[libcxx-commits] [PATCH] D70631: Microsoft's floating-point to_chars powered by Ryu and Ryu Printf

Mark de Wever via Phabricator via libcxx-commits libcxx-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sun Feb 7 05:53:48 PST 2021

Mordante added a comment.

In D70631#1781059 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D70631#1781059>, @STL_MSFT wrote:

>> @STL_MSFT How do you want to proceed with this? We can either back-and-forth on this review until we're happy and we can ship it (my preference),
>> or if you prefer someone from libc++ can take over the patch from here. My preference is clearly the former, but I want to avoid annoying you in case you don't have time for this.
> I humbly request the latter (take over the patch) as I'm currently time-limited due to getting the microsoft/STL repo up and running for community contributions. As I'm not familiar with working in the libc++ environment, iterating with me in the loop will be extremely time-consuming for all involved. My hope is that, given that Jorg has gotten the code working on at least one libc++ platform, you can adapt the tests, and use them to verify that further changes for other platforms don't disrupt the code, which should make iterating on the code much faster.
> I am, however, available to answer questions, review diffs to the code, or change microsoft/STL in ways that will make your life easier.

@STL_MSFT I'm busy implementing the format header so I'll need float to string conversion code at some point. Are you fine by me commandeering this patch? Do you know whether there are important changes at Microsoft's side that aren't in this patch?



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