[libcxx-commits] [PATCH] D151792: [libc++][NFC] Granularise <thread> header
Nikolas Klauser via Phabricator via libcxx-commits
libcxx-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Jun 23 11:21:26 PDT 2023
philnik added inline comments.
Comment at: libcxx/include/thread:119
-# error "<thread> is not supported since libc++ has been configured without support for threads."
-template <class _Tp> class __thread_specific_ptr;
-class _LIBCPP_TYPE_VIS __thread_struct;
-class _LIBCPP_HIDDEN __thread_struct_imp;
-class __assoc_sub_state;
-_LIBCPP_FUNC_VIS __thread_specific_ptr<__thread_struct>& __thread_local_data();
-class _LIBCPP_TYPE_VIS __thread_struct
- __thread_struct_imp* __p_;
- __thread_struct(const __thread_struct&);
- __thread_struct& operator=(const __thread_struct&);
- __thread_struct();
- ~__thread_struct();
- void notify_all_at_thread_exit(condition_variable*, mutex*);
- void __make_ready_at_thread_exit(__assoc_sub_state*);
-template <class _Tp>
-class __thread_specific_ptr
- __libcpp_tls_key __key_;
- // Only __thread_local_data() may construct a __thread_specific_ptr
- // and only with _Tp == __thread_struct.
- static_assert((is_same<_Tp, __thread_struct>::value), "");
- __thread_specific_ptr();
- friend _LIBCPP_FUNC_VIS __thread_specific_ptr<__thread_struct>& __thread_local_data();
- __thread_specific_ptr(const __thread_specific_ptr&);
- __thread_specific_ptr& operator=(const __thread_specific_ptr&);
- _LIBCPP_HIDDEN static void _LIBCPP_TLS_DESTRUCTOR_CC __at_thread_exit(void*);
- typedef _Tp* pointer;
- ~__thread_specific_ptr();
- pointer get() const {return static_cast<_Tp*>(__libcpp_tls_get(__key_));}
- pointer operator*() const {return *get();}
- pointer operator->() const {return get();}
- void set_pointer(pointer __p);
-template <class _Tp>
-__thread_specific_ptr<_Tp>::__at_thread_exit(void* __p)
- delete static_cast<pointer>(__p);
-template <class _Tp>
- int __ec =
- __libcpp_tls_create(&__key_, &__thread_specific_ptr::__at_thread_exit);
- if (__ec)
- __throw_system_error(__ec, "__thread_specific_ptr construction failed");
-template <class _Tp>
- // __thread_specific_ptr is only created with a static storage duration
- // so this destructor is only invoked during program termination. Invoking
- // pthread_key_delete(__key_) may prevent other threads from deleting their
- // thread local data. For this reason we leak the key.
-template <class _Tp>
-__thread_specific_ptr<_Tp>::set_pointer(pointer __p)
- _LIBCPP_ASSERT(get() == nullptr,
- "Attempting to overwrite thread local data");
- std::__libcpp_tls_set(__key_, __p);
-struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS hash<__thread_id>
- : public __unary_function<__thread_id, size_t>
- size_t operator()(__thread_id __v) const _NOEXCEPT
- {
- return hash<__libcpp_thread_id>()(__v.__id_);
- }
-template<class _CharT, class _Traits>
-basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>&
-operator<<(basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& __os, __thread_id __id)
-{return __os << __id.__id_;}
-#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 23
-template <__fmt_char_type _CharT>
-struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS formatter<__thread_id, _CharT> {
- public:
- template <class _ParseContext>
- _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI constexpr typename _ParseContext::iterator parse(_ParseContext& __ctx) {
- return __parser_.__parse(__ctx, __format_spec::__fields_fill_align_width);
- }
- template <class _FormatContext>
- _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI typename _FormatContext::iterator format(__thread_id __id, _FormatContext& __ctx) const {
- // In __threading_support __libcpp_thread_id is either a
- // unsigned long long or a pthread_t.
- //
- // The type of pthread_t is left unspecified in POSIX so it can be any
- // type. The most logical types are an integral or pointer.
- // On Linux systems pthread_t is an unsigned long long.
- // On Apple systems pthread_t is a pointer type.
- //
- // Note the output should match what the stream operator does. Since
- // the ostream operator has been shipped years before this formatter
- // was added to the Standard, this formatter does what the stream
- // operator does. This may require platform specific changes.
- using _Tp = decltype(__get_underlying_id(__id));
- using _Cp = conditional_t<integral<_Tp>, _Tp, conditional_t<is_pointer_v<_Tp>, uintptr_t, void>>;
- static_assert(!is_same_v<_Cp, void>, "unsupported thread::id type, please file a bug report");
- __format_spec::__parsed_specifications<_CharT> __specs = __parser_.__get_parsed_std_specifications(__ctx);
- if constexpr (is_pointer_v<_Tp>) {
- __specs.__std_.__alternate_form_ = true;
- __specs.__std_.__type_ = __format_spec::__type::__hexadecimal_lower_case;
- }
- return __formatter::__format_integer(reinterpret_cast<_Cp>(__get_underlying_id(__id)), __ctx, __specs);
- }
- __format_spec::__parser<_CharT> __parser_{.__alignment_ = __format_spec::__alignment::__right};
-#endif // _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 23
-class _LIBCPP_TYPE_VIS thread
- __libcpp_thread_t __t_;
- thread(const thread&);
- thread& operator=(const thread&);
- typedef __thread_id id;
- typedef __libcpp_thread_t native_handle_type;
- thread() _NOEXCEPT : __t_(_LIBCPP_NULL_THREAD) {}
-#ifndef _LIBCPP_CXX03_LANG
- template <class _Fp, class ..._Args,
- class = __enable_if_t<!is_same<__remove_cvref_t<_Fp>, thread>::value> >
- explicit thread(_Fp&& __f, _Args&&... __args);
-#else // _LIBCPP_CXX03_LANG
- template <class _Fp>
- explicit thread(_Fp __f);
+# error "<thread> is not supported since libc++ has been configured without support for threads."
Mordante wrote:
> Please don't mix formatting and splitting in one patch.
Why are these headers only removed when explicitly setting `_LIBCPP_REMOVE_TRANSITIVE_INCLUDES`?
rG LLVM Github Monorepo
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