[Libclc-dev] [PATCH] Fixes for building with Ninja and with Python3

Daniel Liew daniel.liew at imperial.ac.uk
Mon Jan 27 09:38:29 PST 2014

> Perhaps Peter can take a look.  I know nothing about ninja.

Most of the issues related to the aliases used by the r600 target. I
believe you are mostly responsible for these so maybe it would be
better if you tested it, I don't know if the build system is producing
the right thing (it looked like it was). One of the patches adds
documentation on how to use ninja but it is incredibly
straightforward, you simply do this...

$ ./configure.py -g ninja  <other options>
$ ninja
$ ninja install

If the above works and so does the makefile build surely it's good
enough to commit? It's certainly better than the ninja build not
working at all.


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