[libcxx-commits] [libcxx] [libcxx] patch for implementing ranges::find_last (PR #67270)

via libcxx-commits libcxx-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Nov 2 00:12:28 PDT 2023

@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+#include <__config>
+#include <__concepts/assignable.h>
+#include <__functional/identity.h>
+#include <__functional/invoke.h>
+#include <__functional/ranges_operations.h>
+#include <__iterator/concepts.h>
+#include <__iterator/next.h>
+#include <__iterator/projected.h>
+#include <__ranges/access.h>
+#include <__ranges/concepts.h>
+#include <__ranges/dangling.h>
+#include <__ranges/range_adaptor.h>
+#include <__ranges/subrange.h>
+#include <__utility/move.h>
+#  pragma GCC system_header
+#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 23
+namespace ranges {
+namespace __find_last {
+struct __fn {
+  template <forward_iterator _Ip, sentinel_for<_Ip> _Sp, class _Tp, class _Proj = identity>
+    requires indirect_binary_predicate<ranges::equal_to, projected<_Ip, _Proj>, const _Tp*>
+  operator()(_Ip __first, _Sp __last, const _Tp& __value, _Proj __proj = {}) const {
+    if constexpr ((bidirectional_range<_Ip> && common_range<_Ip>) ||
+                  (bidirectional_iterator<_Ip> && assignable_from<_Ip&, _Sp&>)) {
+      // Implement optimized bidirectional range and common range version.
+      // Perform a reverse search from the end.
+      _Ip __original_last = __last;                        // Save the original value of __last
+      _Ip __result        = ranges::next(__first, __last); // Set __result to the end of the range
huixie90 wrote:

In this case you don’t need to call ‘next’ to traverse to the end, because it is a common_range (if you apply to my previous comment). ‘last’ is already the correct type you want.  If fact, you don’t even need this ‘ result ‘ variable  , you can directly use ‘last’


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