[libcxx-commits] [PATCH] D100269: [libcxx][ranges] adds `ranges::range`, `ranges::common_range`, and range aliases

Arthur O'Dwyer via Phabricator via libcxx-commits libcxx-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Apr 27 11:45:54 PDT 2021

Quuxplusone added inline comments.

Comment at: libcxx/include/__ranges/concepts.h:38
+  // `iterator_t` defined in <__ranges/begin.h>
cjdb wrote:
> ldionne wrote:
> > That's kinda weird, would it be possible to define it here instead?
> Your options are:
>   * it lives here exclusively, `__ranges/access.h` (`__ranges/end.h` in current D100255) needs to use `decltype(ranges::begin(declval<_Rp&>()))` wherever it currently uses `iterator_t`
>   * it lives in `__ranges/access.h` exclusively, comment remains
>   * it lives in both
FWIW, I'd look at the definitions on cppreference:
- `iterator_t` is the type of `ranges::begin`, so it belongs next to `begin`
- `sentinel_t` is the type of `ranges::end`, so it belongs next to `end`
- `range_size_t`is the type of `ranges::size`, so it belongs next to `size`
The other four typedefs probably might as well go into `<ranges>` until we have a reason to move them elsewhere.

Comment at: libcxx/include/ranges:37-38
     using iterator_t = decltype(ranges::begin(declval<T&>()));
+  template<class T>
+    using iterator_t = decltype(ranges::begin(declval<T&>()));
+  template<range R>
This is listed twice.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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