[libc-commits] [libc] [libc][stdbit][c23] fixes typos in bit_width, bit_floor C type-generic macros (PR #84659)

Nick Desaulniers via libc-commits libc-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Mar 11 09:04:01 PDT 2024

nickdesaulniers wrote:

Thanks for the patch!

So in order to support `_BitInt`, these macros all need to go in the garbage anyway and be replaced with if/else nests using `if sizeof(param) < 8: stdc_foo_uc((char)param); else if sizeof(param) < 16: stdc_foo_us((short)param); ...`.

I'm not sure if gtest can be used to test code in C mode, but these macros all need to get rewritten anyways.


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