[Libclc-dev] [PATCH 2/3] Introduce CLC_VERSION macros

Jeroen Ketema j.ketema at imperial.ac.uk
Mon Jun 23 09:20:58 PDT 2014

>> +#define CLC_VERSION_1_0 100
>> +#define CLC_VERSION_1_1 110
>> +#if __OPENCL_VERSION__ >= 120
>> +#define CLC_VERSION_1_2 120
>> +#endif
> I think all these defines should be wrapped in __OPENCL_VERSION__ == 1XX,
> because even when we support 1.2, we still want to be able to use the library with
> a 1.1 implementation.

I don’t quite understand what you’re saying. In OpenCL 1.1 both the first two macro’s exist. In OpenCL 1.2 all three exist.


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