[libcxx-commits] [PATCH] D147741: [libc++] unwrap iterator parameters to __uninitialized_allocator_copy before calling std::copy

Aditya Kumar via Phabricator via libcxx-commits libcxx-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Apr 12 11:58:35 PDT 2023

hiraditya updated this revision to Diff 512931.




Index: libcxx/include/__memory/uninitialized_algorithms.h
--- libcxx/include/__memory/uninitialized_algorithms.h
+++ libcxx/include/__memory/uninitialized_algorithms.h
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 #include <__algorithm/copy.h>
 #include <__algorithm/move.h>
+#include <__algorithm/unwrap_iter.h>
 #include <__config>
 #include <__iterator/iterator_traits.h>
 #include <__iterator/reverse_iterator.h>
@@ -539,13 +540,15 @@
   _Iter& __last_;
-// Copy-construct [__first1, __last1) in [__first2, __first2 + N), where N is distance(__first1, __last1).
-// The caller has to ensure that __first2 can hold at least N uninitialized elements. If an exception is thrown the
-// already copied elements are destroyed in reverse order of their construction.
+template <class _Alloc, class _Type>
+struct __allocator_has_trivial_copy_construct : _Not<__has_construct<_Alloc, _Type*, const _Type&> > {};
+template <class _Type>
+struct __allocator_has_trivial_copy_construct<allocator<_Type>, _Type> : true_type {};
 template <class _Alloc, class _Iter1, class _Sent1, class _Iter2>
-__uninitialized_allocator_copy(_Alloc& __alloc, _Iter1 __first1, _Sent1 __last1, _Iter2 __first2) {
+__uninitialized_allocator_copy_impl(_Alloc& __alloc, _Iter1 __first1, _Sent1 __last1, _Iter2 __first2) {
   auto __destruct_first = __first2;
   auto __guard =
       std::__make_exception_guard(_AllocatorDestroyRangeReverse<_Alloc, _Iter2>(__alloc, __destruct_first, __first2));
@@ -558,21 +561,19 @@
   return __first2;
-template <class _Alloc, class _Type>
-struct __allocator_has_trivial_copy_construct : _Not<__has_construct<_Alloc, _Type*, const _Type&> > {};
-template <class _Type>
-struct __allocator_has_trivial_copy_construct<allocator<_Type>, _Type> : true_type {};
 template <class _Alloc,
-          class _Type,
-          class _RawType = __remove_const_t<_Type>,
+          class _Type1,
+          class _TypeLast1,
+          class _Type2,
+          class _RawType = __remove_const_t<_Type2>,
               // using _RawType because of the allocator<T const> extension
+              is_same<__remove_cv_t<_Type1>, __remove_cv_t<_Type2>>::value &&
+              is_same<__remove_cv_t<_Type1>, __remove_cv_t<_TypeLast1>>::value &&
               is_trivially_copy_constructible<_RawType>::value && is_trivially_copy_assignable<_RawType>::value &&
               __allocator_has_trivial_copy_construct<_Alloc, _RawType>::value>* = nullptr>
-__uninitialized_allocator_copy(_Alloc&, const _Type* __first1, const _Type* __last1, _Type* __first2) {
+__uninitialized_allocator_copy_impl(_Alloc&, const _Type1* __first1, const _TypeLast1* __last1, _Type2* __first2) {
   // TODO: Remove the const_cast once we drop support for std::allocator<T const>
   if (__libcpp_is_constant_evaluated()) {
     while (__first1 != __last1) {
@@ -586,6 +587,16 @@
+// Copy-construct [__first1, __last1) in [__first2, __first2 + N), where N is distance(__first1, __last1).
+// The caller has to ensure that __first2 can hold at least N uninitialized elements. If an exception is thrown the
+// already copied elements are destroyed in reverse order of their construction.
+template <class _Alloc, class _Iter1, class _Sent1, class _Iter2>
+__uninitialized_allocator_copy(_Alloc& __alloc, _Iter1 __first1, _Sent1 __last1, _Iter2 __first2) {
+  return std::__uninitialized_allocator_copy_impl(__alloc, std::__unwrap_iter(__first1), std::__unwrap_iter(__last1), std::__unwrap_iter(__first2));
 // Move-construct the elements [__first1, __last1) into [__first2, __first2 + N)
 // if the move constructor is noexcept, where N is distance(__first1, __last1).

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