[libcxx-commits] [libcxx] r352970 - Move the feature test macros script to the utils directory.

Eric Fiselier via libcxx-commits libcxx-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sat Feb 2 15:13:49 PST 2019

Author: ericwf
Date: Sat Feb  2 15:13:49 2019
New Revision: 352970

URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=352970&view=rev
Move the feature test macros script to the utils directory.

It doesn't make a lot of sense to keep it with the tests,
deep into the test suite directonies.

      - copied, changed from r352942, libcxx/trunk/test/std/language.support/support.limits/support.limits.general/generate_feature_test_macro_components.py

Modified: libcxx/trunk/docs/DesignDocs/FeatureTestMacros.rst
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/libcxx/trunk/docs/DesignDocs/FeatureTestMacros.rst?rev=352970&r1=352969&r2=352970&view=diff
--- libcxx/trunk/docs/DesignDocs/FeatureTestMacros.rst (original)
+++ libcxx/trunk/docs/DesignDocs/FeatureTestMacros.rst Sat Feb  2 15:13:49 2019
@@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ Overview
 Libc++ implements the C++ feature test macros as specified in the C++2a standard,
-and before that in non-normative guiding documents (`See cppreference <https://en.cppreference.com/w/User:D41D8CD98F/feature_testing_macros>`)
+and before that in non-normative guiding documents
+(`See cppreference <https://en.cppreference.com/w/User:D41D8CD98F/feature_testing_macros>`_)
@@ -23,8 +25,7 @@ lives in, and whether or not is is imple
 have enough information to automatically generate the `<version>` header,
 the tests, and the documentation.
-Therefore we maintain a SSoA in
+Therefore we maintain a SSoA in `libcxx/utils/generate_feature_test_macro_components.py`
 which doubles as a script to generate the following components:
 * The `<version>` header.
@@ -41,4 +42,4 @@ Whenever a feature test macro is added o
 and the script should be re-ran. The script will clobber the existing test files
 and the documentation and it will generate a new `<version>` header as a
 temporary file. The generated `<version>` header should be merged with the
-existing one.
\ No newline at end of file
+existing one.

Removed: libcxx/trunk/test/std/language.support/support.limits/support.limits.general/generate_feature_test_macro_components.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/libcxx/trunk/test/std/language.support/support.limits/support.limits.general/generate_feature_test_macro_components.py?rev=352969&view=auto
--- libcxx/trunk/test/std/language.support/support.limits/support.limits.general/generate_feature_test_macro_components.py (original)
+++ libcxx/trunk/test/std/language.support/support.limits/support.limits.general/generate_feature_test_macro_components.py (removed)
@@ -1,975 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import os
-import tempfile
-def get_libcxx_paths():
-  script_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
-  script_name = os.path.basename(__file__)
-  assert os.path.exists(script_path)
-  depth = 5
-  src_root = script_path
-  for _ in xrange(0, 5):
-    src_root = os.path.dirname(src_root)
-  include_path = os.path.join(src_root, 'include')
-  assert os.path.exists(include_path)
-  docs_path = os.path.join(src_root, 'docs')
-  assert os.path.exists(docs_path)
-  return script_path, script_name, src_root, include_path, docs_path
-script_path, script_name, source_root, include_path, docs_path = get_libcxx_paths()
-def has_header(h):
-  h_path = os.path.join(include_path, h)
-  return os.path.exists(h_path)
-def add_version_header(tc):
-    tc["headers"].append("version")
-    return tc
-feature_test_macros = sorted([ add_version_header(x) for x in [
-  # C++14 macros
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_integer_sequence",
-   "values": {
-      "c++14": 201304L
-    },
-    "headers": ["utility"],
-  },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_exchange_function",
-   "values": {
-     "c++14": 201304L
-   },
-   "headers": ["utility"],
-  },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_tuples_by_type",
-   "values": {
-     "c++14": 201304L
-   },
-   "headers": ["utility", "tuple"],
-  },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_tuple_element_t",
-   "values": {
-     "c++14": 201402L
-   },
-   "headers": ["tuple"],
-  },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_make_unique",
-   "values": {
-     "c++14": 201304L
-   },
-   "headers": ["memory"],
-  },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_transparent_operators",
-   "values": {
-     "c++14": 201210L,
-     "c++17": 201510L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["functional"],
-  },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_integral_constant_callable",
-   "values": {
-     "c++14": 201304L
-   },
-   "headers": ["type_traits"],
-  },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_transformation_trait_aliases",
-   "values": {
-     "c++14": 201304L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["type_traits"]
-  },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_result_of_sfinae",
-   "values": {
-     "c++14": 201210L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["functional", "type_traits"]
-  },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_is_final",
-   "values": {
-     "c++14": 201402L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["type_traits"]
-  },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_is_null_pointer",
-   "values": {
-     "c++14": 201309L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["type_traits"]
-  },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_chrono_udls",
-   "values": {
-     "c++14": 201304L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["chrono"]
-  },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_string_udls",
-   "values": {
-     "c++14": 201304L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["string"]
-  },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_generic_associative_lookup",
-   "values": {
-     "c++14": 201304L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["map", "set"]
-  },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_null_iterators",
-   "values": {
-     "c++14": 201304L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["iterator"]
-  },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_make_reverse_iterator",
-   "values": {
-     "c++14": 201402L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["iterator"]
-  },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_robust_nonmodifying_seq_ops",
-   "values": {
-     "c++14": 201304L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["algorithm"]
-  },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_complex_udls",
-   "values": {
-     "c++14": 201309L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["complex"]
-  },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_quoted_string_io",
-   "values": {
-     "c++14": 201304L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["iomanip"]
-  },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_shared_timed_mutex",
-   "values": {
-     "c++14": 201402L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["shared_mutex"],
-   "depends": "!defined(_LIBCPP_HAS_NO_THREADS)",
-   "internal_depends": "!defined(_LIBCPP_HAS_NO_THREADS)",
-  },
-  # C++17 macros
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_atomic_is_always_lock_free",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201603L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["atomic"],
-   "depends": "!defined(_LIBCPP_HAS_NO_THREADS)",
-   "internal_depends": "!defined(_LIBCPP_HAS_NO_THREADS)",
-  },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_filesystem",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201703L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["filesystem"]
-  },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_invoke",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201411L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["functional"]
-  },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_void_t",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201411L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["type_traits"]
-  },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_node_extract",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201606L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["map", "set", "unordered_map", "unordered_set"]
-  },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_byte",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201603L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["cstddef"],
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_hardware_interference_size",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201703L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["new"],
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_launder",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201606L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["new"],
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_uncaught_exceptions",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201411L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["exception"],
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_as_const",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201510L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["utility"],
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_make_from_tuple",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201606L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["tuple"],
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_apply",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201603L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["tuple"],
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_optional",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201606L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["optional"],
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_variant",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201606L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["variant"],
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_any",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201606L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["any"],
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_addressof_constexpr",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201603L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["memory"],
-   "depends": "TEST_HAS_BUILTIN(__builtin_addressof) || TEST_GCC_VER >= 700",
-   "internal_depends": "!defined(_LIBCPP_HAS_NO_BUILTIN_ADDRESSOF)",
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_raw_memory_algorithms",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201606L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["memory"],
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_enable_shared_from_this",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201603L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["memory"],
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_shared_ptr_weak_type",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201606L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["memory"],
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_shared_ptr_arrays",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201611L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["memory"],
-   "unimplemented": True,
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_memory_resource",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201603L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["memory_resource"],
-   "unimplemented": True,
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_boyer_moore_searcher",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201603L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["functional"],
-   "unimplemented": True,
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_not_fn",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201603L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["functional"],
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_bool_constant",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201505L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["type_traits"],
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_type_trait_variable_templates",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201510L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["type_traits"],
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_logical_traits",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201510L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["type_traits"],
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_is_swappable",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201603L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["type_traits"],
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_is_invocable",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201703L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["type_traits"],
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_has_unique_object_representations",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201606L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["type_traits"],
-   "depends": "TEST_HAS_BUILTIN_IDENTIFIER(__has_unique_object_representations) || TEST_GCC_VER >= 700",
-   "internal_depends": "defined(_LIBCPP_HAS_UNIQUE_OBJECT_REPRESENTATIONS)",
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_is_aggregate",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201703L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["type_traits"],
-   "depends": "TEST_HAS_BUILTIN_IDENTIFIER(__is_aggregate) || TEST_GCC_VER_NEW >= 7001",
-   "internal_depends": "!defined(_LIBCPP_HAS_NO_IS_AGGREGATE)",
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_chrono",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201611L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["chrono"],
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_execution",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201603L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["execution"],
-   "unimplemented": True
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_parallel_algorithm",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201603L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["algorithm", "numeric"],
-   "unimplemented": True,
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_to_chars",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201611L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["utility"],
-   "unimplemented": True,
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_string_view",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201606L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["string", "string_view"],
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_allocator_traits_is_always_equal",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201411L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["memory", "scoped_allocator", "string", "deque", "forward_list", "list", "vector", "map", "set", "unordered_map", "unordered_set"],
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_incomplete_container_elements",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201505L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["forward_list", "list", "vector"],
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_map_try_emplace",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201411L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["map"],
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_unordered_map_try_emplace",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201411L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["unordered_map"],
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_array_constexpr",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201603L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["iterator", "array"],
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_nonmember_container_access",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201411L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["iterator", "array", "deque", "forward_list", "list", "map", "regex",
-               "set", "string", "unordered_map", "unordered_set", "vector"],
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_sample",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201603L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["algorithm"],
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_clamp",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201603L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["algorithm"],
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_gcd_lcm",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201606L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["numeric"],
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_hypot",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201603L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["cmath"],
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_math_special_functions",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201603L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["cmath"],
-   "unimplemented": True,
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_shared_mutex",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201505L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["shared_mutex"],
-   "depends": "!defined(_LIBCPP_HAS_NO_THREADS)",
-   "internal_depends": "!defined(_LIBCPP_HAS_NO_THREADS)",
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_scoped_lock",
-   "values": {
-     "c++17": 201703L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["mutex"],
-   },
-  # C++2a
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_char8_t",
-   "values": {
-     "c++2a": 201811L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["atomic", "filesystem", "istream", "limits", "locale", "ostream",
-               "string", "string_view"],
-   "depends": "defined(__cpp_char8_t)",
-   "internal_depends": "!defined(_LIBCPP_NO_HAS_CHAR8_T)",
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_erase_if",
-   "values": {
-     "c++2a": 201811L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["string", "deque", "forward_list", "list", "vector", "map",
-               "set", "unordered_map", "unordered_set"]
-  },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_destroying_delete",
-   "values": {
-     "c++2a": 201806L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["new"],
-   "unimplemented": True,
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_three_way_comparison",
-   "values": {
-     "c++2a": 201711L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["compare"],
-   "unimplemented": True,
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_concepts",
-   "values": {
-     "c++2a": 201806L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["concepts"],
-   "unimplemented": True,
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_constexpr_swap_algorithms",
-   "values": {
-     "c++2a": 201806L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["algorithm"],
-   "unimplemented": True,
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_constexpr_misc",
-   "values": {
-     "c++2a": 201811L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["array", "functional", "iterator", "string_view", "tuple", "utility"],
-   "unimplemented": True,
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_bind_front",
-   "values": {
-     "c++2a": 201811L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["functional"],
-   "unimplemented": True,
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_is_constant_evaluated",
-   "values": {
-     "c++2a": 201811L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["type_traits"],
-   "unimplemented": True,
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_list_remove_return_type",
-   "values": {
-     "c++2a": 201806L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["forward_list", "list"],
-   "unimplemented": True,
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_generic_unordered_lookup",
-   "values": {
-     "c++2a": 201811L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["unordered_map", "unordered_set"],
-   "unimplemented": True,
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_ranges",
-   "values": {
-     "c++2a": 201811L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["algorithm", "functional", "iterator", "memory", "ranges"],
-   "unimplemented": True,
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_bit_cast",
-   "values": {
-     "c++2a": 201806L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["bit"],
-   "unimplemented": True,
-   },
-  {"name": "__cpp_lib_atomic_ref",
-   "values": {
-     "c++2a": 201806L,
-   },
-   "headers": ["atomic"],
-   "unimplemented": True,
-   "depends": "!defined(_LIBCPP_HAS_NO_THREADS)",
-   "internal_depends": "!defined(_LIBCPP_HAS_NO_THREADS)",
-   },
-]], key=lambda tc: tc["name"])
-def get_std_dialects():
-  std_dialects = ['c++14', 'c++17', 'c++2a']
-  return list(std_dialects)
-def get_first_std(d):
-    for s in get_std_dialects():
-        if s in d.keys():
-            return s
-    return None
-def get_last_std(d):
-  rev_dialects = get_std_dialects()
-  rev_dialects.reverse()
-  for s in rev_dialects:
-    if s in d.keys():
-      return s
-  return None
-def get_std_before(d, std):
-  std_dialects = get_std_dialects()
-  candidates = std_dialects[0:std_dialects.index(std)]
-  candidates.reverse()
-  for cand in candidates:
-    if cand in d.keys():
-      return cand
-  return None
-def get_value_before(d, std):
-  new_std = get_std_before(d, std)
-  if new_std is None:
-    return None
-  return d[new_std]
-def get_for_std(d, std):
-  # This catches the C++11 case for which there should be no defined feature
-  # test macros.
-  std_dialects = get_std_dialects()
-  if std not in std_dialects:
-    return None
-  # Find the value for the newest C++ dialect between C++14 and std
-  std_list = list(std_dialects[0:std_dialects.index(std)+1])
-  std_list.reverse()
-  for s in std_list:
-    if s in d.keys():
-      return d[s]
-  return None
-  Functions to produce the <version> header
-def produce_macros_definition_for_std(std):
-  result = ""
-  indent = 56
-  for tc in feature_test_macros:
-    if std not in tc["values"]:
-      continue
-    inner_indent = 1
-    if 'depends' in tc.keys():
-      assert 'internal_depends' in tc.keys()
-      result += "# if %s\n" % tc["internal_depends"]
-      inner_indent += 2
-    if get_value_before(tc["values"], std) is not None:
-      assert 'depends' not in tc.keys()
-      result += "# undef  %s\n" % tc["name"]
-    line = "#%sdefine %s" % ((" " * inner_indent), tc["name"])
-    line += " " * (indent - len(line))
-    line += "%sL" % tc["values"][std]
-    if 'unimplemented' in tc.keys():
-      line = "// " + line
-    result += line
-    result += "\n"
-    if 'depends' in tc.keys():
-      result += "# endif\n"
-  return result
-def chunks(l, n):
-  """Yield successive n-sized chunks from l."""
-  for i in range(0, len(l), n):
-    yield l[i:i + n]
-def produce_version_synopsis():
-  indent = 56
-  header_indent = 56 + len("20XXYYL ")
-  result = ""
-  def indent_to(s, val):
-    if len(s) >= val:
-      return s
-    s += " " * (val - len(s))
-    return s
-  line = indent_to("Macro name", indent) + "Value"
-  line = indent_to(line, header_indent) + "Headers"
-  result += line + "\n"
-  for tc in feature_test_macros:
-    prev_defined_std = get_last_std(tc["values"])
-    line = "{name: <{indent}}{value}L ".format(name=tc['name'], indent=indent,
-                                               value=tc["values"][prev_defined_std])
-    headers = list(tc["headers"])
-    headers.remove("version")
-    for chunk in chunks(headers, 3):
-      line = indent_to(line, header_indent)
-      chunk = ['<%s>' % header for header in chunk]
-      line += ' '.join(chunk)
-      result += line
-      result += "\n"
-      line = ""
-    while True:
-      prev_defined_std = get_std_before(tc["values"], prev_defined_std)
-      if prev_defined_std is None:
-        break
-      result += "%s%sL // %s\n" % (indent_to("", indent), tc["values"][prev_defined_std],
-                                prev_defined_std.replace("c++", "C++"))
-  return result
-def produce_version_header():
-  template="""// -*- C++ -*-
-//===--------------------------- version ----------------------------------===//
-// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-  version synopsis
-#include <__config>
-#pragma GCC system_header
-#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER > 11
-#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER > 14
-#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER > 17
-  return template.format(
-      synopsis=produce_version_synopsis().strip(),
-      cxx14_macros=produce_macros_definition_for_std('c++14').strip(),
-      cxx17_macros=produce_macros_definition_for_std('c++17').strip(),
-      cxx2a_macros=produce_macros_definition_for_std('c++2a').strip())
-    Functions to produce test files
-test_types = {
-  "undefined": """
-# ifdef {name}
-#   error "{name} should not be defined before {std_first}"
-# endif
-  "depends": """
-# if {depends}
-#   ifndef {name}
-#     error "{name} should be defined in {std}"
-#   endif
-#   if {name} != {value}
-#     error "{name} should have the value {value} in {std}"
-#   endif
-# else
-#   ifdef {name}
-#     error "{name} should not be defined when {depends} is not defined!"
-#   endif
-# endif
-  "unimplemented": """
-# if !defined(_LIBCPP_VERSION)
-#   ifndef {name}
-#     error "{name} should be defined in {std}"
-#   endif
-#   if {name} != {value}
-#     error "{name} should have the value {value} in {std}"
-#   endif
-# else // _LIBCPP_VERSION
-#   ifdef {name}
-#     error "{name} should not be defined because it is unimplemented in libc++!"
-#   endif
-# endif
-  "defined":"""
-# ifndef {name}
-#   error "{name} should be defined in {std}"
-# endif
-# if {name} != {value}
-#   error "{name} should have the value {value} in {std}"
-# endif
-def generate_std_test(test_list, std):
-  result = ""
-  for tc in test_list:
-    val = get_for_std(tc["values"], std)
-    if val is not None:
-      val = "%sL" % val
-    if val is None:
-      result += test_types["undefined"].format(name=tc["name"], std_first=get_first_std(tc["values"]))
-    elif 'unimplemented' in tc.keys():
-      result += test_types["unimplemented"].format(name=tc["name"], value=val, std=std)
-    elif "depends" in tc.keys():
-      result += test_types["depends"].format(name=tc["name"], value=val, std=std, depends=tc["depends"])
-    else:
-      result +=  test_types["defined"].format(name=tc["name"], value=val, std=std)
-  return result
-def generate_synopsis(test_list):
-    max_name_len = max([len(tc["name"]) for tc in test_list])
-    indent = max_name_len + 8
-    def mk_line(prefix, suffix):
-        return "{prefix: <{max_len}}{suffix}\n".format(prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix,
-        max_len=indent)
-    result = ""
-    result += mk_line("/*  Constant", "Value")
-    for tc in test_list:
-        prefix = "    %s" % tc["name"]
-        for std in [s for s in get_std_dialects() if s in tc["values"].keys()]:
-            result += mk_line(prefix, "%sL [%s]" % (tc["values"][std], std.replace("c++", "C++")))
-            prefix = ""
-    result += "*/"
-    return result
-def is_threading_header_unsafe_to_include(h):
-  # NOTE: "<mutex>" does not blow up when included without threads.
-  return h in ['atomic', 'shared_mutex']
-def produce_tests():
-  headers = set([h for tc in feature_test_macros for h in tc["headers"]])
-  for h in headers:
-    test_list = [tc for tc in feature_test_macros if h in tc["headers"]]
-    if not has_header(h):
-      for tc in test_list:
-        assert 'unimplemented' in tc.keys()
-      continue
-    test_tags = ""
-    if is_threading_header_unsafe_to_include(h):
-      test_tags += '\n// UNSUPPORTED: libcpp-has-no-threads\n'
-    test_body = \
-// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-// WARNING: This test was generated by {script_name}
-// and should not be edited manually.
-// <{header}>
-// Test the feature test macros defined by <{header}>
-#include <{header}>
-#include "test_macros.h"
-#if TEST_STD_VER < 14
-#elif TEST_STD_VER == 14
-#elif TEST_STD_VER == 17
-#elif TEST_STD_VER > 17
-#endif // TEST_STD_VER > 17
-int main() {{}}
-           header=h,
-           test_tags=test_tags,
-           synopsis=generate_synopsis(test_list),
-           cxx11_tests=generate_std_test(test_list, 'c++11').strip(),
-           cxx14_tests=generate_std_test(test_list, 'c++14').strip(),
-           cxx17_tests=generate_std_test(test_list, 'c++17').strip(),
-           cxx2a_tests=generate_std_test(test_list, 'c++2a').strip())
-    test_name = "{header}.version.pass.cpp".format(header=h)
-    out_path = os.path.join(script_path, test_name)
-    with open(out_path, 'w') as f:
-      f.write(test_body)
-    Produce documentation for the feature test macros
-def make_widths(grid):
-  widths = []
-  for i in range(0, len(grid[0])):
-    cell_width = 2 + max(reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, [[len(row[i])] for row in grid], []))
-    widths += [cell_width]
-  return widths
-def create_table(grid, indent):
-  indent_str = ' '*indent
-  col_widths = make_widths(grid)
-  num_cols = len(grid[0])
-  result = indent_str + add_divider(col_widths, 2)
-  header_flag = 2
-  for row_i in xrange(0, len(grid)):
-    row = grid[row_i]
-    result = result + indent_str + ' '.join([pad_cell(row[i], col_widths[i]) for i in range(0, len(row))]) + '\n'
-    is_cxx_header = row[0].startswith('**')
-    if row_i == len(grid) - 1:
-      header_flag = 2
-    result = result + indent_str + add_divider(col_widths, 1 if is_cxx_header else header_flag)
-    header_flag = 0
-  return result
-def add_divider(widths, header_flag):
-  if header_flag == 2:
-    return ' '.join(['='*w for w in widths]) + '\n'
-  if header_flag == 1:
-    return '-'.join(['-'*w for w in widths]) + '\n'
-  else:
-    return ' '.join(['-'*w for w in widths]) + '\n'
-def pad_cell(s, length, left_align=True):
-  padding = ((length - len(s)) * ' ')
-  return s + padding
-def get_status_table():
-  table = [["Macro Name", "Value"]]
-  for std in get_std_dialects():
-    table += [["**" + std.replace("c++", "C++ ") + "**", ""]]
-    for tc in feature_test_macros:
-      if std not in tc["values"].keys():
-        continue
-      value = "``%sL``" % tc["values"][std]
-      if 'unimplemented' in tc.keys():
-        value = '*unimplemented*'
-      table += [["``%s``" % tc["name"], value]]
-  return table
-def produce_docs():
-  doc_str = """.. _FeatureTestMacroTable:
-Feature Test Macro Support
-.. contents::
-   :local:
-This file documents the feature test macros currently supported by libc++.
-.. _feature-status:
-.. table:: Current Status
-     :name: feature-status-table
-     :widths: auto
-""".format(status_tables=create_table(get_status_table(), 4))
-  table_doc_path = os.path.join(docs_path, 'FeatureTestMacroTable.rst')
-  with open(table_doc_path, 'w') as f:
-    f.write(doc_str)
-def main():
-  with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', prefix='version.', delete=False) as tmp_file:
-    print("producing new <version> header as %s" % tmp_file.name)
-    tmp_file.write(produce_version_header())
-  produce_tests()
-  produce_docs()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  main()

Copied: libcxx/trunk/utils/generate_feature_test_macro_components.py (from r352942, libcxx/trunk/test/std/language.support/support.limits/support.limits.general/generate_feature_test_macro_components.py)
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/libcxx/trunk/utils/generate_feature_test_macro_components.py?p2=libcxx/trunk/utils/generate_feature_test_macro_components.py&p1=libcxx/trunk/test/std/language.support/support.limits/support.limits.general/generate_feature_test_macro_components.py&r1=352942&r2=352970&rev=352970&view=diff
--- libcxx/trunk/test/std/language.support/support.limits/support.limits.general/generate_feature_test_macro_components.py (original)
+++ libcxx/trunk/utils/generate_feature_test_macro_components.py Sat Feb  2 15:13:49 2019
@@ -4,21 +4,22 @@ import os
 import tempfile
 def get_libcxx_paths():
-  script_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+  utils_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
   script_name = os.path.basename(__file__)
-  assert os.path.exists(script_path)
-  depth = 5
-  src_root = script_path
-  for _ in xrange(0, 5):
-    src_root = os.path.dirname(src_root)
+  assert os.path.exists(utils_path)
+  src_root = os.path.dirname(utils_path)
   include_path = os.path.join(src_root, 'include')
   assert os.path.exists(include_path)
   docs_path = os.path.join(src_root, 'docs')
   assert os.path.exists(docs_path)
-  return script_path, script_name, src_root, include_path, docs_path
+  macro_test_path = os.path.join(src_root, 'test', 'std', 'language.support',
+                            'support.limits', 'support.limits.general')
+  assert os.path.exists(macro_test_path)
+  assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(macro_test_path, 'version.version.pass.cpp'))
+  return script_name, src_root, include_path, docs_path, macro_test_path
-script_path, script_name, source_root, include_path, docs_path = get_libcxx_paths()
+script_name, source_root, include_path, docs_path, macro_test_path = get_libcxx_paths()
 def has_header(h):
   h_path = os.path.join(include_path, h)
@@ -874,7 +875,7 @@ int main() {{}}
            cxx17_tests=generate_std_test(test_list, 'c++17').strip(),
            cxx2a_tests=generate_std_test(test_list, 'c++2a').strip())
     test_name = "{header}.version.pass.cpp".format(header=h)
-    out_path = os.path.join(script_path, test_name)
+    out_path = os.path.join(macro_test_path, test_name)
     with open(out_path, 'w') as f:

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