[libcxx-commits] [PATCH] D147630: [libcxx] [test] Check for C++ headers before building a test that uses them

Martin Storsjö via Phabricator via libcxx-commits libcxx-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Apr 5 09:40:16 PDT 2023

mstorsjo created this revision.
Herald added a subscriber: arichardson.
Herald added a project: All.
mstorsjo requested review of this revision.
Herald added a project: libc++.
Herald added a reviewer: libc++.

When the libcxx test framework is executed within libunwind, there
are no standard C++ headers available (libunwind builds with
-nostdinc++, but doesn't add any libcxx headers to the include path).

Check that a test that includes <iostream> can be compiled before trying
to build and execute a test program that includes it.

Previously, the compile error here would block all libunwind tests from
executing altogether.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



Index: libcxx/utils/libcxx/test/features.py
--- libcxx/utils/libcxx/test/features.py
+++ libcxx/utils/libcxx/test/features.py
@@ -240,7 +240,10 @@
   Feature(name='darwin', when=lambda cfg: '__APPLE__' in compilerMacros(cfg)),
   Feature(name='windows', when=lambda cfg: '_WIN32' in compilerMacros(cfg)),
-  Feature(name='windows-dll', when=lambda cfg: '_WIN32' in compilerMacros(cfg) and programSucceeds(cfg, """
+  Feature(name='windows-dll', when=lambda cfg: '_WIN32' in compilerMacros(cfg) and sourceBuilds(cfg, """
+            #include <iostream>
+            int main(int, char**) { return 0; }
+          """) and programSucceeds(cfg, """
             #include <iostream>
             #include <windows.h>
             #include <winnt.h>

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