[libc-commits] [libc] [libc] Include empty remove in baremetal stdio.h (PR #85336)

Petr Hosek via libc-commits libc-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Mar 15 10:56:25 PDT 2024

petrhosek wrote:

> I'm curious, does this become a problem for other cases of `_LIBCPP_USING_IF_EXISTS` in libcxx/include/cstdio such as fopen, freopen, rename, tmpfile, or tmpnam? If so, is baremetal going to need stubs for all of the above?

I expect this to be only a temporary workaround until we address #85335.

> Or is this specifically because `man 3 remove` from stdio.h is conflicting with `std::remove` from `<algorithm>` (and the functions listed above do not)?

This is only an issue for `remove` because of the declaration with the same name provided by `<algorithm>`.


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