[libc-commits] [libc] [libc][math][c23] Add f16fmaf C23 math function (PR #95483)

via libc-commits libc-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jun 13 16:09:04 PDT 2024

@@ -19,85 +18,115 @@
 namespace mpfr = LIBC_NAMESPACE::testing::mpfr;
-template <typename T>
+template <typename OutType, typename InType = OutType>
 class FmaTestTemplate : public LIBC_NAMESPACE::testing::FEnvSafeTest {
-  using Func = T (*)(T, T, T);
-  using FPBits = LIBC_NAMESPACE::fputil::FPBits<T>;
-  using StorageType = typename FPBits::StorageType;
-  const T min_subnormal = FPBits::min_subnormal(Sign::POS).get_val();
-  const T min_normal = FPBits::min_normal(Sign::POS).get_val();
-  const T max_normal = FPBits::max_normal(Sign::POS).get_val();
-  const T inf = FPBits::inf(Sign::POS).get_val();
-  const T neg_inf = FPBits::inf(Sign::NEG).get_val();
-  const T zero = FPBits::zero(Sign::POS).get_val();
-  const T neg_zero = FPBits::zero(Sign::NEG).get_val();
-  const T nan = FPBits::quiet_nan().get_val();
-  static constexpr StorageType MAX_NORMAL = FPBits::max_normal().uintval();
-  static constexpr StorageType MIN_NORMAL = FPBits::min_normal().uintval();
-  static constexpr StorageType MAX_SUBNORMAL =
-      FPBits::max_subnormal().uintval();
-  static constexpr StorageType MIN_SUBNORMAL =
-      FPBits::min_subnormal().uintval();
-  StorageType get_random_bit_pattern() {
-    StorageType bits{0};
-    for (StorageType i = 0; i < sizeof(StorageType) / 2; ++i) {
+  struct OutConstants {
+  };
+  struct InConstants {
+  };
+  using OutFPBits = typename OutConstants::FPBits;
+  using OutStorageType = typename OutConstants::StorageType;
+  using InFPBits = typename InConstants::FPBits;
+  using InStorageType = typename InConstants::StorageType;
+  static constexpr OutStorageType OUT_MIN_NORMAL_U =
+      OutFPBits::min_normal().uintval();
+  static constexpr InStorageType IN_MAX_NORMAL_U =
+      InFPBits::max_normal().uintval();
+  static constexpr InStorageType IN_MIN_NORMAL_U =
+      InFPBits::min_normal().uintval();
+  static constexpr InStorageType IN_MAX_SUBNORMAL_U =
+      InFPBits::max_subnormal().uintval();
+  static constexpr InStorageType IN_MIN_SUBNORMAL_U =
+      InFPBits::min_subnormal().uintval();
+  OutConstants out;
+  InConstants in;
overmighty wrote:

I can't change the `const` constants defined by `DECLARE_SPECIAL_CONSTANTS` to `static constexpr`, or `fmod*` tests would fail (it might have been `fmodf16` in particular, I only remember seeing FModTest.h in the console output).


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