbi>{})));
+ ex::simd<U, SimdAbi> origin_simd([](U i) { return i; });
+ ex::simd<T, SimdAbi> simd_from_implicit_conversion(origin_simd);
+ assert_simd_values_equal<array_size>(simd_from_implicit_conversion, expected_value);
+ }
+ }
+template <class T, std::size_t>
+struct CheckConversionSimdCtor {
+ template <class SimdAbi>
+ void operator()() {
+ constexpr std::size_t array_size = ex::simd_size_v<T, SimdAbi>;
+ std::array<T, array_size> expected_value;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < array_size; ++i)
+ expected_value[i] = static_cast<T>(i);
+ types::for_each(arithmetic_no_bool_types(), ConversionHelper<T, SimdAbi, array_size>(expected_value));
+ }
+template <class U, class T, class SimdAbi = ex::simd_abi::compatible<T>, class = void>
+struct has_conversion_ctor : std::false_type {};
joy2myself wrote:
I tried it but it seems `is_convertible` can not accurately test the type conversion constructor. When `U` is the same as `T`, `simd[_mask]<U, Abi>` is the same as `simd[_mask]<T, Abi>`. And the default copy constructor make them convertible no matter what the `Abi` is.
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