[libcxx-commits] [PATCH] D124516: [libc++] Implement `std::expected` P0323R12

Hui via Phabricator via libcxx-commits libcxx-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Nov 30 14:46:40 PST 2022

huixie90 added inline comments.

Comment at: libcxx/test/libcxx/utilities/expected/expected.expected/value_or.mandates.verify.cpp:65
+    std::expected<NotConvertibleFromInt, int> f1{std::in_place};
+    std::move(f1).value_or(5);
+    //expected-error-re@*:* {{{{(static_assert|static assertion)}} failed {{.*}}argument has to be convertible to value_type}}
ldionne wrote:
> EricWF wrote:
> > How do we know any of these diagnostics are triggered by the code above them? You need to add a check that at least some diagnostic is emitted from this line.
> @huixie90  I would suggest moving this to the same line that you're expecting the error (i.e. current line 65) and dropping `*:*, which tells clang that the error can be on any line of any file (`file:line`). Like this:
> ```
> std::move(f1).value_or(5); // expected-error-re {{{{(static_assert|static assertion)}} failed {{.*}}argument has to be convertible to value_type}}
> ```
> That will make for a long line, but it does exactly what I think you want.
For some reason, this does not work and the compiler thinks the error was emitted from expected.h instead of this particular line in the test

error: 'error' diagnostics expected but not seen: 
  File /Users/huixie/repos/libc++/llvm-project/libcxx/test/libcxx/utilities/expected/expected.expected/value_or.mandates.verify.cpp Line 38: {{(static_assert|static assertion)}} failed {{.*}}value_type has to be copy constructible
error: 'error' diagnostics seen but not expected: 
  File /Users/huixie/repos/libc++/llvm-project/build/include/c++/v1/__expected/expected.h Line 595: static assertion failed due to requirement 'is_copy_constructible_v<NonCopyable>': value_type has to be copy constructible

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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