[libc-commits] [libc] [libc] implement secure random buffer filling with vDSO (PR #109870)

via libc-commits libc-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Oct 4 14:10:36 PDT 2024

@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+//===- Linux implementation of secure random buffer generation --*- C++ -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+#include "src/stdlib/linux/cprng.h"
+#include "src/__support/CPP/atomic.h"
+#include "src/__support/CPP/mutex.h"
+#include "src/__support/CPP/new.h"
+#include "src/__support/OSUtil/linux/syscall.h"
+#include "src/__support/OSUtil/linux/vdso.h"
+#include "src/__support/block.h"
+#include "src/__support/libc_assert.h"
+#include "src/__support/threads/callonce.h"
+#include "src/__support/threads/linux/raw_mutex.h"
+#include "src/sys/auxv/getauxval.h"
+extern "C" int __cxa_thread_atexit_impl(void (*)(void *), void *, void *);
+extern "C" int __cxa_atexit(void (*)(void *), void *, void *);
+extern "C" [[gnu::weak, gnu::visibility("hidden")]] void *__dso_handle =
+    nullptr;
+namespace cprng {
+namespace {
+using namespace vdso;
+// A block of random state together with enough space to hold all its freelist.
+// ┌───────────┬────────────┐
+// │           │            │
+// │           │   Pages    ├──────────────┐
+// │           │            │              ▼
+// │ Prev      ├────────────┤    ┌──────────────────┐
+// │           │            │    │                  │
+// │           │   State0   ├───►│   Opaque Area    │
+// │           │            │    │                  │
+// │           ├────────────┤    ├──────────────────┤
+// ├───────────┤            │    │                  │
+// │           │   State1   ├───►│   Opaque Area    │
+// │           │            │    │                  │
+// │           ├────────────┤    ├──────────────────┤
+// │ Next      │            │    │                  │
+// │           │   State2   ├───►│   Opaque Area    │
+// │           │            │    │                  │
+// │           ├────────────┤    ├──────────────────┤
+// │           │   ......   │    │  ..............  │
+// └───────────┴────────────┘    └──────────────────┘
+// State blocks are doubly linked so that we can iterate bidrectionally as a
+// freelist. We'will use a sentinel to simplify the implementation.
+struct StateBlock {
+  StateBlock *prev;
+  StateBlock *next;
+  void *appendix[0];
+  void *&pages() { return appendix[0]; }
+  void *&freelist(size_t index) { return appendix[index + 1]; }
+// Parameters from Linux UAPI. Available only for 6.11+. We manually provide it
+// to support a mean of compiling libc on old kernels.
+struct vgetrandom_opaque_params {
+  unsigned size_of_opaque_state = 0;
+  unsigned mmap_prot = 0;
+  unsigned mmap_flags = 0;
+  unsigned reserved[13];
+// Global configuration for state allocation.
+// - System Page Size
+// - Number of pages per block (allocation)
+// - Number of states per page
+// - Parameters for state allocation
+// An opaque state cannot go across page boundaries.
+// We use the number of processors available to the current process to estimate
+// the anticipated number of states.
+class GlobalConfig {
+  const size_t page_size = 0;
+  const size_t pages_per_block = 0;
+  const size_t states_per_page = 0;
+  const vgetrandom_opaque_params params = {};
+  static size_t guess_cpu_count() {
+    unsigned char cpuset[128]{};
+    if (syscall_impl<long>(0, sizeof(cpuset), cpuset) <= 0)
+      return 1u;
+    size_t count = 0;
+    for (auto byte : cpuset)
+      count += cpp::popcount(byte);
+    return count > 1u ? count : 1u;
+  }
+  constexpr GlobalConfig(size_t page_size, size_t pages_per_block,
+                         size_t states_per_page,
+                         vgetrandom_opaque_params params)
+      : page_size(page_size), pages_per_block(pages_per_block),
+        states_per_page(states_per_page), params(params) {}
+  static cpp::optional<GlobalConfig> get() {
+    size_t page_size = 0;
+    size_t states_per_page = 0;
+    size_t pages_per_block = 0;
+    vgetrandom_opaque_params params = {};
+    // check symbol availability
+    TypedSymbol<VDSOSym::GetRandom> vgetrandom;
+    if (!vgetrandom)
+      return cpp::nullopt;
+    // get valid page size
+    long page_size_res = getauxval(AT_PAGESZ);
+    if (page_size_res <= 0)
+      return cpp::nullopt;
+    page_size = static_cast<size_t>(page_size_res);
+    // get parameters for state allocation
+    if (vgetrandom(nullptr, 0, 0, &params, ~0U))
+      return cpp::nullopt;
+    // Compute the number of states per page. On a valid human-constructable
+    // computer as year 2024, the following operations shall not overflow given
+    // the above operations are correctly returned.
+    size_t guessed_bytes = guess_cpu_count() * params.size_of_opaque_state;
+    size_t aligned_bytes = align_up(guessed_bytes, page_size);
+    states_per_page = page_size / params.size_of_opaque_state;
+    pages_per_block = aligned_bytes / page_size;
+    return GlobalConfig(page_size, pages_per_block, states_per_page, params);
+  }
+// A monotonic state pool.
+class MonotonicStatePool {
+  RawMutex mutex;
+  GlobalConfig config;
+  StateBlock sentinel;
+  StateBlock *free_cursor;
+  // invariant: at sentinel, free_count is always locally full such that we
+  // don't need to specially check the condition for sentinel when recycling.
+  size_t free_count;
+  constexpr MonotonicStatePool(GlobalConfig config)
+      : mutex(), config(config), sentinel{&sentinel, &sentinel, {}},
+        free_cursor(&sentinel),
+        free_count(config.pages_per_block * config.states_per_page) {}
+  MonotonicStatePool(const MonotonicStatePool &) = delete;
+  MonotonicStatePool(MonotonicStatePool &&) = delete;
+  bool is_empty() const { return free_cursor == &sentinel; }
+  bool is_locally_full() const {
+    return free_count == config.pages_per_block * config.states_per_page;
+  }
+  size_t state_block_raw_size() const {
+    return sizeof(StateBlock) +
+           (config.states_per_page * config.pages_per_block + 1) *
+               sizeof(void *);
+  }
+  bool allocate_new_block() {
+    LIBC_ASSERT(is_empty());
+    // allocate a new block
+    AllocChecker ac{};
+    size_t raw_size = state_block_raw_size();
+    // NOLINTNEXTLINE(llvmlibc-callee-namespace)
+    auto *block = static_cast<StateBlock *>(operator new(raw_size, ac));
+    if (!ac)
+      return false;
+    // allocate associated pages
+    auto pages = syscall_impl<long>(
+        SYS_mmap, nullptr, config.pages_per_block * config.page_size,
+        config.params.mmap_prot, config.params.mmap_flags, -1, 0);
+    if (pages <= 0) {
+      // NOLINTNEXTLINE(llvmlibc-callee-namespace)
+      ::operator delete(block, raw_size);
+      return false;
+    }
+    // populate the block
+    block->pages() = reinterpret_cast<void *>(pages);
+    size_t state_idx = 0;
+    for (size_t p = 0; p < config.pages_per_block; ++p) {
+      char *page = reinterpret_cast<char *>(pages) + p * config.page_size;
+      for (size_t s = 0; s < config.states_per_page; ++s) {
+        block->freelist(state_idx++) =
+            page + s * config.params.size_of_opaque_state;
+      }
+    }
+    // link the block to the sentinel
+    block->next = sentinel.next;
+    block->prev = &sentinel;
+    block->next->prev = block;
+    block->prev->next = block;
+    // update the cursor
+    free_cursor = block;
+    free_count = state_idx;
+    // release the ownership of allocation
+    return true;
+  }
+  void *get() {
+    cpp::lock_guard guard{this->mutex};
+    // if freelist is empty, allocate a new block
+    if (is_empty() && !allocate_new_block())
+      return nullptr;
+    LIBC_ASSERT(free_count != 0);
+    void *page = free_cursor->freelist(--free_count);
+    // move cursor to the previous block if free_count is exhausted
+    if (free_count == 0) {
+      free_cursor = free_cursor->prev;
+      free_count = config.states_per_page * config.pages_per_block;
+    }
+    return page;
+  }
+  size_t state_size() const { return config.params.size_of_opaque_state; }
+  void recycle(void *state) {
+    cpp::lock_guard guard{this->mutex};
+    if (is_locally_full()) {
+      free_cursor = free_cursor->next;
+      free_count = 0;
+    }
+    free_cursor->freelist(free_count++) = static_cast<char *>(state);
+  }
+  ~MonotonicStatePool() {
+    StateBlock *block = sentinel.next;
+    size_t raw_size = state_block_raw_size();
+    while (block != &sentinel) {
+      [[maybe_unused]]
+      auto res = syscall_impl<long>(SYS_munmap, block->pages(),
+                                    config.pages_per_block * config.page_size);
+      LIBC_ASSERT(res == 0);
+      StateBlock *next = block->next;
+      // NOLINTNEXTLINE(llvmlibc-callee-namespace)
+      ::operator delete(block, raw_size);
+      block = next;
+    }
+  }
+  static MonotonicStatePool *instance();
+alignas(MonotonicStatePool) static char pool[sizeof(MonotonicStatePool)];
+static bool is_valid = false;
+static CallOnceFlag once_flag = callonce_impl::NOT_CALLED;
+MonotonicStatePool *MonotonicStatePool::instance() {
+  callonce(&once_flag, []() {
+    cpp::optional<GlobalConfig> config = GlobalConfig::get();
+    if (!config)
+      return;
+    new (pool) MonotonicStatePool(*config);
+    is_valid = !__cxa_atexit(
+        [](void *) {
+          reinterpret_cast<MonotonicStatePool *>(pool)->~MonotonicStatePool();
+        },
+        nullptr, __dso_handle);
+  });
+  if (!is_valid)
+    return nullptr;
+  return reinterpret_cast<MonotonicStatePool *>(pool);
+// We do not guarantee the correctness of calling the cprng functions in signal
+// frames. However, we do want to make sure that an mistaken (maliciously
+// induced) call to the cprng will never cause a state to be used twice due to
+// reentrancy.
+class ThreadLocalState {
+  void *local_state;
+  bool in_use;
+  size_t remaining_trials;
+  void destroy() {
+    in_use = true;
+    cpp::atomic_signal_fence(cpp::MemoryOrder::SEQ_CST);
+    if (local_state)
+      MonotonicStatePool::instance()->recycle(local_state);
+  }
+  constexpr ThreadLocalState()
+      : local_state(nullptr), in_use(false), remaining_trials(256) {}
+  void *acquire() {
+    if (in_use)
+      return nullptr;
+    in_use = true;
+    cpp::atomic_signal_fence(cpp::MemoryOrder::SEQ_CST);
+    if (local_state)
+      return local_state;
+    MonotonicStatePool *pool = MonotonicStatePool::instance();
+    if (pool && remaining_trials) {
+      remaining_trials--;
+      local_state = pool->get();
+      if (local_state) {
+        if (__cxa_thread_atexit_impl(
+                [](void *opaque) {
+                  auto *state = static_cast<ThreadLocalState *>(opaque);
+                  state->destroy();
+                },
+                this, __dso_handle) != 0) {
+          pool->recycle(local_state);
+          local_state = nullptr;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return local_state;
+  }
+  void release() {
+    in_use = false;
+    cpp::atomic_signal_fence(cpp::MemoryOrder::SEQ_CST);
+  }
+thread_local ThreadLocalState local_state{};
+template <typename G>
+size_t fill_buffer_impl(G generator, char *buffer, size_t length) {
+  size_t filled = 0;
+  while (filled < length) {
+    int n = generator(&buffer[filled], length - filled);
+    if (n < 0) {
+      if (n == -EAGAIN || n == -EINTR)
+        continue;
+      break;
+    }
+    filled += static_cast<size_t>(n);
+  }
+  return filled;
+} // namespace
+size_t fill_buffer(char *buffer, size_t length) {
+  void *state = local_state.acquire();
+  if (state) {
+    // Given state is valid, state_size shall be valid.
+    size_t state_size = MonotonicStatePool::instance()->state_size();
+    auto impl = [state, state_size](char *cursor, size_t len) {
+      TypedSymbol<VDSOSym::GetRandom> vgetrandom;
+      return vgetrandom(cursor, len, 0, state, state_size);
+    };
+    return fill_buffer_impl(impl, buffer, length);
+  } else {
+    auto impl = [](char *cursor, size_t len) {
+      // use syscall to avoid errno handling
+      return syscall_impl<int>(SYS_getrandom, cursor, len, 0);
+    };
+    return fill_buffer_impl(impl, buffer, length);
+  }
+  local_state.release();
graphite-app[bot] wrote:

The `local_state.release()` call is unreachable, potentially leading to resource leaks or incorrect state management. To address this, consider moving the release operation inside the function body, ensuring it's executed after buffer filling but before any return statements. A try-finally block could be used to guarantee the release is always called, regardless of the execution path. Here's a suggested structure:

size_t fill_buffer(char *buffer, size_t length) {
  void *state = local_state.acquire();
  size_t result;
  try {
    // Existing buffer filling logic
    result = /* ... */;
  } finally {
  return result;

This approach ensures proper resource management and maintains the function's intended behavior.

*Spotted by [Graphite Reviewer](https://app.graphite.dev/graphite-reviewer/?org=llvm&ref=ai-review-comment)*<i class='graphite__hidden'><br /><br />Is this helpful? React 👍 or 👎 to let us know.</i>


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