[libcxx-commits] [libcxx] b7fb856 - [libc++] Simplify how we define the linker script for libc++

Louis Dionne via libcxx-commits libcxx-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Aug 3 06:30:04 PDT 2022

Author: Louis Dionne
Date: 2022-08-03T09:29:50-04:00
New Revision: b7fb8563974d83f9eb8191fdfbebfd04147a2cbd

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/b7fb8563974d83f9eb8191fdfbebfd04147a2cbd
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/b7fb8563974d83f9eb8191fdfbebfd04147a2cbd.diff

LOG: [libc++] Simplify how we define the linker script for libc++

Trying to be generic didn't work properly because we had to special-case
some interface libraries that we didn't want in the linker script. Instead,
only look at the ABI and the unwinding libraries explicitly.

This should solve the issue reported by @dim in [1].

[1]: https://discourse.llvm.org/t/15-0-0-rc1-has-been-tagged/64174/22

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D131037




diff  --git a/libcxx/cmake/Modules/DefineLinkerScript.cmake b/libcxx/cmake/Modules/DefineLinkerScript.cmake
deleted file mode 100644
index 71a43086727c7..0000000000000
--- a/libcxx/cmake/Modules/DefineLinkerScript.cmake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# This function defines a linker script in place of the symlink traditionally
-# created for shared libraries.
-# More specifically, this function goes through the PUBLIC and INTERFACE
-# library dependencies of <target> and gathers them into a linker script,
-# such that those libraries are linked against when the shared library for
-# <target> is linked against.
-# Arguments:
-#   <target>: A target representing a shared library. A linker script will be
-#             created in place of that target's TARGET_LINKER_FILE, which is
-#             the symlink pointing to the actual shared library (usually
-#             libFoo.so pointing to libFoo.so.1, which itself points to
-#             libFoo.so.1.0).
-function(define_linker_script target)
-  if (NOT TARGET "${target}")
-    message(FATAL_ERROR "The provided target '${target}' is not actually a target.")
-  endif()
-  get_target_property(target_type "${target}" TYPE)
-  if (NOT "${target_type}" STREQUAL "SHARED_LIBRARY")
-    message(FATAL_ERROR "The provided target '${target}' is not a shared library (its type is '${target_type}').")
-  endif()
-  set(symlink "$<TARGET_LINKER_FILE:${target}>")
-  set(soname "$<TARGET_SONAME_FILE_NAME:${target}>")
-  get_target_property(interface_libs "${target}" INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES)
-  set(link_libraries)
-  if (interface_libs)
-    foreach(lib IN LISTS interface_libs)
-      if ("${lib}" MATCHES "cxx-headers|ParallelSTL")
-        continue()
-      endif()
-      # If ${lib} is not a target, we use a dummy target which we know will
-      # have an OUTPUT_NAME property so that CMake doesn't fail when evaluating
-      # the non-selected branch of the `IF`. It doesn't matter what it evaluates
-      # to because it's not selected, but it must not cause an error.
-      # See https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/-/issues/21045.
-      set(output_name_tgt "$<IF:$<TARGET_EXISTS:${lib}>,${lib},${target}>")
-      set(libname "$<IF:$<TARGET_EXISTS:${lib}>,$<TARGET_PROPERTY:${output_name_tgt},OUTPUT_NAME>,${lib}>")
-      list(APPEND link_libraries "${CMAKE_LINK_LIBRARY_FLAG}${libname}")
-    endforeach()
-  endif()
-  string(REPLACE ";" " " link_libraries "${link_libraries}")
-  set(linker_script "INPUT(${soname} ${link_libraries})")
-  add_custom_command(TARGET "${target}" POST_BUILD
-    COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E remove "${symlink}"
-    COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E echo "${linker_script}" > "${symlink}"
-    COMMENT "Generating linker script: '${linker_script}' as file ${symlink}"
-  )

diff  --git a/libcxx/src/CMakeLists.txt b/libcxx/src/CMakeLists.txt
index 61c60f9345998..9abf548abbb95 100644
--- a/libcxx/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/libcxx/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -212,20 +212,6 @@ if (LIBCXX_ENABLE_SHARED)
-  # Link against LLVM libunwind
-  # Note that we do need to link against libunwind directly to ensure that the correct
-  # dependencies are recorded when creating a linker script.
-  # TODO: Look into modifying the linker script creation to recursively consider interface libraries
-      # libunwind is already included in libc++abi
-    elseif (TARGET unwind_shared OR HAVE_LIBUNWIND)
-      target_link_libraries(cxx_shared PUBLIC unwind_shared)
-    else()
-      target_link_libraries(cxx_shared PUBLIC unwind)
-    endif()
-  endif()
   # Link against libc++abi
     target_link_libraries(cxx_shared PRIVATE libcxx-abi-shared-objects)
@@ -254,8 +240,30 @@ if (LIBCXX_ENABLE_SHARED)
   # Generate a linker script in place of a libc++.so symlink.
-      include(DefineLinkerScript)
-      define_linker_script(cxx_shared)
+    set(link_libraries)
+    set(imported_libname "$<TARGET_PROPERTY:libcxx-abi-shared,IMPORTED_LIBNAME>")
+    set(output_name "$<TARGET_PROPERTY:libcxx-abi-shared,OUTPUT_NAME>")
+    string(APPEND link_libraries "${CMAKE_LINK_LIBRARY_FLAG}$<IF:$<BOOL:${imported_libname}>,${imported_libname},${output_name}>")
+    # TODO: Move to the same approach as above for the unwind library
+        # libunwind is already included in libc++abi
+      elseif (TARGET unwind_shared OR HAVE_LIBUNWIND)
+        string(APPEND link_libraries " ${CMAKE_LINK_LIBRARY_FLAG}$<TARGET_PROPERTY:unwind_shared,OUTPUT_NAME>")
+      else()
+        string(APPEND link_libraries " ${CMAKE_LINK_LIBRARY_FLAG}unwind")
+      endif()
+    endif()
+    set(linker_script "INPUT($<TARGET_SONAME_FILE_NAME:cxx_shared> ${link_libraries})")
+    add_custom_command(TARGET cxx_shared POST_BUILD
+      COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E remove "$<TARGET_LINKER_FILE:cxx_shared>"
+      COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E echo "${linker_script}" > "$<TARGET_LINKER_FILE:cxx_shared>"
+      COMMENT "Generating linker script: '${linker_script}' as file $<TARGET_LINKER_FILE:cxx_shared>"
+    )
   list(APPEND LIBCXX_BUILD_TARGETS "cxx_shared")


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