[libc-commits] [libc] [libc][stdfix] Implement fixed point `countlsfx` functions in llvm-libc (PR #125356)

Joseph Huber via libc-commits libc-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sun Feb 2 11:41:11 PST 2025

@@ -64,6 +65,8 @@ foreach(feature IN LISTS ALL_COMPILER_FEATURES)
   set(link_options "")
   if(${feature} STREQUAL "fixed_point")
     list(APPEND compile_options "-ffixed-point")
+  elseif(${feature} STREQUAL "padding_on_unsigned_fixed_point")
+    list(APPEND compile_options "-ffixed-point -Xclang=-fpadding-on-unsigned-fixed-point")
jhuber6 wrote:

This option confuses me, it's a language option but it's not enabled by anything but this `-cc1` option. Forcing the user to go through `-Xclang` for anything but hacking on the compiler internals is generally bad. My assumption is that this flag should be promoted to a marshalling driver flag. I don't know what the equivalent in GCC would be, nor why this flag is necessary.


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