[libcxx-commits] [PATCH] D69459: Optimize std::midpoint for integers

Jorg Brown via Phabricator via libcxx-commits libcxx-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Oct 25 21:05:38 PDT 2019

jorgbrown created this revision.
jorgbrown added a reviewer: mclow.lists.
Herald added subscribers: libcxx-commits, ldionne.

Same idea as the current algorithm, that is, add (half of the difference between a and b) to a.

But we use a different technique for computing the difference: we compute b - a into a pair of integers that are named "__sign_bit" and "__diff".  We have to use a pair because subtracting two 32-bit integers produces a 33-bit result.

Computing half of that is a simple matter of shifting __diff right by 1, and adding __sign_bit shifted left by 31.  llvm knows how to do that with one instruction: shld.

The only tricky part is that if the difference is odd and negative, then shifting it by one isn't the same as dividing it by two - shifting a negative one produces a negative one, for example.  So there's one more adjustment: if the sign bit and the low bit of diff are one, we add one.

For a demonstration of the codegen difference, see https://godbolt.org/z/7ar3K9 , which also has a built-in test.

  rCXX libc++



Index: include/numeric
--- include/numeric
+++ include/numeric
@@ -532,17 +532,14 @@
     using _Up = std::make_unsigned_t<_Tp>;
+    constexpr _Up __bitshift = std::numeric_limits<_Up>::digits - 1;
-    int __sign = 1;
-    _Up __m = __a;
-    _Up __M = __b;
-    if (__a > __b)
-    {
-        __sign = -1;
-        __m = __b;
-        __M = __a;
-    }
-     return __a + __sign * _Tp(_Up(__M-__m) >> 1);
+    _Up __diff = _Up(__b) - _Up(__a);
+    _Up __sign_bit = __b < __a;
+    _Up __half_diff = (__diff / 2) + (__sign_bit << __bitshift) + (__sign_bit & __diff);
+    return __a + __half_diff;

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