[libcxx-commits] [libcxx] [libc++] Update status after the Kona meeting. (PR #72421)

via libcxx-commits libcxx-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Nov 15 10:14:20 PST 2023

github-actions[bot] wrote:


:warning: Python code formatter, darker found issues in your code. :warning:

You can test this locally with the following command:

darker --check --diff -r 05f70f7987f6bb34393b6ea0781c1060234a22ea..f30472124a2e6d0c54ca1533d183920c168d2a58 libcxx/utils/generate_feature_test_macro_components.py libcxx/utils/libcxx/header_information.py


View the diff from darker here.

--- generate_feature_test_macro_components.py	2023-11-15 18:04:13.000000 +0000
+++ generate_feature_test_macro_components.py	2023-11-15 18:14:13.130805 +0000
@@ -396,11 +396,11 @@
             "values": {"c++20": 201902},
             "headers": ["coroutine"],
             "name": "__cpp_lib_debugging",
-            "values": {"c++26": 202311}, # P2546R5 Debugging Support
+            "values": {"c++26": 202311},  # P2546R5 Debugging Support
             "headers": ["debugging"],
             "unimplemented": True,
             "name": "__cpp_lib_destroying_delete",
@@ -479,12 +479,14 @@
             "values": {"c++23": 202207},
             "headers": ["format"],
             "name": "__cpp_lib_format_uchar",
-            "values": {"c++20": 202311}, # DR P2909R4 Fix formatting of code units as integers
-            "headers": [""], # Note not in format
+            "values": {
+                "c++20": 202311
+            },  # DR P2909R4 Fix formatting of code units as integers
+            "headers": [""],  # Note not in format
             "unimplemented": True,
             "name": "__cpp_lib_formatters",
             "values": {"c++23": 202302},
@@ -496,54 +498,70 @@
             "values": {"c++23": 202207},
             "headers": ["utility"],
             "name": "__cpp_lib_freestanding_algorithm",
-            "values": {"c++26": 202311}, # P2407R5 Freestanding Library: Partial Classes
+            "values": {
+                "c++26": 202311
+            },  # P2407R5 Freestanding Library: Partial Classes
             "headers": ["algorithm"],
             "unimplemented": True,
             "name": "__cpp_lib_freestanding_array",
-            "values": {"c++26": 202311}, # P2407R5 Freestanding Library: Partial Classes
+            "values": {
+                "c++26": 202311
+            },  # P2407R5 Freestanding Library: Partial Classes
             "headers": ["array"],
             "unimplemented": True,
             "name": "__cpp_lib_freestanding_cstring",
-            "values": {"c++26": 202306}, # P2338R4 Freestanding Library: Character primitives and the C library
-                              # 202311   # P2407R5 Freestanding Library: Partial Classes
+            "values": {
+                "c++26": 202306
+            },  # P2338R4 Freestanding Library: Character primitives and the C library
+            # 202311   # P2407R5 Freestanding Library: Partial Classes
             "headers": ["cstring"],
             "unimplemented": True,
             "name": "__cpp_lib_freestanding_expected",
-            "values": {"c++26": 202311}, # P2833R2 Freestanding Library: inout expected span
+            "values": {
+                "c++26": 202311
+            },  # P2833R2 Freestanding Library: inout expected span
             "headers": ["expected"],
             "unimplemented": True,
             "name": "__cpp_lib_freestanding_mdspan",
-            "values": {"c++26": 202311}, # P2833R2 Freestanding Library: inout expected span
+            "values": {
+                "c++26": 202311
+            },  # P2833R2 Freestanding Library: inout expected span
             "headers": ["mdspan"],
             "unimplemented": True,
             "name": "__cpp_lib_freestanding_optional",
-            "values": {"c++26": 202311}, # P2407R5 Freestanding Library: Partial Classes
+            "values": {
+                "c++26": 202311
+            },  # P2407R5 Freestanding Library: Partial Classes
             "headers": ["optional"],
             "unimplemented": True,
             "name": "__cpp_lib_freestanding_string_view",
-            "values": {"c++26": 202311}, # P2407R5 Freestanding Library: Partial Classes
+            "values": {
+                "c++26": 202311
+            },  # P2407R5 Freestanding Library: Partial Classes
             "headers": ["string_view"],
             "unimplemented": True,
             "name": "__cpp_lib_freestanding_variant",
-            "values": {"c++26": 202311}, # P2407R5 Freestanding Library: Partial Classes
+            "values": {
+                "c++26": 202311
+            },  # P2407R5 Freestanding Library: Partial Classes
             "headers": ["variant"],
             "unimplemented": True,
             "name": "__cpp_lib_fstream_native_handle",
@@ -706,11 +724,13 @@
             "values": {"c++17": 201606},
             "headers": ["new"],
             "name": "__cpp_lib_linalg",
-            "values": {"c++26": 202311}, # P1673 A free function linear algebra interface based on the BLAS
+            "values": {
+                "c++26": 202311
+            },  # P1673 A free function linear algebra interface based on the BLAS
             "headers": ["linalg"],
             "unimplemented": True,
             "name": "__cpp_lib_list_remove_return_type",
@@ -855,11 +875,13 @@
             "values": {"c++20": 202207},
             "headers": ["algorithm", "functional", "iterator", "memory", "ranges"],
             "name": "__cpp_lib_ranges_as_const",
-            "values": {"c++23": 202207}, # P2278R4 cbegin should always return a constant iterator
+            "values": {
+                "c++23": 202207
+            },  # P2278R4 cbegin should always return a constant iterator
             #                   202311   # DR P2836R1 std::basic_const_iterator should follow its underlying type’s convertibility
             "headers": ["ranges"],
             "unimplemented": True,
@@ -973,12 +995,12 @@
             "values": {"c++17": 201603},
             "headers": ["algorithm"],
             "name": "__cpp_lib_saturation_arithmetic",
-            "values": {"c++26": 202311}, # P0543R3 Saturation arithmetic
-            "headers": [""],             # Note not in <numerics>
+            "values": {"c++26": 202311},  # P0543R3 Saturation arithmetic
+            "headers": [""],  # Note not in <numerics>
             "unimplemented": True,
             "name": "__cpp_lib_scoped_lock",
             "values": {"c++17": 201703},
@@ -1041,18 +1063,18 @@
             "name": "__cpp_lib_span",
             "values": {
                 "c++20": 202002,
-                #"c++26": 202311,  # P2821R5 span.at()
+                # "c++26": 202311,  # P2821R5 span.at()
                 #         202311   # P2833R2 Freestanding Library: inout expected span
             "headers": ["span"],
             "name": "__cpp_lib_span_initializer_list",
-            "values": {"c++26": 202311}, # P2447R6 std::span over an initializer list
+            "values": {"c++26": 202311},  # P2447R6 std::span over an initializer list
             "headers": ["span"],
             "unimplemented": True,
             "name": "__cpp_lib_spanstream",
@@ -1178,12 +1200,12 @@
             "headers": ["tuple"],
             "name": "__cpp_lib_tuple_like",
             "values": {
-                "c++23": 202207, # P2165R4 Compatibility between tuple, pair and tuple-like objects
-                "c++26": 202311, # P2819R2 Add tuple protocol to complex
+                "c++23": 202207,  # P2165R4 Compatibility between tuple, pair and tuple-like objects
+                "c++26": 202311,  # P2819R2 Add tuple protocol to complex
             "headers": ["map", "tuple", "unordered_map", "utility"],
             "unimplemented": True,




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