[pstl] r349653 - Initial PSTL commit

JF Bastien jfbastien at apple.com
Wed Dec 19 09:45:33 PST 2018

Author: jfb
Date: Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
New Revision: 349653

URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=349653&view=rev
Initial PSTL commit

The initial commit of the Parallel STL upstream (under LLVM umbrella) based on
Parallel STL 20181204 open source release, which is available by

Author: Mikhail Dvorskiy <mikhail.dvorskiy at intel.com>

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D55889


Added: pstl/trunk/.arcconfig
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/.arcconfig?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/.arcconfig (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/.arcconfig Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+  "repository.callsign" : "PSTL",             
+  "conduit_uri" : "https://reviews.llvm.org/"

Added: pstl/trunk/.clang-format
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/.clang-format?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/.clang-format (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/.clang-format Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+BasedOnStyle: LLVM
+Language: Cpp
+Standard: Cpp11
+IndentWidth: 4
+ColumnLimit: 120
+AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: true
+AlwaysBreakAfterReturnType: All
+PointerAlignment: Left
+AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false
+BreakBeforeBraces: Allman
+# Disable formatting options which may break tests.
+SortIncludes: false
+ReflowComments: false

Added: pstl/trunk/CMakeLists.txt
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/CMakeLists.txt?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/CMakeLists.txt (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/CMakeLists.txt Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+#===-- CMakeLists.txt ----------------------------------------------------===##
+#                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+# Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1)
+set(PARALLELSTL_VERSION_FILE "include/pstl/internal/pstl_config.h")
+option(PARALLELSTL_USE_PARALLEL_POLICIES "Enable parallel policies" ON)
+set(PARALLELSTL_BACKEND "tbb" CACHE STRING "Threading backend; defaults to TBB")
+    get_filename_component(PSTL_DIR_NAME ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} NAME)
+    string(REPLACE pstl tbb TBB_DIR_NAME ${PSTL_DIR_NAME})
+        get_filename_component(TBB_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../${TBB_DIR_NAME}/cmake" ABSOLUTE)
+    endif()
+add_library(ParallelSTL INTERFACE)
+add_library(pstl::ParallelSTL ALIAS ParallelSTL)
+        find_package(TBB 2018 REQUIRED tbb OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS tbbmalloc)
+        message(STATUS "Parallel STL uses TBB ${TBB_VERSION} (interface version: ${TBB_INTERFACE_VERSION})")
+        target_link_libraries(ParallelSTL INTERFACE TBB::tbb)
+    else()
+            target_link_libraries(ParallelSTL INTERFACE ${PARALLELSTL_BACKEND})
+        else()
+            find_package(${PARALLELSTL_BACKEND} REQUIRED)
+            target_link_libraries(ParallelSTL INTERFACE ${${PARALLELSTL_BACKEND}_IMPORTED_TARGETS})
+        endif()
+    endif()
+    target_add_definitions(ParallelSTL INTERFACE PSTL_USE_PARALLEL_POLICIES=0)
+    $<INSTALL_INTERFACE:include>)
+    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/ParallelSTLConfigVersion.cmake
+    COMPATIBILITY AnyNewerVersion)
+    ParallelSTLConfig.cmake.in
+    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/ParallelSTLConfig.cmake
+    @ONLY)
+export(TARGETS ParallelSTL NAMESPACE pstl:: FILE ParallelSTLTargets.cmake)
+export(PACKAGE ParallelSTL)

Added: pstl/trunk/CREDITS.txt
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/CREDITS.txt?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/CREDITS.txt (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/CREDITS.txt Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+This file is a partial list of people who have contributed to the LLVM/pstl
+(Parallel STL) project.  If you have contributed a patch or made some other
+contribution to LLVM/pstl, please submit a patch to this file to add yourself,
+and it will be done!
+The list is sorted by surname and formatted to allow easy grepping and
+beautification by scripts.  The fields are: name (N), email (E), web-address 
+(W), PGP key ID and fingerprint (P), description (D), and snail-mail address
+N: Intel Corporation
+W: http://www.intel.com
+D: Created the initial implementation.
+N: Thomas Rodgers
+E: trodgers at redhat.com
+D: Identifier name transformation for inclusion in a Standard C++ library.

Added: pstl/trunk/LICENSE.txt
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/LICENSE.txt?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/LICENSE.txt (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/LICENSE.txt Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+The software contained in this directory tree is dual licensed under both the
+University of Illinois "BSD-Like" license and the MIT license.  As a user of
+this code you may choose to use it under either license.  As a contributor,
+you agree to allow your code to be used under both.
+Full text of the relevant licenses is included below.
+University of Illinois/NCSA
+Open Source License
+Copyright (c) 2017-2018 by the contributors listed in CREDITS.TXT
+All rights reserved.
+Developed by:
+    Threading Runtimes Team
+    Intel Corporation
+    http://www.intel.com
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal with
+the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
+use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
+of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
+so, subject to the following conditions:
+    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+      this list of conditions and the following disclaimers.
+    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+      this list of conditions and the following disclaimers in the
+      documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+    * Neither the names of Intel Corporation Threading Runtimes Team nor the 
+      names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products 
+      derived from this Software without specific prior written permission.
+Copyright (c) 2017-2018 by the contributors listed in CREDITS.TXT
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

Added: pstl/trunk/ParallelSTLConfig.cmake.in
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/ParallelSTLConfig.cmake.in?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/ParallelSTLConfig.cmake.in (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/ParallelSTLConfig.cmake.in Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#===-- ParallelSTLConfig.cmake.in ----------------------------------------===##
+#                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+# Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+    find_dependency(TBB 2018 REQUIRED tbb)

Added: pstl/trunk/README.md
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/README.md?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/README.md (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/README.md Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# Parallel STL 
+Parallel STL is an implementation of the C++ standard library algorithms with support for execution policies,
+as specified in ISO/IEC 14882:2017 standard, commonly called C++17. The implementation also supports the unsequenced 
+execution policy specified in Parallelism TS version 2 and proposed for the next version of the C++ standard in the 
+C++ working group paper P1001R1.
+Parallel STL offers efficient support for both parallel and vectorized execution of algorithms. For sequential 
+execution, it relies on an available implementation of the C++ standard library.
+## Prerequisites
+To use Parallel STL, you must have the following software installed:
+* C++ compiler with:
+  * Support for C++11
+  * Support for OpenMP* 4.0 SIMD constructs
+* Threading Building Blocks (TBB) which is available to download in the GitHub [repository](https://github.com/01org/tbb/)
+## Known Issues or limitations
+    unseq and par_unseq policies only have effect with compilers that
+        support '#pragma omp simd' or '#pragma simd'.
+    Parallel and vector execution is only supported for the algorithms
+        if random access iterators are provided, while for other iterator
+        types the execution will remain serial.
+    The following algorithms do not allow efficient SIMD execution:
+       includes, inplace_merge, merge, nth_element, partial_sort,
+        partial_sort_copy, set_difference, set_intersection,
+        set_symmetric_difference, set_union, sort, stable_partition,
+        stable_sort, unique.
+    The initial value type for exclusive_scan, inclusive_scan,
+        transform_exclusive_scan, transform_inclusive_scan shall satisfy
+        the DefaultConstructible requirements. A default constructed-instance
+        of the initial value type shall be the identity element for binary_op.
+    For max_element, min_element, minmax_element, partial_sort,
+        partial_sort_copy, sort, stable_sort the dereferenced value type of
+        the provided iterators shall be DefaultConstructible.
+    For remove, remove_if, unique the dereferenced value type of the provided
+        iterators shall be MoveConstructible.
+    The following algorithms require additional O(n) memory space for parallel
+        execution: copy_if, inplace_merge, partial_sort, partial_sort_copy,
+        partition_copy, remove, remove_if, rotate, sort, stable_sort, unique,
+        unique_copy.

Added: pstl/trunk/build/Makefile
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/build/Makefile?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/build/Makefile (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/build/Makefile Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+#===-- Makefile ----------------------------------------------------------===##
+#                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+# Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+# Define rules for making the Parallel STL library.
+proj_root ?= $(CURDIR)/..
+include $(proj_root)/build/Makefile.common
+.PHONY: clean clean_all clean_pstl bench
+VPATH = $(proj_root)/test
+CPLUS_FLAGS += -I$(proj_root)
+PSTL_MAKEFILE = $(proj_root)/build/Makefile.pstl
+BENCH_MAKEFILE = $(proj_root)/build/Makefile.bench
+test_hdr = $(wildcard $(proj_root)/test/*.h)
+test_src = $(wildcard $(proj_root)/test/test_*.cpp)
+test_bin = $(notdir $(test_src:.cpp=.exe))
+all: $(test_bin)
+test_%.offload.exe: test_%.offload$(OBJ_SFX) exception_list.offload$(OBJ_SFX)
+	$(MAKE) -f $(PSTL_MAKEFILE) backend=$(backend) cfg=$(cfg)
+test_%.exe: test_%$(OBJ_SFX) $(PSTL_LIB_NAME)
+test_%: test_%.exe
+	$(run_cmd) $(RUN_CMD)test_$*.exe
+test_%$(OBJ_SFX): test_%.cpp $(test_hdr) $(proj_root)/build/Makefile
+	$(CPLUS) $(CPLUS_FLAGS) -c $< $(FKEY)o$@
+# This definition intentionally consists of two blank lines
+define eol
+test: $(test_bin)
+	$(foreach test, $(test_bin), $(run_cmd) $(RUN_CMD)$(test) $(args) $(eol))
+%.s: %.cpp $(proj_root)/build/Makefile
+	$(CPLUS) $(CPLUS_FLAGS) -S $< $(FKEY)o$@
+%.E: %.cpp
+	$(CPLUS) $(CPLUS_FLAGS) -E $< >$@
+TEMPLATE_FILES=$(wildcard $(proj_root)/bench/*.*tmpl)
+BENCH_COMMON_FILES=$(wildcard $(proj_root)/bench/*.h) $(wildcard $(proj_root)/bench/*.cpp)
+$(BENCH_MAKEFILE): $(proj_root)/bench/algorithm.json $(proj_root)/bench/gen.py  $(TEMPLATE_FILES)
+	$(PYTHON) $(proj_root)/bench/gen.py $(proj_root)/bench/algorithm.json
+	@echo     proj_root=$(proj_root)
+	ls -la      $(proj_root)/bench/gen.py
+	$(DEL_CMD) batch.py
+	$(DEL_CMD) $(proj_root)/build/bench/*.*
+	$(DEL_CMD) *$(OBJ_SFX) *.exe *.E *.s *.asm *.d *.pdb *.pdb *.suo *.ilk
+	$(MAKE) -f $(PSTL_MAKEFILE) clean
+clean_all: clean clean_pstl clean_bench
+	@echo OS = $(os_name)
+	@echo proj_root = "$(proj_root)"
+	@echo $(CURDIR)
+	@echo VPATH = $(VPATH)
+	@echo backend = $(backend)
+	@echo compiler = $(compiler)
+-include *.d

Added: pstl/trunk/build/Makefile.common
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/build/Makefile.common?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/build/Makefile.common (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/build/Makefile.common Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+#===-- Makefile.common ---------------------------------------------------===##
+#                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+# Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+# Define common parts for Parallel STL
+goals = $(or $(MAKECMDGOALS),all)
+ifneq (, $(filter-out clean clean_all,$(goals)))
+    ifeq (, $(filter $(backend), tbb))
+        $(info Threading backend was not specified; using TBB)
+        backend=tbb
+    endif
+ifndef os_name
+  # Windows sets environment variable OS; for other systems, ask uname
+  ifeq ($(OS),)
+    OS:=$(shell uname)
+    ifeq ($(OS),)
+      $(error "Cannot detect operating system")
+    endif
+    os_name=$(OS)
+  endif
+  ifeq ($(OS), Windows_NT)
+    os_name=windows
+  endif
+  ifeq ($(OS), Linux)
+    os_name=linux
+  endif
+  ifeq ($(OS), Darwin)
+    os_name=macos
+  endif
+endif # !os_name
+cfg ?= release
+stdver ?= c++11
+override INCLUDES += -I$(proj_root)/include -I$(proj_root)/test
+ifeq ($(backend), tbb)
+target ?= $(os_name)
+#OS specific keys
+ifeq ($(target),windows)
+    ifneq (, $(filter $(compiler), gcc g++))
+        include $(proj_root)/build/mingw.inc
+    else
+        include $(proj_root)/build/windows.inc
+    endif
+    include $(proj_root)/build/unix.inc
+    ifneq (,$(wildcard $(proj_root)/build/$(target).inc))
+        include $(proj_root)/build/$(target).inc
+        $(info included additional file $(proj_root)/build/$(target).inc)
+    endif
+# compiler specific keys
+ifneq (, $(filter $(compiler), gcc g++))
+    include $(proj_root)/build/gcc.inc
+ifneq (, $(filter $(compiler), clang clang++))
+    include $(proj_root)/build/clang.inc
+ifneq (, $(filter $(compiler), icc icpc icx))
+    include $(proj_root)/build/icc.inc
+ifneq (, $(filter $(compiler), icl))
+    include $(proj_root)/build/icl.inc
+ifeq ($(cfg), debug)
+    TBB_LIB_NAME = tbb_debug

Added: pstl/trunk/build/Makefile.pstl
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/build/Makefile.pstl?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/build/Makefile.pstl (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/build/Makefile.pstl Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+#===-- Makefile.pstl -----------------------------------------------------===##
+#                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+# Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+# Define rules for making the Parallel STL library.
+proj_root ?= $(CURDIR)/..
+include $(proj_root)/build/Makefile.common
+.PHONY: clean
+VPATH = $(proj_root)/src
+lib_src = $(wildcard $(proj_root)/src/*.cpp)
+lib_obj = $(notdir $(lib_src:.cpp=$(OBJ_SFX)))
+all: pstl
+pstl: $(PSTL_LIB_NAME)
+%$(OBJ_SFX): %.cpp $(proj_root)/build/Makefile.pstl
+	$(CPLUS) $(CPLUS_FLAGS) -c $< $(FKEY)o$@
+%.s: %.cpp $(proj_root)/build/Makefile
+	$(CPLUS) $(CPLUS_FLAGS) -S $< $(FKEY)o$@
+%.E: %.cpp
+	$(CPLUS) $(CPLUS_FLAGS) -E $< >$@
+	$(DEL_CMD) *$(OBJ_SFX) *.lib *.dll *.so *.exp *$(PSTL_LIB_NAME)*
+	@echo OS = $(os_name)
+	@echo proj_root = "$(proj_root)"
+	@echo $(CURDIR)
+	@echo VPATH=$(VPATH)
+-include *.d

Added: pstl/trunk/build/android.inc
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/build/android.inc?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/build/android.inc (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/build/android.inc Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+#===-- android.inc -------------------------------------------------------===##
+#                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+# Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+PIE_FLAGS = -pie -fPIE -fPIC
+SDL_FLAGS = -fstack-protector -Wformat -Wformat-security
+# Paths to the NDK prebuilt tools and libraries
+ifeq (,$(findstring $(ndk_version), $(foreach v, 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15,r$(v) r$(v)b r$(v)c r$(v)d r$(v)e)))
+    ifeq (clang,$(compiler))
+        # Since Android* NDK r16 another sysroot and isystem paths have to be specified
+        CPLUS_FLAGS += --sysroot=$(NDK_ROOT)/sysroot -isystem $(NDK_ROOT)/sysroot/usr/include/$(TRIPLE)
+        # Android* version flag required since r16
+    else
+        CPLUS_FLAGS += --sysroot=$(SYSROOT)
+    endif
+    CPLUS_FLAGS += --sysroot=$(SYSROOT)
+PSTL_LIB_LINK +=  -lc++abi -L$(CPLUS_LIB_PATH) -lc++_shared
+ifeq (arm,$(arch))
+    PSTL_LIB_LINK += -lunwind
+# TARGET_CXX cames from NDK
+run_cmd ?= -sh $(proj_root)/build/android.linux.launcher.sh $(largs)
+# TBB_LIBRARIES := $(foreach dir,$(LIBRARY_PATH),$(wildcard $(dir)/libtbb*so))
+TBB_LIBRARIES := $(foreach dir,$(LIBRARY_PATH),$(wildcard $(dir)/*))

Added: pstl/trunk/build/android.linux.launcher.sh
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/build/android.linux.launcher.sh?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/build/android.linux.launcher.sh (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/build/android.linux.launcher.sh Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+#===-- android.linux.launcher.sh -----------------------------------------===##
+#                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+# Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+# Usage:
+# android.linux.launcher.sh [-v] [-q] [-s] [-r <repeats>] [-u] [-l <library>] <executable> <arg1> <arg2> <argN>
+#         where: -v enables verbose output
+#         where: -q enables quiet mode
+#         where: -s runs the test in stress mode (until non-zero exit code or ctrl-c pressed)
+#         where: -r <repeats> specifies number of times to repeat execution
+#         where: -u is ignored on Android
+#         where: -l <library> specifies the library name to be assigned to LD_PRELOAD
+# Libs and executable necessary for testing should be present in the current directory before running.
+# ANDROID_SERIAL must be set to the connected Android target device name for file transfer and test runs.
+# ANDROID_TEST_DIRECTORY may be set to the directory used for testing on the Android target device; otherwise,
+#                        the default directory used is "/data/local/tmp/$(basename $PWD)".
+# Note: Do not remove the redirections to '/dev/null' in the script, otherwise the nightly test system will fail.
+do_cleanup() #
+{ #
+    adb pull $targetdir/events.txt events.txt > /dev/null 2>&1 #
+    # Remove target directory on the device
+    adb shell "rm -r ${targetdir}; mkdir -p ${targetdir}" > /dev/null 2>&1 #
+} #
+do_trap_cleanup() #
+{ #
+    do_cleanup #
+    exit -1 #
+} #
+while getopts  "qvsr:ul:" flag #
+do case $flag in #
+    s )  # Stress testing mode
+         echo Doing stress testing. Press Ctrl-C to terminate
+         run_env='stressed() { while $*; do :; done; }; ' #
+         run_prefix="stressed $run_prefix" ;; #
+    r )  # Repeats test n times
+         run_env="repeated() { for i in $(seq -s ' ' 1 $OPTARG) ; do echo \$i of $OPTARG:; \$*; done; }; " #
+         run_prefix="repeated $run_prefix" ;; #
+    l )  # Additional library
+         ldpreload="$OPTARG " ;; #
+    u )  # Stack limit
+         ;; #
+    q )  # Quiet mode, removes 'done' but prepends any other output by test name
+         OUTPUT='2>&1 | sed -e "s/done//;/^[[:space:]]*$/d;s!^!$exename: !"' ;; #
+    v )  # Verbose mode
+         SUPPRESS='' #
+         verbose=1 ;; #
+esac done #
+shift `expr $OPTIND - 1` #
+[ -z "$OUTPUT" ] && OUTPUT='| sed -e "s/\\r$//"' #
+[ $verbose ] || SUPPRESS='>/dev/null' #
+# Collect the executable name
+exename=$(basename $1) #
+shift #
+# Prepare the target directory on the device
+currentdir=$(basename $PWD) #
+targetdir=${ANDROID_TEST_DIRECTORY:-/data/local/tmp/$currentdir} #
+do_cleanup #
+trap do_trap_cleanup INT  # if someone hits control-c, cleanup the device
+# Collect the list of files to transfer to the target device, starting with executable itself.
+fnamelist="$exename" #
+# Add the C++ standard library from the NDK, which is required for all tests on Android.
+if [ ! -z "${LIB_STL_ANDROID}" ]; then #
+    fnamelist="$fnamelist ${LIB_STL_ANDROID}" #
+else #
+    fnamelist="$fnamelist libc++_shared.so" #
+fi #
+# Find the TBB libraries and add them to the list.
+for dir in $LD_LIBRARY_PATH; do #
+    found="`ls $dir/lib*.so 2>/dev/null` "||: #
+    fnamelist+="$fnamelist $found"
+done #
+files="$(ls libtbb* 2> /dev/null)" #
+[ -z "$files" ] || fnamelist="$fnamelist $files" #
+# Add any libraries built for specific tests.
+exeroot=${exename%\.*} #
+files="$(ls ${exeroot}*.so ${exeroot}*.so.* 2> /dev/null)" #
+[ -z "$files" ] || fnamelist="$fnamelist $files" #
+# Transfer collected executable and library files to the target device.
+transfers_ok=1 #
+for fullname in $fnamelist; do { #
+    if [ -r $fullname ]; then { #
+        # Transfer the executable and libraries to top-level target directory
+        if [ "$OS" = 'Windows_NT' ]; then #
+            fullname=`cygpath -m "$fullname"` #
+        fi #
+        [ $verbose ] && echo -n "Pushing $fullname: " #
+        eval "adb push $fullname ${targetdir}/$(basename $fullname) $SUPPRESS 2>&1" #
+    }; else { #
+        echo "Error: required file ${currentdir}/${fullname} for test $exename not available for transfer." #
+        transfers_ok=0 #
+    }; fi #
+}; done #
+if [ "${transfers_ok}" = "0" ]; then { #
+    do_cleanup #
+    exit -1 #
+}; fi #
+# Transfer input files used by example codes by scanning the executable argument list.
+for fullname in "$@"; do { #
+    if [ -r $fullname ]; then { #
+        directory=$(dirname $fullname) #
+        filename=$(basename $fullname) #
+        # strip leading "." from fullname if present
+        if [ "$directory" = "\." ]; then { #
+            directory="" #
+            fullname=$filename #
+        }; fi #
+        # Create the target directory to hold input file if necessary
+        if [ ! -z $directory ]; then { #
+            eval "adb shell 'mkdir $directory' $SUPPRESS 2>&1" #
+        }; fi #
+        # Transfer the input file to corresponding directory on target device
+        [ $verbose ] && echo -n "Pushing $fullname: " #
+        eval "adb push $fullname ${targetdir}/$fullname $SUPPRESS 2>&1" #
+    }; fi #
+}; done #
+# Set LD_PRELOAD if necessary
+[ -z "$ldpreload" ] || run_prefix="LD_PRELOAD='$ldpreload' $run_prefix" #
+[ $verbose ] && echo Running $run_prefix ./$exename $* #
+run_env="$run_env cd $targetdir; export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=." #
+[ -z "$VIRTUAL_MACHINE" ] || run_env="$run_env; export VIRTUAL_MACHINE=$VIRTUAL_MACHINE" #
+# The return_code file is the best way found to return the status of the test execution when using adb shell.
+eval 'adb shell "$run_env; $run_prefix ./$exename $* || echo -n \$? >error_code"' "${OUTPUT}" #
+# Capture the return code string and remove the trailing \r from the return_code file contents
+err=`adb shell "cat $targetdir/error_code 2>/dev/null"` #
+[ -z $err ] || echo $exename: exited with error $err #
+do_cleanup #
+# Return the exit code of the test.
+exit $err #

Added: pstl/trunk/build/clang.inc
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/build/clang.inc?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/build/clang.inc (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/build/clang.inc Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#===-- clang.inc ---------------------------------------------------------===##
+#                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+# Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+override compiler:=clang++
+ifneq ($(target),android)
+    PSTL_ARCH += $(KEY)march=native
+XHOST_FLAG = -fno-vectorize
+CPLUS_FLAGS += $(FQKEY)std=$(stdver)
+# XHOST_FLAG = $(KEY)mavx2 -fno-vectorize
+# XHOST_FLAG = $(KEY)mavx512f -fno-vectorize
+# CPLUS_FLAGS += -stdlib=libc++
+# CPLUS_FLAGS += -fopenmp-simd //it will be supported in he future version

Added: pstl/trunk/build/gcc.inc
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/build/gcc.inc?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/build/gcc.inc (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/build/gcc.inc Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#===-- gcc.inc -----------------------------------------------------------===##
+#                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+# Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+override compiler:=g++
+XHOST_FLAG = $(KEY)march=native -fno-tree-vectorize
+#    XHOST_FLAG = $(KEY)mavx2 -fno-tree-vectorize
+#    XHOST_FLAG = $(KEY)mavx512f -fno-tree-vectorize
+ DYN_LDFLAGS += $(LINK_KEY)stdc++
+# GCC 4.8.5 and early doesn't  support -fopenmp-simd; GCC 4.9 supports OpenMP 4.0 for C/C++
+ifneq (, $(shell gcc -dumpversion | egrep  "^4\.9\.[0-9]"))
+    CPLUS_FLAGS += -fopenmp-simd
+ifneq (, $(shell gcc -dumpversion | egrep  "^[5-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9]"))
+    CPLUS_FLAGS += -fopenmp-simd
+#   CPLUS_FLAGS += -fdump-rtl-loop2 #use this option to enable optimization report
+CPLUS_FLAGS += $(FQKEY)std=$(stdver)
+ifeq ($(os_name),windows)
+DISABLED_WARNINGS = $(KEY)Wno-attributes #disable MinGW warnings about extended alignment

Added: pstl/trunk/build/icc.inc
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/build/icc.inc?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/build/icc.inc (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/build/icc.inc Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+#===-- icc.inc -----------------------------------------------------------===##
+#                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+# Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+vecreport ?= 0 #may be set to [0..7], see https://software.intel.com/en-us/node/522949 for details
+XHOST_FLAG = $(KEY)xHOST -no-vec
+CPLUS_FLAGS += $(QKEY)opt-assume-safe-padding
+# XHOST_FLAG = $(KEY)xCORE-AVX2 -no-vec
+# XHOST_FLAG = $(KEY)xSSE4.1 -no-vec
+# XHOST_FLAG = $(KEY)xMIC-AVX512 -no-vec
+CPLUS_FLAGS += $(QKEY)openmp-simd
+CPLUS_FLAGS += $(FQKEY)std=$(stdver)
+CPLUS_FLAGS +=  $(QKEY)opt-report=$(vecreport) $(QKEY)opt-report-phase vec
+OPTIMIZATION_DISABLED_FLAGS += $(KEY)debug inline-debug-info

Added: pstl/trunk/build/icl.inc
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/build/icl.inc?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/build/icl.inc (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/build/icl.inc Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#===-- icl.inc -----------------------------------------------------------===##
+#                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+# Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+vecreport ?= 0 #may be set to [0..7], see https://software.intel.com/en-us/node/522949 for details
+CPLUS_FLAGS += $(QKEY)opt-assume-safe-padding
+CPLUS_FLAGS += $(QKEY)openmp-simd
+CPLUS_FLAGS += $(FQKEY)std=$(stdver)
+CPLUS_FLAGS += $(QKEY)opt-report:$(vecreport) $(QKEY)opt-report-phase:vec $(QKEY)opt-report-phase:loop
+DISABLED_WARNINGS = $(QKEY)diag-disable:2586 #use comma-separated values to specify multiple entries

Added: pstl/trunk/build/jni/Android.mk
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/build/jni/Android.mk?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/build/jni/Android.mk (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/build/jni/Android.mk Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+#===-- Android.mk --------------------------------------------------------===##
+#                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+# Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+export proj_root?=$(NDK_PROJECT_PATH)/..
+ifeq (armeabi-v7a,$(APP_ABI))
+	export SYSROOT:=$(NDK_ROOT)/platforms/$(APP_PLATFORM)/arch-arm
+else ifeq (arm64-v8a,$(APP_ABI))
+	export SYSROOT:=$(NDK_ROOT)/platforms/$(APP_PLATFORM)/arch-arm64
+	export SYSROOT:=$(NDK_ROOT)/platforms/$(APP_PLATFORM)/arch-$(APP_ABI)
+ifeq (windows,$(os_name))
+	export CPATH_SEPARATOR :=;
+	export CPATH_SEPARATOR :=:
+export ndk_version:=$(lastword $(subst -, ,$(ANDROID_NDK_ROOT)))
+ndk_version:= $(firstword $(subst /, ,$(ndk_version)))
+ndk_version:= $(firstword $(subst \, ,$(ndk_version)))
+ifeq (clang,$(compiler))
+	# "TBB_RTL :=llvm-libc++/libcxx" should be used for ndk_version r13 r13b r14.
+	TBB_RTL :=llvm-libc++
+	TBB_RTL_LIB :=llvm-libc++
+	TBB_RTL_FILE :=libc++_shared.so
+	TBB_RTL :=gnu-libstdc++/$(NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION)
+	TBB_RTL_FILE :=libgnustl_shared.so
+export CPATH := $(INCLUDE)$(CPATH_SEPARATOR)$(SYSROOT)/usr/include$(CPATH_SEPARATOR)$(NDK_ROOT)/sources/cxx-stl/$(TBB_RTL)/include$(CPATH_SEPARATOR)$(NDK_ROOT)/sources/cxx-stl/$(TBB_RTL)/libs/$(APP_ABI)/include$(CPATH_SEPARATOR)$(NDK_ROOT)/sources/android/support/include
+LIB_STL_ANDROID_DIR := $(NDK_ROOT)/sources/cxx-stl/$(TBB_RTL_LIB)/libs/$(APP_ABI)
+#LIB_STL_ANDROID is required to be set up for copying Android specific library to a device next to test
+export target_os_version:=$(APP_PLATFORM)
+export tbb_tool_prefix:=$(TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX)
+export TARGET_CXX
+export TARGET_CC
+include $(proj_root)/build/Makefile

Added: pstl/trunk/build/jni/Application.mk
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/build/jni/Application.mk?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/build/jni/Application.mk (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/build/jni/Application.mk Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#===-- Application.mk ----------------------------------------------------===##
+#                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+# Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+ifndef os_name
+  # Windows sets environment variable OS; for other systems, ask uname
+  ifeq ($(OS),)
+    OS:=$(shell uname)
+    ifeq ($(OS),)
+      $(error "Cannot detect operating system")
+    endif
+    export os_name=$(OS)
+  endif
+  ifeq ($(OS), Windows_NT)
+    export os_name=windows
+  endif
+  ifeq ($(OS), Linux)
+    export os_name=linux
+  endif
+  ifeq ($(OS), Darwin)
+    export os_name=macos
+  endif
+export compiler?=clang
+export arch?=ia32
+export target?=android
+ifeq (ia32,$(arch))
+    APP_ABI:=x86
+    export TRIPLE:=i686-linux-android
+else ifeq (intel64,$(arch))
+    APP_ABI:=x86_64
+    export TRIPLE:=x86_64-linux-android
+else ifeq (arm,$(arch))
+    APP_ABI:=armeabi-v7a
+    export TRIPLE:=arm-linux-androideabi
+else ifeq (arm64,$(arch))
+    APP_ABI:=arm64-v8a
+    export TRIPLE:=aarch64-linux-android
+    APP_ABI:=$(arch)
+export API_LEVEL:=$(api_version)
+ifeq (clang,$(compiler))
+    APP_STL:=c++_shared

Added: pstl/trunk/build/macos.inc
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/build/macos.inc?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/build/macos.inc (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/build/macos.inc Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#===-- macos.inc ---------------------------------------------------------===##
+#                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+# Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+DYN_LDFLAGS += -Wl,-rpath,$(TBBROOT)/lib

Added: pstl/trunk/build/mingw.inc
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/build/mingw.inc?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/build/mingw.inc (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/build/mingw.inc Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#===-- mingw.inc ---------------------------------------------------------===##
+#                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+# Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+PYTHON = python
+KEY = -
+QKEY = $(KEY)q
+FKEY = $(KEY)
+OBJ_SFX = .o
+DEL_CMD = del /F
+compiler ?= gcc
+CPLUS = $(compiler)
+LD = $(CPLUS)
+DYN_LDFLAGS += -L. -L$(proj_root)/build
+ifneq ($(PSTL_LIB_NAME), )
+ifeq ($(backend),tbb)
+ifeq ($(arch),intel64)
+else ifeq ($(arch),ia32)
+else ifeq ($(arch),)
+    $(info arch=native by default)
+    PSTL_ARCH = $(MACHINE_KEY)$(arch)

Added: pstl/trunk/build/unix.inc
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/build/unix.inc?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/build/unix.inc (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/build/unix.inc Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#===-- unix.inc ----------------------------------------------------------===##
+#                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+# Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+PYTHON = python
+KEY = -
+QKEY = $(KEY)q
+FKEY = $(KEY)
+OBJ_SFX = .o
+DEL_CMD = rm $(KEY)f
+RUN_CMD = ./
+compiler ?= icc
+CPLUS = $(compiler)
+LD = $(CPLUS)
+DYN_LDFLAGS += -L. -L$(proj_root)/build
+ifneq ($(PSTL_LIB_NAME), )
+ifeq ($(backend), tbb)
+ifeq ($(arch),intel64)
+else ifeq ($(arch),ia32)
+else ifeq ($(arch),)
+    $(info arch=native by default)
+    PSTL_ARCH = $(MACHINE_KEY)$(arch)

Added: pstl/trunk/build/windows.inc
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/build/windows.inc?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/build/windows.inc (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/build/windows.inc Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+#===-- windows.inc -------------------------------------------------------===##
+#                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+# Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+PYTHON = python
+compiler ?= icl
+KEY = /
+OBJ_SFX = .obj
+DEL_CMD = del $(KEY)F
+ifneq ($(PSTL_LIB_NAME), )
+    PSTL_LIB_EXT = .lib
+# Do not update LDFLAGS with corresponding TBB_LIB_NAME here, because of
+# implicit linkage capability of TBB library
+ifeq ($(cfg),debug)
+    LINK_KEY += $(KEY)debug
+ifneq (, $(filter $(compiler), cl icl))
+    CPLUS_FLAGS += $(KEY)bigobj
+ifneq (,$(filter uwp,$(target_app) $(target_ui)))
+    _WIN32_WINNT = 0x0A00
+    DYN_LDFLAGS += /NODEFAULTLIB:"kernel32.lib" OneCore.lib

Added: pstl/trunk/cmake/FindTBB.cmake
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/cmake/FindTBB.cmake?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/cmake/FindTBB.cmake (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/cmake/FindTBB.cmake Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+#===-- FindTBB.cmake -----------------------------------------------------===##
+#                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+# Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+# Firstly search for TBB in config mode (i.e. search for TBBConfig.cmake).
+find_package(TBB QUIET CONFIG)
+    find_package_handle_standard_args(TBB
+                                      REQUIRED_VARS TBB_IMPORTED_TARGETS
+                                      HANDLE_COMPONENTS
+                                      VERSION_VAR TBB_VERSION
+                                      CONFIG_MODE)
+    return()
+    set(TBB_FIND_COMPONENTS tbb tbbmalloc)
+    foreach (_tbb_component ${TBB_FIND_COMPONENTS})
+        set(TBB_FIND_REQUIRED_${_tbb_component} 1)
+    endforeach()
+find_path(_tbb_include_dir tbb/tbb.h)
+if (_tbb_include_dir)
+    file(READ "${_tbb_include_dir}/tbb/tbb_stddef.h" _tbb_stddef LIMIT 2048)
+    string(REGEX REPLACE ".*#define TBB_VERSION_MAJOR ([0-9]+).*" "\\1" _tbb_ver_major "${_tbb_stddef}")
+    string(REGEX REPLACE ".*#define TBB_VERSION_MINOR ([0-9]+).*" "\\1" _tbb_ver_minor "${_tbb_stddef}")
+    string(REGEX REPLACE ".*#define TBB_INTERFACE_VERSION ([0-9]+).*" "\\1" TBB_INTERFACE_VERSION "${_tbb_stddef}")
+    set(TBB_VERSION "${_tbb_ver_major}.${_tbb_ver_minor}")
+    unset(_tbb_stddef)
+    unset(_tbb_ver_major)
+    unset(_tbb_ver_minor)
+    foreach (_tbb_component ${TBB_FIND_COMPONENTS})
+        find_library(_tbb_release_lib ${_tbb_component})
+        if (_tbb_release_lib)
+            set(TBB_${_tbb_component}_FOUND 1)
+            add_library(TBB::${_tbb_component} SHARED IMPORTED)
+            list(APPEND TBB_IMPORTED_TARGETS TBB::${_tbb_component})
+            set(_tbb_lib_suffix)
+            if (UNIX AND NOT APPLE)
+                set(_tbb_lib_suffix ".2")
+            endif()
+            set_target_properties(TBB::${_tbb_component} PROPERTIES
+                                  IMPORTED_CONFIGURATIONS       "RELEASE"
+                                  IMPORTED_LOCATION_RELEASE     "${_tbb_release_lib}${_tbb_lib_suffix}"
+                                  INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${_tbb_include_dir}")
+            find_library(_tbb_debug_lib ${_tbb_component}_debug)
+            if (_tbb_debug_lib)
+                set_target_properties(TBB::${_tbb_component} PROPERTIES
+                                      IMPORTED_CONFIGURATIONS "RELEASE;DEBUG"
+                                      IMPORTED_LOCATION_DEBUG "${_tbb_debug_lib}${_tbb_lib_suffix}")
+            endif()
+            unset(_tbb_debug_lib CACHE)
+            unset(_tbb_lib_suffix)
+        endif()
+        unset(_tbb_release_lib CACHE)
+    endforeach()
+unset(_tbb_include_dir CACHE)
+                                  REQUIRED_VARS TBB_IMPORTED_TARGETS
+                                  HANDLE_COMPONENTS
+                                  VERSION_VAR TBB_VERSION)

Added: pstl/trunk/include/pstl/algorithm
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/include/pstl/algorithm?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/include/pstl/algorithm (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/include/pstl/algorithm Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- algorithm ---------------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#ifndef __PSTL_algorithm
+#define __PSTL_algorithm
+#include "internal/pstl_config.h"
+// If <execution> has already been included, pull in implementations
+#include "internal/glue_algorithm_impl.h"
+// Otherwise just pull in forward declarations
+#include "internal/glue_algorithm_defs.h"
+#endif /* __PSTL_algorithm */

Added: pstl/trunk/include/pstl/execution
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/include/pstl/execution?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/include/pstl/execution (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/include/pstl/execution Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- execution ---------------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#ifndef __PSTL_execution
+#define __PSTL_execution
+#include "internal/pstl_config.h"
+#include "internal/execution_defs.h"
+#include "internal/glue_algorithm_impl.h"
+#include "internal/glue_memory_impl.h"
+#include "internal/glue_numeric_impl.h"
+__PSTL_PRAGMA_MESSAGE_POLICIES("The <Parallel STL> execution policies are defined in the namespace __pstl::execution")
+#include "internal/glue_execution_defs.h"
+    "The <Parallel STL> execution policies are injected into the standard namespace std::execution")
+//TODO: __pstl::execution namespace is injected into the pstl::execution namespace when the implementation is not a part of
+// standard C++ library
+namespace pstl
+namespace execution
+using namespace __pstl::execution;
+#endif /* __PSTL_execution */

Added: pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/algorithm_impl.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/algorithm_impl.h?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/algorithm_impl.h (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/algorithm_impl.h Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,3557 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- algorithm_impl.h --------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#ifndef __PSTL_algorithm_impl_H
+#define __PSTL_algorithm_impl_H
+#include <iterator>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <utility>
+#include <functional>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "execution_impl.h"
+#include "memory_impl.h"
+#include "unseq_backend_simd.h"
+#include "parallel_backend.h"
+#include "parallel_impl.h"
+namespace __pstl
+namespace internal
+// any_of
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _Pred>
+brick_any_of(const _ForwardIterator __first, const _ForwardIterator __last, _Pred __pred,
+             /*__is_vector=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return std::any_of(__first, __last, __pred);
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _Pred>
+brick_any_of(const _ForwardIterator __first, const _ForwardIterator __last, _Pred __pred,
+             /*__is_vector=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    return unseq_backend::simd_or(__first, __last - __first, __pred);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Pred, class _IsVector>
+pattern_any_of(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Pred __pred,
+               _IsVector __is_vector, /*parallel=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return internal::brick_any_of(__first, __last, __pred, __is_vector);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Pred, class _IsVector>
+pattern_any_of(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Pred __pred,
+               _IsVector __is_vector, /*parallel=*/std::true_type)
+    return internal::except_handler([&]() {
+        return internal::parallel_or(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last,
+                                     [__pred, __is_vector](_ForwardIterator __i, _ForwardIterator __j) {
+                                         return internal::brick_any_of(__i, __j, __pred, __is_vector);
+                                     });
+    });
+// [alg.foreach]
+// for_each_n with no policy
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _Size, class _Function>
+for_each_n_it_serial(_ForwardIterator __first, _Size __n, _Function __f)
+    for (; __n > 0; ++__first, --__n)
+        __f(__first);
+    return __first;
+// walk1 (pseudo)
+// walk1 evaluates f(x) for each dereferenced value x drawn from [first,last)
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _Function>
+brick_walk1(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Function __f, /*vector=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    std::for_each(__first, __last, __f);
+template <class _RandomAccessIterator, class _Function>
+brick_walk1(_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Function __f,
+            /*vector=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    unseq_backend::simd_walk_1(__first, __last - __first, __f);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Function, class _IsVector>
+pattern_walk1(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Function __f,
+              _IsVector __is_vector,
+              /*parallel=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    internal::brick_walk1(__first, __last, __f, __is_vector);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Function, class _IsVector>
+pattern_walk1(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Function __f,
+              _IsVector __is_vector,
+              /*parallel=*/std::true_type)
+    internal::except_handler([&]() {
+        par_backend::parallel_for(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last,
+                                  [__f, __is_vector](_ForwardIterator __i, _ForwardIterator __j) {
+                                      internal::brick_walk1(__i, __j, __f, __is_vector);
+                                  });
+    });
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Brick>
+pattern_walk_brick(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Brick __brick,
+                   /*parallel=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    __brick(__first, __last);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Brick>
+pattern_walk_brick(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Brick __brick,
+                   /*parallel=*/std::true_type)
+    internal::except_handler([&]() {
+        par_backend::parallel_for(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last,
+                                  [__brick](_ForwardIterator __i, _ForwardIterator __j) { __brick(__i, __j); });
+    });
+// walk1_n
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _Size, class _Function>
+brick_walk1_n(_ForwardIterator __first, _Size __n, _Function __f, /*_IsVectorTag=*/std::false_type)
+    return for_each_n_it_serial(__first, __n, [&__f](_ForwardIterator __it) { __f(*__it); }); // calling serial version
+template <class _RandomAccessIterator, class _DifferenceType, class _Function>
+brick_walk1_n(_RandomAccessIterator __first, _DifferenceType __n, _Function __f,
+              /*vectorTag=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    return unseq_backend::simd_walk_1(__first, __n, __f);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Size, class _Function, class _IsVector>
+pattern_walk1_n(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _ForwardIterator __first, _Size __n, _Function __f, _IsVector __is_vector,
+                /*is_parallel=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return internal::brick_walk1_n(__first, __n, __f, __is_vector);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator, class _Size, class _Function, class _IsVector>
+pattern_walk1_n(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _Size __n, _Function __f,
+                _IsVector __is_vector,
+                /*is_parallel=*/std::true_type)
+    internal::pattern_walk1(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __first + __n, __f, __is_vector,
+                            std::true_type());
+    return __first + __n;
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Size, class _Brick>
+pattern_walk_brick_n(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _ForwardIterator __first, _Size __n, _Brick __brick,
+                     /*is_parallel=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return __brick(__first, __n);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator, class _Size, class _Brick>
+pattern_walk_brick_n(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _Size __n, _Brick __brick,
+                     /*is_parallel=*/std::true_type)
+    return internal::except_handler([&]() {
+        par_backend::parallel_for(
+            std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __first + __n,
+            [__brick](_RandomAccessIterator __i, _RandomAccessIterator __j) { __brick(__i, __j - __i); });
+        return __first + __n;
+    });
+// walk2 (pseudo)
+// walk2 evaluates f(x,y) for deferenced values (x,y) drawn from [first1,last1) and [first2,...)
+template <class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Function>
+brick_walk2(_ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _Function __f,
+            /*vector=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    for (; __first1 != __last1; ++__first1, ++__first2)
+        __f(*__first1, *__first2);
+    return __first2;
+template <class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Function>
+brick_walk2(_ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _Function __f,
+            /*vector=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    return unseq_backend::simd_walk_2(__first1, __last1 - __first1, __first2, __f);
+template <class _ForwardIterator1, class _Size, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Function>
+brick_walk2_n(_ForwardIterator1 __first1, _Size __n, _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _Function __f,
+              /*vector=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    for (; __n > 0; --__n, ++__first1, ++__first2)
+        __f(*__first1, *__first2);
+    return __first2;
+template <class _ForwardIterator1, class _Size, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Function>
+brick_walk2_n(_ForwardIterator1 __first1, _Size __n, _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _Function __f,
+              /*vector=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    return unseq_backend::simd_walk_2(__first1, __n, __first2, __f);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Function, class _IsVector>
+pattern_walk2(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+              _Function __f, _IsVector __is_vector, /*parallel=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return internal::brick_walk2(__first1, __last1, __first2, __f, __is_vector);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Function, class _IsVector>
+pattern_walk2(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1,
+              _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _Function __f, _IsVector __is_vector, /*parallel=*/std::true_type)
+    return internal::except_handler([&]() {
+        par_backend::parallel_for(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __last1,
+                                  [__f, __first1, __first2, __is_vector](_ForwardIterator1 __i, _ForwardIterator1 __j) {
+                                      internal::brick_walk2(__i, __j, __first2 + (__i - __first1), __f, __is_vector);
+                                  });
+        return __first2 + (__last1 - __first1);
+    });
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _Size, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Function,
+          class _IsVector>
+pattern_walk2_n(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _Size n, _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _Function f,
+                _IsVector is_vector, /*parallel=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return internal::brick_walk2_n(__first1, n, __first2, f, is_vector);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator1, class _Size, class _RandomAccessIterator2,
+          class _Function, class _IsVector>
+pattern_walk2_n(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator1 __first1, _Size n, _RandomAccessIterator2 __first2,
+                _Function f, _IsVector is_vector, /*parallel=*/std::true_type)
+    return internal::pattern_walk2(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __first1 + n, __first2, f,
+                                   is_vector, std::true_type());
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Brick>
+pattern_walk2_brick(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1,
+                    _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _Brick __brick, /*parallel=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return __brick(__first1, __last1, __first2);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator1, class _RandomAccessIterator2, class _Brick>
+pattern_walk2_brick(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator1 __first1, _RandomAccessIterator1 __last1,
+                    _RandomAccessIterator2 __first2, _Brick __brick, /*parallel=*/std::true_type)
+    return except_handler([&]() {
+        par_backend::parallel_for(
+            std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __last1,
+            [__first1, __first2, __brick](_RandomAccessIterator1 __i, _RandomAccessIterator1 __j) {
+                __brick(__i, __j, __first2 + (__i - __first1));
+            });
+        return __first2 + (__last1 - __first1);
+    });
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator1, class _Size, class _RandomAccessIterator2, class _Brick>
+pattern_walk2_brick_n(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator1 __first1, _Size __n,
+                      _RandomAccessIterator2 __first2, _Brick __brick, /*parallel=*/std::true_type)
+    return except_handler([&]() {
+        par_backend::parallel_for(
+            std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __first1 + __n,
+            [__first1, __first2, __brick](_RandomAccessIterator1 __i, _RandomAccessIterator1 __j) {
+                __brick(__i, __j - __i, __first2 + (__i - __first1));
+            });
+        return __first2 + __n;
+    });
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _Size, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Brick>
+pattern_walk2_brick_n(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _Size __n, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+                      _Brick __brick, /*parallel=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return __brick(__first1, __n, __first2);
+// walk3 (pseudo)
+// walk3 evaluates f(x,y,z) for (x,y,z) drawn from [first1,last1), [first2,...), [first3,...)
+template <class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _ForwardIterator3, class _Function>
+brick_walk3(_ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+            _ForwardIterator3 __first3, _Function __f, /*vector=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    for (; __first1 != __last1; ++__first1, ++__first2, ++__first3)
+        __f(*__first1, *__first2, *__first3);
+    return __first3;
+template <class _RandomAccessIterator1, class _RandomAccessIterator2, class _RandomAccessIterator3, class _Function>
+brick_walk3(_RandomAccessIterator1 __first1, _RandomAccessIterator1 __last1, _RandomAccessIterator2 __first2,
+            _RandomAccessIterator3 __first3, _Function __f, /*vector=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    return unseq_backend::simd_walk_3(__first1, __last1 - __first1, __first2, __first3, __f);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _ForwardIterator3,
+          class _Function, class _IsVector>
+pattern_walk3(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+              _ForwardIterator3 __first3, _Function __f, _IsVector __is_vector, /*parallel=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return internal::brick_walk3(__first1, __last1, __first2, __first3, __f, __is_vector);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator1, class _RandomAccessIterator2,
+          class _RandomAccessIterator3, class _Function, class _IsVector>
+pattern_walk3(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator1 __first1, _RandomAccessIterator1 __last1,
+              _RandomAccessIterator2 __first2, _RandomAccessIterator3 __first3, _Function __f, _IsVector __is_vector,
+              /*parallel=*/std::true_type)
+    return internal::except_handler([&]() {
+        par_backend::parallel_for(
+            std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __last1,
+            [__f, __first1, __first2, __first3, __is_vector](_RandomAccessIterator1 __i, _RandomAccessIterator1 __j) {
+                internal::brick_walk3(__i, __j, __first2 + (__i - __first1), __first3 + (__i - __first1), __f,
+                                      __is_vector);
+            });
+        return __first3 + (__last1 - __first1);
+    });
+// equal
+template <class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _BinaryPredicate>
+brick_equal(_ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _BinaryPredicate __p,
+            /* IsVector = */ std::false_type) noexcept
+    return std::equal(__first1, __last1, __first2, __p);
+template <class _RandomAccessIterator1, class _RandomAccessIterator2, class _BinaryPredicate>
+brick_equal(_RandomAccessIterator1 __first1, _RandomAccessIterator1 __last1, _RandomAccessIterator2 __first2,
+            _BinaryPredicate __p, /* is_vector = */ std::true_type) noexcept
+    return unseq_backend::simd_first(__first1, __last1 - __first1, __first2, not_pred<_BinaryPredicate>(__p)).first ==
+           __last1;
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _BinaryPredicate,
+          class _IsVector>
+pattern_equal(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+              _BinaryPredicate __p, _IsVector __is_vector, /* is_parallel = */ std::false_type) noexcept
+    return internal::brick_equal(__first1, __last1, __first2, __p, __is_vector);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator1, class _RandomAccessIterator2, class _BinaryPredicate,
+          class _IsVector>
+pattern_equal(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator1 __first1, _RandomAccessIterator1 __last1,
+              _RandomAccessIterator2 __first2, _BinaryPredicate __p, _IsVector __is_vector,
+              /*is_parallel=*/std::true_type)
+    return internal::except_handler([&]() {
+        return !internal::parallel_or(
+            std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __last1,
+            [__first1, __first2, __p, __is_vector](_RandomAccessIterator1 __i, _RandomAccessIterator1 __j) {
+                return !brick_equal(__i, __j, __first2 + (__i - __first1), __p, __is_vector);
+            });
+    });
+// find_if
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _Predicate>
+brick_find_if(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Predicate __pred,
+              /*is_vector=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return std::find_if(__first, __last, __pred);
+template <class _RandomAccessIterator, class _Predicate>
+brick_find_if(_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Predicate __pred,
+              /*is_vector=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_RandomAccessIterator>::difference_type _SizeType;
+    return unseq_backend::simd_first(
+        __first, _SizeType(0), __last - __first,
+        [&__pred](_RandomAccessIterator __it, _SizeType __i) { return __pred(__it[__i]); });
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Predicate, class _IsVector>
+pattern_find_if(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Predicate __pred,
+                _IsVector __is_vector,
+                /*is_parallel=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return internal::brick_find_if(__first, __last, __pred, __is_vector);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Predicate, class _IsVector>
+pattern_find_if(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Predicate __pred,
+                _IsVector __is_vector,
+                /*is_parallel=*/std::true_type)
+    return internal::except_handler([&]() {
+        return internal::parallel_find(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last,
+                                       [__pred, __is_vector](_ForwardIterator __i, _ForwardIterator __j) {
+                                           return internal::brick_find_if(__i, __j, __pred, __is_vector);
+                                       },
+                                       std::less<typename std::iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::difference_type>(),
+                                       /*is_first=*/true);
+    });
+// find_end
+// find the first occurrence of the subsequence [s_first, s_last)
+//   or the  last occurrence of the subsequence in the range [first, last)
+// b_first determines what occurrence we want to find (first or last)
+template <class _RandomAccessIterator1, class _RandomAccessIterator2, class _BinaryPredicate, class _IsVector>
+find_subrange(_RandomAccessIterator1 __first, _RandomAccessIterator1 __last, _RandomAccessIterator1 __global_last,
+              _RandomAccessIterator2 __s_first, _RandomAccessIterator2 __s_last, _BinaryPredicate __pred,
+              bool __b_first, _IsVector __is_vector) noexcept
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_RandomAccessIterator2>::value_type _ValueType;
+    auto __n2 = __s_last - __s_first;
+    if (__n2 < 1)
+    {
+        return __b_first ? __first : __last;
+    }
+    auto __n1 = __global_last - __first;
+    if (__n1 < __n2)
+    {
+        return __last;
+    }
+    auto __cur = __last;
+    while (__first != __last && (__global_last - __first >= __n2))
+    {
+        // find position of *s_first in [first, last) (it can be start of subsequence)
+        __first = internal::brick_find_if(
+            __first, __last, internal::equal_value_by_pred<_ValueType, _BinaryPredicate>(*__s_first, __pred),
+            __is_vector);
+        // if position that was found previously is the start of subsequence
+        // then we can exit the loop (b_first == true) or keep the position
+        // (b_first == false)
+        if (__first != __last && (__global_last - __first >= __n2) &&
+            internal::brick_equal(__s_first + 1, __s_last, __first + 1, __pred, __is_vector))
+        {
+            if (__b_first)
+            {
+                return __first;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                __cur = __first;
+            }
+        }
+        else if (__first == __last)
+        {
+            break;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+        }
+        // in case of b_first == false we try to find new start position
+        // for the next subsequence
+        ++__first;
+    }
+    return __cur;
+template <class _RandomAccessIterator, class _Size, class _Tp, class _BinaryPredicate, class _IsVector>
+find_subrange(_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _RandomAccessIterator __global_last,
+              _Size __count, const _Tp& __value, _BinaryPredicate __pred, _IsVector __is_vector) noexcept
+    if (__global_last - __first < __count || __count < 1)
+    {
+        return __last; // According to the standard last shall be returned when count < 1
+    }
+    auto __n = __global_last - __first;
+    auto __unary_pred = internal::equal_value_by_pred<_Tp, _BinaryPredicate>(__value, __pred);
+    while (__first != __last && (__global_last - __first >= __count))
+    {
+        __first = brick_find_if(__first, __last, __unary_pred, __is_vector);
+        // check that all of elements in [first+1, first+count) equal to value
+        if (__first != __last && (__global_last - __first >= __count) &&
+            !internal::brick_any_of(__first + 1, __first + __count,
+                                    internal::not_pred<decltype(__unary_pred)>(__unary_pred), __is_vector))
+        {
+            return __first;
+        }
+        else if (__first == __last)
+        {
+            break;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            ++__first;
+        }
+    }
+    return __last;
+template <class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _BinaryPredicate>
+brick_find_end(_ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last, _ForwardIterator2 __s_first,
+               _ForwardIterator2 __s_last, _BinaryPredicate __pred, /*__is_vector=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return std::find_end(__first, __last, __s_first, __s_last, __pred);
+template <class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _BinaryPredicate>
+brick_find_end(_ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last, _ForwardIterator2 __s_first,
+               _ForwardIterator2 __s_last, _BinaryPredicate __pred, /*__is_vector=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    return internal::find_subrange(__first, __last, __last, __s_first, __s_last, __pred, false, std::true_type());
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _BinaryPredicate,
+          class _IsVector>
+pattern_find_end(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last, _ForwardIterator2 __s_first,
+                 _ForwardIterator2 __s_last, _BinaryPredicate __pred, _IsVector __is_vector,
+                 /*is_parallel=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return internal::brick_find_end(__first, __last, __s_first, __s_last, __pred, __is_vector);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _BinaryPredicate,
+          class _IsVector>
+pattern_find_end(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last,
+                 _ForwardIterator2 __s_first, _ForwardIterator2 __s_last, _BinaryPredicate __pred,
+                 _IsVector __is_vector, /*is_parallel=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    if (__last - __first == __s_last - __s_first)
+    {
+        const bool __res = internal::pattern_equal(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __s_first,
+                                                   __pred, __is_vector, std::true_type());
+        return __res ? __first : __last;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return except_handler([&]() {
+            return internal::parallel_find(
+                std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last,
+                [__first, __last, __s_first, __s_last, __pred, __is_vector](_ForwardIterator1 __i,
+                                                                            _ForwardIterator1 __j) {
+                    return internal::find_subrange(__i, __j, __last, __s_first, __s_last, __pred, false, __is_vector);
+                },
+                std::greater<typename std::iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator1>::difference_type>(), /*is_first=*/false);
+        });
+    }
+// find_first_of
+template <class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _BinaryPredicate>
+brick_find_first_of(_ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last, _ForwardIterator2 __s_first,
+                    _ForwardIterator2 __s_last, _BinaryPredicate __pred, /*__is_vector=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return std::find_first_of(__first, __last, __s_first, __s_last, __pred);
+template <class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _BinaryPredicate>
+brick_find_first_of(_ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last, _ForwardIterator2 __s_first,
+                    _ForwardIterator2 __s_last, _BinaryPredicate __pred, /*__is_vector=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    return unseq_backend::simd_find_first_of(__first, __last, __s_first, __s_last, __pred);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _BinaryPredicate,
+          class _IsVector>
+pattern_find_first_of(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last,
+                      _ForwardIterator2 __s_first, _ForwardIterator2 __s_last, _BinaryPredicate __pred,
+                      _IsVector __is_vector, /*is_parallel=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return internal::brick_find_first_of(__first, __last, __s_first, __s_last, __pred, __is_vector);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _BinaryPredicate,
+          class _IsVector>
+pattern_find_first_of(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last,
+                      _ForwardIterator2 __s_first, _ForwardIterator2 __s_last, _BinaryPredicate __pred,
+                      _IsVector __is_vector, /*is_parallel=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    return except_handler([&]() {
+        return internal::parallel_find(
+            std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last,
+            [__s_first, __s_last, __pred, __is_vector](_ForwardIterator1 __i, _ForwardIterator1 __j) {
+                return internal::brick_find_first_of(__i, __j, __s_first, __s_last, __pred, __is_vector);
+            },
+            std::less<typename std::iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator1>::difference_type>(), /*is_first=*/true);
+    });
+// search
+template <class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _BinaryPredicate>
+brick_search(_ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last, _ForwardIterator2 __s_first,
+             _ForwardIterator2 __s_last, _BinaryPredicate __pred, /*vector=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return std::search(__first, __last, __s_first, __s_last, __pred);
+template <class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _BinaryPredicate>
+brick_search(_ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last, _ForwardIterator2 __s_first,
+             _ForwardIterator2 __s_last, _BinaryPredicate __pred, /*vector=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    return internal::find_subrange(__first, __last, __last, __s_first, __s_last, __pred, true, std::true_type());
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _BinaryPredicate,
+          class _IsVector>
+pattern_search(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last, _ForwardIterator2 __s_first,
+               _ForwardIterator2 __s_last, _BinaryPredicate __pred, _IsVector __is_vector,
+               /*is_parallel=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return internal::brick_search(__first, __last, __s_first, __s_last, __pred, __is_vector);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _BinaryPredicate,
+          class _IsVector>
+pattern_search(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last,
+               _ForwardIterator2 __s_first, _ForwardIterator2 __s_last, _BinaryPredicate __pred, _IsVector __is_vector,
+               /*is_parallel=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    if (__last - __first == __s_last - __s_first)
+    {
+        const bool __res = internal::pattern_equal(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __s_first,
+                                                   __pred, __is_vector, std::true_type());
+        return __res ? __first : __last;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return except_handler([&]() {
+            return internal::parallel_find(
+                std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last,
+                [__last, __s_first, __s_last, __pred, __is_vector](_ForwardIterator1 __i, _ForwardIterator1 __j) {
+                    return internal::find_subrange(__i, __j, __last, __s_first, __s_last, __pred, true, __is_vector);
+                },
+                std::less<typename std::iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator1>::difference_type>(), /*is_first=*/true);
+        });
+    }
+// search_n
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _Size, class _Tp, class _BinaryPredicate>
+brick_search_n(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Size __count, const _Tp& __value,
+               _BinaryPredicate __pred, /*vector=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return std::search_n(__first, __last, __count, __value, __pred);
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _Size, class _Tp, class _BinaryPredicate>
+brick_search_n(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Size __count, const _Tp& __value,
+               _BinaryPredicate __pred, /*vector=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    return internal::find_subrange(__first, __last, __last, __count, __value, __pred, std::true_type());
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Size, class _Tp, class _BinaryPredicate,
+          class _IsVector>
+pattern_search_n(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Size __count,
+                 const _Tp& __value, _BinaryPredicate __pred, _IsVector __is_vector,
+                 /*is_parallel=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return internal::brick_search_n(__first, __last, __count, __value, __pred, __is_vector);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator, class _Size, class _Tp, class _BinaryPredicate,
+          class _IsVector>
+pattern_search_n(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Size __count,
+                 const _Tp& __value, _BinaryPredicate __pred, _IsVector __is_vector,
+                 /*is_parallel=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    if (__last - __first == __count)
+    {
+        const bool __result =
+            !internal::pattern_any_of(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last,
+                                      [&__value, &__pred](const _Tp& __val) { return !__pred(__val, __value); },
+                                      __is_vector, /*is_parallel*/ std::true_type());
+        return __result ? __first : __last;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return except_handler([&__exec, __first, __last, __count, &__value, __pred, __is_vector]() {
+            return internal::parallel_find(
+                std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last,
+                [__last, __count, &__value, __pred, __is_vector](_RandomAccessIterator __i, _RandomAccessIterator __j) {
+                    return internal::find_subrange(__i, __j, __last, __count, __value, __pred, __is_vector);
+                },
+                std::less<typename std::iterator_traits<_RandomAccessIterator>::difference_type>(), /*is_first=*/true);
+        });
+    }
+// copy_n
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _Size, class _OutputIterator>
+brick_copy_n(_ForwardIterator __first, _Size __n, _OutputIterator __result, /*vector=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return std::copy_n(__first, __n, __result);
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _Size, class _OutputIterator>
+brick_copy_n(_ForwardIterator __first, _Size __n, _OutputIterator __result, /*vector=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    return unseq_backend::simd_assign(__first, __n, __result,
+                                      [](_ForwardIterator __first, _OutputIterator __result) { *__result = *__first; });
+// copy
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _OutputIterator>
+brick_copy(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result,
+           /*vector=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return std::copy(__first, __last, __result);
+template <class _RandomAccessIterator, class _OutputIterator>
+brick_copy(_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result,
+           /*vector=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    return unseq_backend::simd_assign(
+        __first, __last - __first, __result,
+        [](_RandomAccessIterator __first, _OutputIterator __result) { *__result = *__first; });
+// move
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _OutputIterator>
+brick_move(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result,
+           /*vector=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return std::move(__first, __last, __result);
+template <class _RandomAccessIterator, class _OutputIterator>
+brick_move(_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result,
+           /*vector=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    return unseq_backend::simd_assign(
+        __first, __last - __first, __result,
+        [](_RandomAccessIterator __first, _OutputIterator __result) { *__result = std::move(*__first); });
+// swap_ranges
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _OutputIterator>
+brick_swap_ranges(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result,
+                  /*vector=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return std::swap_ranges(__first, __last, __result);
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _OutputIterator>
+brick_swap_ranges(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result,
+                  /*vector=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    using std::iter_swap;
+    return unseq_backend::simd_assign(__first, __last - __first, __result,
+                                      iter_swap<_ForwardIterator, _OutputIterator>);
+// copy_if
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _OutputIterator, class _UnaryPredicate>
+brick_copy_if(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result, _UnaryPredicate __pred,
+              /*vector=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return std::copy_if(__first, __last, __result, __pred);
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _OutputIterator, class _UnaryPredicate>
+brick_copy_if(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result, _UnaryPredicate __pred,
+              /*vector=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    return unseq_backend::simd_copy_if(__first, __last - __first, __result, __pred);
+    return std::copy_if(__first, __last, __result, __pred);
+// TODO: Try to use transform_reduce for combining brick_copy_if_phase1 on IsVector.
+template <class _DifferenceType, class _ForwardIterator, class _UnaryPredicate>
+std::pair<_DifferenceType, _DifferenceType>
+brick_calc_mask_1(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, bool* __restrict __mask, _UnaryPredicate __pred,
+                  /*vector=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    auto __count_true = _DifferenceType(0);
+    auto __size = __last - __first;
+    static_assert(internal::is_random_access_iterator<_ForwardIterator>::value,
+                  "Pattern-brick error. Should be a random access iterator.");
+    for (; __first != __last; ++__first, ++__mask)
+    {
+        *__mask = __pred(*__first);
+        if (*__mask)
+        {
+            ++__count_true;
+        }
+    }
+    return std::make_pair(__count_true, __size - __count_true);
+template <class _DifferenceType, class _RandomAccessIterator, class _UnaryPredicate>
+std::pair<_DifferenceType, _DifferenceType>
+brick_calc_mask_1(_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, bool* __mask, _UnaryPredicate __pred,
+                  /*vector=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    auto __result = unseq_backend::simd_calc_mask_1(__first, __last - __first, __mask, __pred);
+    return std::make_pair(__result, (__last - __first) - __result);
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _OutputIterator, class _Assigner>
+brick_copy_by_mask(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result, bool* __mask,
+                   _Assigner __assigner, /*vector=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    for (; __first != __last; ++__first, ++__mask)
+    {
+        if (*__mask)
+        {
+            __assigner(__first, __result);
+            ++__result;
+        }
+    }
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _OutputIterator, class _Assigner>
+brick_copy_by_mask(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result, bool* __restrict __mask,
+                   _Assigner __assigner, /*vector=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    unseq_backend::simd_copy_by_mask(__first, __last - __first, __result, __mask, __assigner);
+    internal::brick_copy_by_mask(__first, __last, __result, __mask, __assigner, std::false_type());
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _OutputIterator1, class _OutputIterator2>
+brick_partition_by_mask(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _OutputIterator1 __out_true,
+                        _OutputIterator2 __out_false, bool* __mask, /*vector=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    for (; __first != __last; ++__first, ++__mask)
+    {
+        if (*__mask)
+        {
+            *__out_true = *__first;
+            ++__out_true;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            *__out_false = *__first;
+            ++__out_false;
+        }
+    }
+template <class _RandomAccessIterator, class _OutputIterator1, class _OutputIterator2>
+brick_partition_by_mask(_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _OutputIterator1 __out_true,
+                        _OutputIterator2 __out_false, bool* __mask, /*vector=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    unseq_backend::simd_partition_by_mask(__first, __last - __first, __out_true, __out_false, __mask);
+    internal::brick_partition_by_mask(__first, __last, __out_true, __out_false, __mask, std::false_type());
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _OutputIterator, class _UnaryPredicate, class _IsVector>
+pattern_copy_if(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result,
+                _UnaryPredicate __pred, _IsVector __is_vector, /*parallel=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return internal::brick_copy_if(__first, __last, __result, __pred, __is_vector);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator, class _OutputIterator, class _UnaryPredicate,
+          class _IsVector>
+pattern_copy_if(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last,
+                _OutputIterator __result, _UnaryPredicate __pred, _IsVector __is_vector, /*parallel=*/std::true_type)
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_RandomAccessIterator>::difference_type _DifferenceType;
+    const _DifferenceType __n = __last - __first;
+    if (_DifferenceType(1) < __n)
+    {
+        par_backend::buffer<bool> __mask_buf(__n);
+        return except_handler([&__exec, __n, __first, __last, __result, __is_vector, __pred, &__mask_buf]() {
+            bool* __mask = __mask_buf.get();
+            _DifferenceType __m{};
+            par_backend::parallel_strict_scan(
+                std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __n, _DifferenceType(0),
+                [=](_DifferenceType __i, _DifferenceType __len) { // Reduce
+                    return brick_calc_mask_1<_DifferenceType>(__first + __i, __first + (__i + __len), __mask + __i,
+                                                              __pred, __is_vector)
+                        .first;
+                },
+                std::plus<_DifferenceType>(),                                                // Combine
+                [=](_DifferenceType __i, _DifferenceType __len, _DifferenceType __initial) { // Scan
+                    brick_copy_by_mask(__first + __i, __first + (__i + __len), __result + __initial, __mask + __i,
+                                       [](_RandomAccessIterator __x, _OutputIterator __z) { *__z = *__x; },
+                                       __is_vector);
+                },
+                [&__m](_DifferenceType __total) { __m = __total; });
+            return __result + __m;
+        });
+    }
+    // trivial sequence - use serial algorithm
+    return brick_copy_if(__first, __last, __result, __pred, __is_vector);
+// count
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _Predicate>
+typename std::iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::difference_type
+brick_count(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Predicate __pred,
+            /* is_vector = */ std::true_type) noexcept
+    return unseq_backend::simd_count(__first, __last - __first, __pred);
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _Predicate>
+typename std::iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::difference_type
+brick_count(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Predicate __pred,
+            /* is_vector = */ std::false_type) noexcept
+    return std::count_if(__first, __last, __pred);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Predicate, class _IsVector>
+typename std::iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::difference_type
+pattern_count(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Predicate __pred,
+              /* is_parallel */ std::false_type, _IsVector __is_vector) noexcept
+    return brick_count(__first, __last, __pred, __is_vector);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Predicate, class _IsVector>
+typename std::iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::difference_type
+pattern_count(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Predicate __pred,
+              /* is_parallel */ std::true_type, _IsVector __is_vector)
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::difference_type _SizeType;
+    return except_handler([&]() {
+        return par_backend::parallel_reduce(
+            std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, _SizeType(0),
+            [__pred, __is_vector](_ForwardIterator __begin, _ForwardIterator __end, _SizeType __value) -> _SizeType {
+                return __value + brick_count(__begin, __end, __pred, __is_vector);
+            },
+            std::plus<_SizeType>());
+    });
+// unique
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _BinaryPredicate>
+brick_unique(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _BinaryPredicate __pred,
+             /*is_vector=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return std::unique(__first, __last, __pred);
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _BinaryPredicate>
+brick_unique(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _BinaryPredicate __pred,
+             /*is_vector=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    __PSTL_PRAGMA_MESSAGE("Vectorized algorithm unimplemented, redirected to serial");
+    return std::unique(__first, __last, __pred);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _BinaryPredicate, class _IsVector>
+pattern_unique(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _BinaryPredicate __pred,
+               _IsVector __is_vector, /*is_parallel=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return internal::brick_unique(__first, __last, __pred, __is_vector);
+// That function is shared between two algorithms - remove_if (pattern_remove_if) and unique (pattern unique). But a mask calculation is different.
+// So, a caller passes _CalcMask brick into remove_elements.
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _CalcMask, class _IsVector>
+remove_elements(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _CalcMask __calc_mask,
+                _IsVector __is_vector)
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::difference_type _DifferenceType;
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::value_type _Tp;
+    _DifferenceType __n = __last - __first;
+    par_backend::buffer<bool> __mask_buf(__n);
+    // 1. find a first iterator that should be removed
+    return except_handler([&]() {
+        bool* __mask = __mask_buf.get();
+        _DifferenceType __min = par_backend::parallel_reduce(
+            std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), _DifferenceType(0), __n, __n,
+            [__first, __mask, &__calc_mask, __is_vector](_DifferenceType __i, _DifferenceType __j,
+                                                         _DifferenceType __local_min) -> _DifferenceType {
+                // Create mask
+                __calc_mask(__mask + __i, __mask + __j, __first + __i);
+                // if minimum was found in a previous range we shouldn't do anymore
+                if (__local_min < __i)
+                {
+                    return __local_min;
+                }
+                // find first iterator that should be removed
+                bool* __result =
+                    brick_find_if(__mask + __i, __mask + __j, [](bool __val) { return !__val; }, __is_vector);
+                if (__result - __mask == __j)
+                {
+                    return __local_min;
+                }
+                return std::min(__local_min, _DifferenceType(__result - __mask));
+            },
+            [](_DifferenceType __local_min1, _DifferenceType __local_min2) -> _DifferenceType {
+                return std::min(__local_min1, __local_min2);
+            });
+        // No elements to remove - exit
+        if (__min == __n)
+        {
+            return __last;
+        }
+        __n -= __min;
+        __first += __min;
+        par_backend::buffer<_Tp> __buf(__n);
+        _Tp* __result = __buf.get();
+        __mask += __min;
+        _DifferenceType __m{};
+        // 2. Elements that doesn't satisfy pred are moved to result
+        par_backend::parallel_strict_scan(
+            std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __n, _DifferenceType(0),
+            [__mask, __is_vector](_DifferenceType __i, _DifferenceType __len) {
+                return brick_count(__mask + __i, __mask + __i + __len, [](bool __val) { return __val; }, __is_vector);
+            },
+            std::plus<_DifferenceType>(),
+            [=](_DifferenceType __i, _DifferenceType __len, _DifferenceType __initial) {
+                brick_copy_by_mask(__first + __i, __first + __i + __len, __result + __initial, __mask + __i,
+                                   [](_ForwardIterator __x, _Tp* __z) {
+                                       invoke_if_else(std::is_trivial<_Tp>(), [&]() { *__z = std::move(*__x); },
+                                                      [&]() { ::new (std::addressof(*__z)) _Tp(std::move(*__x)); });
+                                   },
+                                   __is_vector);
+            },
+            [&__m](_DifferenceType __total) { __m = __total; });
+        // 3. Elements from result are moved to [first, last)
+        par_backend::parallel_for(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __result, __result + __m,
+                                  [__result, __first, __is_vector](_Tp* __i, _Tp* __j) {
+                                      brick_move(__i, __j, __first + (__i - __result), __is_vector);
+                                  });
+        return __first + __m;
+    });
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _BinaryPredicate, class _IsVector>
+pattern_unique(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _BinaryPredicate __pred,
+               _IsVector __is_vector, /*is_parallel=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::reference _ReferenceType;
+    if (__first == __last)
+    {
+        return __last;
+    }
+    if (__first + 1 == __last || __first + 2 == __last)
+    {
+        // Trivial sequence - use serial algorithm
+        return brick_unique(__first, __last, __pred, __is_vector);
+    }
+    return remove_elements(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), ++__first, __last,
+        [&__pred, __is_vector](bool* __b, bool* __e, _ForwardIterator __it) {
+            brick_walk3(__b, __e, __it - 1, __it,
+                        [&__pred](bool& __x, _ReferenceType __y, _ReferenceType __z) { __x = !__pred(__y, __z); },
+                        __is_vector);
+        },
+        __is_vector);
+// unique_copy
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class OutputIterator, class _BinaryPredicate>
+brick_unique_copy(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, OutputIterator __result, _BinaryPredicate __pred,
+                  /*vector=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return std::unique_copy(__first, __last, __result, __pred);
+template <class _RandomAccessIterator, class OutputIterator, class _BinaryPredicate>
+brick_unique_copy(_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, OutputIterator __result,
+                  _BinaryPredicate __pred, /*vector=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    return unseq_backend::simd_unique_copy(__first, __last - __first, __result, __pred);
+    return std::unique_copy(__first, __last, __result, __pred);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _OutputIterator, class _BinaryPredicate,
+          class _IsVector>
+pattern_unique_copy(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result,
+                    _BinaryPredicate __pred, _IsVector __is_vector, /*parallel=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return internal::brick_unique_copy(__first, __last, __result, __pred, __is_vector);
+template <class _DifferenceType, class _RandomAccessIterator, class _BinaryPredicate>
+brick_calc_mask_2(_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, bool* __restrict __mask,
+                  _BinaryPredicate __pred, /*vector=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    _DifferenceType __count = 0;
+    for (; __first != __last; ++__first, ++__mask)
+    {
+        *__mask = !__pred(*__first, *(__first - 1));
+        __count += *__mask;
+    }
+    return __count;
+template <class _DifferenceType, class _RandomAccessIterator, class _BinaryPredicate>
+brick_calc_mask_2(_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, bool* __restrict __mask,
+                  _BinaryPredicate __pred, /*vector=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    return unseq_backend::simd_calc_mask_2(__first, __last - __first, __mask, __pred);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator, class _OutputIterator, class _BinaryPredicate,
+          class _IsVector>
+pattern_unique_copy(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last,
+                    _OutputIterator __result, _BinaryPredicate __pred, _IsVector __is_vector,
+                    /*parallel=*/std::true_type)
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_RandomAccessIterator>::difference_type _DifferenceType;
+    const _DifferenceType __n = __last - __first;
+    if (_DifferenceType(2) < __n)
+    {
+        par_backend::buffer<bool> __mask_buf(__n);
+        if (_DifferenceType(2) < __n)
+        {
+            return internal::except_handler([&__exec, __n, __first, __result, __pred, __is_vector, &__mask_buf]() {
+                bool* __mask = __mask_buf.get();
+                _DifferenceType __m{};
+                par_backend::parallel_strict_scan(
+                    std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __n, _DifferenceType(0),
+                    [=](_DifferenceType __i, _DifferenceType __len) -> _DifferenceType { // Reduce
+                        _DifferenceType __extra = 0;
+                        if (__i == 0)
+                        {
+                            // Special boundary case
+                            __mask[__i] = true;
+                            if (--__len == 0)
+                                return 1;
+                            ++__i;
+                            ++__extra;
+                        }
+                        return brick_calc_mask_2<_DifferenceType>(__first + __i, __first + (__i + __len), __mask + __i,
+                                                                  __pred, __is_vector) +
+                               __extra;
+                    },
+                    std::plus<_DifferenceType>(),                                                // Combine
+                    [=](_DifferenceType __i, _DifferenceType __len, _DifferenceType __initial) { // Scan
+                        // Phase 2 is same as for pattern_copy_if
+                        internal::brick_copy_by_mask(
+                            __first + __i, __first + (__i + __len), __result + __initial, __mask + __i,
+                            [](_RandomAccessIterator __x, _OutputIterator __z) { *__z = *__x; }, __is_vector);
+                    },
+                    [&__m](_DifferenceType __total) { __m = __total; });
+                return __result + __m;
+            });
+        }
+    }
+    // trivial sequence - use serial algorithm
+    return brick_unique_copy(__first, __last, __result, __pred, __is_vector);
+// reverse
+template <class _BidirectionalIterator>
+brick_reverse(_BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __last, /*__is_vector=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    std::reverse(__first, __last);
+template <class _BidirectionalIterator>
+brick_reverse(_BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __last, /*__is_vector=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_BidirectionalIterator>::reference _ReferenceType;
+    const auto __n = (__last - __first) / 2;
+    unseq_backend::simd_walk_2(__first, __n, std::reverse_iterator<_BidirectionalIterator>(__last),
+                               [](_ReferenceType __x, _ReferenceType __y) {
+                                   using std::swap;
+                                   swap(__x, __y);
+                               });
+// this brick is called in parallel version, so we can use iterator arithmetic
+template <class _BidirectionalIterator>
+brick_reverse(_BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __last, _BidirectionalIterator __d_last,
+              /*is_vector=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    for (--__d_last; __first != __last; ++__first, --__d_last)
+    {
+        using std::iter_swap;
+        iter_swap(__first, __d_last);
+    }
+// this brick is called in parallel version, so we can use iterator arithmetic
+template <class _BidirectionalIterator>
+brick_reverse(_BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __last, _BidirectionalIterator __d_last,
+              /*is_vector=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_BidirectionalIterator>::reference _ReferenceType;
+    unseq_backend::simd_walk_2(__first, __last - __first, std::reverse_iterator<_BidirectionalIterator>(__d_last),
+                               [](_ReferenceType __x, _ReferenceType __y) {
+                                   using std::swap;
+                                   swap(__x, __y);
+                               });
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _BidirectionalIterator, class _IsVector>
+pattern_reverse(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __last, _IsVector _is_vector,
+                /*is_parallel=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    brick_reverse(__first, __last, _is_vector);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _BidirectionalIterator, class _IsVector>
+pattern_reverse(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __last,
+                _IsVector __is_vector, /*is_parallel=*/std::true_type)
+    par_backend::parallel_for(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __first + (__last - __first) / 2,
+        [__is_vector, __first, __last](_BidirectionalIterator __inner_first, _BidirectionalIterator __inner_last) {
+            brick_reverse(__inner_first, __inner_last, __last - (__inner_first - __first), __is_vector);
+        });
+// reverse_copy
+template <class _BidirectionalIterator, class _OutputIterator>
+brick_reverse_copy(_BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __last, _OutputIterator __d_first,
+                   /*is_vector=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return std::reverse_copy(__first, __last, __d_first);
+template <class _BidirectionalIterator, class _OutputIterator>
+brick_reverse_copy(_BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __last, _OutputIterator __d_first,
+                   /*is_vector=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_BidirectionalIterator>::reference _ReferenceType1;
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_OutputIterator>::reference _ReferenceType2;
+    return unseq_backend::simd_walk_2(std::reverse_iterator<_BidirectionalIterator>(__last), __last - __first,
+                                      __d_first, [](_ReferenceType1 __x, _ReferenceType2 __y) { __y = __x; });
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _BidirectionalIterator, class _OutputIterator, class _IsVector>
+pattern_reverse_copy(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __last,
+                     _OutputIterator __d_first, _IsVector __is_vector, /*is_parallel=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return internal::brick_reverse_copy(__first, __last, __d_first, __is_vector);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _BidirectionalIterator, class _OutputIterator, class _IsVector>
+pattern_reverse_copy(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __last,
+                     _OutputIterator __d_first, _IsVector __is_vector, /*is_parallel=*/std::true_type)
+    auto __len = __last - __first;
+    par_backend::parallel_for(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last,
+                              [__is_vector, __first, __len, __d_first](_BidirectionalIterator __inner_first,
+                                                                       _BidirectionalIterator __inner_last) {
+                                  brick_reverse_copy(__inner_first, __inner_last,
+                                                     __d_first + (__len - (__inner_last - __first)), __is_vector);
+                              });
+    return __d_first + __len;
+// rotate
+template <class _ForwardIterator>
+brick_rotate(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __middle, _ForwardIterator __last,
+             /*is_vector=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    std::rotate(__first, __middle, __last);
+    return std::next(__first, std::distance(__middle, __last));
+    return std::rotate(__first, __middle, __last);
+template <class _ForwardIterator>
+brick_rotate(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __middle, _ForwardIterator __last,
+             /*is_vector=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    auto __n = __last - __first;
+    auto __m = __middle - __first;
+    const _ForwardIterator __ret = __first + (__last - __middle);
+    bool __is_left = (__m <= __n / 2);
+    if (!__is_left)
+        __m = __n - __m;
+    while (__n > 1 && __m > 0)
+    {
+        using std::iter_swap;
+        const auto __m_2 = __m * 2;
+        if (__is_left)
+        {
+            for (; __last - __first >= __m_2; __first += __m)
+            {
+                unseq_backend::simd_assign(__first, __m, __first + __m, iter_swap<_ForwardIterator, _ForwardIterator>);
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            for (; __last - __first >= __m_2; __last -= __m)
+            {
+                unseq_backend::simd_assign(__last - __m, __m, __last - __m_2,
+                                           iter_swap<_ForwardIterator, _ForwardIterator>);
+            }
+        }
+        __is_left = !__is_left;
+        __m = __n % __m;
+        __n = __last - __first;
+    }
+    return __ret;
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _IsVector>
+pattern_rotate(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __middle, _ForwardIterator __last,
+               _IsVector __is_vector, /*is_parallel=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return internal::brick_rotate(__first, __middle, __last, __is_vector);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _IsVector>
+pattern_rotate(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __middle, _ForwardIterator __last,
+               _IsVector __is_vector, /*is_parallel=*/std::true_type)
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::value_type _Tp;
+    auto __n = __last - __first;
+    auto __m = __middle - __first;
+    if (__m <= __n / 2)
+    {
+        par_backend::buffer<_Tp> __buf(__n - __m);
+        return except_handler([&__exec, __n, __m, __first, __middle, __last, __is_vector, &__buf]() {
+            _Tp* __result = __buf.get();
+            par_backend::parallel_for(
+                std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __middle, __last,
+                [__first, __last, __middle, __result, __is_vector](_ForwardIterator __b, _ForwardIterator __e) {
+                    brick_uninitialized_move(__b, __e, __result + (__b - __middle), __is_vector);
+                });
+            par_backend::parallel_for(
+                std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __middle,
+                [__first, __last, __middle, __result, __is_vector](_ForwardIterator __b, _ForwardIterator __e) {
+                    brick_move(__b, __e, __b + (__last - __middle), __is_vector);
+                });
+            par_backend::parallel_for(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __result, __result + (__n - __m),
+                                      [__first, __result, __is_vector](_Tp* __b, _Tp* __e) {
+                                          brick_move(__b, __e, __first + (__b - __result), __is_vector);
+                                      });
+            return __first + (__last - __middle);
+        });
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        par_backend::buffer<_Tp> __buf(__m);
+        return except_handler([&__exec, __n, __m, __first, __middle, __last, __is_vector, &__buf]() {
+            _Tp* __result = __buf.get();
+            par_backend::parallel_for(
+                std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __middle,
+                [__m, __first, __last, __middle, __result, __is_vector](_ForwardIterator __b, _ForwardIterator __e) {
+                    brick_uninitialized_move(__b, __e, __result + (__b - __first), __is_vector);
+                });
+            par_backend::parallel_for(
+                std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __middle, __last,
+                [__first, __last, __middle, __result, __is_vector](_ForwardIterator __b, _ForwardIterator __e) {
+                    brick_move(__b, __e, __first + (__b - __middle), __is_vector);
+                });
+            par_backend::parallel_for(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __result, __result + __m,
+                                      [__n, __m, __first, __result, __is_vector](_Tp* __b, _Tp* __e) {
+                                          brick_move(__b, __e, __first + ((__n - __m) + (__b - __result)), __is_vector);
+                                      });
+            return __first + (__last - __middle);
+        });
+    }
+// rotate_copy
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _OutputIterator>
+brick_rotate_copy(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __middle, _ForwardIterator __last,
+                  _OutputIterator __result, /*__is_vector=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return std::rotate_copy(__first, __middle, __last, __result);
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _OutputIterator>
+brick_rotate_copy(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __middle, _ForwardIterator __last,
+                  _OutputIterator __result, /*__is_vector=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    _OutputIterator __res = brick_copy(__middle, __last, __result, std::true_type());
+    return brick_copy(__first, __middle, __res, std::true_type());
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _OutputIterator, class _IsVector>
+pattern_rotate_copy(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __middle, _ForwardIterator __last,
+                    _OutputIterator __result, _IsVector __is_vector, /*is_parallel=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return internal::brick_rotate_copy(__first, __middle, __last, __result, __is_vector);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _OutputIterator, class _IsVector>
+pattern_rotate_copy(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __middle,
+                    _ForwardIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result, _IsVector __is_vector,
+                    /*is_parallel=*/std::true_type)
+    par_backend::parallel_for(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last,
+        [__first, __last, __middle, __result, __is_vector](_ForwardIterator __b, _ForwardIterator __e) {
+            if (__b > __middle)
+            {
+                brick_copy(__b, __e, __result + (__b - __middle), __is_vector);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                _OutputIterator __new_result = __result + ((__last - __middle) + (__b - __first));
+                if (__e < __middle)
+                {
+                    brick_copy(__b, __e, __new_result, __is_vector);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    brick_copy(__b, __middle, __new_result, __is_vector);
+                    brick_copy(__middle, __e, __result, __is_vector);
+                }
+            }
+        });
+    return __result + (__last - __first);
+// is_partitioned
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _UnaryPredicate>
+brick_is_partitioned(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _UnaryPredicate __pred,
+                     /*is_vector=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return std::is_partitioned(__first, __last, __pred);
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _UnaryPredicate>
+brick_is_partitioned(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _UnaryPredicate __pred,
+                     /*is_vector=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::difference_type _SizeType;
+    if (__first == __last)
+    {
+        return true;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        _ForwardIterator __result =
+            unseq_backend::simd_first(__first, _SizeType(0), __last - __first,
+                                      [&__pred](_ForwardIterator __it, _SizeType __i) { return !__pred(__it[__i]); });
+        if (__result == __last)
+        {
+            return true;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            ++__result;
+            return !unseq_backend::simd_or(__result, __last - __result, __pred);
+        }
+    }
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _UnaryPredicate, class _IsVector>
+pattern_is_partitioned(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _UnaryPredicate __pred,
+                       _IsVector __is_vector, /*is_parallel=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return internal::brick_is_partitioned(__first, __last, __pred, __is_vector);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _UnaryPredicate, class _IsVector>
+pattern_is_partitioned(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last,
+                       _UnaryPredicate __pred, _IsVector __is_vector, /*is_parallel=*/std::true_type)
+    if (__first == __last)
+    {
+        return true;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return except_handler([&]() {
+            typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::difference_type _SizeType;
+            // State of current range:
+            // broken     - current range is not partitioned by pred
+            // all_true   - all elements in current range satisfy pred
+            // all_false  - all elements in current range don't satisfy pred
+            // true_false - elements satisfy pred are placed before elements that don't satisfy pred
+            enum _ReduceType
+            {
+                __not_init = -1,
+                __broken,
+                __all_true,
+                __all_false,
+                __true_false
+            };
+            _ReduceType __init = __not_init;
+            // Array with states that we'll have when state from the left branch is merged with state from the right branch.
+            // State is calculated by formula: new_state = table[left_state * 4 + right_state]
+            _ReduceType __table[] = {__broken,     __broken,     __broken,     __broken, __broken,    __all_true,
+                                     __true_false, __true_false, __broken,     __broken, __all_false, __broken,
+                                     __broken,     __broken,     __true_false, __broken};
+            __init = par_backend::parallel_reduce(
+                std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __init,
+                [__first, &__pred, &__table, __is_vector](_ForwardIterator __i, _ForwardIterator __j,
+                                                          _ReduceType __value) -> _ReduceType {
+                    if (__value == __broken)
+                    {
+                        return __broken;
+                    }
+                    _ReduceType __res = __not_init;
+                    // if first element satisfy pred
+                    if (__pred(*__i))
+                    {
+                        // find first element that don't satisfy pred
+                        _ForwardIterator __x =
+                            brick_find_if(__i + 1, __j, not_pred<_UnaryPredicate>(__pred), __is_vector);
+                        if (__x != __j)
+                        {
+                            // find first element after "x" that satisfy pred
+                            _ForwardIterator __y = brick_find_if(__x + 1, __j, __pred, __is_vector);
+                            // if it was found then range isn't partitioned by pred
+                            if (__y != __j)
+                            {
+                                return __broken;
+                            }
+                            else
+                            {
+                                __res = __true_false;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            __res = __all_true;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    else
+                    { // if first element doesn't satisfy pred
+                        // then we should find the first element that satisfy pred.
+                        // If we found it then range isn't partitioned by pred
+                        if (brick_find_if(__i + 1, __j, __pred, __is_vector) != __j)
+                        {
+                            return __broken;
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            __res = __all_false;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    // if we have value from left range then we should calculate the result
+                    return (__value == -1) ? __res : __table[__value * 4 + __res];
+                },
+                [&__table](_ReduceType __val1, _ReduceType __val2) -> _ReduceType {
+                    if (__val1 == __broken || __val2 == __broken)
+                    {
+                        return __broken;
+                    }
+                    // calculate the result for new big range
+                    return __table[__val1 * 4 + __val2];
+                });
+            return __init != __broken;
+        });
+    }
+// partition
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _UnaryPredicate>
+brick_partition(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _UnaryPredicate __pred,
+                /*is_vector=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return std::partition(__first, __last, __pred);
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _UnaryPredicate>
+brick_partition(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _UnaryPredicate __pred,
+                /*is_vector=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    __PSTL_PRAGMA_MESSAGE("Vectorized algorithm unimplemented, redirected to serial");
+    return std::partition(__first, __last, __pred);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _UnaryPredicate, class _IsVector>
+pattern_partition(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _UnaryPredicate __pred,
+                  _IsVector __is_vector, /*is_parallel=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return internal::brick_partition(__first, __last, __pred, __is_vector);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _UnaryPredicate, class _IsVector>
+pattern_partition(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _UnaryPredicate __pred,
+                  _IsVector __is_vector, /*is_parallel=*/std::true_type)
+    // partitioned range: elements before pivot satisfy pred (true part),
+    //                    elements after pivot don't satisfy pred (false part)
+    struct _PartitionRange
+    {
+        _ForwardIterator __begin;
+        _ForwardIterator __pivot;
+        _ForwardIterator __end;
+    };
+    return except_handler([&]() {
+        _PartitionRange __init{__last, __last, __last};
+        // lambda for merging two partitioned ranges to one partitioned range
+        auto __reductor = [&__exec, __first, __is_vector](_PartitionRange __val1,
+                                                          _PartitionRange __val2) -> _PartitionRange {
+            auto __size1 = __val1.__end - __val1.__pivot;
+            auto __size2 = __val2.__pivot - __val2.__begin;
+            auto __new_begin = __val2.__begin - (__val1.__end - __val1.__begin);
+            // if all elements in left range satisfy pred then we can move new pivot to pivot of right range
+            if (__val1.__end == __val1.__pivot)
+            {
+                return {__new_begin, __val2.__pivot, __val2.__end};
+            }
+            // if true part of right range greater than false part of left range
+            // then we should swap the false part of left range and last part of true part of right range
+            else if (__size2 > __size1)
+            {
+                par_backend::parallel_for(
+                    std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __val1.__pivot, __val1.__pivot + __size1,
+                    [__val1, __val2, __size1, __is_vector](_ForwardIterator __i, _ForwardIterator __j) {
+                        brick_swap_ranges(__i, __j, (__val2.__pivot - __size1) + (__i - __val1.__pivot), __is_vector);
+                    });
+                return {__new_begin, __val2.__pivot - __size1, __val2.__end};
+            }
+            // else we should swap the first part of false part of left range and true part of right range
+            else
+            {
+                par_backend::parallel_for(
+                    std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __val1.__pivot, __val1.__pivot + __size2,
+                    [__val1, __val2, __is_vector](_ForwardIterator __i, _ForwardIterator __j) {
+                        brick_swap_ranges(__i, __j, __val2.__begin + (__i - __val1.__pivot), __is_vector);
+                    });
+                return {__new_begin, __val1.__pivot + __size2, __val2.__end};
+            }
+        };
+        _PartitionRange __result = par_backend::parallel_reduce(
+            std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __init,
+            [__first, __pred, __is_vector, __reductor](_ForwardIterator __i, _ForwardIterator __j,
+                                                       _PartitionRange __value) -> _PartitionRange {
+                //1. serial partition
+                _ForwardIterator __pivot = brick_partition(__i, __j, __pred, __is_vector);
+                // 2. merging of two ranges (left and right respectively)
+                return __reductor(__value, {__i, __pivot, __j});
+            },
+            __reductor);
+        return __result.__pivot;
+    });
+// stable_partition
+template <class _BidirectionalIterator, class _UnaryPredicate>
+brick_stable_partition(_BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __last, _UnaryPredicate __pred,
+                       /*__is_vector=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return std::stable_partition(__first, __last, __pred);
+template <class _BidirectionalIterator, class _UnaryPredicate>
+brick_stable_partition(_BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __last, _UnaryPredicate __pred,
+                       /*__is_vector=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    __PSTL_PRAGMA_MESSAGE("Vectorized algorithm unimplemented, redirected to serial");
+    return std::stable_partition(__first, __last, __pred);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _BidirectionalIterator, class _UnaryPredicate, class _IsVector>
+pattern_stable_partition(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __last,
+                         _UnaryPredicate __pred, _IsVector __is_vector, /*is_parallelization=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return internal::brick_stable_partition(__first, __last, __pred, __is_vector);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _BidirectionalIterator, class _UnaryPredicate, class _IsVector>
+pattern_stable_partition(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __last,
+                         _UnaryPredicate __pred, _IsVector __is_vector, /*is_parallelization=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    // partitioned range: elements before pivot satisfy pred (true part),
+    //                    elements after pivot don't satisfy pred (false part)
+    struct _PartitionRange
+    {
+        _BidirectionalIterator __begin;
+        _BidirectionalIterator __pivot;
+        _BidirectionalIterator __end;
+    };
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_BidirectionalIterator>::value_type T;
+    return except_handler([&]() {
+        _PartitionRange __init{__last, __last, __last};
+        // lambda for merging two partitioned ranges to one partitioned range
+        auto __reductor = [__first, __is_vector, __pred](_PartitionRange __val1,
+                                                         _PartitionRange __val2) -> _PartitionRange {
+            auto __size1 = __val1.__end - __val1.__pivot;
+            auto __new_begin = __val2.__begin - (__val1.__end - __val1.__begin);
+            // if all elements in left range satisfy pred then we can move new pivot to pivot of right range
+            if (__val1.__end == __val1.__pivot)
+            {
+                return {__new_begin, __val2.__pivot, __val2.__end};
+            }
+            // if true part of right range greater than false part of left range
+            // then we should swap the false part of left range and last part of true part of right range
+            else
+            {
+                brick_rotate(__val1.__pivot, __val2.__begin, __val2.__pivot, __is_vector);
+                return {__new_begin, __val2.__pivot - __size1, __val2.__end};
+            }
+        };
+        _PartitionRange __result = par_backend::parallel_reduce(
+            std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __init,
+            [__first, &__pred, __is_vector, __reductor](_BidirectionalIterator __i, _BidirectionalIterator __j,
+                                                        _PartitionRange __value) -> _PartitionRange {
+                //1. serial stable_partition
+                _BidirectionalIterator __pivot = brick_stable_partition(__i, __j, __pred, __is_vector);
+                // 2. merging of two ranges (left and right respectively)
+                return __reductor(__value, {__i, __pivot, __j});
+            },
+            __reductor);
+        return __result.__pivot;
+    });
+// partition_copy
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _OutputIterator1, class _OutputIterator2, class _UnaryPredicate>
+std::pair<_OutputIterator1, _OutputIterator2>
+brick_partition_copy(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _OutputIterator1 __out_true,
+                     _OutputIterator2 __out_false, _UnaryPredicate __pred, /*is_vector=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return std::partition_copy(__first, __last, __out_true, __out_false, __pred);
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _OutputIterator1, class _OutputIterator2, class _UnaryPredicate>
+std::pair<_OutputIterator1, _OutputIterator2>
+brick_partition_copy(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _OutputIterator1 __out_true,
+                     _OutputIterator2 __out_false, _UnaryPredicate __pred, /*is_vector=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    return unseq_backend::simd_partition_copy(__first, __last - __first, __out_true, __out_false, __pred);
+    return std::partition_copy(__first, __last, __out_true, __out_false, __pred);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _OutputIterator1, class _OutputIterator2,
+          class _UnaryPredicate, class _IsVector>
+std::pair<_OutputIterator1, _OutputIterator2>
+pattern_partition_copy(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last,
+                       _OutputIterator1 __out_true, _OutputIterator2 __out_false, _UnaryPredicate __pred,
+                       _IsVector __is_vector, /*is_parallelization=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return internal::brick_partition_copy(__first, __last, __out_true, __out_false, __pred, __is_vector);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator, class _OutputIterator1, class _OutputIterator2,
+          class _UnaryPredicate, class _IsVector>
+std::pair<_OutputIterator1, _OutputIterator2>
+pattern_partition_copy(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last,
+                       _OutputIterator1 __out_true, _OutputIterator2 __out_false, _UnaryPredicate __pred,
+                       _IsVector __is_vector, /*is_parallelization=*/std::true_type)
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_RandomAccessIterator>::difference_type _DifferenceType;
+    typedef std::pair<_DifferenceType, _DifferenceType> _ReturnType;
+    const _DifferenceType __n = __last - __first;
+    if (_DifferenceType(1) < __n)
+    {
+        par_backend::buffer<bool> __mask_buf(__n);
+        return internal::except_handler(
+            [&__exec, __n, __first, __last, __out_true, __out_false, __is_vector, __pred, &__mask_buf]() {
+                bool* __mask = __mask_buf.get();
+                _ReturnType __m{};
+                par_backend::parallel_strict_scan(
+                    std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __n, std::make_pair(_DifferenceType(0), _DifferenceType(0)),
+                    [=](_DifferenceType __i, _DifferenceType __len) { // Reduce
+                        return internal::brick_calc_mask_1<_DifferenceType>(__first + __i, __first + (__i + __len),
+                                                                            __mask + __i, __pred, __is_vector);
+                    },
+                    [](const _ReturnType& __x, const _ReturnType& __y) -> _ReturnType {
+                        return std::make_pair(__x.first + __y.first, __x.second + __y.second);
+                    },                                                                       // Combine
+                    [=](_DifferenceType __i, _DifferenceType __len, _ReturnType __initial) { // Scan
+                        internal::brick_partition_by_mask(__first + __i, __first + (__i + __len),
+                                                          __out_true + __initial.first, __out_false + __initial.second,
+                                                          __mask + __i, __is_vector);
+                    },
+                    [&__m](_ReturnType __total) { __m = __total; });
+                return std::make_pair(__out_true + __m.first, __out_false + __m.second);
+            });
+    }
+    // trivial sequence - use serial algorithm
+    return internal::brick_partition_copy(__first, __last, __out_true, __out_false, __pred, __is_vector);
+// sort
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator, class _Compare, class _IsVector,
+          class _IsMoveConstructible>
+pattern_sort(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp,
+             _IsVector /*is_vector*/, /*is_parallel=*/std::false_type, _IsMoveConstructible) noexcept
+    std::sort(__first, __last, __comp);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator, class _Compare, class _IsVector>
+pattern_sort(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp,
+             _IsVector /*is_vector*/, /*is_parallel=*/std::true_type, /*is_move_constructible=*/std::true_type)
+    except_handler([&]() {
+        par_backend::parallel_stable_sort(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __comp,
+                                          [](_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last,
+                                             _Compare __comp) { std::sort(__first, __last, __comp); },
+                                          __last - __first);
+    });
+// stable_sort
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator, class _Compare, class _IsVector>
+pattern_stable_sort(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp,
+                    _IsVector /*is_vector*/, /*is_parallel=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    std::stable_sort(__first, __last, __comp);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator, class _Compare, class _IsVector>
+pattern_stable_sort(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last,
+                    _Compare __comp, _IsVector /*is_vector*/, /*is_parallel=*/std::true_type)
+    internal::except_handler([&]() {
+        par_backend::parallel_stable_sort(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __comp,
+                                          [](_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last,
+                                             _Compare __comp) { std::stable_sort(__first, __last, __comp); });
+    });
+// partial_sort
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator, class _Compare, class _IsVector>
+pattern_partial_sort(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __middle,
+                     _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp, _IsVector, /*is_parallel=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    std::partial_sort(__first, __middle, __last, __comp);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator, class _Compare, class _IsVector>
+pattern_partial_sort(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __middle,
+                     _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp, _IsVector, /*is_parallel=*/std::true_type)
+    const auto __n = __middle - __first;
+    except_handler([&]() {
+        par_backend::parallel_stable_sort(
+            std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __comp,
+            [__n](_RandomAccessIterator __begin, _RandomAccessIterator __end, _Compare __comp) {
+                if (__n < __end - __begin)
+                    std::partial_sort(__begin, __begin + __n, __end, __comp);
+                else
+                    std::sort(__begin, __end, __comp);
+            },
+            __n);
+    });
+// partial_sort_copy
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _RandomAccessIterator, class _Compare, class _IsVector>
+pattern_partial_sort_copy(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last,
+                          _RandomAccessIterator __d_first, _RandomAccessIterator __d_last, _Compare __comp, _IsVector,
+                          /*is_parallel=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return std::partial_sort_copy(__first, __last, __d_first, __d_last, __comp);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _RandomAccessIterator, class _Compare, class _IsVector>
+pattern_partial_sort_copy(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last,
+                          _RandomAccessIterator __d_first, _RandomAccessIterator __d_last, _Compare __comp,
+                          _IsVector __is_vector, /*is_parallel=*/std::true_type)
+    if (__last == __first || __d_last == __d_first)
+    {
+        return __d_first;
+    }
+    auto __n1 = __last - __first;
+    auto __n2 = __d_last - __d_first;
+    return except_handler([&]() {
+        if (__n2 >= __n1)
+        {
+            par_backend::parallel_stable_sort(
+                std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __d_first, __d_first + __n1, __comp,
+                [__n1, __first, __d_first, __is_vector](_RandomAccessIterator __i, _RandomAccessIterator __j,
+                                                        _Compare __comp) {
+                    _ForwardIterator __i1 = __first + (__i - __d_first);
+                    _ForwardIterator __j1 = __first + (__j - __d_first);
+                // 1. Copy elements from input to output
+                    brick_copy(__i1, __j1, __i, __is_vector);
+                    std::copy(__i1, __j1, __i);
+                    // 2. Sort elements in output sequence
+                    std::sort(__i, __j, __comp);
+                },
+                __n1);
+            return __d_first + __n1;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::value_type _T1;
+            typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_RandomAccessIterator>::value_type _T2;
+            par_backend::buffer<_T1> __buf(__n1);
+            _T1* __r = __buf.get();
+            par_backend::parallel_stable_sort(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __r, __r + __n1, __comp,
+                                              [__n2, __first, __r](_T1* __i, _T1* __j, _Compare __comp) {
+                                                  _ForwardIterator __it = __first + (__i - __r);
+                                                  // 1. Copy elements from input to raw memory
+                                                  for (_T1* __k = __i; __k != __j; ++__k, ++__it)
+                                                  {
+                                                      ::new (__k) _T2(*__it);
+                                                  }
+                                                  // 2. Sort elements in temporary buffer
+                                                  if (__n2 < __j - __i)
+                                                      std::partial_sort(__i, __i + __n2, __j, __comp);
+                                                  else
+                                                      std::sort(__i, __j, __comp);
+                                              },
+                                              __n2);
+            // 3. Move elements from temporary buffer to output
+            par_backend::parallel_for(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __r, __r + __n2,
+                                      [__r, __d_first, __is_vector](_T1* __i, _T1* __j) {
+                                          brick_move(__i, __j, __d_first + (__i - __r), __is_vector);
+                                      });
+            return __d_first + __n2;
+        }
+    });
+// adjacent_find
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _BinaryPredicate>
+brick_adjacent_find(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _BinaryPredicate __pred,
+                    /* IsVector = */ std::true_type, bool __or_semantic) noexcept
+    return unseq_backend::simd_adjacent_find(__first, __last, __pred, __or_semantic);
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _BinaryPredicate>
+brick_adjacent_find(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _BinaryPredicate __pred,
+                    /* IsVector = */ std::false_type, bool __or_semantic) noexcept
+    return std::adjacent_find(__first, __last, __pred);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _BinaryPredicate, class _IsVector>
+pattern_adjacent_find(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _BinaryPredicate __pred,
+                      /* is_parallel */ std::false_type, _IsVector __is_vector, bool __or_semantic) noexcept
+    return internal::brick_adjacent_find(__first, __last, __pred, __is_vector, __or_semantic);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator, class _BinaryPredicate, class _IsVector>
+pattern_adjacent_find(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last,
+                      _BinaryPredicate __pred, /* is_parallel */ std::true_type, _IsVector __is_vector,
+                      bool __or_semantic)
+    if (__last - __first < 2)
+        return __last;
+    return internal::except_handler([&]() {
+        return par_backend::parallel_reduce(
+            std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __last,
+            [__last, __pred, __is_vector, __or_semantic](_RandomAccessIterator __begin, _RandomAccessIterator __end,
+                                                         _RandomAccessIterator __value) -> _RandomAccessIterator {
+                // TODO: investigate performance benefits from the use of shared variable for the result,
+                // checking (compare_and_swap idiom) its __value at __first.
+                if (__or_semantic && __value < __last)
+                { //found
+                    par_backend::cancel_execution();
+                    return __value;
+                }
+                if (__value > __begin)
+                {
+                    // modify __end to check the predicate on the boundary __values;
+                    // TODO: to use a custom range with boundaries overlapping
+                    // TODO: investigate what if we remove "if" below and run algorithm on range [__first, __last-1)
+                    // then check the pair [__last-1, __last)
+                    if (__end != __last)
+                        ++__end;
+                    //correct the global result iterator if the "brick" returns a local "__last"
+                    const _RandomAccessIterator __res =
+                        internal::brick_adjacent_find(__begin, __end, __pred, __is_vector, __or_semantic);
+                    if (__res < __end)
+                        __value = __res;
+                }
+                return __value;
+            },
+            [](_RandomAccessIterator __x, _RandomAccessIterator __y) -> _RandomAccessIterator {
+                return __x < __y ? __x : __y;
+            } //reduce a __value
+        );
+    });
+// nth_element
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator, class _Compare, class _IsVector>
+pattern_nth_element(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __nth,
+                    _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp, _IsVector, /*is_parallel=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    std::nth_element(__first, __nth, __last, __comp);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator, class _Compare, class _IsVector>
+pattern_nth_element(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __nth,
+                    _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp, _IsVector __is_vector,
+                    /*is_parallel=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    if (__first == __last || __nth == __last)
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    using std::iter_swap;
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_RandomAccessIterator>::value_type _Tp;
+    _RandomAccessIterator __x;
+    do
+    {
+        __x = pattern_partition(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first + 1, __last,
+                                [&__comp, __first](const _Tp& __x) { return __comp(__x, *__first); }, __is_vector,
+                                /*is_parallel=*/std::true_type());
+        --__x;
+        if (__x != __first)
+        {
+            iter_swap(__first, __x);
+        }
+        // if x > nth then our new range for partition is [first, x)
+        if (__x - __nth > 0)
+        {
+            __last = __x;
+        }
+        // if x < nth then our new range for partition is [x, last)
+        else if (__x - __nth < 0)
+        {
+            // if *x == *nth then we can start new partition with x+1
+            if (!__comp(*__nth, *__x) && !__comp(*__x, *__nth))
+            {
+                ++__x;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                iter_swap(__nth, __x);
+            }
+            __first = __x;
+        }
+    } while (__x != __nth);
+// fill, fill_n
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _Tp>
+brick_fill(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, const _Tp& __value,
+           /* __is_vector = */ std::true_type) noexcept
+    unseq_backend::simd_fill_n(__first, __last - __first, __value);
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _Tp>
+brick_fill(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, const _Tp& __value,
+           /* __is_vector = */ std::false_type) noexcept
+    std::fill(__first, __last, __value);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Tp, class _IsVector>
+pattern_fill(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, const _Tp& __value,
+             /*is_parallel=*/std::false_type, _IsVector __is_vector) noexcept
+    internal::brick_fill(__first, __last, __value, __is_vector);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Tp, class _IsVector>
+pattern_fill(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, const _Tp& __value,
+             /*is_parallel=*/std::true_type, _IsVector __is_vector)
+    return except_handler([&__exec, __first, __last, &__value, __is_vector]() {
+        par_backend::parallel_for(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last,
+                                  [&__value, __is_vector](_ForwardIterator __begin, _ForwardIterator __end) {
+                                      internal::brick_fill(__begin, __end, __value, __is_vector);
+                                  });
+        return __last;
+    });
+template <class _OutputIterator, class _Size, class _Tp>
+brick_fill_n(_OutputIterator __first, _Size __count, const _Tp& __value, /* __is_vector = */ std::true_type) noexcept
+    return unseq_backend::simd_fill_n(__first, __count, __value);
+template <class _OutputIterator, class _Size, class _Tp>
+brick_fill_n(_OutputIterator __first, _Size __count, const _Tp& __value, /* __is_vector = */ std::false_type) noexcept
+    return std::fill_n(__first, __count, __value);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _OutputIterator, class _Size, class _Tp, class _IsVector>
+pattern_fill_n(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _OutputIterator __first, _Size __count, const _Tp& __value,
+               /*is_parallel=*/std::false_type, _IsVector __is_vector) noexcept
+    return internal::brick_fill_n(__first, __count, __value, __is_vector);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _OutputIterator, class _Size, class _Tp, class _IsVector>
+pattern_fill_n(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _OutputIterator __first, _Size __count, const _Tp& __value,
+               /*is_parallel=*/std::true_type, _IsVector __is_vector)
+    return internal::pattern_fill(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __first + __count, __value,
+                                  std::true_type(), __is_vector);
+// generate, generate_n
+template <class _RandomAccessIterator, class _Generator>
+brick_generate(_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Generator __g,
+               /* is_vector = */ std::true_type) noexcept
+    unseq_backend::simd_generate_n(__first, __last - __first, __g);
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _Generator>
+brick_generate(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Generator __g,
+               /* is_vector = */ std::false_type) noexcept
+    std::generate(__first, __last, __g);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Generator, class _IsVector>
+pattern_generate(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Generator __g,
+                 /*is_parallel=*/std::false_type, _IsVector __is_vector) noexcept
+    internal::brick_generate(__first, __last, __g, __is_vector);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Generator, class _IsVector>
+pattern_generate(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Generator __g,
+                 /*is_parallel=*/std::true_type, _IsVector __is_vector)
+    return internal::except_handler([&]() {
+        par_backend::parallel_for(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last,
+                                  [__g, __is_vector](_ForwardIterator __begin, _ForwardIterator __end) {
+                                      internal::brick_generate(__begin, __end, __g, __is_vector);
+                                  });
+        return __last;
+    });
+template <class OutputIterator, class Size, class _Generator>
+brick_generate_n(OutputIterator __first, Size __count, _Generator __g, /* is_vector = */ std::true_type) noexcept
+    return unseq_backend::simd_generate_n(__first, __count, __g);
+template <class OutputIterator, class Size, class _Generator>
+brick_generate_n(OutputIterator __first, Size __count, _Generator __g, /* is_vector = */ std::false_type) noexcept
+    return std::generate_n(__first, __count, __g);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _OutputIterator, class _Size, class _Generator, class _IsVector>
+pattern_generate_n(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _OutputIterator __first, _Size __count, _Generator __g,
+                   /*is_parallel=*/std::false_type, _IsVector __is_vector) noexcept
+    return internal::brick_generate_n(__first, __count, __g, __is_vector);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _OutputIterator, class _Size, class _Generator, class _IsVector>
+pattern_generate_n(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _OutputIterator __first, _Size __count, _Generator __g,
+                   /*is_parallel=*/std::true_type, _IsVector __is_vector)
+    static_assert(internal::is_random_access_iterator<_OutputIterator>::value,
+                  "Pattern-brick error. Should be a random access iterator.");
+    return internal::pattern_generate(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __first + __count, __g,
+                                      std::true_type(), __is_vector);
+// remove
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _UnaryPredicate>
+brick_remove_if(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _UnaryPredicate __pred,
+                /* __is_vector = */ std::false_type) noexcept
+    return std::remove_if(__first, __last, __pred);
+template <class _RandomAccessIterator, class _UnaryPredicate>
+brick_remove_if(_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _UnaryPredicate __pred,
+                /* __is_vector = */ std::true_type) noexcept
+    return unseq_backend::simd_remove_if(__first, __last - __first, __pred);
+    return std::remove_if(__first, __last, __pred);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _UnaryPredicate, class _IsVector>
+pattern_remove_if(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _UnaryPredicate __pred,
+                  _IsVector __is_vector, /*is_parallel*/ std::false_type) noexcept
+    return internal::brick_remove_if(__first, __last, __pred, __is_vector);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _UnaryPredicate, class _IsVector>
+pattern_remove_if(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _UnaryPredicate __pred,
+                  _IsVector __is_vector, /*is_parallel*/ std::true_type) noexcept
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::reference _ReferenceType;
+    if (__first == __last || __first + 1 == __last)
+    {
+        // Trivial sequence - use serial algorithm
+        return brick_remove_if(__first, __last, __pred, __is_vector);
+    }
+    return remove_elements(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last,
+        [&__pred, __is_vector](bool* __b, bool* __e, _ForwardIterator __it) {
+            brick_walk2(__b, __e, __it, [&__pred](bool& __x, _ReferenceType __y) { __x = !__pred(__y); }, __is_vector);
+        },
+        __is_vector);
+// merge
+template <class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _OutputIterator, class _Compare>
+brick_merge(_ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+            _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _OutputIterator __d_first, _Compare __comp,
+            /* __is_vector = */ std::false_type) noexcept
+    return std::merge(__first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __d_first, __comp);
+template <class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _OutputIterator, class _Compare>
+brick_merge(_ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+            _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _OutputIterator __d_first, _Compare __comp,
+            /* __is_vector = */ std::true_type) noexcept
+    __PSTL_PRAGMA_MESSAGE("Vectorized algorithm unimplemented, redirected to serial");
+    return std::merge(__first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __d_first, __comp);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _OutputIterator,
+          class _Compare, class _IsVector>
+pattern_merge(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+              _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _OutputIterator __d_first, _Compare __comp, _IsVector __is_vector,
+              /* is_parallel = */ std::false_type) noexcept
+    return internal::brick_merge(__first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __d_first, __comp, __is_vector);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator1, class _RandomAccessIterator2, class _OutputIterator,
+          class _Compare, class _IsVector>
+pattern_merge(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator1 __first1, _RandomAccessIterator1 __last1,
+              _RandomAccessIterator2 __first2, _RandomAccessIterator2 __last2, _OutputIterator __d_first,
+              _Compare __comp, _IsVector __is_vector, /* is_parallel = */ std::true_type)
+    par_backend::parallel_merge(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __d_first, __comp,
+        [__is_vector](_RandomAccessIterator1 __f1, _RandomAccessIterator1 __l1, _RandomAccessIterator2 __f2,
+                      _RandomAccessIterator2 __l2, _OutputIterator __f3,
+                      _Compare __comp) { return brick_merge(__f1, __l1, __f2, __l2, __f3, __comp, __is_vector); });
+    return __d_first + (__last1 - __first1) + (__last2 - __first2);
+// inplace_merge
+template <class _BidirectionalIterator, class _Compare>
+brick_inplace_merge(_BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __middle, _BidirectionalIterator __last,
+                    _Compare __comp, /* __is_vector = */ std::false_type) noexcept
+    std::inplace_merge(__first, __middle, __last, __comp);
+template <class _BidirectionalIterator, class _Compare>
+brick_inplace_merge(_BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __middle, _BidirectionalIterator __last,
+                    _Compare __comp, /* __is_vector = */ std::true_type) noexcept
+    __PSTL_PRAGMA_MESSAGE("Vectorized algorithm unimplemented, redirected to serial")
+    std::inplace_merge(__first, __middle, __last, __comp);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _BidirectionalIterator, class _Compare, class _IsVector>
+pattern_inplace_merge(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __middle,
+                      _BidirectionalIterator __last, _Compare __comp, _IsVector __is_vector,
+                      /* is_parallel = */ std::false_type) noexcept
+    internal::brick_inplace_merge(__first, __middle, __last, __comp, __is_vector);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _BidirectionalIterator, class _Compare, class _IsVector>
+pattern_inplace_merge(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __middle,
+                      _BidirectionalIterator __last, _Compare __comp, _IsVector __is_vector,
+                      /*is_parallel=*/std::true_type)
+    if (__first == __last || __first == __middle || __middle == __last)
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_BidirectionalIterator>::value_type _Tp;
+    auto __n = __last - __first;
+    par_backend::buffer<_Tp> __buf(__n);
+    _Tp* __r = __buf.get();
+    except_handler([&]() {
+        auto __move_values = [](_BidirectionalIterator __x, _Tp* __z) {
+            invoke_if_else(std::is_trivial<_Tp>(), [&]() { *__z = std::move(*__x); },
+                           [&]() { ::new (std::addressof(*__z)) _Tp(std::move(*__x)); });
+        };
+        auto __move_sequences = [](_BidirectionalIterator __first1, _BidirectionalIterator __last1, _Tp* __first2) {
+            return brick_uninitialized_move(__first1, __last1, __first2, _IsVector());
+        };
+        par_backend::parallel_merge(
+            std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __middle, __middle, __last, __r, __comp,
+            [__n, __comp, __move_values, __move_sequences](_BidirectionalIterator __f1, _BidirectionalIterator __l1,
+                                                           _BidirectionalIterator __f2, _BidirectionalIterator __l2,
+                                                           _Tp* __f3, _Compare __comp) {
+                auto __func = par_backend::serial_move_merge<decltype(__move_values), decltype(__move_sequences)>(
+                    __n, __move_values, __move_sequences);
+                __func(__f1, __l1, __f2, __l2, __f3, __comp);
+                return __f3 + (__l1 - __f1) + (__l2 - __f2);
+            });
+        par_backend::parallel_for(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __r, __r + __n,
+                                  [__r, __first, __is_vector](_Tp* __i, _Tp* __j) {
+                                      brick_move(__i, __j, __first + (__i - __r), __is_vector);
+                                  });
+    });
+// includes
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Compare, class _IsVector>
+pattern_includes(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1,
+                 _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _Compare __comp, _IsVector,
+                 /*is_parallel=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return std::includes(__first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __comp);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Compare, class _IsVector>
+pattern_includes(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1,
+                 _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _Compare __comp, _IsVector __is_vector,
+                 /*is_parallel=*/std::true_type)
+    if (__first2 >= __last2)
+        return true;
+    if (__first1 >= __last1 || __comp(*__first2, *__first1) || __comp(*(__last1 - 1), *(__last2 - 1)))
+        return false;
+    __first1 = std::lower_bound(__first1, __last1, *__first2, __comp);
+    if (__first1 == __last1)
+        return false;
+    if (__last2 - __first2 == 1)
+        return !__comp(*__first1, *__first2) && !__comp(*__first2, *__first1);
+    return except_handler([&]() {
+        return !internal::parallel_or(
+            std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first2, __last2,
+            [__first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, &__comp](_ForwardIterator2 __i, _ForwardIterator2 __j) {
+                assert(__j > __i);
+                //assert(__j - __i > 1);
+                //1. moving boundaries to "consume" subsequence of equal elements
+                auto __is_equal = [&__comp](_ForwardIterator2 __a, _ForwardIterator2 __b) -> bool {
+                    return !__comp(*__a, *__b) && !__comp(*__b, *__a);
+                };
+                //1.1 left bound, case "aaa[aaaxyz...]" - searching "x"
+                if (__i > __first2 && __is_equal(__i, __i - 1))
+                {
+                    //whole subrange continues to content equal elements - return "no op"
+                    if (__is_equal(__i, __j - 1))
+                        return false;
+                    __i = std::upper_bound(__i, __last2, *__i, __comp);
+                }
+                //1.2 right bound, case "[...aaa]aaaxyz" - searching "x"
+                if (__j < __last2 && __is_equal(__j - 1, __j))
+                    __j = std::upper_bound(__j, __last2, *__j, __comp);
+                //2. testing is __a subsequence of the second range included into the first range
+                auto __b = std::lower_bound(__first1, __last1, *__i, __comp);
+                assert(!__comp(*(__last1 - 1), *__b));
+                assert(!__comp(*(__j - 1), *__i));
+                return !std::includes(__b, __last1, __i, __j, __comp);
+            });
+    });
+constexpr auto __set_algo_cut_off = 1000;
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _OutputIterator,
+          class _Compare, class _IsVector, class _SizeFunction, class _SetOP>
+parallel_set_op(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1,
+                _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _OutputIterator __result, _Compare __comp,
+                _SizeFunction __size_func, _SetOP __set_op, _IsVector __is_vector)
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator1>::difference_type _DifferenceType;
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_OutputIterator>::value_type _T;
+    struct _SetRange
+    {
+        _DifferenceType __pos, __len, __buf_pos;
+        bool
+        empty() const
+        {
+            return __len == 0;
+        }
+    };
+    const _DifferenceType __n1 = __last1 - __first1;
+    const _DifferenceType __n2 = __last2 - __first2;
+    par_backend::buffer<_T> __buf(__size_func(__n1, __n2));
+    return except_handler([&__exec, __n1, __first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __result, __is_vector, __comp,
+                           __size_func, __set_op, &__buf]() {
+        auto __buffer = __buf.get();
+        _DifferenceType __m{};
+        auto __scan = [=](_DifferenceType, _DifferenceType, const _SetRange& __s) { // Scan
+            if (!__s.empty())
+                brick_move(__buffer + __s.__buf_pos, __buffer + (__s.__buf_pos + __s.__len), __result + __s.__pos,
+                           __is_vector);
+        };
+        par_backend::parallel_strict_scan(
+            std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __n1, _SetRange{0, 0, 0}, //-1, 0},
+            [=](_DifferenceType __i, _DifferenceType __len) {                 // Reduce
+                //[__b; __e) - a subrange of the first sequence, to reduce
+                _ForwardIterator1 __b = __first1 + __i, __e = __first1 + (__i + __len);
+                //try searching for the first element which not equal to *__b
+                if (__b != __first1)
+                    __b = std::upper_bound(__b, __last1, *__b, __comp);
+                //try searching for the first element which not equal to *__e
+                if (__e != __last1)
+                    __e = std::upper_bound(__e, __last1, *__e, __comp);
+                //check is [__b; __e) empty
+                if (__e - __b < 1)
+                {
+                    _ForwardIterator2 __bb = __last2;
+                    if (__b != __last1)
+                        __bb = std::lower_bound(__first2, __last2, *__b, __comp);
+                    const _DifferenceType __buf_pos = __size_func((__b - __first1), (__bb - __first2));
+                    return _SetRange{0, 0, __buf_pos};
+                }
+                //try searching for "corresponding" subrange [__bb; __ee) in the second sequence
+                _ForwardIterator2 __bb = __first2;
+                if (__b != __first1)
+                    __bb = std::lower_bound(__first2, __last2, *__b, __comp);
+                _ForwardIterator2 __ee = __last2;
+                if (__e != __last1)
+                    __ee = std::lower_bound(__bb, __last2, *__e, __comp);
+                const _DifferenceType __buf_pos = __size_func((__b - __first1), (__bb - __first2));
+                auto __buffer_b = __buffer + __buf_pos;
+                auto __res = __set_op(__b, __e, __bb, __ee, __buffer_b, __comp);
+                return _SetRange{0, __res - __buffer_b, __buf_pos};
+            },
+            [](const _SetRange& __a, const _SetRange& __b) { // Combine
+                if (__b.__buf_pos > __a.__buf_pos || ((__b.__buf_pos == __a.__buf_pos) && !__b.empty()))
+                    return _SetRange{__a.__pos + __a.__len + __b.__pos, __b.__len, __b.__buf_pos};
+                return _SetRange{__b.__pos + __b.__len + __a.__pos, __a.__len, __a.__buf_pos};
+            },
+            __scan,                                     // Scan
+            [&__m, &__scan](const _SetRange& __total) { // Apex
+                //final scan
+                __scan(0, 0, __total);
+                __m = __total.__pos + __total.__len;
+            });
+        return __result + __m;
+    });
+//a shared parallel pattern for 'pattern_set_union' and 'pattern_set_symmetric_difference'
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _OutputIterator,
+          class _Compare, class _SetUnionOp, class _IsVector>
+parallel_set_union_op(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1,
+                      _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _OutputIterator __result, _Compare __comp,
+                      _SetUnionOp __set_union_op, _IsVector __is_vector)
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_OutputIterator>::value_type _T;
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator1>::difference_type _DifferenceType;
+    const auto __n1 = __last1 - __first1;
+    const auto __n2 = __last2 - __first2;
+    auto copy_range1 = [__is_vector](_ForwardIterator1 __begin, _ForwardIterator1 __end, _OutputIterator __res) {
+        return brick_copy(__begin, __end, __res, __is_vector);
+    };
+    auto copy_range2 = [__is_vector](_ForwardIterator2 __begin, _ForwardIterator2 __end, _OutputIterator __res) {
+        return brick_copy(__begin, __end, __res, __is_vector);
+    };
+    // {1} {}: parallel copying just first sequence
+    if (__n2 == 0)
+        return pattern_walk2_brick(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __last1, __result, copy_range1,
+                                   std::true_type());
+    // {} {2}: parallel copying justmake  second sequence
+    if (__n1 == 0)
+        return pattern_walk2_brick(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first2, __last2, __result, copy_range2,
+                                   std::true_type());
+    // testing  whether the sequences are intersected
+    _ForwardIterator1 __left_bound_seq_1 = lower_bound(__first1, __last1, *__first2, __comp);
+    if (__left_bound_seq_1 == __last1)
+    {
+        //{1} < {2}: seq2 is wholly greater than seq1, so, do parallel copying seq1 and seq2
+        par_backend::parallel_invoke(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec),
+                                     [=] {
+                                         pattern_walk2_brick(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __last1,
+                                                             __result, copy_range1, std::true_type());
+                                     },
+                                     [=] {
+                                         pattern_walk2_brick(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first2, __last2,
+                                                             __result + __n1, copy_range2, std::true_type());
+                                     });
+        return __result + __n1 + __n2;
+    }
+    // testing  whether the sequences are intersected
+    _ForwardIterator2 __left_bound_seq_2 = lower_bound(__first2, __last2, *__first1, __comp);
+    if (__left_bound_seq_2 == __last2)
+    {
+        //{2} < {1}: seq2 is wholly greater than seq1, so, do parallel copying seq1 and seq2
+        par_backend::parallel_invoke(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec),
+                                     [=] {
+                                         pattern_walk2_brick(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first2, __last2,
+                                                             __result, copy_range2, std::true_type());
+                                     },
+                                     [=] {
+                                         pattern_walk2_brick(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __last1,
+                                                             __result + __n2, copy_range1, std::true_type());
+                                     });
+        return __result + __n1 + __n2;
+    }
+    const auto __m1 = __left_bound_seq_1 - __first1;
+    if (__m1 > __set_algo_cut_off)
+    {
+        auto __res_or = __result;
+        __result += __m1; //we know proper offset due to [first1; left_bound_seq_1) < [first2; last2)
+        par_backend::parallel_invoke(
+            std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec),
+            //do parallel copying of [first1; left_bound_seq_1)
+            [=] {
+                pattern_walk2_brick(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __left_bound_seq_1, __res_or,
+                                    copy_range1, std::true_type());
+            },
+            [=, &__result] {
+                __result = parallel_set_op(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __left_bound_seq_1, __last1,
+                                           __first2, __last2, __result, __comp,
+                                           [](_DifferenceType __n, _DifferenceType __m) { return __n + __m; },
+                                           __set_union_op, __is_vector);
+            });
+        return __result;
+    }
+    const auto __m2 = __left_bound_seq_2 - __first2;
+    assert(__m1 == 0 || __m2 == 0);
+    if (__m2 > __set_algo_cut_off)
+    {
+        auto __res_or = __result;
+        __result += __m2; //we know proper offset due to [first2; left_bound_seq_2) < [first1; last1)
+        par_backend::parallel_invoke(
+            std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec),
+            //do parallel copying of [first2; left_bound_seq_2)
+            [=] {
+                pattern_walk2_brick(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first2, __left_bound_seq_2, __res_or,
+                                    copy_range2, std::true_type());
+            },
+            [=, &__result] {
+                __result = parallel_set_op(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __last1,
+                                           __left_bound_seq_2, __last2, __result, __comp,
+                                           [](_DifferenceType __n, _DifferenceType __m) { return __n + __m; },
+                                           __set_union_op, __is_vector);
+            });
+        return __result;
+    }
+    return parallel_set_op(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __result,
+                           __comp, [](_DifferenceType __n, _DifferenceType __m) { return __n + __m; }, __set_union_op,
+                           __is_vector);
+// set_union
+template <class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _OutputIterator, class _Compare>
+brick_set_union(_ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+                _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _OutputIterator __result, _Compare __comp,
+                /*__is_vector=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return std::set_union(__first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __result, __comp);
+template <class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _OutputIterator, class _Compare>
+brick_set_union(_ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+                _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _OutputIterator __result, _Compare __comp,
+                /*__is_vector=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    __PSTL_PRAGMA_MESSAGE("Vectorized algorithm unimplemented, redirected to serial");
+    return std::set_union(__first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __result, __comp);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _OutputIterator,
+          class _Compare, class _IsVector>
+pattern_set_union(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+                  _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _OutputIterator __result, _Compare __comp, _IsVector __is_vector,
+                  /*is_parallel=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return internal::brick_set_union(__first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __result, __comp, __is_vector);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _OutputIterator,
+          class _Compare, class _IsVector>
+pattern_set_union(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1,
+                  _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _OutputIterator __result, _Compare __comp,
+                  _IsVector __is_vector, /*__is_parallel=*/std::true_type)
+    const auto __n1 = __last1 - __first1;
+    const auto __n2 = __last2 - __first2;
+    // use serial algorithm
+    if (__n1 + __n2 <= __set_algo_cut_off)
+        return std::set_union(__first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __result, __comp);
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_OutputIterator>::value_type _T;
+    return parallel_set_union_op(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __result, __comp,
+        [__comp](_ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+                 _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _T* __result,
+                 _Compare __comp) { return std::set_union(__first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __result, __comp); },
+        __is_vector);
+// set_intersection
+template <class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _OutputIterator, class _Compare>
+brick_set_intersection(_ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+                       _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _OutputIterator __result, _Compare __comp,
+                       /*__is_vector=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return std::set_intersection(__first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __result, __comp);
+template <class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _OutputIterator, class _Compare>
+brick_set_intersection(_ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+                       _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _OutputIterator __result, _Compare __comp,
+                       /*__is_vector=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    __PSTL_PRAGMA_MESSAGE("Vectorized algorithm unimplemented, redirected to serial");
+    return std::set_intersection(__first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __result, __comp);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _OutputIterator,
+          class _Compare, class _IsVector>
+pattern_set_intersection(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1,
+                         _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _OutputIterator __result,
+                         _Compare __comp, _IsVector __is_vector, /*is_parallel=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return internal::brick_set_intersection(__first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __result, __comp, __is_vector);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _OutputIterator,
+          class _Compare, class _IsVector>
+pattern_set_intersection(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1,
+                         _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _OutputIterator __result,
+                         _Compare __comp, _IsVector __is_vector, /*is_parallel=*/std::true_type)
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_OutputIterator>::value_type _T;
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator1>::difference_type _DifferenceType;
+    const auto __n1 = __last1 - __first1;
+    const auto __n2 = __last2 - __first2;
+    // intersection is empty
+    if (__n1 == 0 || __n2 == 0)
+        return __result;
+    // testing  whether the sequences are intersected
+    _ForwardIterator1 __left_bound_seq_1 = lower_bound(__first1, __last1, *__first2, __comp);
+    //{1} < {2}: seq 2 is wholly greater than seq 1, so, the intersection is empty
+    if (__left_bound_seq_1 == __last1)
+        return __result;
+    // testing  whether the sequences are intersected
+    _ForwardIterator2 __left_bound_seq_2 = lower_bound(__first2, __last2, *__first1, __comp);
+    //{2} < {1}: seq 1 is wholly greater than seq 2, so, the intersection is empty
+    if (__left_bound_seq_2 == __last2)
+        return __result;
+    const auto __m1 = __last1 - __left_bound_seq_1 + __n2;
+    if (__m1 > __set_algo_cut_off)
+    {
+        //we know proper offset due to [first1; left_bound_seq_1) < [first2; last2)
+        return parallel_set_op(
+            std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __left_bound_seq_1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __result, __comp,
+            [](_DifferenceType __n, _DifferenceType __m) { return std::min(__n, __m); },
+            [__comp](_ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+                     _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _T* __result, _Compare __comp) {
+                return std::set_intersection(__first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __result, __comp);
+            },
+            __is_vector);
+    }
+    const auto __m2 = __last2 - __left_bound_seq_2 + __n1;
+    if (__m2 > __set_algo_cut_off)
+    {
+        //we know proper offset due to [first2; left_bound_seq_2) < [first1; last1)
+        __result = parallel_set_op(
+            std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __last1, __left_bound_seq_2, __last2, __result, __comp,
+            [](_DifferenceType __n, _DifferenceType __m) { return std::min(__n, __m); },
+            [__comp](_ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+                     _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _T* __result, _Compare __comp) {
+                return std::set_intersection(__first2, __last2, __first1, __last1, __result, __comp);
+            },
+            __is_vector);
+        return __result;
+    }
+    // [left_bound_seq_1; last1) and [left_bound_seq_2; last2) - use serial algorithm
+    return std::set_intersection(__left_bound_seq_1, __last1, __left_bound_seq_2, __last2, __result, __comp);
+// set_difference
+template <class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _OutputIterator, class _Compare>
+brick_set_difference(_ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+                     _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _OutputIterator __result, _Compare __comp,
+                     /*__is_vector=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return std::set_difference(__first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __result, __comp);
+template <class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _OutputIterator, class _Compare>
+brick_set_difference(_ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+                     _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _OutputIterator __result, _Compare __comp,
+                     /*__is_vector=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    __PSTL_PRAGMA_MESSAGE("Vectorized algorithm unimplemented, redirected to serial");
+    return std::set_difference(__first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __result, __comp);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _OutputIterator,
+          class _Compare, class _IsVector>
+pattern_set_difference(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1,
+                       _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _OutputIterator __result, _Compare __comp,
+                       _IsVector __is_vector, /*is_parallel=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return internal::brick_set_difference(__first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __result, __comp, __is_vector);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _OutputIterator,
+          class _Compare, class _IsVector>
+pattern_set_difference(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1,
+                       _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _OutputIterator __result, _Compare __comp,
+                       _IsVector __is_vector, /*is_parallel=*/std::true_type)
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_OutputIterator>::value_type _T;
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator1>::difference_type _DifferenceType;
+    const auto __n1 = __last1 - __first1;
+    const auto __n2 = __last2 - __first2;
+    // {} \ {2}: the difference is empty
+    if (__n1 == 0)
+        return __result;
+    // {1} \ {}: parallel copying just first sequence
+    if (__n2 == 0)
+        return pattern_walk2_brick(
+            std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __last1, __result,
+            [__is_vector](_ForwardIterator1 __begin, _ForwardIterator1 __end, _OutputIterator __res) {
+                return brick_copy(__begin, __end, __res, __is_vector);
+            },
+            std::true_type());
+    // testing  whether the sequences are intersected
+    _ForwardIterator1 __left_bound_seq_1 = lower_bound(__first1, __last1, *__first2, __comp);
+    //{1} < {2}: seq 2 is wholly greater than seq 1, so, parallel copying just first sequence
+    if (__left_bound_seq_1 == __last1)
+        return pattern_walk2_brick(
+            std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __last1, __result,
+            [__is_vector](_ForwardIterator1 __begin, _ForwardIterator1 __end, _OutputIterator __res) {
+                return brick_copy(__begin, __end, __res, __is_vector);
+            },
+            std::true_type());
+    // testing  whether the sequences are intersected
+    _ForwardIterator2 __left_bound_seq_2 = lower_bound(__first2, __last2, *__first1, __comp);
+    //{2} < {1}: seq 1 is wholly greater than seq 2, so, parallel copying just first sequence
+    if (__left_bound_seq_2 == __last2)
+        return pattern_walk2_brick(
+            std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __last1, __result,
+            [__is_vector](_ForwardIterator1 __begin, _ForwardIterator1 __end, _OutputIterator __res) {
+                return brick_copy(__begin, __end, __res, __is_vector);
+            },
+            std::true_type());
+    if (__n1 + __n2 > __set_algo_cut_off)
+        return parallel_set_op(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __result,
+                               __comp, [](_DifferenceType __n, _DifferenceType __m) { return __n; },
+                               [__comp](_ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1,
+                                        _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _T* __result,
+                                        _Compare __comp) {
+                                   return std::set_difference(__first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __result, __comp);
+                               },
+                               __is_vector);
+    // use serial algorithm
+    return std::set_difference(__first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __result, __comp);
+// set_symmetric_difference
+template <class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _OutputIterator, class _Compare>
+brick_set_symmetric_difference(_ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+                               _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _OutputIterator __result, _Compare __comp,
+                               /*__is_vector=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return std::set_symmetric_difference(__first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __result, __comp);
+template <class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _OutputIterator, class _Compare>
+brick_set_symmetric_difference(_ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+                               _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _OutputIterator __result, _Compare __comp,
+                               /*__is_vector=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    __PSTL_PRAGMA_MESSAGE("Vectorized algorithm unimplemented, redirected to serial");
+    return std::set_symmetric_difference(__first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __result, __comp);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _OutputIterator,
+          class _Compare, class _IsVector>
+pattern_set_symmetric_difference(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1,
+                                 _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _OutputIterator __result,
+                                 _Compare __comp, _IsVector __is_vector, /*is_parallel=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return internal::brick_set_symmetric_difference(__first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __result, __comp,
+                                                    __is_vector);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _OutputIterator,
+          class _Compare, class _IsVector>
+pattern_set_symmetric_difference(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1,
+                                 _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _OutputIterator __result,
+                                 _Compare __comp, _IsVector __is_vector, /*is_parallel=*/std::true_type)
+    const auto __n1 = __last1 - __first1;
+    const auto __n2 = __last2 - __first2;
+    // use serial algorithm
+    if (__n1 + __n2 <= __set_algo_cut_off)
+        return std::set_symmetric_difference(__first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __result, __comp);
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_OutputIterator>::value_type _T;
+    return parallel_set_union_op(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __result, __comp,
+        [__comp](_ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+                 _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _T* __result, _Compare __comp) {
+            return std::set_symmetric_difference(__first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __result, __comp);
+        },
+        __is_vector);
+// is_heap_until
+template <class _RandomAccessIterator, class _Compare>
+brick_is_heap_until(_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp,
+                    /* __is_vector = */ std::false_type) noexcept
+    return std::is_heap_until(__first, __last, __comp);
+template <class _RandomAccessIterator, class _Compare>
+brick_is_heap_until(_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp,
+                    /* __is_vector = */ std::true_type) noexcept
+    if (__last - __first < 2)
+        return __last;
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_RandomAccessIterator>::difference_type _SizeType;
+    return unseq_backend::simd_first(
+        __first, _SizeType(0), __last - __first,
+        [&__comp](_RandomAccessIterator __it, _SizeType __i) { return __comp(__it[(__i - 1) / 2], __it[__i]); });
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator, class _Compare, class _IsVector>
+pattern_is_heap_until(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp,
+                      _IsVector __is_vector, /* is_parallel = */ std::false_type) noexcept
+    return internal::brick_is_heap_until(__first, __last, __comp, __is_vector);
+template <class _RandomAccessIterator, class _DifferenceType, class _Compare>
+is_heap_until_local(_RandomAccessIterator __first, _DifferenceType __begin, _DifferenceType __end, _Compare __comp,
+                    /* __is_vector = */ std::false_type) noexcept
+    _DifferenceType __i = __begin;
+    for (; __i < __end; ++__i)
+    {
+        if (__comp(__first[(__i - 1) / 2], __first[__i]))
+        {
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    return __first + __i;
+template <class _RandomAccessIterator, class _DifferenceType, class _Compare>
+is_heap_until_local(_RandomAccessIterator __first, _DifferenceType __begin, _DifferenceType __end, _Compare __comp,
+                    /* __is_vector = */ std::true_type) noexcept
+    return unseq_backend::simd_first(
+        __first, __begin, __end,
+        [&__comp](_RandomAccessIterator __it, _DifferenceType __i) { return __comp(__it[(__i - 1) / 2], __it[__i]); });
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator, class _Compare, class _IsVector>
+pattern_is_heap_until(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last,
+                      _Compare __comp, _IsVector __is_vector, /* is_parallel = */ std::true_type) noexcept
+    if (__last - __first < 2)
+        return __last;
+    return internal::except_handler([&]() {
+        return internal::parallel_find(
+            std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last,
+            [__first, __last, __comp, __is_vector](_RandomAccessIterator __i, _RandomAccessIterator __j) {
+                return internal::is_heap_until_local(__first, __i - __first, __j - __first, __comp, __is_vector);
+            },
+            std::less<typename std::iterator_traits<_RandomAccessIterator>::difference_type>(), /*is_first=*/true);
+    });
+// min_element
+template <typename _ForwardIterator, typename _Compare>
+brick_min_element(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Compare __comp,
+                  /* __is_vector = */ std::false_type) noexcept
+    return std::min_element(__first, __last, __comp);
+template <typename _ForwardIterator, typename _Compare>
+brick_min_element(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Compare __comp,
+                  /* __is_vector = */ std::true_type) noexcept
+    return unseq_backend::simd_min_element(__first, __last - __first, __comp);
+    return std::min_element(__first, __last, __comp);
+template <typename _ExecutionPolicy, typename _ForwardIterator, typename _Compare, typename _IsVector>
+pattern_min_element(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Compare __comp,
+                    _IsVector __is_vector, /* is_parallel = */ std::false_type) noexcept
+    return internal::brick_min_element(__first, __last, __comp, __is_vector);
+template <typename _ExecutionPolicy, typename _RandomAccessIterator, typename _Compare, typename _IsVector>
+pattern_min_element(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last,
+                    _Compare __comp, _IsVector __is_vector, /* is_parallel = */ std::true_type)
+    if (__first == __last)
+        return __last;
+    return internal::except_handler([&]() {
+        return par_backend::parallel_reduce(
+            std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first + 1, __last, __first,
+            [=](_RandomAccessIterator __begin, _RandomAccessIterator __end,
+                _RandomAccessIterator __init) -> _RandomAccessIterator {
+                const _RandomAccessIterator subresult = brick_min_element(__begin, __end, __comp, __is_vector);
+                return internal::cmp_iterators_by_values(__init, subresult, __comp);
+            },
+            [=](_RandomAccessIterator __it1, _RandomAccessIterator __it2) -> _RandomAccessIterator {
+                return internal::cmp_iterators_by_values(__it1, __it2, __comp);
+            });
+    });
+// minmax_element
+template <typename _ForwardIterator, typename _Compare>
+std::pair<_ForwardIterator, _ForwardIterator>
+brick_minmax_element(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Compare __comp,
+                     /* __is_vector = */ std::false_type) noexcept
+    return std::minmax_element(__first, __last, __comp);
+template <typename _ForwardIterator, typename _Compare>
+std::pair<_ForwardIterator, _ForwardIterator>
+brick_minmax_element(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Compare __comp,
+                     /* __is_vector = */ std::true_type) noexcept
+    return unseq_backend::simd_minmax_element(__first, __last - __first, __comp);
+    return std::minmax_element(__first, __last, __comp);
+template <typename _ExecutionPolicy, typename _ForwardIterator, typename _Compare, typename _IsVector>
+std::pair<_ForwardIterator, _ForwardIterator>
+pattern_minmax_element(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Compare __comp,
+                       _IsVector __is_vector, /* is_parallel = */ std::false_type) noexcept
+    return internal::brick_minmax_element(__first, __last, __comp, __is_vector);
+template <typename _ExecutionPolicy, typename _ForwardIterator, typename _Compare, typename _IsVector>
+std::pair<_ForwardIterator, _ForwardIterator>
+pattern_minmax_element(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Compare __comp,
+                       _IsVector __is_vector, /* is_parallel = */ std::true_type)
+    if (__first == __last)
+        return std::make_pair(__first, __first);
+    return internal::except_handler([&]() {
+        typedef std::pair<_ForwardIterator, _ForwardIterator> _Result;
+        return par_backend::parallel_reduce(
+            std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first + 1, __last, std::make_pair(__first, __first),
+            [=](_ForwardIterator __begin, _ForwardIterator __end, _Result __init) -> _Result {
+                const _Result __subresult = brick_minmax_element(__begin, __end, __comp, __is_vector);
+                return std::make_pair(internal::cmp_iterators_by_values(__subresult.first, __init.first, __comp),
+                                      internal::cmp_iterators_by_values(__init.second, __subresult.second,
+                                                                        internal::not_pred<_Compare>(__comp)));
+            },
+            [=](_Result __p1, _Result __p2) -> _Result {
+                return std::make_pair(
+                    internal::cmp_iterators_by_values(__p1.first, __p2.first, __comp),
+                    internal::cmp_iterators_by_values(__p2.second, __p1.second, internal::not_pred<_Compare>(__comp)));
+            });
+    });
+// mismatch
+template <class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _BinaryPredicate>
+std::pair<_ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>
+mismatch_serial(_ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+                _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _BinaryPredicate __pred)
+    return std::mismatch(__first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __pred);
+    for (; __first1 != __last1 && __first2 != __last2 && __pred(*__first1, *__first2); ++__first1, ++__first2)
+    {
+    }
+    return std::make_pair(__first1, __first2);
+template <class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Predicate>
+std::pair<_ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>
+brick_mismatch(_ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+               _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _Predicate __pred, /* __is_vector = */ std::false_type) noexcept
+    return internal::mismatch_serial(__first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __pred);
+template <class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Predicate>
+std::pair<_ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>
+brick_mismatch(_ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+               _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _Predicate __pred, /* __is_vector = */ std::true_type) noexcept
+    auto __n = std::min(__last1 - __first1, __last2 - __first2);
+    return unseq_backend::simd_first(__first1, __n, __first2, not_pred<_Predicate>(__pred));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Predicate, class _IsVector>
+std::pair<_ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>
+pattern_mismatch(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+                 _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _Predicate __pred, _IsVector __is_vector,
+                 /* is_parallel = */ std::false_type) noexcept
+    return internal::brick_mismatch(__first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __pred, __is_vector);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator1, class _RandomAccessIterator2, class _Predicate,
+          class _IsVector>
+std::pair<_RandomAccessIterator1, _RandomAccessIterator2>
+pattern_mismatch(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator1 __first1, _RandomAccessIterator1 __last1,
+                 _RandomAccessIterator2 __first2, _RandomAccessIterator2 __last2, _Predicate __pred,
+                 _IsVector __is_vector, /* is_parallel = */ std::true_type) noexcept
+    return internal::except_handler([&]() {
+        auto __n = std::min(__last1 - __first1, __last2 - __first2);
+        auto __result = internal::parallel_find(
+            std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __first1 + __n,
+            [__first1, __first2, __pred, __is_vector](_RandomAccessIterator1 __i, _RandomAccessIterator1 __j) {
+                return internal::brick_mismatch(__i, __j, __first2 + (__i - __first1), __first2 + (__j - __first1),
+                                                __pred, __is_vector)
+                    .first;
+            },
+            std::less<typename std::iterator_traits<_RandomAccessIterator1>::difference_type>(), /*is_first=*/true);
+        return std::make_pair(__result, __first2 + (__result - __first1));
+    });
+// lexicographical_compare
+template <class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Compare>
+brick_lexicographical_compare(_ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+                              _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _Compare __comp, /* __is_vector = */ std::false_type) noexcept
+    return std::lexicographical_compare(__first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __comp);
+template <class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Compare>
+brick_lexicographical_compare(_ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+                              _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _Compare __comp, /* __is_vector = */ std::true_type) noexcept
+    if (__first2 == __last2)
+    { // if second sequence is empty
+        return false;
+    }
+    else if (__first1 == __last1)
+    { // if first sequence is empty
+        return true;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator1>::reference ref_type1;
+        typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator2>::reference ref_type2;
+        --__last1;
+        --__last2;
+        auto __n = std::min(__last1 - __first1, __last2 - __first2);
+        std::pair<_ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2> __result = unseq_backend::simd_first(
+            __first1, __n, __first2, [__comp](const ref_type1 __x, const ref_type2 __y) mutable {
+                return __comp(__x, __y) || __comp(__y, __x);
+            });
+        if (__result.first == __last1 && __result.second != __last2)
+        { // if first sequence shorter than second
+            return !__comp(*__result.second, *__result.first);
+        }
+        else
+        { // if second sequence shorter than first or both have the same number of elements
+            return __comp(*__result.first, *__result.second);
+        }
+    }
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Compare, class _IsVector>
+pattern_lexicographical_compare(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1,
+                                _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _Compare __comp,
+                                _IsVector __is_vector, /* is_parallel = */ std::false_type) noexcept
+    return internal::brick_lexicographical_compare(__first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __comp, __is_vector);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Compare, class _IsVector>
+pattern_lexicographical_compare(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1,
+                                _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _Compare __comp,
+                                _IsVector __is_vector, /* is_parallel = */ std::true_type) noexcept
+    if (__first2 == __last2)
+    { // if second sequence is empty
+        return false;
+    }
+    else if (__first1 == __last1)
+    { // if first sequence is empty
+        return true;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator1>::reference _RefType1;
+        typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator2>::reference _RefType2;
+        --__last1;
+        --__last2;
+        auto __n = std::min(__last1 - __first1, __last2 - __first2);
+        auto __result = internal::parallel_find(
+            std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __first1 + __n,
+            [__first1, __first2, &__comp, __is_vector](_ForwardIterator1 __i, _ForwardIterator1 __j) {
+                return brick_mismatch(__i, __j, __first2 + (__i - __first1), __first2 + (__j - __first1),
+                                      [&__comp](const _RefType1 __x, const _RefType2 __y) {
+                                          return !__comp(__x, __y) && !__comp(__y, __x);
+                                      },
+                                      __is_vector)
+                    .first;
+            },
+            std::less<typename std::iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator1>::difference_type>(), /*is_first=*/true);
+        if (__result == __last1 && __first2 + (__result - __first1) != __last2)
+        { // if first sequence shorter than second
+            return !__comp(*(__first2 + (__result - __first1)), *__result);
+        }
+        else
+        { // if second sequence shorter than first or both have the same number of elements
+            return __comp(*__result, *(__first2 + (__result - __first1)));
+        }
+    }
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace __pstl
+#endif /* __PSTL_algorithm_impl_H */

Added: pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/execution_defs.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/execution_defs.h?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/execution_defs.h (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/execution_defs.h Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- execution_defs.h --------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#ifndef __PSTL_execution_policy_defs_H
+#define __PSTL_execution_policy_defs_H
+#include <type_traits>
+namespace __pstl
+namespace execution
+inline namespace v1
+// 2.4, Sequential execution policy
+class sequenced_policy
+  public:
+    // For internal use only
+    static constexpr std::false_type
+    __allow_unsequenced()
+    {
+        return std::false_type{};
+    }
+    static constexpr std::false_type
+    __allow_vector()
+    {
+        return std::false_type{};
+    }
+    static constexpr std::false_type
+    __allow_parallel()
+    {
+        return std::false_type{};
+    }
+// 2.5, Parallel execution policy
+class parallel_policy
+  public:
+    // For internal use only
+    static constexpr std::false_type
+    __allow_unsequenced()
+    {
+        return std::false_type{};
+    }
+    static constexpr std::false_type
+    __allow_vector()
+    {
+        return std::false_type{};
+    }
+    static constexpr std::true_type
+    __allow_parallel()
+    {
+        return std::true_type{};
+    }
+// 2.6, Parallel+Vector execution policy
+class parallel_unsequenced_policy
+  public:
+    // For internal use only
+    static constexpr std::true_type
+    __allow_unsequenced()
+    {
+        return std::true_type{};
+    }
+    static constexpr std::true_type
+    __allow_vector()
+    {
+        return std::true_type{};
+    }
+    static constexpr std::true_type
+    __allow_parallel()
+    {
+        return std::true_type{};
+    }
+class unsequenced_policy
+  public:
+    // For internal use only
+    static constexpr std::true_type
+    __allow_unsequenced()
+    {
+        return std::true_type{};
+    }
+    static constexpr std::true_type
+    __allow_vector()
+    {
+        return std::true_type{};
+    }
+    static constexpr std::false_type
+    __allow_parallel()
+    {
+        return std::false_type{};
+    }
+// 2.8, Execution policy objects
+constexpr sequenced_policy seq{};
+constexpr parallel_policy par{};
+constexpr parallel_unsequenced_policy par_unseq{};
+constexpr unsequenced_policy unseq{};
+// 2.3, Execution policy type trait
+template <class T>
+struct is_execution_policy : std::false_type
+template <>
+struct is_execution_policy<sequenced_policy> : std::true_type
+template <>
+struct is_execution_policy<parallel_policy> : std::true_type
+template <>
+struct is_execution_policy<parallel_unsequenced_policy> : std::true_type
+template <>
+struct is_execution_policy<unsequenced_policy> : std::true_type
+template <class T>
+constexpr bool is_execution_policy_v = is_execution_policy<T>::value;
+} // namespace v1
+} // namespace execution
+namespace internal
+template <class ExecPolicy, class T>
+using enable_if_execution_policy =
+    typename std::enable_if<__pstl::execution::is_execution_policy<typename std::decay<ExecPolicy>::type>::value,
+                            T>::type;
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace __pstl
+#endif /* __PSTL_execution_policy_defs_H */

Added: pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/execution_impl.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/execution_impl.h?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/execution_impl.h (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/execution_impl.h Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- execution_impl.h --------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#ifndef __PSTL_execution_impl_H
+#define __PSTL_execution_impl_H
+#include <iterator>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include "execution_defs.h"
+namespace __pstl
+namespace internal
+using namespace __pstl::execution;
+/* predicate */
+template <typename _Tp>
+std::false_type lazy_and(_Tp, std::false_type)
+    return std::false_type{};
+template <typename _Tp>
+inline _Tp
+lazy_and(_Tp __a, std::true_type)
+    return __a;
+template <typename _Tp>
+std::true_type lazy_or(_Tp, std::true_type)
+    return std::true_type{};
+template <typename _Tp>
+inline _Tp
+lazy_or(_Tp __a, std::false_type)
+    return __a;
+/* iterator */
+template <typename _IteratorType, typename... _OtherIteratorTypes>
+struct is_random_access_iterator
+    static constexpr bool value =
+        is_random_access_iterator<_IteratorType>::value && is_random_access_iterator<_OtherIteratorTypes...>::value;
+    typedef std::integral_constant<bool, value> type;
+template <typename _IteratorType>
+struct is_random_access_iterator<_IteratorType>
+    : std::is_same<typename std::iterator_traits<_IteratorType>::iterator_category, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
+/* policy */
+template <typename Policy>
+struct policy_traits
+template <>
+struct policy_traits<sequenced_policy>
+    typedef std::false_type allow_parallel;
+    typedef std::false_type allow_unsequenced;
+    typedef std::false_type allow_vector;
+template <>
+struct policy_traits<unsequenced_policy>
+    typedef std::false_type allow_parallel;
+    typedef std::true_type allow_unsequenced;
+    typedef std::true_type allow_vector;
+template <>
+struct policy_traits<parallel_policy>
+    typedef std::true_type allow_parallel;
+    typedef std::false_type allow_unsequenced;
+    typedef std::false_type allow_vector;
+template <>
+struct policy_traits<parallel_unsequenced_policy>
+    typedef std::true_type allow_parallel;
+    typedef std::true_type allow_unsequenced;
+    typedef std::true_type allow_vector;
+template <typename _ExecutionPolicy>
+using collector_t = typename policy_traits<typename std::decay<_ExecutionPolicy>::type>::collector_type;
+template <typename _ExecutionPolicy>
+using allow_vector = typename internal::policy_traits<typename std::decay<_ExecutionPolicy>::type>::allow_vector;
+template <typename _ExecutionPolicy>
+using allow_unsequenced =
+    typename internal::policy_traits<typename std::decay<_ExecutionPolicy>::type>::allow_unsequenced;
+template <typename _ExecutionPolicy>
+using allow_parallel = typename internal::policy_traits<typename std::decay<_ExecutionPolicy>::type>::allow_parallel;
+template <typename _ExecutionPolicy, typename... _IteratorTypes>
+is_vectorization_preferred(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec)
+    -> decltype(lazy_and(__exec.__allow_vector(), typename is_random_access_iterator<_IteratorTypes...>::type()))
+    return internal::lazy_and(__exec.__allow_vector(), typename is_random_access_iterator<_IteratorTypes...>::type());
+template <typename _ExecutionPolicy, typename... _IteratorTypes>
+is_parallelization_preferred(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec)
+    -> decltype(lazy_and(__exec.__allow_parallel(), typename is_random_access_iterator<_IteratorTypes...>::type()))
+    return internal::lazy_and(__exec.__allow_parallel(), typename is_random_access_iterator<_IteratorTypes...>::type());
+template <typename policy, typename... _IteratorTypes>
+struct prefer_unsequenced_tag
+    static constexpr bool value =
+        allow_unsequenced<policy>::value && is_random_access_iterator<_IteratorTypes...>::value;
+    typedef std::integral_constant<bool, value> type;
+template <typename policy, typename... _IteratorTypes>
+struct prefer_parallel_tag
+    static constexpr bool value = allow_parallel<policy>::value && is_random_access_iterator<_IteratorTypes...>::value;
+    typedef std::integral_constant<bool, value> type;
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace __pstl
+#endif /* __PSTL_execution_impl_H */

Added: pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/glue_algorithm_defs.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/glue_algorithm_defs.h?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/glue_algorithm_defs.h (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/glue_algorithm_defs.h Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,552 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- glue_algorithm_defs.h ---------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#ifndef __PSTL_glue_algorithm_defs_H
+#define __PSTL_glue_algorithm_defs_H
+#include <functional>
+#include "execution_defs.h"
+namespace std
+// [alg.any_of]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Predicate>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, bool>
+any_of(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Predicate __pred);
+// [alg.all_of]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Predicate>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, bool>
+all_of(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Predicate __pred);
+// [alg.none_of]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Predicate>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, bool>
+none_of(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Predicate __pred);
+// [alg.foreach]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Function>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, void>
+for_each(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Function __f);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Size, class _Function>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+for_each_n(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _Size __n, _Function __f);
+// [alg.find]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Predicate>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+find_if(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Predicate __pred);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Predicate>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+find_if_not(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Predicate __pred);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Tp>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+find(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, const _Tp& __value);
+// [alg.find.end]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _BinaryPredicate>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1>
+find_end(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last, _ForwardIterator2 __s_first,
+         _ForwardIterator2 __s_last, _BinaryPredicate __pred);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1>
+find_end(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last, _ForwardIterator2 __s_first,
+         _ForwardIterator2 __s_last);
+// [alg.find_first_of]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _BinaryPredicate>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1>
+find_first_of(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last,
+              _ForwardIterator2 __s_first, _ForwardIterator2 __s_last, _BinaryPredicate __pred);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1>
+find_first_of(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last,
+              _ForwardIterator2 __s_first, _ForwardIterator2 __s_last);
+// [alg.adjacent_find]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+adjacent_find(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _BinaryPredicate>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+adjacent_find(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _BinaryPredicate __pred);
+// [alg.count]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Tp>
+                                           typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::difference_type>
+count(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, const _Tp& __value);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Predicate>
+                                           typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::difference_type>
+count_if(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Predicate __pred);
+// [alg.search]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _BinaryPredicate>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1>
+search(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last, _ForwardIterator2 __s_first,
+       _ForwardIterator2 __s_last, _BinaryPredicate __pred);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1>
+search(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last, _ForwardIterator2 __s_first,
+       _ForwardIterator2 __s_last);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Size, class _Tp, class _BinaryPredicate>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+search_n(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Size __count,
+         const _Tp& __value, _BinaryPredicate __pred);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Size, class _Tp>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+search_n(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Size __count,
+         const _Tp& __value);
+// [alg.copy]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+copy(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last, _ForwardIterator2 __result);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _Size, class _ForwardIterator2>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+copy_n(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _Size __n, _ForwardIterator2 __result);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Predicate>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+copy_if(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last, _ForwardIterator2 result,
+        _Predicate __pred);
+// [alg.swap]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+swap_ranges(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1,
+            _ForwardIterator2 __first2);
+// [alg.transform]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _UnaryOperation>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+transform(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last, _ForwardIterator2 __result,
+          _UnaryOperation __op);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _ForwardIterator,
+          class _BinaryOperation>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+transform(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+          _ForwardIterator __result, _BinaryOperation __op);
+// [alg.replace]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _UnaryPredicate, class _Tp>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, void>
+replace_if(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _UnaryPredicate __pred,
+           const _Tp& __new_value);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Tp>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, void>
+replace(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, const _Tp& __old_value,
+        const _Tp& __new_value);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _UnaryPredicate, class _Tp>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+replace_copy_if(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last,
+                _ForwardIterator2 __result, _UnaryPredicate __pred, const _Tp& __new_value);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Tp>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+replace_copy(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last, _ForwardIterator2 __result,
+             const _Tp& __old_value, const _Tp& __new_value);
+// [alg.fill]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Tp>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, void>
+fill(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, const _Tp& __value);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Size, class _Tp>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+fill_n(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _Size __count, const _Tp& __value);
+// [alg.generate]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Generator>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, void>
+generate(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Generator __g);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Size, class _Generator>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+generate_n(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _Size count, _Generator __g);
+// [alg.remove]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Predicate>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+remove_copy_if(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last,
+               _ForwardIterator2 __result, _Predicate __pred);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Tp>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+remove_copy(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last, _ForwardIterator2 __result,
+            const _Tp& __value);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _UnaryPredicate>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+remove_if(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _UnaryPredicate __pred);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Tp>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+remove(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, const _Tp& __value);
+// [alg.unique]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _BinaryPredicate>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+unique(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _BinaryPredicate __pred);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+unique(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _BinaryPredicate>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+unique_copy(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last, _ForwardIterator2 __result,
+            _BinaryPredicate __pred);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+unique_copy(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last, _ForwardIterator2 __result);
+// [alg.reverse]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _BidirectionalIterator>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, void>
+reverse(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __last);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _BidirectionalIterator, class _ForwardIterator>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+reverse_copy(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __last,
+             _ForwardIterator __d_first);
+// [alg.rotate]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+rotate(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __middle, _ForwardIterator __last);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+rotate_copy(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __middle, _ForwardIterator1 __last,
+            _ForwardIterator2 __result);
+// [alg.partitions]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _UnaryPredicate>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, bool>
+is_partitioned(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _UnaryPredicate __pred);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _UnaryPredicate>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+partition(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _UnaryPredicate __pred);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _BidirectionalIterator, class _UnaryPredicate>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _BidirectionalIterator>
+stable_partition(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __last,
+                 _UnaryPredicate __pred);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2,
+          class _UnaryPredicate>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, std::pair<_ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>>
+partition_copy(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last,
+               _ForwardIterator1 __out_true, _ForwardIterator2 __out_false, _UnaryPredicate __pred);
+// [alg.sort]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator, class _Compare>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, void>
+sort(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, void>
+sort(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last);
+// [stable.sort]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator, class _Compare>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, void>
+stable_sort(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, void>
+stable_sort(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last);
+// [mismatch]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _BinaryPredicate>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, std::pair<_ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>>
+mismatch(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+         _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _BinaryPredicate __pred);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _BinaryPredicate>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, std::pair<_ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>>
+mismatch(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+         _BinaryPredicate __pred);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, std::pair<_ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>>
+mismatch(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+         _ForwardIterator2 __last2);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, std::pair<_ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>>
+mismatch(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2);
+// [alg.equal]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _BinaryPredicate>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, bool>
+equal(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+      _BinaryPredicate __p);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, bool>
+equal(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _BinaryPredicate>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, bool>
+equal(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+      _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _BinaryPredicate __p);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, bool>
+equal(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+      _ForwardIterator2 __last2);
+// [alg.move]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+move(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last, _ForwardIterator2 __d_first);
+// [partial.sort]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator, class _Compare>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, void>
+partial_sort(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __middle,
+             _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, void>
+partial_sort(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __middle,
+             _RandomAccessIterator __last);
+// [partial.sort.copy]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _RandomAccessIterator, class _Compare>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _RandomAccessIterator>
+partial_sort_copy(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last,
+                  _RandomAccessIterator __d_first, _RandomAccessIterator __d_last, _Compare __comp);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _RandomAccessIterator>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _RandomAccessIterator>
+partial_sort_copy(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last,
+                  _RandomAccessIterator __d_first, _RandomAccessIterator __d_last);
+// [is.sorted]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Compare>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+is_sorted_until(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Compare __comp);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+is_sorted_until(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Compare>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, bool>
+is_sorted(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Compare __comp);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, bool>
+is_sorted(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last);
+// [alg.nth.element]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator, class _Compare>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, void>
+nth_element(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __nth,
+            _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, void>
+nth_element(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __nth,
+            _RandomAccessIterator __last);
+// [alg.merge]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _ForwardIterator,
+          class _Compare>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+merge(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+      _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _ForwardIterator __d_first, _Compare __comp);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _ForwardIterator>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+merge(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+      _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _ForwardIterator __d_first);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _BidirectionalIterator, class _Compare>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, void>
+inplace_merge(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __middle,
+              _BidirectionalIterator __last, _Compare __comp);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _BidirectionalIterator>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, void>
+inplace_merge(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __middle,
+              _BidirectionalIterator __last);
+// [includes]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Compare>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, bool>
+includes(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+         _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _Compare __comp);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, bool>
+includes(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+         _ForwardIterator2 __last2);
+// [set.union]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _ForwardIterator,
+          class _Compare>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+set_union(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+          _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _ForwardIterator __result, _Compare __comp);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _ForwardIterator>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+set_union(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+          _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _ForwardIterator __result);
+// [set.intersection]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _ForwardIterator,
+          class _Compare>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+set_intersection(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1,
+                 _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _ForwardIterator __result, _Compare __comp);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _ForwardIterator>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+set_intersection(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1,
+                 _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _ForwardIterator __result);
+// [set.difference]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _ForwardIterator,
+          class _Compare>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+set_difference(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1,
+               _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _ForwardIterator __result, _Compare __comp);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _ForwardIterator>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+set_difference(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1,
+               _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _ForwardIterator __result);
+// [set.symmetric.difference]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _ForwardIterator,
+          class _Compare>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+set_symmetric_difference(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1,
+                         _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _ForwardIterator result,
+                         _Compare __comp);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _ForwardIterator>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+set_symmetric_difference(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1,
+                         _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _ForwardIterator __result);
+// [is.heap]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator, class _Compare>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _RandomAccessIterator>
+is_heap_until(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _RandomAccessIterator>
+is_heap_until(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator, class _Compare>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, bool>
+is_heap(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, bool>
+is_heap(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last);
+// [alg.min.max]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Compare>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+min_element(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Compare __comp);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+min_element(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Compare>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+max_element(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Compare __comp);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+max_element(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Compare>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, std::pair<_ForwardIterator, _ForwardIterator>>
+minmax_element(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Compare __comp);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, std::pair<_ForwardIterator, _ForwardIterator>>
+minmax_element(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last);
+// [alg.lex.comparison]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Compare>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, bool>
+lexicographical_compare(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1,
+                        _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _Compare __comp);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2>
+pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, bool>
+lexicographical_compare(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1,
+                        _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _ForwardIterator2 __last2);
+} // namespace std
+#endif /* __PSTL_glue_algorithm_defs_H */

Added: pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/glue_algorithm_impl.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/glue_algorithm_impl.h?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/glue_algorithm_impl.h (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/glue_algorithm_impl.h Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,1173 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- glue_algorithm_impl.h ---------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#ifndef __PSTL_glue_algorithm_impl_H
+#define __PSTL_glue_algorithm_impl_H
+#include <functional>
+#include "execution_defs.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+#include "algorithm_impl.h"
+#include "numeric_impl.h" /* count and count_if use pattern_transform_reduce */
+namespace std
+// [alg.any_of]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Predicate>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, bool>
+any_of(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Predicate __pred)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_any_of(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __pred,
+                                    internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec),
+                                    internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec));
+// [alg.all_of]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Pred>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, bool>
+all_of(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Pred __pred)
+    return !std::any_of(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last,
+                        __pstl::internal::not_pred<_Pred>(__pred));
+// [alg.none_of]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Predicate>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, bool>
+none_of(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Predicate __pred)
+    return !std::any_of(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __pred);
+// [alg.foreach]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Function>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, void>
+for_each(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Function __f)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    internal::pattern_walk1(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __f,
+                            internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec),
+                            internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Size, class _Function>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+for_each_n(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _Size __n, _Function __f)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_walk1_n(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __n, __f,
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec));
+// [alg.find]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Predicate>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+find_if(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Predicate __pred)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_find_if(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __pred,
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Predicate>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+find_if_not(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Predicate __pred)
+    return std::find_if(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last,
+                        __pstl::internal::not_pred<_Predicate>(__pred));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Tp>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+find(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, const _Tp& __value)
+    return std::find_if(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last,
+                        __pstl::internal::equal_value<_Tp>(__value));
+// [alg.find.end]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _BinaryPredicate>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1>
+find_end(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last, _ForwardIterator2 __s_first,
+         _ForwardIterator2 __s_last, _BinaryPredicate __pred)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_find_end(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __s_first, __s_last, __pred,
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>(__exec),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>(__exec));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1>
+find_end(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last, _ForwardIterator2 __s_first,
+         _ForwardIterator2 __s_last)
+    return std::find_end(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __s_first, __s_last,
+                         __pstl::internal::pstl_equal());
+// [alg.find_first_of]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _BinaryPredicate>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1>
+find_first_of(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last,
+              _ForwardIterator2 __s_first, _ForwardIterator2 __s_last, _BinaryPredicate __pred)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_find_first_of(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __s_first, __s_last, __pred,
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>(__exec),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>(__exec));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1>
+find_first_of(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last,
+              _ForwardIterator2 __s_first, _ForwardIterator2 __s_last)
+    return std::find_first_of(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __s_first, __s_last,
+                              __pstl::internal::pstl_equal());
+// [alg.adjacent_find]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+adjacent_find(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last)
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::value_type _ValueType;
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_adjacent_find(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, std::equal_to<_ValueType>(),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec),
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec), /*first_semantic*/ false);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _BinaryPredicate>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+adjacent_find(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _BinaryPredicate __pred)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_adjacent_find(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __pred,
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec),
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec), /*first_semantic*/ false);
+// [alg.count]
+// Implementation note: count and count_if call the pattern directly instead of calling std::transform_reduce
+// so that we do not have to include <numeric>.
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Tp>
+                                           typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::difference_type>
+count(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, const _Tp& __value)
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::value_type _ValueType;
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_count(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last,
+                                   [&__value](const _ValueType& __x) { return __value == __x; },
+                                   internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec),
+                                   internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Predicate>
+                                           typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::difference_type>
+count_if(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Predicate __pred)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_count(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __pred,
+                                   internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec),
+                                   internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec));
+// [alg.search]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _BinaryPredicate>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1>
+search(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last, _ForwardIterator2 __s_first,
+       _ForwardIterator2 __s_last, _BinaryPredicate __pred)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_search(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __s_first, __s_last, __pred,
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>(__exec),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>(__exec));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1>
+search(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last, _ForwardIterator2 __s_first,
+       _ForwardIterator2 __s_last)
+    return std::search(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __s_first, __s_last,
+                       __pstl::internal::pstl_equal());
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Size, class _Tp, class _BinaryPredicate>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+search_n(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Size __count,
+         const _Tp& __value, _BinaryPredicate __pred)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_search_n(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __count, __value, __pred,
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Size, class _Tp>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+search_n(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Size __count,
+         const _Tp& __value)
+    return std::search_n(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __count, __value,
+                         std::equal_to<typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::value_type>());
+// [alg.copy]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+copy(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last, _ForwardIterator2 __result)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    const auto __is_vector =
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>(__exec);
+    return internal::pattern_walk2_brick(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __result,
+        [__is_vector](_ForwardIterator1 __begin, _ForwardIterator1 __end, _ForwardIterator2 __res) {
+            return internal::brick_copy(__begin, __end, __res, __is_vector);
+        },
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>(__exec));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _Size, class _ForwardIterator2>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+copy_n(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _Size __n, _ForwardIterator2 __result)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    const auto __is_vector =
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>(__exec);
+    return internal::pattern_walk2_brick_n(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __n, __result,
+        [__is_vector](_ForwardIterator1 __begin, _Size __sz, _ForwardIterator2 __res) {
+            return internal::brick_copy_n(__begin, __sz, __res, __is_vector);
+        },
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>(__exec));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Predicate>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+copy_if(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last, _ForwardIterator2 __result,
+        _Predicate __pred)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_copy_if(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __result, __pred,
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>(__exec),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>(__exec));
+// [alg.swap]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+swap_ranges(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1,
+            _ForwardIterator2 __first2)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator1>::reference _ReferenceType1;
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator2>::reference _ReferenceType2;
+    return internal::pattern_walk2(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __last1, __first2,
+        [](_ReferenceType1 __x, _ReferenceType2 __y) {
+            using std::swap;
+            swap(__x, __y);
+        },
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>(__exec),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>(__exec));
+// [alg.transform]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _UnaryOperation>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+transform(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last, _ForwardIterator2 __result,
+          _UnaryOperation __op)
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator1>::reference _InputType;
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator2>::reference _OutputType;
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_walk2(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __result,
+        [__op](_InputType __x, _OutputType __y) mutable { __y = __op(__x); },
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>(__exec),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>(__exec));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _ForwardIterator,
+          class _BinaryOperation>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+transform(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+          _ForwardIterator __result, _BinaryOperation __op)
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator1>::reference _Input1Type;
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator2>::reference _Input2Type;
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::reference _OutputType;
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_walk3(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __last1, __first2, __result,
+        [__op](_Input1Type x, _Input2Type y, _OutputType z) mutable { z = __op(x, y); },
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2, _ForwardIterator>(
+            __exec),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2,
+                                               _ForwardIterator>(__exec));
+// [alg.replace]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _UnaryPredicate, class _Tp>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, void>
+replace_if(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _UnaryPredicate __pred,
+           const _Tp& __new_value)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::reference _ElementType;
+    internal::pattern_walk1(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last,
+                            [&__pred, &__new_value](_ElementType __elem) {
+                                if (__pred(__elem))
+                                {
+                                    __elem = __new_value;
+                                }
+                            },
+                            internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec),
+                            internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Tp>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, void>
+replace(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, const _Tp& __old_value,
+        const _Tp& __new_value)
+    std::replace_if(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last,
+                    __pstl::internal::equal_value<_Tp>(__old_value), __new_value);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _UnaryPredicate, class _Tp>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+replace_copy_if(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last,
+                _ForwardIterator2 __result, _UnaryPredicate __pred, const _Tp& __new_value)
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator1>::reference _InputType;
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator2>::reference _OutputType;
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_walk2(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __result,
+        [__pred, &__new_value](_InputType __x, _OutputType __y) mutable { __y = __pred(__x) ? __new_value : __x; },
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>(__exec),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>(__exec));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Tp>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+replace_copy(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last, _ForwardIterator2 __result,
+             const _Tp& __old_value, const _Tp& __new_value)
+    return std::replace_copy_if(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __result,
+                                __pstl::internal::equal_value<_Tp>(__old_value), __new_value);
+// [alg.fill]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Tp>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, void>
+fill(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, const _Tp& __value)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    internal::pattern_fill(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __value,
+                           internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec),
+                           internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Size, class _Tp>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+fill_n(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _Size __count, const _Tp& __value)
+    if (__count <= 0)
+        return __first;
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_fill_n(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __count, __value,
+                                    internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec),
+                                    internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec));
+// [alg.generate]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Generator>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, void>
+generate(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Generator __g)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    internal::pattern_generate(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __g,
+                               internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec),
+                               internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Size, class _Generator>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+generate_n(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _Size __count, _Generator __g)
+    if (__count <= 0)
+        return __first;
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_generate_n(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __count, __g,
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec),
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec));
+// [alg.remove]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Predicate>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+remove_copy_if(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last,
+               _ForwardIterator2 __result, _Predicate __pred)
+    return std::copy_if(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __result,
+                        __pstl::internal::not_pred<_Predicate>(__pred));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Tp>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+remove_copy(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last, _ForwardIterator2 __result,
+            const _Tp& __value)
+    return std::copy_if(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __result,
+                        __pstl::internal::not_equal_value<_Tp>(__value));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _UnaryPredicate>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+remove_if(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _UnaryPredicate __pred)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_remove_if(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __pred,
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Tp>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+remove(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, const _Tp& __value)
+    return std::remove_if(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last,
+                          __pstl::internal::equal_value<_Tp>(__value));
+// [alg.unique]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _BinaryPredicate>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+unique(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _BinaryPredicate __pred)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_unique(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __pred,
+                                    internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec),
+                                    internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+unique(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last)
+    return std::unique(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __pstl::internal::pstl_equal());
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _BinaryPredicate>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+unique_copy(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last, _ForwardIterator2 __result,
+            _BinaryPredicate __pred)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_unique_copy(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __result, __pred,
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>(__exec),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>(__exec));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+unique_copy(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last, _ForwardIterator2 __result)
+    return std::unique_copy(__exec, __first, __last, __result, __pstl::internal::pstl_equal());
+// [alg.reverse]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _BidirectionalIterator>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, void>
+reverse(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __last)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    internal::pattern_reverse(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last,
+                              internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _BidirectionalIterator>(__exec),
+                              internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _BidirectionalIterator>(__exec));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _BidirectionalIterator, class _ForwardIterator>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+reverse_copy(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __last,
+             _ForwardIterator __d_first)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_reverse_copy(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __d_first,
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _BidirectionalIterator, _ForwardIterator>(__exec),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _BidirectionalIterator, _ForwardIterator>(__exec));
+// [alg.rotate]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+rotate(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __middle, _ForwardIterator __last)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_rotate(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __middle, __last,
+                                    internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec),
+                                    internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+rotate_copy(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __middle, _ForwardIterator1 __last,
+            _ForwardIterator2 __result)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_rotate_copy(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __middle, __last, __result,
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>(__exec),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>(__exec));
+// [alg.partitions]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _UnaryPredicate>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, bool>
+is_partitioned(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _UnaryPredicate __pred)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_is_partitioned(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __pred,
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _UnaryPredicate>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+partition(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _UnaryPredicate __pred)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_partition(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __pred,
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _BidirectionalIterator, class _UnaryPredicate>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _BidirectionalIterator>
+stable_partition(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __last,
+                 _UnaryPredicate __pred)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_stable_partition(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __pred,
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _BidirectionalIterator>(__exec),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _BidirectionalIterator>(__exec));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2,
+          class _UnaryPredicate>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, std::pair<_ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>>
+partition_copy(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last,
+               _ForwardIterator1 __out_true, _ForwardIterator2 __out_false, _UnaryPredicate __pred)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_partition_copy(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __out_true, __out_false, __pred,
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>(
+            __exec),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator, _ForwardIterator1,
+                                               _ForwardIterator2>(__exec));
+// [alg.sort]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator, class _Compare>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, void>
+sort(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp)
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_RandomAccessIterator>::value_type _InputType;
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_sort(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __comp,
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _RandomAccessIterator>(__exec),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _RandomAccessIterator>(__exec),
+        typename std::is_move_constructible<_InputType>::type());
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, void>
+sort(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last)
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_RandomAccessIterator>::value_type _InputType;
+    std::sort(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, std::less<_InputType>());
+// [stable.sort]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator, class _Compare>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, void>
+stable_sort(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_stable_sort(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __comp,
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _RandomAccessIterator>(__exec),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _RandomAccessIterator>(__exec));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, void>
+stable_sort(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last)
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_RandomAccessIterator>::value_type _InputType;
+    std::stable_sort(__exec, __first, __last, std::less<_InputType>());
+// [mismatch]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _BinaryPredicate>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, std::pair<_ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>>
+mismatch(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+         _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _BinaryPredicate __pred)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_mismatch(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __pred,
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>(__exec),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>(__exec));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _BinaryPredicate>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, std::pair<_ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>>
+mismatch(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+         _BinaryPredicate __pred)
+    return std::mismatch(__exec, __first1, __last1, __first2, std::next(__first2, std::distance(__first1, __last1)),
+                         __pred);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, std::pair<_ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>>
+mismatch(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+         _ForwardIterator2 __last2)
+    return std::mismatch(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __last1, __first2, __last2,
+                         __pstl::internal::pstl_equal());
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, std::pair<_ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>>
+mismatch(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2)
+    //TODO: to get rid of "distance"
+    return std::mismatch(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __last1, __first2,
+                         std::next(__first2, std::distance(__first1, __last1)));
+// [alg.equal]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _BinaryPredicate>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, bool>
+equal(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+      _BinaryPredicate __p)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_equal(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __last1, __first2, __p,
+                                   internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1>(__exec),
+                                   internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1>(__exec));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, bool>
+equal(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2)
+    return std::equal(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __last1, __first2,
+                      __pstl::internal::pstl_equal());
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _BinaryPredicate>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, bool>
+equal(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+      _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _BinaryPredicate __p)
+    //TODO: to get rid of "distance"
+    if (std::distance(__first1, __last1) == std::distance(__first2, __last2))
+        return std::equal(__first1, __last1, __first2, __p);
+    else
+        return false;
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, bool>
+equal(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+      _ForwardIterator2 __last2)
+    return equal(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __last1, __first2, __pstl::internal::pstl_equal());
+// [alg.move]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+move(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last, _ForwardIterator2 __d_first)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    const auto __is_vector =
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>(__exec);
+    return internal::pattern_walk2_brick(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __d_first,
+        [__is_vector](_ForwardIterator1 __begin, _ForwardIterator1 __end, _ForwardIterator2 __res) {
+            return internal::brick_move(__begin, __end, __res, __is_vector);
+        },
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>(__exec));
+// [partial.sort]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator, class _Compare>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, void>
+partial_sort(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __middle,
+             _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    internal::pattern_partial_sort(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __middle, __last, __comp,
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _RandomAccessIterator>(__exec),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _RandomAccessIterator>(__exec));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, void>
+partial_sort(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __middle,
+             _RandomAccessIterator __last)
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_RandomAccessIterator>::value_type _InputType;
+    std::partial_sort(__exec, __first, __middle, __last, std::less<_InputType>());
+// [partial.sort.copy]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _RandomAccessIterator, class _Compare>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _RandomAccessIterator>
+partial_sort_copy(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last,
+                  _RandomAccessIterator __d_first, _RandomAccessIterator __d_last, _Compare __comp)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_partial_sort_copy(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __d_first, __d_last, __comp,
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator, _RandomAccessIterator>(__exec),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator, _RandomAccessIterator>(__exec));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _RandomAccessIterator>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _RandomAccessIterator>
+partial_sort_copy(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last,
+                  _RandomAccessIterator __d_first, _RandomAccessIterator __d_last)
+    return std::partial_sort_copy(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __d_first, __d_last,
+                                  __pstl::internal::pstl_less());
+// [is.sorted]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Compare>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+is_sorted_until(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Compare __comp)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    const _ForwardIterator __res = internal::pattern_adjacent_find(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __pstl::internal::reorder_pred<_Compare>(__comp),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec),
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec), /*first_semantic*/ false);
+    return __res == __last ? __last : std::next(__res);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+is_sorted_until(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last)
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::value_type _InputType;
+    return is_sorted_until(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, std::less<_InputType>());
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Compare>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, bool>
+is_sorted(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Compare __comp)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_adjacent_find(
+               std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, internal::reorder_pred<_Compare>(__comp),
+               internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec),
+               internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec),
+               /*or_semantic*/ true) == __last;
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, bool>
+is_sorted(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last)
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::value_type _InputType;
+    return std::is_sorted(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, std::less<_InputType>());
+// [alg.merge]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _ForwardIterator,
+          class _Compare>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+merge(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+      _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _ForwardIterator __d_first, _Compare __comp)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_merge(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __d_first, __comp,
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2, _ForwardIterator>(
+            __exec),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2,
+                                               _ForwardIterator>(__exec));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _ForwardIterator>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+merge(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+      _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _ForwardIterator __d_first)
+    return std::merge(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __d_first,
+                      __pstl::internal::pstl_less());
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _BidirectionalIterator, class _Compare>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, void>
+inplace_merge(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __middle,
+              _BidirectionalIterator __last, _Compare __comp)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    internal::pattern_inplace_merge(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __middle, __last, __comp,
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _BidirectionalIterator>(__exec),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _BidirectionalIterator>(__exec));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _BidirectionalIterator>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, void>
+inplace_merge(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __middle,
+              _BidirectionalIterator __last)
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_BidirectionalIterator>::value_type _InputType;
+    std::inplace_merge(__exec, __first, __middle, __last, std::less<_InputType>());
+// [includes]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Compare>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, bool>
+includes(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+         _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _Compare __comp)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_includes(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __comp,
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>(__exec),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>(__exec));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, bool>
+includes(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+         _ForwardIterator2 __last2)
+    return std::includes(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __last1, __first2, __last2,
+                         __pstl::internal::pstl_less());
+// [set.union]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _ForwardIterator,
+          class _Compare>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+set_union(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+          _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _ForwardIterator __result, _Compare __comp)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_set_union(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __result, __comp,
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2, _ForwardIterator>(
+            __exec),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2,
+                                               _ForwardIterator>(__exec));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _ForwardIterator>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+set_union(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
+          _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _ForwardIterator __result)
+    return std::set_union(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __result,
+                          __pstl::internal::pstl_less());
+// [set.intersection]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _ForwardIterator,
+          class _Compare>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+set_intersection(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1,
+                 _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _ForwardIterator __result, _Compare __comp)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_set_intersection(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __result, __comp,
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2, _ForwardIterator>(
+            __exec),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2,
+                                               _ForwardIterator>(__exec));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _ForwardIterator>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+set_intersection(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1,
+                 _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _ForwardIterator __result)
+    return std::set_intersection(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __result,
+                                 __pstl::internal::pstl_less());
+// [set.difference]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _ForwardIterator,
+          class _Compare>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+set_difference(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1,
+               _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _ForwardIterator __result, _Compare __comp)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_set_difference(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __result, __comp,
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2, _ForwardIterator>(
+            __exec),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2,
+                                               _ForwardIterator>(__exec));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _ForwardIterator>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+set_difference(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1,
+               _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _ForwardIterator __result)
+    return std::set_difference(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __result,
+                               __pstl::internal::pstl_less());
+// [set.symmetric.difference]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _ForwardIterator,
+          class _Compare>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+set_symmetric_difference(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1,
+                         _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _ForwardIterator __result,
+                         _Compare __comp)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_set_symmetric_difference(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __result, __comp,
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2, _ForwardIterator>(
+            __exec),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2,
+                                               _ForwardIterator>(__exec));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _ForwardIterator>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+set_symmetric_difference(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1,
+                         _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _ForwardIterator __result)
+    return std::set_symmetric_difference(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __last1, __first2, __last2,
+                                         __result, __pstl::internal::pstl_less());
+// [is.heap]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator, class _Compare>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _RandomAccessIterator>
+is_heap_until(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_is_heap_until(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __comp,
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _RandomAccessIterator>(__exec),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _RandomAccessIterator>(__exec));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _RandomAccessIterator>
+is_heap_until(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last)
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_RandomAccessIterator>::value_type _InputType;
+    return std::is_heap_until(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, std::less<_InputType>());
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator, class _Compare>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, bool>
+is_heap(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp)
+    return std::is_heap_until(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __comp) == __last;
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, bool>
+is_heap(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last)
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_RandomAccessIterator>::value_type _InputType;
+    return std::is_heap(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, std::less<_InputType>());
+// [alg.min.max]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Compare>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+min_element(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Compare __comp)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_min_element(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __comp,
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+min_element(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last)
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::value_type _InputType;
+    return std::min_element(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, std::less<_InputType>());
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Compare>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+max_element(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Compare __comp)
+    return min_element(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last,
+                       __pstl::internal::reorder_pred<_Compare>(__comp));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+max_element(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last)
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::value_type _InputType;
+    return std::min_element(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last,
+                            __pstl::internal::reorder_pred<std::less<_InputType>>(std::less<_InputType>()));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Compare>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, std::pair<_ForwardIterator, _ForwardIterator>>
+minmax_element(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Compare __comp)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_minmax_element(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __comp,
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, std::pair<_ForwardIterator, _ForwardIterator>>
+minmax_element(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last)
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::value_type _ValueType;
+    return std::minmax_element(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, std::less<_ValueType>());
+// [alg.nth.element]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator, class _Compare>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, void>
+nth_element(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __nth,
+            _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    internal::pattern_nth_element(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __nth, __last, __comp,
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _RandomAccessIterator>(__exec),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _RandomAccessIterator>(__exec));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, void>
+nth_element(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __nth,
+            _RandomAccessIterator __last)
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_RandomAccessIterator>::value_type _InputType;
+    std::nth_element(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __nth, __last, std::less<_InputType>());
+// [alg.lex.comparison]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Compare>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, bool>
+lexicographical_compare(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1,
+                        _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _Compare __comp)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_lexicographical_compare(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __comp,
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>(__exec),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>(__exec));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, bool>
+lexicographical_compare(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1,
+                        _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _ForwardIterator2 __last2)
+    return std::lexicographical_compare(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __last1, __first2, __last2,
+                                        __pstl::internal::pstl_less());
+} // namespace std
+#endif /* __PSTL_glue_algorithm_impl_H */

Added: pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/glue_execution_defs.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/glue_execution_defs.h?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/glue_execution_defs.h (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/glue_execution_defs.h Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- glue_execution_defs.h ---------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#ifndef __PSTL_glue_execution_defs_H
+#define __PSTL_glue_execution_defs_H
+#include <type_traits>
+#include "execution_defs.h"
+namespace std
+// Type trait
+using __pstl::execution::is_execution_policy;
+template <class T>
+constexpr bool is_execution_policy_v = is_execution_policy<T>::value;
+using __pstl::execution::is_execution_policy_v;
+namespace execution
+// Standard C++ policy classes
+using __pstl::execution::sequenced_policy;
+using __pstl::execution::parallel_policy;
+using __pstl::execution::parallel_unsequenced_policy;
+// Standard predefined policy instances
+using __pstl::execution::seq;
+using __pstl::execution::par;
+using __pstl::execution::par_unseq;
+// Implementation-defined names
+// Unsequenced policy is not yet standard, but for consistency
+// we include it into namespace std::execution as well
+using __pstl::execution::unseq;
+using __pstl::execution::unsequenced_policy;
+} // namespace execution
+} // namespace std
+#endif /* __PSTL_glue_execution_defs_H */

Added: pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/glue_memory_defs.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/glue_memory_defs.h?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/glue_memory_defs.h (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/glue_memory_defs.h Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- glue_memory_defs.h ------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#ifndef __PSTL_glue_memory_defs_H
+#define __PSTL_glue_memory_defs_H
+#include "execution_defs.h"
+namespace std
+// [uninitialized.copy]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _InputIterator, class _ForwardIterator>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+uninitialized_copy(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _ForwardIterator __result);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _InputIterator, class _Size, class _ForwardIterator>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+uninitialized_copy_n(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _InputIterator __first, _Size __n, _ForwardIterator __result);
+// [uninitialized.move]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _InputIterator, class _ForwardIterator>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+uninitialized_move(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _ForwardIterator __result);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _InputIterator, class _Size, class _ForwardIterator>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+uninitialized_move_n(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _InputIterator __first, _Size __n, _ForwardIterator __result);
+// [uninitialized.fill]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Tp>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, void>
+uninitialized_fill(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, const _Tp& __value);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Size, class _Tp>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+uninitialized_fill_n(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _Size __n, const _Tp& __value);
+// [specialized.destroy]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, void>
+destroy(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Size>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+destroy_n(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _Size __n);
+// [uninitialized.construct.default]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, void>
+uninitialized_default_construct(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Size>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+uninitialized_default_construct_n(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _Size __n);
+// [uninitialized.construct.value]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, void>
+uninitialized_value_construct(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Size>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+uninitialized_value_construct_n(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _Size __n);
+} //  namespace std
+#endif /* __PSTL_glue_memory_defs_H */

Added: pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/glue_memory_impl.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/glue_memory_impl.h?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/glue_memory_impl.h (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/glue_memory_impl.h Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- glue_memory_impl.h ------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#ifndef __PSTL_glue_memory_impl_H
+#define __PSTL_glue_memory_impl_H
+#include "utils.h"
+#include "algorithm_impl.h"
+namespace std
+// [uninitialized.copy]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _InputIterator, class _ForwardIterator>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+uninitialized_copy(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _ForwardIterator __result)
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::value_type _ValueType1;
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::value_type _ValueType2;
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::reference _ReferenceType1;
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::reference _ReferenceType2;
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    const auto __is_parallel =
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _InputIterator, _ForwardIterator>(__exec);
+    const auto __is_vector =
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _InputIterator, _ForwardIterator>(__exec);
+    return internal::invoke_if_else(
+        std::integral_constant < bool, std::is_trivial<_ValueType1>::value&& std::is_trivial<_ValueType2>::value > (),
+        [&]() {
+            return internal::pattern_walk2_brick(
+                std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __result,
+                [__is_vector](_InputIterator __begin, _InputIterator __end, _ForwardIterator __res) {
+                    return internal::brick_copy(__begin, __end, __res, __is_vector);
+                },
+                __is_parallel);
+        },
+        [&]() {
+            return internal::pattern_walk2(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __result,
+                                           [](_ReferenceType1 __val1, _ReferenceType2 __val2) {
+                                               ::new (std::addressof(__val2)) _ValueType2(__val1);
+                                           },
+                                           __is_vector, __is_parallel);
+        });
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _InputIterator, class _Size, class _ForwardIterator>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+uninitialized_copy_n(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _InputIterator __first, _Size __n, _ForwardIterator __result)
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::value_type _ValueType1;
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::value_type _ValueType2;
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::reference _ReferenceType1;
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::reference _ReferenceType2;
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    const auto __is_parallel =
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _InputIterator, _ForwardIterator>(__exec);
+    const auto __is_vector =
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _InputIterator, _ForwardIterator>(__exec);
+    return internal::invoke_if_else(
+        std::integral_constant < bool, std::is_trivial<_ValueType1>::value&& std::is_trivial<_ValueType2>::value > (),
+        [&]() {
+            return internal::pattern_walk2_brick_n(
+                std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __n, __result,
+                [__is_vector](_InputIterator __begin, _Size __sz, _ForwardIterator __res) {
+                    return internal::brick_copy_n(__begin, __sz, __res, __is_vector);
+                },
+                __is_parallel);
+        },
+        [&]() {
+            return internal::pattern_walk2_n(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __n, __result,
+                                             [](_ReferenceType1 __val1, _ReferenceType2 __val2) {
+                                                 ::new (std::addressof(__val2)) _ValueType2(__val1);
+                                             },
+                                             __is_vector, __is_parallel);
+        });
+// [uninitialized.move]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _InputIterator, class _ForwardIterator>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+uninitialized_move(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _ForwardIterator __result)
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::value_type _ValueType1;
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::value_type _ValueType2;
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::reference _ReferenceType1;
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::reference _ReferenceType2;
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    const auto __is_parallel =
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _InputIterator, _ForwardIterator>(__exec);
+    const auto __is_vector =
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _InputIterator, _ForwardIterator>(__exec);
+    return internal::invoke_if_else(
+        std::integral_constant < bool, std::is_trivial<_ValueType1>::value&& std::is_trivial<_ValueType2>::value > (),
+        [&]() {
+            return internal::pattern_walk2_brick(
+                std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __result,
+                [__is_vector](_InputIterator __begin, _InputIterator __end, _ForwardIterator __res) {
+                    return internal::brick_copy(__begin, __end, __res, __is_vector);
+                },
+                __is_parallel);
+        },
+        [&]() {
+            return internal::pattern_walk2(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __result,
+                                           [](_ReferenceType1 __val1, _ReferenceType2 __val2) {
+                                               ::new (std::addressof(__val2)) _ValueType2(std::move(__val1));
+                                           },
+                                           __is_vector, __is_parallel);
+        });
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _InputIterator, class _Size, class _ForwardIterator>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+uninitialized_move_n(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _InputIterator __first, _Size __n, _ForwardIterator __result)
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::value_type _ValueType1;
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::value_type _ValueType2;
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::reference _ReferenceType1;
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::reference _ReferenceType2;
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    const auto __is_parallel =
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _InputIterator, _ForwardIterator>(__exec);
+    const auto __is_vector =
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _InputIterator, _ForwardIterator>(__exec);
+    return internal::invoke_if_else(
+        std::integral_constant < bool, std::is_trivial<_ValueType1>::value&& std::is_trivial<_ValueType2>::value > (),
+        [&]() {
+            return internal::pattern_walk2_brick_n(
+                std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __n, __result,
+                [__is_vector](_InputIterator __begin, _Size __sz, _ForwardIterator __res) {
+                    return internal::brick_copy_n(__begin, __sz, __res, __is_vector);
+                },
+                __is_parallel);
+        },
+        [&]() {
+            return internal::pattern_walk2_n(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __n, __result,
+                                             [](_ReferenceType1 __val1, _ReferenceType2 __val2) {
+                                                 ::new (std::addressof(__val2)) _ValueType2(std::move(__val1));
+                                             },
+                                             __is_vector, __is_parallel);
+        });
+// [uninitialized.fill]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Tp>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, void>
+uninitialized_fill(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, const _Tp& __value)
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::value_type _ValueType;
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::reference _ReferenceType;
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    const auto __is_parallel = internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec);
+    const auto __is_vector = internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec);
+    internal::invoke_if_else(
+        std::is_arithmetic<_ValueType>(),
+        [&]() {
+            internal::pattern_walk_brick(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last,
+                                         [&__value, &__is_vector](_ForwardIterator __begin, _ForwardIterator __end) {
+                                             internal::brick_fill(__begin, __end, _ValueType(__value), __is_vector);
+                                         },
+                                         __is_parallel);
+        },
+        [&]() {
+            internal::pattern_walk1(
+                std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last,
+                [&__value](_ReferenceType __val) { ::new (std::addressof(__val)) _ValueType(__value); }, __is_vector,
+                __is_parallel);
+        });
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Size, class _Tp>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+uninitialized_fill_n(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _Size __n, const _Tp& __value)
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::value_type _ValueType;
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::reference _ReferenceType;
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    const auto __is_parallel = internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec);
+    const auto __is_vector = internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec);
+    return internal::invoke_if_else(
+        std::is_arithmetic<_ValueType>(),
+        [&]() {
+            return internal::pattern_walk_brick_n(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __n,
+                                                  [&__value, &__is_vector](_ForwardIterator __begin, _Size __count) {
+                                                      return internal::brick_fill_n(__begin, __count,
+                                                                                    _ValueType(__value), __is_vector);
+                                                  },
+                                                  __is_parallel);
+        },
+        [&]() {
+            return internal::pattern_walk1_n(
+                std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __n,
+                [&__value](_ReferenceType __val) { ::new (std::addressof(__val)) _ValueType(__value); }, __is_vector,
+                __is_parallel);
+        });
+// [specialized.destroy]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, void>
+destroy(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last)
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::value_type _ValueType;
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::reference _ReferenceType;
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    const auto __is_parallel = internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec);
+    const auto __is_vector = internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec);
+    internal::invoke_if_not(std::is_trivially_destructible<_ValueType>(), [&]() {
+        internal::pattern_walk1(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last,
+                                [](_ReferenceType __val) { __val.~_ValueType(); }, __is_vector, __is_parallel);
+    });
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Size>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+destroy_n(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _Size __n)
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::value_type _ValueType;
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::reference _ReferenceType;
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    const auto __is_parallel = internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec);
+    const auto __is_vector = internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec);
+    return internal::invoke_if_else(
+        std::is_trivially_destructible<_ValueType>(), [&]() { return std::next(__first, __n); },
+        [&]() {
+            return internal::pattern_walk1_n(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __n,
+                                             [](_ReferenceType __val) { __val.~_ValueType(); }, __is_vector,
+                                             __is_parallel);
+        });
+// [uninitialized.construct.default]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, void>
+uninitialized_default_construct(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last)
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::value_type _ValueType;
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::reference _ReferenceType;
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    const auto __is_parallel = internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec);
+    const auto __is_vector = internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec);
+    internal::invoke_if_not(std::is_trivial<_ValueType>(), [&]() {
+        internal::pattern_walk1(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last,
+                                [](_ReferenceType __val) { ::new (std::addressof(__val)) _ValueType; }, __is_vector,
+                                __is_parallel);
+    });
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Size>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+uninitialized_default_construct_n(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _Size __n)
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::value_type _ValueType;
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::reference _ReferenceType;
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    const auto __is_parallel = internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec);
+    const auto __is_vector = internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec);
+    return internal::invoke_if_else(std::is_trivial<_ValueType>(), [&]() { return std::next(__first, __n); },
+                                    [&]() {
+                                        return internal::pattern_walk1_n(
+                                            std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __n,
+                                            [](_ReferenceType __val) { ::new (std::addressof(__val)) _ValueType; },
+                                            __is_vector, __is_parallel);
+                                    });
+// [uninitialized.construct.value]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, void>
+uninitialized_value_construct(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last)
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::value_type _ValueType;
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::reference _ReferenceType;
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    const auto __is_parallel = internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec);
+    const auto __is_vector = internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec);
+    internal::invoke_if_else(
+        std::is_trivial<_ValueType>(),
+        [&]() {
+            internal::pattern_walk_brick(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last,
+                                         [__is_vector](_ForwardIterator __begin, _ForwardIterator __end) {
+                                             internal::brick_fill(__begin, __end, _ValueType(), __is_vector);
+                                         },
+                                         __is_parallel);
+        },
+        [&]() {
+            internal::pattern_walk1(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last,
+                                    [](_ReferenceType __val) { ::new (std::addressof(__val)) _ValueType(); },
+                                    __is_vector, __is_parallel);
+        });
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Size>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
+uninitialized_value_construct_n(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _Size __n)
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::value_type _ValueType;
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::reference _ReferenceType;
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    const auto __is_parallel = internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec);
+    const auto __is_vector = internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec);
+    return internal::invoke_if_else(
+        std::is_trivial<_ValueType>(),
+        [&]() {
+            return internal::pattern_walk_brick_n(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __n,
+                                                  [__is_vector](_ForwardIterator __begin, _Size __count) {
+                                                      return internal::brick_fill_n(__begin, __count, _ValueType(),
+                                                                                    __is_vector);
+                                                  },
+                                                  __is_parallel);
+        },
+        [&]() {
+            return internal::pattern_walk1_n(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __n,
+                                             [](_ReferenceType __val) { ::new (std::addressof(__val)) _ValueType(); },
+                                             __is_vector, __is_parallel);
+        });
+} // namespace std
+#endif /* __PSTL_glue_memory_imple_H */

Added: pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/glue_numeric_defs.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/glue_numeric_defs.h?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/glue_numeric_defs.h (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/glue_numeric_defs.h Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- glue_numeric_defs.h -----------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#ifndef __PSTL_glue_numeric_defs_H
+#define __PSTL_glue_numeric_defs_H
+#include "execution_defs.h"
+namespace std
+// [reduce]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Tp, class _BinaryOperation>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _Tp>
+reduce(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Tp __init,
+       _BinaryOperation __binary_op);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Tp>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _Tp>
+reduce(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Tp __init);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::value_type>
+reduce(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Tp>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _Tp>
+transform_reduce(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1,
+                 _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _Tp __init);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Tp, class _BinaryOperation1,
+          class _BinaryOperation2>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _Tp>
+transform_reduce(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1,
+                 _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _Tp __init, _BinaryOperation1 __binary_op1,
+                 _BinaryOperation2 __binary_op2);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Tp, class _BinaryOperation, class _UnaryOperation>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _Tp>
+transform_reduce(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Tp __init,
+                 _BinaryOperation __binary_op, _UnaryOperation __unary_op);
+// [exclusive.scan]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Tp>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+exclusive_scan(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last,
+               _ForwardIterator2 __result, _Tp __init);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Tp, class _BinaryOperation>
+exclusive_scan(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last,
+               _ForwardIterator2 __result, _Tp __init, _BinaryOperation __binary_op);
+// [inclusive.scan]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+inclusive_scan(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last,
+               _ForwardIterator2 __result);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _BinaryOperation>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+inclusive_scan(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last,
+               _ForwardIterator2 __result, _BinaryOperation __binary_op);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Tp, class _BinaryOperation>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+inclusive_scan(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last,
+               _ForwardIterator2 __result, _BinaryOperation __binary_op, _Tp __init);
+// [transform.exclusive.scan]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Tp, class _BinaryOperation,
+          class _UnaryOperation>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+transform_exclusive_scan(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last,
+                         _ForwardIterator2 __result, _Tp __init, _BinaryOperation __binary_op,
+                         _UnaryOperation __unary_op);
+// [transform.inclusive.scan]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _BinaryOperation,
+          class _UnaryOperation, class _Tp>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+transform_inclusive_scan(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last,
+                         _ForwardIterator2 __result, _BinaryOperation __binary_op, _UnaryOperation __unary_op,
+                         _Tp __init);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _UnaryOperation,
+          class _BinaryOperation>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+transform_inclusive_scan(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last,
+                         _ForwardIterator2 __result, _BinaryOperation __binary_op, _UnaryOperation __unary_op);
+// [adjacent.difference]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _BinaryOperation>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+adjacent_difference(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last,
+                    _ForwardIterator2 __d_first, _BinaryOperation op);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+adjacent_difference(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last,
+                    _ForwardIterator2 __d_first);
+} // namespace std
+#endif /* __PSTL_glue_numeric_defs_H */

Added: pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/glue_numeric_impl.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/glue_numeric_impl.h?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/glue_numeric_impl.h (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/glue_numeric_impl.h Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- glue_numeric_impl.h -----------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#ifndef __PSTL_glue_numeric_impl_H
+#define __PSTL_glue_numeric_impl_H
+#include <functional>
+#include "utils.h"
+#include "numeric_impl.h"
+namespace std
+// [reduce]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Tp, class _BinaryOperation>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _Tp>
+reduce(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Tp __init,
+       _BinaryOperation __binary_op)
+    return transform_reduce(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __init, __binary_op,
+                            __pstl::internal::no_op());
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Tp>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _Tp>
+reduce(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Tp __init)
+    return transform_reduce(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __init, std::plus<_Tp>(),
+                            __pstl::internal::no_op());
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::value_type>
+reduce(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last)
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::value_type _ValueType;
+    return transform_reduce(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, _ValueType{},
+                            std::plus<_ValueType>(), __pstl::internal::no_op());
+// [transform.reduce]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Tp>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _Tp>
+transform_reduce(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1,
+                 _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _Tp __init)
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator1>::value_type _InputType;
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_transform_reduce(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __last1, __first2, __init, std::plus<_InputType>(),
+        std::multiplies<_InputType>(),
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>(__exec),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>(__exec));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Tp, class _BinaryOperation1,
+          class _BinaryOperation2>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _Tp>
+transform_reduce(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1,
+                 _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _Tp __init, _BinaryOperation1 __binary_op1, _BinaryOperation2 __binary_op2)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_transform_reduce(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __last1, __first2, __init, __binary_op1, __binary_op2,
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>(__exec),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>(__exec));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Tp, class _BinaryOperation, class _UnaryOperation>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _Tp>
+transform_reduce(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Tp __init,
+                 _BinaryOperation __binary_op, _UnaryOperation __unary_op)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_transform_reduce(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __init, __binary_op, __unary_op,
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>(__exec));
+// [exclusive.scan]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Tp>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+exclusive_scan(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last,
+               _ForwardIterator2 __result, _Tp __init)
+    return transform_exclusive_scan(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __result, __init,
+                                    std::plus<_Tp>(), __pstl::internal::no_op());
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Tp, class _BinaryOperation>
+exclusive_scan(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last,
+               _ForwardIterator2 __result, _Tp __init, _BinaryOperation __binary_op)
+    return transform_exclusive_scan(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __result, __init,
+                                    __binary_op, __pstl::internal::no_op());
+// [inclusive.scan]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+inclusive_scan(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last,
+               _ForwardIterator2 __result)
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator1>::value_type _InputType;
+    return transform_inclusive_scan(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __result,
+                                    std::plus<_InputType>(), __pstl::internal::no_op());
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _BinaryOperation>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+inclusive_scan(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last,
+               _ForwardIterator2 __result, _BinaryOperation __binary_op)
+    return transform_inclusive_scan(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __result, __binary_op,
+                                    __pstl::internal::no_op());
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Tp, class _BinaryOperation>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+inclusive_scan(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last,
+               _ForwardIterator2 __result, _BinaryOperation __binary_op, _Tp __init)
+    return transform_inclusive_scan(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __result, __binary_op,
+                                    __pstl::internal::no_op(), __init);
+// [transform.exclusive.scan]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Tp, class _BinaryOperation,
+          class _UnaryOperation>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+transform_exclusive_scan(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last,
+                         _ForwardIterator2 __result, _Tp __init, _BinaryOperation __binary_op,
+                         _UnaryOperation __unary_op)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_transform_scan(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __result, __unary_op, __init, __binary_op,
+        /*inclusive=*/std::false_type(),
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>(__exec),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>(__exec));
+// [transform.inclusive.scan]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _BinaryOperation,
+          class _UnaryOperation, class _Tp>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+transform_inclusive_scan(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last,
+                         _ForwardIterator2 __result, _BinaryOperation __binary_op, _UnaryOperation __unary_op,
+                         _Tp __init)
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_transform_scan(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __result, __unary_op, __init, __binary_op,
+        /*inclusive=*/std::true_type(),
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>(__exec),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>(__exec));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _UnaryOperation,
+          class _BinaryOperation>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+transform_inclusive_scan(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last,
+                         _ForwardIterator2 __result, _BinaryOperation __binary_op, _UnaryOperation __unary_op)
+    if (__first != __last)
+    {
+        auto __tmp = __unary_op(*__first);
+        *__result = __tmp;
+        return transform_inclusive_scan(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), ++__first, __last, ++__result,
+                                        __binary_op, __unary_op, __tmp);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return __result;
+    }
+// [adjacent.difference]
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _BinaryOperation>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+adjacent_difference(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last,
+                    _ForwardIterator2 __d_first, _BinaryOperation __op)
+    if (__first == __last)
+        return __d_first;
+    using namespace __pstl;
+    return internal::pattern_adjacent_difference(
+        std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __d_first, __op,
+        internal::is_vectorization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>(__exec),
+        internal::is_parallelization_preferred<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator2>(__exec));
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2>
+__pstl::internal::enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2>
+adjacent_difference(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last,
+                    _ForwardIterator2 __d_first)
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator1>::value_type _ValueType;
+    return adjacent_difference(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last, __d_first,
+                               std::minus<_ValueType>());
+} // namespace std
+#endif /* __PSTL_glue_numeric_impl_H_ */

Added: pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/memory_impl.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/memory_impl.h?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/memory_impl.h (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/memory_impl.h Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- memory_impl.h -----------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#ifndef __PSTL_memory_impl_H
+#define __PSTL_memory_impl_H
+#include <iterator>
+#include "unseq_backend_simd.h"
+namespace __pstl
+namespace internal
+// uninitialized_move
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _OutputIterator>
+brick_uninitialized_move(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result,
+                         /*vector=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_OutputIterator>::value_type _ValueType2;
+    for (; __first != __last; ++__first, ++__result)
+    {
+        ::new (std::addressof(*__result)) _ValueType2(std::move(*__first));
+    }
+    return __result;
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _OutputIterator>
+brick_uninitialized_move(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result,
+                         /*vector=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_OutputIterator>::value_type __ValueType2;
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::reference _ReferenceType1;
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_OutputIterator>::reference _ReferenceType2;
+    return unseq_backend::simd_walk_2(
+        __first, __last - __first, __result,
+        [](_ReferenceType1 __x, _ReferenceType2 __y) { ::new (std::addressof(__y)) __ValueType2(std::move(__x)); });
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace __pstl
+#endif /* __PSTL_memory_impl_H */

Added: pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/numeric_impl.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/numeric_impl.h?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/numeric_impl.h (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/numeric_impl.h Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- numeric_impl.h ----------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#ifndef __PSTL_numeric_impl_H
+#define __PSTL_numeric_impl_H
+#include <iterator>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <numeric>
+#include "pstl_config.h"
+#include "execution_impl.h"
+#include "unseq_backend_simd.h"
+#include "parallel_backend.h"
+namespace __pstl
+namespace internal
+// transform_reduce (version with two binary functions, according to draft N4659)
+template <class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Tp, class _BinaryOperation1, class _BinaryOperation2>
+brick_transform_reduce(_ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _Tp __init,
+                       _BinaryOperation1 __binary_op1, _BinaryOperation2 __binary_op2,
+                       /*is_vector=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return std::inner_product(__first1, __last1, __first2, __init, __binary_op1, __binary_op2);
+template <class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Tp, class _BinaryOperation1, class _BinaryOperation2>
+brick_transform_reduce(_ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _Tp __init,
+                       _BinaryOperation1 __binary_op1, _BinaryOperation2 __binary_op2,
+                       /*is_vector=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator1>::difference_type _DifferenceType;
+    return unseq_backend::simd_transform_reduce(
+        __last1 - __first1, __init, __binary_op1,
+        [=, &__binary_op2](_DifferenceType __i) { return __binary_op2(__first1[__i], __first2[__i]); });
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Tp, class _BinaryOperation1,
+          class _BinaryOperation2, class _IsVector>
+pattern_transform_reduce(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1,
+                         _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _Tp __init, _BinaryOperation1 __binary_op1,
+                         _BinaryOperation2 __binary_op2, _IsVector __is_vector,
+                         /*is_parallel=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return brick_transform_reduce(__first1, __last1, __first2, __init, __binary_op1, __binary_op2, __is_vector);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator1, class _RandomAccessIterator2, class _Tp,
+          class _BinaryOperation1, class _BinaryOperation2, class _IsVector>
+pattern_transform_reduce(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator1 __first1, _RandomAccessIterator1 __last1,
+                         _RandomAccessIterator2 __first2, _Tp __init, _BinaryOperation1 __binary_op1,
+                         _BinaryOperation2 __binary_op2, _IsVector __is_vector, /*is_parallel=*/std::true_type)
+    return internal::except_handler([&]() {
+        return par_backend::parallel_transform_reduce(
+            std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first1, __last1,
+            [__first1, __first2, __binary_op2](_RandomAccessIterator1 __i) mutable {
+                return __binary_op2(*__i, *(__first2 + (__i - __first1)));
+            },
+            __init,
+            __binary_op1, // Combine
+            [__first1, __first2, __binary_op1, __binary_op2,
+             __is_vector](_RandomAccessIterator1 __i, _RandomAccessIterator1 __j, _Tp __init) -> _Tp {
+                return internal::brick_transform_reduce(__i, __j, __first2 + (__i - __first1), __init, __binary_op1,
+                                                        __binary_op2, __is_vector);
+            });
+    });
+// transform_reduce (version with unary and binary functions)
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _Tp, class _BinaryOperation, class _UnaryOperation>
+brick_transform_reduce(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Tp __init, _BinaryOperation __binary_op,
+                       _UnaryOperation __unary_op, /*is_vector=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    for (; __first != __last; ++__first)
+    {
+        __init = __binary_op(__init, __unary_op(*__first));
+    }
+    return __init;
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _Tp, class _UnaryOperation, class _BinaryOperation>
+brick_transform_reduce(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Tp __init, _BinaryOperation __binary_op,
+                       _UnaryOperation __unary_op, /*is_vector=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::difference_type _DifferenceType;
+    return unseq_backend::simd_transform_reduce(
+        __last - __first, __init, __binary_op,
+        [=, &__unary_op](_DifferenceType __i) { return __unary_op(__first[__i]); });
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Tp, class _BinaryOperation, class _UnaryOperation,
+          class _IsVector>
+pattern_transform_reduce(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Tp __init,
+                         _BinaryOperation __binary_op, _UnaryOperation __unary_op, _IsVector __is_vector,
+                         /*is_parallel=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return brick_transform_reduce(__first, __last, __init, __binary_op, __unary_op, __is_vector);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Tp, class _BinaryOperation, class _UnaryOperation,
+          class _IsVector>
+pattern_transform_reduce(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Tp __init,
+                         _BinaryOperation __binary_op, _UnaryOperation __unary_op, _IsVector __is_vector,
+                         /*is_parallel=*/std::true_type)
+    return except_handler([&]() {
+        return par_backend::parallel_transform_reduce(
+            std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last,
+            [__unary_op](_ForwardIterator __i) mutable { return __unary_op(*__i); }, __init, __binary_op,
+            [__unary_op, __binary_op, __is_vector](_ForwardIterator __i, _ForwardIterator __j, _Tp __init) {
+                return brick_transform_reduce(__i, __j, __init, __binary_op, __unary_op, __is_vector);
+            });
+    });
+// transform_exclusive_scan
+// walk3 evaluates f(x,y,z) for (x,y,z) drawn from [first1,last1), [first2,...), [first3,...)
+// Exclusive form
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _OutputIterator, class _UnaryOperation, class _Tp, class _BinaryOperation>
+std::pair<_OutputIterator, _Tp>
+brick_transform_scan(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result,
+                     _UnaryOperation __unary_op, _Tp __init, _BinaryOperation __binary_op,
+                     /*Inclusive*/ std::false_type, /*is_vector=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    for (; __first != __last; ++__first, ++__result)
+    {
+        *__result = __init;
+        __init = __binary_op(__init, __unary_op(*__first));
+    }
+    return std::make_pair(__result, __init);
+// Inclusive form
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _OutputIterator, class _UnaryOperation, class _Tp, class _BinaryOperation>
+std::pair<_OutputIterator, _Tp>
+brick_transform_scan(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result,
+                     _UnaryOperation __unary_op, _Tp __init, _BinaryOperation __binary_op,
+                     /*Inclusive*/ std::true_type, /*is_vector=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    for (; __first != __last; ++__first, ++__result)
+    {
+        __init = __binary_op(__init, __unary_op(*__first));
+        *__result = __init;
+    }
+    return std::make_pair(__result, __init);
+// type is arithmetic and binary operation is a user defined operation.
+template <typename _Tp, typename _BinaryOperation>
+using is_arithmetic_udop = std::integral_constant<bool, std::is_arithmetic<_Tp>::value &&
+                                                            !std::is_same<_BinaryOperation, std::plus<_Tp>>::value>;
+// [restriction] - T shall be DefaultConstructible.
+// [violation] - default ctor of T shall set the identity value for binary_op.
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _OutputIterator, class _UnaryOperation, class _Tp, class _BinaryOperation,
+          class _Inclusive>
+typename std::enable_if<!is_arithmetic_udop<_Tp, _BinaryOperation>::value, std::pair<_OutputIterator, _Tp>>::type
+brick_transform_scan(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result,
+                     _UnaryOperation __unary_op, _Tp __init, _BinaryOperation __binary_op, _Inclusive,
+                     /*is_vector=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    return unseq_backend::simd_scan(__first, __last - __first, __result, __unary_op, __init, __binary_op, _Inclusive());
+    // We need to call serial brick here to call function for inclusive and exclusive scan that depends on _Inclusive() value
+    return brick_transform_scan(__first, __last, __result, __unary_op, __init, __binary_op, _Inclusive(),
+                                /*is_vector=*/std::false_type());
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _OutputIterator, class _UnaryOperation, class _Tp, class _BinaryOperation,
+          class _Inclusive>
+typename std::enable_if<is_arithmetic_udop<_Tp, _BinaryOperation>::value, std::pair<_OutputIterator, _Tp>>::type
+brick_transform_scan(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result,
+                     _UnaryOperation __unary_op, _Tp __init, _BinaryOperation __binary_op, _Inclusive,
+                     /*is_vector=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    return brick_transform_scan(__first, __last, __result, __unary_op, __init, __binary_op, _Inclusive(),
+                                /*is_vector=*/std::false_type());
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _OutputIterator, class _UnaryOperation, class _Tp,
+          class _BinaryOperation, class _Inclusive, class _IsVector>
+pattern_transform_scan(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result,
+                       _UnaryOperation __unary_op, _Tp __init, _BinaryOperation __binary_op, _Inclusive,
+                       _IsVector __is_vector, /*is_parallel=*/std::false_type) noexcept
+    return internal::brick_transform_scan(__first, __last, __result, __unary_op, __init, __binary_op, _Inclusive(),
+                                          __is_vector)
+        .first;
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator, class _OutputIterator, class _UnaryOperation, class _Tp,
+          class _BinaryOperation, class _Inclusive, class _IsVector>
+typename std::enable_if<!std::is_floating_point<_Tp>::value, _OutputIterator>::type
+pattern_transform_scan(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last,
+                       _OutputIterator __result, _UnaryOperation __unary_op, _Tp __init, _BinaryOperation __binary_op,
+                       _Inclusive, _IsVector __is_vector, /*is_parallel=*/std::true_type)
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_RandomAccessIterator>::difference_type _DifferenceType;
+    return internal::except_handler([&]() {
+        par_backend::parallel_transform_scan(
+            std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __last - __first,
+            [__first, __unary_op](_DifferenceType __i) mutable { return __unary_op(__first[__i]); }, __init,
+            __binary_op,
+            [__first, __unary_op, __binary_op, __is_vector](_DifferenceType __i, _DifferenceType __j, _Tp __init) {
+                // Execute serial brick_transform_reduce, due to the explicit SIMD vectorization (reduction) requires a commutative operation for the guarantee of correct scan.
+                return internal::brick_transform_reduce(__first + __i, __first + __j, __init, __binary_op, __unary_op,
+                                                        /*__is_vector*/ std::false_type());
+            },
+            [__first, __unary_op, __binary_op, __result, __is_vector](_DifferenceType __i, _DifferenceType __j,
+                                                                      _Tp __init) {
+                return internal::brick_transform_scan(__first + __i, __first + __j, __result + __i, __unary_op, __init,
+                                                      __binary_op, _Inclusive(), __is_vector)
+                    .second;
+            });
+        return __result + (__last - __first);
+    });
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _RandomAccessIterator, class _OutputIterator, class _UnaryOperation, class _Tp,
+          class _BinaryOperation, class _Inclusive, class _IsVector>
+typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<_Tp>::value, _OutputIterator>::type
+pattern_transform_scan(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last,
+                       _OutputIterator __result, _UnaryOperation __unary_op, _Tp __init, _BinaryOperation __binary_op,
+                       _Inclusive, _IsVector __is_vector, /*is_parallel=*/std::true_type)
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_RandomAccessIterator>::difference_type _DifferenceType;
+    _DifferenceType __n = __last - __first;
+    if (__n <= 0)
+    {
+        return __result;
+    }
+    return except_handler([&]() {
+        par_backend::parallel_strict_scan(
+            std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __n, __init,
+            [__first, __unary_op, __binary_op, __result, __is_vector](_DifferenceType __i, _DifferenceType __len) {
+                return brick_transform_scan(__first + __i, __first + (__i + __len), __result + __i, __unary_op, _Tp{},
+                                            __binary_op, _Inclusive(), __is_vector)
+                    .second;
+            },
+            __binary_op,
+            [__result, &__binary_op](_DifferenceType __i, _DifferenceType __len, _Tp __initial) {
+                return *(std::transform(__result + __i, __result + __i + __len, __result + __i,
+                                        [&__initial, &__binary_op](const _Tp& __x) {
+                                            __PSTL_PRAGMA_FORCEINLINE
+                                            return __binary_op(__initial, __x);
+                                        }) -
+                         1);
+            },
+            [](_Tp __res) {});
+        return __result + (__last - __first);
+    });
+// adjacent_difference
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _OutputIterator, class _BinaryOperation>
+brick_adjacent_difference(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _OutputIterator __d_first,
+                          _BinaryOperation __op, /*is_vector*/ std::false_type) noexcept
+    return std::adjacent_difference(__first, __last, __d_first, __op);
+template <class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class BinaryOperation>
+brick_adjacent_difference(_ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last, _ForwardIterator2 __d_first,
+                          BinaryOperation __op, /*is_vector=*/std::true_type) noexcept
+    assert(__first != __last);
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator1>::reference _ReferenceType1;
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator2>::reference _ReferenceType2;
+    auto __n = __last - __first;
+    *__d_first = *__first;
+    return unseq_backend::simd_walk_3(
+        __first + 1, __n - 1, __first, __d_first + 1,
+        [&__op](_ReferenceType1 __x, _ReferenceType1 __y, _ReferenceType2 __z) { __z = __op(__x, __y); });
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _OutputIterator, class _BinaryOperation,
+          class _IsVector>
+pattern_adjacent_difference(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last,
+                            _OutputIterator __d_first, _BinaryOperation __op, _IsVector __is_vector,
+                            /*is_parallel*/ std::false_type) noexcept
+    return internal::brick_adjacent_difference(__first, __last, __d_first, __op, __is_vector);
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _BinaryOperation,
+          class _IsVector>
+pattern_adjacent_difference(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last,
+                            _ForwardIterator2 __d_first, _BinaryOperation __op, _IsVector __is_vector,
+                            /*is_parallel=*/std::true_type)
+    assert(__first != __last);
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator1>::reference _ReferenceType1;
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator2>::reference _ReferenceType2;
+    *__d_first = *__first;
+    par_backend::parallel_for(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last - 1,
+                              [&__op, __is_vector, __d_first, __first](_ForwardIterator1 __b, _ForwardIterator1 __e) {
+                                  _ForwardIterator2 __d_b = __d_first + (__b - __first);
+                                  brick_walk3(__b, __e, __b + 1, __d_b + 1,
+                                              [&__op](_ReferenceType1 __x, _ReferenceType1 __y, _ReferenceType2 __z) {
+                                                  __z = __op(__y, __x);
+                                              },
+                                              __is_vector);
+                              });
+    return __d_first + (__last - __first);
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace __pstl
+#endif /* __PSTL_numeric_impl_H */

Added: pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/parallel_backend.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/parallel_backend.h?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/parallel_backend.h (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/parallel_backend.h Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- parallel_backend.h ------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#ifndef __PSTL_parallel_backend_H
+#define __PSTL_parallel_backend_H
+#include "parallel_backend_tbb.h"
+__PSTL_PRAGMA_MESSAGE("Parallel backend was not specified");
+#endif /* __PSTL_parallel_backend_H */

Added: pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/parallel_backend_tbb.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/parallel_backend_tbb.h?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/parallel_backend_tbb.h (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/parallel_backend_tbb.h Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,656 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- parallel_backend_tbb.h --------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#ifndef __PSTL_parallel_backend_tbb_H
+#define __PSTL_parallel_backend_tbb_H
+#include <cassert>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include "parallel_backend_utils.h"
+// Bring in minimal required subset of Intel TBB
+#include <tbb/blocked_range.h>
+#include <tbb/parallel_for.h>
+#include <tbb/parallel_reduce.h>
+#include <tbb/parallel_scan.h>
+#include <tbb/parallel_invoke.h>
+#include <tbb/task_arena.h>
+#include <tbb/tbb_allocator.h>
+#error Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks 2018 is required; older versions are not supported.
+namespace __pstl
+namespace par_backend
+//! Raw memory buffer with automatic freeing and no exceptions.
+/** Some of our algorithms need to start with raw memory buffer,
+not an initialize array, because initialization/destruction
+would make the span be at least O(N). */
+// tbb::allocator can improve performance in some cases.
+template <typename _Tp>
+class buffer
+    tbb::tbb_allocator<_Tp> _M_allocator;
+    _Tp* _M_ptr;
+    const std::size_t _M_buf_size;
+    buffer(const buffer&) = delete;
+    void
+    operator=(const buffer&) = delete;
+  public:
+    //! Try to obtain buffer of given size to store objects of _Tp type
+    buffer(std::size_t n) : _M_allocator(), _M_ptr(_M_allocator.allocate(n)), _M_buf_size(n) {}
+    //! True if buffer was successfully obtained, zero otherwise.
+    operator bool() const { return _M_ptr != NULL; }
+    //! Return pointer to buffer, or  NULL if buffer could not be obtained.
+    _Tp*
+    get() const
+    {
+        return _M_ptr;
+    }
+    //! Destroy buffer
+    ~buffer() { _M_allocator.deallocate(_M_ptr, _M_buf_size); }
+// Wrapper for tbb::task
+inline void
+    tbb::task::self().group()->cancel_group_execution();
+// parallel_for
+template <class _Index, class _RealBody>
+class parallel_for_body
+  public:
+    parallel_for_body(const _RealBody& __body) : _M_body(__body) {}
+    parallel_for_body(const parallel_for_body& __body) : _M_body(__body._M_body) {}
+    void
+    operator()(const tbb::blocked_range<_Index>& __range) const
+    {
+        _M_body(__range.begin(), __range.end());
+    }
+  private:
+    _RealBody _M_body;
+//! Evaluation of brick f[i,j) for each subrange [i,j) of [first,last)
+// wrapper over tbb::parallel_for
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _Index, class _Fp>
+parallel_for(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _Index __first, _Index __last, _Fp __f)
+    tbb::this_task_arena::isolate(
+        [=]() { tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<_Index>(__first, __last), parallel_for_body<_Index, _Fp>(__f)); });
+//! Evaluation of brick f[i,j) for each subrange [i,j) of [first,last)
+// wrapper over tbb::parallel_reduce
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _Value, class _Index, typename _RealBody, typename _Reduction>
+parallel_reduce(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _Index __first, _Index __last, const _Value& __identity,
+                const _RealBody& __real_body, const _Reduction& __reduction)
+    return tbb::this_task_arena::isolate([__first, __last, &__identity, &__real_body, &__reduction]() -> _Value {
+        return tbb::parallel_reduce(
+            tbb::blocked_range<_Index>(__first, __last), __identity,
+            [__real_body](const tbb::blocked_range<_Index>& __r, const _Value& __value) -> _Value {
+                return __real_body(__r.begin(), __r.end(), __value);
+            },
+            __reduction);
+    });
+// parallel_transform_reduce
+// Notation:
+//      r(i,j,init) returns reduction of init with reduction over [i,j)
+//      u(i) returns f(i,i+1,identity) for a hypothetical left identity element of r
+//      c(x,y) combines values x and y that were the result of r or u
+template <class _Index, class _Up, class _Tp, class _Cp, class _Rp>
+struct par_trans_red_body
+    alignas(_Tp) char _M_sum_storage[sizeof(_Tp)]; // Holds generalized non-commutative sum when has_sum==true
+    _Rp _M_brick_reduce;                           // Most likely to have non-empty layout
+    _Up _M_u;
+    _Cp _M_combine;
+    bool _M_has_sum; // Put last to minimize size of class
+    _Tp&
+    sum()
+    {
+        __TBB_ASSERT(_M_has_sum, "sum expected");
+        return *(_Tp*)_M_sum_storage;
+    }
+    par_trans_red_body(_Up __u, _Tp __init, _Cp __c, _Rp __r)
+        : _M_brick_reduce(__r), _M_u(__u), _M_combine(__c), _M_has_sum(true)
+    {
+        new (_M_sum_storage) _Tp(__init);
+    }
+    par_trans_red_body(par_trans_red_body& __left, tbb::split)
+        : _M_brick_reduce(__left._M_brick_reduce), _M_u(__left._M_u), _M_combine(__left._M_combine), _M_has_sum(false)
+    {
+    }
+    ~par_trans_red_body()
+    {
+        // tells us to not worry about catching exceptions from destructors.
+        if (_M_has_sum)
+            sum().~_Tp();
+    }
+    void
+    join(par_trans_red_body& __rhs)
+    {
+        sum() = _M_combine(sum(), __rhs.sum());
+    }
+    void
+    operator()(const tbb::blocked_range<_Index>& __range)
+    {
+        _Index __i = __range.begin();
+        _Index __j = __range.end();
+        if (!_M_has_sum)
+        {
+            __TBB_ASSERT(__range.size() > 1, "there should be at least 2 elements");
+            new (&_M_sum_storage)
+                _Tp(_M_combine(_M_u(__i), _M_u(__i + 1))); // The condition i+1 < j is provided by the grain size of 3
+            _M_has_sum = true;
+            std::advance(__i, 2);
+            if (__i == __j)
+                return;
+        }
+        sum() = _M_brick_reduce(__i, __j, sum());
+    }
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _Index, class _Up, class _Tp, class _Cp, class _Rp>
+parallel_transform_reduce(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _Index __first, _Index __last, _Up __u, _Tp __init, _Cp __combine,
+                          _Rp __brick_reduce)
+    par_trans_red_body<_Index, _Up, _Tp, _Cp, _Rp> __body(__u, __init, __combine, __brick_reduce);
+    // The grain size of 3 is used in order to provide mininum 2 elements for each body
+    tbb::this_task_arena::isolate(
+        [__first, __last, &__body]() { tbb::parallel_reduce(tbb::blocked_range<_Index>(__first, __last, 3), __body); });
+    return __body.sum();
+// parallel_scan
+template <class _Index, class _Up, class _Tp, class _Cp, class _Rp, class _Sp>
+class trans_scan_body
+    alignas(_Tp) char _M_sum_storage[sizeof(_Tp)]; // Holds generalized non-commutative sum when has_sum==true
+    _Rp _M_brick_reduce;                           // Most likely to have non-empty layout
+    _Up _M_u;
+    _Cp _M_combine;
+    _Sp _M_scan;
+    bool _M_has_sum; // Put last to minimize size of class
+  public:
+    trans_scan_body(_Up __u, _Tp __init, _Cp __combine, _Rp __reduce, _Sp __scan)
+        : _M_brick_reduce(__reduce), _M_u(__u), _M_combine(__combine), _M_scan(__scan), _M_has_sum(true)
+    {
+        new (_M_sum_storage) _Tp(__init);
+    }
+    trans_scan_body(trans_scan_body& __b, tbb::split)
+        : _M_brick_reduce(__b._M_brick_reduce), _M_u(__b._M_u), _M_combine(__b._M_combine), _M_scan(__b._M_scan),
+          _M_has_sum(false)
+    {
+    }
+    ~trans_scan_body()
+    {
+        // tells us to not worry about catching exceptions from destructors.
+        if (_M_has_sum)
+            sum().~_Tp();
+    }
+    _Tp&
+    sum() const
+    {
+        __TBB_ASSERT(_M_has_sum, "sum expected");
+        return *(_Tp*)_M_sum_storage;
+    }
+    void
+    operator()(const tbb::blocked_range<_Index>& __range, tbb::pre_scan_tag)
+    {
+        _Index __i = __range.begin();
+        _Index __j = __range.end();
+        if (!_M_has_sum)
+        {
+            new (&_M_sum_storage) _Tp(_M_u(__i));
+            _M_has_sum = true;
+            ++__i;
+            if (__i == __j)
+                return;
+        }
+        sum() = _M_brick_reduce(__i, __j, sum());
+    }
+    void
+    operator()(const tbb::blocked_range<_Index>& __range, tbb::final_scan_tag)
+    {
+        sum() = _M_scan(__range.begin(), __range.end(), sum());
+    }
+    void
+    reverse_join(trans_scan_body& __a)
+    {
+        if (_M_has_sum)
+        {
+            sum() = _M_combine(__a.sum(), sum());
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            new (&_M_sum_storage) _Tp(__a.sum());
+            _M_has_sum = true;
+        }
+    }
+    void
+    assign(trans_scan_body& __b)
+    {
+        sum() = __b.sum();
+    }
+template <typename _Index>
+split(_Index __m)
+    _Index __k = 1;
+    while (2 * __k < __m)
+        __k *= 2;
+    return __k;
+// parallel_strict_scan
+template <typename _Index, typename _Tp, typename _Rp, typename _Cp>
+upsweep(_Index __i, _Index __m, _Index __tilesize, _Tp* __r, _Index __lastsize, _Rp __reduce, _Cp __combine)
+    if (__m == 1)
+        __r[0] = __reduce(__i * __tilesize, __lastsize);
+    else
+    {
+        _Index __k = split(__m);
+        tbb::parallel_invoke([=] { par_backend::upsweep(__i, __k, __tilesize, __r, __tilesize, __reduce, __combine); },
+                             [=] {
+                                 par_backend::upsweep(__i + __k, __m - __k, __tilesize, __r + __k, __lastsize, __reduce,
+                                                      __combine);
+                             });
+        if (__m == 2 * __k)
+            __r[__m - 1] = __combine(__r[__k - 1], __r[__m - 1]);
+    }
+template <typename _Index, typename _Tp, typename _Cp, typename _Sp>
+downsweep(_Index __i, _Index __m, _Index __tilesize, _Tp* __r, _Index __lastsize, _Tp __initial, _Cp __combine,
+          _Sp __scan)
+    if (__m == 1)
+        __scan(__i * __tilesize, __lastsize, __initial);
+    else
+    {
+        const _Index __k = par_backend::split(__m);
+        tbb::parallel_invoke(
+            [=] { par_backend::downsweep(__i, __k, __tilesize, __r, __tilesize, __initial, __combine, __scan); },
+            // Assumes that __combine never throws.
+            //TODO: Consider adding a requirement for user functors to be constant.
+            [=, &__combine] {
+                par_backend::downsweep(__i + __k, __m - __k, __tilesize, __r + __k, __lastsize,
+                                       __combine(__initial, __r[__k - 1]), __combine, __scan);
+            });
+    }
+// Adapted from Intel(R) Cilk(TM) version from cilkpub.
+// Let i:len denote a counted interval of length n starting at i.  s denotes a generalized-sum value.
+// Expected actions of the functors are:
+//     reduce(i,len) -> s  -- return reduction value of i:len.
+//     combine(s1,s2) -> s -- return merged sum
+//     apex(s) -- do any processing necessary between reduce and scan.
+//     scan(i,len,initial) -- perform scan over i:len starting with initial.
+// The initial range 0:n is partitioned into consecutive subranges.
+// reduce and scan are each called exactly once per subrange.
+// Thus callers can rely upon side effects in reduce.
+// combine must not throw an exception.
+// apex is called exactly once, after all calls to reduce and before all calls to scan.
+// For example, it's useful for allocating a buffer used by scan but whose size is the sum of all reduction values.
+// T must have a trivial constructor and destructor.
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, typename _Index, typename _Tp, typename _Rp, typename _Cp, typename _Sp, typename _Ap>
+parallel_strict_scan(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _Index __n, _Tp __initial, _Rp __reduce, _Cp __combine, _Sp __scan, _Ap __apex)
+    tbb::this_task_arena::isolate([=, &__combine]() {
+        if (__n > 1)
+        {
+            _Index __p = tbb::this_task_arena::max_concurrency();
+            const _Index __slack = 4;
+            _Index __tilesize = (__n - 1) / (__slack * __p) + 1;
+            _Index __m = (__n - 1) / __tilesize;
+            buffer<_Tp> __buf(__m + 1);
+            _Tp* __r = __buf.get();
+            par_backend::upsweep(_Index(0), _Index(__m + 1), __tilesize, __r, __n - __m * __tilesize, __reduce,
+                                 __combine);
+            // When __apex is a no-op and __combine has no side effects, a good optimizer
+            // should be able to eliminate all code between here and __apex.
+            // Alternatively, provide a default value for __apex that can be
+            // recognized by metaprogramming that conditionlly executes the following.
+            size_t __k = __m + 1;
+            _Tp __t = __r[__k - 1];
+            while ((__k &= __k - 1))
+                __t = __combine(__r[__k - 1], __t);
+            __apex(__combine(__initial, __t));
+            par_backend::downsweep(_Index(0), _Index(__m + 1), __tilesize, __r, __n - __m * __tilesize, __initial,
+                                   __combine, __scan);
+            return;
+        }
+        // Fewer than 2 elements in sequence, or out of memory.  Handle has single block.
+        _Tp __sum = __initial;
+        if (__n)
+            __sum = __combine(__sum, __reduce(_Index(0), __n));
+        __apex(__sum);
+        if (__n)
+            __scan(_Index(0), __n, __initial);
+    });
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _Index, class _Up, class _Tp, class _Cp, class _Rp, class _Sp>
+parallel_transform_scan(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _Index __n, _Up __u, _Tp __init, _Cp __combine, _Rp __brick_reduce,
+                        _Sp __scan)
+    trans_scan_body<_Index, _Up, _Tp, _Cp, _Rp, _Sp> __body(__u, __init, __combine, __brick_reduce, __scan);
+    auto __range = tbb::blocked_range<_Index>(0, __n);
+    tbb::this_task_arena::isolate([__range, &__body]() { tbb::parallel_scan(__range, __body); });
+    return __body.sum();
+// parallel_stable_sort
+// stable_sort utilities
+// These are used by parallel implementations but do not depend on them.
+template <typename _RandomAccessIterator1, typename _RandomAccessIterator2, typename _RandomAccessIterator3,
+          typename _Compare, typename _Cleanup, typename _LeafMerge>
+class merge_task : public tbb::task
+    /*override*/ tbb::task*
+    execute();
+    _RandomAccessIterator1 _M_xs, _M_xe;
+    _RandomAccessIterator2 _M_ys, _M_ye;
+    _RandomAccessIterator3 _M_zs;
+    _Compare _M_comp;
+    _Cleanup _M_cleanup;
+    _LeafMerge _M_leaf_merge;
+  public:
+    merge_task(_RandomAccessIterator1 __xs, _RandomAccessIterator1 __xe, _RandomAccessIterator2 __ys,
+               _RandomAccessIterator2 __ye, _RandomAccessIterator3 __zs, _Compare __comp, _Cleanup __cleanup,
+               _LeafMerge __leaf_merge)
+        : _M_xs(__xs), _M_xe(__xe), _M_ys(__ys), _M_ye(__ye), _M_zs(__zs), _M_comp(__comp), _M_cleanup(__cleanup),
+          _M_leaf_merge(__leaf_merge)
+    {
+    }
+#define __PSTL_MERGE_CUT_OFF 2000
+template <typename _RandomAccessIterator1, typename _RandomAccessIterator2, typename _RandomAccessIterator3,
+          typename __M_Compare, typename _Cleanup, typename _LeafMerge>
+merge_task<_RandomAccessIterator1, _RandomAccessIterator2, _RandomAccessIterator3, __M_Compare, _Cleanup,
+           _LeafMerge>::execute()
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_RandomAccessIterator1>::difference_type _DifferenceType1;
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_RandomAccessIterator2>::difference_type _DifferenceType2;
+    typedef typename std::common_type<_DifferenceType1, _DifferenceType2>::type _SizeType;
+    const _SizeType __n = (_M_xe - _M_xs) + (_M_ye - _M_ys);
+    const _SizeType __merge_cut_off = __PSTL_MERGE_CUT_OFF;
+    if (__n <= __merge_cut_off)
+    {
+        _M_leaf_merge(_M_xs, _M_xe, _M_ys, _M_ye, _M_zs, _M_comp);
+        //we clean the buffer one time on last step of the sort
+        _M_cleanup(_M_xs, _M_xe);
+        _M_cleanup(_M_ys, _M_ye);
+        return nullptr;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        _RandomAccessIterator1 __xm;
+        _RandomAccessIterator2 __ym;
+        if (_M_xe - _M_xs < _M_ye - _M_ys)
+        {
+            __ym = _M_ys + (_M_ye - _M_ys) / 2;
+            __xm = std::upper_bound(_M_xs, _M_xe, *__ym, _M_comp);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            __xm = _M_xs + (_M_xe - _M_xs) / 2;
+            __ym = std::lower_bound(_M_ys, _M_ye, *__xm, _M_comp);
+        }
+        const _RandomAccessIterator3 __zm = _M_zs + ((__xm - _M_xs) + (__ym - _M_ys));
+        tbb::task* __right = new (tbb::task::allocate_additional_child_of(*parent()))
+            merge_task(__xm, _M_xe, __ym, _M_ye, __zm, _M_comp, _M_cleanup, _M_leaf_merge);
+        tbb::task::spawn(*__right);
+        tbb::task::recycle_as_continuation();
+        _M_xe = __xm;
+        _M_ye = __ym;
+    }
+    return this;
+template <typename _RandomAccessIterator1, typename _RandomAccessIterator2, typename _Compare, typename _LeafSort>
+class stable_sort_task : public tbb::task
+  public:
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_RandomAccessIterator1>::difference_type _DifferenceType1;
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_RandomAccessIterator2>::difference_type _DifferenceType2;
+    typedef typename std::common_type<_DifferenceType1, _DifferenceType2>::type _SizeType;
+  private:
+    /*override*/ tbb::task*
+    execute();
+    _RandomAccessIterator1 _M_xs, _M_xe;
+    _RandomAccessIterator2 _M_zs;
+    _Compare _M_comp;
+    _LeafSort _M_leaf_sort;
+    int32_t _M_inplace;
+    _SizeType _M_nsort;
+  public:
+    stable_sort_task(_RandomAccessIterator1 __xs, _RandomAccessIterator1 __xe, _RandomAccessIterator2 __zs,
+                     int32_t __inplace, _Compare __comp, _LeafSort __leaf_sort, _SizeType __n)
+        : _M_xs(__xs), _M_xe(__xe), _M_zs(__zs), _M_inplace(__inplace), _M_comp(__comp), _M_leaf_sort(__leaf_sort),
+          _M_nsort(__n)
+    {
+    }
+//! Binary operator that does nothing
+struct binary_no_op
+    template <typename _T>
+    void operator()(_T, _T)
+    {
+    }
+template <typename _RandomAccessIterator1, typename _RandomAccessIterator2, typename _Compare, typename _LeafSort>
+stable_sort_task<_RandomAccessIterator1, _RandomAccessIterator2, _Compare, _LeafSort>::execute()
+    const _SizeType __n = _M_xe - _M_xs;
+    const _SizeType __nmerge = _M_nsort > 0 ? _M_nsort : __n;
+    const _SizeType __sort_cut_off = __PSTL_STABLE_SORT_CUT_OFF;
+    if (__n <= __sort_cut_off)
+    {
+        _M_leaf_sort(_M_xs, _M_xe, _M_comp);
+        if (_M_inplace != 2)
+            init_buf(_M_xs, _M_xe, _M_zs, _M_inplace == 0);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        const _RandomAccessIterator1 __xm = _M_xs + __n / 2;
+        const _RandomAccessIterator2 __zm = _M_zs + (__xm - _M_xs);
+        const _RandomAccessIterator2 __ze = _M_zs + __n;
+        task* __m;
+        auto __move_values = [](_RandomAccessIterator2 __x, _RandomAccessIterator1 __z) { *__z = std::move(*__x); };
+        auto __move_sequences = [](_RandomAccessIterator2 __first1, _RandomAccessIterator2 __last1,
+                                   _RandomAccessIterator1 __first2) { return std::move(__first1, __last1, __first2); };
+        if (_M_inplace == 2)
+            __m = new (allocate_continuation())
+                merge_task<_RandomAccessIterator2, _RandomAccessIterator2, _RandomAccessIterator1, _Compare,
+                           serial_destroy, serial_move_merge<decltype(__move_values), decltype(__move_sequences)>>(
+                    _M_zs, __zm, __zm, __ze, _M_xs, _M_comp, serial_destroy(),
+                    serial_move_merge<decltype(__move_values), decltype(__move_sequences)>(__nmerge, __move_values,
+                                                                                           __move_sequences));
+        else if (_M_inplace)
+            __m = new (allocate_continuation())
+                merge_task<_RandomAccessIterator2, _RandomAccessIterator2, _RandomAccessIterator1, _Compare,
+                           binary_no_op, serial_move_merge<decltype(__move_values), decltype(__move_sequences)>>(
+                    _M_zs, __zm, __zm, __ze, _M_xs, _M_comp, binary_no_op(),
+                    serial_move_merge<decltype(__move_values), decltype(__move_sequences)>(__nmerge, __move_values,
+                                                                                           __move_sequences));
+        else
+        {
+            auto __move_values = [](_RandomAccessIterator1 __x, _RandomAccessIterator2 __z) { *__z = std::move(*__x); };
+            auto __move_sequences = [](_RandomAccessIterator1 __first1, _RandomAccessIterator1 __last1,
+                                       _RandomAccessIterator2 __first2) {
+                return std::move(__first1, __last1, __first2);
+            };
+            __m = new (allocate_continuation())
+                merge_task<_RandomAccessIterator1, _RandomAccessIterator1, _RandomAccessIterator2, _Compare,
+                           binary_no_op, serial_move_merge<decltype(__move_values), decltype(__move_sequences)>>(
+                    _M_xs, __xm, __xm, _M_xe, _M_zs, _M_comp, binary_no_op(),
+                    serial_move_merge<decltype(__move_values), decltype(__move_sequences)>(__nmerge, __move_values,
+                                                                                           __move_sequences));
+        }
+        __m->set_ref_count(2);
+        task* __right = new (__m->allocate_child())
+            stable_sort_task(__xm, _M_xe, __zm, !_M_inplace, _M_comp, _M_leaf_sort, __nmerge);
+        spawn(*__right);
+        recycle_as_child_of(*__m);
+        _M_xe = __xm;
+        _M_inplace = !_M_inplace;
+    }
+    return this;
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, typename _RandomAccessIterator, typename _Compare, typename _LeafSort>
+parallel_stable_sort(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _RandomAccessIterator __xs, _RandomAccessIterator __xe, _Compare __comp,
+                     _LeafSort __leaf_sort, std::size_t __nsort = 0)
+    tbb::this_task_arena::isolate([=, &__nsort]() {
+        //sorting based on task tree and parallel merge
+        typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_RandomAccessIterator>::value_type _ValueType;
+        typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_RandomAccessIterator>::difference_type _DifferenceType;
+        const _DifferenceType __n = __xe - __xs;
+        if (__nsort == 0)
+            __nsort = __n;
+        const _DifferenceType __sort_cut_off = __PSTL_STABLE_SORT_CUT_OFF;
+        if (__n > __sort_cut_off)
+        {
+            assert(__nsort > 0 && __nsort <= __n);
+            buffer<_ValueType> __buf(__n);
+            using tbb::task;
+            task::spawn_root_and_wait(*new (task::allocate_root())
+                                          stable_sort_task<_RandomAccessIterator, _ValueType*, _Compare, _LeafSort>(
+                                              __xs, __xe, (_ValueType*)__buf.get(), 2, __comp, __leaf_sort, __nsort));
+            return;
+        }
+        //serial sort
+        __leaf_sort(__xs, __xe, __comp);
+    });
+// parallel_merge
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, typename _RandomAccessIterator1, typename _RandomAccessIterator2,
+          typename _RandomAccessIterator3, typename _Compare, typename _LeafMerge>
+parallel_merge(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _RandomAccessIterator1 __xs, _RandomAccessIterator1 __xe,
+               _RandomAccessIterator2 __ys, _RandomAccessIterator2 __ye, _RandomAccessIterator3 __zs, _Compare __comp,
+               _LeafMerge __leaf_merge)
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_RandomAccessIterator1>::difference_type _DifferenceType1;
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_RandomAccessIterator2>::difference_type _DifferenceType2;
+    typedef typename std::common_type<_DifferenceType1, _DifferenceType2>::type _SizeType;
+    const _SizeType __n = (__xe - __xs) + (__ye - __ys);
+    const _SizeType __merge_cut_off = __PSTL_MERGE_CUT_OFF;
+    if (__n <= __merge_cut_off)
+    {
+        // Fall back on serial merge
+        __leaf_merge(__xs, __xe, __ys, __ye, __zs, __comp);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        tbb::this_task_arena::isolate([=]() {
+            typedef merge_task<_RandomAccessIterator1, _RandomAccessIterator2, _RandomAccessIterator3, _Compare,
+                               par_backend::binary_no_op, _LeafMerge>
+                _TaskType;
+            tbb::task::spawn_root_and_wait(*new (tbb::task::allocate_root()) _TaskType(
+                __xs, __xe, __ys, __ye, __zs, __comp, par_backend::binary_no_op(), __leaf_merge));
+        });
+    }
+// parallel_invoke
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, typename _F1, typename _F2>
+parallel_invoke(_ExecutionPolicy&&, _F1&& __f1, _F2&& __f2)
+    //TODO: a version of tbb::this_task_arena::isolate with variadic arguments pack should be added in the future
+    tbb::this_task_arena::isolate([&]() { tbb::parallel_invoke(std::forward<_F1>(__f1), std::forward<_F2>(__f2)); });
+} // namespace par_backend
+} // namespace __pstl
+#endif /* __PSTL_parallel_backend_tbb_H */

Added: pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/parallel_backend_utils.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/parallel_backend_utils.h?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/parallel_backend_utils.h (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/parallel_backend_utils.h Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- parallel_backend_utils.h ------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#ifndef __PSTL_parallel_backend_utils_H
+#define __PSTL_parallel_backend_utils_H
+#include <iterator>
+#include <utility>
+#include "utils.h"
+namespace __pstl
+namespace par_backend
+//! Destroy sequence [xs,xe)
+struct serial_destroy
+    template <typename _RandomAccessIterator>
+    void
+    operator()(_RandomAccessIterator __zs, _RandomAccessIterator __ze)
+    {
+        typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_RandomAccessIterator>::value_type _ValueType;
+        while (__zs != __ze)
+        {
+            --__ze;
+            (*__ze).~_ValueType();
+        }
+    }
+//! Merge sequences [__xs,__xe) and [__ys,__ye) to output sequence [__zs,(__xe-__xs)+(__ye-__ys)), using std::move
+template <class _MoveValues, class _MoveSequences>
+struct serial_move_merge
+    const std::size_t _M_nmerge;
+    _MoveValues _M_move_values;
+    _MoveSequences _M_move_sequences;
+    explicit serial_move_merge(std::size_t __nmerge, _MoveValues __move_values, _MoveSequences __move_sequences)
+        : _M_nmerge(__nmerge), _M_move_values(__move_values), _M_move_sequences(__move_sequences)
+    {
+    }
+    template <class _RandomAccessIterator1, class _RandomAccessIterator2, class _RandomAccessIterator3, class _Compare>
+    void
+    operator()(_RandomAccessIterator1 __xs, _RandomAccessIterator1 __xe, _RandomAccessIterator2 __ys,
+               _RandomAccessIterator2 __ye, _RandomAccessIterator3 __zs, _Compare __comp)
+    {
+        auto __n = _M_nmerge;
+        assert(__n > 0);
+        if (__xs != __xe)
+        {
+            if (__ys != __ye)
+            {
+                for (;;)
+                {
+                    if (__comp(*__ys, *__xs))
+                    {
+                        _M_move_values(__ys, __zs);
+                        ++__zs, --__n;
+                        if (++__ys == __ye)
+                        {
+                            break;
+                        }
+                        else if (__n == 0)
+                        {
+                            __zs = _M_move_sequences(__ys, __ye, __zs);
+                            break;
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                        }
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        _M_move_values(__xs, __zs);
+                        ++__zs, --__n;
+                        if (++__xs == __xe)
+                        {
+                            _M_move_sequences(__ys, __ye, __zs);
+                            return;
+                        }
+                        else if (__n == 0)
+                        {
+                            __zs = _M_move_sequences(__xs, __xe, __zs);
+                            _M_move_sequences(__ys, __ye, __zs);
+                            return;
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            __ys = __xs;
+            __ye = __xe;
+        }
+        _M_move_sequences(__ys, __ye, __zs);
+    }
+template <typename _RandomAccessIterator1, typename _OutputIterator>
+init_buf(_RandomAccessIterator1 __xs, _RandomAccessIterator1 __xe, _OutputIterator __zs, bool __bMove)
+    const _OutputIterator __ze = __zs + (__xe - __xs);
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_OutputIterator>::value_type _ValueType;
+    if (__bMove)
+    {
+        // Initialize the temporary buffer and move keys to it.
+        for (; __zs != __ze; ++__xs, ++__zs)
+            new (&*__zs) _ValueType(std::move(*__xs));
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        // Initialize the temporary buffer
+        for (; __zs != __ze; ++__zs)
+            new (&*__zs) _ValueType;
+    }
+template <typename _Buf>
+class stack
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<decltype(_Buf(0).get())>::value_type _ValueType;
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_ValueType*>::difference_type _DifferenceType;
+    _Buf _M_buf;
+    _ValueType* _M_ptr;
+    _DifferenceType _M_maxsize;
+    stack(const stack&) = delete;
+    void
+    operator=(const stack&) = delete;
+  public:
+    stack(_DifferenceType __max_size) : _M_buf(__max_size), _M_maxsize(__max_size) { _M_ptr = _M_buf.get(); }
+    ~stack()
+    {
+        assert(size() <= _M_maxsize);
+        while (!empty())
+            pop();
+    }
+    const _Buf&
+    buffer() const
+    {
+        return _M_buf;
+    }
+    size_t
+    size() const
+    {
+        assert(_M_ptr - _M_buf.get() <= _M_maxsize);
+        assert(_M_ptr - _M_buf.get() >= 0);
+        return _M_ptr - _M_buf.get();
+    }
+    bool
+    empty() const
+    {
+        assert(_M_ptr >= _M_buf.get());
+        return _M_ptr == _M_buf.get();
+    }
+    void
+    push(const _ValueType& __v)
+    {
+        assert(size() < _M_maxsize);
+        new (_M_ptr) _ValueType(__v);
+        ++_M_ptr;
+    }
+    const _ValueType&
+    top() const
+    {
+        return *(_M_ptr - 1);
+    }
+    void
+    pop()
+    {
+        assert(_M_ptr > _M_buf.get());
+        --_M_ptr;
+        (*_M_ptr).~_ValueType();
+    }
+} // namespace par_backend
+} // namespace __pstl
+#endif /* __PSTL_parallel_backend_utils_H */

Added: pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/parallel_impl.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/parallel_impl.h?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/parallel_impl.h (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/parallel_impl.h Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- parallel_impl.h ---------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#ifndef __PSTL_parallel_impl_H
+#define __PSTL_parallel_impl_H
+#include <atomic>
+// This header defines the minimum set of parallel routines required to support Parallel STL,
+// implemented on top of Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks (Intel(R) TBB) library
+namespace __pstl
+namespace internal
+// parallel_find
+/** Return extremum value returned by brick f[i,j) for subranges [i,j) of [first,last)
+Each f[i,j) must return a value in [i,j). */
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _Index, class _Brick, class _Compare>
+parallel_find(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _Index __first, _Index __last, _Brick __f, _Compare __comp, bool __b_first)
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_Index>::difference_type _DifferenceType;
+    const _DifferenceType __n = __last - __first;
+    _DifferenceType __initial_dist = __b_first ? __n : -1;
+    std::atomic<_DifferenceType> __extremum(__initial_dist);
+    // TODO: find out what is better here: parallel_for or parallel_reduce
+    par_backend::parallel_for(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last,
+                              [__comp, __f, __first, &__extremum](_Index __i, _Index __j) {
+                                  // See "Reducing Contention Through Priority Updates", PPoPP '13, for discussion of
+                                  // why using a shared variable scales fairly well in this situation.
+                                  if (__comp(__i - __first, __extremum))
+                                  {
+                                      _Index __res = __f(__i, __j);
+                                      // If not '__last' returned then we found what we want so put this to extremum
+                                      if (__res != __j)
+                                      {
+                                          const _DifferenceType __k = __res - __first;
+                                          for (_DifferenceType __old = __extremum; __comp(__k, __old);
+                                               __old = __extremum)
+                                          {
+                                              __extremum.compare_exchange_weak(__old, __k);
+                                          }
+                                      }
+                                  }
+                              });
+    return __extremum != __initial_dist ? __first + __extremum : __last;
+// parallel_or
+//! Return true if brick f[i,j) returns true for some subrange [i,j) of [first,last)
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _Index, class _Brick>
+parallel_or(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _Index __first, _Index __last, _Brick __f)
+    std::atomic<bool> __found(false);
+    par_backend::parallel_for(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last,
+                              [__f, &__found](_Index __i, _Index __j) {
+                                  if (!__found.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) && __f(__i, __j))
+                                  {
+                                      __found.store(true, std::memory_order_relaxed);
+                                      par_backend::cancel_execution();
+                                  }
+                              });
+    return __found;
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace __pstl
+#endif /* __PSTL_parallel_impl_H */

Added: pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/pstl_config.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/pstl_config.h?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/pstl_config.h (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/pstl_config.h Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- pstl_config.h -----------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#ifndef __PSTL_config_H
+#define __PSTL_config_H
+#define PSTL_VERSION 203
+// Check the user-defined macro for parallel policies
+// Check the internal macro for parallel policies
+#elif !defined(__PSTL_USE_PAR_POLICIES)
+#if !defined(__PSTL_PAR_BACKEND_TBB)
+// Check the user-defined macro for warnings
+// Check the internal macro for warnings
+#elif !defined(__PSTL_USAGE_WARNINGS)
+// Portability "#pragma" definition
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#define __PSTL_PRAGMA(x) __pragma(x)
+#define __PSTL_PRAGMA(x) _Pragma(#x)
+#define __PSTL_STRING_AUX(x) #x
+#define __PSTL_STRING(x) __PSTL_STRING_AUX(x)
+#define __PSTL_STRING_CONCAT(x, y) x #y
+// note that when ICC or Clang is in use, __PSTL_GCC_VERSION might not fully match
+// the actual GCC version on the system.
+#define __PSTL_GCC_VERSION (__GNUC__ * 10000 + __GNUC_MINOR__ * 100 + __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__)
+#if __clang__
+// according to clang documentation, version can be vendor specific
+#define __PSTL_CLANG_VERSION (__clang_major__ * 10000 + __clang_minor__ * 100 + __clang_patchlevel__)
+// Enable SIMD for compilers that support OpenMP 4.0
+#if (_OPENMP >= 201307) || (__INTEL_COMPILER >= 1600) || (!defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && __PSTL_GCC_VERSION >= 40900)
+#define __PSTL_PRAGMA_SIMD __PSTL_PRAGMA(omp simd)
+#define __PSTL_PRAGMA_DECLARE_SIMD __PSTL_PRAGMA(omp declare simd)
+#define __PSTL_PRAGMA_SIMD_REDUCTION(PRM) __PSTL_PRAGMA(omp simd reduction(PRM))
+#elif !defined(_MSC_VER) //#pragma simd
+#else //no simd
+#endif //Enable SIMD
+#if (__INTEL_COMPILER >= 1900)
+#define __PSTL_PRAGMA_SIMD_SCAN(PRM) __PSTL_PRAGMA(omp simd reduction(inscan, PRM))
+#define __PSTL_PRAGMA_SIMD_INCLUSIVE_SCAN(PRM) __PSTL_PRAGMA(omp scan inclusive(PRM))
+#define __PSTL_PRAGMA_SIMD_EXCLUSIVE_SCAN(PRM) __PSTL_PRAGMA(omp scan exclusive(PRM))
+// Should be defined to 1 for environments with a vendor implementation of C++17 execution policies
+#define __PSTL_CPP14_2RANGE_MISMATCH_EQUAL_PRESENT                                                                     \
+    (_MSC_VER >= 1900 || __cplusplus >= 201300L || __cpp_lib_robust_nonmodifying_seq_ops == 201304)
+#define __PSTL_CPP14_MAKE_REVERSE_ITERATOR_PRESENT                                                                     \
+    (_MSC_VER >= 1900 || __cplusplus >= 201402L || __cpp_lib_make_reverse_iterator == 201402)
+#define __PSTL_CPP14_INTEGER_SEQUENCE_PRESENT (_MSC_VER >= 1900 || __cplusplus >= 201402L)
+#define __PSTL_CPP14_VARIABLE_TEMPLATES_PRESENT                                                                        \
+    (!__INTEL_COMPILER || __INTEL_COMPILER >= 1700) && (_MSC_FULL_VER >= 190023918 || __cplusplus >= 201402L)
+#if (__INTEL_COMPILER >= 1900 || !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && __PSTL_GCC_VERSION >= 40900 || _OPENMP >= 201307)
+#define __PSTL_UDR_PRESENT 1
+#define __PSTL_UDR_PRESENT 0
+#define __PSTL_PRAGMA_SIMD_EARLYEXIT __PSTL_PRAGMA(omp simd early_exit)
+#define __PSTL_PRAGMA_SIMD_ORDERED_MONOTONIC(PRM) __PSTL_PRAGMA(omp ordered simd monotonic(PRM))
+#define __PSTL_PRAGMA_SIMD_ORDERED_MONOTONIC_2ARGS(PRM1, PRM2) __PSTL_PRAGMA(omp ordered simd monotonic(PRM1, PRM2))
+// Declaration of reduction functor, where
+// NAME - the name of the functor
+// OP - type of the callable object with the reduction operation
+// omp_in - refers to the local partial result
+// omp_out - refers to the final value of the combiner operator
+// omp_priv - refers to the private copy of the initial value
+// omp_orig - refers to the original variable to be reduced
+#define __PSTL_PRAGMA_DECLARE_REDUCTION(NAME, OP)                                                                      \
+    __PSTL_PRAGMA(omp declare reduction(NAME : OP : omp_out(omp_in)) initializer(omp_priv = omp_orig))
+#if (__INTEL_COMPILER >= 1600)
+#define __PSTL_PRAGMA_VECTOR_UNALIGNED __PSTL_PRAGMA(vector unaligned)
+// Check the user-defined macro to use non-temporal stores
+#if _MSC_VER || __INTEL_COMPILER //the preprocessors don't type a message location
+#define __PSTL_PRAGMA_LOCATION __FILE__ ":" __PSTL_STRING(__LINE__) ": [Parallel STL message]: "
+#define __PSTL_PRAGMA_LOCATION " [Parallel STL message]: "
+// broken macros
+#define __PSTL_CPP11_STD_ROTATE_BROKEN ((__GLIBCXX__ && __GLIBCXX__ < 20150716) || (_MSC_VER && _MSC_VER < 1800))
+#endif /* __PSTL_config_H */

Added: pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/unseq_backend_simd.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/unseq_backend_simd.h?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/unseq_backend_simd.h (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/unseq_backend_simd.h Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,856 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- unseq_backend_simd.h ----------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#ifndef __PSTL_unseq_backend_simd_H
+#define __PSTL_unseq_backend_simd_H
+#include <type_traits>
+#include "pstl_config.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+// This header defines the minimum set of vector routines required
+// to support parallel STL.
+namespace __pstl
+namespace unseq_backend
+// Expect vector width up to 64 (or 512 bit)
+const std::size_t __lane_size = 64;
+template <class _Iterator, class _DifferenceType, class _Function>
+simd_walk_1(_Iterator __first, _DifferenceType __n, _Function __f) noexcept
+    for (_DifferenceType __i = 0; __i < __n; ++__i)
+        __f(__first[__i]);
+    return __first + __n;
+template <class _Iterator1, class _DifferenceType, class _Iterator2, class _Function>
+simd_walk_2(_Iterator1 __first1, _DifferenceType __n, _Iterator2 __first2, _Function __f) noexcept
+    for (_DifferenceType __i = 0; __i < __n; ++__i)
+        __f(__first1[__i], __first2[__i]);
+    return __first2 + __n;
+template <class _Iterator1, class _DifferenceType, class _Iterator2, class _Iterator3, class _Function>
+simd_walk_3(_Iterator1 __first1, _DifferenceType __n, _Iterator2 __first2, _Iterator3 __first3, _Function __f) noexcept
+    for (_DifferenceType __i = 0; __i < __n; ++__i)
+        __f(__first1[__i], __first2[__i], __first3[__i]);
+    return __first3 + __n;
+// TODO: check whether simd_first() can be used here
+template <class _Index, class _DifferenceType, class _Pred>
+simd_or(_Index __first, _DifferenceType __n, _Pred __pred) noexcept
+    _DifferenceType __i;
+    for (__i = 0; __i < __n; ++__i)
+        if (__pred(__first[__i]))
+            break;
+    return __i < __n;
+    _DifferenceType __block_size = 4 < __n ? 4 : __n;
+    const _Index __last = __first + __n;
+    while (__last != __first)
+    {
+        int32_t __flag = 1;
+        __PSTL_PRAGMA_SIMD_REDUCTION(& : __flag)
+        for (_DifferenceType __i = 0; __i < __block_size; ++__i)
+            if (__pred(*(__first + __i)))
+                __flag = 0;
+        if (!__flag)
+            return true;
+        __first += __block_size;
+        if (__last - __first >= __block_size << 1)
+        {
+            // Double the block _Size.  Any unnecessary iterations can be amortized against work done so far.
+            __block_size <<= 1;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            __block_size = __last - __first;
+        }
+    }
+    return false;
+template <class _Index, class _DifferenceType, class _Compare>
+simd_first(_Index __first, _DifferenceType __begin, _DifferenceType __end, _Compare __comp) noexcept
+    _DifferenceType __i = __begin;
+    __PSTL_PRAGMA_VECTOR_UNALIGNED // Do not generate peel loop part
+        __PSTL_PRAGMA_SIMD_EARLYEXIT for (; __i < __end; ++__i)
+    {
+        if (__comp(__first, __i))
+        {
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    return __first + __i;
+    // Experiments show good block sizes like this
+    const _DifferenceType __block_size = 8;
+    alignas(__lane_size) _DifferenceType __lane[__block_size] = {0};
+    while (__end - __begin >= __block_size)
+    {
+        _DifferenceType __found = 0;
+        __PSTL_PRAGMA_VECTOR_UNALIGNED // Do not generate peel loop part
+                                         : __found) for (_DifferenceType __i = __begin; __i < __begin + __block_size;
+                                                         ++__i)
+        {
+            const _DifferenceType __t = __comp(__first, __i);
+            __lane[__i - __begin] = __t;
+            __found |= __t;
+        }
+        if (__found)
+        {
+            _DifferenceType __i;
+            // This will vectorize
+            for (__i = 0; __i < __block_size; ++__i)
+            {
+                if (__lane[__i])
+                {
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            return __first + __begin + __i;
+        }
+        __begin += __block_size;
+    }
+    //Keep remainder scalar
+    while (__begin != __end)
+    {
+        if (__comp(__first, __begin))
+        {
+            return __first + __begin;
+        }
+        ++__begin;
+    }
+    return __first + __end;
+template <class _Index1, class _DifferenceType, class _Index2, class _Pred>
+std::pair<_Index1, _Index2>
+simd_first(_Index1 __first1, _DifferenceType __n, _Index2 __first2, _Pred __pred) noexcept
+    _DifferenceType __i = 0;
+    for (; __i < __n; ++__i)
+        if (__pred(__first1[__i], __first2[__i]))
+            break;
+    return std::make_pair(__first1 + __i, __first2 + __i);
+    const _Index1 __last1 = __first1 + __n;
+    const _Index2 __last2 = __first2 + __n;
+    // Experiments show good block sizes like this
+    const _DifferenceType __block_size = 8;
+    alignas(__lane_size) _DifferenceType __lane[__block_size] = {0};
+    while (__last1 - __first1 >= __block_size)
+    {
+        _DifferenceType __found = 0;
+        _DifferenceType __i;
+        __PSTL_PRAGMA_VECTOR_UNALIGNED // Do not generate peel loop part
+                                         : __found) for (__i = 0; __i < __block_size; ++__i)
+        {
+            const _DifferenceType __t = __pred(__first1[__i], __first2[__i]);
+            __lane[__i] = __t;
+            __found |= __t;
+        }
+        if (__found)
+        {
+            _DifferenceType __i;
+            // This will vectorize
+            for (__i = 0; __i < __block_size; ++__i)
+            {
+                if (__lane[__i])
+                    break;
+            }
+            return std::make_pair(__first1 + __i, __first2 + __i);
+        }
+        __first1 += __block_size;
+        __first2 += __block_size;
+    }
+    //Keep remainder scalar
+    for (; __last1 != __first1; ++__first1, ++__first2)
+        if (__pred(*(__first1), *(__first2)))
+            return std::make_pair(__first1, __first2);
+    return std::make_pair(__last1, __last2);
+template <class _Index, class _DifferenceType, class _Pred>
+simd_count(_Index __index, _DifferenceType __n, _Pred __pred) noexcept
+    _DifferenceType __count = 0;
+    __PSTL_PRAGMA_SIMD_REDUCTION(+ : __count)
+    for (_DifferenceType __i = 0; __i < __n; ++__i)
+        if (__pred(*(__index + __i)))
+            ++__count;
+    return __count;
+template <class _InputIterator, class _DifferenceType, class _OutputIterator, class _BinaryPredicate>
+simd_unique_copy(_InputIterator __first, _DifferenceType __n, _OutputIterator __result,
+                 _BinaryPredicate __pred) noexcept
+    if (__n == 0)
+        return __result;
+    _DifferenceType __cnt = 1;
+    __result[0] = __first[0];
+    for (_DifferenceType __i = 1; __i < __n; ++__i)
+    {
+        if (!__pred(__first[__i], __first[__i - 1]))
+        {
+            __result[__cnt] = __first[__i];
+            ++__cnt;
+        }
+    }
+    return __result + __cnt;
+template <class _InputIterator, class _DifferenceType, class _OutputIterator, class _Assigner>
+simd_assign(_InputIterator __first, _DifferenceType __n, _OutputIterator __result, _Assigner __assigner) noexcept
+    for (_DifferenceType __i = 0; __i < __n; ++__i)
+        __assigner(__first + __i, __result + __i);
+    return __result + __n;
+template <class _InputIterator, class _DifferenceType, class _OutputIterator, class _UnaryPredicate>
+simd_copy_if(_InputIterator __first, _DifferenceType __n, _OutputIterator __result, _UnaryPredicate __pred) noexcept
+    _DifferenceType __cnt = 0;
+    for (_DifferenceType __i = 0; __i < __n; ++__i)
+    {
+        if (__pred(__first[__i]))
+        {
+            __result[__cnt] = __first[__i];
+            ++__cnt;
+        }
+    }
+    return __result + __cnt;
+template <class _InputIterator, class _DifferenceType, class _BinaryPredicate>
+simd_calc_mask_2(_InputIterator __first, _DifferenceType __n, bool* __mask, _BinaryPredicate __pred) noexcept
+    _DifferenceType __count = 0;
+    __PSTL_PRAGMA_SIMD_REDUCTION(+ : __count)
+    for (_DifferenceType __i = 0; __i < __n; ++__i)
+    {
+        __mask[__i] = !__pred(__first[__i], __first[__i - 1]);
+        __count += __mask[__i];
+    }
+    return __count;
+template <class _InputIterator, class _DifferenceType, class _UnaryPredicate>
+simd_calc_mask_1(_InputIterator __first, _DifferenceType __n, bool* __mask, _UnaryPredicate __pred) noexcept
+    _DifferenceType __count = 0;
+    __PSTL_PRAGMA_SIMD_REDUCTION(+ : __count)
+    for (_DifferenceType __i = 0; __i < __n; ++__i)
+    {
+        __mask[__i] = __pred(__first[__i]);
+        __count += __mask[__i];
+    }
+    return __count;
+template <class _InputIterator, class _DifferenceType, class _OutputIterator, class _Assigner>
+simd_copy_by_mask(_InputIterator __first, _DifferenceType __n, _OutputIterator __result, bool* __mask,
+                  _Assigner __assigner) noexcept
+    _DifferenceType __cnt = 0;
+    for (_DifferenceType __i = 0; __i < __n; ++__i)
+    {
+        if (__mask[__i])
+        {
+            __PSTL_PRAGMA_SIMD_ORDERED_MONOTONIC(__cnt : 1)
+            {
+                __assigner(__first + __i, __result + __cnt);
+                ++__cnt;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+template <class _InputIterator, class _DifferenceType, class _OutputIterator1, class _OutputIterator2>
+simd_partition_by_mask(_InputIterator __first, _DifferenceType __n, _OutputIterator1 __out_true,
+                       _OutputIterator2 __out_false, bool* __mask) noexcept
+    _DifferenceType __cnt_true = 0, __cnt_false = 0;
+    for (_DifferenceType __i = 0; __i < __n; ++__i)
+    {
+        __PSTL_PRAGMA_SIMD_ORDERED_MONOTONIC_2ARGS(__cnt_true : 1, __cnt_false : 1)
+        if (__mask[__i])
+        {
+            __out_true[__cnt_true] = __first[__i];
+            ++__cnt_true;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            __out_false[__cnt_false] = __first[__i];
+            ++__cnt_false;
+        }
+    }
+template <class _Index, class _DifferenceType, class _Tp>
+simd_fill_n(_Index __first, _DifferenceType __n, const _Tp& __value) noexcept
+    for (_DifferenceType __i = 0; __i < __n; ++__i)
+        __first[__i] = __value;
+    return __first + __n;
+template <class _Index, class _DifferenceType, class _Generator>
+simd_generate_n(_Index __first, _DifferenceType __size, _Generator __g) noexcept
+    for (_DifferenceType __i = 0; __i < __size; ++__i)
+        __first[__i] = __g();
+    return __first + __size;
+template <class _Index, class _BinaryPredicate>
+simd_adjacent_find(_Index __first, _Index __last, _BinaryPredicate __pred, bool __or_semantic) noexcept
+    if (__last - __first < 2)
+        return __last;
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_Index>::difference_type _DifferenceType;
+    _DifferenceType __i = 0;
+    //Some compiler versions fail to compile the following loop when iterators are used. Indices are used instead
+    const _DifferenceType __n = __last - __first - 1;
+    for (; __i < __n; ++__i)
+        if (__pred(__first[__i], __first[__i + 1]))
+            break;
+    return __i < __n ? __first + __i : __last;
+    // Experiments show good block sizes like this
+    //TODO: to consider tuning block_size for various data types
+    const _DifferenceType __block_size = 8;
+    alignas(__lane_size) _DifferenceType __lane[__block_size] = {0};
+    while (__last - __first >= __block_size)
+    {
+        _DifferenceType __found = 0;
+        __PSTL_PRAGMA_VECTOR_UNALIGNED // Do not generate peel loop part
+                                         : __found) for (__i = 0; __i < __block_size - 1; ++__i)
+        {
+            //TODO: to improve SIMD vectorization
+            const _DifferenceType __t = __pred(*(__first + __i), *(__first + __i + 1));
+            __lane[__i] = __t;
+            __found |= __t;
+        }
+        //Process a pair of elements on a boundary of a data block
+        if (__first + __block_size < __last && __pred(*(__first + __i), *(__first + __i + 1)))
+            __lane[__i] = __found = 1;
+        if (__found)
+        {
+            if (__or_semantic)
+                return __first;
+            // This will vectorize
+            for (__i = 0; __i < __block_size; ++__i)
+                if (__lane[__i])
+                    break;
+            return __first + __i; //As far as found is true a __result (__lane[__i] is true) is guaranteed
+        }
+        __first += __block_size;
+    }
+    //Process the rest elements
+    for (; __last - __first > 1; ++__first)
+        if (__pred(*__first, *(__first + 1)))
+            return __first;
+    return __last;
+// It was created to reduce the code inside std::enable_if
+template <typename _Tp, typename _BinaryOperation>
+using is_arithmetic_plus = std::integral_constant<bool, std::is_arithmetic<_Tp>::value &&
+                                                            std::is_same<_BinaryOperation, std::plus<_Tp>>::value>;
+template <typename _DifferenceType, typename _Tp, typename _BinaryOperation, typename _UnaryOperation>
+typename std::enable_if<is_arithmetic_plus<_Tp, _BinaryOperation>::value, _Tp>::type
+simd_transform_reduce(_DifferenceType __n, _Tp __init, _BinaryOperation, _UnaryOperation __f) noexcept
+    for (_DifferenceType __i = 0; __i < __n; ++__i)
+        __init += __f(__i);
+    return __init;
+template <typename _Size, typename _Tp, typename _BinaryOperation, typename _UnaryOperation>
+typename std::enable_if<!is_arithmetic_plus<_Tp, _BinaryOperation>::value, _Tp>::type
+simd_transform_reduce(_Size __n, _Tp __init, _BinaryOperation __binary_op, _UnaryOperation __f) noexcept
+    const std::size_t __block_size = __lane_size / sizeof(_Tp);
+    if (__n > 2 * __block_size && __block_size > 1)
+    {
+        alignas(__lane_size) char __lane_[__lane_size];
+        _Tp* __lane = reinterpret_cast<_Tp*>(__lane_);
+        // initializer
+        for (_Size __i = 0; __i < __block_size; ++__i)
+        {
+            ::new (__lane + __i) _Tp(__binary_op(__f(__i), __f(__block_size + __i)));
+        }
+        // main loop
+        _Size __i = 2 * __block_size;
+        const _Size last_iteration = __block_size * (__n / __block_size);
+        for (; __i < last_iteration; __i += __block_size)
+        {
+            __PSTL_PRAGMA_SIMD
+            for (_Size __j = 0; __j < __block_size; ++__j)
+            {
+                __lane[__j] = __binary_op(__lane[__j], __f(__i + __j));
+            }
+        }
+        // remainder
+        for (_Size __j = 0; __j < __n - last_iteration; ++__j)
+        {
+            __lane[__j] = __binary_op(__lane[__j], __f(last_iteration + __j));
+        }
+        // combiner
+        for (_Size __i = 0; __i < __block_size; ++__i)
+        {
+            __init = __binary_op(__init, __lane[__i]);
+        }
+        // destroyer
+        for (_Size __i = 0; __i < __block_size; ++__i)
+        {
+            __lane[__i].~_Tp();
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        for (_Size __i = 0; __i < __n; ++__i)
+        {
+            __init = __binary_op(__init, __f(__i));
+        }
+    }
+    return __init;
+// Exclusive scan for "+" and arithmetic types
+template <class _InputIterator, class _Size, class _OutputIterator, class _UnaryOperation, class _Tp,
+          class _BinaryOperation>
+typename std::enable_if<is_arithmetic_plus<_Tp, _BinaryOperation>::value, std::pair<_OutputIterator, _Tp>>::type
+simd_scan(_InputIterator __first, _Size __n, _OutputIterator __result, _UnaryOperation __unary_op, _Tp __init,
+          _BinaryOperation, /*Inclusive*/ std::false_type)
+    __PSTL_PRAGMA_SIMD_SCAN(+ : __init)
+    for (_Size __i = 0; __i < __n; ++__i)
+    {
+        __result[__i] = __init;
+        __init += __unary_op(__first[__i]);
+    }
+    return std::make_pair(__result + __n, __init);
+// As soon as we cannot call __binary_op in "combiner" we create a wrapper over _Tp to encapsulate __binary_op
+template <typename _Tp, typename _BinaryOp>
+struct _Combiner
+    _Tp __value;
+    _BinaryOp* __bin_op; // Here is a pointer to function because of default ctor
+    _Combiner() : __value{}, __bin_op(nullptr) {}
+    _Combiner(const _Tp& value, const _BinaryOp* bin_op) : __value(value), __bin_op(const_cast<_BinaryOp*>(bin_op)) {}
+    _Combiner(const _Combiner& __obj) : __value{}, __bin_op(__obj.__bin_op) {}
+    void
+    operator()(const _Combiner& __obj)
+    {
+        __value = (*__bin_op)(__value, __obj.__value);
+    }
+// Exclusive scan for other binary operations and types
+template <class _InputIterator, class _Size, class _OutputIterator, class _UnaryOperation, class _Tp,
+          class _BinaryOperation>
+typename std::enable_if<!is_arithmetic_plus<_Tp, _BinaryOperation>::value, std::pair<_OutputIterator, _Tp>>::type
+simd_scan(_InputIterator __first, _Size __n, _OutputIterator __result, _UnaryOperation __unary_op, _Tp __init,
+          _BinaryOperation __binary_op, /*Inclusive*/ std::false_type)
+    typedef _Combiner<_Tp, _BinaryOperation> _CombinerType;
+    _CombinerType __init_{__init, &__binary_op};
+    __PSTL_PRAGMA_DECLARE_REDUCTION(__bin_op, _CombinerType)
+    __PSTL_PRAGMA_SIMD_SCAN(__bin_op : __init_)
+    for (_Size __i = 0; __i < __n; ++__i)
+    {
+        __result[__i] = __init_.__value;
+        __init_.__value = __binary_op(__init_.__value, __unary_op(__first[__i]));
+    }
+    return std::make_pair(__result + __n, __init_.__value);
+// Inclusive scan for "+" and arithmetic types
+template <class _InputIterator, class _Size, class _OutputIterator, class _UnaryOperation, class _Tp,
+          class _BinaryOperation>
+typename std::enable_if<is_arithmetic_plus<_Tp, _BinaryOperation>::value, std::pair<_OutputIterator, _Tp>>::type
+simd_scan(_InputIterator __first, _Size __n, _OutputIterator __result, _UnaryOperation __unary_op, _Tp __init,
+          _BinaryOperation, /*Inclusive*/ std::true_type)
+    __PSTL_PRAGMA_SIMD_SCAN(+ : __init)
+    for (_Size __i = 0; __i < __n; ++__i)
+    {
+        __init += __unary_op(__first[__i]);
+        __result[__i] = __init;
+    }
+    return std::make_pair(__result + __n, __init);
+// Inclusive scan for other binary operations and types
+template <class _InputIterator, class _Size, class _OutputIterator, class _UnaryOperation, class _Tp,
+          class _BinaryOperation>
+typename std::enable_if<!is_arithmetic_plus<_Tp, _BinaryOperation>::value, std::pair<_OutputIterator, _Tp>>::type
+simd_scan(_InputIterator __first, _Size __n, _OutputIterator __result, _UnaryOperation __unary_op, _Tp __init,
+          _BinaryOperation __binary_op, std::true_type)
+    typedef _Combiner<_Tp, _BinaryOperation> _CombinerType;
+    _CombinerType __init_{__init, &__binary_op};
+    __PSTL_PRAGMA_DECLARE_REDUCTION(__bin_op, _CombinerType)
+    __PSTL_PRAGMA_SIMD_SCAN(__bin_op : __init_)
+    for (_Size __i = 0; __i < __n; ++__i)
+    {
+        __init_.__value = __binary_op(__init_.__value, __unary_op(__first[__i]));
+        __result[__i] = __init_.__value;
+    }
+    return std::make_pair(__result + __n, __init_.__value);
+// [restriction] - std::iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::value_type should be DefaultConstructible.
+// complexity [violation] - We will have at most (__n-1 + number_of_lanes) comparisons instead of at most __n-1.
+template <typename _ForwardIterator, typename _Size, typename _Compare>
+simd_min_element(_ForwardIterator __first, _Size __n, _Compare __comp) noexcept
+    if (__n == 0)
+    {
+        return __first;
+    }
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::value_type _ValueType;
+    struct _ComplexType
+    {
+        _ValueType __min_val;
+        _Size __min_ind;
+        _Compare* __min_comp;
+        _ComplexType() : __min_val{}, __min_ind{}, __min_comp(nullptr) {}
+        _ComplexType(const _ValueType& val, const _Compare* comp)
+            : __min_val(val), __min_ind(0), __min_comp(const_cast<_Compare*>(comp))
+        {
+        }
+        _ComplexType(const _ComplexType& __obj)
+            : __min_val(__obj.__min_val), __min_ind(__obj.__min_ind), __min_comp(__obj.__min_comp)
+        {
+        }
+        void
+        operator()(const _ComplexType& __obj)
+        {
+            if (!(*__min_comp)(__min_val, __obj.__min_val) &&
+                ((*__min_comp)(__obj.__min_val, __min_val) || __obj.__min_ind - __min_ind < 0))
+            {
+                __min_val = __obj.__min_val;
+                __min_ind = __obj.__min_ind;
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    _ComplexType __init{*__first, &__comp};
+    __PSTL_PRAGMA_DECLARE_REDUCTION(__min_func, _ComplexType)
+    __PSTL_PRAGMA_SIMD_REDUCTION(__min_func : __init)
+    for (_Size __i = 1; __i < __n; ++__i)
+    {
+        const _ValueType __min_val = __init.__min_val;
+        const _ValueType __current = __first[__i];
+        if (__comp(__current, __min_val))
+        {
+            __init.__min_val = __current;
+            __init.__min_ind = __i;
+        }
+    }
+    return __first + __init.__min_ind;
+// [restriction] - std::iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::value_type should be DefaultConstructible.
+// complexity [violation] - We will have at most (2*(__n-1) + 4*number_of_lanes) comparisons instead of at most [1.5*(__n-1)].
+template <typename _ForwardIterator, typename _Size, typename _Compare>
+std::pair<_ForwardIterator, _ForwardIterator>
+simd_minmax_element(_ForwardIterator __first, _Size __n, _Compare __comp) noexcept
+    if (__n == 0)
+    {
+        return std::make_pair(__first, __first);
+    }
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::value_type _ValueType;
+    struct _ComplexType
+    {
+        _ValueType __min_val;
+        _ValueType __max_val;
+        _Size __min_ind;
+        _Size __max_ind;
+        _Compare* __minmax_comp;
+        _ComplexType() : __min_val{}, __max_val{}, __min_ind{}, __max_ind{}, __minmax_comp(nullptr) {}
+        _ComplexType(const _ValueType& min_val, const _ValueType& max_val, const _Compare* comp)
+            : __min_val(min_val), __max_val(max_val), __min_ind(0), __max_ind(0),
+              __minmax_comp(const_cast<_Compare*>(comp))
+        {
+        }
+        _ComplexType(const _ComplexType& __obj)
+            : __min_val(__obj.__min_val), __max_val(__obj.__max_val), __min_ind(__obj.__min_ind),
+              __max_ind(__obj.__max_ind), __minmax_comp(__obj.__minmax_comp)
+        {
+        }
+        void
+        operator()(const _ComplexType& __obj)
+        {
+            // min
+            if ((*__minmax_comp)(__obj.__min_val, __min_val))
+            {
+                __min_val = __obj.__min_val;
+                __min_ind = __obj.__min_ind;
+            }
+            else if (!(*__minmax_comp)(__min_val, __obj.__min_val))
+            {
+                __min_val = __obj.__min_val;
+                __min_ind = (__min_ind - __obj.__min_ind < 0) ? __min_ind : __obj.__min_ind;
+            }
+            // max
+            if ((*__minmax_comp)(__max_val, __obj.__max_val))
+            {
+                __max_val = __obj.__max_val;
+                __max_ind = __obj.__max_ind;
+            }
+            else if (!(*__minmax_comp)(__obj.__max_val, __max_val))
+            {
+                __max_val = __obj.__max_val;
+                __max_ind = (__max_ind - __obj.__max_ind < 0) ? __obj.__max_ind : __max_ind;
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    _ComplexType __init{*__first, *__first, &__comp};
+    __PSTL_PRAGMA_DECLARE_REDUCTION(__min_func, _ComplexType);
+    __PSTL_PRAGMA_SIMD_REDUCTION(__min_func : __init)
+    for (_Size __i = 1; __i < __n; ++__i)
+    {
+        auto __min_val = __init.__min_val;
+        auto __max_val = __init.__max_val;
+        auto __current = __first + __i;
+        if (__comp(*__current, __min_val))
+        {
+            __init.__min_val = *__current;
+            __init.__min_ind = __i;
+        }
+        else if (!__comp(*__current, __max_val))
+        {
+            __init.__max_val = *__current;
+            __init.__max_ind = __i;
+        }
+    }
+    return std::make_pair(__first + __init.__min_ind, __first + __init.__max_ind);
+template <class _InputIterator, class _DifferenceType, class _OutputIterator1, class _OutputIterator2,
+          class _UnaryPredicate>
+std::pair<_OutputIterator1, _OutputIterator2>
+simd_partition_copy(_InputIterator __first, _DifferenceType __n, _OutputIterator1 __out_true,
+                    _OutputIterator2 __out_false, _UnaryPredicate __pred) noexcept
+    _DifferenceType __cnt_true = 0, __cnt_false = 0;
+    for (_DifferenceType __i = 0; __i < __n; ++__i)
+    {
+        __PSTL_PRAGMA_SIMD_ORDERED_MONOTONIC_2ARGS(__cnt_true : 1, __cnt_false : 1)
+        if (__pred(__first[__i]))
+        {
+            __out_true[__cnt_true] = __first[__i];
+            ++__cnt_true;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            __out_false[__cnt_false] = __first[__i];
+            ++__cnt_false;
+        }
+    }
+    return std::make_pair(__out_true + __cnt_true, __out_false + __cnt_false);
+template <class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _BinaryPredicate>
+simd_find_first_of(_ForwardIterator1 __first, _ForwardIterator1 __last, _ForwardIterator2 __s_first,
+                   _ForwardIterator2 __s_last, _BinaryPredicate __pred) noexcept
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator1>::difference_type _DifferencType;
+    const _DifferencType __n1 = __last - __first;
+    const _DifferencType __n2 = __s_last - __s_first;
+    if (__n1 == 0 || __n2 == 0)
+    {
+        return __last; // according to the standard
+    }
+    // Common case
+    // If first sequence larger than second then we'll run simd_first with parameters of first sequence.
+    // Otherwise, vice versa.
+    if (__n1 < __n2)
+    {
+        for (; __first != __last; ++__first)
+        {
+            if (simd_or(__s_first, __n2,
+                        internal::equal_value_by_pred<decltype(*__first), _BinaryPredicate>(*__first, __pred)))
+            {
+                return __first;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        for (; __s_first != __s_last; ++__s_first)
+        {
+            const auto __result = unseq_backend::simd_first(
+                __first, _DifferencType(0), __n1, [__s_first, &__pred](_ForwardIterator1 __it, _DifferencType __i) {
+                    return __pred(__it[__i], *__s_first);
+                });
+            if (__result != __last)
+            {
+                return __result;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return __last;
+template <class _RandomAccessIterator, class _DifferenceType, class _UnaryPredicate>
+simd_remove_if(_RandomAccessIterator __first, _DifferenceType __n, _UnaryPredicate __pred) noexcept
+    // find first element we need to remove
+    auto __current = unseq_backend::simd_first(
+        __first, _DifferenceType(0), __n,
+        [&__pred](_RandomAccessIterator __it, _DifferenceType __i) { return __pred(__it[__i]); });
+    __n -= __current - __first;
+    // if we have in sequence only one element that pred(__current[1]) != false we can exit the function
+    if (__n < 2)
+    {
+        return __current;
+    }
+    _DifferenceType __cnt = 0;
+    for (_DifferenceType __i = 1; __i < __n; ++__i)
+    {
+        if (!__pred(__current[__i]))
+        {
+            __current[__cnt] = std::move(__current[__i]);
+            ++__cnt;
+        }
+    }
+    return __current + __cnt;
+} // namespace unseq_backend
+} // namespace __pstl
+#endif /* __PSTL_unseq_backend_simd_H */

Added: pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/utils.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/utils.h?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/utils.h (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/include/pstl/internal/utils.h Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- utils.h -----------------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#ifndef __PSTL_utils_H
+#define __PSTL_utils_H
+#include <new>
+#include <iterator>
+namespace __pstl
+namespace internal
+template <typename _Fp>
+typename std::result_of<_Fp()>::type
+except_handler(_Fp __f)
+    try
+    {
+        return __f();
+    }
+    catch (const std::bad_alloc&)
+    {
+        throw; // re-throw bad_alloc according to the standard [algorithms.parallel.exceptions]
+    }
+    catch (...)
+    {
+        std::terminate(); // Good bye according to the standard [algorithms.parallel.exceptions]
+    }
+template <typename _Fp>
+invoke_if(std::true_type, _Fp __f)
+    __f();
+template <typename _Fp>
+invoke_if(std::false_type, _Fp __f)
+template <typename _Fp>
+invoke_if_not(std::false_type, _Fp __f)
+    __f();
+template <typename _Fp>
+invoke_if_not(std::true_type, _Fp __f)
+template <typename _F1, typename _F2>
+typename std::result_of<_F1()>::type
+invoke_if_else(std::true_type, _F1 __f1, _F2 __f2)
+    return __f1();
+template <typename _F1, typename _F2>
+typename std::result_of<_F2()>::type
+invoke_if_else(std::false_type, _F1 __f1, _F2 __f2)
+    return __f2();
+//! Unary operator that returns reference to its argument.
+struct no_op
+    template <typename _Tp>
+    _Tp&&
+    operator()(_Tp&& __a) const
+    {
+        return std::forward<_Tp>(__a);
+    }
+//! Logical negation of a predicate
+template <typename _Pred>
+class not_pred
+    _Pred _M_pred;
+  public:
+    explicit not_pred(_Pred __pred) : _M_pred(__pred) {}
+    template <typename... _Args>
+    bool
+    operator()(_Args&&... __args)
+    {
+        return !_M_pred(std::forward<_Args>(__args)...);
+    }
+template <typename _Pred>
+class reorder_pred
+    _Pred _M_pred;
+  public:
+    explicit reorder_pred(_Pred __pred) : _M_pred(__pred) {}
+    template <typename _FTp, typename _STp>
+    bool
+    operator()(_FTp&& __a, _STp&& __b)
+    {
+        return _M_pred(std::forward<_STp>(__b), std::forward<_FTp>(__a));
+    }
+//! "==" comparison.
+/** Not called "equal" to avoid (possibly unfounded) concerns about accidental invocation via
+    argument-dependent name lookup by code expecting to find the usual std::equal. */
+class pstl_equal
+  public:
+    explicit pstl_equal() {}
+    template <typename _Xp, typename _Yp>
+    bool
+    operator()(_Xp&& __x, _Yp&& __y) const
+    {
+        return std::forward<_Xp>(__x) == std::forward<_Yp>(__y);
+    }
+//! "<" comparison.
+class pstl_less
+  public:
+    explicit pstl_less() {}
+    template <typename _Xp, typename _Yp>
+    bool
+    operator()(_Xp&& __x, _Yp&& __y) const
+    {
+        return std::forward<_Xp>(__x) < std::forward<_Yp>(__y);
+    }
+//! Like a polymorphic lambda for pred(...,value)
+template <typename _Tp, typename _Predicate>
+class equal_value_by_pred
+    const _Tp& _M_value;
+    _Predicate _M_pred;
+  public:
+    equal_value_by_pred(const _Tp& __value, _Predicate __pred) : _M_value(__value), _M_pred(__pred) {}
+    template <typename _Arg>
+    bool
+    operator()(_Arg&& __arg)
+    {
+        return _M_pred(std::forward<_Arg>(__arg), _M_value);
+    }
+//! Like a polymorphic lambda for ==value
+template <typename _Tp>
+class equal_value
+    const _Tp& _M_value;
+  public:
+    explicit equal_value(const _Tp& __value) : _M_value(__value) {}
+    template <typename _Arg>
+    bool
+    operator()(_Arg&& __arg) const
+    {
+        return std::forward<_Arg>(__arg) == _M_value;
+    }
+//! Logical negation of ==value
+template <typename _Tp>
+class not_equal_value
+    const _Tp& _M_value;
+  public:
+    explicit not_equal_value(const _Tp& __value) : _M_value(__value) {}
+    template <typename _Arg>
+    bool
+    operator()(_Arg&& __arg) const
+    {
+        return !(std::forward<_Arg>(__arg) == _M_value);
+    }
+template <typename _ForwardIterator, typename _Compare>
+cmp_iterators_by_values(_ForwardIterator __a, _ForwardIterator __b, _Compare __comp)
+    if (__a < __b)
+    { // we should return closer iterator
+        return __comp(*__b, *__a) ? __b : __a;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return __comp(*__a, *__b) ? __a : __b;
+    }
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace __pstl
+#endif /* __PSTL_utils_H */

Added: pstl/trunk/include/pstl/memory
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/include/pstl/memory?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/include/pstl/memory (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/include/pstl/memory Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- memory ------------------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#ifndef __PSTL_memory
+#define __PSTL_memory
+#include "internal/pstl_config.h"
+// If <execution> has already been included, pull in implementations
+#include "internal/glue_memory_impl.h"
+// Otherwise just pull in forward declarations
+#include "internal/glue_memory_defs.h"
+#endif /* __PSTL_memory */

Added: pstl/trunk/include/pstl/numeric
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/include/pstl/numeric?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/include/pstl/numeric (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/include/pstl/numeric Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- numeric -----------------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#ifndef __PSTL_numeric
+#define __PSTL_numeric
+#include "internal/pstl_config.h"
+// If <execution> has already been included, pull in implementations
+#include "internal/glue_numeric_impl.h"
+// Otherwise just pull in forward declarations
+#include "internal/glue_numeric_defs.h"
+#endif /* __PSTL_numeric */

Added: pstl/trunk/test/pstl_test_config.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/pstl_test_config.h?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/pstl_test_config.h (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/pstl_test_config.h Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- pstl_test_config.h ------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#ifndef __PSTL_TEST_config_H
+#define __PSTL_TEST_config_H
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_DEBUG)
+#define _SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS //to prevent the compilation warning. Microsoft STL implementation has specific checking of an iterator range in DEBUG mode for the containers from the standard library.
+#define __PSTL_ICC_16_17_TEST_REDUCTION_BOOL_TYPE_RELEASE_64_BROKEN                                                    \
+    (__x86_64 && !_DEBUG && __INTEL_COMPILER && __INTEL_COMPILER <= 1700 && !__APPLE__)
+#define __PSTL_ICC_16_17_TEST_REDUCTION_RELEASE_BROKEN                                                                 \
+    (!_DEBUG && __INTEL_COMPILER &&                                                                                    \
+     (__INTEL_COMPILER < 1800 || (__INTEL_COMPILER == 1800 && __INTEL_COMPILER_UPDATE < 1)))
+#define __PSTL_ICC_1800_TEST_MONOTONIC_RELEASE_64_BROKEN                                                               \
+    (__x86_64 && !_DEBUG && __INTEL_COMPILER && __INTEL_COMPILER == 1800 && __INTEL_COMPILER_UPDATE < 1)
+#define __PSTL_ICC_17_TEST_MAC_RELEASE_32_BROKEN                                                                       \
+    (__i386__ && !_DEBUG && __INTEL_COMPILER >= 1700 && __INTEL_COMPILER < 1800 && __APPLE__)
+#define __PSTL_ICC_18_VC141_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_RELEASE_BROKEN                                                            \
+    (!_DEBUG && __INTEL_COMPILER >= 1800 && __INTEL_COMPILER < 1900 && _MSC_VER == 1910)
+#define __PSTL_ICC_17_VC141_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_DEBUG_32_BROKEN                                                           \
+    (_M_IX86 && _DEBUG && __INTEL_COMPILER >= 1700 && __INTEL_COMPILER < 1800 && _MSC_VER >= 1900)
+#define __PSTL_ICC_16_VC14_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_DEBUG_32_BROKEN                                                            \
+    (_M_IX86 && _DEBUG && __INTEL_COMPILER >= 1600 && __INTEL_COMPILER < 1700 && _MSC_VER == 1900)
+#define __PSTL_ICC_16_VC14_TEST_PAR_TBB_RT_RELEASE_64_BROKEN                                                           \
+    (__PSTL_USE_PAR_POLICIES && ((_M_X64 && _MSC_VER == 1900) || __x86_64) && !_DEBUG && __INTEL_COMPILER < 1700)
+#define __PSTL_ICC_16_17_TEST_64_TIMEOUT (__x86_64 && __INTEL_COMPILER && __INTEL_COMPILER < 1800 && !__APPLE__)
+#define __PSTL_CLANG_TEST_BIG_OBJ_DEBUG_32_BROKEN                                                                      \
+    (__i386__ && PSTL_USE_DEBUG && __clang__ && __PSTL_CLANG_VERSION <= 90000)
+#define __PSTL_ICC_16_17_18_TEST_UNIQUE_MASK_RELEASE_BROKEN                                                            \
+    (!_DEBUG && __INTEL_COMPILER &&                                                                                    \
+     (__INTEL_COMPILER < 1800 || (__INTEL_COMPILER == 1800 && __INTEL_COMPILER_UPDATE < 3)))
+#define __PSTL_ICC_18_TEST_EARLY_EXIT_AVX_RELEASE_BROKEN                                                               \
+    (!_DEBUG && __INTEL_COMPILER == 1800 && __AVX__ && !__AVX2__ && !__AVX512__)
+#define __PSTL_ICC_19_TEST_IS_PARTITIONED_RELEASE_BROKEN                                                               \
+    (!PSTL_USE_DEBUG && (__linux__ || __APPLE__) && __INTEL_COMPILER == 1900)
+#define __PSTL_ICL_19_VC14_VC141_TEST_SCAN_RELEASE_BROKEN                                                              \
+    (__INTEL_COMPILER == 1900 && _MSC_VER >= 1900 && _MSC_VER <= 1910)
+#endif /* __PSTL_TEST_config_H */

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_adjacent_difference.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_adjacent_difference.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_adjacent_difference.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_adjacent_difference.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_adjacent_difference.cpp --------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "pstl_test_config.h"
+#include <iterator>
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "pstl/numeric"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+template <typename T>
+struct wrapper
+    T t;
+    explicit wrapper(T t_) : t(t_) {}
+    template <typename T2>
+    wrapper(const wrapper<T2>& a)
+    {
+        t = a.t;
+    }
+    template <typename T2>
+    void
+    operator=(const wrapper<T2>& a)
+    {
+        t = a.t;
+    }
+    wrapper<T>
+    operator-(const wrapper<T>& a) const
+    {
+        return wrapper<T>(t - a.t);
+    }
+template <typename T>
+compare(const T& a, const T& b)
+    return a == b;
+template <typename T>
+compare(const wrapper<T>& a, const wrapper<T>& b)
+    return a.t == b.t;
+template <typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2, typename T, typename Function>
+typename std::enable_if<!std::is_floating_point<T>::value, bool>::type
+compute_and_check(Iterator1 first, Iterator1 last, Iterator2 d_first, T, Function f)
+    using T2 = typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator2>::value_type;
+    if (first == last)
+        return true;
+    T2 temp(*first);
+    if (!compare(temp, *d_first))
+        return false;
+    Iterator1 second = std::next(first);
+    ++d_first;
+    for (; second != last; ++first, ++second, ++d_first)
+    {
+        T2 temp(f(*second, *first));
+        if (!compare(temp, *d_first))
+            return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+// we don't want to check equality here
+// because we can't be sure it will be strictly equal for floating point types
+template <typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2, typename T, typename Function>
+typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value, bool>::type
+compute_and_check(Iterator1 first, Iterator1 last, Iterator2 d_first, T, Function)
+    return true;
+struct test_one_policy
+#if __PSTL_ICC_17_VC141_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_DEBUG_32_BROKEN ||                                                            \
+    __PSTL_ICC_16_VC14_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_DEBUG_32_BROKEN // dummy specialization by policy type, in case of broken configuration
+    template <typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2, typename T, typename Function>
+    typename std::enable_if<is_same_iterator_category<Iterator1, std::random_access_iterator_tag>::value, void>::type
+    operator()(pstl::execution::unsequenced_policy, Iterator1 data_b, Iterator1 data_e, Iterator2 actual_b,
+               Iterator2 actual_e, T trash, Function f)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2, typename T, typename Function>
+    typename std::enable_if<is_same_iterator_category<Iterator1, std::random_access_iterator_tag>::value, void>::type
+    operator()(pstl::execution::parallel_unsequenced_policy, Iterator1 data_b, Iterator1 data_e, Iterator2 actual_b,
+               Iterator2 actual_e, T trash, Function f)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename ExecutionPolicy, typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2, typename T, typename Function>
+    void
+    operator()(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, Iterator1 data_b, Iterator1 data_e, Iterator2 actual_b, Iterator2 actual_e,
+               T trash, Function f)
+    {
+        using namespace std;
+        using T2 = typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator1>::value_type;
+        fill(actual_b, actual_e, trash);
+        Iterator2 actual_return = adjacent_difference(exec, data_b, data_e, actual_b);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(compute_and_check(data_b, data_e, actual_b, T2(0), std::minus<T2>()),
+                    "wrong effect of adjacent_difference");
+        EXPECT_TRUE(actual_return == actual_e, "wrong result of adjacent_difference");
+        fill(actual_b, actual_e, trash);
+        actual_return = adjacent_difference(exec, data_b, data_e, actual_b, f);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(compute_and_check(data_b, data_e, actual_b, T2(0), f),
+                    "wrong effect of adjacent_difference with functor");
+        EXPECT_TRUE(actual_return == actual_e, "wrong result of adjacent_difference with functor");
+    }
+template <typename T1, typename T2, typename Pred>
+test(Pred pred)
+    typedef typename Sequence<T2>::iterator iterator_type;
+    const std::size_t max_len = 100000;
+    const T2 value = T2(77);
+    const T1 trash = T1(31);
+    Sequence<T1> actual(max_len, [](std::size_t i) { return T1(i); });
+    Sequence<T2> data(max_len, [&value](std::size_t i) { return i % 3 == 2 ? T2(i * i) : value; });
+    for (std::size_t len = 0; len < max_len; len = len <= 16 ? len + 1 : std::size_t(3.1415 * len))
+    {
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), data.begin(), data.begin() + len, actual.begin(),
+                               actual.begin() + len, trash, pred);
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), data.cbegin(), data.cbegin() + len, actual.begin(),
+                               actual.begin() + len, trash, pred);
+    }
+    test<uint8_t, uint32_t>([](uint32_t a, uint32_t b) { return a - b; });
+    test<int32_t, int64_t>([](int64_t a, int64_t b) { return a / (b + 1); });
+    test<int64_t, float32_t>([](float32_t a, float32_t b) { return (a + b) / 2; });
+    test<wrapper<int32_t>, wrapper<int64_t>>(
+        [](const wrapper<int64_t>& a, const wrapper<int64_t>& b) { return a - b; });
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_adjacent_find.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_adjacent_find.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_adjacent_find.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_adjacent_find.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_adjacent_find.cpp --------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Tests for adjacent_find
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+struct test_adjacent_find
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator, typename Pred>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator first, Iterator last, Pred pred)
+    {
+        using namespace std;
+        auto k = std::adjacent_find(first, last, pred);
+        auto i = adjacent_find(exec, first, last, pred);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(i == k, "wrong return value from adjacent_find with predicate");
+        i = adjacent_find(exec, first, last);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(i == k, "wrong return value from adjacent_find without predicate");
+    }
+template <typename T>
+    size_t counts[] = {2, 3, 500};
+    for (int32_t c = 0; c < const_size(counts); ++c)
+    {
+        for (int32_t e = 0; e < (counts[c] >= 64 ? 64 : (counts[c] == 2 ? 1 : 2)); ++e)
+        {
+            Sequence<T> in(counts[c], [](int32_t v) -> T { return T(v); }); //fill 0...n
+            in[e] = in[e + 1] = -1;                                         //make an adjacent pair
+            auto i = std::adjacent_find(in.cbegin(), in.cend(), std::equal_to<T>());
+            EXPECT_TRUE(i == in.cbegin() + e, "std::adjacent_find returned wrong result");
+            invoke_on_all_policies(test_adjacent_find(), in.begin(), in.end(), std::equal_to<T>());
+            invoke_on_all_policies(test_adjacent_find(), in.cbegin(), in.cend(), std::equal_to<T>());
+        }
+    }
+    //special cases: size=0, size=1;
+    for (int32_t expect = 0; expect < 1; ++expect)
+    {
+        Sequence<T> in(expect, [](int32_t v) -> T { return T(v); }); //fill 0...n
+        auto i = std::adjacent_find(in.cbegin(), in.cend(), std::equal_to<T>());
+        EXPECT_TRUE(i == in.cbegin() + expect, "std::adjacent_find returned wrong result");
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_adjacent_find(), in.begin(), in.end(), std::equal_to<T>());
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_adjacent_find(), in.cbegin(), in.cend(), std::equal_to<T>());
+    }
+    //special cases:
+    Sequence<T> a1 = {5, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
+    invoke_on_all_policies(test_adjacent_find(), a1.begin(), a1.end(), std::equal_to<T>());
+    invoke_on_all_policies(test_adjacent_find(), a1.begin() + 1, a1.end(), std::equal_to<T>());
+    invoke_on_all_policies(test_adjacent_find(), a1.cbegin(), a1.cend(), std::equal_to<T>());
+    invoke_on_all_policies(test_adjacent_find(), a1.cbegin() + 1, a1.cend(), std::equal_to<T>());
+    Sequence<T> a2 = {5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9};
+    invoke_on_all_policies(test_adjacent_find(), a2.begin(), a2.end(), std::equal_to<T>());
+    invoke_on_all_policies(test_adjacent_find(), a2.begin(), a2.end() - 1, std::equal_to<T>());
+    invoke_on_all_policies(test_adjacent_find(), a2.cbegin(), a2.cend(), std::equal_to<T>());
+    invoke_on_all_policies(test_adjacent_find(), a2.cbegin(), a2.cend() - 1, std::equal_to<T>());
+    Sequence<T> a3 = {5, 6, 6, 6, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9};
+    invoke_on_all_policies(test_adjacent_find(), a3.begin(), a3.end(), std::equal_to<T>());
+    invoke_on_all_policies(test_adjacent_find(), a3.cbegin(), a3.cend(), std::equal_to<T>());
+template <typename T>
+struct test_non_const
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator iter)
+    {
+        adjacent_find(exec, iter, iter, non_const(std::equal_to<T>()));
+    }
+    test_adjacent_find_by_type<int32_t>();
+    test_adjacent_find_by_type<float64_t>();
+    test_algo_basic_single<int32_t>(run_for_rnd_bi<test_non_const<int32_t>>());
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_all_of.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_all_of.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_all_of.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_all_of.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_all_of.cpp ---------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "pstl_test_config.h"
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+  TODO: consider implementing the following tests for a better code coverage
+  - correctness
+  - bad input argument (if applicable)
+  - data corruption around/of input and output
+  - correctly work with nested parallelism
+  - check that algorithm does not require anything more than is described in its requirements section
+using namespace TestUtils;
+struct test_all_of
+    template <typename ExecutionPolicy, typename Iterator, typename Predicate>
+    void
+    operator()(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, Iterator begin, Iterator end, Predicate pred, bool expected)
+    {
+        auto actualr = std::all_of(exec, begin, end, pred);
+        EXPECT_EQ(expected, actualr, "result for all_of");
+    }
+template <typename T>
+struct Parity
+    bool parity;
+  public:
+    Parity(bool parity_) : parity(parity_) {}
+    bool
+    operator()(T value) const
+    {
+        return (size_t(value) ^ parity) % 2 == 0;
+    }
+template <typename T>
+test(size_t bits)
+    for (size_t n = 0; n <= 100000; n = n <= 16 ? n + 1 : size_t(3.1415 * n))
+    {
+        // Sequence of odd values
+        Sequence<T> in(n, [n, bits](size_t k) { return T(2 * HashBits(n, bits - 1) ^ 1); });
+        // Even value, or false when T is bool.
+        T spike(2 * HashBits(n, bits - 1));
+        Sequence<T> inCopy(in);
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_all_of(), in.begin(), in.end(), Parity<T>(1), true);
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_all_of(), in.cbegin(), in.cend(), Parity<T>(1), true);
+        EXPECT_EQ(in, inCopy, "all_of modified input sequence");
+        if (n > 0)
+        {
+            // Sprinkle in a miss
+            in[2 * n / 3] = spike;
+            invoke_on_all_policies(test_all_of(), in.begin(), in.end(), Parity<T>(1), false);
+            invoke_on_all_policies(test_all_of(), in.cbegin(), in.cend(), Parity<T>(1), false);
+            // Sprinkle in a few more misses
+            in[n / 2] = spike;
+            in[n / 3] = spike;
+            invoke_on_all_policies(test_all_of(), in.begin(), in.end(), Parity<T>(1), false);
+            invoke_on_all_policies(test_all_of(), in.cbegin(), in.cend(), Parity<T>(1), false);
+        }
+    }
+struct test_non_const
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator iter)
+    {
+        auto is_even = [&](float64_t v) {
+            uint32_t i = (uint32_t)v;
+            return i % 2 == 0;
+        };
+        all_of(exec, iter, iter, non_const(is_even));
+    }
+    test<int32_t>(8 * sizeof(int32_t));
+    test<uint16_t>(8 * sizeof(uint16_t));
+    test<float64_t>(53);
+    test<bool>(1);
+    test_algo_basic_single<int32_t>(run_for_rnd_fw<test_non_const>());
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_any_of.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_any_of.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_any_of.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_any_of.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_any_of.cpp ---------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "pstl_test_config.h"
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+  TODO: consider implementing the following tests for a better code coverage
+  - correctness
+  - bad input argument (if applicable)
+  - data corruption around/of input and output
+  - correctly work with nested parallelism
+  - check that algorithm does not require anything more than is described in its requirements section
+using namespace TestUtils;
+struct test_any_of
+    template <typename ExecutionPolicy, typename Iterator, typename Predicate>
+    void
+    operator()(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, Iterator begin, Iterator end, Predicate pred, bool expected)
+    {
+        auto actualr = std::any_of(exec, begin, end, pred);
+        EXPECT_EQ(expected, actualr, "result for any_of");
+    }
+template <typename T>
+test(size_t bits)
+    for (size_t n = 0; n <= 100000; n = n <= 16 ? n + 1 : size_t(3.1415 * n))
+    {
+        // Sequence of odd values
+        Sequence<T> in(n, [n, bits](size_t k) { return T(2 * HashBits(n, bits - 1) ^ 1); });
+        // Even value, or false when T is bool.
+        T spike(2 * HashBits(n, bits - 1));
+        Sequence<T> inCopy(in);
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_any_of(), in.begin(), in.end(), is_equal_to<T>(spike), false);
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_any_of(), in.cbegin(), in.cend(), is_equal_to<T>(spike), false);
+        EXPECT_EQ(in, inCopy, "any_of modified input sequence");
+        if (n > 0)
+        {
+            // Sprinkle in a hit
+            in[2 * n / 3] = spike;
+            invoke_on_all_policies(test_any_of(), in.begin(), in.end(), is_equal_to<T>(spike), true);
+            invoke_on_all_policies(test_any_of(), in.cbegin(), in.cend(), is_equal_to<T>(spike), true);
+            // Sprinkle in a few more hits
+            in[n / 2] = spike;
+            in[n / 3] = spike;
+            invoke_on_all_policies(test_any_of(), in.begin(), in.end(), is_equal_to<T>(spike), true);
+            invoke_on_all_policies(test_any_of(), in.cbegin(), in.cend(), is_equal_to<T>(spike), true);
+        }
+    }
+struct test_non_const
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator iter)
+    {
+        auto is_even = [&](float64_t v) {
+            uint32_t i = (uint32_t)v;
+            return i % 2 == 0;
+        };
+        any_of(exec, iter, iter, non_const(is_even));
+    }
+    test<int32_t>(8 * sizeof(int32_t));
+    test<uint16_t>(8 * sizeof(uint16_t));
+    test<float64_t>(53);
+    test<bool>(1);
+    test_algo_basic_single<int32_t>(run_for_rnd_fw<test_non_const>());
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_copy_if.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_copy_if.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_copy_if.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_copy_if.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_copy_if.cpp --------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Tests for copy_if and remove_copy_if
+#include "pstl_test_config.h"
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+struct run_copy_if
+#if __PSTL_ICC_16_VC14_TEST_PAR_TBB_RT_RELEASE_64_BROKEN // dummy specializations to skip testing in case of broken configuration
+    template <typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename OutputIterator2, typename Size,
+              typename Predicate, typename T>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::parallel_policy, InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator out_first,
+               OutputIterator out_last, OutputIterator2 expected_first, OutputIterator2 expected_last, Size n,
+               Predicate pred, T trash)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename OutputIterator2, typename Size,
+              typename Predicate, typename T>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::parallel_unsequenced_policy, InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
+               OutputIterator out_first, OutputIterator out_last, OutputIterator2 expected_first,
+               OutputIterator2 expected_last, Size n, Predicate pred, T trash)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename OutputIterator2, typename Size,
+              typename Predicate, typename T>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator out_first,
+               OutputIterator out_last, OutputIterator2 expected_first, OutputIterator2 expected_last, Size n,
+               Predicate pred, T trash)
+    {
+        // Cleaning
+        std::fill_n(expected_first, n, trash);
+        std::fill_n(out_first, n, trash);
+        // Run copy_if
+        auto i = copy_if(first, last, expected_first, pred);
+        auto k = copy_if(exec, first, last, out_first, pred);
+        EXPECT_EQ_N(expected_first, out_first, n, "wrong copy_if effect");
+        for (size_t j = 0; j < GuardSize; ++j)
+        {
+            ++k;
+        }
+        EXPECT_TRUE(out_last == k, "wrong return value from copy_if");
+        // Cleaning
+        std::fill_n(expected_first, n, trash);
+        std::fill_n(out_first, n, trash);
+        // Run remove_copy_if
+        i = remove_copy_if(first, last, expected_first, [=](const T& x) { return !pred(x); });
+        k = remove_copy_if(exec, first, last, out_first, [=](const T& x) { return !pred(x); });
+        EXPECT_EQ_N(expected_first, out_first, n, "wrong remove_copy_if effect");
+        for (size_t j = 0; j < GuardSize; ++j)
+        {
+            ++k;
+        }
+        EXPECT_TRUE(out_last == k, "wrong return value from remove_copy_if");
+    }
+template <typename T, typename Predicate, typename Convert>
+test(T trash, Predicate pred, Convert convert, bool check_weakness = true)
+    // Try sequences of various lengths.
+    for (size_t n = 0; n <= 100000; n = n <= 16 ? n + 1 : size_t(3.1415 * n))
+    {
+        // count is number of output elements, plus a handful
+        // more for sake of detecting buffer overruns.
+        size_t count = GuardSize;
+        Sequence<T> in(n, [&](size_t k) -> T {
+            T val = convert(n ^ k);
+            count += pred(val) ? 1 : 0;
+            return val;
+        });
+        Sequence<T> out(count, [=](size_t) { return trash; });
+        Sequence<T> expected(count, [=](size_t) { return trash; });
+        if (check_weakness)
+        {
+            auto expected_result = copy_if(in.cfbegin(), in.cfend(), expected.begin(), pred);
+            size_t m = expected_result - expected.begin();
+            EXPECT_TRUE(n / 4 <= m && m <= 3 * (n + 1) / 4, "weak test for copy_if");
+        }
+        invoke_on_all_policies(run_copy_if(), in.begin(), in.end(), out.begin(), out.end(), expected.begin(),
+                               expected.end(), count, pred, trash);
+        invoke_on_all_policies(run_copy_if(), in.cbegin(), in.cend(), out.begin(), out.end(), expected.begin(),
+                               expected.end(), count, pred, trash);
+    }
+struct test_non_const
+    template <typename Policy, typename InputIterator, typename OutputInterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, InputIterator input_iter, OutputInterator out_iter)
+    {
+        auto is_even = [&](float64_t v) {
+            uint32_t i = (uint32_t)v;
+            return i % 2 == 0;
+        };
+        copy_if(exec, input_iter, input_iter, out_iter, non_const(is_even));
+        invoke_if(exec, [&]() { remove_copy_if(exec, input_iter, input_iter, out_iter, non_const(is_even)); });
+    }
+    test<float64_t>(-666.0, [](const float64_t& x) { return x * x <= 1024; },
+                    [](size_t j) { return ((j + 1) % 7 & 2) != 0 ? float64_t(j % 32) : float64_t(j % 33 + 34); });
+    test<int32_t>(-666, [](const int32_t& x) { return x != 42; },
+                  [](size_t j) { return ((j + 1) % 5 & 2) != 0 ? int32_t(j + 1) : 42; });
+    test<Number>(Number(42, OddTag()), IsMultiple(3, OddTag()), [](int32_t j) { return Number(j, OddTag()); });
+    test<int32_t>(-666, [](const int32_t& x) { return true; }, [](size_t j) { return j; }, false);
+    test_algo_basic_double<int32_t>(run_for_rnd_fw<test_non_const>());
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_copy_move.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_copy_move.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_copy_move.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_copy_move.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_copy_move.cpp ------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Tests for copy, move and copy_n
+#include "pstl_test_config.h"
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+struct run_copy
+#if __PSTL_ICC_17_VC141_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_DEBUG_32_BROKEN ||                                                            \
+    __PSTL_ICC_16_VC14_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_DEBUG_32_BROKEN //dummy specialization by policy type, in case of broken configuration
+    template <typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename OutputIterator2, typename Size, typename T>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::unsequenced_policy, InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator out_first,
+               OutputIterator out_last, OutputIterator2 expected_first, OutputIterator2 expected_last, Size size,
+               Size n, T trash)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename OutputIterator2, typename Size, typename T>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::parallel_unsequenced_policy, InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
+               OutputIterator out_first, OutputIterator out_last, OutputIterator2 expected_first,
+               OutputIterator2 expected_last, Size size, Size n, T trash)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename OutputIterator2, typename Size,
+              typename T>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator out_first,
+               OutputIterator out_last, OutputIterator2 expected_first, OutputIterator2 expected_last, Size size,
+               Size n, T trash)
+    {
+        // Cleaning
+        std::fill_n(expected_first, size, trash);
+        std::fill_n(out_first, size, trash);
+        // Run copy
+        copy(first, last, expected_first);
+        auto k = copy(exec, first, last, out_first);
+        for (size_t j = 0; j < GuardSize; ++j)
+            ++k;
+        EXPECT_EQ_N(expected_first, out_first, size, "wrong effect from copy");
+        EXPECT_TRUE(out_last == k, "wrong return value from copy");
+        // Cleaning
+        std::fill_n(out_first, size, trash);
+        // Run copy_n
+        k = copy_n(exec, first, n, out_first);
+        for (size_t j = 0; j < GuardSize; ++j)
+            ++k;
+        EXPECT_EQ_N(expected_first, out_first, size, "wrong effect from copy_n");
+        EXPECT_TRUE(out_last == k, "wrong return value from copy_n");
+    }
+template <typename T>
+struct run_move
+#if __PSTL_ICC_17_VC141_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_DEBUG_32_BROKEN ||                                                            \
+    __PSTL_ICC_16_VC14_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_DEBUG_32_BROKEN //dummy specialization by policy type, in case of broken configuration
+    template <typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename OutputIterator2, typename Size>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::unsequenced_policy, InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator out_first,
+               OutputIterator out_last, OutputIterator2 expected_first, OutputIterator2 expected_last, Size size,
+               Size n, T trash)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename OutputIterator2, typename Size>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::parallel_unsequenced_policy, InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
+               OutputIterator out_first, OutputIterator out_last, OutputIterator2 expected_first,
+               OutputIterator2 expected_last, Size size, Size n, T trash)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename OutputIterator2, typename Size>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator out_first,
+               OutputIterator out_last, OutputIterator2 expected_first, OutputIterator2 expected_last, Size size,
+               Size n, T trash)
+    {
+        // Cleaning
+        std::fill_n(expected_first, size, trash);
+        std::fill_n(out_first, size, trash);
+        // Run move
+        move(first, last, expected_first);
+        auto k = move(exec, first, last, out_first);
+        for (size_t j = 0; j < GuardSize; ++j)
+            ++k;
+        EXPECT_EQ_N(expected_first, out_first, size, "wrong effect from move");
+        EXPECT_TRUE(out_last == k, "wrong return value from move");
+    }
+template <typename T>
+struct run_move<Wrapper<T>>
+#if __PSTL_ICC_17_VC141_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_DEBUG_32_BROKEN ||                                                            \
+    __PSTL_ICC_16_VC14_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_DEBUG_32_BROKEN //dummy specialization by policy type, in case of broken configuration
+    template <typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename OutputIterator2, typename Size>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::unsequenced_policy, InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator out_first,
+               OutputIterator out_last, OutputIterator2 expected_first, OutputIterator2 expected_last, Size size,
+               Size n, Wrapper<T> trash)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename OutputIterator2, typename Size>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::parallel_unsequenced_policy, InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
+               OutputIterator out_first, OutputIterator out_last, OutputIterator2 expected_first,
+               OutputIterator2 expected_last, Size size, Size n, Wrapper<T> trash)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename OutputIterator2, typename Size>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator out_first,
+               OutputIterator out_last, OutputIterator2 expected_first, OutputIterator2 expected_last, Size size,
+               Size n, Wrapper<T> trash)
+    {
+        // Cleaning
+        std::fill_n(out_first, size, trash);
+        Wrapper<T>::SetMoveCount(0);
+        // Run move
+        auto k = move(exec, first, last, out_first);
+        for (size_t j = 0; j < GuardSize; ++j)
+            ++k;
+        EXPECT_TRUE(Wrapper<T>::MoveCount() == size, "wrong effect from move");
+        EXPECT_TRUE(out_last == k, "wrong return value from move");
+    }
+template <typename T, typename Convert>
+test(T trash, Convert convert)
+    // Try sequences of various lengths.
+    for (size_t n = 0; n <= 100000; n = n <= 16 ? n + 1 : size_t(3.1415 * n))
+    {
+        // count is number of output elements, plus a handful
+        // more for sake of detecting buffer overruns.
+        Sequence<T> in(n, [&](size_t k) -> T {
+            T val = convert(n ^ k);
+            return val;
+        });
+        const size_t outN = n + GuardSize;
+        Sequence<T> out(outN, [=](size_t) { return trash; });
+        Sequence<T> expected(outN, [=](size_t) { return trash; });
+        invoke_on_all_policies(run_copy(), in.begin(), in.end(), out.begin(), out.end(), expected.begin(),
+                               expected.end(), outN, n, trash);
+        invoke_on_all_policies(run_copy(), in.cbegin(), in.cend(), out.begin(), out.end(), expected.begin(),
+                               expected.end(), outN, n, trash);
+        invoke_on_all_policies(run_move<T>(), in.begin(), in.end(), out.begin(), out.end(), expected.begin(),
+                               expected.end(), n, n, trash);
+        // For this test const iterator isn't suitable
+        // because const rvalue-reference call copy assignment operator
+    }
+    test<int32_t>(-666, [](size_t j) { return int32_t(j); });
+    test<Wrapper<float64_t>>(Wrapper<float64_t>(-666.0), [](int32_t j) { return Wrapper<float64_t>(j); });
+#if !__PSTL_ICC_16_17_TEST_64_TIMEOUT
+    test<float64_t>(-666.0, [](size_t j) { return float64_t(j); });
+    test<Number>(Number(42, OddTag()), [](int32_t j) { return Number(j, OddTag()); });
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_count.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_count.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_count.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_count.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_count.cpp ----------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Tests for count and count_if
+#include "pstl_test_config.h"
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+struct test_count
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator, typename T>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator first, Iterator last, T needle)
+    {
+        auto expected = std::count(first, last, needle);
+        auto result = std::count(exec, first, last, needle);
+        EXPECT_EQ(expected, result, "wrong count result");
+    }
+struct test_count_if
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator, typename Predicate>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator first, Iterator last, Predicate pred)
+    {
+        auto expected = std::count_if(first, last, pred);
+        auto result = std::count_if(exec, first, last, pred);
+        EXPECT_EQ(expected, result, "wrong count_if result");
+    }
+template <typename T>
+class IsEqual
+    T value;
+  public:
+    IsEqual(T value_, OddTag) : value(value_) {}
+    bool
+    operator()(const T& x) const
+    {
+        return x == value;
+    }
+template <typename In, typename T, typename Predicate, typename Convert>
+test(T needle, Predicate pred, Convert convert)
+    // Try sequences of various lengths.
+    for (size_t n = 0; n <= 100000; n = n <= 16 ? n + 1 : size_t(3.1415 * n))
+    {
+        Sequence<In> in(n, [=](size_t k) -> In {
+            // Sprinkle "42" and "50" early, so that short sequences have non-zero count.
+            return convert((n - k - 1) % 3 == 0 ? 42 : (n - k - 2) % 5 == 0 ? 50 : 3 * (int(k) % 1000 - 500));
+        });
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_count(), in.begin(), in.end(), needle);
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_count_if(), in.begin(), in.end(), pred);
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_count(), in.cbegin(), in.cend(), needle);
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_count_if(), in.cbegin(), in.cend(), pred);
+    }
+struct test_non_const
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator iter)
+    {
+        auto is_even = [&](float64_t v) {
+            uint32_t i = (uint32_t)v;
+            return i % 2 == 0;
+        };
+        count_if(exec, iter, iter, non_const(is_even));
+    }
+    test<int32_t>(42, IsEqual<int32_t>(50, OddTag()), [](int32_t j) { return j; });
+    test<int32_t>(42, [](const int32_t& x) { return true; }, [](int32_t j) { return j; });
+    test<float64_t>(42, IsEqual<float64_t>(50, OddTag()), [](int32_t j) { return float64_t(j); });
+    test<Number>(Number(42, OddTag()), IsEqual<Number>(Number(50, OddTag()), OddTag()),
+                 [](int32_t j) { return Number(j, OddTag()); });
+    test_algo_basic_single<int32_t>(run_for_rnd_fw<test_non_const>());
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_equal.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_equal.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_equal.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_equal.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_equal.cpp ----------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "pstl_test_config.h"
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+#define CPP14_ENABLED 0
+struct UserType
+    float32_t f;
+    float64_t d;
+    int32_t i;
+    size_t key;
+    bool
+    operator()(UserType a, UserType b)
+    {
+        return a.key < b.key;
+    }
+    bool
+    operator<(UserType a)
+    {
+        return a.key < key;
+    }
+    bool
+    operator>=(UserType a)
+    {
+        return a.key <= key;
+    }
+    bool
+    operator<=(UserType a)
+    {
+        return a.key >= key;
+    }
+    bool
+    operator==(UserType a)
+    {
+        return a.key == key;
+    }
+    bool
+    operator==(UserType a) const
+    {
+        return a.key == key;
+    }
+    bool
+    operator!=(UserType a)
+    {
+        return a.key != key;
+    }
+    UserType operator!()
+    {
+        UserType tmp;
+        tmp.key = !key;
+        return tmp;
+    }
+    friend std::ostream&
+    operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const UserType a)
+    {
+        stream << a.key;
+        return stream;
+    }
+    UserType() : key(-1), f(0.0f), d(0.0), i(0) {}
+    UserType(size_t Number) : key(Number), f(0.0f), d(0.0), i(0) {}
+    UserType&
+    operator=(const UserType& other)
+    {
+        key = other.key;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    UserType(const UserType& other) : key(other.key), f(other.f), d(other.d), i(other.i) {}
+    UserType(UserType&& other) : key(other.key), f(other.f), d(other.d), i(other.i)
+    {
+        other.key = -1;
+        other.f = 0.0f;
+        other.d = 0.0;
+        other.i = 0;
+    }
+struct test_one_policy
+    template <typename ExecutionPolicy, typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2>
+    void
+    operator()(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, Iterator1 first1, Iterator1 last1, Iterator2 first2, bool is_true_equal)
+    {
+        using namespace std;
+        auto expected = equal(first1, last1, first2);
+        auto actual = equal(exec, first1, last1, first2);
+        EXPECT_EQ(expected, actual, "result for equal for random-access iterator, checking against std::equal()");
+        // testing bool
+        EXPECT_TRUE(is_true_equal == actual, "result for equal for random-access iterator, bool");
+//add C++14 equal symantics tests
+//add more cases for inCopy size less than in
+        auto actualr14 = std::equal(in.cbegin(), in.cend(), inCopy.cbegin(), inCopy.cend());
+        EXPECT_EQ(expected, actualr14, "result for equal for random-access iterator");
+    }
+template <typename T>
+test(size_t bits)
+    for (size_t n = 1; n <= 100000; n = n <= 16 ? n + 1 : size_t(3.1415 * n))
+    {
+        // Sequence of odd values
+        Sequence<T> in(n, [bits](size_t k) { return T(2 * HashBits(k, bits - 1) ^ 1); });
+        Sequence<T> inCopy(in);
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), in.begin(), in.end(), inCopy.begin(), true);
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), in.cbegin(), in.cend(), inCopy.cbegin(), true);
+        // testing bool !equal()
+        inCopy[0] = !inCopy[0];
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), in.begin(), in.end(), inCopy.begin(), false);
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), in.cbegin(), in.cend(), inCopy.cbegin(), false);
+    }
+template <typename T>
+struct test_non_const
+    template <typename Policy, typename FirstIterator, typename SecondInterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, FirstIterator first_iter, SecondInterator second_iter)
+    {
+        equal(exec, first_iter, first_iter, second_iter, second_iter, non_const(std::equal_to<T>()));
+    }
+    test<int32_t>(8 * sizeof(int32_t));
+    test<uint16_t>(8 * sizeof(uint16_t));
+    test<float64_t>(53);
+    test<bool>(1);
+    test<UserType>(256);
+    test_algo_basic_double<int32_t>(run_for_rnd_fw<test_non_const<int32_t>>());
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_fill.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_fill.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_fill.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_fill.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_fill.cpp -----------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Tests for fill/fill_n
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+struct test_fill
+    template <typename It, typename T>
+    bool
+    check(It first, It last, const T& value)
+    {
+        for (; first != last; ++first)
+            if (*first != value)
+                return false;
+        return true;
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator, typename T>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator first, Iterator last, const T& value)
+    {
+        fill(first, last, T(value + 1)); // initialize memory with different value
+        fill(exec, first, last, value);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(check(first, last, value), "fill wrong result");
+    }
+struct test_fill_n
+    template <typename It, typename Size, typename T>
+    bool
+    check(It first, Size n, const T& value)
+    {
+        for (Size i = 0; i < n; ++i, ++first)
+            if (*first != value)
+                return false;
+        return true;
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator, typename Size, typename T>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator first, Size n, const T& value)
+    {
+        fill_n(first, n, T(value + 1)); // initialize memory with different value
+        const Iterator one_past_last = fill_n(exec, first, n, value);
+        const Iterator expected_return = std::next(first, n);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(expected_return == one_past_last, "fill_n should return Iterator to one past the element assigned");
+        EXPECT_TRUE(check(first, n, value), "fill_n wrong result");
+        //n == -1
+        const Iterator res = fill_n(exec, first, -1, value);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(res == first, "fill_n wrong result for n == -1");
+    }
+template <typename T>
+test_fill_by_type(std::size_t n)
+    Sequence<T> in(n, [](std::size_t v) -> T { return T(0); }); //fill with zeros
+    T value = -1;
+    invoke_on_all_policies(test_fill(), in.begin(), in.end(), value);
+    invoke_on_all_policies(test_fill_n(), in.begin(), n, value);
+    const std::size_t N = 100000;
+    for (std::size_t n = 0; n < N; n = n < 16 ? n + 1 : size_t(3.1415 * n))
+    {
+        test_fill_by_type<int32_t>(n);
+        test_fill_by_type<float64_t>(n);
+    }
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_find.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_find.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_find.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_find.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_find.cpp -----------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Tests for find
+#include "pstl_test_config.h"
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+struct test_find
+#if __PSTL_ICC_17_VC141_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_DEBUG_32_BROKEN ||                                                            \
+    __PSTL_ICC_16_VC14_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_DEBUG_32_BROKEN //dummy specialization by policy type, in case of broken configuration
+    template <typename Iterator, typename Value>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::unsequenced_policy, Iterator first, Iterator last, Value value)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename Iterator, typename Value>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::parallel_unsequenced_policy, Iterator first, Iterator last, Value value)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator, typename Value>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator first, Iterator last, Value value)
+    {
+        auto i = std::find(first, last, value);
+        auto j = find(exec, first, last, value);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(i == j, "wrong return value from find");
+    }
+template <typename T, typename Value, typename Hit, typename Miss>
+test(Value value, Hit hit, Miss miss)
+    // Try sequences of various lengths.
+    for (size_t n = 0; n <= 100000; n = n <= 16 ? n + 1 : size_t(3.1415 * n))
+    {
+        Sequence<T> in(n, [&](size_t k) -> T { return miss(n ^ k); });
+        // Try different find positions, including not found.
+        // By going backwards, we can add extra matches that are *not* supposed to be found.
+        // The decreasing exponential gives us O(n) total work for the loop since each find takes O(m) time.
+        for (size_t m = n; m > 0; m *= 0.6)
+        {
+            if (m < n)
+                in[m] = hit(n ^ m);
+            invoke_on_all_policies(test_find(), in.begin(), in.end(), value);
+            invoke_on_all_policies(test_find(), in.cbegin(), in.cend(), value);
+        }
+    }
+// Type defined for sake of checking that std::find works with asymmetric ==.
+class Weird
+    Number value;
+  public:
+    friend bool
+    operator==(Number x, Weird y)
+    {
+        return x == y.value;
+    }
+    Weird(int32_t val, OddTag) : value(val, OddTag()) {}
+    // Note that the "hit" and "miss" functions here avoid overflow issues.
+    test<Number>(Weird(42, OddTag()), [](int32_t j) { return Number(42, OddTag()); }, // hit
+                 [](int32_t j) { return Number(j == 42 ? 0 : j, OddTag()); });        // miss
+    // Test with value that is equal to two different bit patterns (-0.0 and 0.0)
+    test<float32_t>(-0.0, [](int32_t j) { return j & 1 ? 0.0 : -0.0; }, // hit
+                    [](int32_t j) { return j == 0 ? ~j : j; });         // miss
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_find_end.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_find_end.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_find_end.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_find_end.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_find_end.cpp -------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "pstl_test_config.h"
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+struct test_one_policy
+#if __PSTL_ICC_17_VC141_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_DEBUG_32_BROKEN ||                                                            \
+    __PSTL_ICC_16_VC14_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_DEBUG_32_BROKEN //dummy specialization by policy type, in case of broken configuration
+    template <typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2, typename Predicate>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::unsequenced_policy, Iterator1 b, Iterator1 e, Iterator2 bsub, Iterator2 esub,
+               Predicate pred)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2, typename Predicate>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::parallel_unsequenced_policy, Iterator1 b, Iterator1 e, Iterator2 bsub, Iterator2 esub,
+               Predicate pred)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename ExecutionPolicy, typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2, typename Predicate>
+    void
+    operator()(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, Iterator1 b, Iterator1 e, Iterator2 bsub, Iterator2 esub, Predicate pred)
+    {
+        using namespace std;
+        // For find_end
+        {
+            auto expected = find_end(b, e, bsub, esub, pred);
+            auto actual = find_end(exec, b, e, bsub, esub);
+            EXPECT_TRUE(actual == expected, "wrong return result from find_end");
+            actual = find_end(exec, b, e, bsub, esub, pred);
+            EXPECT_TRUE(actual == expected, "wrong return result from find_end with a predicate");
+        }
+        // For search
+        {
+            auto expected = search(b, e, bsub, esub, pred);
+            auto actual = search(exec, b, e, bsub, esub);
+            EXPECT_TRUE(actual == expected, "wrong return result from search");
+            actual = search(exec, b, e, bsub, esub, pred);
+            EXPECT_TRUE(actual == expected, "wrong return result from search with a predicate");
+        }
+    }
+template <typename T>
+test(const std::size_t bits)
+    const std::size_t max_n1 = 1000;
+    const std::size_t max_n2 = (max_n1 * 10) / 8;
+    Sequence<T> in(max_n1, [max_n1, bits](std::size_t k) { return T(2 * HashBits(max_n1, bits - 1) ^ 1); });
+    Sequence<T> sub(max_n2, [max_n1, bits](std::size_t k) { return T(2 * HashBits(max_n1, bits - 1)); });
+    for (std::size_t n1 = 0; n1 <= max_n1; n1 = n1 <= 16 ? n1 + 1 : size_t(3.1415 * n1))
+    {
+        std::size_t sub_n[] = {0, 1, 3, n1, (n1 * 10) / 8};
+        std::size_t res[] = {0, 1, n1 / 2, n1};
+        for (auto n2 : sub_n)
+        {
+            for (auto r : res)
+            {
+                std::size_t i = r, isub = 0;
+                for (; i < n1 & isub < n2; ++i, ++isub)
+                    in[i] = sub[isub];
+                invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), in.begin(), in.begin() + n1, sub.begin(), sub.begin() + n2,
+                                       std::equal_to<T>());
+                invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), in.cbegin(), in.cbegin() + n1, sub.cbegin(),
+                                       sub.cbegin() + n2, std::equal_to<T>());
+            }
+        }
+    }
+template <typename T>
+struct test_non_const
+    template <typename Policy, typename FirstIterator, typename SecondInterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, FirstIterator first_iter, SecondInterator second_iter)
+    {
+        invoke_if(exec, [&]() {
+            find_end(exec, first_iter, first_iter, second_iter, second_iter, non_const(std::equal_to<T>()));
+            search(exec, first_iter, first_iter, second_iter, second_iter, non_const(std::equal_to<T>()));
+        });
+    }
+    test<int32_t>(8 * sizeof(int32_t));
+    test<uint16_t>(8 * sizeof(uint16_t));
+    test<float64_t>(53);
+    test<bool>(1);
+    test_algo_basic_double<int32_t>(run_for_rnd_fw<test_non_const<int32_t>>());
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_find_first_of.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_find_first_of.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_find_first_of.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_find_first_of.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_find_first_of.cpp --------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "pstl_test_config.h"
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+struct test_one_policy
+#if __PSTL_ICC_17_VC141_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_DEBUG_32_BROKEN ||                                                            \
+    __PSTL_ICC_16_VC14_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_DEBUG_32_BROKEN //dummy specialization by policy type, in case of broken configuration
+    template <typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2, typename Predicate>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::unsequenced_policy, Iterator1 b, Iterator1 e, Iterator2 bsub, Iterator2 esub,
+               Predicate pred)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2, typename Predicate>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::parallel_unsequenced_policy, Iterator1 b, Iterator1 e, Iterator2 bsub, Iterator2 esub,
+               Predicate pred)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename ExecutionPolicy, typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2, typename Predicate>
+    void
+    operator()(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, Iterator1 b, Iterator1 e, Iterator2 bsub, Iterator2 esub, Predicate pred)
+    {
+        using namespace std;
+        Iterator1 expected = find_first_of(b, e, bsub, esub, pred);
+        Iterator1 actual = find_first_of(exec, b, e, bsub, esub, pred);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(actual == expected, "wrong return result from find_first_of with a predicate");
+        expected = find_first_of(b, e, bsub, esub);
+        actual = find_first_of(exec, b, e, bsub, esub);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(actual == expected, "wrong return result from find_first_of");
+    }
+template <typename T, typename Predicate>
+test(Predicate pred)
+    const std::size_t max_n1 = 1000;
+    const std::size_t max_n2 = (max_n1 * 10) / 8;
+    Sequence<T> in1(max_n1, [](std::size_t k) { return T(1); });
+    Sequence<T> in2(max_n2, [](std::size_t k) { return T(0); });
+    for (std::size_t n1 = 0; n1 <= max_n1; n1 = n1 <= 16 ? n1 + 1 : size_t(3.1415 * n1))
+    {
+        std::size_t sub_n[] = {0, 1, n1 / 3, n1, (n1 * 10) / 8};
+        for (const auto n2 : sub_n)
+        {
+            invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), in1.begin(), in1.begin() + n1, in2.data(), in2.data() + n2, pred);
+            in2[n2 / 2] = T(1);
+            invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), in1.cbegin(), in1.cbegin() + n1, in2.data(), in2.data() + n2,
+                                   pred);
+            if (n2 >= 3)
+            {
+                in2[2 * n2 / 3] = T(1);
+                invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), in1.cbegin(), in1.cbegin() + n1, in2.begin(),
+                                       in2.begin() + n2, pred);
+                in2[2 * n2 / 3] = T(0);
+            }
+            in2[n2 / 2] = T(0);
+        }
+    }
+    invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), in1.begin(), in1.begin() + max_n1 / 10, in1.data(),
+                           in1.data() + max_n1 / 10, pred);
+template <typename T>
+struct test_non_const
+    template <typename Policy, typename FirstIterator, typename SecondInterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, FirstIterator first_iter, SecondInterator second_iter)
+    {
+        invoke_if(exec, [&]() {
+            find_first_of(exec, first_iter, first_iter, second_iter, second_iter, non_const(std::equal_to<T>()));
+        });
+    }
+    test<int32_t>(std::equal_to<int32_t>());
+    test<uint16_t>(std::not_equal_to<uint16_t>());
+    test<float64_t>([](const float64_t x, const float64_t y) { return x * x == y * y; });
+    test_algo_basic_double<int32_t>(run_for_rnd_fw<test_non_const<int32_t>>());
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_find_if.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_find_if.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_find_if.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_find_if.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_find_if.cpp --------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Tests for find_if and find_if_not
+#include "pstl_test_config.h"
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+struct test_find_if
+#if __PSTL_ICC_17_VC141_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_DEBUG_32_BROKEN ||                                                            \
+    __PSTL_ICC_16_VC14_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_DEBUG_32_BROKEN //dummy specialization by policy type, in case of broken configuration
+    template <typename Iterator, typename Predicate, typename NotPredicate>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::unsequenced_policy, Iterator first, Iterator last, Predicate pred,
+               NotPredicate not_pred)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename Iterator, typename Predicate, typename NotPredicate>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::parallel_unsequenced_policy, Iterator first, Iterator last, Predicate pred,
+               NotPredicate not_pred)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator, typename Predicate, typename NotPredicate>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator first, Iterator last, Predicate pred, NotPredicate not_pred)
+    {
+        auto i = std::find_if(first, last, pred);
+        auto j = find_if(exec, first, last, pred);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(i == j, "wrong return value from find_if");
+        auto i_not = find_if_not(exec, first, last, not_pred);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(i_not == i, "wrong return value from find_if_not");
+    }
+template <typename T, typename Predicate, typename Hit, typename Miss>
+test(Predicate pred, Hit hit, Miss miss)
+    auto not_pred = [pred](T x) { return !pred(x); };
+    // Try sequences of various lengths.
+    for (size_t n = 0; n <= 100000; n = n <= 16 ? n + 1 : size_t(3.1415 * n))
+    {
+        Sequence<T> in(n, [&](size_t k) -> T { return miss(n ^ k); });
+        // Try different find positions, including not found.
+        // By going backwards, we can add extra matches that are *not* supposed to be found.
+        // The decreasing exponential gives us O(n) total work for the loop since each find takes O(m) time.
+        for (size_t m = n; m > 0; m *= 0.6)
+        {
+            if (m < n)
+                in[m] = hit(n ^ m);
+            invoke_on_all_policies(test_find_if(), in.begin(), in.end(), pred, not_pred);
+            invoke_on_all_policies(test_find_if(), in.cbegin(), in.cend(), pred, not_pred);
+        }
+    }
+struct test_non_const
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator iter)
+    {
+        auto is_even = [&](float64_t v) {
+            uint32_t i = (uint32_t)v;
+            return i % 2 == 0;
+        };
+        invoke_if(exec, [&]() {
+            find_if(exec, iter, iter, non_const(is_even));
+            find_if_not(exec, iter, iter, non_const(is_even));
+        });
+    }
+    // Note that the "hit" and "miss" functions here avoid overflow issues.
+    test<Number>(IsMultiple(5, OddTag()), [](int32_t j) { return Number(j - j % 5, OddTag()); }, // hit
+                 [](int32_t j) { return Number(j % 5 == 0 ? j ^ 1 : j, OddTag()); });            // miss
+    // Try type for which algorithm can really be vectorized.
+    test<float32_t>([](float32_t x) { return x >= 0; }, [](float32_t j) { return j * j; },
+                    [](float32_t j) { return -1 - j * j; });
+    test_algo_basic_single<int32_t>(run_for_rnd_fw<test_non_const>());
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_for_each.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_for_each.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_for_each.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_for_each.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_for_each.cpp -------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+template <typename Type>
+struct Gen
+    Type
+    operator()(std::size_t k)
+    {
+        return Type(k % 5 != 1 ? 3 * k - 7 : 0);
+    };
+template <typename T>
+struct Flip
+    int32_t val;
+    Flip(int32_t y) : val(y) {}
+    T
+    operator()(T& x) const
+    {
+        return x = val - x;
+    }
+struct test_one_policy
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator, typename Size>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator first, Iterator last, Iterator expected_first, Iterator expected_last, Size n)
+    {
+        typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type T;
+        // Try for_each
+        std::for_each(expected_first, expected_last, Flip<T>(1));
+        for_each(exec, first, last, Flip<T>(1));
+        EXPECT_EQ_N(expected_first, first, n, "wrong effect from for_each");
+        // Try for_each_n
+        std::for_each_n(pstl::execution::seq, expected_first, n, Flip<T>(1));
+        for_each_n(exec, first, n, Flip<T>(1));
+        EXPECT_EQ_N(expected_first, first, n, "wrong effect from for_each_n");
+    }
+template <typename T>
+    for (size_t n = 0; n <= 100000; n = n <= 16 ? n + 1 : size_t(3.1415 * n))
+    {
+        Sequence<T> inout(n, Gen<T>());
+        Sequence<T> expected(n, Gen<T>());
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), inout.begin(), inout.end(), expected.begin(), expected.end(),
+                               inout.size());
+    }
+struct test_non_const
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator iter)
+    {
+        invoke_if(exec, [&]() {
+            auto f = [](typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::reference x) { x = x + 1; };
+            for_each(exec, iter, iter, non_const(f));
+            for_each_n(exec, iter, 0, non_const(f));
+        });
+    }
+    test<int32_t>();
+    test<uint16_t>();
+    test<float64_t>();
+    test_algo_basic_single<int32_t>(run_for_rnd_fw<test_non_const>());
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_generate.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_generate.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_generate.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_generate.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_generate.cpp -------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Tests for generate
+#include <atomic>
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+template <typename T>
+struct Generator_count
+    const T def_val = T(-1);
+    T
+    operator()()
+    {
+        return def_val;
+    }
+    T
+    default_value() const
+    {
+        return def_val;
+    }
+struct test_generate
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator, typename Size>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator first, Iterator last, Size n)
+    {
+        using namespace std;
+        typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type T;
+        // Try random-access iterator
+        {
+            Generator_count<T> g;
+            generate(exec, first, last, g);
+            EXPECT_TRUE(std::count(first, last, g.default_value()) == n, "generate wrong result for generate");
+            std::fill(first, last, T(0));
+        }
+        {
+            Generator_count<T> g;
+            const auto m = n / 2;
+            auto last = generate_n(exec, first, m, g);
+            EXPECT_TRUE(std::count(first, last, g.default_value()) == m && last == std::next(first, m),
+                        "generate_n wrong result for generate_n");
+            std::fill(first, last, T(0));
+        }
+    }
+template <typename T>
+    for (size_t n = 0; n <= 100000; n = n < 16 ? n + 1 : size_t(3.1415 * n))
+    {
+        Sequence<T> in(n, [](size_t v) -> T { return T(0); }); //fill by zero
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_generate(), in.begin(), in.end(), in.size());
+    }
+template <typename T>
+struct test_non_const
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator iter)
+    {
+        auto gen = []() { return T(0); };
+        generate(exec, iter, iter, non_const(gen));
+        generate_n(exec, iter, 0, non_const(gen));
+    }
+    test_generate_by_type<int32_t>();
+    test_generate_by_type<float64_t>();
+    test_algo_basic_single<int32_t>(run_for_rnd_fw<test_non_const<int32_t>>());
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_includes.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_includes.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_includes.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_includes.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_includes.cpp -------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Tests for partial_sort
+#include <cmath>
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+template <typename T>
+struct Num
+    T val;
+    explicit Num(const T& v) : val(v) {}
+    //for "includes" checks
+    template <typename T1>
+    bool
+    operator<(const Num<T1>& v1) const
+    {
+        return val < v1.val;
+    }
+    //The types Type1 and Type2 must be such that an object of type InputIt can be dereferenced and then implicitly converted to both of them
+    template <typename T1>
+    operator Num<T1>() const
+    {
+        return Num<T1>((T1)val);
+    }
+struct test_one_policy
+    template <typename Policy, typename InputIterator1, typename InputIterator2, typename Compare>
+    typename std::enable_if<!TestUtils::isReverse<InputIterator1>::value, void>::type
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1, InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2,
+               Compare comp)
+    {
+        auto expect_res = std::includes(first1, last1, first2, last2, comp);
+        auto res = std::includes(exec, first1, last1, first2, last2, comp);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(expect_res == res, "wrong result for includes");
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename InputIterator1, typename InputIterator2, typename Compare>
+    typename std::enable_if<TestUtils::isReverse<InputIterator1>::value, void>::type
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1, InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2,
+               Compare comp)
+    {
+    }
+template <typename T1, typename T2, typename Compare>
+test_includes(Compare compare)
+    const std::size_t n_max = 1000000;
+    // The rand()%(2*n+1) encourages generation of some duplicates.
+    std::srand(42);
+    for (std::size_t n = 0; n < n_max; n = n <= 16 ? n + 1 : size_t(3.1415 * n))
+    {
+        for (std::size_t m = 0; m < n_max; m = m <= 16 ? m + 1 : size_t(2.71828 * m))
+        {
+            //prepare the input ranges
+            Sequence<T1> in1(n, [n](std::size_t k) { return rand() % (2 * k + 1); });
+            Sequence<T2> in2(m, [m](std::size_t k) { return rand() % (k + 1); });
+            std::sort(in1.begin(), in1.end(), compare);
+            std::sort(in2.begin(), in2.end(), compare);
+            invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), in1.begin(), in1.end(), in2.cbegin(), in2.cend(), compare);
+            //test w/ non constant predicate
+            if (n < 5 && m < 5)
+                invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), in1.begin(), in1.end(), in2.cbegin(), in2.cend(),
+                                       non_const(compare));
+        }
+    }
+    test_includes<float64_t, float64_t>(__pstl::internal::pstl_less());
+    test_includes<Num<int64_t>, Num<int32_t>>([](const Num<int64_t>& x, const Num<int32_t>& y) { return x < y; });
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_inplace_merge.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_inplace_merge.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_inplace_merge.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_inplace_merge.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_inplace_merge.cpp --------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "pstl_test_config.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+struct test_one_policy
+#if __PSTL_ICC_17_VC141_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_DEBUG_32_BROKEN ||                                                            \
+    __PSTL_ICC_16_VC14_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_DEBUG_32_BROKEN // dummy specialization by policy type, in case of broken configuration
+    template <typename BiDirIt1, typename Size, typename Generator1, typename Generator2, typename Compare>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::unsequenced_policy, BiDirIt1 first1, BiDirIt1 last1, BiDirIt1 first2, BiDirIt1 last2,
+               Size n, Size m, Generator1 generator1, Generator2 generator2, Compare comp)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename BiDirIt1, typename Size, typename Generator1, typename Generator2, typename Compare>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::parallel_unsequenced_policy, BiDirIt1 first1, BiDirIt1 last1, BiDirIt1 first2,
+               BiDirIt1 last2, Size n, Size m, Generator1 generator1, Generator2 generator2, Compare comp)
+    {
+    }
+    // inplace_merge works with bidirectional iterators at least
+    template <typename Policy, typename BiDirIt1, typename Size, typename Generator1, typename Generator2,
+              typename Compare>
+    typename std::enable_if<!is_same_iterator_category<BiDirIt1, std::forward_iterator_tag>::value, void>::type
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, BiDirIt1 first1, BiDirIt1 last1, BiDirIt1 first2, BiDirIt1 last2, Size n, Size m,
+               Generator1 generator1, Generator2 generator2, Compare comp)
+    {
+        using T = typename std::iterator_traits<BiDirIt1>::value_type;
+        const BiDirIt1 mid1 = std::next(first1, m);
+        fill_data(first1, mid1, generator1);
+        fill_data(mid1, last1, generator2);
+        const BiDirIt1 mid2 = std::next(first2, m);
+        fill_data(first2, mid2, generator1);
+        fill_data(mid2, last2, generator2);
+        std::inplace_merge(first1, mid1, last1, comp);
+        std::inplace_merge(exec, first2, mid2, last2, comp);
+        EXPECT_EQ_N(first1, first2, n, "wrong effect from inplace_merge with predicate");
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename BiDirIt1, typename Size, typename Generator1, typename Generator2,
+              typename Compare>
+    typename std::enable_if<is_same_iterator_category<BiDirIt1, std::forward_iterator_tag>::value, void>::type
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, BiDirIt1 first1, BiDirIt1 last1, BiDirIt1 first2, BiDirIt1 last2, Size n, Size m,
+               Generator1 generator1, Generator2 generator2, Compare comp)
+    {
+    }
+template <typename T, typename Generator1, typename Generator2, typename Compare>
+test_by_type(Generator1 generator1, Generator2 generator2, Compare comp)
+    using namespace std;
+    size_t max_size = 100000;
+    Sequence<T> in1(max_size, [](size_t v) { return T(v); });
+    Sequence<T> exp(max_size, [](size_t v) { return T(v); });
+    size_t m;
+    for (size_t n = 0; n <= max_size; n = n <= 16 ? n + 1 : size_t(3.1415 * n))
+    {
+        m = 0;
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), in1.begin(), in1.begin() + n, exp.begin(), exp.begin() + n, n, m,
+                               generator1, generator2, comp);
+        m = n / 3;
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), in1.begin(), in1.begin() + n, exp.begin(), exp.begin() + n, n, m,
+                               generator1, generator2, comp);
+        m = 2 * n / 3;
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), in1.begin(), in1.begin() + n, exp.begin(), exp.begin() + n, n, m,
+                               generator1, generator2, comp);
+    }
+template <typename T>
+struct LocalWrapper
+    explicit LocalWrapper(int32_t k) : my_val(k) {}
+    LocalWrapper(LocalWrapper&& input) { my_val = std::move(input.my_val); }
+    LocalWrapper&
+    operator=(LocalWrapper&& input)
+    {
+        my_val = std::move(input.my_val);
+        return *this;
+    }
+    bool
+    operator<(const LocalWrapper<T>& w) const
+    {
+        return my_val < w.my_val;
+    }
+    friend bool
+    operator==(const LocalWrapper<T>& x, const LocalWrapper<T>& y)
+    {
+        return x.my_val == y.my_val;
+    }
+    friend std::ostream&
+    operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const LocalWrapper<T>& input)
+    {
+        return stream << input.my_val;
+    }
+  private:
+    T my_val;
+template <typename T>
+struct test_non_const
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator iter)
+    {
+        invoke_if(exec, [&]() { inplace_merge(exec, iter, iter, iter, non_const(std::less<T>())); });
+    }
+    test_by_type<float64_t>([](int32_t i) { return -2 * i; }, [](int32_t i) { return -(2 * i + 1); },
+                            [](const float64_t x, const float64_t y) { return x > y; });
+    test_by_type<int32_t>([](int32_t i) { return 10 * i; }, [](int32_t i) { return i + 1; }, std::less<int32_t>());
+    test_by_type<LocalWrapper<float32_t>>([](int32_t i) { return LocalWrapper<float32_t>(2 * i + 1); },
+                                          [](int32_t i) { return LocalWrapper<float32_t>(2 * i); },
+                                          std::less<LocalWrapper<float32_t>>());
+    test_algo_basic_single<int32_t>(run_for_rnd_bi<test_non_const<int32_t>>());
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_is_heap.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_is_heap.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_is_heap.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_is_heap.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_is_heap.cpp --------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Tests for is_heap, is_heap_until
+#include "pstl_test_config.h"
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+#include <iostream>
+using namespace TestUtils;
+struct WithCmpOp
+    int32_t _first;
+    int32_t _second;
+    WithCmpOp() : _first(0), _second(0){};
+    explicit WithCmpOp(int32_t x) : _first(x), _second(x){};
+    bool
+    operator<(const WithCmpOp& rhs) const
+    {
+        return this->_first < rhs._first;
+    }
+struct test_is_heap
+#if __PSTL_ICC_17_VC141_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_DEBUG_32_BROKEN ||                                                            \
+    __PSTL_ICC_16_VC14_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_DEBUG_32_BROKEN //dummy specialization by policy type, in case of broken configuration
+    template <typename Iterator, typename Predicate>
+    typename std::enable_if<is_same_iterator_category<Iterator, std::random_access_iterator_tag>::value, void>::type
+    operator()(pstl::execution::unsequenced_policy, Iterator first, Iterator last, Predicate pred)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename Iterator, typename Predicate>
+    typename std::enable_if<is_same_iterator_category<Iterator, std::random_access_iterator_tag>::value, void>::type
+    operator()(pstl::execution::parallel_unsequenced_policy, Iterator first, Iterator last, Predicate pred)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator, typename Predicate>
+    typename std::enable_if<is_same_iterator_category<Iterator, std::random_access_iterator_tag>::value, void>::type
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator first, Iterator last, Predicate pred)
+    {
+        using namespace std;
+        // is_heap
+        {
+            bool expected = is_heap(first, last);
+            bool actual = is_heap(exec, first, last);
+            EXPECT_TRUE(expected == actual, "wrong return value from is_heap");
+        }
+        // is_heap with predicate
+        {
+            bool expected = is_heap(first, last, pred);
+            bool actual = is_heap(exec, first, last, pred);
+            EXPECT_TRUE(expected == actual, "wrong return value from is_heap with predicate");
+        }
+        // is_heap_until
+        {
+            Iterator expected = is_heap_until(first, last);
+            Iterator actual = is_heap_until(exec, first, last);
+            EXPECT_TRUE(expected == actual, "wrong return value from is_heap_until");
+        }
+        // is_heap_until with predicate
+        {
+            const Iterator expected = is_heap_until(first, last, pred);
+            const auto y = std::distance(first, expected);
+            const Iterator actual = is_heap_until(exec, first, last, pred);
+            const auto x = std::distance(first, actual);
+            EXPECT_TRUE(expected == actual, "wrong return value from is_heap_until with predicate");
+        }
+    }
+    // is_heap, is_heap_until works only with random access iterators
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator, typename Predicate>
+    typename std::enable_if<!is_same_iterator_category<Iterator, std::random_access_iterator_tag>::value, void>::type
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator first, Iterator last, Predicate pred)
+    {
+    }
+template <typename T, typename Comp>
+test_is_heap_by_type(Comp comp)
+    using namespace std;
+    const size_t max_size = 100000;
+    for (size_t n = 0; n <= max_size; n = n <= 16 ? n + 1 : size_t(3.1415 * n))
+    {
+        Sequence<T> in(n, [](size_t v) -> T { return T(v); });
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_is_heap(), in.begin(), in.end(), comp);
+        std::make_heap(in.begin(), in.begin() + n / 4, comp);
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_is_heap(), in.cbegin(), in.cend(), comp);
+        std::make_heap(in.begin(), in.begin() + n / 3, comp);
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_is_heap(), in.begin(), in.end(), comp);
+        std::make_heap(in.begin(), in.end(), comp);
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_is_heap(), in.cbegin(), in.cend(), comp);
+    }
+    Sequence<T> in(max_size / 10, [](size_t v) -> T { return T(1); });
+    invoke_on_all_policies(test_is_heap(), in.begin(), in.end(), comp);
+template <typename T>
+struct test_non_const
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator iter)
+    {
+        invoke_if(exec, [&]() {
+            is_heap(exec, iter, iter, non_const(std::less<T>()));
+            is_heap_until(exec, iter, iter, non_const(std::less<T>()));
+        });
+    }
+    test_is_heap_by_type<float32_t>(std::greater<float32_t>());
+    test_is_heap_by_type<WithCmpOp>(std::less<WithCmpOp>());
+    test_is_heap_by_type<uint64_t>([](uint64_t x, uint64_t y) { return x % 100 < y % 100; });
+    test_algo_basic_single<int32_t>(run_for_rnd<test_non_const<int32_t>>());
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_is_partitioned.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_is_partitioned.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_is_partitioned.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_is_partitioned.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_is_partitioned.cpp -------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "pstl_test_config.h"
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+struct test_one_policy
+    //dummy specialization by policy type, in case of broken configuration
+    template <typename Iterator1, typename Predicate>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::unsequenced_policy, Iterator1 begin1, Iterator1 end1, Predicate pred)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename Iterator1, typename Predicate>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::parallel_unsequenced_policy, Iterator1 begin1, Iterator1 end1, Predicate pred)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename ExecutionPolicy, typename Iterator1, typename Predicate>
+    void
+    operator()(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, Iterator1 begin1, Iterator1 end1, Predicate pred)
+    {
+        const bool expected = std::is_partitioned(begin1, end1, pred);
+        const bool actual = std::is_partitioned(exec, begin1, end1, pred);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(actual == expected, "wrong return result from is_partitioned");
+    }
+template <typename T, typename Predicate>
+test(Predicate pred)
+    const std::size_t max_n = 1000000;
+    Sequence<T> in(max_n, [](std::size_t k) { return T(k); });
+    for (std::size_t n1 = 0; n1 <= max_n; n1 = n1 <= 16 ? n1 + 1 : std::size_t(3.1415 * n1))
+    {
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), in.begin(), in.begin() + n1, pred);
+        std::partition(in.begin(), in.begin() + n1, pred);
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), in.cbegin(), in.cbegin() + n1, pred);
+    }
+template <typename T>
+struct LocalWrapper
+    explicit LocalWrapper(std::size_t k) : my_val(k) {}
+  private:
+    T my_val;
+struct test_non_const
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator iter)
+    {
+        auto is_even = [&](float64_t v) {
+            uint32_t i = (uint32_t)v;
+            return i % 2 == 0;
+        };
+        invoke_if(exec, [&]() { is_partitioned(exec, iter, iter, non_const(is_even)); });
+    }
+    test<float64_t>([](const float64_t x) { return x < 0; });
+    test<int32_t>([](const int32_t x) { return x > 1000; });
+    test<uint16_t>([](const uint16_t x) { return x % 5 < 3; });
+    test<LocalWrapper<float64_t>>([](const LocalWrapper<float64_t>& x) { return true; });
+    test_algo_basic_single<int32_t>(run_for_rnd_fw<test_non_const>());
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_is_sorted.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_is_sorted.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_is_sorted.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_is_sorted.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_is_sorted.cpp ------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Tests for is_sorted, is_sorted_until
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+struct test_is_sorted
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator first, Iterator last, bool exam)
+    {
+        using namespace std;
+        typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type T;
+        //try random-access iterator
+        bool res = is_sorted(exec, first, last);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(exam == res, "is_sorted wrong result for random-access iterator");
+        auto iexam = is_sorted_until(first, last);
+        auto ires = is_sorted_until(exec, first, last);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(iexam == ires, "is_sorted_until wrong result for random-access iterator");
+        //try random-access iterator with a predicate
+        res = is_sorted(exec, first, last, std::less<T>());
+        EXPECT_TRUE(exam == res, "is_sorted wrong result for random-access iterator");
+        iexam = is_sorted_until(first, last, std::less<T>());
+        ires = is_sorted_until(exec, first, last, std::less<T>());
+        EXPECT_TRUE(iexam == ires, "is_sorted_until wrong result for random-access iterator");
+    }
+template <typename T>
+    Sequence<T> in(99999, [](size_t v) -> T { return T(v); }); //fill 0..n
+    invoke_on_all_policies(test_is_sorted(), in.begin(), in.end(), std::is_sorted(in.begin(), in.end()));
+    invoke_on_all_policies(test_is_sorted(), in.cbegin(), in.cend(), std::is_sorted(in.begin(), in.end()));
+    in[in.size() / 2] = -1;
+    invoke_on_all_policies(test_is_sorted(), in.begin(), in.end(), std::is_sorted(in.begin(), in.end()));
+    invoke_on_all_policies(test_is_sorted(), in.cbegin(), in.cend(), std::is_sorted(in.begin(), in.end()));
+    in[1] = -1;
+    invoke_on_all_policies(test_is_sorted(), in.begin(), in.end(), std::is_sorted(in.begin(), in.end()));
+    invoke_on_all_policies(test_is_sorted(), in.cbegin(), in.cend(), std::is_sorted(in.begin(), in.end()));
+    //an empty container
+    Sequence<T> in0(0);
+    invoke_on_all_policies(test_is_sorted(), in0.begin(), in0.end(), std::is_sorted(in0.begin(), in0.end()));
+    invoke_on_all_policies(test_is_sorted(), in0.cbegin(), in0.cend(), std::is_sorted(in0.begin(), in0.end()));
+    //non-descending order
+    Sequence<T> in1(9, [](size_t v) -> T { return T(0); });
+    invoke_on_all_policies(test_is_sorted(), in1.begin(), in1.end(), std::is_sorted(in1.begin(), in1.end()));
+    invoke_on_all_policies(test_is_sorted(), in1.cbegin(), in1.cend(), std::is_sorted(in1.begin(), in1.end()));
+template <typename T>
+struct test_non_const
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator iter)
+    {
+        is_sorted(exec, iter, iter, std::less<T>());
+        is_sorted_until(exec, iter, iter, std::less<T>());
+    }
+    test_is_sorted_by_type<int32_t>();
+    test_is_sorted_by_type<float64_t>();
+    test_is_sorted_by_type<Wrapper<int32_t>>();
+    test_algo_basic_single<int32_t>(run_for_rnd_fw<test_non_const<int32_t>>());
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_lexicographical_compare.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_lexicographical_compare.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_lexicographical_compare.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_lexicographical_compare.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_lexicographical_compare.cpp ----------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "pstl_test_config.h"
+#include <string>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+struct test_one_policy
+    template <typename ExecutionPolicy, typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2, typename Predicate>
+    void
+    operator()(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, Iterator1 begin1, Iterator1 end1, Iterator2 begin2, Iterator2 end2,
+               Predicate pred)
+    {
+        const bool expected = std::lexicographical_compare(begin1, end1, begin2, end2, pred);
+        const bool actual = std::lexicographical_compare(exec, begin1, end1, begin2, end2, pred);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(actual == expected, "wrong return result from lexicographical compare with predicate");
+    }
+    template <typename ExecutionPolicy, typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2>
+    void
+    operator()(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, Iterator1 begin1, Iterator1 end1, Iterator2 begin2, Iterator2 end2)
+    {
+        const bool expected = std::lexicographical_compare(begin1, end1, begin2, end2);
+        const bool actual = std::lexicographical_compare(exec, begin1, end1, begin2, end2);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(actual == expected, "wrong return result from lexicographical compare without predicate");
+    }
+template <typename T1, typename T2, typename Predicate>
+test(Predicate pred)
+    const std::size_t max_n = 1000000;
+    Sequence<T1> in1(max_n, [](std::size_t k) { return T1(k); });
+    Sequence<T2> in2(2 * max_n, [](std::size_t k) { return T2(k); });
+    std::size_t n2;
+    // Test case: Call algorithm's version without predicate.
+    invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), in1.cbegin(), in1.cbegin() + max_n, in2.cbegin() + 3 * max_n / 10,
+                           in2.cbegin() + 5 * max_n / 10);
+    // Test case: If one range is a prefix of another, the shorter range is lexicographically less than the other.
+    std::size_t max_n2 = max_n / 10;
+    invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), in1.begin(), in1.begin() + max_n, in2.cbegin(), in2.cbegin() + max_n2,
+                           pred);
+    invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), in1.begin(), in1.begin() + max_n, in2.begin() + max_n2,
+                           in2.begin() + 3 * max_n2, pred);
+    // Test case: If one range is a prefix of another, the shorter range is lexicographically less than the other.
+    max_n2 = 2 * max_n;
+    invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), in1.cbegin(), in1.cbegin() + max_n, in2.begin(), in2.begin() + max_n2,
+                           pred);
+    for (std::size_t n1 = 0; n1 <= max_n; n1 = n1 <= 16 ? n1 + 1 : std::size_t(3.1415 * n1))
+    {
+        // Test case: If two ranges have equivalent elements and are of the same length, then the ranges are lexicographically equal.
+        n2 = n1;
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), in1.begin(), in1.begin() + n1, in2.begin(), in2.begin() + n2, pred);
+        n2 = n1;
+        // Test case: two ranges have different elements and are of the same length (second sequence less than first)
+        std::size_t ind = n1 / 2;
+        in2[ind] = T2(-1);
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), in1.begin(), in1.begin() + n1, in2.begin(), in2.begin() + n2, pred);
+        in2[ind] = T2(ind);
+        // Test case: two ranges have different elements and are of the same length (first sequence less than second)
+        ind = n1 / 5;
+        in1[ind] = T1(-1);
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), in1.begin(), in1.begin() + n1, in2.cbegin(), in2.cbegin() + n2, pred);
+        in1[ind] = T1(ind);
+    }
+template <typename Predicate>
+test_string(Predicate pred)
+    const std::size_t max_n = 1000000;
+    std::string in1 = "";
+    std::string in2 = "";
+    for (std::size_t n1 = 0; n1 <= max_n; ++n1)
+    {
+        in1 += n1;
+    }
+    for (std::size_t n1 = 0; n1 <= 2 * max_n; ++n1)
+    {
+        in2 += n1;
+    }
+    std::size_t n2;
+    for (std::size_t n1 = 0; n1 < in1.size(); n1 = n1 <= 16 ? n1 + 1 : std::size_t(3.1415 * n1))
+    {
+        // Test case: If two ranges have equivalent elements and are of the same length, then the ranges are lexicographically equal.
+        n2 = n1;
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), in1.begin(), in1.begin() + n1, in2.begin(), in2.begin() + n2, pred);
+        n2 = n1;
+        // Test case: two ranges have different elements and are of the same length (second sequence less than first)
+        in2[n1 / 2] = 'a';
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), in1.begin(), in1.begin() + n1, in2.begin(), in2.begin() + n2, pred);
+        // Test case: two ranges have different elements and are of the same length (first sequence less than second)
+        in1[n1 / 5] = 'a';
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), in1.begin(), in1.begin() + n1, in2.cbegin(), in2.cbegin() + n2, pred);
+    }
+    invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), in1.cbegin(), in1.cbegin() + max_n, in2.cbegin() + 3 * max_n / 10,
+                           in2.cbegin() + 5 * max_n / 10);
+template <typename T>
+struct LocalWrapper
+    explicit LocalWrapper(std::size_t k) : my_val(k) {}
+    bool
+    operator<(const LocalWrapper<T>& w) const
+    {
+        return my_val < w.my_val;
+    }
+  private:
+    T my_val;
+template <typename T>
+struct test_non_const
+    template <typename Policy, typename FirstIterator, typename SecondInterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, FirstIterator first_iter, SecondInterator second_iter)
+    {
+        invoke_if(exec, [&]() {
+            lexicographical_compare(exec, first_iter, first_iter, second_iter, second_iter, non_const(std::less<T>()));
+        });
+    }
+    test<uint16_t, float64_t>(std::less<float64_t>());
+    test<float32_t, int32_t>(std::greater<float32_t>());
+    test<float64_t, int32_t>([](const float64_t x, const int32_t y) { return x * x < y * y; });
+    test<LocalWrapper<int32_t>, LocalWrapper<int32_t>>(
+        [](const LocalWrapper<int32_t>& x, const LocalWrapper<int32_t>& y) { return x < y; });
+    test_string([](const char x, const char y) { return x < y; });
+    test_algo_basic_double<int32_t>(run_for_rnd_fw<test_non_const<int32_t>>());
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_merge.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_merge.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_merge.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_merge.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_merge.cpp ----------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "pstl_test_config.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <functional>
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+struct test_merge
+    template <typename Policy, typename InputIterator1, typename InputIterator2, typename OutputIterator,
+              typename Compare>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1, InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2,
+               OutputIterator out_first, OutputIterator out_last, Compare comp)
+    {
+        using namespace std;
+        {
+            const auto res = merge(exec, first1, last1, first2, last2, out_first, comp);
+            EXPECT_TRUE(res == out_last, "wrong return result from merge with predicate");
+            EXPECT_TRUE(is_sorted(out_first, res, comp), "wrong result from merge with predicate");
+            EXPECT_TRUE(includes(out_first, res, first1, last1, comp), "first sequence is not a part of result");
+            EXPECT_TRUE(includes(out_first, res, first2, last2, comp), "second sequence is not a part of result");
+        }
+        {
+            const auto res = merge(exec, first1, last1, first2, last2, out_first);
+            EXPECT_TRUE(res == out_last, "wrong return result from merge");
+            EXPECT_TRUE(is_sorted(out_first, res), "wrong result from merge");
+        }
+    }
+    // for reverse iterators
+    template <typename Policy, typename InputIterator1, typename InputIterator2, typename OutputIterator,
+              typename Compare>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, std::reverse_iterator<InputIterator1> first1, std::reverse_iterator<InputIterator1> last1,
+               std::reverse_iterator<InputIterator2> first2, std::reverse_iterator<InputIterator2> last2,
+               std::reverse_iterator<OutputIterator> out_first, std::reverse_iterator<OutputIterator> out_last,
+               Compare comp)
+    {
+        using namespace std;
+        typedef typename std::iterator_traits<std::reverse_iterator<InputIterator1>>::value_type T;
+        const auto res = merge(exec, first1, last1, first2, last2, out_first, std::greater<T>());
+        EXPECT_TRUE(res == out_last, "wrong return result from merge with predicate");
+        EXPECT_TRUE(is_sorted(out_first, res, std::greater<T>()), "wrong result from merge with predicate");
+        EXPECT_TRUE(includes(out_first, res, first1, last1, std::greater<T>()),
+                    "first sequence is not a part of result");
+        EXPECT_TRUE(includes(out_first, res, first2, last2, std::greater<T>()),
+                    "second sequence is not a part of result");
+    }
+template <typename T, typename Generator1, typename Generator2>
+test_merge_by_type(Generator1 generator1, Generator2 generator2)
+    using namespace std;
+    size_t max_size = 100000;
+    Sequence<T> in1(max_size, generator1);
+    Sequence<T> in2(max_size / 2, generator2);
+    Sequence<T> out(in1.size() + in2.size());
+    std::sort(in1.begin(), in1.end());
+    std::sort(in2.begin(), in2.end());
+    for (size_t size = 0; size <= max_size; size = size <= 16 ? size + 1 : size_t(3.1415 * size))
+    {
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_merge(), in1.cbegin(), in1.cbegin() + size, in2.data(), in2.data() + size / 2,
+                               out.begin(), out.begin() + 1.5 * size, std::less<T>());
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_merge(), in1.data(), in1.data() + size, in2.cbegin(), in2.cbegin() + size / 2,
+                               out.begin(), out.begin() + 3 * size / 2, std::less<T>());
+    }
+template <typename T>
+struct test_non_const
+    template <typename Policy, typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, InputIterator input_iter, OutputIterator out_iter)
+    {
+        merge(exec, input_iter, input_iter, input_iter, input_iter, out_iter, non_const(std::less<T>()));
+    }
+    test_merge_by_type<int32_t>([](size_t v) { return (v % 2 == 0 ? v : -v) * 3; }, [](size_t v) { return v * 2; });
+    test_merge_by_type<float64_t>([](size_t v) { return float64_t(v); }, [](size_t v) { return float64_t(v - 100); });
+#if !__PSTL_ICC_16_17_TEST_64_TIMEOUT
+    test_merge_by_type<Wrapper<int16_t>>([](size_t v) { return Wrapper<int16_t>(v % 100); },
+                                         [](size_t v) { return Wrapper<int16_t>(v % 10); });
+    test_algo_basic_double<int32_t>(run_for_rnd_fw<test_non_const<int32_t>>());
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_minmax_element.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_minmax_element.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_minmax_element.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_minmax_element.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_minmax_element.cpp -------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Tests for min_element, max_element, minmax_element
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+#include <set>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cmath>
+using namespace TestUtils;
+struct check_minelement
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator begin, Iterator end)
+    {
+        typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type T;
+        const Iterator expect = std::min_element(begin, end);
+        const Iterator result = std::min_element(exec, begin, end);
+        const Iterator result_pred = std::min_element(exec, begin, end, std::less<T>());
+        EXPECT_TRUE(expect == result, "wrong return result from min_element");
+        EXPECT_TRUE(expect == result_pred, "wrong return result from min_element");
+    }
+struct check_maxelement
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator begin, Iterator end)
+    {
+        typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type T;
+        const Iterator expect = std::max_element(begin, end);
+        const Iterator result = std::max_element(exec, begin, end);
+        const Iterator result_pred = std::max_element(exec, begin, end, std::less<T>());
+        EXPECT_TRUE(expect == result, "wrong return result from max_element");
+        EXPECT_TRUE(expect == result_pred, "wrong return result from max_element");
+    }
+struct check_minmaxelement
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator begin, Iterator end)
+    {
+        typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type T;
+        const std::pair<Iterator, Iterator> expect = std::minmax_element(begin, end);
+        const std::pair<Iterator, Iterator> got = std::minmax_element(exec, begin, end);
+        const std::pair<Iterator, Iterator> got_pred = std::minmax_element(exec, begin, end, std::less<T>());
+        EXPECT_TRUE(expect.first == got.first, "wrong return result from minmax_element (min part)");
+        EXPECT_TRUE(expect.second == got.second, "wrong return result from minmax_element (max part)");
+        EXPECT_TRUE(expect == got_pred, "wrong return result from minmax_element");
+    }
+template <typename T>
+struct sequence_wrapper
+    TestUtils::Sequence<T> seq;
+    const T min_value;
+    const T max_value;
+    static const std::size_t bits = 30; // We assume that T can handle signed 2^bits+1 value
+    // TestUtils::HashBits returns value between 0 and (1<<bits)-1,
+    // therefore we could threat 1<<bits as maximum and -(1<<bits) as a minimum
+    sequence_wrapper(std::size_t n) : seq(n), min_value(-(1 << bits)), max_value(1 << bits) {}
+    void
+    pattern_fill()
+    {
+        seq.fill([](std::size_t i) -> T { return T(TestUtils::HashBits(i, bits)); });
+    }
+    // sets first one at position `at` and bunch of them farther
+    void
+    set_desired_value(std::size_t at, T value)
+    {
+        if (seq.size() == 0)
+            return;
+        seq[at] = value;
+        //Producing serveral red herrings
+        for (std::size_t i = at + 1; i < seq.size(); i += 1 + TestUtils::HashBits(i, 5))
+            seq[i] = value;
+    }
+template <typename T>
+test_by_type(std::size_t n)
+    sequence_wrapper<T> wseq(n);
+    // to avoid overtesing we use std::set to leave only unique indexes
+    std::set<std::size_t> targets{0};
+    if (n > 1)
+    {
+        targets.insert(1);
+        targets.insert(2.718282 * n / 3);
+        targets.insert(n / 2);
+        targets.insert(n / 7.389056);
+        targets.insert(n - 1); // last
+    }
+    for (std::set<std::size_t>::iterator it = targets.begin(); it != targets.end(); ++it)
+    {
+        wseq.pattern_fill();
+        wseq.set_desired_value(*it, wseq.min_value);
+        TestUtils::invoke_on_all_policies(check_minelement(), wseq.seq.cbegin(), wseq.seq.cend());
+        TestUtils::invoke_on_all_policies(check_minelement(), wseq.seq.begin(), wseq.seq.end());
+        wseq.set_desired_value(*it, wseq.max_value);
+        TestUtils::invoke_on_all_policies(check_maxelement(), wseq.seq.cbegin(), wseq.seq.cend());
+        TestUtils::invoke_on_all_policies(check_maxelement(), wseq.seq.begin(), wseq.seq.end());
+        if (targets.size() > 1)
+        {
+            for (std::set<std::size_t>::reverse_iterator rit = targets.rbegin(); rit != targets.rend(); ++rit)
+            {
+                if (*rit == *it) // we requires at least 2 unique indexes in targets
+                    break;
+                wseq.pattern_fill();
+                wseq.set_desired_value(*it, wseq.min_value);  // setting minimum element
+                wseq.set_desired_value(*rit, wseq.max_value); // setting maximum element
+                TestUtils::invoke_on_all_policies(check_minmaxelement(), wseq.seq.cbegin(), wseq.seq.cend());
+                TestUtils::invoke_on_all_policies(check_minmaxelement(), wseq.seq.begin(), wseq.seq.end());
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        { // we must check this corner case; it can not be tested in loop above
+            TestUtils::invoke_on_all_policies(check_minmaxelement(), wseq.seq.cbegin(), wseq.seq.cend());
+            TestUtils::invoke_on_all_policies(check_minmaxelement(), wseq.seq.begin(), wseq.seq.end());
+        }
+    }
+// should provide minimal requirements only
+struct OnlyLessCompare
+    int32_t val;
+    OnlyLessCompare() : val(0) {}
+    OnlyLessCompare(int32_t val_) : val(val_) {}
+    bool
+    operator<(const OnlyLessCompare& other) const
+    {
+        return val < other.val;
+    }
+template <typename T>
+struct test_non_const
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator iter)
+    {
+        max_element(exec, iter, iter, non_const(std::less<T>()));
+        min_element(exec, iter, iter, non_const(std::less<T>()));
+        minmax_element(exec, iter, iter, non_const(std::less<T>()));
+    }
+    using TestUtils::float64_t;
+    const std::size_t N = 100000;
+    for (std::size_t n = 0; n < N; n = n < 16 ? n + 1 : size_t(3.14159 * n))
+    {
+        test_by_type<float64_t>(n);
+        test_by_type<OnlyLessCompare>(n);
+    }
+    test_algo_basic_single<int32_t>(run_for_rnd_fw<test_non_const<int32_t>>());
+    std::cout << TestUtils::done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_mismatch.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_mismatch.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_mismatch.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_mismatch.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_mismatch.cpp -------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Tests for the rest algorithms; temporary approach to check compiling
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "pstl/numeric"
+#include "pstl/memory"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+struct test_mismatch
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator1 first1, Iterator1 last1, Iterator2 first2)
+    {
+        using namespace std;
+        typedef typename iterator_traits<Iterator1>::value_type T;
+        {
+            const auto expected = std::mismatch(first1, last1, first2, std::equal_to<T>());
+            const auto res3 = mismatch(exec, first1, last1, first2, std::equal_to<T>());
+            EXPECT_TRUE(expected == res3, "wrong return result from mismatch");
+            const auto res4 = mismatch(exec, first1, last1, first2);
+            EXPECT_TRUE(expected == res4, "wrong return result from mismatch");
+        }
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator1 first1, Iterator1 last1, Iterator2 first2, Iterator2 last2)
+    {
+        using namespace std;
+        typedef typename iterator_traits<Iterator1>::value_type T;
+        {
+            const auto expected = mismatch(pstl::execution::seq, first1, last1, first2, last2, std::equal_to<T>());
+            const auto res1 = mismatch(exec, first1, last1, first2, last2, std::equal_to<T>());
+            EXPECT_TRUE(expected == res1, "wrong return result from mismatch");
+            const auto res2 = mismatch(exec, first1, last1, first2, last2);
+            EXPECT_TRUE(expected == res2, "wrong return result from mismatch");
+        }
+    }
+template <typename T>
+    using namespace std;
+    for (size_t size = 0; size <= 100000; size = size <= 16 ? size + 1 : size_t(3.1415 * size))
+    {
+        const T val = T(-1);
+        Sequence<T> in(size, [](size_t v) -> T { return T(v % 100); });
+        {
+            Sequence<T> in2(in);
+            invoke_on_all_policies(test_mismatch(), in.begin(), in.end(), in2.begin(), in2.end());
+            invoke_on_all_policies(test_mismatch(), in.begin(), in.end(), in2.begin());
+            const size_t min_size = 3;
+            if (size > min_size)
+            {
+                const size_t idx_for_1 = size / min_size;
+                in[idx_for_1] = val, in[idx_for_1 + 1] = val, in[idx_for_1 + 2] = val;
+                invoke_on_all_policies(test_mismatch(), in.begin(), in.end(), in2.begin(), in2.end());
+                invoke_on_all_policies(test_mismatch(), in.begin(), in.end(), in2.begin());
+            }
+            const size_t idx_for_2 = 500;
+            if (size >= idx_for_2 - 1)
+            {
+                in2[size / idx_for_2] = val;
+                invoke_on_all_policies(test_mismatch(), in.cbegin(), in.cend(), in2.cbegin(), in2.cend());
+                invoke_on_all_policies(test_mismatch(), in.cbegin(), in.cend(), in2.cbegin());
+            }
+        }
+        {
+            Sequence<T> in2(100, [](size_t v) -> T { return T(v); });
+            invoke_on_all_policies(test_mismatch(), in2.begin(), in2.end(), in.begin(), in.end());
+            //  We can't call std::mismatch with semantic below when size of second sequence less than size of first sequence
+            if (in2.size() <= in.size())
+                invoke_on_all_policies(test_mismatch(), in2.begin(), in2.end(), in.begin());
+            const size_t idx = 97;
+            in2[idx] = val;
+            in2[idx + 1] = val;
+            invoke_on_all_policies(test_mismatch(), in.cbegin(), in.cend(), in2.cbegin(), in2.cend());
+            if (in.size() <= in2.size())
+                invoke_on_all_policies(test_mismatch(), in.cbegin(), in.cend(), in2.cbegin());
+        }
+        {
+            Sequence<T> in2({});
+            invoke_on_all_policies(test_mismatch(), in2.begin(), in2.end(), in.begin(), in.end());
+            invoke_on_all_policies(test_mismatch(), in.cbegin(), in.cend(), in2.cbegin(), in2.cend());
+            if (in.size() == 0)
+                invoke_on_all_policies(test_mismatch(), in.cbegin(), in.cend(), in2.cbegin());
+        }
+    }
+template <typename T>
+struct test_non_const
+    template <typename Policy, typename FirstIterator, typename SecondInterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, FirstIterator first_iter, SecondInterator second_iter)
+    {
+        mismatch(exec, first_iter, first_iter, second_iter, second_iter, non_const(std::less<T>()));
+    }
+    test_mismatch_by_type<int32_t>();
+    test_mismatch_by_type<float64_t>();
+    test_mismatch_by_type<Wrapper<int32_t>>();
+    test_algo_basic_double<int32_t>(run_for_rnd_fw<test_non_const<int32_t>>());
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_none_of.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_none_of.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_none_of.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_none_of.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_none_of.cpp --------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "pstl_test_config.h"
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+  TODO: consider implementing the following tests for a better code coverage
+  - correctness
+  - bad input argument (if applicable)
+  - data corruption around/of input and output
+  - correctly work with nested parallelism
+  - check that algorithm does not require anything more than is described in its requirements section
+using namespace TestUtils;
+struct test_none_of
+    template <typename ExecutionPolicy, typename Iterator, typename Predicate>
+    void
+    operator()(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, Iterator begin, Iterator end, Predicate pred, bool expected)
+    {
+        auto actualr = std::none_of(exec, begin, end, pred);
+        EXPECT_EQ(expected, actualr, "result for none_of");
+    }
+template <typename T>
+test(size_t bits)
+    for (size_t n = 0; n <= 100000; n = n <= 16 ? n + 1 : size_t(3.1415 * n))
+    {
+        // Sequence of odd values
+        Sequence<T> in(n, [n, bits](size_t k) { return T(2 * HashBits(n, bits - 1) ^ 1); });
+        // Even value, or false when T is bool.
+        T spike(2 * HashBits(n, bits - 1));
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_none_of(), in.begin(), in.end(), is_equal_to<T>(spike), true);
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_none_of(), in.cbegin(), in.cend(), is_equal_to<T>(spike), true);
+        if (n > 0)
+        {
+            // Sprinkle in a hit
+            in[2 * n / 3] = spike;
+            invoke_on_all_policies(test_none_of(), in.begin(), in.end(), is_equal_to<T>(spike), false);
+            invoke_on_all_policies(test_none_of(), in.cbegin(), in.cend(), is_equal_to<T>(spike), false);
+            // Sprinkle in a few more hits
+            in[n / 3] = spike;
+            in[n / 2] = spike;
+            invoke_on_all_policies(test_none_of(), in.begin(), in.end(), is_equal_to<T>(spike), false);
+            invoke_on_all_policies(test_none_of(), in.cbegin(), in.cend(), is_equal_to<T>(spike), false);
+        }
+    }
+struct test_non_const
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator iter)
+    {
+        auto is_even = [&](float64_t v) {
+            uint32_t i = (uint32_t)v;
+            return i % 2 == 0;
+        };
+        none_of(exec, iter, iter, non_const(is_even));
+    }
+    test<int32_t>(8 * sizeof(int32_t));
+    test<uint16_t>(8 * sizeof(uint16_t));
+    test<float64_t>(53);
+    test<bool>(1);
+    test_algo_basic_single<int32_t>(run_for_rnd_fw<test_non_const>());
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_nth_element.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_nth_element.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_nth_element.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_nth_element.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_nth_element.cpp ----------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "pstl_test_config.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+// User defined type with minimal requirements
+template <typename T>
+struct DataType
+    explicit DataType(int32_t k) : my_val(k) {}
+    DataType(DataType&& input)
+    {
+        my_val = std::move(input.my_val);
+        input.my_val = T(0);
+    }
+    DataType&
+    operator=(DataType&& input)
+    {
+        my_val = std::move(input.my_val);
+        input.my_val = T(0);
+        return *this;
+    }
+    T
+    get_val() const
+    {
+        return my_val;
+    }
+    friend std::ostream&
+    operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const DataType<T>& input)
+    {
+        return stream << input.my_val;
+    }
+  private:
+    T my_val;
+template <typename T>
+is_equal(const DataType<T>& x, const DataType<T>& y)
+    return x.get_val() == y.get_val();
+template <typename T>
+is_equal(const T& x, const T& y)
+    return x == y;
+struct test_one_policy
+#if __PSTL_ICC_17_VC141_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_DEBUG_32_BROKEN ||                                                            \
+    __PSTL_ICC_16_VC14_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_DEBUG_32_BROKEN // dummy specialization by policy type, in case of broken configuration
+    template <typename Iterator1, typename Size, typename Generator1, typename Generator2, typename Compare>
+    typename std::enable_if<is_same_iterator_category<Iterator1, std::random_access_iterator_tag>::value, void>::type
+    operator()(pstl::execution::unsequenced_policy, Iterator1 first1, Iterator1 last1, Iterator1 first2,
+               Iterator1 last2, Size n, Size m, Generator1 generator1, Generator2 generator2, Compare comp)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename Iterator1, typename Size, typename Generator1, typename Generator2, typename Compare>
+    typename std::enable_if<is_same_iterator_category<Iterator1, std::random_access_iterator_tag>::value, void>::type
+    operator()(pstl::execution::parallel_unsequenced_policy, Iterator1 first1, Iterator1 last1, Iterator1 first2,
+               Iterator1 last2, Size n, Size m, Generator1 generator1, Generator2 generator2, Compare comp)
+    {
+    }
+    // nth_element works only with random access iterators
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator1, typename Size, typename Generator1, typename Generator2,
+              typename Compare>
+    typename std::enable_if<is_same_iterator_category<Iterator1, std::random_access_iterator_tag>::value, void>::type
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator1 first1, Iterator1 last1, Iterator1 first2, Iterator1 last2, Size n, Size m,
+               Generator1 generator1, Generator2 generator2, Compare comp)
+    {
+        using T = typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator1>::value_type;
+        const Iterator1 mid1 = std::next(first1, m);
+        const Iterator1 mid2 = std::next(first2, m);
+        fill_data(first1, mid1, generator1);
+        fill_data(mid1, last1, generator2);
+        fill_data(first2, mid2, generator1);
+        fill_data(mid2, last2, generator2);
+        std::nth_element(first1, mid1, last1, comp);
+        std::nth_element(exec, first2, mid2, last2, comp);
+        if (m > 0 && m < n)
+        {
+            EXPECT_TRUE(is_equal(*mid1, *mid2), "wrong result from nth_element with predicate");
+        }
+        EXPECT_TRUE(std::find_first_of(first2, mid2, mid2, last2, [comp](T& x, T& y) { return comp(y, x); }) == mid2,
+                    "wrong effect from nth_element with predicate");
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator1, typename Size, typename Generator1, typename Generator2,
+              typename Compare>
+    typename std::enable_if<!is_same_iterator_category<Iterator1, std::random_access_iterator_tag>::value, void>::type
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator1 first1, Iterator1 last1, Iterator1 first2, Iterator1 last2, Size n, Size m,
+               Generator1 generator1, Generator2 generator2, Compare comp)
+    {
+    }
+template <typename T, typename Generator1, typename Generator2, typename Compare>
+test_by_type(Generator1 generator1, Generator2 generator2, Compare comp)
+    using namespace std;
+    size_t max_size = 10000;
+    Sequence<T> in1(max_size, [](size_t v) { return T(v); });
+    Sequence<T> exp(max_size, [](size_t v) { return T(v); });
+    size_t m;
+    for (size_t n = 0; n <= max_size; n = n <= 16 ? n + 1 : size_t(3.1415 * n))
+    {
+        m = 0;
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), exp.begin(), exp.begin() + n, in1.begin(), in1.begin() + n, n, m,
+                               generator1, generator2, comp);
+        m = n / 7;
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), exp.begin(), exp.begin() + n, in1.begin(), in1.begin() + n, n, m,
+                               generator1, generator2, comp);
+        m = 3 * n / 5;
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), exp.begin(), exp.begin() + n, in1.begin(), in1.begin() + n, n, m,
+                               generator1, generator2, comp);
+    }
+    invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), exp.begin(), exp.begin() + max_size, in1.begin(), in1.begin() + max_size,
+                           max_size, max_size, generator1, generator2, comp);
+template <typename T>
+struct test_non_const
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator iter)
+    {
+        invoke_if(exec, [&]() { nth_element(exec, iter, iter, iter, non_const(std::less<T>())); });
+    }
+    test_by_type<int32_t>([](int32_t i) { return 10 * i; }, [](int32_t i) { return i + 1; }, std::less<int32_t>());
+    test_by_type<int32_t>([](int32_t) { return 0; }, [](int32_t) { return 0; }, std::less<int32_t>());
+    test_by_type<float64_t>([](int32_t i) { return -2 * i; }, [](int32_t i) { return -(2 * i + 1); },
+                            [](const float64_t x, const float64_t y) { return x > y; });
+    test_by_type<DataType<float32_t>>(
+        [](int32_t i) { return DataType<float32_t>(2 * i + 1); }, [](int32_t i) { return DataType<float32_t>(2 * i); },
+        [](const DataType<float32_t>& x, const DataType<float32_t>& y) { return x.get_val() < y.get_val(); });
+    test_algo_basic_single<int32_t>(run_for_rnd<test_non_const<int32_t>>());
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_partial_sort.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_partial_sort.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_partial_sort.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_partial_sort.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_partial_sort.cpp ---------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Tests for partial_sort
+#include <cmath>
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+static std::atomic<int32_t> count_val;
+static std::atomic<int32_t> count_comp;
+template <typename T>
+struct Num
+    T val;
+    Num() { ++count_val; }
+    Num(T v) : val(v) { ++count_val; }
+    Num(const Num<T>& v) : val(v.val) { ++count_val; }
+    Num(Num<T>&& v) : val(v.val) { ++count_val; }
+    ~Num() { --count_val; }
+    Num<T>&
+    operator=(const Num<T>& v)
+    {
+        val = v.val;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    operator T() const { return val; }
+    bool
+    operator<(const Num<T>& v) const
+    {
+        ++count_comp;
+        return val < v.val;
+    }
+struct test_brick_partial_sort
+    template <typename Policy, typename InputIterator, typename Compare>
+    typename std::enable_if<is_same_iterator_category<InputIterator, std::random_access_iterator_tag>::value,
+                            void>::type
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, InputIterator first, InputIterator last, InputIterator exp_first, InputIterator exp_last,
+               Compare compare)
+    {
+        typedef typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type T;
+        // The rand()%(2*n+1) encourages generation of some duplicates.
+        std::srand(42);
+        const std::size_t n = last - first;
+        for (std::size_t k = 0; k < n; ++k)
+        {
+            first[k] = T(rand() % (2 * n + 1));
+        }
+        std::copy(first, last, exp_first);
+        for (std::size_t p = 0; p < n; p = p <= 16 ? p + 1 : std::size_t(31.415 * p))
+        {
+            auto m1 = first + p;
+            auto m2 = exp_first + p;
+            std::partial_sort(exp_first, m2, exp_last, compare);
+            count_comp = 0;
+            std::partial_sort(exec, first, m1, last, compare);
+            EXPECT_EQ_N(exp_first, first, p, "wrong effect from partial_sort");
+            //checking upper bound number of comparisons; O(p*(last-first)log(middle-first)); where p - number of threads;
+            if (m1 - first > 1)
+            {
+                auto complex = std::ceil(n * std::log(float32_t(m1 - first)));
+                auto p = tbb::this_task_arena::max_concurrency();
+                auto p = 1;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+                if (count_comp > complex * p)
+                {
+                    std::cout << "complexity exceeded" << std::endl;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename InputIterator, typename Compare>
+    typename std::enable_if<!is_same_iterator_category<InputIterator, std::random_access_iterator_tag>::value,
+                            void>::type
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, InputIterator first, InputIterator last, InputIterator exp_first, InputIterator exp_last,
+               Compare compare)
+    {
+    }
+template <typename T, typename Compare>
+test_partial_sort(Compare compare)
+    const std::size_t n_max = 100000;
+    Sequence<T> in(n_max);
+    Sequence<T> exp(n_max);
+    for (std::size_t n = 0; n < n_max; n = n <= 16 ? n + 1 : size_t(3.1415 * n))
+    {
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_brick_partial_sort(), in.begin(), in.begin() + n, exp.begin(), exp.begin() + n,
+                               compare);
+    }
+template <typename T>
+struct test_non_const
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator iter)
+    {
+        partial_sort(exec, iter, iter, iter, non_const(std::less<T>()));
+    }
+    count_val = 0;
+    test_partial_sort<Num<float32_t>>([](Num<float32_t> x, Num<float32_t> y) { return x < y; });
+    EXPECT_TRUE(count_val == 0, "cleanup error");
+    test_partial_sort<int32_t>(
+        [](int32_t x, int32_t y) { return x > y; }); // Reversed so accidental use of < will be detected.
+    test_algo_basic_single<int32_t>(run_for_rnd<test_non_const<int32_t>>());
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_partial_sort_copy.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_partial_sort_copy.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_partial_sort_copy.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_partial_sort_copy.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_partial_sort_copy.cpp ----------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Tests for partial_sort_copy
+#include <cmath>
+#include "pstl_test_config.h"
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+template <typename T>
+struct Num
+    T val;
+    Num() : val(0) {}
+    Num(T v) : val(v) {}
+    Num(const Num<T>& v) : val(v.val) {}
+    Num(Num<T>&& v) : val(v.val) {}
+    Num<T>&
+    operator=(const Num<T>& v)
+    {
+        val = v.val;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    operator T() const { return val; }
+    bool
+    operator<(const Num<T>& v) const
+    {
+        return val < v.val;
+    }
+template <typename RandomAccessIterator>
+struct test_one_policy
+    RandomAccessIterator d_first;
+    RandomAccessIterator d_last;
+    RandomAccessIterator exp_first;
+    RandomAccessIterator exp_last;
+    // This ctor is needed because output shouldn't be transformed to any iterator type (only random access iterators are allowed)
+    test_one_policy(RandomAccessIterator b1, RandomAccessIterator e1, RandomAccessIterator b2, RandomAccessIterator e2)
+        : d_first(b1), d_last(e1), exp_first(b2), exp_last(e2)
+    {
+    }
+#if __PSTL_ICC_17_VC141_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_DEBUG_32_BROKEN ||                                                            \
+    __PSTL_ICC_16_VC14_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_DEBUG_32_BROKEN // dummy specialization by policy type, in case of broken configuration
+    template <typename InputIterator, typename Size, typename T, typename Compare>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::unsequenced_policy, InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Size n1, Size n2,
+               const T& trash, Compare compare)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename InputIterator, typename Size, typename T, typename Compare>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::parallel_unsequenced_policy, InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Size n1, Size n2,
+               const T& trash, Compare compare)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename InputIterator, typename Size, typename T>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::unsequenced_policy, InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Size n1, Size n2,
+               const T& trash)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename InputIterator, typename Size, typename T>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::parallel_unsequenced_policy, InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Size n1, Size n2,
+               const T& trash)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename InputIterator, typename Size, typename T, typename Compare>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Size n1, Size n2, const T& trash,
+               Compare compare)
+    {
+        prepare_data(first, last, n1, trash);
+        RandomAccessIterator exp = std::partial_sort_copy(first, last, exp_first, exp_last, compare);
+        RandomAccessIterator res = std::partial_sort_copy(exec, first, last, d_first, d_last, compare);
+        EXPECT_TRUE((exp - exp_first) == (res - d_first), "wrong result from partial_sort_copy with predicate");
+        EXPECT_EQ_N(exp_first, d_first, n2, "wrong effect from partial_sort_copy with predicate");
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename InputIterator, typename Size, typename T>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Size n1, Size n2, const T& trash)
+    {
+        prepare_data(first, last, n1, trash);
+        RandomAccessIterator exp = std::partial_sort_copy(first, last, exp_first, exp_last);
+        RandomAccessIterator res = std::partial_sort_copy(exec, first, last, d_first, d_last);
+        EXPECT_TRUE((exp - exp_first) == (res - d_first), "wrong result from partial_sort_copy without predicate");
+        EXPECT_EQ_N(exp_first, d_first, n2, "wrong effect from partial_sort_copy without predicate");
+    }
+  private:
+    template <typename InputIterator, typename Size, typename T>
+    void
+    prepare_data(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Size n1, const T& trash)
+    {
+        // The rand()%(2*n+1) encourages generation of some duplicates.
+        std::srand(42);
+        std::generate(first, last, [n1]() { return T(rand() % (2 * n1 + 1)); });
+        std::fill(exp_first, exp_last, trash);
+        std::fill(d_first, d_last, trash);
+    }
+template <typename T, typename Compare>
+test_partial_sort_copy(Compare compare)
+    typedef typename Sequence<T>::iterator iterator_type;
+    const std::size_t n_max = 100000;
+    Sequence<T> in(n_max);
+    Sequence<T> out(2 * n_max);
+    Sequence<T> exp(2 * n_max);
+    std::size_t n1 = 0;
+    std::size_t n2;
+    T trash = T(-666);
+    for (; n1 < n_max; n1 = n1 <= 16 ? n1 + 1 : size_t(3.1415 * n1))
+    {
+        // If both sequences are equal
+        n2 = n1;
+        invoke_on_all_policies(
+            test_one_policy<iterator_type>(out.begin(), out.begin() + n2, exp.begin(), exp.begin() + n2), in.begin(),
+            in.begin() + n1, n1, n2, trash, compare);
+        // If first sequence is greater than second
+        n2 = n1 / 3;
+        invoke_on_all_policies(
+            test_one_policy<iterator_type>(out.begin(), out.begin() + n2, exp.begin(), exp.begin() + n2), in.begin(),
+            in.begin() + n1, n1, n2, trash, compare);
+        // If first sequence is less than second
+        n2 = 2 * n1;
+        invoke_on_all_policies(
+            test_one_policy<iterator_type>(out.begin(), out.begin() + n2, exp.begin(), exp.begin() + n2), in.begin(),
+            in.begin() + n1, n1, n2, trash, compare);
+    }
+    // Test partial_sort_copy without predicate
+    n1 = n_max;
+    n2 = 2 * n1;
+    invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy<iterator_type>(out.begin(), out.begin() + n2, exp.begin(), exp.begin() + n2),
+                           in.begin(), in.begin() + n1, n1, n2, trash);
+template <typename T>
+struct test_non_const
+    template <typename Policy, typename InputIterator, typename OutputInterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, InputIterator input_iter, OutputInterator out_iter)
+    {
+        invoke_if(exec, [&]() {
+            partial_sort_copy(exec, input_iter, input_iter, out_iter, out_iter, non_const(std::less<T>()));
+        });
+    }
+    test_partial_sort_copy<Num<float32_t>>([](Num<float32_t> x, Num<float32_t> y) { return x < y; });
+    test_partial_sort_copy<int32_t>([](int32_t x, int32_t y) { return x > y; });
+    test_algo_basic_double<int32_t>(run_for_rnd<test_non_const<int32_t>>());
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_partition.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_partition.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_partition.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_partition.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_partition.cpp ------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Tests for stable_partition and partition
+#include "pstl_test_config.h"
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+#include <iterator>
+#include <type_traits>
+using namespace TestUtils;
+template <typename T>
+struct DataType
+    explicit DataType(int32_t k) : my_val(k) {}
+    DataType(DataType&& input) { my_val = std::move(input.my_val); }
+    DataType&
+    operator=(DataType&& input)
+    {
+        my_val = std::move(input.my_val);
+        return *this;
+    }
+    T
+    get_val() const
+    {
+        return my_val;
+    }
+    friend std::ostream&
+    operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const DataType<T>& input)
+    {
+        return stream << input.my_val;
+    }
+  private:
+    T my_val;
+template <typename Iterator>
+typename std::enable_if<std::is_trivial<typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type>::value, bool>::type
+is_equal(Iterator first, Iterator last, Iterator d_first)
+    return std::equal(first, last, d_first);
+template <typename Iterator>
+typename std::enable_if<!std::is_trivial<typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type>::value, bool>::type
+is_equal(Iterator first, Iterator last, Iterator d_first)
+    return true;
+struct test_one_policy
+#if __PSTL_ICC_17_VC141_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_DEBUG_32_BROKEN ||                                                            \
+    __PSTL_ICC_16_VC14_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_DEBUG_32_BROKEN //dummy specializations to skip testing in case of broken configuration
+    template <typename BiDirIt, typename Size, typename UnaryOp, typename Generator>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::unsequenced_policy, BiDirIt first, BiDirIt last, BiDirIt exp_first, BiDirIt exp_last,
+               Size n, UnaryOp unary_op, Generator generator)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename BiDirIt, typename Size, typename UnaryOp, typename Generator>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::parallel_unsequenced_policy, BiDirIt first, BiDirIt last, BiDirIt exp_first,
+               BiDirIt exp_last, Size n, UnaryOp unary_op, Generator generator)
+    {
+    }
+#elif __PSTL_ICC_16_VC14_TEST_PAR_TBB_RT_RELEASE_64_BROKEN //dummy specializations to skip testing in case of broken configuration
+    template <typename BiDirIt, typename Size, typename UnaryOp, typename Generator>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::parallel_policy, BiDirIt first, BiDirIt last, BiDirIt exp_first, BiDirIt exp_last,
+               Size n, UnaryOp unary_op, Generator generator)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename BiDirIt, typename Size, typename UnaryOp, typename Generator>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::parallel_unsequenced_policy, BiDirIt first, BiDirIt last, BiDirIt exp_first,
+               BiDirIt exp_last, Size n, UnaryOp unary_op, Generator generator)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename BiDirIt, typename Size, typename UnaryOp, typename Generator>
+    typename std::enable_if<!is_same_iterator_category<BiDirIt, std::forward_iterator_tag>::value, void>::type
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, BiDirIt first, BiDirIt last, BiDirIt exp_first, BiDirIt exp_last, Size n,
+               UnaryOp unary_op, Generator generator)
+    {
+        // partition
+        {
+            fill_data(first, last, generator);
+            BiDirIt actual_ret = std::partition(exec, first, last, unary_op);
+            EXPECT_TRUE(std::all_of(first, actual_ret, unary_op) && !std::any_of(actual_ret, last, unary_op),
+                        "wrong effect from partition");
+        }
+        // stable_partition
+        {
+            fill_data(exp_first, exp_last, generator);
+            BiDirIt exp_ret = std::stable_partition(exp_first, exp_last, unary_op);
+            fill_data(first, last, generator);
+            BiDirIt actual_ret = std::stable_partition(exec, first, last, unary_op);
+            EXPECT_TRUE(std::distance(first, actual_ret) == std::distance(exp_first, exp_ret),
+                        "wrong result from stable_partition");
+            EXPECT_TRUE((is_equal<BiDirIt>(exp_first, exp_last, first)), "wrong effect from stable_partition");
+        }
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename BiDirIt, typename Size, typename UnaryOp, typename Generator>
+    typename std::enable_if<is_same_iterator_category<BiDirIt, std::forward_iterator_tag>::value, void>::type
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, BiDirIt first, BiDirIt last, BiDirIt exp_first, BiDirIt exp_last, Size n,
+               UnaryOp unary_op, Generator generator)
+    {
+    }
+template <typename T, typename Generator, typename UnaryPred>
+test_by_type(Generator generator, UnaryPred pred)
+    using namespace std;
+    size_t max_size = 100000;
+    Sequence<T> in(max_size, [](size_t v) { return T(v); });
+    Sequence<T> exp(max_size, [](size_t v) { return T(v); });
+    for (size_t n = 0; n <= max_size; n = n <= 16 ? n + 1 : size_t(3.1415 * n))
+    {
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), in.begin(), in.begin() + n, exp.begin(), exp.begin() + n, n, pred,
+                               generator);
+    }
+struct test_non_const
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator iter)
+    {
+        auto is_even = [&](float64_t v) {
+            uint32_t i = (uint32_t)v;
+            return i % 2 == 0;
+        };
+        invoke_if(exec, [&]() {
+            partition(exec, iter, iter, non_const(is_even));
+            stable_partition(exec, iter, iter, non_const(is_even));
+        });
+    }
+    test_by_type<int32_t>([](int32_t i) { return i; }, [](int32_t) { return true; });
+    test_by_type<float64_t>([](int32_t i) { return -i; }, [](const float64_t x) { return x < 0; });
+    test_by_type<int64_t>([](int32_t i) { return i + 1; }, [](int64_t x) { return x % 3 == 0; });
+    test_by_type<DataType<float32_t>>([](int32_t i) { return DataType<float32_t>(2 * i + 1); },
+                                      [](const DataType<float32_t>& x) { return x.get_val() < 0; });
+    test_algo_basic_single<int32_t>(run_for_rnd_bi<test_non_const>());
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_partition_copy.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_partition_copy.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_partition_copy.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_partition_copy.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_partition_copy.cpp -------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Tests for stable_partition and partition_copy
+#include "pstl_test_config.h"
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <iterator>
+using namespace TestUtils;
+struct test_partition_copy
+    template <typename Policy, typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename OutputIterator2,
+              typename UnaryOp>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator true_first,
+               OutputIterator true_last, OutputIterator2 false_first, OutputIterator2 false_last, UnaryOp unary_op)
+    {
+        auto actual_ret = std::partition_copy(exec, first, last, true_first, false_first, unary_op);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(std::distance(true_first, actual_ret.first) == std::count_if(first, last, unary_op),
+                    "partition_copy has wrong effect from true sequence");
+        EXPECT_TRUE(std::distance(false_first, actual_ret.second) ==
+                        std::count_if(first, last, __pstl::internal::not_pred<UnaryOp>(unary_op)),
+                    "partition_copy has wrong effect from false sequence");
+    }
+    //dummy specialization by iterator type and policy type, in case of broken configuration
+    template <typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename OutputIterator2, typename UnaryOp>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::unsequenced_policy, std::reverse_iterator<InputIterator> first,
+               std::reverse_iterator<InputIterator> last, std::reverse_iterator<OutputIterator> true_first,
+               std::reverse_iterator<OutputIterator> true_last, std::reverse_iterator<OutputIterator2> false_first,
+               OutputIterator2 false_last, UnaryOp unary_op)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename OutputIterator2, typename UnaryOp>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::parallel_unsequenced_policy, std::reverse_iterator<InputIterator> first,
+               std::reverse_iterator<InputIterator> last, std::reverse_iterator<OutputIterator> true_first,
+               std::reverse_iterator<OutputIterator> true_last, std::reverse_iterator<OutputIterator2> false_first,
+               OutputIterator2 false_last, UnaryOp unary_op)
+    {
+    }
+template <typename T, typename UnaryPred>
+test(UnaryPred pred)
+    const std::size_t max_size = 100000;
+    Sequence<T> in(max_size, [](std::size_t v) -> T { return T(v); });
+    Sequence<T> actual_true(max_size);
+    Sequence<T> actual_false(max_size);
+    for (std::size_t n = 0; n <= max_size; n = n <= 16 ? n + 1 : std::size_t(3.1415 * n))
+    {
+        // for non-const input iterators
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_partition_copy(), in.begin(), in.begin() + n, actual_true.begin(),
+                               actual_true.begin() + n, actual_false.begin(), actual_false.begin() + n, pred);
+        // for const input iterators
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_partition_copy(), in.cbegin(), in.cbegin() + n, actual_true.begin(),
+                               actual_true.begin() + n, actual_false.begin(), actual_false.begin() + n, pred);
+    }
+struct test_non_const
+    template <typename Policy, typename InputIterator, typename OutputInterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, InputIterator input_iter, OutputInterator out_iter)
+    {
+        auto is_even = [&](float64_t v) {
+            uint32_t i = (uint32_t)v;
+            return i % 2 == 0;
+        };
+        partition_copy(exec, input_iter, input_iter, out_iter, out_iter, non_const(is_even));
+    }
+    test<int32_t>([](const int32_t value) { return value % 2; });
+    test<int32_t>([](const int32_t value) { return true; });
+    test<float64_t>([](const float64_t value) { return value > 2 << 6; });
+    test<Wrapper<float64_t>>([](const Wrapper<float64_t>& value) -> bool { return value.get_my_field() != nullptr; });
+    test_algo_basic_double<int32_t>(run_for_rnd_bi<test_non_const>());
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_reduce.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_reduce.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_reduce.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_reduce.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_reduce.cpp ---------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "pstl_test_config.h"
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/numeric"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+struct test_long_forms_for_one_policy
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator, typename T, typename BinaryOp>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator first, Iterator last, T init, BinaryOp binary, T expected)
+    {
+        T result_r = std::reduce(exec, first, last, init, binary);
+        EXPECT_EQ(expected, result_r, "bad result from reduce(exec, first, last, init, binary_op)");
+    }
+template <typename T, typename BinaryOp, typename F>
+test_long_form(T init, BinaryOp binary_op, F f)
+    // Try sequences of various lengths
+    for (size_t n = 0; n <= 100000; n = n <= 16 ? n + 1 : size_t(3.1415 * n))
+    {
+        T expected(init);
+        Sequence<T> in(n, [n, f](size_t k) { return f((int32_t(k ^ n) % 1000 - 500)); });
+        for (size_t k = 0; k < n; ++k)
+            expected = binary_op(expected, in[k]);
+        using namespace std;
+        T result = transform_reduce_serial(in.cfbegin(), in.cfend(), init, binary_op, [](const T& t) { return t; });
+        EXPECT_EQ(expected, result, "bad result from reduce(first, last, init, binary_op_op)");
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_long_forms_for_one_policy(), in.begin(), in.end(), init, binary_op, expected);
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_long_forms_for_one_policy(), in.cbegin(), in.cend(), init, binary_op, expected);
+    }
+struct test_two_short_forms
+#if __PSTL_ICC_16_VC14_TEST_PAR_TBB_RT_RELEASE_64_BROKEN //dummy specialization by policy type, in case of broken configuration
+    template <typename Iterator>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::parallel_policy, Iterator first, Iterator last, Sum init, Sum expected)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename Iterator>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::parallel_unsequenced_policy, Iterator first, Iterator last, Sum init, Sum expected)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator first, Iterator last, Sum init, Sum expected)
+    {
+        using namespace std;
+        Sum r0 = init + reduce(exec, first, last);
+        EXPECT_EQ(expected, r0, "bad result from reduce(exec, first, last)");
+        Sum r1 = reduce(exec, first, last, init);
+        EXPECT_EQ(expected, r1, "bad result from reduce(exec, first, last, init)");
+    }
+// Test forms of reduce(...) that omit the binary_op or init operands.
+    for (size_t n = 0; n <= 100000; n = n <= 16 ? n + 1 : size_t(3.1415 * n))
+    {
+        Sum init(42, OddTag());
+        Sum expected(init);
+        Sequence<Sum> in(n, [n](size_t k) { return Sum((int32_t(k ^ n) % 1000 - 500), OddTag()); });
+        for (size_t k = 0; k < n; ++k)
+            expected = expected + in[k];
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_two_short_forms(), in.begin(), in.end(), init, expected);
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_two_short_forms(), in.cbegin(), in.cend(), init, expected);
+    }
+    // Test for popular types
+    test_long_form(42, std::plus<int32_t>(), [](int32_t x) { return x; });
+    test_long_form(42.0, std::plus<float64_t>(), [](float64_t x) { return x; });
+    // Test for strict types
+    test_long_form<Number>(Number(42, OddTag()), Add(OddTag()), [](int32_t x) { return Number(x, OddTag()); });
+    // Short forms are just facade for long forms, so just test with a single type.
+    test_short_forms();
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_remove.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_remove.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_remove.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_remove.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_remove.cpp ---------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Test for remove, remove_if
+#include "pstl_test_config.h"
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+struct run_remove
+#if __PSTL_ICC_17_VC141_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_DEBUG_32_BROKEN ||                                                            \
+    __PSTL_ICC_16_VC14_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_DEBUG_32_BROKEN //dummy specialization by policy type, in case of broken configuration
+    template <typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename Size, typename T>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::unsequenced_policy, InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator out_first,
+               OutputIterator out_last, OutputIterator expected_first, OutputIterator expected_last, Size n,
+               const T& value)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename Size, typename T>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::parallel_unsequenced_policy, InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
+               OutputIterator out_first, OutputIterator out_last, OutputIterator expected_first,
+               OutputIterator expected_last, Size n, const T& value)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename Size, typename T>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator out_first,
+               OutputIterator out_last, OutputIterator expected_first, OutputIterator expected_last, Size,
+               const T& value)
+    {
+        // Cleaning
+        std::copy(first, last, expected_first);
+        std::copy(first, last, out_first);
+        // Run remove
+        OutputIterator i = remove(expected_first, expected_last, value);
+        OutputIterator k = remove(exec, out_first, out_last, value);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(std::distance(expected_first, i) == std::distance(out_first, k), "wrong return value from remove");
+        EXPECT_EQ_N(expected_first, out_first, std::distance(expected_first, i), "wrong remove effect");
+    }
+struct run_remove_if
+#if __PSTL_ICC_17_VC141_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_DEBUG_32_BROKEN ||                                                            \
+    __PSTL_ICC_16_VC14_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_DEBUG_32_BROKEN //dummy specialization by policy type, in case of broken configuration
+    template <typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename Size, typename Predicate>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::unsequenced_policy, InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator out_first,
+               OutputIterator out_last, OutputIterator expected_first, OutputIterator expected_last, Size n,
+               Predicate pred)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename Size, typename Predicate>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::parallel_unsequenced_policy, InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
+               OutputIterator out_first, OutputIterator out_last, OutputIterator expected_first,
+               OutputIterator expected_last, Size n, Predicate pred)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename Size, typename Predicate>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator out_first,
+               OutputIterator out_last, OutputIterator expected_first, OutputIterator expected_last, Size,
+               Predicate pred)
+    {
+        // Cleaning
+        std::copy(first, last, expected_first);
+        std::copy(first, last, out_first);
+        // Run remove_if
+        OutputIterator i = remove_if(expected_first, expected_last, pred);
+        OutputIterator k = remove_if(exec, out_first, out_last, pred);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(std::distance(expected_first, i) == std::distance(out_first, k),
+                    "wrong return value from remove_if");
+        EXPECT_EQ_N(expected_first, out_first, std::distance(expected_first, i), "wrong remove_if effect");
+    }
+template <typename T, typename Predicate, typename Convert>
+test(T trash, const T& value, Predicate pred, Convert convert)
+    const std::size_t max_size = 100000;
+    Sequence<T> out(max_size, [trash](size_t) { return trash; });
+    Sequence<T> expected(max_size, [trash](size_t) { return trash; });
+    for (size_t n = 0; n <= max_size; n = n <= 16 ? n + 1 : size_t(3.1415 * n))
+    {
+        Sequence<T> data(n, [&](size_t k) -> T { return convert(k); });
+        invoke_on_all_policies(run_remove(), data.begin(), data.end(), out.begin(), out.begin() + n, expected.begin(),
+                               expected.begin() + n, n, value);
+        invoke_on_all_policies(run_remove_if(), data.begin(), data.end(), out.begin(), out.begin() + n,
+                               expected.begin(), expected.begin() + n, n, pred);
+    }
+struct test_non_const
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator iter)
+    {
+        auto is_even = [&](float64_t v) {
+            uint32_t i = (uint32_t)v;
+            return i % 2 == 0;
+        };
+        invoke_if(exec, [&]() { remove_if(exec, iter, iter, non_const(is_even)); });
+    }
+    test<int32_t>(666, 42, [](int32_t val) { return true; }, [](size_t j) { return j; });
+    test<int32_t>(666, 2001, [](const int32_t& val) { return val != 2001; },
+                  [](size_t j) { return ((j + 1) % 5 & 2) != 0 ? 2001 : -1 - int32_t(j); });
+    test<float64_t>(-666.0, 8.5, [](const float64_t& val) { return val != 8.5; },
+                    [](size_t j) { return ((j + 1) % 7 & 2) != 0 ? 8.5 : float64_t(j % 32 + j); });
+    test<Number>(Number(-666, OddTag()), Number(42, OddTag()), IsMultiple(3, OddTag()),
+                 [](int32_t j) { return Number(j, OddTag()); });
+    test_algo_basic_single<int32_t>(run_for_rnd_fw<test_non_const>());
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_remove_copy.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_remove_copy.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_remove_copy.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_remove_copy.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_remove_copy.cpp ----------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Tests for remove_copy
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+struct run_remove_copy
+    template <typename Policy, typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename OutputIterator2, typename Size,
+              typename T>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator out_first,
+               OutputIterator out_last, OutputIterator2 expected_first, OutputIterator2 expected_last, Size n,
+               const T& value, T trash)
+    {
+        // Cleaning
+        std::fill_n(expected_first, n, trash);
+        std::fill_n(out_first, n, trash);
+        // Run copy_if
+        auto i = remove_copy(first, last, expected_first, value);
+        auto k = remove_copy(exec, first, last, out_first, value);
+        EXPECT_EQ_N(expected_first, out_first, n, "wrong remove_copy effect");
+        for (size_t j = 0; j < GuardSize; ++j)
+        {
+            ++k;
+        }
+        EXPECT_TRUE(out_last == k, "wrong return value from remove_copy");
+    }
+template <typename T, typename Convert>
+test(T trash, const T& value, Convert convert, bool check_weakness = true)
+    // Try sequences of various lengths.
+    for (size_t n = 0; n <= 100000; n = n <= 16 ? n + 1 : size_t(3.1415 * n))
+    {
+        // count is number of output elements, plus a handful
+        // more for sake of detecting buffer overruns.
+        size_t count = GuardSize;
+        Sequence<T> in(n, [&](size_t k) -> T {
+            T x = convert(n ^ k);
+            count += !(x == value) ? 1 : 0;
+            return x;
+        });
+        using namespace std;
+        Sequence<T> out(count, [=](size_t) { return trash; });
+        Sequence<T> expected(count, [=](size_t) { return trash; });
+        if (check_weakness)
+        {
+            auto expected_result = remove_copy(in.cfbegin(), in.cfend(), expected.begin(), value);
+            size_t m = expected_result - expected.begin();
+            EXPECT_TRUE(n / 4 <= m && m <= 3 * (n + 1) / 4, "weak test for remove_copy");
+        }
+        invoke_on_all_policies(run_remove_copy(), in.begin(), in.end(), out.begin(), out.end(), expected.begin(),
+                               expected.end(), count, value, trash);
+        invoke_on_all_policies(run_remove_copy(), in.cbegin(), in.cend(), out.begin(), out.end(), expected.begin(),
+                               expected.end(), count, value, trash);
+    }
+    test<float64_t>(-666.0, 8.5, [](size_t j) { return ((j + 1) % 7 & 2) != 0 ? 8.5 : float64_t(j % 32 + j); });
+    test<int32_t>(-666, 42, [](size_t j) { return ((j + 1) % 5 & 2) != 0 ? 42 : -1 - int32_t(j); });
+    test<Number>(Number(42, OddTag()), Number(2001, OddTag()),
+                 [](int32_t j) { return ((j + 1) % 3 & 2) != 0 ? Number(2001, OddTag()) : Number(j, OddTag()); });
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_replace.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_replace.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_replace.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_replace.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_replace.cpp --------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "pstl_test_config.h"
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+// This class is needed to check the self-copying
+struct copy_int
+    int32_t value;
+    int32_t copied_times = 0;
+    explicit copy_int(int32_t val = 0) { value = val; }
+    copy_int&
+    operator=(const copy_int& other)
+    {
+        if (&other == this)
+            copied_times++;
+        else
+        {
+            value = other.value;
+            copied_times = other.copied_times;
+        }
+        return *this;
+    }
+    bool
+    operator==(const copy_int& other) const
+    {
+        return (value == other.value);
+    }
+template <typename Iterator>
+struct test_one_policy
+    std::size_t len;
+    Iterator data_b;
+    Iterator data_e;
+    test_one_policy(Iterator data_, std::size_t len_)
+    {
+        len = len_;
+        data_b = data_;
+        data_e = std::next(data_b, len);
+    }
+    template <typename ExecutionPolicy, typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2, typename T, typename Predicate>
+    void
+    operator()(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, Iterator1 expected_b, Iterator1 expected_e, Iterator2 actual_b,
+               Iterator2 actual_e, Predicate pred, const T& value, const T& old_value)
+    {
+        using namespace std;
+        copy(data_b, data_e, expected_b);
+        copy(data_b, data_e, actual_b);
+        replace(expected_b, expected_e, old_value, value);
+        replace(exec, actual_b, actual_e, old_value, value);
+        EXPECT_TRUE((check<T, Iterator2>(actual_b, actual_e)), "wrong result of self assignment check");
+        EXPECT_TRUE(equal(expected_b, expected_e, actual_b), "wrong result of replace");
+        copy(data_b, data_e, expected_b);
+        copy(data_b, data_e, actual_b);
+        replace_if(expected_b, expected_e, pred, value);
+        replace_if(exec, actual_b, actual_e, pred, value);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(equal(expected_b, expected_e, actual_b), "wrong result of replace_if");
+    }
+    template <typename T, typename Iterator1>
+    bool
+    check(Iterator1 b, Iterator1 e)
+    {
+        return true;
+    }
+    template <typename T, typename Iterator1>
+    typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<T, copy_int>::value, bool>::type_t
+    check(Iterator1 b, Iterator1 e)
+    {
+        return std::all_of(b, e, [](const copy_int& elem) { return elem.copied_times == 0; });
+    }
+template <typename T1, typename T2, typename Pred>
+test(Pred pred)
+    typedef typename Sequence<T2>::iterator iterator_type;
+    const std::size_t max_len = 100000;
+    const T1 value = T1(0);
+    const T1 new_value = T1(666);
+    Sequence<T2> expected(max_len);
+    Sequence<T2> actual(max_len);
+    Sequence<T2> data(max_len, [&value](std::size_t i) {
+        if (i % 3 == 2)
+        {
+            return T1(i);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            return value;
+        }
+    });
+    for (std::size_t len = 0; len < max_len; len = len <= 16 ? len + 1 : std::size_t(3.1415 * len))
+    {
+        test_one_policy<iterator_type> temp(data.begin(), len);
+        invoke_on_all_policies(temp, expected.begin(), expected.begin() + len, actual.begin(), actual.begin() + len,
+                               pred, new_value, value);
+    }
+template <typename T>
+struct test_non_const
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator iter)
+    {
+        auto is_even = [&](float64_t v) {
+            uint32_t i = (uint32_t)v;
+            return i % 2 == 0;
+        };
+        invoke_if(exec, [&]() { replace_if(exec, iter, iter, non_const(is_even), T(0)); });
+    }
+    test<int32_t, float32_t>(__pstl::internal::equal_value<int32_t>(666));
+    test<uint16_t, uint8_t>([](const uint16_t& elem) { return elem % 3 < 2; });
+    test<float64_t, int64_t>([](const float64_t& elem) { return elem * elem - 3.5 * elem > 10; });
+    test<copy_int, copy_int>([](const copy_int& val) { return val.value / 5 > 2; });
+    test_algo_basic_single<int32_t>(run_for_rnd_fw<test_non_const<int32_t>>());
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_replace_copy.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_replace_copy.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_replace_copy.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_replace_copy.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_replace_copy.cpp ---------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Tests for replace_copy and replace_copy_if
+#include "pstl_test_config.h"
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+struct test_replace_copy
+    template <typename Policy, typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename OutputIterator2, typename Size,
+              typename Predicate, typename T>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator out_first,
+               OutputIterator out_last, OutputIterator2 expected_first, OutputIterator2 expected_last, Size n,
+               Predicate pred, const T& old_value, const T& new_value, T trash)
+    {
+        // Cleaning
+        std::fill_n(expected_first, n, trash);
+        std::fill_n(out_first, n, trash);
+        // Run replace_copy
+        auto i = std::replace_copy(first, last, expected_first, old_value, new_value);
+        auto k = std::replace_copy(exec, first, last, out_first, old_value, new_value);
+        EXPECT_EQ_N(expected_first, out_first, n, "wrong replace_copy effect");
+        EXPECT_TRUE(out_last == k, "wrong return value from replace_copy");
+        // Cleaning
+        std::fill_n(expected_first, n, trash);
+        std::fill_n(out_first, n, trash);
+        // Run replace_copy_if
+        i = replace_copy_if(first, last, expected_first, pred, new_value);
+        k = replace_copy_if(exec, first, last, out_first, pred, new_value);
+        EXPECT_EQ_N(expected_first, out_first, n, "wrong replace_copy_if effect");
+        EXPECT_TRUE(out_last == k, "wrong return value from replace_copy_if");
+    }
+template <typename T, typename Convert, typename Predicate>
+test(T trash, const T& old_value, const T& new_value, Predicate pred, Convert convert)
+    // Try sequences of various lengths.
+    for (size_t n = 0; n <= 100000; n = n <= 16 ? n + 1 : size_t(3.1415 * n))
+    {
+        Sequence<T> in(n, [&](size_t k) -> T { return convert(n ^ k); });
+        Sequence<T> out(n, [=](size_t) { return trash; });
+        Sequence<T> expected(n, [=](size_t) { return trash; });
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_replace_copy(), in.begin(), in.end(), out.begin(), out.end(), expected.begin(),
+                               expected.end(), out.size(), pred, old_value, new_value, trash);
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_replace_copy(), in.cbegin(), in.cend(), out.begin(), out.end(), expected.begin(),
+                               expected.end(), out.size(), pred, old_value, new_value, trash);
+    }
+template <typename T>
+struct test_non_const
+    template <typename Policy, typename InputIterator, typename OutputInterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, InputIterator input_iter, OutputInterator out_iter)
+    {
+        auto is_even = [&](float64_t v) {
+            uint32_t i = (uint32_t)v;
+            return i % 2 == 0;
+        };
+        invoke_if(exec, [&]() { replace_copy_if(exec, input_iter, input_iter, out_iter, non_const(is_even), T(0)); });
+    }
+    test<float64_t>(-666.0, 8.5, 0.33, [](const float64_t& x) { return x * x <= 1024; },
+                    [](size_t j) { return ((j + 1) % 7 & 2) != 0 ? 8.5 : float64_t(j % 32 + j); });
+    test<int32_t>(-666, 42, 99, [](const int32_t& x) { return x != 42; },
+                  [](size_t j) { return ((j + 1) % 5 & 2) != 0 ? 42 : -1 - int32_t(j); });
+    test<Number>(Number(42, OddTag()), Number(2001, OddTag()), Number(2017, OddTag()), IsMultiple(3, OddTag()),
+                 [](int32_t j) { return ((j + 1) % 3 & 2) != 0 ? Number(2001, OddTag()) : Number(j, OddTag()); });
+    test_algo_basic_double<int32_t>(run_for_rnd_fw<test_non_const<int32_t>>());
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_reverse.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_reverse.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_reverse.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_reverse.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_reverse.cpp --------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "pstl_test_config.h"
+#include <iterator>
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+struct test_one_policy
+    __PSTL_ICC_16_VC14_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_DEBUG_32_BROKEN // dummy specialization by policy type, in case of broken configuration
+    template <typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2>
+    typename std::enable_if<is_same_iterator_category<Iterator1, std::random_access_iterator_tag>::value, void>::type
+    operator()(pstl::execution::unsequenced_policy, Iterator1 data_b, Iterator1 data_e, Iterator2 actual_b,
+               Iterator2 actual_e)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2>
+    typename std::enable_if<is_same_iterator_category<Iterator1, std::random_access_iterator_tag>::value, void>::type
+    operator()(pstl::execution::parallel_unsequenced_policy, Iterator1 data_b, Iterator1 data_e, Iterator2 actual_b,
+               Iterator2 actual_e)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename ExecutionPolicy, typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2>
+    typename std::enable_if<!is_same_iterator_category<Iterator1, std::forward_iterator_tag>::value>::type
+    operator()(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, Iterator1 data_b, Iterator1 data_e, Iterator2 actual_b, Iterator2 actual_e)
+    {
+        using namespace std;
+        copy(data_b, data_e, actual_b);
+        reverse(exec, actual_b, actual_e);
+        bool check = equal(data_b, data_e, reverse_iterator<Iterator2>(actual_e));
+        EXPECT_TRUE(check, "wrong result of reverse");
+    }
+    template <typename ExecutionPolicy, typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2>
+    typename std::enable_if<is_same_iterator_category<Iterator1, std::forward_iterator_tag>::value>::type
+    operator()(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, Iterator1 data_b, Iterator1 data_e, Iterator2 actual_b, Iterator2 actual_e)
+    {
+    }
+template <typename T>
+    const std::size_t max_len = 100000;
+    Sequence<T> actual(max_len);
+    Sequence<T> data(max_len, [](std::size_t i) { return T(i); });
+    for (std::size_t len = 0; len < max_len; len = len <= 16 ? len + 1 : std::size_t(3.1415 * len))
+    {
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), data.begin(), data.begin() + len, actual.begin(),
+                               actual.begin() + len);
+    }
+template <typename T>
+struct wrapper
+    T t;
+    wrapper() {}
+    explicit wrapper(T t_) : t(t_) {}
+    bool
+    operator==(const wrapper<T>& a) const
+    {
+        return t == a.t;
+    }
+    test<int32_t>();
+    test<uint16_t>();
+    test<float64_t>();
+    test<wrapper<float64_t>>();
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_reverse_copy.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_reverse_copy.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_reverse_copy.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_reverse_copy.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_reverse_copy.cpp ---------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "pstl_test_config.h"
+#include <iterator>
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+template <typename T>
+struct wrapper
+    T t;
+    wrapper() {}
+    explicit wrapper(T t_) : t(t_) {}
+    wrapper&
+    operator=(const T& t_)
+    {
+        t = t_;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    bool
+    operator==(const wrapper& t_) const
+    {
+        return t == t_.t;
+    }
+template <typename T1, typename T2>
+eq(const wrapper<T1>& a, const wrapper<T2>& b)
+    return a.t == b.t;
+template <typename T1, typename T2>
+eq(const T1& a, const T2& b)
+    return a == b;
+// we need to save state here, because we need to test with different types of iterators
+// due to the caller invoke_on_all_policies does forcing modification passed iterator type to cover additional usage cases.
+template <typename Iterator>
+struct test_one_policy
+    Iterator data_b;
+    Iterator data_e;
+    test_one_policy(Iterator b, Iterator e) : data_b(b), data_e(e) {}
+#if __PSTL_ICC_17_VC141_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_DEBUG_32_BROKEN ||                                                            \
+    __PSTL_ICC_16_VC14_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_DEBUG_32_BROKEN // dummy specialization by policy type, in case of broken configuration
+    template <typename Iterator1>
+    typename std::enable_if<is_same_iterator_category<Iterator1, std::random_access_iterator_tag>::value, void>::type
+    operator()(pstl::execution::unsequenced_policy, Iterator1 actual_b, Iterator1 actual_e)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename Iterator1>
+    typename std::enable_if<is_same_iterator_category<Iterator1, std::random_access_iterator_tag>::value, void>::type
+    operator()(pstl::execution::parallel_unsequenced_policy, Iterator1 actual_b, Iterator1 actual_e)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename ExecutionPolicy, typename Iterator1>
+    void
+    operator()(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, Iterator1 actual_b, Iterator1 actual_e)
+    {
+        using namespace std;
+        using T = typename iterator_traits<Iterator1>::value_type;
+        using DifferenceType = typename iterator_traits<Iterator1>::difference_type;
+        fill(actual_b, actual_e, T(-123));
+        Iterator1 actual_return = reverse_copy(exec, data_b, data_e, actual_b);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(actual_return == actual_e, "wrong result of reverse_copy");
+        const auto n = std::distance(data_b, data_e);
+        Sequence<T> res(n);
+        std::copy(std::reverse_iterator<Iterator>(data_e), std::reverse_iterator<Iterator>(data_b), res.begin());
+        EXPECT_EQ_N(res.begin(), actual_b, n, "wrong effect of reverse_copy");
+    }
+template <typename T1, typename T2>
+    typedef typename Sequence<T1>::iterator iterator_type;
+    typedef typename Sequence<T1>::const_bidirectional_iterator cbi_iterator_type;
+    const std::size_t max_len = 100000;
+    Sequence<T2> actual(max_len);
+    Sequence<T1> data(max_len, [](std::size_t i) { return T1(i); });
+    for (std::size_t len = 0; len < max_len; len = len <= 16 ? len + 1 : std::size_t(3.1415 * len))
+    {
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy<iterator_type>(data.begin(), data.begin() + len), actual.begin(),
+                               actual.begin() + len);
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy<cbi_iterator_type>(data.cbibegin(), std::next(data.cbibegin(), len)),
+                               actual.begin(), actual.begin() + len);
+    }
+    // clang-3.8 fails to correctly auto vectorize the loop in some cases of different types of container's elements,
+    // for example: int32_t and int8_t. This issue isn't detected for clang-3.9 and newer versions.
+    test<int16_t, int8_t>();
+    test<uint16_t, float32_t>();
+    test<float64_t, int64_t>();
+    test<wrapper<float64_t>, wrapper<float64_t>>();
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_rotate.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_rotate.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_rotate.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_rotate.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_rotate.cpp ---------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "pstl_test_config.h"
+#include <iterator>
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+template <typename T>
+struct wrapper
+    T t;
+    int move_count;
+    explicit wrapper(T t_) : t(t_), move_count(0) {}
+    wrapper&
+    operator=(const T& t_)
+    {
+        t = t_;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    wrapper(const wrapper<T>& a) : move_count(0) { t = a.t; }
+    wrapper<T>&
+    operator=(wrapper<T>& a)
+    {
+        t = a.t;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    wrapper<T>&
+    operator=(wrapper<T>&& a)
+    {
+        t = a.t;
+        move_count += 1;
+        return *this;
+    }
+template <typename T>
+struct compare
+    bool
+    operator()(const T& a, const T& b)
+    {
+        return a == b;
+    }
+template <typename T>
+struct compare<wrapper<T>>
+    bool
+    operator()(const wrapper<T>& a, const wrapper<T>& b)
+    {
+        return a.t == b.t;
+    }
+#include <typeinfo>
+struct test_one_policy
+#if __PSTL_ICC_17_VC141_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_DEBUG_32_BROKEN ||                                                            \
+    __PSTL_ICC_16_VC14_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_DEBUG_32_BROKEN // dummy specializations to skip testing in case of broken configuration
+    template <typename Iterator, typename Size>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::unsequenced_policy, Iterator data_b, Iterator data_e, Iterator actual_b,
+               Iterator actual_e, Size shift)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename Iterator, typename Size>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::parallel_unsequenced_policy, Iterator data_b, Iterator data_e, Iterator actual_b,
+               Iterator actual_e, Size shift)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename ExecutionPolicy, typename Iterator, typename Size>
+    void
+    operator()(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, Iterator data_b, Iterator data_e, Iterator actual_b, Iterator actual_e,
+               Size shift)
+    {
+        using namespace std;
+        using T = typename iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type;
+        Iterator actual_m = std::next(actual_b, shift);
+        copy(data_b, data_e, actual_b);
+        Iterator actual_return = rotate(exec, actual_b, actual_m, actual_e);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(actual_return == std::next(actual_b, std::distance(actual_m, actual_e)), "wrong result of rotate");
+        auto comparator = compare<T>();
+        bool check = std::equal(actual_return, actual_e, data_b, comparator);
+        check = check && std::equal(actual_b, actual_return, std::next(data_b, shift), comparator);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(check, "wrong effect of rotate");
+        EXPECT_TRUE(check_move(exec, actual_b, actual_e, shift), "wrong move test of rotate");
+    }
+    template <typename ExecutionPolicy, typename Iterator, typename Size>
+    typename std::enable_if<
+        is_same_iterator_category<Iterator, std::random_access_iterator_tag>::value &&
+            !std::is_same<ExecutionPolicy, pstl::execution::sequenced_policy>::value &&
+            std::is_same<typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type, wrapper<float32_t>>::value,
+        bool>::type
+    check_move(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, Iterator b, Iterator e, Size shift)
+    {
+        bool result = all_of(b, e, [](wrapper<float32_t>& a) {
+            bool temp = a.move_count > 0;
+            a.move_count = 0;
+            return temp;
+        });
+        return shift == 0 || result;
+    }
+    template <typename ExecutionPolicy, typename Iterator, typename Size>
+    typename std::enable_if<
+        !(is_same_iterator_category<Iterator, std::random_access_iterator_tag>::value &&
+          !std::is_same<ExecutionPolicy, pstl::execution::sequenced_policy>::value &&
+          std::is_same<typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type, wrapper<float32_t>>::value),
+        bool>::type
+    check_move(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, Iterator b, Iterator e, Size shift)
+    {
+        return true;
+    }
+template <typename T>
+    const int32_t max_len = 100000;
+    Sequence<T> actual(max_len, [](std::size_t i) { return T(i); });
+    Sequence<T> data(max_len, [](std::size_t i) { return T(i); });
+    for (int32_t len = 0; len < max_len; len = len <= 16 ? len + 1 : int32_t(3.1415 * len))
+    {
+        int32_t shifts[] = {0, 1, 2, len / 3, (2 * len) / 3, len - 1};
+        for (auto shift : shifts)
+        {
+            if (shift >= 0 && shift < len)
+            {
+                invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), data.begin(), data.begin() + len, actual.begin(),
+                                       actual.begin() + len, shift);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    test<int32_t>();
+    test<wrapper<float64_t>>();
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_rotate_copy.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_rotate_copy.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_rotate_copy.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_rotate_copy.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_rotate_copy.cpp ----------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "pstl_test_config.h"
+#include <iterator>
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+template <typename T>
+struct wrapper;
+template <typename T>
+compare(const wrapper<T>& a, const wrapper<T>& b)
+    return a.t == b.t;
+template <typename T>
+compare(const T& a, const T& b)
+    return a == b;
+template <typename T>
+struct wrapper
+    explicit wrapper(T t_) : t(t_) {}
+    wrapper&
+    operator=(const T& t_)
+    {
+        t = t_;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    friend bool
+    compare<T>(const wrapper<T>& a, const wrapper<T>& b);
+  private:
+    T t;
+template <typename T, typename It1, typename It2>
+struct comparator
+    using T1 = typename std::iterator_traits<It1>::value_type;
+    using T2 = typename std::iterator_traits<It2>::value_type;
+    bool
+    operator()(T1 a, T2 b)
+    {
+        T temp = a;
+        return compare(temp, b);
+    }
+struct test_one_policy
+#if __PSTL_ICC_17_VC141_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_DEBUG_32_BROKEN ||                                                            \
+    __PSTL_ICC_16_VC14_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_DEBUG_32_BROKEN // dummy specialization by policy type, in case of broken configuration
+    template <typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2>
+    typename std::enable_if<is_same_iterator_category<Iterator1, std::random_access_iterator_tag>::value, void>::type
+    operator()(pstl::execution::unsequenced_policy, Iterator1 data_b, Iterator1 data_e, Iterator2 actual_b,
+               Iterator2 actual_e, std::size_t shift)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2>
+    typename std::enable_if<is_same_iterator_category<Iterator1, std::random_access_iterator_tag>::value, void>::type
+    operator()(pstl::execution::parallel_unsequenced_policy, Iterator1 data_b, Iterator1 data_e, Iterator2 actual_b,
+               Iterator2 actual_e, std::size_t shift)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename ExecutionPolicy, typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2>
+    void
+    operator()(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, Iterator1 data_b, Iterator1 data_e, Iterator2 actual_b, Iterator2 actual_e,
+               std::size_t shift)
+    {
+        using namespace std;
+        using T = typename iterator_traits<Iterator2>::value_type;
+        Iterator1 data_m = std::next(data_b, shift);
+        fill(actual_b, actual_e, T(-123));
+        Iterator2 actual_return = rotate_copy(exec, data_b, data_m, data_e, actual_b);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(actual_return == actual_e, "wrong result of rotate_copy");
+        auto comparer = comparator<T, Iterator1, Iterator2>();
+        bool check = std::equal(data_m, data_e, actual_b, comparer);
+        check = check && std::equal(data_b, data_m, std::next(actual_b, std::distance(data_m, data_e)), comparer);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(check, "wrong effect of rotate_copy");
+    }
+template <typename T1, typename T2>
+    const std::size_t max_len = 100000;
+    Sequence<T2> actual(max_len, [](std::size_t i) { return T1(i); });
+    Sequence<T1> data(max_len, [](std::size_t i) { return T1(i); });
+    for (std::size_t len = 0; len < max_len; len = len <= 16 ? len + 1 : std::size_t(3.1415 * len))
+    {
+        std::size_t shifts[] = {0, 1, 2, len / 3, (2 * len) / 3, len - 1};
+        for (std::size_t shift : shifts)
+        {
+            if (shift > 0 && shift < len)
+            {
+                invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), data.begin(), data.begin() + len, actual.begin(),
+                                       actual.begin() + len, shift);
+                invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), data.cbegin(), data.cbegin() + len, actual.begin(),
+                                       actual.begin() + len, shift);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    test<int32_t, int8_t>();
+    test<uint16_t, float32_t>();
+    test<float64_t, int64_t>();
+    test<wrapper<float64_t>, wrapper<float64_t>>();
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_scan.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_scan.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_scan.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_scan.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_scan.cpp -----------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/numeric"
+#include "utils.h"
+#include "pstl_test_config.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+// We provide the no execution policy versions of the exclusive_scan and inclusive_scan due checking correctness result of the versions with execution policies.
+//TODO: to add a macro for availability of ver implementations
+template <class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class T>
+exclusive_scan_serial(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator result, T init)
+    for (; first != last; ++first, ++result)
+    {
+        *result = init;
+        init = init + *first;
+    }
+    return result;
+template <class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class T, class BinaryOperation>
+exclusive_scan_serial(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator result, T init, BinaryOperation binary_op)
+    for (; first != last; ++first, ++result)
+    {
+        *result = init;
+        init = binary_op(init, *first);
+    }
+    return result;
+// Note: N4582 is missing the ", class T".  Issue was reported 2016-Apr-11 to cxxeditor at gmail.com
+template <class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class BinaryOperation, class T>
+inclusive_scan_serial(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator result, BinaryOperation binary_op, T init)
+    for (; first != last; ++first, ++result)
+    {
+        init = binary_op(init, *first);
+        *result = init;
+    }
+    return result;
+template <class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class BinaryOperation>
+inclusive_scan_serial(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator result, BinaryOperation binary_op)
+    if (first != last)
+    {
+        auto tmp = *first;
+        *result = tmp;
+        return inclusive_scan_serial(++first, last, ++result, binary_op, tmp);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return result;
+    }
+template <class InputIterator, class OutputIterator>
+inclusive_scan_serial(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator result)
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type input_type;
+    return inclusive_scan_serial(first, last, result, std::plus<input_type>());
+// Most of the framework required for testing inclusive and exclusive scan is identical,
+// so the tests for both are in this file.  Which is being tested is controlled by the global
+// flag inclusive, which is set to each alternative by main().
+static bool inclusive;
+template <typename Iterator, typename Size, typename T>
+check_and_reset(Iterator expected_first, Iterator out_first, Size n, T trash)
+    EXPECT_EQ_N(expected_first, out_first, n,
+                inclusive ? "wrong result from inclusive_scan" : "wrong result from exclusive_scan");
+    std::fill_n(out_first, n, trash);
+struct test_scan_with_plus
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2, typename Iterator3, typename Size, typename T>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator1 in_first, Iterator1 in_last, Iterator2 out_first, Iterator2 out_last,
+               Iterator3 expected_first, Iterator3 expected_last, Size n, T init, T trash)
+    {
+        using namespace std;
+        auto orr1 = inclusive ? inclusive_scan_serial(in_first, in_last, expected_first)
+                              : exclusive_scan_serial(in_first, in_last, expected_first, init);
+        auto orr = inclusive ? inclusive_scan(exec, in_first, in_last, out_first)
+                             : exclusive_scan(exec, in_first, in_last, out_first, init);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(out_last == orr,
+                    inclusive ? "inclusive_scan returned wrong iterator" : "exclusive_scan returned wrong iterator");
+        check_and_reset(expected_first, out_first, n, trash);
+        fill(out_first, out_last, trash);
+    }
+template <typename T, typename Convert>
+test_with_plus(T init, T trash, Convert convert)
+    for (size_t n = 0; n <= 100000; n = n <= 16 ? n + 1 : size_t(3.1415 * n))
+    {
+        Sequence<T> in(n, convert);
+        Sequence<T> expected(in);
+        Sequence<T> out(n, [&](int32_t) { return trash; });
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_scan_with_plus(), in.begin(), in.end(), out.begin(), out.end(), expected.begin(),
+                               expected.end(), in.size(), init, trash);
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_scan_with_plus(), in.cbegin(), in.cend(), out.begin(), out.end(), expected.begin(),
+                               expected.end(), in.size(), init, trash);
+    }
+struct test_scan_with_binary_op
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2, typename Iterator3, typename Size, typename T,
+              typename BinaryOp>
+    typename std::enable_if<!TestUtils::isReverse<Iterator1>::value, void>::type
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator1 in_first, Iterator1 in_last, Iterator2 out_first, Iterator2 out_last,
+               Iterator3 expected_first, Iterator3 expected_last, Size n, T init, BinaryOp binary_op, T trash)
+    {
+        using namespace std;
+        auto orr1 = inclusive ? inclusive_scan_serial(in_first, in_last, expected_first, binary_op, init)
+                              : exclusive_scan_serial(in_first, in_last, expected_first, init, binary_op);
+        auto orr = inclusive ? inclusive_scan(exec, in_first, in_last, out_first, binary_op, init)
+                             : exclusive_scan(exec, in_first, in_last, out_first, init, binary_op);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(out_last == orr, "scan returned wrong iterator");
+        check_and_reset(expected_first, out_first, n, trash);
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2, typename Iterator3, typename Size, typename T,
+              typename BinaryOp>
+    typename std::enable_if<TestUtils::isReverse<Iterator1>::value, void>::type
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator1 in_first, Iterator1 in_last, Iterator2 out_first, Iterator2 out_last,
+               Iterator3 expected_first, Iterator3 expected_last, Size n, T init, BinaryOp binary_op, T trash)
+    {
+    }
+template <typename In, typename Out, typename BinaryOp>
+test_matrix(Out init, BinaryOp binary_op, Out trash)
+    for (size_t n = 0; n <= 100000; n = n <= 16 ? n + 1 : size_t(3.1415 * n))
+    {
+        Sequence<In> in(n, [](size_t k) { return In(k, k + 1); });
+        Sequence<Out> out(n, [&](size_t) { return trash; });
+        Sequence<Out> expected(n, [&](size_t) { return trash; });
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_scan_with_binary_op(), in.begin(), in.end(), out.begin(), out.end(),
+                               expected.begin(), expected.end(), in.size(), init, binary_op, trash);
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_scan_with_binary_op(), in.cbegin(), in.cend(), out.begin(), out.end(),
+                               expected.begin(), expected.end(), in.size(), init, binary_op, trash);
+    }
+    for (int32_t mode = 0; mode < 2; ++mode)
+    {
+        inclusive = mode != 0;
+        // Test with highly restricted type and associative but not commutative operation
+        test_matrix<Matrix2x2<int32_t>, Matrix2x2<int32_t>>(Matrix2x2<int32_t>(), multiply_matrix<int32_t>,
+                                                            Matrix2x2<int32_t>(-666, 666));
+        // Since the implict "+" forms of the scan delegate to the generic forms,
+        // there's little point in using a highly restricted type, so just use double.
+        test_with_plus<float64_t>(inclusive ? 0.0 : -1.0, -666.0,
+                                  [](uint32_t k) { return float64_t((k % 991 + 1) ^ (k % 997 + 2)); });
+    }
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_search_n.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_search_n.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_search_n.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_search_n.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_search_n.cpp -------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "pstl_test_config.h"
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+struct test_one_policy
+#if __PSTL_ICC_17_VC141_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_DEBUG_32_BROKEN ||                                                            \
+    __PSTL_ICC_16_VC14_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_DEBUG_32_BROKEN //dummy specialization by policy type, in case of broken configuration
+    template <typename Iterator, typename Size, typename T, typename Predicate>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::unsequenced_policy, Iterator b, Iterator e, Size count, const T& value, Predicate pred)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename Iterator, typename Size, typename T, typename Predicate>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::parallel_unsequenced_policy, Iterator b, Iterator e, Size count, const T& value,
+               Predicate pred)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename ExecutionPolicy, typename Iterator, typename Size, typename T, typename Predicate>
+    void
+    operator()(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, Iterator b, Iterator e, Size count, const T& value, Predicate pred)
+    {
+        using namespace std;
+        auto expected = search_n(b, e, count, value, pred);
+        auto actual = search_n(exec, b, e, count, value);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(actual == expected, "wrong return result from search_n");
+        actual = search_n(exec, b, e, count, value, pred);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(actual == expected, "wrong return result from search_n with a predicate");
+    }
+template <typename T>
+    const std::size_t max_n1 = 100000;
+    const T value = T(1);
+    for (std::size_t n1 = 0; n1 <= max_n1; n1 = n1 <= 16 ? n1 + 1 : size_t(3.1415 * n1))
+    {
+        std::size_t sub_n[] = {0, 1, 3, n1, (n1 * 10) / 8};
+        std::size_t res[] = {0, 1, n1 / 2, n1};
+        for (auto n2 : sub_n)
+        {
+            // Some of standard libraries return "first" in this case. We return "last" according to the standard
+            if (n2 == 0)
+            {
+                continue;
+            }
+            for (auto r : res)
+            {
+                Sequence<T> in(n1, [n1](std::size_t k) { return T(0); });
+                std::size_t i = r, isub = 0;
+                for (; i < n1 & isub < n2; ++i, ++isub)
+                    in[i] = value;
+                invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), in.begin(), in.begin() + n1, n2, value, std::equal_to<T>());
+                invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), in.cbegin(), in.cbegin() + n1, n2, value, std::equal_to<T>());
+            }
+        }
+    }
+template <typename T>
+struct test_non_const
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator iter)
+    {
+        invoke_if(exec, [&]() { search_n(exec, iter, iter, 0, T(0), non_const(std::equal_to<T>())); });
+    }
+    test<int32_t>();
+    test<uint16_t>();
+    test<float64_t>();
+    test<bool>();
+    test_algo_basic_single<int32_t>(run_for_rnd_fw<test_non_const<int32_t>>());
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_set.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_set.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_set.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_set.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_set.cpp ------------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Tests for partial_sort
+#include <cmath>
+#include <chrono>
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+template <typename T>
+struct Num
+    T val;
+    Num() : val{} {}
+    Num(const T& v) : val(v) {}
+    //for "includes" checks
+    template <typename T1>
+    bool
+    operator<(const Num<T1>& v1) const
+    {
+        return val < v1.val;
+    }
+    //The types Type1 and Type2 must be such that an object of type InputIt can be dereferenced and then implicitly converted to both of them
+    template <typename T1>
+    operator Num<T1>() const
+    {
+        return Num<T1>((T1)val);
+    }
+    friend bool
+    operator==(const Num& v1, const Num& v2)
+    {
+        return v1.val == v2.val;
+    }
+struct test_one_policy
+    template <typename Policy, typename InputIterator1, typename InputIterator2, typename Compare>
+    typename std::enable_if<!TestUtils::isReverse<InputIterator1>::value, void>::type
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1, InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2,
+               Compare comp)
+    {
+        using T1 = typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator1>::value_type;
+        auto n1 = std::distance(first1, last1);
+        auto n2 = std::distance(first2, last2);
+        auto n = n1 + n2;
+        Sequence<T1> expect(n);
+        Sequence<T1> out(n);
+        //1. set_union
+        auto expect_res = std::set_union(first1, last1, first2, last2, expect.begin(), comp);
+        auto res = std::set_union(exec, first1, last1, first2, last2, out.begin(), comp);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(expect_res - expect.begin() == res - out.begin(), "wrong result for set_union");
+        EXPECT_EQ_N(expect.begin(), out.begin(), std::distance(out.begin(), res), "wrong set_union effect");
+        //2. set_intersection
+        expect_res = std::set_intersection(first1, last1, first2, last2, expect.begin(), comp);
+        res = std::set_intersection(exec, first1, last1, first2, last2, out.begin(), comp);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(expect_res - expect.begin() == res - out.begin(), "wrong result for set_intersection");
+        EXPECT_EQ_N(expect.begin(), out.begin(), std::distance(out.begin(), res), "wrong set_intersection effect");
+        //3. set_difference
+        expect_res = std::set_difference(first1, last1, first2, last2, expect.begin(), comp);
+        res = std::set_difference(exec, first1, last1, first2, last2, out.begin(), comp);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(expect_res - expect.begin() == res - out.begin(), "wrong result for set_difference");
+        EXPECT_EQ_N(expect.begin(), out.begin(), std::distance(out.begin(), res), "wrong set_difference effect");
+        //4. set_symmetric_difference
+        expect_res = std::set_symmetric_difference(first1, last1, first2, last2, expect.begin(), comp);
+        res = std::set_symmetric_difference(exec, first1, last1, first2, last2, out.begin(), comp);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(expect_res - expect.begin() == res - out.begin(), "wrong result for set_symmetric_difference");
+        EXPECT_EQ_N(expect.begin(), out.begin(), std::distance(out.begin(), res),
+                    "wrong set_symmetric_difference effect");
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename InputIterator1, typename InputIterator2, typename Compare>
+    typename std::enable_if<TestUtils::isReverse<InputIterator1>::value, void>::type
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1, InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2,
+               Compare comp)
+    {
+    }
+template <typename T1, typename T2, typename Compare>
+test_set(Compare compare)
+    const std::size_t n_max = 100000;
+    // The rand()%(2*n+1) encourages generation of some duplicates.
+    std::srand(4200);
+    for (std::size_t n = 0; n < n_max; n = n <= 16 ? n + 1 : size_t(3.1415 * n))
+    {
+        for (std::size_t m = 0; m < n_max; m = m <= 16 ? m + 1 : size_t(2.71828 * m))
+        {
+            //prepare the input ranges
+            Sequence<T1> in1(n, [n](std::size_t k) { return rand() % (2 * k + 1); });
+            Sequence<T2> in2(m, [m](std::size_t k) { return (m % 2) * rand() + rand() % (k + 1); });
+            std::sort(in1.begin(), in1.end(), compare);
+            std::sort(in2.begin(), in2.end(), compare);
+            invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), in1.begin(), in1.end(), in2.cbegin(), in2.cend(), compare);
+        }
+    }
+template <typename T>
+struct test_non_const
+    template <typename Policy, typename InputIterator, typename OutputInterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, InputIterator input_iter, OutputInterator out_iter)
+    {
+        set_difference(exec, input_iter, input_iter, input_iter, input_iter, out_iter, non_const(std::less<T>()));
+        set_intersection(exec, input_iter, input_iter, input_iter, input_iter, out_iter, non_const(std::less<T>()));
+        set_symmetric_difference(exec, input_iter, input_iter, input_iter, input_iter, out_iter,
+                                 non_const(std::less<T>()));
+        set_union(exec, input_iter, input_iter, input_iter, input_iter, out_iter, non_const(std::less<T>()));
+    }
+    test_set<float64_t, float64_t>(__pstl::internal::pstl_less());
+    test_set<Num<int64_t>, Num<int32_t>>([](const Num<int64_t>& x, const Num<int32_t>& y) { return x < y; });
+    test_algo_basic_double<int32_t>(run_for_rnd_fw<test_non_const<int32_t>>());
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_sort.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_sort.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_sort.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_sort.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_sort.cpp -----------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Tests for sort and stable_sort
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+#include <atomic>
+static bool Stable;
+//! Number of extant keys
+static std::atomic<int32_t> KeyCount;
+//! One more than highest index in array to be sorted.
+static uint32_t LastIndex;
+//! Keeping Equal() static and a friend of ParanoidKey class (C++, paragraphs 3.5/7.1.1)
+class ParanoidKey;
+static bool
+Equal(const ParanoidKey& x, const ParanoidKey& y);
+//! A key to be sorted, with lots of checking.
+class ParanoidKey
+    //! Value used by comparator
+    int32_t value;
+    //! Original position or special value (Empty or Dead)
+    int32_t index;
+    //! Special value used to mark object without a comparable value, e.g. after being moved from.
+    static const int32_t Empty = -1;
+    //! Special value used to mark destroyed objects.
+    static const int32_t Dead = -2;
+    // True if key object has comparable value
+    bool
+    isLive() const
+    {
+        return (uint32_t)(index) < LastIndex;
+    }
+    // True if key object has been constructed.
+    bool
+    isConstructed() const
+    {
+        return isLive() || index == Empty;
+    }
+  public:
+    ParanoidKey()
+    {
+        ++KeyCount;
+        index = Empty;
+        value = Empty;
+    }
+    ParanoidKey(const ParanoidKey& k) : value(k.value), index(k.index)
+    {
+        EXPECT_TRUE(k.isLive(), "source for copy-constructor is dead");
+        ++KeyCount;
+    }
+    ~ParanoidKey()
+    {
+        EXPECT_TRUE(isConstructed(), "double destruction");
+        index = Dead;
+        --KeyCount;
+    }
+    ParanoidKey&
+    operator=(const ParanoidKey& k)
+    {
+        EXPECT_TRUE(k.isLive(), "source for copy-assignment is dead");
+        EXPECT_TRUE(isConstructed(), "destination for copy-assignment is dead");
+        value = k.value;
+        index = k.index;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    ParanoidKey(int32_t index, int32_t value, OddTag) : index(index), value(value) {}
+    ParanoidKey(ParanoidKey&& k) : value(k.value), index(k.index)
+    {
+        EXPECT_TRUE(k.isConstructed(), "source for move-construction is dead");
+// std::stable_sort() fails in move semantics on paranoid test before VS2015
+#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER >= 1900
+        k.index = Empty;
+        ++KeyCount;
+    }
+    ParanoidKey&
+    operator=(ParanoidKey&& k)
+    {
+        EXPECT_TRUE(k.isConstructed(), "source for move-assignment is dead");
+        EXPECT_TRUE(isConstructed(), "destination for move-assignment is dead");
+        value = k.value;
+        index = k.index;
+// std::stable_sort() fails in move semantics on paranoid test before VS2015
+#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER >= 1900
+        k.index = Empty;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    friend class KeyCompare;
+    friend bool
+    Equal(const ParanoidKey& x, const ParanoidKey& y);
+class KeyCompare
+    enum statusType
+    {
+        //! Special value used to mark defined object.
+        Live = 0xabcd,
+        //! Special value used to mark destroyed objects.
+        Dead = -1
+    } status;
+  public:
+    KeyCompare(OddTag) : status(Live) {}
+    ~KeyCompare() { status = Dead; }
+    bool
+    operator()(const ParanoidKey& j, const ParanoidKey& k) const
+    {
+        EXPECT_TRUE(status == Live, "key comparison object not defined");
+        EXPECT_TRUE(j.isLive(), "first key to operator() is not live");
+        EXPECT_TRUE(k.isLive(), "second key to operator() is not live");
+        return j.value < k.value;
+    }
+// Equal is equality comparison used for checking result of sort against expected result.
+static bool
+Equal(const ParanoidKey& x, const ParanoidKey& y)
+    return (x.value == y.value && !Stable) || (x.index == y.index);
+static bool
+Equal(float32_t x, float32_t y)
+    return x == y;
+static bool
+Equal(int32_t x, int32_t y)
+    return x == y;
+struct test_sort_with_compare
+    template <typename Policy, typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename OutputIterator2, typename Size,
+              typename Compare>
+    typename std::enable_if<is_same_iterator_category<InputIterator, std::random_access_iterator_tag>::value,
+                            void>::type
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, OutputIterator tmp_first, OutputIterator tmp_last, OutputIterator2 expected_first,
+               OutputIterator2 expected_last, InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Size n, Compare compare)
+    {
+        using namespace std;
+        copy_n(first, n, expected_first);
+        copy_n(first, n, tmp_first);
+        if (Stable)
+            std::stable_sort(expected_first + 1, expected_last - 1, compare);
+        else
+            std::sort(expected_first + 1, expected_last - 1, compare);
+        int32_t count0 = KeyCount;
+        if (Stable)
+            stable_sort(exec, tmp_first + 1, tmp_last - 1, compare);
+        else
+            sort(exec, tmp_first + 1, tmp_last - 1, compare);
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i, ++expected_first, ++tmp_first)
+        {
+            // Check that expected[i] is equal to tmp[i]
+            EXPECT_TRUE(Equal(*expected_first, *tmp_first), "bad sort");
+        }
+        int32_t count1 = KeyCount;
+        EXPECT_EQ(count0, count1, "key cleanup error");
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename OutputIterator2, typename Size,
+              typename Compare>
+    typename std::enable_if<!is_same_iterator_category<InputIterator, std::random_access_iterator_tag>::value,
+                            void>::type
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, OutputIterator tmp_first, OutputIterator tmp_last, OutputIterator2 expected_first,
+               OutputIterator2 expected_last, InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Size n, Compare compare)
+    {
+    }
+template <typename T, typename Compare, typename Convert>
+test_sort(Compare compare, Convert convert)
+    for (size_t n = 0; n < 100000; n = n <= 16 ? n + 1 : size_t(3.1415 * n))
+    {
+        LastIndex = n + 2;
+        // The rand()%(2*n+1) encourages generation of some duplicates.
+        // Sequence is padded with an extra element at front and back, to detect overwrite bugs.
+        Sequence<T> in(n + 2, [=](size_t k) { return convert(k, rand() % (2 * n + 1)); });
+        Sequence<T> expected(in);
+        Sequence<T> tmp(in);
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_sort_with_compare(), tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), expected.begin(), expected.end(),
+                               in.begin(), in.end(), in.size(), compare);
+    }
+template <typename T>
+struct test_non_const
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator iter)
+    {
+        sort(exec, iter, iter, non_const(std::less<T>()));
+        stable_sort(exec, iter, iter, non_const(std::less<T>()));
+    }
+    std::srand(42);
+    for (int32_t kind = 0; kind < 2; ++kind)
+    {
+        Stable = kind != 0;
+        test_sort<ParanoidKey>(KeyCompare(OddTag()),
+                               [](size_t k, size_t val) { return ParanoidKey(k, val, OddTag()); });
+        test_sort<float32_t>([](float32_t x, float32_t y) { return x < y; },
+                             [](size_t, size_t val) { return float32_t(val); });
+        test_sort<int32_t>(
+            [](int32_t x, int32_t y) { return x > y; }, // Reversed so accidental use of < will be detected.
+            [](size_t, size_t val) { return int32_t(val); });
+    }
+    test_algo_basic_single<int32_t>(run_for_rnd<test_non_const<int32_t>>());
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_swap_ranges.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_swap_ranges.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_swap_ranges.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_swap_ranges.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_swap_ranges.cpp ----------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "pstl_test_config.h"
+#include <iterator>
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+template <typename T>
+struct wrapper
+    T t;
+    std::size_t number_of_swaps = 0;
+    wrapper() {}
+    explicit wrapper(T t_) : t(t_) {}
+    template <typename U>
+    void
+    operator=(const U& b)
+    {
+        t = b;
+    }
+    bool
+    operator==(const wrapper<T>& a) const
+    {
+        return t == a.t;
+    }
+template <typename T>
+swap(wrapper<T>& a, wrapper<T>& b)
+    std::swap(a.t, b.t);
+    a.number_of_swaps++;
+    b.number_of_swaps++;
+template <typename T>
+struct check_swap
+    bool
+    operator()(T& a)
+    {
+        return true;
+    }
+template <typename T>
+struct check_swap<wrapper<T>>
+    bool
+    operator()(wrapper<T>& a)
+    {
+        bool temp = (a.number_of_swaps == 1);
+        a.number_of_swaps = 0;
+        return temp;
+    }
+struct test_one_policy
+    template <typename ExecutionPolicy, typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2>
+    void
+    operator()(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, Iterator1 data_b, Iterator1 data_e, Iterator2 actual_b, Iterator2 actual_e)
+    {
+        using namespace std;
+        using T_ref = typename iterator_traits<Iterator1>::reference;
+        using T = typename iterator_traits<Iterator1>::value_type;
+        iota(data_b, data_e, 0);
+        iota(actual_b, actual_e, std::distance(data_b, data_e));
+        Iterator2 actual_return = swap_ranges(exec, data_b, data_e, actual_b);
+        bool check_return = (actual_return == actual_e);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(check_return, "wrong result of swap_ranges");
+        if (check_return)
+        {
+            std::size_t i = 0;
+            bool check = all_of(actual_b, actual_e, [&i](T_ref a) { return a == T(i++); }) &&
+                         all_of(data_b, data_e, [&i](T_ref a) { return a == T(i++); });
+            EXPECT_TRUE(check, "wrong effect of swap_ranges");
+            if (check)
+            {
+                bool swap_check =
+                    all_of(data_b, data_e, check_swap<T>()) && all_of(actual_b, actual_e, check_swap<T>());
+                EXPECT_TRUE(swap_check, "wrong effect of swap_ranges swap check");
+            }
+        }
+    }
+template <typename T>
+    const std::size_t max_len = 100000;
+    Sequence<T> data(max_len);
+    Sequence<T> actual(max_len);
+    for (std::size_t len = 0; len < max_len; len = len <= 16 ? len + 1 : std::size_t(3.1415 * len))
+    {
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), data.begin(), data.begin() + len, actual.begin(),
+                               actual.begin() + len);
+    }
+    test<wrapper<uint16_t>>();
+    test<wrapper<float64_t>>();
+    test<int32_t>();
+    test<float32_t>();
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_transform_binary.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_transform_binary.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_transform_binary.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_transform_binary.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_transform_binary.cpp -----------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+template <typename In1, typename In2, typename Out>
+class TheOperation
+    Out val;
+  public:
+    TheOperation(Out v) : val(v) {}
+    Out
+    operator()(const In1& x, const In2& y) const
+    {
+        return Out(val + x - y);
+    }
+template <typename InputIterator1, typename InputIterator2, typename OutputIterator>
+check_and_reset(InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1, InputIterator2 first2, OutputIterator out_first)
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<OutputIterator>::value_type Out;
+    typename std::iterator_traits<OutputIterator>::difference_type k = 0;
+    for (; first1 != last1; ++first1, ++first2, ++out_first, ++k)
+    {
+        // check
+        Out expected = Out(1.5) + *first1 - *first2;
+        Out actual = *out_first;
+        if (std::is_floating_point<Out>::value)
+        {
+            EXPECT_TRUE((expected > actual ? expected - actual : actual - expected) < 1e7,
+                        "wrong value in output sequence");
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            EXPECT_EQ(expected, actual, "wrong value in output sequence");
+        }
+        // reset
+        *out_first = k % 7 != 4 ? 7 * k - 5 : 0;
+    }
+struct test_one_policy
+    template <typename Policy, typename InputIterator1, typename InputIterator2, typename OutputIterator,
+              typename BinaryOp>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1, InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2,
+               OutputIterator out_first, OutputIterator out_last, BinaryOp op)
+    {
+        auto orrr = std::transform(exec, first1, last1, first2, out_first, op);
+        check_and_reset(first1, last1, first2, out_first);
+    }
+template <typename In1, typename In2, typename Out, typename Predicate>
+test(Predicate pred)
+    for (size_t n = 0; n <= 100000; n = n <= 16 ? n + 1 : size_t(3.1415 * n))
+    {
+        Sequence<In1> in1(n, [](size_t k) { return k % 5 != 1 ? 3 * k - 7 : 0; });
+        Sequence<In2> in2(n, [](size_t k) { return k % 7 != 2 ? 5 * k - 5 : 0; });
+        Sequence<Out> out(n, [](size_t k) { return -1; });
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), in1.begin(), in1.end(), in2.begin(), in2.end(), out.begin(),
+                               out.end(), pred);
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), in1.cbegin(), in1.cend(), in2.cbegin(), in2.cend(), out.begin(),
+                               out.end(), pred);
+    }
+template <typename T>
+struct test_non_const
+    template <typename Policy, typename InputIterator, typename OutputInterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, InputIterator input_iter, OutputInterator out_iter)
+    {
+        invoke_if(exec, [&]() {
+            InputIterator input_iter2 = input_iter;
+            transform(exec, input_iter, input_iter, input_iter2, out_iter, non_const(std::plus<T>()));
+        });
+    }
+    //const operator()
+    test<int32_t, int32_t, int32_t>(TheOperation<int32_t, int32_t, int32_t>(1));
+    test<float32_t, float32_t, float32_t>(TheOperation<float32_t, float32_t, float32_t>(1.5));
+    //non-const operator()
+    test<int32_t, float32_t, float32_t>(non_const(TheOperation<int32_t, float32_t, float32_t>(1.5)));
+    test<int64_t, float64_t, float32_t>(non_const(TheOperation<int64_t, float64_t, float32_t>(1.5)));
+    //lambda
+    test<int8_t, float64_t, int8_t>([](const int8_t& x, const float64_t& y) { return int8_t(int8_t(1.5) + x - y); });
+    test_algo_basic_double<int32_t>(run_for_rnd_fw<test_non_const<int32_t>>());
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_transform_reduce.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_transform_reduce.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_transform_reduce.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_transform_reduce.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_transform_reduce.cpp -----------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Tests for inner_product
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/numeric"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+// Equal for all types
+template <typename T>
+static bool
+Equal(T x, T y)
+    return x == y;
+// Functor for xor-operation for modeling binary operations in inner_product
+class XOR
+  public:
+    template <typename T>
+    T
+    operator()(const T& left, const T& right) const
+    {
+        return left ^ right;
+    }
+// Model of User-defined class
+class MyClass
+  public:
+    int32_t my_field;
+    MyClass() { my_field = 0; }
+    MyClass(int32_t in) { my_field = in; }
+    MyClass(const MyClass& in) { my_field = in.my_field; }
+    friend MyClass
+    operator+(const MyClass& x, const MyClass& y)
+    {
+        return MyClass(x.my_field + y.my_field);
+    }
+    friend MyClass
+    operator-(const MyClass& x)
+    {
+        return MyClass(-x.my_field);
+    }
+    friend MyClass operator*(const MyClass& x, const MyClass& y) { return MyClass(x.my_field * y.my_field); }
+    bool
+    operator==(const MyClass& in)
+    {
+        return my_field == in.my_field;
+    }
+template <typename T>
+CheckResults(const T& expected, const T& in)
+    EXPECT_TRUE(Equal(expected, in), "wrong result of transform_reduce");
+// We need to check correctness only for "int" (for example) except cases
+// if we have "floating-point type"-specialization
+CheckResults(const float32_t& expected, const float32_t& in)
+// Test for different types and operations with different iterators
+struct test_transform_reduce
+    template <typename Policy, typename InputIterator1, typename InputIterator2, typename T, typename BinaryOperation1,
+              typename BinaryOperation2, typename UnaryOp>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1, InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2,
+               T init, BinaryOperation1 opB1, BinaryOperation2 opB2, UnaryOp opU)
+    {
+        auto expectedB = std::inner_product(first1, last1, first2, init, opB1, opB2);
+        auto expectedU = transform_reduce_serial(first1, last1, init, opB1, opU);
+        T resRA = std::transform_reduce(exec, first1, last1, first2, init, opB1, opB2);
+        CheckResults(expectedB, resRA);
+        resRA = std::transform_reduce(exec, first1, last1, init, opB1, opU);
+        CheckResults(expectedU, resRA);
+    }
+template <typename T, typename BinaryOperation1, typename BinaryOperation2, typename UnaryOp, typename Initializer>
+test_by_type(T init, BinaryOperation1 opB1, BinaryOperation2 opB2, UnaryOp opU, Initializer initObj)
+    std::size_t maxSize = 100000;
+    Sequence<T> in1(maxSize, initObj);
+    Sequence<T> in2(maxSize, initObj);
+    for (std::size_t n = 0; n < maxSize; n = n < 16 ? n + 1 : size_t(3.1415 * n))
+    {
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_transform_reduce(), in1.begin(), in1.begin() + n, in2.begin(), in2.begin() + n,
+                               init, opB1, opB2, opU);
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_transform_reduce(), in1.cbegin(), in1.cbegin() + n, in2.cbegin(), in2.cbegin() + n,
+                               init, opB1, opB2, opU);
+    }
+    test_by_type<int32_t>(42, std::plus<int32_t>(), std::multiplies<int32_t>(), std::negate<int32_t>(),
+                          [](std::size_t a) -> int32_t { return int32_t(rand() % 1000); });
+    test_by_type<int64_t>(0, [](const int64_t& a, const int64_t& b) -> int64_t { return a | b; }, XOR(),
+                          [](const int64_t& x) -> int64_t { return x * 2; },
+                          [](std::size_t a) -> int64_t { return int64_t(rand() % 1000); });
+    test_by_type<float32_t>(1.0f, std::multiplies<float32_t>(),
+                            [](const float32_t& a, const float32_t& b) -> float32_t { return a + b; },
+                            [](const float32_t& x) -> float32_t { return x + 2; },
+                            [](std::size_t a) -> float32_t { return rand() % 1000; });
+    test_by_type<MyClass>(MyClass(), std::plus<MyClass>(), std::multiplies<MyClass>(), std::negate<MyClass>(),
+                          [](std::size_t a) -> MyClass { return MyClass(rand() % 1000); });
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_transform_scan.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_transform_scan.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_transform_scan.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_transform_scan.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_transform_scan.cpp -------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/numeric"
+#include "utils.h"
+#include "pstl_test_config.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+// Most of the framework required for testing inclusive and exclusive transform-scans is identical,
+// so the tests for both are in this file.  Which is being tested is controlled by the global
+// flag inclusive, which is set to each alternative by main().
+static bool inclusive;
+template <typename Iterator, typename Size, typename T>
+check_and_reset(Iterator expected_first, Iterator out_first, Size n, T trash)
+    EXPECT_EQ_N(expected_first, out_first, n,
+                inclusive ? "wrong result from transform_inclusive_scan"
+                          : "wrong result from transform_exclusive_scan");
+    std::fill_n(out_first, n, trash);
+struct test_transform_scan
+    template <typename Policy, typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename Size, typename UnaryOp,
+              typename T, typename BinaryOp>
+    typename std::enable_if<!TestUtils::isReverse<InputIterator>::value, void>::type
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator out_first,
+               OutputIterator out_last, OutputIterator expected_first, OutputIterator expected_last, Size n,
+               UnaryOp unary_op, T init, BinaryOp binary_op, T trash)
+    {
+        using namespace std;
+        auto orr1 = inclusive ? transform_inclusive_scan(pstl::execution::seq, first, last, expected_first, binary_op,
+                                                         unary_op, init)
+                              : transform_exclusive_scan(pstl::execution::seq, first, last, expected_first, init,
+                                                         binary_op, unary_op);
+        auto orr2 = inclusive ? transform_inclusive_scan(exec, first, last, out_first, binary_op, unary_op, init)
+                              : transform_exclusive_scan(exec, first, last, out_first, init, binary_op, unary_op);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(out_last == orr2, "transform...scan returned wrong iterator");
+        check_and_reset(expected_first, out_first, n, trash);
+        // Checks inclusive scan if init is not provided
+        if (inclusive && n > 0)
+        {
+            orr1 = transform_inclusive_scan(pstl::execution::seq, first, last, expected_first, binary_op, unary_op);
+            orr2 = transform_inclusive_scan(exec, first, last, out_first, binary_op, unary_op);
+            EXPECT_TRUE(out_last == orr2, "transform...scan returned wrong iterator");
+            check_and_reset(expected_first, out_first, n, trash);
+        }
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename Size, typename UnaryOp,
+              typename T, typename BinaryOp>
+    typename std::enable_if<TestUtils::isReverse<InputIterator>::value, void>::type
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator out_first,
+               OutputIterator out_last, OutputIterator expected_first, OutputIterator expected_last, Size n,
+               UnaryOp unary_op, T init, BinaryOp binary_op, T trash)
+    {
+    }
+const uint32_t encryption_mask = 0x314;
+template <typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename UnaryOperation, typename T,
+          typename BinaryOperation>
+std::pair<OutputIterator, T>
+transform_inclusive_scan_serial(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator result, UnaryOperation unary_op,
+                                T init, BinaryOperation binary_op) noexcept
+    for (; first != last; ++first, ++result)
+    {
+        init = binary_op(init, unary_op(*first));
+        *result = init;
+    }
+    return std::make_pair(result, init);
+template <typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename UnaryOperation, typename T,
+          typename BinaryOperation>
+std::pair<OutputIterator, T>
+transform_exclusive_scan_serial(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator result, UnaryOperation unary_op,
+                                T init, BinaryOperation binary_op) noexcept
+    for (; first != last; ++first, ++result)
+    {
+        *result = init;
+        init = binary_op(init, unary_op(*first));
+    }
+    return std::make_pair(result, init);
+template <typename In, typename Out, typename UnaryOp, typename BinaryOp>
+test(UnaryOp unary_op, Out init, BinaryOp binary_op, Out trash)
+    for (size_t n = 0; n <= 100000; n = n <= 16 ? n + 1 : size_t(3.1415 * n))
+    {
+        Sequence<In> in(n, [](size_t k) { return In(k ^ encryption_mask); });
+        Out tmp = init;
+        Sequence<Out> expected(n, [&](size_t k) -> Out {
+            if (inclusive)
+            {
+                tmp = binary_op(tmp, unary_op(in[k]));
+                return tmp;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                Out val = tmp;
+                tmp = binary_op(tmp, unary_op(in[k]));
+                return val;
+            }
+        });
+        Sequence<Out> out(n, [&](size_t) { return trash; });
+        auto result =
+            inclusive
+                ? transform_inclusive_scan_serial(in.cbegin(), in.cend(), out.fbegin(), unary_op, init, binary_op)
+                : transform_exclusive_scan_serial(in.cbegin(), in.cend(), out.fbegin(), unary_op, init, binary_op);
+        check_and_reset(expected.begin(), out.begin(), out.size(), trash);
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_transform_scan(), in.begin(), in.end(), out.begin(), out.end(), expected.begin(),
+                               expected.end(), in.size(), unary_op, init, binary_op, trash);
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_transform_scan(), in.cbegin(), in.cend(), out.begin(), out.end(), expected.begin(),
+                               expected.end(), in.size(), unary_op, init, binary_op, trash);
+    }
+template <typename In, typename Out, typename UnaryOp, typename BinaryOp>
+test_matrix(UnaryOp unary_op, Out init, BinaryOp binary_op, Out trash)
+    for (size_t n = 0; n <= 100000; n = n <= 16 ? n + 1 : size_t(3.1415 * n))
+    {
+        Sequence<In> in(n, [](size_t k) { return In(k, k + 1); });
+        Sequence<Out> out(n, [&](size_t) { return trash; });
+        Sequence<Out> expected(n, [&](size_t) { return trash; });
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_transform_scan(), in.begin(), in.end(), out.begin(), out.end(), expected.begin(),
+                               expected.end(), in.size(), unary_op, init, binary_op, trash);
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_transform_scan(), in.cbegin(), in.cend(), out.begin(), out.end(), expected.begin(),
+                               expected.end(), in.size(), unary_op, init, binary_op, trash);
+    }
+    for (int32_t mode = 0; mode < 2; ++mode)
+    {
+        inclusive = mode != 0;
+        test_matrix<Matrix2x2<int32_t>, Matrix2x2<int32_t>>([](const Matrix2x2<int32_t> x) { return x; },
+                                                            Matrix2x2<int32_t>(), multiply_matrix<int32_t>,
+                                                            Matrix2x2<int32_t>(-666, 666));
+        test<int32_t, uint32_t>([](int32_t x) { return x++; }, -123, [](int32_t x, int32_t y) { return x + y; }, 666);
+    }
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_transform_unary.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_transform_unary.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_transform_unary.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_transform_unary.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_transform_unary.cpp ------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+template <typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
+check_and_reset(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator out_first)
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<OutputIterator>::value_type Out;
+    typename std::iterator_traits<OutputIterator>::difference_type k = 0;
+    for (; first != last; ++first, ++out_first, ++k)
+    {
+        // check
+        Out expected = 1 - *first;
+        Out actual = *out_first;
+        EXPECT_EQ(expected, actual, "wrong value in output sequence");
+        // reset
+        *out_first = k % 7 != 4 ? 7 * k - 5 : 0;
+    }
+struct test_one_policy
+    template <typename Policy, typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename UnaryOp>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator out_first,
+               OutputIterator out_last, UnaryOp op)
+    {
+        auto orr = std::transform(exec, first, last, out_first, op);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(out_last == orr, "transform returned wrong iterator");
+        check_and_reset(first, last, out_first);
+    }
+template <typename Tin, typename Tout>
+    for (size_t n = 0; n <= 100000; n = n <= 16 ? n + 1 : size_t(3.1415 * n))
+    {
+        Sequence<Tin> in(n, [](int32_t k) { return k % 5 != 1 ? 3 * k - 7 : 0; });
+        Sequence<Tout> out(n);
+        const auto flip = Complement<Tin, Tout>(1);
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), in.begin(), in.end(), out.begin(), out.end(), flip);
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_one_policy(), in.cbegin(), in.cend(), out.begin(), out.end(), flip);
+    }
+template <typename T>
+struct test_non_const
+    template <typename Policy, typename InputIterator, typename OutputInterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, InputIterator input_iter, OutputInterator out_iter)
+    {
+        invoke_if(exec, [&]() { transform(exec, input_iter, input_iter, out_iter, non_const(std::negate<T>())); });
+    }
+    test<int32_t, int32_t>();
+    test<int32_t, float32_t>();
+    test<uint16_t, float32_t>();
+    test<float32_t, float64_t>();
+    test<float64_t, float64_t>();
+    test_algo_basic_double<int32_t>(run_for_rnd_fw<test_non_const<int32_t>>());
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_uninitialized_construct.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_uninitialized_construct.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_uninitialized_construct.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_uninitialized_construct.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_uninitialized_construct.cpp ----------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Tests for uninitialized_default_consruct, uninitialized_default_consruct_n,
+//           uninitialized_value_consruct,   uninitialized_value_consruct_n
+#include "pstl_test_config.h"
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/memory"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+// function of checking correctness for uninitialized.construct.value
+template <typename T, typename Iterator>
+IsCheckValueCorrectness(Iterator begin, Iterator end)
+    for (; begin != end; ++begin)
+    {
+        if (*begin != T())
+        {
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+struct test_uninit_construct
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator begin, Iterator end, size_t n, /*is_trivial<T>=*/std::false_type)
+    {
+        typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type T;
+        // it needs for cleaning memory that was filled by default constructors in unique_ptr<T[]> p(new T[n])
+        // and for cleaning memory after last calling of uninitialized_value_construct_n.
+        // It is important for non-trivial types
+        std::destroy_n(exec, begin, n);
+        // reset counter of constructors
+        T::SetCount(0);
+        // run algorithm
+        std::uninitialized_default_construct(exec, begin, end);
+        // compare counter of constructors to length of container
+        EXPECT_TRUE(T::Count() == n, "wrong uninitialized_default_construct");
+        // destroy objects for testing new algorithms on same memory
+        std::destroy(exec, begin, end);
+        std::uninitialized_default_construct_n(exec, begin, n);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(T::Count() == n, "wrong uninitialized_default_construct_n");
+        std::destroy_n(exec, begin, n);
+        std::uninitialized_value_construct(exec, begin, end);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(T::Count() == n, "wrong uninitialized_value_construct");
+        std::destroy(exec, begin, end);
+        std::uninitialized_value_construct_n(exec, begin, n);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(T::Count() == n, "wrong uninitialized_value_construct_n");
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator begin, Iterator end, size_t n, /*is_trivial<T>=*/std::true_type)
+    {
+        typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type T;
+        std::uninitialized_default_construct(exec, begin, end);
+        std::destroy(exec, begin, end);
+        std::uninitialized_default_construct_n(exec, begin, n);
+        std::destroy_n(exec, begin, n);
+        std::uninitialized_value_construct(exec, begin, end);
+        // check correctness for uninitialized.construct.value
+        EXPECT_TRUE(IsCheckValueCorrectness<T>(begin, end), "wrong uninitialized_value_construct");
+        std::destroy(exec, begin, end);
+        std::uninitialized_value_construct_n(exec, begin, n);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(IsCheckValueCorrectness<T>(begin, end), "wrong uninitialized_value_construct_n");
+        std::destroy_n(exec, begin, n);
+    }
+template <typename T>
+    std::size_t N = 100000;
+    for (size_t n = 0; n <= N; n = n <= 16 ? n + 1 : size_t(3.1415 * n))
+    {
+        std::unique_ptr<T[]> p(new T[n]);
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_uninit_construct(), p.get(), std::next(p.get(), n), n, std::is_trivial<T>());
+    }
+    // for user-defined types
+    test_uninit_construct_by_type<Wrapper<int32_t>>();
+    test_uninit_construct_by_type<Wrapper<std::vector<std::string>>>();
+    // for trivial types
+    test_uninit_construct_by_type<int8_t>();
+    test_uninit_construct_by_type<float64_t>();
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_uninitialized_copy_move.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_uninitialized_copy_move.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_uninitialized_copy_move.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_uninitialized_copy_move.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_uninitialized_copy_move.cpp ----------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Tests for uninitialized_copy, uninitialized_copy_n, uninitialized_move, uninitialized_move_n
+#include "pstl_test_config.h"
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/memory"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+// function of checking correctness for uninitialized.construct.value
+template <typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename Size>
+IsCheckValueCorrectness(InputIterator first1, OutputIterator first2, Size n)
+    for (Size i = 0; i < n; ++i, ++first1, ++first2)
+    {
+        if (*first1 != *first2)
+        {
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+struct test_uninitialized_copy_move
+    template <typename Policy, typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator out_first, size_t n,
+               /*is_trivial<T>=*/std::false_type)
+    {
+        typedef typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type T;
+        // it needs for cleaning memory that was filled by default constructors in unique_ptr<T[]> p(new T[n])
+        // and for cleaning memory after last calling of uninitialized_value_construct_n.
+        // It is important for non-trivial types
+        std::destroy_n(exec, out_first, n);
+        // reset counter of constructors
+        T::SetCount(0);
+        // run algorithm
+        std::uninitialized_copy(exec, first, last, out_first);
+        // compare counter of constructors to length of container
+        EXPECT_TRUE(T::Count() == n, "wrong uninitialized_copy");
+        // destroy objects for testing new algorithms on same memory
+        std::destroy_n(exec, out_first, n);
+        std::uninitialized_copy_n(exec, first, n, out_first);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(T::Count() == n, "wrong uninitialized_copy_n");
+        std::destroy_n(exec, out_first, n);
+        // For move
+        std::uninitialized_move(exec, first, last, out_first);
+        // compare counter of constructors to length of container
+        EXPECT_TRUE(T::MoveCount() == n, "wrong uninitialized_move");
+        // destroy objects for testing new algorithms on same memory
+        std::destroy_n(exec, out_first, n);
+        std::uninitialized_move_n(exec, first, n, out_first);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(T::MoveCount() == n, "wrong uninitialized_move_n");
+        std::destroy_n(exec, out_first, n);
+    }
+    template <typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::unsequenced_policy, InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator out_first,
+               size_t n, /*is_trivial<T>=*/std::true_type)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::parallel_unsequenced_policy, InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
+               OutputIterator out_first, size_t n, /*is_trivial<T>=*/std::true_type)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator out_first, size_t n,
+               /*is_trivial<T>=*/std::true_type)
+    {
+        typedef typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type T;
+        std::uninitialized_copy(exec, first, last, out_first);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(IsCheckValueCorrectness(first, out_first, n), "wrong uninitialized_copy");
+        std::destroy_n(exec, out_first, n);
+        std::uninitialized_copy_n(exec, first, n, out_first);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(IsCheckValueCorrectness(first, out_first, n), "wrong uninitialized_copy_n");
+        std::destroy_n(exec, out_first, n);
+        std::uninitialized_move(exec, first, last, out_first);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(IsCheckValueCorrectness(first, out_first, n), "wrong uninitialized_move");
+        std::destroy_n(exec, out_first, n);
+        std::uninitialized_move_n(exec, first, n, out_first);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(IsCheckValueCorrectness(first, out_first, n), "wrong uninitialized_move_n");
+        std::destroy_n(exec, out_first, n);
+    }
+template <typename T>
+    std::size_t N = 100000;
+    for (size_t n = 0; n <= N; n = n <= 16 ? n + 1 : size_t(3.1415 * n))
+    {
+        Sequence<T> in(n, [=](size_t k) -> T { return T(k); });
+        std::unique_ptr<T[]> p(new T[n]);
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_uninitialized_copy_move(), in.begin(), in.end(), p.get(), n, std::is_trivial<T>());
+    }
+    // for trivial types
+    test_uninitialized_copy_move_by_type<int16_t>();
+    test_uninitialized_copy_move_by_type<float64_t>();
+    // for user-defined types
+    test_uninitialized_copy_move_by_type<Wrapper<int8_t>>();
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_uninitialized_fill_destroy.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_uninitialized_fill_destroy.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_uninitialized_fill_destroy.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_uninitialized_fill_destroy.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_uninitialized_fill_destroy.cpp -------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Tests for the destroy, destroy_n, uninitialized_fill, uninitialized_fill_n algorithms
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/memory"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+struct test_uninitialized_fill_destroy
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator, typename T>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator first, Iterator last, const T& in, std::size_t n, std::false_type)
+    {
+        using namespace std;
+        {
+            T::SetCount(0);
+            uninitialized_fill(exec, first, last, in);
+            size_t count = count_if(first, last, [&in](T& x) -> bool { return x == in; });
+            EXPECT_TRUE(n == count, "wrong work of uninitialized_fill");
+            destroy(exec, first, last);
+            EXPECT_TRUE(T::Count() == 0, "wrong work of destroy");
+        }
+        {
+            auto res = uninitialized_fill_n(exec, first, n, in);
+            EXPECT_TRUE(res == last, "wrong result of uninitialized_fill_n");
+            size_t count = count_if(first, last, [&in](T& x) -> bool { return x == in; });
+            EXPECT_TRUE(n == count, "wrong work of uninitialized_fill_n");
+            destroy_n(exec, first, n);
+            EXPECT_TRUE(T::Count() == 0, "wrong work of destroy_n");
+        }
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator, typename T>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator first, Iterator last, const T& in, std::size_t n, std::true_type)
+    {
+        using namespace std;
+        {
+            destroy(exec, first, last);
+            uninitialized_fill(exec, first, last, in);
+            size_t count = count_if(first, last, [&in](T& x) -> bool { return x == in; });
+            EXPECT_EQ(n, count, "wrong work of uninitialized:_fill");
+        }
+        {
+            destroy_n(exec, first, n);
+            auto res = uninitialized_fill_n(exec, first, n, in);
+            size_t count = count_if(first, last, [&in](T& x) -> bool { return x == in; });
+            EXPECT_EQ(n, count, "wrong work of uninitialized_fill_n");
+            EXPECT_TRUE(res == last, "wrong result of uninitialized_fill_n");
+        }
+    }
+template <typename T>
+    std::size_t N = 100000;
+    for (size_t n = 0; n <= N; n = n <= 16 ? n + 1 : size_t(3.1415 * n))
+    {
+        std::unique_ptr<T[]> p(new T[n]);
+        invoke_on_all_policies(test_uninitialized_fill_destroy(), p.get(), std::next(p.get(), n), T(), n,
+                               std::is_trivial<T>());
+    }
+    // for trivial types
+    test_uninitialized_fill_destroy_by_type<int32_t>();
+    test_uninitialized_fill_destroy_by_type<float64_t>();
+    // for user-defined types
+    test_uninitialized_fill_destroy_by_type<Wrapper<std::string>>();
+    test_uninitialized_fill_destroy_by_type<Wrapper<int8_t*>>();
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_unique.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_unique.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_unique.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_unique.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_unique.cpp ---------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Test for unique
+#include "pstl_test_config.h"
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+struct run_unique
+#if __PSTL_ICC_17_VC141_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_DEBUG_32_BROKEN ||                                                            \
+    __PSTL_ICC_16_VC14_TEST_SIMD_LAMBDA_DEBUG_32_BROKEN //dummy specialization by policy type, in case of broken configuration
+    template <typename ForwardIt, typename Generator>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::unsequenced_policy, ForwardIt first1, ForwardIt last1, ForwardIt first2,
+               ForwardIt last2, Generator generator)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename ForwardIt, typename Generator>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::parallel_unsequenced_policy, ForwardIt first1, ForwardIt last1, ForwardIt first2,
+               ForwardIt last2, Generator generator)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename ForwardIt, typename BinaryPred, typename Generator>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::unsequenced_policy, ForwardIt first1, ForwardIt last1, ForwardIt first2,
+               ForwardIt last2, BinaryPred pred, Generator generator)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename ForwardIt, typename BinaryPred, typename Generator>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::parallel_unsequenced_policy, ForwardIt first1, ForwardIt last1, ForwardIt first2,
+               ForwardIt last2, BinaryPred pred, Generator generator)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename ForwardIt, typename Generator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, ForwardIt first1, ForwardIt last1, ForwardIt first2, ForwardIt last2, Generator generator)
+    {
+        using namespace std;
+        // Preparation
+        fill_data(first1, last1, generator);
+        fill_data(first2, last2, generator);
+        ForwardIt i = unique(first1, last1);
+        ForwardIt k = unique(exec, first2, last2);
+        auto n = std::distance(first1, i);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(std::distance(first2, k) == n, "wrong return value from unique without predicate");
+        EXPECT_EQ_N(first1, first2, n, "wrong effect from unique without predicate");
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename ForwardIt, typename BinaryPred, typename Generator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, ForwardIt first1, ForwardIt last1, ForwardIt first2, ForwardIt last2, BinaryPred pred,
+               Generator generator)
+    {
+        using namespace std;
+        // Preparation
+        fill_data(first1, last1, generator);
+        fill_data(first2, last2, generator);
+        ForwardIt i = unique(first1, last1, pred);
+        ForwardIt k = unique(exec, first2, last2, pred);
+        auto n = std::distance(first1, i);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(std::distance(first2, k) == n, "wrong return value from unique with predicate");
+        EXPECT_EQ_N(first1, first2, n, "wrong effect from unique with predicate");
+    }
+template <typename T, typename Generator, typename Predicate>
+test(Generator generator, Predicate pred)
+    const std::size_t max_size = 1000000;
+    Sequence<T> in(max_size, [](size_t v) { return T(v); });
+    Sequence<T> exp(max_size, [](size_t v) { return T(v); });
+    for (size_t n = 0; n <= max_size; n = n <= 16 ? n + 1 : size_t(3.1415 * n))
+    {
+        invoke_on_all_policies(run_unique(), exp.begin(), exp.begin() + n, in.begin(), in.begin() + n, generator);
+        invoke_on_all_policies(run_unique(), exp.begin(), exp.begin() + n, in.begin(), in.begin() + n, pred, generator);
+    }
+template <typename T>
+struct LocalWrapper
+    T my_val;
+    explicit LocalWrapper(T k) : my_val(k) {}
+    LocalWrapper(LocalWrapper&& input) : my_val(std::move(input.my_val)) {}
+    LocalWrapper&
+    operator=(LocalWrapper&& input)
+    {
+        my_val = std::move(input.my_val);
+        return *this;
+    }
+    friend bool
+    operator==(const LocalWrapper<T>& x, const LocalWrapper<T>& y)
+    {
+        return x.my_val == y.my_val;
+    }
+template <typename T>
+struct test_non_const
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator iter)
+    {
+        invoke_if(exec, [&]() { unique(exec, iter, iter, non_const(std::equal_to<T>())); });
+    }
+    test<int32_t>([](size_t j) { return j / 3; },
+                  [](const int32_t& val1, const int32_t& val2) { return val1 * val1 == val2 * val2; });
+    test<float64_t>([](size_t) { return float64_t(1); },
+                    [](const float64_t& val1, const float64_t& val2) { return val1 != val2; });
+    test<LocalWrapper<uint32_t>>([](size_t j) { return LocalWrapper<uint32_t>(j); },
+                                 [](const LocalWrapper<uint32_t>& val1, const LocalWrapper<uint32_t>& val2) {
+                                     return val1.my_val != val2.my_val;
+                                 });
+    test_algo_basic_single<int32_t>(run_for_rnd_fw<test_non_const<int32_t>>());
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/test_unique_copy_equal.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/test_unique_copy_equal.cpp?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/test_unique_copy_equal.cpp (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/test_unique_copy_equal.cpp Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- test_unique_copy_equal.cpp ----------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Tests for unique_copy
+#include "pstl_test_config.h"
+#include "pstl/execution"
+#include "pstl/algorithm"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace TestUtils;
+struct run_unique_copy
+#if __PSTL_ICC_16_VC14_TEST_PAR_TBB_RT_RELEASE_64_BROKEN // dummy specializations to skip testing in case of broken configuration
+    template <typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename OutputIterator2, typename Size,
+              typename Predicate, typename T>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::parallel_policy, InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator out_first,
+               OutputIterator out_last, OutputIterator2 expected_first, OutputIterator2 expected_last, Size n,
+               Predicate pred, T trash)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename OutputIterator2, typename Size,
+              typename Predicate, typename T>
+    void
+    operator()(pstl::execution::parallel_unsequenced_policy, InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
+               OutputIterator out_first, OutputIterator out_last, OutputIterator2 expected_first,
+               OutputIterator2 expected_last, Size n, Predicate pred, T trash)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename OutputIterator2, typename Size,
+              typename Predicate, typename T>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator out_first,
+               OutputIterator out_last, OutputIterator2 expected_first, OutputIterator2 expected_last, Size n,
+               Predicate pred, T trash)
+    {
+        // Cleaning
+        std::fill_n(expected_first, n, trash);
+        std::fill_n(out_first, n, trash);
+        // Run unique_copy
+        auto i = unique_copy(first, last, expected_first);
+        auto k = unique_copy(exec, first, last, out_first);
+        EXPECT_EQ_N(expected_first, out_first, n, "wrong unique_copy effect");
+        for (size_t j = 0; j < GuardSize; ++j)
+        {
+            ++k;
+        }
+        EXPECT_TRUE(out_last == k, "wrong return value from unique_copy");
+        // Cleaning
+        std::fill_n(expected_first, n, trash);
+        std::fill_n(out_first, n, trash);
+        // Run unique_copy with predicate
+        i = unique_copy(first, last, expected_first, pred);
+        k = unique_copy(exec, first, last, out_first, pred);
+        EXPECT_EQ_N(expected_first, out_first, n, "wrong unique_copy with predicate effect");
+        for (size_t j = 0; j < GuardSize; ++j)
+        {
+            ++k;
+        }
+        EXPECT_TRUE(out_last == k, "wrong return value from unique_copy with predicate");
+    }
+template <typename T, typename BinaryPredicate, typename Convert>
+test(T trash, BinaryPredicate pred, Convert convert, bool check_weakness = true)
+    // Try sequences of various lengths.
+    for (size_t n = 0; n <= 100000; n = n <= 16 ? n + 1 : size_t(3.1415 * n))
+    {
+        // count is number of output elements, plus a handful
+        // more for sake of detecting buffer overruns.
+        Sequence<T> in(n, [&](size_t k) -> T { return convert(k ^ n); });
+        using namespace std;
+        size_t count = GuardSize;
+        for (size_t k = 0; k < in.size(); ++k)
+            count += k == 0 || !pred(in[k], in[k - 1]) ? 1 : 0;
+        Sequence<T> out(count, [=](size_t) { return trash; });
+        Sequence<T> expected(count, [=](size_t) { return trash; });
+        if (check_weakness)
+        {
+            auto expected_result = unique_copy(in.begin(), in.end(), expected.begin(), pred);
+            size_t m = expected_result - expected.begin();
+            EXPECT_TRUE(n / (n < 10000 ? 4 : 6) <= m && m <= (3 * n + 1) / 4, "weak test for unique_copy");
+        }
+        invoke_on_all_policies(run_unique_copy(), in.begin(), in.end(), out.begin(), out.end(), expected.begin(),
+                               expected.end(), count, pred, trash);
+    }
+template <typename T>
+struct test_non_const
+    template <typename Policy, typename InputIterator, typename OutputInterator>
+    void
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, InputIterator input_iter, OutputInterator out_iter)
+    {
+        unique_copy(exec, input_iter, input_iter, out_iter, non_const(std::equal_to<T>()));
+    }
+main(int32_t argc, char* argv[])
+    test<Number>(Number(42, OddTag()), std::equal_to<Number>(),
+                 [](int32_t j) { return Number(3 * j / 13 ^ (j & 8), OddTag()); });
+    test<float32_t>(float32_t(42), std::equal_to<float32_t>(),
+                    [](int32_t j) { return float32_t(5 * j / 23 ^ (j / 7)); });
+    test<float32_t>(float32_t(42), [](float32_t x, float32_t y) { return false; },
+                    [](int32_t j) { return float32_t(j); }, false);
+    test_algo_basic_double<int32_t>(run_for_rnd_fw<test_non_const<int32_t>>());
+    std::cout << done() << std::endl;
+    return 0;

Added: pstl/trunk/test/utils.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/pstl/trunk/test/utils.h?rev=349653&view=auto
--- pstl/trunk/test/utils.h (added)
+++ pstl/trunk/test/utils.h Wed Dec 19 09:45:32 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,1249 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-- utils.h -----------------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// File contains common utilities that tests rely on
+// Do not #include <algorithm>, because if we do we will not detect accidental dependencies.
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <vector>
+#include <atomic>
+#include <memory>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include "pstl_test_config.h"
+namespace TestUtils
+typedef double float64_t;
+typedef float float32_t;
+template <class T, std::size_t N>
+constexpr size_t
+const_size(const T (&array)[N]) noexcept
+    return N;
+template <typename T>
+class Sequence;
+// Handy macros for error reporting
+#define EXPECT_TRUE(condition, message) TestUtils::expect<true>(condition, __FILE__, __LINE__, message)
+#define EXPECT_FALSE(condition, message) TestUtils::expect<false>(condition, __FILE__, __LINE__, message)
+// Check that expected and actual are equal and have the same type.
+#define EXPECT_EQ(expected, actual, message) TestUtils::expect_equal(expected, actual, __FILE__, __LINE__, message)
+// Check that sequences started with expected and actual and have had size n are equal and have the same type.
+#define EXPECT_EQ_N(expected, actual, n, message)                                                                      \
+    TestUtils::expect_equal(expected, actual, n, __FILE__, __LINE__, message)
+// Issue error message from outstr, adding a newline.
+// Real purpose of this routine is to have a place to hang a breakpoint.
+static void
+issue_error_message(std::stringstream& outstr)
+    outstr << std::endl;
+    std::cerr << outstr.str();
+template <bool B>
+expect(bool condition, const char* file, int32_t line, const char* message)
+    // Templating this function is somewhat silly, but avoids the need to declare it static
+    // or have a separate translation unit.
+    if (condition != B)
+    {
+        std::stringstream outstr;
+        outstr << "error at " << file << ":" << line << " - " << message;
+        issue_error_message(outstr);
+    }
+// Do not change signature to const T&.
+// Function must be able to detect const differences between expected and actual.
+template <typename T>
+expect_equal(T& expected, T& actual, const char* file, int32_t line, const char* message)
+    if (!(expected == actual))
+    {
+        std::stringstream outstr;
+        outstr << "error at " << file << ":" << line << " - " << message << ", expected " << expected << " got "
+               << actual;
+        issue_error_message(outstr);
+    }
+template <typename T>
+expect_equal(Sequence<T>& expected, Sequence<T>& actual, const char* file, int32_t line, const char* message)
+    size_t n = expected.size();
+    size_t m = actual.size();
+    if (n != m)
+    {
+        std::stringstream outstr;
+        outstr << "error at " << file << ":" << line << " - " << message << ", expected sequence of size " << n
+               << " got sequence of size " << m;
+        issue_error_message(outstr);
+        return;
+    }
+    size_t error_count = 0;
+    for (size_t k = 0; k < n && error_count < 10; ++k)
+    {
+        if (!(expected[k] == actual[k]))
+        {
+            std::stringstream outstr;
+            outstr << "error at " << file << ":" << line << " - " << message << ", at index " << k << " expected "
+                   << expected[k] << " got " << actual[k];
+            issue_error_message(outstr);
+            ++error_count;
+        }
+    }
+template <typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2, typename Size>
+expect_equal(Iterator1 expected_first, Iterator2 actual_first, Size n, const char* file, int32_t line,
+             const char* message)
+    size_t error_count = 0;
+    for (size_t k = 0; k < n && error_count < 10; ++k, ++expected_first, ++actual_first)
+    {
+        if (!(*expected_first == *actual_first))
+        {
+            std::stringstream outstr;
+            outstr << "error at " << file << ":" << line << " - " << message << ", at index " << k;
+            issue_error_message(outstr);
+            ++error_count;
+        }
+    }
+// ForwardIterator is like type Iterator, but restricted to be a forward iterator.
+// Only the forward iterator signatures that are necessary for tests are present.
+// Post-increment in particular is deliberatly omitted since our templates should avoid using it
+// because of efficiency considerations.
+template <typename Iterator, typename IteratorTag>
+class ForwardIterator
+  public:
+    typedef IteratorTag iterator_category;
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type value_type;
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::difference_type difference_type;
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::pointer pointer;
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::reference reference;
+  protected:
+    Iterator my_iterator;
+    typedef value_type element_type;
+  public:
+    ForwardIterator() = default;
+    explicit ForwardIterator(Iterator i) : my_iterator(i) {}
+    reference operator*() const { return *my_iterator; }
+    Iterator operator->() const { return my_iterator; }
+    ForwardIterator
+    operator++()
+    {
+        ++my_iterator;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    ForwardIterator operator++(int32_t)
+    {
+        auto retval = *this;
+        my_iterator++;
+        return retval;
+    }
+    friend bool
+    operator==(const ForwardIterator& i, const ForwardIterator& j)
+    {
+        return i.my_iterator == j.my_iterator;
+    }
+    friend bool
+    operator!=(const ForwardIterator& i, const ForwardIterator& j)
+    {
+        return i.my_iterator != j.my_iterator;
+    }
+    Iterator
+    iterator() const
+    {
+        return my_iterator;
+    }
+template <typename Iterator, typename IteratorTag>
+class BidirectionalIterator : public ForwardIterator<Iterator, IteratorTag>
+    typedef ForwardIterator<Iterator, IteratorTag> base_type;
+  public:
+    BidirectionalIterator() = default;
+    explicit BidirectionalIterator(Iterator i) : base_type(i) {}
+    BidirectionalIterator(const base_type& i) : base_type(i.iterator()) {}
+    BidirectionalIterator
+    operator++()
+    {
+        ++base_type::my_iterator;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    BidirectionalIterator
+    operator--()
+    {
+        --base_type::my_iterator;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    BidirectionalIterator operator++(int32_t)
+    {
+        auto retval = *this;
+        base_type::my_iterator++;
+        return retval;
+    }
+    BidirectionalIterator operator--(int32_t)
+    {
+        auto retval = *this;
+        base_type::my_iterator--;
+        return retval;
+    }
+template <typename Iterator, typename F>
+fill_data(Iterator first, Iterator last, F f)
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type T;
+    for (std::size_t i = 0; first != last; ++first, ++i)
+    {
+        *first = T(f(i));
+    }
+// Sequence<T> is a container of a sequence of T with lots of kinds of iterators.
+// Prefixes on begin/end mean:
+//      c = "const"
+//      f = "forward"
+// No prefix indicates non-const random-access iterator.
+template <typename T>
+class Sequence
+    std::vector<T> m_storage;
+  public:
+    typedef typename std::vector<T>::iterator iterator;
+    typedef typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator const_iterator;
+    typedef ForwardIterator<iterator, std::forward_iterator_tag> forward_iterator;
+    typedef ForwardIterator<const_iterator, std::forward_iterator_tag> const_forward_iterator;
+    typedef BidirectionalIterator<iterator, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag> bidirectional_iterator;
+    typedef BidirectionalIterator<const_iterator, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag> const_bidirectional_iterator;
+    typedef T value_type;
+    explicit Sequence(size_t size) : m_storage(size) {}
+    // Construct sequence [f(0), f(1), ... f(size-1)]
+    // f can rely on its invocations being sequential from 0 to size-1.
+    template <typename Func>
+    Sequence(size_t size, Func f)
+    {
+        m_storage.reserve(size);
+        // Use push_back because T might not have a default constructor
+        for (size_t k = 0; k < size; ++k)
+            m_storage.push_back(T(f(k)));
+    }
+    Sequence(const std::initializer_list<T>& data) : m_storage(data) {}
+    const_iterator
+    begin() const
+    {
+        return m_storage.begin();
+    }
+    const_iterator
+    end() const
+    {
+        return m_storage.end();
+    }
+    iterator
+    begin()
+    {
+        return m_storage.begin();
+    }
+    iterator
+    end()
+    {
+        return m_storage.end();
+    }
+    const_iterator
+    cbegin() const
+    {
+        return m_storage.cbegin();
+    }
+    const_iterator
+    cend() const
+    {
+        return m_storage.cend();
+    }
+    forward_iterator
+    fbegin()
+    {
+        return forward_iterator(m_storage.begin());
+    }
+    forward_iterator
+    fend()
+    {
+        return forward_iterator(m_storage.end());
+    }
+    const_forward_iterator
+    cfbegin() const
+    {
+        return const_forward_iterator(m_storage.cbegin());
+    }
+    const_forward_iterator
+    cfend() const
+    {
+        return const_forward_iterator(m_storage.cend());
+    }
+    const_forward_iterator
+    fbegin() const
+    {
+        return const_forward_iterator(m_storage.cbegin());
+    }
+    const_forward_iterator
+    fend() const
+    {
+        return const_forward_iterator(m_storage.cend());
+    }
+    const_bidirectional_iterator
+    cbibegin() const
+    {
+        return const_bidirectional_iterator(m_storage.cbegin());
+    }
+    const_bidirectional_iterator
+    cbiend() const
+    {
+        return const_bidirectional_iterator(m_storage.cend());
+    }
+    bidirectional_iterator
+    bibegin()
+    {
+        return bidirectional_iterator(m_storage.begin());
+    }
+    bidirectional_iterator
+    biend()
+    {
+        return bidirectional_iterator(m_storage.end());
+    }
+    std::size_t
+    size() const
+    {
+        return m_storage.size();
+    }
+    const T*
+    data() const
+    {
+        return m_storage.data();
+    }
+    typename std::vector<T>::reference operator[](size_t j) { return m_storage[j]; }
+    const T& operator[](size_t j) const { return m_storage[j]; }
+    // Fill with given value
+    void
+    fill(const T& value)
+    {
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < m_storage.size(); i++)
+            m_storage[i] = value;
+    }
+    void
+    print() const;
+    template <typename Func>
+    void
+    fill(Func f)
+    {
+        fill_data(m_storage.begin(), m_storage.end(), f);
+    }
+template <typename T>
+Sequence<T>::print() const
+    std::cout << "size = " << size() << ": { ";
+    std::copy(begin(), end(), std::ostream_iterator<T>(std::cout, " "));
+    std::cout << " } " << std::endl;
+// Predicates for algorithms
+template <typename DataType>
+struct is_equal_to
+    is_equal_to(const DataType& expected) : m_expected(expected) {}
+    bool
+    operator()(const DataType& actual) const
+    {
+        return actual == m_expected;
+    }
+  private:
+    DataType m_expected;
+// Low-quality hash function, returns value between 0 and (1<<bits)-1
+// Warning: low-order bits are quite predictable.
+inline size_t
+HashBits(size_t i, size_t bits)
+    size_t mask = bits >= 8 * sizeof(size_t) ? ~size_t(0) : (size_t(1) << bits) - 1;
+    return (424157 * i ^ 0x24aFa) & mask;
+// Stateful unary op
+template <typename T, typename U>
+class Complement
+    int32_t val;
+  public:
+    Complement(T v) : val(v) {}
+    U
+    operator()(const T& x) const
+    {
+        return U(val - x);
+    }
+// Tag used to prevent accidental use of converting constructor, even if use is explicit.
+struct OddTag
+class Sum;
+// Type with limited set of operations.  Not default-constructible.
+// Only available operator is "==".
+// Typically used as value type in tests.
+class Number
+    int32_t value;
+    friend class Add;
+    friend class Sum;
+    friend class IsMultiple;
+    friend class Congruent;
+    friend Sum
+    operator+(const Sum& x, const Sum& y);
+  public:
+    Number(int32_t val, OddTag) : value(val) {}
+    friend bool
+    operator==(const Number& x, const Number& y)
+    {
+        return x.value == y.value;
+    }
+    friend std::ostream&
+    operator<<(std::ostream& o, const Number& d)
+    {
+        return o << d.value;
+    }
+// Stateful predicate for Number.  Not default-constructible.
+class IsMultiple
+    long modulus;
+  public:
+    // True if x is multiple of modulus
+    bool
+    operator()(Number x) const
+    {
+        return x.value % modulus == 0;
+    }
+    IsMultiple(long modulus_, OddTag) : modulus(modulus_) {}
+// Stateful equivalence-class predicate for Number.  Not default-constructible.
+class Congruent
+    long modulus;
+  public:
+    // True if x and y have same remainder for the given modulus.
+    // Note: this is not quite the same as "equivalent modulo modulus" when x and y have different
+    // sign, but nonetheless AreCongruent is still an equivalence relationship, which is all
+    // we need for testing.
+    bool
+    operator()(Number x, Number y) const
+    {
+        return x.value % modulus == y.value % modulus;
+    }
+    Congruent(long modulus_, OddTag) : modulus(modulus_) {}
+// Stateful reduction operation for Number
+class Add
+    long bias;
+  public:
+    explicit Add(OddTag) : bias(1) {}
+    Number
+    operator()(Number x, const Number& y)
+    {
+        return Number(x.value + y.value + (bias - 1), OddTag());
+    }
+// Class similar to Number, but has default constructor and +.
+class Sum : public Number
+  public:
+    Sum() : Number(0, OddTag()) {}
+    Sum(long x, OddTag) : Number(x, OddTag()) {}
+    friend Sum
+    operator+(const Sum& x, const Sum& y)
+    {
+        return Sum(x.value + y.value, OddTag());
+    }
+// Type with limited set of operations, which includes an associative but not commutative operation.
+// Not default-constructible.
+// Typically used as value type in tests involving "GENERALIZED_NONCOMMUTATIVE_SUM".
+class MonoidElement
+    size_t a, b;
+  public:
+    MonoidElement(size_t a_, size_t b_, OddTag) : a(a_), b(b_) {}
+    friend bool
+    operator==(const MonoidElement& x, const MonoidElement& y)
+    {
+        return x.a == y.a && x.b == y.b;
+    }
+    friend std::ostream&
+    operator<<(std::ostream& o, const MonoidElement& x)
+    {
+        return o << "[" << x.a << ".." << x.b << ")";
+    }
+    friend class AssocOp;
+// Stateful associative op for MonoidElement
+// It's not really a monoid since the operation is not allowed for any two elements.
+// But it's good enough for testing.
+class AssocOp
+    unsigned c;
+  public:
+    explicit AssocOp(OddTag) : c(5) {}
+    MonoidElement
+    operator()(const MonoidElement& x, const MonoidElement& y)
+    {
+        unsigned d = 5;
+        EXPECT_EQ(d, c, "state lost");
+        EXPECT_EQ(x.b, y.a, "commuted?");
+        return MonoidElement(x.a, y.b, OddTag());
+    }
+// Multiplication of matrix is an associative but not commutative operation
+// Typically used as value type in tests involving "GENERALIZED_NONCOMMUTATIVE_SUM".
+template <typename T>
+struct Matrix2x2
+    T a[2][2];
+    Matrix2x2() : a{{1, 0}, {0, 1}} {}
+    Matrix2x2(T x, T y) : a{{0, x}, {x, y}} {}
+    Matrix2x2(const Matrix2x2& m) : a{{m.a[0][0], m.a[0][1]}, {m.a[1][0], m.a[1][1]}} {}
+    Matrix2x2&
+    operator=(const Matrix2x2& m)
+    {
+        a[0][0] = m.a[0][0], a[0][1] = m.a[0][1], a[1][0] = m.a[1][0], a[1][1] = m.a[1][1];
+        return *this;
+    }
+template <typename T>
+operator==(const Matrix2x2<T>& left, const Matrix2x2<T>& right)
+    return left.a[0][0] == right.a[0][0] && left.a[0][1] == right.a[0][1] && left.a[1][0] == right.a[1][0] &&
+           left.a[1][1] == right.a[1][1];
+template <typename T>
+multiply_matrix(const Matrix2x2<T>& left, const Matrix2x2<T>& right)
+    Matrix2x2<T> result;
+    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
+    {
+        for (int32_t j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
+        {
+            result.a[i][j] = left.a[i][0] * right.a[0][j] + left.a[i][1] * right.a[1][j];
+        }
+    }
+    return result;
+// Check that Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks header files are not used when parallel policies are off
+#error The parallel backend is used while it should not (__PSTL_USE_PAR_POLICIES==0)
+// Adapters for creating different types of iterators.
+// In this block we implemented some adapters for creating differnet types of iterators.
+// It's needed for extending the unit testing of Parallel STL algorithms.
+// We have adapters for iterators with different tags (forward_iterator_tag, bidirectional_iterator_tag), reverse iterators.
+// The input iterator should be const or non-const, non-reverse random access iterator.
+// Iterator creates in "MakeIterator":
+// firstly, iterator is "packed" by "IteratorTypeAdapter" (creating forward or bidirectional iterator)
+// then iterator is "packed" by "ReverseAdapter" (if it's possible)
+// So, from input iterator we may create, for example, reverse bidirectional iterator.
+// "Main" functor for testing iterators is named "invoke_on_all_iterator_types".
+// Base adapter
+template <typename Iterator>
+struct BaseAdapter
+    typedef Iterator iterator_type;
+    iterator_type
+    operator()(Iterator it)
+    {
+        return it;
+    }
+// Check if the iterator is reverse iterator
+// Note: it works only for iterators that created by std::reverse_iterator
+template <typename NotReverseIterator>
+struct isReverse : std::false_type
+template <typename Iterator>
+struct isReverse<std::reverse_iterator<Iterator>> : std::true_type
+// Reverse adapter
+template <typename Iterator, typename IsReverse>
+struct ReverseAdapter
+    typedef std::reverse_iterator<Iterator> iterator_type;
+    iterator_type
+    operator()(Iterator it)
+    {
+        return std::make_reverse_iterator(it);
+        return iterator_type(it);
+    }
+// Non-reverse adapter
+template <typename Iterator>
+struct ReverseAdapter<Iterator, std::false_type> : BaseAdapter<Iterator>
+// Iterator adapter by type (by default std::random_access_iterator_tag)
+template <typename Iterator, typename IteratorTag>
+struct IteratorTypeAdapter : BaseAdapter<Iterator>
+// Iterator adapter for forward iterator
+template <typename Iterator>
+struct IteratorTypeAdapter<Iterator, std::forward_iterator_tag>
+    typedef ForwardIterator<Iterator, std::forward_iterator_tag> iterator_type;
+    iterator_type
+    operator()(Iterator it)
+    {
+        return iterator_type(it);
+    }
+// Iterator adapter for bidirectional iterator
+template <typename Iterator>
+struct IteratorTypeAdapter<Iterator, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag>
+    typedef BidirectionalIterator<Iterator, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag> iterator_type;
+    iterator_type
+    operator()(Iterator it)
+    {
+        return iterator_type(it);
+    }
+//For creating iterator with new type
+template <typename InputIterator, typename IteratorTag, typename IsReverse>
+struct MakeIterator
+    typedef IteratorTypeAdapter<InputIterator, IteratorTag> IterByType;
+    typedef ReverseAdapter<typename IterByType::iterator_type, IsReverse> ReverseIter;
+    typename ReverseIter::iterator_type
+    operator()(InputIterator it)
+    {
+        return ReverseIter()(IterByType()(it));
+    }
+// Useful constant variables
+constexpr std::size_t GuardSize = 5;
+constexpr std::size_t sizeLimit = 1000;
+template <typename Iter, typename Void = void> // local iterator_traits for non-iterators
+struct iterator_traits_
+template <typename Iter> // For iterators
+struct iterator_traits_<Iter,
+                        typename std::enable_if<!std::is_void<typename Iter::iterator_category>::value, void>::type>
+    typedef typename Iter::iterator_category iterator_category;
+template <typename T> // For pointers
+struct iterator_traits_<T*>
+    typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
+// is iterator Iter has tag Tag
+template <typename Iter, typename Tag>
+using is_same_iterator_category = std::is_same<typename iterator_traits_<Iter>::iterator_category, Tag>;
+// if we run with reverse or const iterators we shouldn't test the large range
+template <typename IsReverse, typename IsConst>
+struct invoke_if_
+    template <typename Op, typename... Rest>
+    void
+    operator()(bool is_allow, Op op, Rest&&... rest)
+    {
+        if (is_allow)
+            op(std::forward<Rest>(rest)...);
+    }
+template <>
+struct invoke_if_<std::false_type, std::false_type>
+    template <typename Op, typename... Rest>
+    void
+    operator()(bool is_allow, Op op, Rest&&... rest)
+    {
+        op(std::forward<Rest>(rest)...);
+    }
+// Base non_const_wrapper struct. It is used to distinguish non_const testcases
+// from a regular one. For non_const testcases only compilation is checked.
+struct non_const_wrapper
+// Generic wrapper to specify iterator type to execute callable Op on.
+// The condition can be either positive(Op is executed only with IteratorTag)
+// or negative(Op is executed with every type of iterators except IteratorTag)
+template <typename Op, typename IteratorTag, bool IsPositiveCondition = true>
+struct non_const_wrapper_tagged : non_const_wrapper
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator>
+    typename std::enable_if<IsPositiveCondition == is_same_iterator_category<Iterator, IteratorTag>::value, void>::type
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator iter)
+    {
+        Op()(exec, iter);
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
+    typename std::enable_if<IsPositiveCondition == is_same_iterator_category<OutputIterator, IteratorTag>::value,
+                            void>::type
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, InputIterator input_iter, OutputIterator out_iter)
+    {
+        Op()(exec, input_iter, out_iter);
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename Iterator>
+    typename std::enable_if<IsPositiveCondition != is_same_iterator_category<Iterator, IteratorTag>::value, void>::type
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Iterator iter)
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
+    typename std::enable_if<IsPositiveCondition != is_same_iterator_category<OutputIterator, IteratorTag>::value,
+                            void>::type
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, InputIterator input_iter, OutputIterator out_iter)
+    {
+    }
+// These run_for_* structures specify with which types of iterators callable object Op
+// should be executed.
+template <typename Op>
+struct run_for_rnd : non_const_wrapper_tagged<Op, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
+template <typename Op>
+struct run_for_rnd_bi : non_const_wrapper_tagged<Op, std::forward_iterator_tag, false>
+template <typename Op>
+struct run_for_rnd_fw : non_const_wrapper_tagged<Op, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, false>
+// Invoker for different types of iterators.
+template <typename IteratorTag, typename IsReverse>
+struct iterator_invoker
+    template <typename Iterator>
+    using make_iterator = MakeIterator<Iterator, IteratorTag, IsReverse>;
+    template <typename Iterator>
+    using IsConst = typename std::is_const<
+        typename std::remove_pointer<typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::pointer>::type>::type;
+    template <typename Iterator>
+    using invoke_if = invoke_if_<IsReverse, IsConst<Iterator>>;
+    // A single iterator version which is used for non_const testcases
+    template <typename Policy, typename Op, typename Iterator>
+    typename std::enable_if<is_same_iterator_category<Iterator, std::random_access_iterator_tag>::value &&
+                                std::is_base_of<non_const_wrapper, Op>::value,
+                            void>::type
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Op op, Iterator iter)
+    {
+        op(std::forward<Policy>(exec), make_iterator<Iterator>()(iter));
+    }
+    // A version with 2 iterators which is used for non_const testcases
+    template <typename Policy, typename Op, typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
+    typename std::enable_if<is_same_iterator_category<OutputIterator, std::random_access_iterator_tag>::value &&
+                                std::is_base_of<non_const_wrapper, Op>::value,
+                            void>::type
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Op op, InputIterator input_iter, OutputIterator out_iter)
+    {
+        op(std::forward<Policy>(exec), make_iterator<InputIterator>()(input_iter),
+           make_iterator<OutputIterator>()(out_iter));
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename Op, typename Iterator, typename Size, typename... Rest>
+    typename std::enable_if<is_same_iterator_category<Iterator, std::random_access_iterator_tag>::value, void>::type
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Op op, Iterator begin, Size n, Rest&&... rest)
+    {
+        invoke_if<Iterator>()(n <= sizeLimit, op, exec, make_iterator<Iterator>()(begin), n,
+                              std::forward<Rest>(rest)...);
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename Op, typename Iterator, typename... Rest>
+    typename std::enable_if<is_same_iterator_category<Iterator, std::random_access_iterator_tag>::value &&
+                                !std::is_base_of<non_const_wrapper, Op>::value,
+                            void>::type
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Op op, Iterator inputBegin, Iterator inputEnd, Rest&&... rest)
+    {
+        invoke_if<Iterator>()(std::distance(inputBegin, inputEnd) <= sizeLimit, op, exec,
+                              make_iterator<Iterator>()(inputBegin), make_iterator<Iterator>()(inputEnd),
+                              std::forward<Rest>(rest)...);
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename Op, typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename... Rest>
+    typename std::enable_if<is_same_iterator_category<OutputIterator, std::random_access_iterator_tag>::value,
+                            void>::type
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Op op, InputIterator inputBegin, InputIterator inputEnd, OutputIterator outputBegin,
+               Rest&&... rest)
+    {
+        invoke_if<InputIterator>()(std::distance(inputBegin, inputEnd) <= sizeLimit, op, exec,
+                                   make_iterator<InputIterator>()(inputBegin), make_iterator<InputIterator>()(inputEnd),
+                                   make_iterator<OutputIterator>()(outputBegin), std::forward<Rest>(rest)...);
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename Op, typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename... Rest>
+    typename std::enable_if<is_same_iterator_category<OutputIterator, std::random_access_iterator_tag>::value,
+                            void>::type
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Op op, InputIterator inputBegin, InputIterator inputEnd, OutputIterator outputBegin,
+               OutputIterator outputEnd, Rest&&... rest)
+    {
+        invoke_if<InputIterator>()(std::distance(inputBegin, inputEnd) <= sizeLimit, op, exec,
+                                   make_iterator<InputIterator>()(inputBegin), make_iterator<InputIterator>()(inputEnd),
+                                   make_iterator<OutputIterator>()(outputBegin),
+                                   make_iterator<OutputIterator>()(outputEnd), std::forward<Rest>(rest)...);
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename Op, typename InputIterator1, typename InputIterator2, typename OutputIterator,
+              typename... Rest>
+    typename std::enable_if<is_same_iterator_category<OutputIterator, std::random_access_iterator_tag>::value,
+                            void>::type
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Op op, InputIterator1 inputBegin1, InputIterator1 inputEnd1, InputIterator2 inputBegin2,
+               InputIterator2 inputEnd2, OutputIterator outputBegin, OutputIterator outputEnd, Rest&&... rest)
+    {
+        invoke_if<InputIterator1>()(
+            std::distance(inputBegin1, inputEnd1) <= sizeLimit, op, exec, make_iterator<InputIterator1>()(inputBegin1),
+            make_iterator<InputIterator1>()(inputEnd1), make_iterator<InputIterator2>()(inputBegin2),
+            make_iterator<InputIterator2>()(inputEnd2), make_iterator<OutputIterator>()(outputBegin),
+            make_iterator<OutputIterator>()(outputEnd), std::forward<Rest>(rest)...);
+    }
+// Invoker for reverse iterators only
+// Note: if we run with reverse iterators we shouldn't test the large range
+template <typename IteratorTag>
+struct iterator_invoker<IteratorTag, /* IsReverse = */ std::true_type>
+    template <typename Iterator>
+    using make_iterator = MakeIterator<Iterator, IteratorTag, std::true_type>;
+    // A single iterator version which is used for non_const testcases
+    template <typename Policy, typename Op, typename Iterator>
+    typename std::enable_if<is_same_iterator_category<Iterator, std::random_access_iterator_tag>::value &&
+                                std::is_base_of<non_const_wrapper, Op>::value,
+                            void>::type
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Op op, Iterator iter)
+    {
+        op(std::forward<Policy>(exec), make_iterator<Iterator>()(iter));
+    }
+    // A version with 2 iterators which is used for non_const testcases
+    template <typename Policy, typename Op, typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
+    typename std::enable_if<is_same_iterator_category<OutputIterator, std::random_access_iterator_tag>::value &&
+                                std::is_base_of<non_const_wrapper, Op>::value,
+                            void>::type
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Op op, InputIterator input_iter, OutputIterator out_iter)
+    {
+        op(std::forward<Policy>(exec), make_iterator<InputIterator>()(input_iter),
+           make_iterator<OutputIterator>()(out_iter));
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename Op, typename Iterator, typename Size, typename... Rest>
+    typename std::enable_if<is_same_iterator_category<Iterator, std::random_access_iterator_tag>::value, void>::type
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Op op, Iterator begin, Size n, Rest&&... rest)
+    {
+        if (n <= sizeLimit)
+            op(exec, make_iterator<Iterator>()(begin + n), n, std::forward<Rest>(rest)...);
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename Op, typename Iterator, typename... Rest>
+    typename std::enable_if<is_same_iterator_category<Iterator, std::random_access_iterator_tag>::value &&
+                                !std::is_base_of<non_const_wrapper, Op>::value,
+                            void>::type
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Op op, Iterator inputBegin, Iterator inputEnd, Rest&&... rest)
+    {
+        if (std::distance(inputBegin, inputEnd) <= sizeLimit)
+            op(exec, make_iterator<Iterator>()(inputEnd), make_iterator<Iterator>()(inputBegin),
+               std::forward<Rest>(rest)...);
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename Op, typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename... Rest>
+    typename std::enable_if<is_same_iterator_category<OutputIterator, std::random_access_iterator_tag>::value,
+                            void>::type
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Op op, InputIterator inputBegin, InputIterator inputEnd, OutputIterator outputBegin,
+               Rest&&... rest)
+    {
+        if (std::distance(inputBegin, inputEnd) <= sizeLimit)
+            op(exec, make_iterator<InputIterator>()(inputEnd), make_iterator<InputIterator>()(inputBegin),
+               make_iterator<OutputIterator>()(outputBegin + (inputEnd - inputBegin)), std::forward<Rest>(rest)...);
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename Op, typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename... Rest>
+    typename std::enable_if<is_same_iterator_category<OutputIterator, std::random_access_iterator_tag>::value,
+                            void>::type
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Op op, InputIterator inputBegin, InputIterator inputEnd, OutputIterator outputBegin,
+               OutputIterator outputEnd, Rest&&... rest)
+    {
+        if (std::distance(inputBegin, inputEnd) <= sizeLimit)
+            op(exec, make_iterator<InputIterator>()(inputEnd), make_iterator<InputIterator>()(inputBegin),
+               make_iterator<OutputIterator>()(outputEnd), make_iterator<OutputIterator>()(outputBegin),
+               std::forward<Rest>(rest)...);
+    }
+    template <typename Policy, typename Op, typename InputIterator1, typename InputIterator2, typename OutputIterator,
+              typename... Rest>
+    typename std::enable_if<is_same_iterator_category<OutputIterator, std::random_access_iterator_tag>::value,
+                            void>::type
+    operator()(Policy&& exec, Op op, InputIterator1 inputBegin1, InputIterator1 inputEnd1, InputIterator2 inputBegin2,
+               InputIterator2 inputEnd2, OutputIterator outputBegin, OutputIterator outputEnd, Rest&&... rest)
+    {
+        if (std::distance(inputBegin1, inputEnd1) <= sizeLimit)
+            op(exec, make_iterator<InputIterator1>()(inputEnd1), make_iterator<InputIterator1>()(inputBegin1),
+               make_iterator<InputIterator2>()(inputEnd2), make_iterator<InputIterator2>()(inputBegin2),
+               make_iterator<OutputIterator>()(outputEnd), make_iterator<OutputIterator>()(outputBegin),
+               std::forward<Rest>(rest)...);
+    }
+// We can't create reverse iterator from forward iterator
+template <>
+struct iterator_invoker<std::forward_iterator_tag, /*isReverse=*/std::true_type>
+    template <typename... Rest>
+    void
+    operator()(Rest&&... rest)
+    {
+    }
+template <typename IsReverse>
+struct reverse_invoker
+    template <typename... Rest>
+    void
+    operator()(Rest&&... rest)
+    {
+        // Random-access iterator
+        iterator_invoker<std::random_access_iterator_tag, IsReverse>()(std::forward<Rest>(rest)...);
+        // Forward iterator
+        iterator_invoker<std::forward_iterator_tag, IsReverse>()(std::forward<Rest>(rest)...);
+        // Bidirectional iterator
+        iterator_invoker<std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, IsReverse>()(std::forward<Rest>(rest)...);
+    }
+struct invoke_on_all_iterator_types
+    template <typename... Rest>
+    void
+    operator()(Rest&&... rest)
+    {
+        reverse_invoker</* IsReverse = */ std::false_type>()(std::forward<Rest>(rest)...);
+        reverse_invoker</* IsReverse = */ std::true_type>()(std::forward<Rest>(rest)...);
+    }
+// Invoke op(policy,rest...) for each possible policy.
+template <typename Op, typename... T>
+invoke_on_all_policies(Op op, T&&... rest)
+    using namespace __pstl::execution;
+    // Try static execution policies
+    invoke_on_all_iterator_types()(seq, op, std::forward<T>(rest)...);
+    invoke_on_all_iterator_types()(unseq, op, std::forward<T>(rest)...);
+    invoke_on_all_iterator_types()(par, op, std::forward<T>(rest)...);
+    invoke_on_all_iterator_types()(par_unseq, op, std::forward<T>(rest)...);
+template <typename F>
+struct NonConstAdapter
+    F my_f;
+    NonConstAdapter(const F& f) : my_f(f) {}
+    template <typename... Types>
+    auto
+    operator()(Types&&... args) -> decltype(std::declval<F>().
+                                            operator()(std::forward<Types>(args)...))
+    {
+        return my_f(std::forward<Types>(args)...);
+    }
+template <typename F>
+non_const(const F& f)
+    return NonConstAdapter<F>(f);
+// Wrapper for types. It's need for counting of constructing and destructing objects
+template <typename T>
+class Wrapper
+  public:
+    Wrapper()
+    {
+        my_field = std::shared_ptr<T>(new T());
+        ++my_count;
+    }
+    Wrapper(const T& input)
+    {
+        my_field = std::shared_ptr<T>(new T(input));
+        ++my_count;
+    }
+    Wrapper(const Wrapper& input)
+    {
+        my_field = input.my_field;
+        ++my_count;
+    }
+    Wrapper(Wrapper&& input)
+    {
+        my_field = input.my_field;
+        input.my_field = nullptr;
+        ++move_count;
+    }
+    Wrapper&
+    operator=(const Wrapper& input)
+    {
+        my_field = input.my_field;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    Wrapper&
+    operator=(Wrapper&& input)
+    {
+        my_field = input.my_field;
+        input.my_field = nullptr;
+        ++move_count;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    bool
+    operator==(const Wrapper& input) const
+    {
+        return my_field == input.my_field;
+    }
+    bool
+    operator<(const Wrapper& input) const
+    {
+        return *my_field < *input.my_field;
+    }
+    bool
+    operator>(const Wrapper& input) const
+    {
+        return *my_field > *input.my_field;
+    }
+    friend std::ostream&
+    operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const Wrapper& input)
+    {
+        return stream << *(input.my_field);
+    }
+    ~Wrapper()
+    {
+        --my_count;
+        if (move_count > 0)
+        {
+            --move_count;
+        }
+    }
+    T*
+    get_my_field() const
+    {
+        return my_field.get();
+    };
+    static size_t
+    Count()
+    {
+        return my_count;
+    }
+    static size_t
+    MoveCount()
+    {
+        return move_count;
+    }
+    static void
+    SetCount(const size_t& n)
+    {
+        my_count = n;
+    }
+    static void
+    SetMoveCount(const size_t& n)
+    {
+        move_count = n;
+    }
+  private:
+    static std::atomic<size_t> my_count;
+    static std::atomic<size_t> move_count;
+    std::shared_ptr<T> my_field;
+template <typename T>
+std::atomic<size_t> Wrapper<T>::my_count = {0};
+template <typename T>
+std::atomic<size_t> Wrapper<T>::move_count = {0};
+template <typename InputIterator, typename T, typename BinaryOperation, typename UnaryOperation>
+transform_reduce_serial(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, T init, BinaryOperation binary_op,
+                        UnaryOperation unary_op) noexcept
+    for (; first != last; ++first)
+    {
+        init = binary_op(init, unary_op(*first));
+    }
+    return init;
+static const char*
+    return "done";
+    return "passed";
+// test_algo_basic_* functions are used to execute
+// f on a very basic sequence of elements of type T.
+// Should be used with unary predicate
+template <typename T, typename F>
+static void
+test_algo_basic_single(F&& f)
+    size_t N = 10;
+    Sequence<T> in(N, [](size_t v) -> T { return T(v); });
+    invoke_on_all_policies(f, in.begin());
+// Should be used with binary predicate
+template <typename T, typename F>
+static void
+test_algo_basic_double(F&& f)
+    size_t N = 10;
+    Sequence<T> in(N, [](size_t v) -> T { return T(v); });
+    Sequence<T> out(N, [](size_t v) -> T { return T(v); });
+    invoke_on_all_policies(f, in.begin(), out.begin());
+template <typename Policy, typename F>
+static void
+invoke_if(Policy&& p, F f)
+    __pstl::internal::invoke_if_not(__pstl::internal::allow_unsequenced<Policy>(), f);
+    f();
+} /* namespace TestUtils */

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