[libcxx-commits] [PATCH] D144994: [Draft][libc++][modules] Adds std module.

Aaron Siddhartha Mondal via Phabricator via libcxx-commits libcxx-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Apr 19 10:04:00 PDT 2023

aaronmondal added a comment.

Any idea how to get this diff from phabricator in a way that doesn't include the changes to the `modules` directory? That part somehow messes up Bazel's patching.

Comment at: libcxx/modules/CMakeLists.txt.in:48
ChuanqiXu wrote:
> Mordante wrote:
> > ChuanqiXu wrote:
> > > I guess we need a better library name before landing this.
> > What would you propose?
> > I'm not even sure we really need to, but this is something to determine during a review.
> > What would you propose?
> I use `libstdmodule.a` in the downstream. But it looks not good enough for the upstream.
> > I'm not even sure we really need to, but this is something to determine during a review.
> Ideally this should be handled by cmake (or other build systems). But we need it now to make progress. How about something like 'libc++_std_module.a'?
Don't have a strong opinion on this, though this will probably be painful to change once users adopt any name.

`libc++-std.a`, `lib++_std.a`? Though I personally think just `std` would be fine.

The `std.compat` archive should follow a similar scheme though.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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