[libc-commits] [libc] [libc] Alternative algorithm for decimal FP printf (PR #123643)

Simon Tatham via libc-commits libc-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Jan 22 09:03:34 PST 2025

https://github.com/statham-arm updated https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/123643

>From 835b7b54cd29e5989297c83ee10875abf7c8caa3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Simon Tatham <simon.tatham at arm.com>
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2025 12:14:39 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] [libc] Alternative algorithm for decimal FP printf
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
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The existing options for bin→dec float conversion are all based on the
Ryū algorithm, which generates 9 output digits at a time using a table
lookup. For users who can't afford the space cost of the table, the
table-lookup subroutine is replaced with one that computes the needed
table entry on demand, but the algorithm is otherwise unmodified.

The performance problem with computing table entries on demand is that
now you need to calculate a power of 10 for each 9 digits you output.
But if you're calculating a custom power of 10 anyway, it's easier to
just compute one, and multiply the _whole_ mantissa by it.

This patch adds a header file alongside `float_dec_converter.h`, which
replaces the whole Ryū system instead of just the table-lookup
routine, implementing this alternative simpler algorithm. The result
is accurate enough to satisfy (minimally) the accuracy demands of IEEE
754-2019 even in 128-bit long double. The new float128 test cases
demonstrate this by testing the cases closest to the 39-digit rounding

In my tests of generating 39 output digits (the maximum number
supported by this algorithm) this code is also both faster and smaller
than the USE_DYADIC_FLOAT version of the existing Ryū code.
 libc/config/config.json                       |   4 +
 libc/docs/configure.rst                       |   1 +
 libc/src/__support/CPP/algorithm.h            |   2 +
 libc/src/__support/FPUtil/dyadic_float.h      | 179 ++++++
 libc/src/__support/big_int.h                  |  18 +-
 libc/src/__support/sign.h                     |   2 +
 libc/src/stdio/printf_core/CMakeLists.txt     |   3 +
 libc/src/stdio/printf_core/converter_atlas.h  |   4 +
 .../printf_core/float_dec_converter_limited.h | 593 ++++++++++++++++++
 libc/test/src/stdio/CMakeLists.txt            |   3 +-
 libc/test/src/stdio/sprintf_test.cpp          | 107 ++++
 libc/test/src/stdlib/CMakeLists.txt           |   3 +-
 12 files changed, 911 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 libc/src/stdio/printf_core/float_dec_converter_limited.h

diff --git a/libc/config/config.json b/libc/config/config.json
index 9a5d5c3c68da60..c38d4242292185 100644
--- a/libc/config/config.json
+++ b/libc/config/config.json
@@ -30,6 +30,10 @@
       "value": false,
       "doc": "Use the same mode for double and long double in printf."
+      "value": false,
+      "doc": "Use an alternative printf float implementation based on 320-bit floats"
+    },
       "value": false,
       "doc": "Disable printing fixed point values in printf and friends."
diff --git a/libc/docs/configure.rst b/libc/docs/configure.rst
index 3db750b1aed214..940a07754c4582 100644
--- a/libc/docs/configure.rst
+++ b/libc/docs/configure.rst
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ to learn about the defaults for your platform and target.
     - ``LIBC_CONF_PRINTF_DISABLE_WRITE_INT``: Disable handling of %n in printf format string.
     - ``LIBC_CONF_PRINTF_FLOAT_TO_STR_NO_SPECIALIZE_LD``: Use the same mode for double and long double in printf.
     - ``LIBC_CONF_PRINTF_FLOAT_TO_STR_USE_DYADIC_FLOAT``: Use dyadic float for faster and smaller but less accurate printf doubles.
+    - ``LIBC_CONF_PRINTF_FLOAT_TO_STR_USE_FLOAT320``: Use an alternative printf float implementation based on 320-bit floats
     - ``LIBC_CONF_PRINTF_FLOAT_TO_STR_USE_MEGA_LONG_DOUBLE_TABLE``: Use large table for better printf long double performance.
 * **"pthread" options**
     - ``LIBC_CONF_RAW_MUTEX_DEFAULT_SPIN_COUNT``: Default number of spins before blocking if a mutex is in contention (default to 100).
diff --git a/libc/src/__support/CPP/algorithm.h b/libc/src/__support/CPP/algorithm.h
index f5dc9067409eb6..7704b3fa81f0c1 100644
--- a/libc/src/__support/CPP/algorithm.h
+++ b/libc/src/__support/CPP/algorithm.h
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ template <class T> LIBC_INLINE constexpr const T &min(const T &a, const T &b) {
   return (a < b) ? a : b;
+template <class T> LIBC_INLINE constexpr T abs(T a) { return a < 0 ? -a : a; }
 template <class InputIt, class UnaryPred>
 LIBC_INLINE constexpr InputIt find_if_not(InputIt first, InputIt last,
                                           UnaryPred q) {
diff --git a/libc/src/__support/FPUtil/dyadic_float.h b/libc/src/__support/FPUtil/dyadic_float.h
index 289fd01680547d..e4397d63e34b29 100644
--- a/libc/src/__support/FPUtil/dyadic_float.h
+++ b/libc/src/__support/FPUtil/dyadic_float.h
@@ -26,6 +26,40 @@
 namespace fputil {
+// Decide whether to round up a UInt at a given bit position, based on
+// the current rounding mode. The assumption is that the caller is
+// going to make the integer `value >> rshift`, and then might need to
+// round it up by 1 depending on the value of the bits shifted off the
+// bottom.
+// `logical_sign` causes the behavior of FE_DOWNWARD and FE_UPWARD to
+// be reversed, which is what you'd want if this is the mantissa of a
+// negative floating-point number.
+template <size_t Bits>
+LIBC_INLINE constexpr bool
+need_to_round_up(const LIBC_NAMESPACE::UInt<Bits> &value, size_t rshift,
+                 Sign logical_sign) {
+  switch (quick_get_round()) {
+    if (rshift > 0 && rshift <= Bits && value.get_bit(rshift - 1)) {
+      // We round up, unless the value is an exact halfway case and
+      // the bit that will end up in the units place is 0, in which
+      // case tie-break-to-even says round down.
+      return value.get_bit(rshift) != 0 || (value << (Bits - rshift + 1)) != 0;
+    } else {
+      return false;
+    }
+    return false;
+  case FE_DOWNWARD:
+    return logical_sign.is_neg() && (value << (Bits - rshift)) != 0;
+  case FE_UPWARD:
+    return logical_sign.is_pos() && (value << (Bits - rshift)) != 0;
+  default:
+    __builtin_unreachable();
+  }
 // A generic class to perform computations of high precision floating points.
 // We store the value in dyadic format, including 3 fields:
 //   sign    : boolean value - false means positive, true means negative
@@ -101,6 +135,27 @@ template <size_t Bits> struct DyadicFloat {
     return exponent + (Bits - 1);
+  // Produce a correctly rounded DyadicFloat from a too-large mantissa,
+  // by shifting it down and rounding if necessary.
+  template <size_t MantissaBits>
+  LIBC_INLINE constexpr static DyadicFloat<Bits>
+  round(Sign result_sign, int result_exponent,
+        const LIBC_NAMESPACE::UInt<MantissaBits> &input_mantissa,
+        size_t rshift) {
+    MantissaType result_mantissa(input_mantissa >> rshift);
+    if (need_to_round_up(input_mantissa, rshift, result_sign)) {
+      ++result_mantissa;
+      if (result_mantissa == 0) {
+        // Rounding up made the mantissa integer wrap round to 0,
+        // carrying a bit off the top. So we've rounded up to the next
+        // exponent.
+        result_mantissa.set_bit(Bits - 1);
+        ++result_exponent;
+      }
+    }
+    return DyadicFloat(result_sign, result_exponent, result_mantissa);
+  }
   template <typename T, bool ShouldSignalExceptions>
   LIBC_INLINE constexpr cpp::enable_if_t<
@@ -374,6 +429,34 @@ template <size_t Bits> struct DyadicFloat {
     return new_mant;
+  LIBC_INLINE constexpr MantissaType
+  as_mantissa_type_rounded(bool *overflowed = nullptr) const {
+    if (mantissa.is_zero())
+      return 0;
+    MantissaType new_mant = mantissa;
+    if (exponent > 0) {
+      new_mant <<= exponent;
+      if (overflowed)
+        *overflowed = (new_mant >> exponent) != mantissa;
+    } else if (exponent < 0) {
+      size_t shift = -exponent;
+      new_mant >>= shift;
+      if (need_to_round_up(mantissa, shift, sign))
+        ++new_mant;
+    }
+    if (sign.is_neg()) {
+      new_mant = (~new_mant) + 1;
+    }
+    return new_mant;
+  }
+  LIBC_INLINE constexpr DyadicFloat operator-() const {
+    return DyadicFloat(sign.negate(), exponent, mantissa);
+  }
 // Quick add - Add 2 dyadic floats with rounding toward 0 and then normalize the
@@ -433,6 +516,12 @@ LIBC_INLINE constexpr DyadicFloat<Bits> quick_add(DyadicFloat<Bits> a,
   return result.normalize();
+template <size_t Bits>
+LIBC_INLINE constexpr DyadicFloat<Bits> quick_sub(DyadicFloat<Bits> a,
+                                                  DyadicFloat<Bits> b) {
+  return quick_add(a, -b);
 // Quick Mul - Slightly less accurate but efficient multiplication of 2 dyadic
 // floats with rounding toward 0 and then normalize the output:
 //   result.exponent = a.exponent + b.exponent + Bits,
@@ -464,6 +553,96 @@ LIBC_INLINE constexpr DyadicFloat<Bits> quick_mul(const DyadicFloat<Bits> &a,
   return result;
+// Correctly rounded multiplication of 2 dyadic floats, assuming the
+// exponent remains within range.
+template <size_t Bits>
+LIBC_INLINE constexpr DyadicFloat<Bits>
+rounded_mul(const DyadicFloat<Bits> &a, const DyadicFloat<Bits> &b) {
+  using DblMant = LIBC_NAMESPACE::UInt<(2 * Bits)>;
+  Sign result_sign = (a.sign != b.sign) ? Sign::NEG : Sign::POS;
+  int result_exponent = a.exponent + b.exponent + static_cast<int>(Bits);
+  auto product = DblMant(a.mantissa) * DblMant(b.mantissa);
+  // As in quick_mul(), renormalize by 1 bit manually rather than countl_zero
+  if (product.get_bit(2 * Bits - 1) == 0) {
+    product <<= 1;
+    result_exponent -= 1;
+  }
+  return DyadicFloat<Bits>::round(result_sign, result_exponent, product, Bits);
+// Approximate reciprocal - given a nonzero a, make a good approximation to 1/a.
+// The method is Newton-Raphson iteration, based on quick_mul.
+template <size_t Bits, typename = cpp::enable_if_t<(Bits >= 32)>>
+LIBC_INLINE constexpr DyadicFloat<Bits>
+approx_reciprocal(const DyadicFloat<Bits> &a) {
+  // Given an approximation x to 1/a, a better one is x' = x(2-ax).
+  //
+  // You can derive this by using the Newton-Raphson formula with the function
+  // f(x) = 1/x - a. But another way to see that it works is to say: suppose
+  // that ax = 1-e for some small error e. Then ax' = ax(2-ax) = (1-e)(1+e) =
+  // 1-e^2. So the error in x' is the square of the error in x, i.e. the number
+  // of correct bits in x' is double the number in x.
+  // An initial approximation to the reciprocal
+  DyadicFloat<Bits> x(Sign::POS, -32 - a.exponent - Bits,
+                      uint64_t(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) /
+                          static_cast<uint64_t>(a.mantissa >> (Bits - 32)));
+  // The constant 2, which we'll need in every iteration
+  DyadicFloat<Bits> two(Sign::POS, 1, 1);
+  // We expect at least 31 correct bits from our 32-bit starting approximation
+  size_t ok_bits = 31;
+  // The number of good bits doubles in each iteration, except that rounding
+  // errors introduce a little extra each time. Subtract a bit from our
+  // accuracy assessment to account for that.
+  while (ok_bits < Bits) {
+    x = quick_mul(x, quick_sub(two, quick_mul(a, x)));
+    ok_bits = 2 * ok_bits - 1;
+  }
+  return x;
+// Correctly rounded division of 2 dyadic floats, assuming the
+// exponent remains within range.
+template <size_t Bits>
+LIBC_INLINE constexpr DyadicFloat<Bits>
+rounded_div(const DyadicFloat<Bits> &af, const DyadicFloat<Bits> &bf) {
+  using DblMant = LIBC_NAMESPACE::UInt<(Bits * 2 + 64)>;
+  // Make an approximation to the quotient as a * (1/b). Both the
+  // multiplication and the reciprocal are a bit sloppy, which doesn't
+  // matter, because we're going to correct for that below.
+  auto qf = fputil::quick_mul(af, fputil::approx_reciprocal(bf));
+  // Switch to BigInt and stop using quick_add and quick_mul: now
+  // we're working in exact integers so as to get the true remainder.
+  DblMant a = af.mantissa, b = bf.mantissa, q = qf.mantissa;
+  q <<= 2; // leave room for a round bit, even if exponent decreases
+  a <<= af.exponent - bf.exponent - qf.exponent + 2;
+  DblMant qb = q * b;
+  if (qb < a) {
+    DblMant too_small = a - b;
+    while (qb <= too_small) {
+      qb += b;
+      ++q;
+    }
+  } else {
+    while (qb > a) {
+      qb -= b;
+      --q;
+    }
+  }
+  DyadicFloat<(Bits * 2)> qbig(qf.sign, qf.exponent - 2, q);
+  auto qfinal = DyadicFloat<Bits>::round(qbig.sign, qbig.exponent + Bits,
+                                         qbig.mantissa, Bits);
+  return qfinal;
 // Simple polynomial approximation.
 template <size_t Bits>
 LIBC_INLINE constexpr DyadicFloat<Bits>
diff --git a/libc/src/__support/big_int.h b/libc/src/__support/big_int.h
index a95ab4ff8e1abf..7cf5462f567aaa 100644
--- a/libc/src/__support/big_int.h
+++ b/libc/src/__support/big_int.h
@@ -936,6 +936,18 @@ struct BigInt {
   // Return the i-th word of the number.
   LIBC_INLINE constexpr WordType &operator[](size_t i) { return val[i]; }
+  // Return the i-th bit of the number.
+  LIBC_INLINE constexpr bool get_bit(size_t i) const {
+    const size_t word_index = i / WORD_SIZE;
+    return 1 & (val[word_index] >> (i % WORD_SIZE));
+  }
+  // Set the i-th bit of the number.
+  LIBC_INLINE constexpr void set_bit(size_t i) {
+    const size_t word_index = i / WORD_SIZE;
+    val[word_index] |= WordType(1) << (i % WORD_SIZE);
+  }
   LIBC_INLINE friend constexpr int cmp(const BigInt &lhs, const BigInt &rhs) {
     constexpr auto compare = [](WordType a, WordType b) {
@@ -989,12 +1001,6 @@ struct BigInt {
   LIBC_INLINE constexpr void clear_msb() {
     val.back() &= mask_trailing_ones<WordType, WORD_SIZE - 1>();
-  LIBC_INLINE constexpr void set_bit(size_t i) {
-    const size_t word_index = i / WORD_SIZE;
-    val[word_index] |= WordType(1) << (i % WORD_SIZE);
-  }
   LIBC_INLINE constexpr static Division divide_unsigned(const BigInt &dividend,
                                                         const BigInt &divider) {
     BigInt remainder = dividend;
diff --git a/libc/src/__support/sign.h b/libc/src/__support/sign.h
index 4a629e44881956..e0de0e0798acb0 100644
--- a/libc/src/__support/sign.h
+++ b/libc/src/__support/sign.h
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ struct Sign {
   static const Sign POS;
   static const Sign NEG;
+  LIBC_INLINE constexpr Sign negate() const { return Sign(!is_negative); }
   LIBC_INLINE constexpr explicit Sign(bool is_negative)
       : is_negative(is_negative) {}
diff --git a/libc/src/stdio/printf_core/CMakeLists.txt b/libc/src/stdio/printf_core/CMakeLists.txt
index 9eaffe2f7ed621..ea58067c7070a6 100644
--- a/libc/src/stdio/printf_core/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/libc/src/stdio/printf_core/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ endif()
   list(APPEND printf_config_copts "-DLIBC_COPT_FLOAT_TO_STR_NO_SPECIALIZE_LD")
+  list(APPEND printf_config_copts "-DLIBC_COPT_FLOAT_TO_STR_USE_FLOAT320")
   list(APPEND printf_config_copts "-DLIBC_COPT_PRINTF_DISABLE_FIXED_POINT")
diff --git a/libc/src/stdio/printf_core/converter_atlas.h b/libc/src/stdio/printf_core/converter_atlas.h
index 18cfe1e717cbea..dfb91b30e80f82 100644
--- a/libc/src/stdio/printf_core/converter_atlas.h
+++ b/libc/src/stdio/printf_core/converter_atlas.h
@@ -26,7 +26,11 @@
 // defines convert_float_decimal
 // defines convert_float_dec_exp
 // defines convert_float_dec_auto
+#include "src/stdio/printf_core/float_dec_converter_limited.h"
 #include "src/stdio/printf_core/float_dec_converter.h"
 // defines convert_float_hex_exp
 #include "src/stdio/printf_core/float_hex_converter.h"
diff --git a/libc/src/stdio/printf_core/float_dec_converter_limited.h b/libc/src/stdio/printf_core/float_dec_converter_limited.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..d3e5ab13cc9490
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libc/src/stdio/printf_core/float_dec_converter_limited.h
@@ -0,0 +1,593 @@
+//===-- Decimal Float Converter for printf (320-bit float) ------*- C++ -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file implements an alternative to the Ryū printf algorithm in
+// float_dec_converter.h. Instead of generating output digits 9 at a time on
+// demand, in this implementation, a float is converted to decimal by computing
+// just one power of 10 and multiplying/dividing the entire input by it,
+// generating the whole string of decimal output digits in one go.
+// This avoids the large constant lookup table of Ryū, making it more suitable
+// for low-memory embedded contexts; but it's also faster than the fallback
+// version of Ryū which computes table entries on demand using DyadicFloat,
+// because those must calculate a potentially large power of 10 per 9-digit
+// output block, whereas this computes just one, which does the whole job.
+// (OK, not quite. It computes one power of 10 per _attempt_. It must start by
+// guessing the decimal exponent of the output, and if it guesses too high or
+// too low then it adjusts the guess and tries again from scratch.)
+// The calculation is done in 320-bit DyadicFloat, which provides enough
+// precision to generate 39 correct digits of output from any floating-point
+// size up to and including 128-bit long double, because the rounding errors in
+// computing the largest necessary power of 10 are still smaller than the
+// distance (in the 320-bit float format) between adjacent 39-decimal-digit
+// outputs.
+// No further digits beyond the 39th are generated: if the printf format string
+// asks for more precision than that, the answer is padded with 0s. This is a
+// permitted option in IEEE 754-2019 (section 5.12.2): you're allowed to define
+// a limit H on the number of decimal digits you can generate, and pad with 0s
+// if asked for more than that, subject to the constraint that H must be
+// consistent across all float formats you support (you can't use a smaller H
+// for single precision than double or long double), and must be large enough
+// that even in the largest supported precision the only numbers misrounded are
+// ones extremely close to a rounding boundary. 39 digits is the smallest
+// permitted value for an implementation supporting binary128.
+#include "src/__support/CPP/algorithm.h"
+#include "src/__support/CPP/string.h"
+#include "src/__support/CPP/string_view.h"
+#include "src/__support/FPUtil/FPBits.h"
+#include "src/__support/FPUtil/dyadic_float.h"
+#include "src/__support/FPUtil/rounding_mode.h"
+#include "src/__support/integer_to_string.h"
+#include "src/__support/macros/config.h"
+#include "src/stdio/printf_core/core_structs.h"
+#include "src/stdio/printf_core/float_inf_nan_converter.h"
+#include "src/stdio/printf_core/writer.h"
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <string.h>
+namespace printf_core {
+enum class ConversionType { E, F, G };
+using StorageType = fputil::FPBits<long double>::StorageType;
+constexpr unsigned MAX_DIGITS = 39;
+constexpr size_t DF_BITS = 320;
+constexpr char DECIMAL_POINT = '.';
+struct DigitsInput {
+  // Input mantissa, stored with the explicit leading 1 bit (if any) at the
+  // top. So either it has a value in the range [2^127,2^128) representing a
+  // real number in [1,2), or it has the value 0, representing 0.
+  UInt128 mantissa;
+  // Input exponent, as a power of 2 to multiply into mantissa.
+  int exponent;
+  // Input sign.
+  Sign sign;
+  // Constructor which accepts a mantissa direct from a floating-point format,
+  // and shifts it up to the top of the UInt128 so that a function consuming
+  // this struct afterwards doesn't have to remember which format it came from.
+  DigitsInput(int32_t fraction_len, StorageType mantissa_, int exponent_,
+              Sign sign)
+      : mantissa(UInt128(mantissa_) << (127 - fraction_len)),
+        exponent(exponent_), sign(sign) {
+    if (!(mantissa & (UInt128(1) << 127)) && mantissa != 0) {
+      // Normalize a denormalized input.
+      int shift = cpp::countl_zero(mantissa);
+      mantissa <<= shift;
+      exponent -= shift;
+    }
+  }
+struct DigitsOutput {
+  // Output from decimal_digits().
+  //
+  // `digits` is a buffer containing nothing but ASCII digits. Even if the
+  // decimal point needs to appear somewhere in the final output string, it
+  // isn't represented in _this_ string; the client of this object will insert
+  // it in an appropriate place. `ndigits` gives the buffer size.
+  //
+  // `exponent` represents the exponent you would display if the decimal point
+  // comes after the first digit of decimal_digits, e.g. if digits == "1234"
+  // and exponent = 3 then this represents 1.234e3, or just the integer 1234.
+  size_t ndigits;
+  int exponent;
+  char digits[MAX_DIGITS + 1];
+// Calculate the actual digits of a decimal representation of an FP number.
+// If `e_mode` is true, then `precision` indicates the desired number of output
+// decimal digits. On return, `decimal_digits` will be a string of length
+// exactly `precision` starting with a nonzero digit; `decimal_exponent` will
+// be filled in to indicate the exponent as shown above.
+// If `e_mode` is false, then `precision` indicates the desired number of
+// digits after the decimal point. On return, the last digit in the string
+// `decimal_digits` has a place value of _at least_ 10^-precision. But also, at
+// most `MAX_DIGITS` digits are returned, so the caller may need to pad it at
+// the end with the appropriate number of extra 0s.
+DigitsOutput decimal_digits(DigitsInput input, int precision, bool e_mode) {
+  if (input.mantissa == 0) {
+    // Special-case zero, by manually generating the right number of zero
+    // digits and setting an appropriate exponent.
+    DigitsOutput output;
+    if (!e_mode) {
+      // In F mode, it's enough to return an empty string of digits. That's the
+      // same thing we do when given a nonzero number that rounds down to 0.
+      output.ndigits = 0;
+      output.exponent = -precision - 1;
+    } else {
+      // In E mode, generate a string containing the expected number of 0s.
+      memset(output.digits, '0', precision);
+      output.ndigits = precision;
+      output.exponent = 0;
+    }
+    return output;
+  }
+  // Estimate log10 of the input value, by multiplying its binary exponent by
+  // 19728/65536, which is a good approximation to log10(2).
+  //
+  // If this turns out to be wrong, we'll find out when we get the wrong number
+  // of digits from the conversion in the loop below, and we can adjust the
+  // value and try again.
+  int log10_input = ((input.exponent - 1) * 19728) >> 16;
+  // Make a DyadicFloat containing the value 10, to use as the base for
+  // exponentation inside the following loop, potentially more than once if we
+  // need to iterate.
+  fputil::DyadicFloat<DF_BITS> ten(Sign::POS, 1, 5);
+  while (true) {
+    // Compute the exponent of the lowest-order digit we want as output. In F
+    // mode this depends only on the desired precision. In E mode it's based on
+    // log10_input, which is (an estimate of) the exponent corresponding to the
+    // _high_-order decimal digit of the number.
+    int log10_low_digit = e_mode ? log10_input + 1 - precision : -precision;
+    // Calculate an integer whose decimal representation is precisely the
+    // string of output digits, by doing a DyadicFloat computation of
+    // (input_mantissa / 10^(log10_low_digit)) and then rounding that to an
+    // integer.
+    //
+    // If log10_low_digit < 0 then we calculate 10^(-log10_low_digit) and
+    // multiply by it instead, so that the exponent is non-negative in all
+    // cases. This ensures that the power of 10 is always mathematically
+    // speaking an integer, so that it can be represented exactly in binary
+    // (without a recurring fraction), and when it's small enough to fit in
+    // DF_BITS, fputil::pow_n should return the exact answer, and then
+    // fputil::rounded_{div,mul} will introduce only the unavoidable rounding
+    // error of up to 1/2 ULP.
+    //
+    // Beyond that point, pow_n will be imprecise. But DF_BITS is set high
+    // enough that even for the most difficult cases in 128-bit long double,
+    // the extra precision in the calculation is enough to ensure we still get
+    // the right answer.
+    //
+    // If the output integer doesn't fit in DF_BITS, we set the `overflow`
+    // flag.
+    UInt<DF_BITS> integer;
+    bool overflow;
+    {
+      // Calculate the power of 10 to divide or multiply by.
+      fputil::DyadicFloat<DF_BITS> power_of_10 =
+          fputil::pow_n(ten, cpp::abs(log10_low_digit));
+      // Convert the mantissa into a DyadicFloat, making sure it has the right
+      // sign, so that directed rounding will go in the right direction, if
+      // enabled.
+      fputil::DyadicFloat<DF_BITS> flt_mantissa(
+          input.sign, input.exponent - 127, input.mantissa);
+      // Divide or multiply, depending on whether log10_low_digit was positive
+      // or negative.
+      fputil::DyadicFloat<DF_BITS> flt_quotient =
+          log10_low_digit > 0 ? fputil::rounded_div(flt_mantissa, power_of_10)
+                              : fputil::rounded_mul(flt_mantissa, power_of_10);
+      // Convert to an integer.
+      integer = flt_quotient.as_mantissa_type_rounded(&overflow);
+      // And take the absolute value.
+      if (flt_quotient.sign.is_neg())
+        integer = -integer;
+    }
+    // If the conversion to an integer overflowed, then we certainly can't use
+    // it.
+    if (overflow) {
+      if (e_mode) {
+        // In E mode, just try again with the exponent one higher.
+        log10_input++;
+      } else {
+        // In F mode, if the number would generate too many digits to fit, then
+        // reset to E mode, so that we generate the most significant digits of
+        // the number, and rely on our caller to append zeroes at the end.
+        precision = MAX_DIGITS;
+        e_mode = true;
+      }
+      continue;
+    }
+    // Convert the mantissa integer into a string of decimal digits, and check
+    // to see if it's the right size.
+    const IntegerToString<decltype(integer), radix::Dec> buf{integer};
+    cpp::string_view view = buf.view();
+    if (e_mode) {
+      // In E mode, we expect exactly the right number of output digits, so we
+      // must increment or decrement the exponent if we had too many or too
+      // few.
+      if (view.size() > size_t(precision)) { /* too big */
+        log10_input++;
+        continue;
+      } else if (view.size() < size_t(precision)) { /* too small */
+        log10_input--;
+        continue;
+      }
+      // Otherwise, return the digit string, with the exponent of its first
+      // digit that we already calculated.
+      DigitsOutput output;
+      output.ndigits = view.size();
+      memcpy(output.digits, view.data(), output.ndigits);
+      output.exponent = log10_input;
+      return output;
+    } else {
+      // In F mode, we don't mind how many digits we get as long as it isn't
+      // beyond the limit MAX_DIGITS. But if it is, we flip into E mode as
+      // above.
+      if (view.size() > MAX_DIGITS) {
+        precision = MAX_DIGITS;
+        e_mode = true;
+        continue;
+      }
+      // Otherwise, return the digit string. In this case we calculated it
+      // based on the desired exponent of its _last_ digit, so we must recover
+      // the exponent of the first digit by adding view.size().
+      DigitsOutput output;
+      output.ndigits = view.size();
+      memcpy(output.digits, view.data(), output.ndigits);
+      output.exponent = int(view.size()) - precision - 1;
+      return output;
+    }
+  }
+LIBC_INLINE int convert_float_inner(Writer *writer,
+                                    const FormatSection &to_conv,
+                                    int32_t fraction_len, int exponent,
+                                    StorageType mantissa, Sign sign,
+                                    ConversionType ctype) {
+  // If to_conv doesn't specify a precision, the precision defaults to 6.
+  unsigned precision = to_conv.precision < 0 ? 6 : to_conv.precision;
+  // Decide if we're displaying a sign character, depending on the format flags
+  // and whether the input is negative.
+  char sign_char = 0;
+  if (sign.is_neg())
+    sign_char = '-';
+  else if ((to_conv.flags & FormatFlags::FORCE_SIGN) == FormatFlags::FORCE_SIGN)
+    sign_char = '+'; // FORCE_SIGN has precedence over SPACE_PREFIX
+  else if ((to_conv.flags & FormatFlags::SPACE_PREFIX) ==
+           FormatFlags::SPACE_PREFIX)
+    sign_char = ' ';
+  // Prepare the input to decimal_digits().
+  DigitsInput input(fraction_len, mantissa, exponent, sign);
+  // Call decimal_digits() in a different way, based on whether the format
+  // character is 'e', 'f', or 'g'. After this loop we expect to have filled
+  // in the following variables:
+  // The decimal digits, and the exponent of the topmost one.
+  DigitsOutput output;
+  // The start and end of the digit string we're displaying, as indices into
+  // `output.digits`. The indices may be out of bounds in either direction, in
+  // which case digits beyond the bounds of the buffer should be displayed as
+  // zeroes.
+  //
+  // As usual, the index 'start' is included, and 'limit' is not.
+  int start, limit;
+  // The index of the digit that we display a decimal point immediately after.
+  // Again, represented as an index in `output.digits`, and may be out of
+  // bounds.
+  int pointpos;
+  // Whether we need to display an "e+NNN" exponent suffix at all.
+  bool show_exponent;
+  switch (ctype) {
+  case ConversionType::E:
+    // In E mode, we display one digit more than the specified precision
+    // (`%.6e` means six digits _after_ the decimal point, like 1.123456e+00).
+    //
+    // Also, bound the number of digits we request at MAX_DIGITS.
+    output = decimal_digits(input, cpp::min(precision + 1, MAX_DIGITS), true);
+    // We display digits from the start of the buffer, and always output
+    // `precision+1` of them (which will append zeroes if the user requested
+    // more than MAX_DIGITS).
+    start = 0;
+    limit = precision + 1;
+    // The decimal point is always after the first digit of the buffer.
+    pointpos = start;
+    // The exponent is always displayed explicitly.
+    show_exponent = true;
+    break;
+  case ConversionType::F:
+    // In F mode, we provide decimal_digits() with the unmodified input
+    // precision, and let it give us as many digits as we can.
+    output = decimal_digits(input, precision, false);
+    // Initialize (start, limit) to display everything from the first nonzero
+    // digit (necessarily at the start of the output buffer) to the digit at
+    // the correct distance after the decimal point.
+    start = 0;
+    limit = 1 + output.exponent + precision;
+    // But we must display at least one digit _before_ the decimal point, i.e.
+    // at least precision+1 digits in total. So if we're not already doing
+    // that, we must correct those values.
+    if (limit <= int(precision))
+      start -= precision + 1 - limit;
+    // The decimal point appears precisely 'precision' digits before the end of
+    // the digits we output.
+    pointpos = limit - 1 - precision;
+    // The exponent is never displayed.
+    show_exponent = false;
+    break;
+  case ConversionType::G:
+    // In G mode, the precision says exactly how many significant digits you
+    // want. (In that respect it's subtly unlike E mode: %.6g means six digits
+    // _including_ the one before the point, whereas %.6e means six digits
+    // _excluding_ that one.)
+    //
+    // Also, a precision of 0 is treated the same as 1.
+    precision = cpp::max(precision, 1u);
+    output = decimal_digits(input, cpp::min(precision, MAX_DIGITS), true);
+    // As in E mode, we default to displaying precisely the digits in the
+    // output buffer.
+    start = 0;
+    limit = precision;
+    // If we're not in ALTERNATE_FORM mode, trailing zeroes on the mantissa are
+    // removed (although not to the extent of leaving no digits at all - if the
+    // entire output mantissa is all 0 then we keep a single zero digit).
+    if (!(to_conv.flags & FormatFlags::ALTERNATE_FORM)) {
+      // Start by removing trailing zeroes that were outside the buffer
+      // entirely.
+      limit = cpp::min(limit, int(output.ndigits));
+      // Then check the digits in the buffer and remove as many as possible.
+      while (limit > 1 && output.digits[limit - 1] == '0')
+        limit--;
+    }
+    // Decide whether to display in %e style with an explicit exponent, or %f
+    // style with the decimal point after the units place.
+    //
+    // %e mode is used to avoid an excessive number of leading zeroes after the
+    // decimal point but before the first nonzero digit (specifically, 0.0001
+    // is fine as it is, but 0.00001 prints as 1e-5), and also to avoid adding
+    // trailing zeroes if the last digit in the buffer is still higher than the
+    // units place.
+    //
+    // output.exponent is an int whereas precision is unsigned, so we must
+    // check output.exponent >= 0 before comparing it against precision to
+    // prevent a negative exponent from wrapping round to a large unsigned int.
+    if ((output.exponent >= 0 && output.exponent >= int(precision)) ||
+        output.exponent < -4) {
+      // Display in %e style, so the point goes after the first digit and the
+      // exponent is shown.
+      pointpos = start;
+      show_exponent = true;
+    } else {
+      // Display in %f style, so the point goes at its true mathematical
+      // location and the exponent is not shown.
+      pointpos = output.exponent;
+      show_exponent = false;
+      if (output.exponent < 0) {
+        // If the first digit is below the decimal point, add leading zeroes.
+        // (This _decreases_ start, because output.exponent is negative here.)
+        start += output.exponent;
+      } else if (limit <= output.exponent) {
+        // If the last digit is above the decimal point, add trailing zeroes.
+        // (This may involve putting back some zeroes that we trimmed in the
+        // loop above!)
+        limit = output.exponent + 1;
+      }
+    }
+    break;
+  }
+  // Find out for sure whether we're displaying the decimal point, so that we
+  // can include it in the calculation of the total string length for padding.
+  //
+  // We never expect pointpos to be _before_ the start of the displayed range
+  // of digits. (If it had been, we'd have added leading zeroes.) But it might
+  // be beyond the end.
+  //
+  // We don't display the point if it appears immediately after the _last_
+  // digit we display, except in ALTERNATE_FORM mode.
+  int last_point_digit =
+      (to_conv.flags & FormatFlags::ALTERNATE_FORM) ? limit - 1 : limit - 2;
+  bool show_point = pointpos <= last_point_digit;
+  // Format the exponent suffix (e+NN, e-NN) into a buffer, or leave the buffer
+  // empty if we're not displaying one.
+  char expbuf[16]; // more than enough space for e+NNNN
+  size_t explen = 0;
+  if (show_exponent) {
+    const IntegerToString<decltype(output.exponent),
+                          radix::Dec::WithWidth<2>::WithSign>
+        expcvt{output.exponent};
+    cpp::string_view expview = expcvt.view();
+    expbuf[0] = (to_conv.conv_name & 32) | 'E';
+    explen = expview.size() + 1;
+    memcpy(expbuf + 1, expview.data(), expview.size());
+  }
+  // Now we know enough to work out the length of the unpadded output:
+  //  * whether to write a sign
+  //  * how many mantissa digits to write
+  //  * whether to write a decimal point
+  //  * the length of the trailing exponent string.
+  size_t unpadded_len =
+      (sign_char != 0) + (limit - start) + show_point + explen;
+  // Work out how much padding is needed.
+  size_t min_width = to_conv.min_width > 0 ? to_conv.min_width : 0;
+  size_t padding_amount = cpp::max(min_width, unpadded_len) - unpadded_len;
+  // Work out what the padding looks like and where it appears.
+  enum class Padding {
+    LeadingSpace,  // spaces at the start of the string
+    Zero,          // zeroes between sign and mantissa
+    TrailingSpace, // spaces at the end of the string
+  } padding = Padding::LeadingSpace;
+  // The '-' flag for left-justification takes priority over the '0' flag
+  if (to_conv.flags & FormatFlags::LEFT_JUSTIFIED)
+    padding = Padding::TrailingSpace;
+  else if (to_conv.flags & FormatFlags::LEADING_ZEROES)
+    padding = Padding::Zero;
+  // Finally, write all the output!
+  // Leading-space padding, if any
+  if (padding == Padding::LeadingSpace)
+    RET_IF_RESULT_NEGATIVE(writer->write(' ', padding_amount));
+  // Sign, if any
+  if (sign_char)
+    RET_IF_RESULT_NEGATIVE(writer->write(sign_char, 1));
+  // Zero padding, if any
+  if (padding == Padding::Zero)
+    RET_IF_RESULT_NEGATIVE(writer->write('0', padding_amount));
+  // Mantissa digits, maybe with a decimal point
+  for (int pos = start; pos < limit; ++pos) {
+    if (pos >= 0 && pos < int(output.ndigits)) {
+      // Fetch a digit from the buffer
+      RET_IF_RESULT_NEGATIVE(writer->write(output.digits[pos], 1));
+    } else {
+      // This digit is outside the buffer, so write a zero
+      RET_IF_RESULT_NEGATIVE(writer->write('0', 1));
+    }
+    // Show the decimal point, if this is the digit it comes after
+    if (show_point && pos == pointpos)
+      RET_IF_RESULT_NEGATIVE(writer->write(DECIMAL_POINT, 1));
+  }
+  // Exponent
+  RET_IF_RESULT_NEGATIVE(writer->write(cpp::string_view(expbuf, explen)));
+  // Trailing-space padding, if any
+  if (padding == Padding::TrailingSpace)
+    RET_IF_RESULT_NEGATIVE(writer->write(' ', padding_amount));
+  return WRITE_OK;
+template <typename T, cpp::enable_if_t<cpp::is_floating_point_v<T>, int> = 0>
+convert_float_typed(Writer *writer, const FormatSection &to_conv,
+                    fputil::FPBits<T> float_bits, ConversionType ctype) {
+  return convert_float_inner(writer, to_conv, float_bits.FRACTION_LEN,
+                             float_bits.get_explicit_exponent(),
+                             float_bits.get_explicit_mantissa(),
+                             float_bits.sign(), ctype);
+LIBC_INLINE int convert_float_outer(Writer *writer,
+                                    const FormatSection &to_conv,
+                                    ConversionType ctype) {
+  if (to_conv.length_modifier == LengthModifier::L) {
+    fputil::FPBits<long double>::StorageType float_raw = to_conv.conv_val_raw;
+    fputil::FPBits<long double> float_bits(float_raw);
+    if (!float_bits.is_inf_or_nan()) {
+      return convert_float_typed<long double>(writer, to_conv, float_bits,
+                                              ctype);
+    }
+  } else {
+    fputil::FPBits<double>::StorageType float_raw =
+        static_cast<fputil::FPBits<double>::StorageType>(to_conv.conv_val_raw);
+    fputil::FPBits<double> float_bits(float_raw);
+    if (!float_bits.is_inf_or_nan()) {
+      return convert_float_typed<double>(writer, to_conv, float_bits, ctype);
+    }
+  }
+  return convert_inf_nan(writer, to_conv);
+template <typename T, cpp::enable_if_t<cpp::is_floating_point_v<T>, int> = 0>
+LIBC_INLINE int convert_float_decimal_typed(Writer *writer,
+                                            const FormatSection &to_conv,
+                                            fputil::FPBits<T> float_bits) {
+  return convert_float_typed<T>(writer, to_conv, float_bits, ConversionType::F);
+template <typename T, cpp::enable_if_t<cpp::is_floating_point_v<T>, int> = 0>
+LIBC_INLINE int convert_float_dec_exp_typed(Writer *writer,
+                                            const FormatSection &to_conv,
+                                            fputil::FPBits<T> float_bits) {
+  return convert_float_typed<T>(writer, to_conv, float_bits, ConversionType::E);
+template <typename T, cpp::enable_if_t<cpp::is_floating_point_v<T>, int> = 0>
+LIBC_INLINE int convert_float_dec_auto_typed(Writer *writer,
+                                             const FormatSection &to_conv,
+                                             fputil::FPBits<T> float_bits) {
+  return convert_float_typed<T>(writer, to_conv, float_bits, ConversionType::G);
+LIBC_INLINE int convert_float_decimal(Writer *writer,
+                                      const FormatSection &to_conv) {
+  return convert_float_outer(writer, to_conv, ConversionType::F);
+LIBC_INLINE int convert_float_dec_exp(Writer *writer,
+                                      const FormatSection &to_conv) {
+  return convert_float_outer(writer, to_conv, ConversionType::E);
+LIBC_INLINE int convert_float_dec_auto(Writer *writer,
+                                       const FormatSection &to_conv) {
+  return convert_float_outer(writer, to_conv, ConversionType::G);
+} // namespace printf_core
+} // namespace LIBC_NAMESPACE_DECL
diff --git a/libc/test/src/stdio/CMakeLists.txt b/libc/test/src/stdio/CMakeLists.txt
index e17f8d8c101a96..01904a30504ed0 100644
--- a/libc/test/src/stdio/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/libc/test/src/stdio/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -116,7 +116,8 @@ add_libc_test(
   list(APPEND sprintf_test_copts "-DLIBC_COPT_PRINTF_DISABLE_FLOAT")
diff --git a/libc/test/src/stdio/sprintf_test.cpp b/libc/test/src/stdio/sprintf_test.cpp
index e8303ff3416b2f..f6af6ad3e364b1 100644
--- a/libc/test/src/stdio/sprintf_test.cpp
+++ b/libc/test/src/stdio/sprintf_test.cpp
@@ -1861,6 +1861,113 @@ TEST(LlvmLibcSPrintfTest, FloatDecimalLongDoubleConv) {
+  // Some exceptionally difficult cases for 39-digit precision. (That's the
+  // number of digits supported by the float320 algorithm, and should still be
+  // correct under other algorithms. So these are still enabled even under
+  //
+  // These were found by number-theoretic search to be the worst cases in terms
+  // of being extremely close to the rounding boundary between two possible
+  // decimal outputs. For example, the first of these cases has a true value
+  // beginning with
+  //
+  // 2.245786964418815522831613614422112838795000000000000000000
+  //                                          0000000000000000010767969...
+  //
+  // so you need to compute a _long_ way past the 39th digit to find out
+  // whether to round the ...8795 up to 880 or not!
+  //
+  // The first half of these cases all rounded up; the second half all rounded
+  // down. You can see that in both sections the final decimal digit is
+  // sometimes odd and sometimes even, ruling out the possibility that we're
+  // getting these right by mistakenly assuming them to be _exactly_ on the
+  // boundary.
+  written = LIBC_NAMESPACE::sprintf(buff, "%#.39Lg",
+                                    0x1.bde5716bba8d70255b4be10e0a0ap-3388L);
+  ASSERT_STREQ_LEN(written, buff,
+                   "2.24578696441881552283161361442211283880e-1020");
+  written = LIBC_NAMESPACE::sprintf(buff, "%#.39Lg",
+                                    0x1.64b78defc8712684490980d80808p-3391L);
+  ASSERT_STREQ_LEN(written, buff,
+                   "2.24578696441881552283161361442211283880e-1021");
+  written = LIBC_NAMESPACE::sprintf(buff, "%#.39Lg",
+                                    0x1.c0eed9d1ea4b6f215accb15cb42cp-4714L);
+  ASSERT_STREQ_LEN(written, buff,
+                   "1.54362575487963943466308346767014523161e-1419");
+  written = LIBC_NAMESPACE::sprintf(buff, "%#.39Lg",
+                                    0x1.a393eaafc3dbabfcd30442cef525p-12600L);
+  ASSERT_STREQ_LEN(written, buff,
+                   "1.72435694193924008931441874634575361189e-3793");
+  written = LIBC_NAMESPACE::sprintf(buff, "%#.39Lg",
+                                    0x1.b7a5248baf85133c9b7bf3241f75p+11050L);
+  ASSERT_STREQ_LEN(written, buff,
+                   "4.13346579244549095104252956440178208514e+3326");
+  written = LIBC_NAMESPACE::sprintf(buff, "%#.39Lg",
+                                    0x1.81bf6d977f99ff7bd9debdd52815p+1359L);
+  ASSERT_STREQ_LEN(written, buff,
+                   "1.89595297593127274811683259716608232064e+409");
+  written = LIBC_NAMESPACE::sprintf(buff, "%#.39Lg",
+                                    0x1.fcb9cfd65f068b758d30ba19a494p-4451L);
+  ASSERT_STREQ_LEN(written, buff,
+                   "2.59258570015527007681686041122929728653e-1340");
+  written = LIBC_NAMESPACE::sprintf(buff, "%#.39Lg",
+                                    0x1.7d8b5be0c744e89829e48b933b6fp-4448L);
+  ASSERT_STREQ_LEN(written, buff,
+                   "1.55555142009316204609011624673757837192e-1339");
+  written = LIBC_NAMESPACE::sprintf(buff, "%#.39Lg",
+                                    0x1.dbb1f01aef7b93c37ca00217888cp-12205L);
+  ASSERT_STREQ_LEN(written, buff,
+                   "1.57758077908296078543773740016012372216e-3674");
+  written = LIBC_NAMESPACE::sprintf(buff, "%#.39Lg",
+                                    0x1.fb037d72fdf1a8aa8bdfc2586fe3p+2580L);
+  ASSERT_STREQ_LEN(written, buff,
+                   "8.99846610004600287527755301065037553046e+776");
+  written = LIBC_NAMESPACE::sprintf(buff, "%#.39Lg",
+                                    0x1.9af8fe5febf751a795292e30335dp+2052L);
+  ASSERT_STREQ_LEN(written, buff,
+                   "8.30087814106622071390265113980150545241e+617");
+  written = LIBC_NAMESPACE::sprintf(buff, "%#.39Lg",
+                                    0x1.48c731e6565f748610edbe8cf5e4p+2049L);
+  ASSERT_STREQ_LEN(written, buff,
+                   "8.30087814106622071390265113980150545241e+616");
+  written = LIBC_NAMESPACE::sprintf(buff, "%#.39Lg",
+                                    0x1.8e78bc76e98998b7bbf6c8f80f2ap-5671L);
+  ASSERT_STREQ_LEN(written, buff,
+                   "1.12473970318904704063044350553302771341e-1707");
+  written = LIBC_NAMESPACE::sprintf(buff, "%#.39Lg",
+                                    0x1.59a832c16a7797aec70196ddf9dbp-16181L);
+  ASSERT_STREQ_LEN(written, buff,
+                   "1.45896738321434823250358135932839533040e-4871");
+  written = LIBC_NAMESPACE::sprintf(buff, "%#.39Lg",
+                                    0x1.14868f0121f946256c01457e617cp-16184L);
+  ASSERT_STREQ_LEN(written, buff,
+                   "1.45896738321434823250358135932839533040e-4872");
+  written = LIBC_NAMESPACE::sprintf(buff, "%#.39Lg",
+                                    0x1.0ca8c4b525b1128506cdc668df43p+11017L);
+  ASSERT_STREQ_LEN(written, buff,
+                   "2.94051951004764266903705588743096762647e+3316");
+  written = LIBC_NAMESPACE::sprintf(buff, "%#.39Lg",
+                                    0x1.fcd40bb49b18aa19d66a3c5572dep+5547L);
+  ASSERT_STREQ_LEN(written, buff,
+                   "1.29335350323078956384272678475060580129e+1670");
+  written = LIBC_NAMESPACE::sprintf(buff, "%#.39Lg",
+                                    0x1.0e5e51510a653e744d6b84efed86p-13613L);
+  ASSERT_STREQ_LEN(written, buff,
+                   "1.26585813611514592337442314391432904094e-4098");
+  written = LIBC_NAMESPACE::sprintf(buff, "%#.39Lg",
+                                    0x1.ff41f8aa97e676e95b1a6a7751fap+16366L);
+  ASSERT_STREQ_LEN(written, buff,
+                   "9.06377119787295161934827646572467920486e+4926");
+  written = LIBC_NAMESPACE::sprintf(buff, "%#.39Lg",
+                                    0x1.4770bf66ccafd7d80ac9bb3dded7p-1843L);
+  ASSERT_STREQ_LEN(written, buff,
+                   "2.03521509642091239545213340619368190283e-555");
 TEST(LlvmLibcSPrintfTest, FloatExponentConv) {
diff --git a/libc/test/src/stdlib/CMakeLists.txt b/libc/test/src/stdlib/CMakeLists.txt
index 8cc0428632ba39..c407ea700363c2 100644
--- a/libc/test/src/stdlib/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/libc/test/src/stdlib/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -168,7 +168,8 @@ add_libc_test(

>From 797da34b3ebecdc137a5150f671a8ff575fb68bd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Simon Tatham <simon.tatham at arm.com>
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 16:59:21 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] fixup! [libc] Alternative algorithm for decimal FP printf

 .../printf_core/float_dec_converter_limited.h | 20 ++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libc/src/stdio/printf_core/float_dec_converter_limited.h b/libc/src/stdio/printf_core/float_dec_converter_limited.h
index d3e5ab13cc9490..8e8a30a4bf9957 100644
--- a/libc/src/stdio/printf_core/float_dec_converter_limited.h
+++ b/libc/src/stdio/printf_core/float_dec_converter_limited.h
@@ -57,10 +57,6 @@
 #include "src/stdio/printf_core/float_inf_nan_converter.h"
 #include "src/stdio/printf_core/writer.h"
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <string.h>
 namespace printf_core {
@@ -140,7 +136,7 @@ DigitsOutput decimal_digits(DigitsInput input, int precision, bool e_mode) {
       output.exponent = -precision - 1;
     } else {
       // In E mode, generate a string containing the expected number of 0s.
-      memset(output.digits, '0', precision);
+      __builtin_memset(output.digits, '0', precision);
       output.ndigits = precision;
       output.exponent = 0;
@@ -252,7 +248,7 @@ DigitsOutput decimal_digits(DigitsInput input, int precision, bool e_mode) {
       // digit that we already calculated.
       DigitsOutput output;
       output.ndigits = view.size();
-      memcpy(output.digits, view.data(), output.ndigits);
+      __builtin_memcpy(output.digits, view.data(), output.ndigits);
       output.exponent = log10_input;
       return output;
     } else {
@@ -270,7 +266,7 @@ DigitsOutput decimal_digits(DigitsInput input, int precision, bool e_mode) {
       // the exponent of the first digit by adding view.size().
       DigitsOutput output;
       output.ndigits = view.size();
-      memcpy(output.digits, view.data(), output.ndigits);
+      __builtin_memcpy(output.digits, view.data(), output.ndigits);
       output.exponent = int(view.size()) - precision - 1;
       return output;
@@ -453,7 +449,7 @@ LIBC_INLINE int convert_float_inner(Writer *writer,
     cpp::string_view expview = expcvt.view();
     expbuf[0] = (to_conv.conv_name & 32) | 'E';
     explen = expview.size() + 1;
-    memcpy(expbuf + 1, expview.data(), expview.size());
+    __builtin_memcpy(expbuf + 1, expview.data(), expview.size());
   // Now we know enough to work out the length of the unpadded output:
@@ -488,7 +484,7 @@ LIBC_INLINE int convert_float_inner(Writer *writer,
   // Sign, if any
   if (sign_char)
-    RET_IF_RESULT_NEGATIVE(writer->write(sign_char, 1));
+    RET_IF_RESULT_NEGATIVE(writer->write(sign_char));
   // Zero padding, if any
   if (padding == Padding::Zero)
@@ -498,15 +494,15 @@ LIBC_INLINE int convert_float_inner(Writer *writer,
   for (int pos = start; pos < limit; ++pos) {
     if (pos >= 0 && pos < int(output.ndigits)) {
       // Fetch a digit from the buffer
-      RET_IF_RESULT_NEGATIVE(writer->write(output.digits[pos], 1));
+      RET_IF_RESULT_NEGATIVE(writer->write(output.digits[pos]));
     } else {
       // This digit is outside the buffer, so write a zero
-      RET_IF_RESULT_NEGATIVE(writer->write('0', 1));
+      RET_IF_RESULT_NEGATIVE(writer->write('0'));
     // Show the decimal point, if this is the digit it comes after
     if (show_point && pos == pointpos)
-      RET_IF_RESULT_NEGATIVE(writer->write(DECIMAL_POINT, 1));
   // Exponent

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