[libcxx-commits] [PATCH] D151896: [libc++] Implement C++20 P0408R7 (Efficient Access to basic_stringbuf's Buffer)

Mark de Wever via Phabricator via libcxx-commits libcxx-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sat Jun 10 06:54:55 PDT 2023

Mordante added a comment.

Thanks for working on this. I mainly glossed over the patch.

Comment at: libcxx/docs/Status/Cxx20Papers.csv:102
 "`P0325R4 <https://wg21.link/P0325R4>`__","LWG","to_array from LFTS with updates","Cologne","|Complete|","10.0"
-"`P0408R7 <https://wg21.link/P0408R7>`__","LWG","Efficient Access to basic_stringbuf's Buffer","Cologne","|In Progress| [#note-P0408]_",""
+"`P0408R7 <https://wg21.link/P0408R7>`__","LWG","Efficient Access to basic_stringbuf's Buffer","Cologne","|Complete|","17.0"
 "`P0466R5 <https://wg21.link/P0466R5>`__","LWG","Layout-compatibility and Pointer-interconvertibility Traits","Cologne","",""
Please mention this in `ReleaseNotes.rst` too

Comment at: libcxx/include/sstream:36
+    explicit basic_stringbuf(const allocator_type& a)
+        : basic_stringbuf(ios_base::in | ios_base::out, a) {} // C++20
+    basic_stringbuf(ios_base::openmode which, const allocator_type& a); // C++20
Pleas align `// C++20` in the same column

Comment at: libcxx/include/sstream:285
+#  define _LIBCPP_REF_SINCE_CXX20
I really dislike this macro. It's quite unclear what it does. Signatures like `string str() &&` are valid. Looking at the number of use cases I rather ifdef at these places.

Comment at: libcxx/include/sstream:342
+                                                   ios_base::openmode __wch = ios_base::in | ios_base::out)
+        : __str_(_VSTD::move(__s)), __hm_(nullptr), __mode_(__wch) {
+        __init_buf_ptrs();
We use `std` in new code. We don't change existing code to avoid merge conflicts with open patches.

Comment at: libcxx/test/std/input.output/string.streams/ostringstream/ostringstream.members/str.alloc.pass.cpp:17
+// template <class SAlloc>
+// basic_string<charT, traits, SAlloc> str(const SAlloc& sa) const;
+// template <class SAlloc>
I miss tests for const member functions.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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