[libc-commits] [libc] [libc][stdfix] Add integer square root with fixed point output functions. (PR #83959)

via libc-commits libc-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Mar 8 11:05:38 PST 2024

zeroomega wrote:

> Orthogonally, once this is fixed, if you have guidance on how you configure the build of llvm libc for this target, we could look into adding such a build into postsubmit (even if we don't have that specific device, we can still test building for it, even until we have emulators in place to test with).

For armv6m barebone target runtime setup, we use configurations at https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/blob/2bd369b48dbf0bc3128becb7ef8f8a1b82514b87/clang/cmake/caches/Fuchsia-stage2.cmake#L303 . The runtime was built along side with Clang from source. You might need to change the flags a bit if you want to build the runtime stand alone. @petrhosek knows more about this than me.

Builder https://lab.llvm.org/buildbot/#/builders/98 is already a post submit builder and it should have sent out emails when it fails. Though this builder isn't specifically for barebone runtimes, we just happen to build it along side linux and fuchsia runtimes. Are you looking into adding a presubmit builder for armv6m barebone target?


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