[libcxx-commits] [PATCH] D156052: [libc++][doc] Improves contribution page.
Mark de Wever via Phabricator via libcxx-commits
libcxx-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Aug 25 10:29:36 PDT 2023
Mordante marked 19 inline comments as done.
Mordante added a comment.
Thanks for the reviews!
Comment at: libcxx/docs/Contributing.rst:86
+ mind that large formatting patches may cause merge conflicts with other patches
+ under review. In general, we do not want these patches.
+- Keep patches small and self-contained. Large patches are harder to review and
var-const wrote:
> Sorry for nitpicking, but this sentence reads unintentionally negative to me, can we rephrase it slightly? It's also not 100% clear which patches it refers to (I presume the large formatting patches, but I could be wrong). Can we do something like:
> ```
> In general, we prefer to avoid large reformatting patches.
> ```
> ?
Fair point, I've applied your suggestion.
Comment at: libcxx/docs/Contributing.rst:101
+ versions of the Standard add new features. For example, making
+ functions ``constexpr`` in C++20 is done by using ``_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_SINCE_CXX20``. This means the function is
+ ``constexpr`` in C++20 and later. The Standard does not allow to make
var-const wrote:
> Nit: this line seems too long.
Correct! I avoided reformatting it until the last review. That makes it easier to see the differences.
I've now fixed this place and other places where the source formatting was off.
rG LLVM Github Monorepo
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