[libc-commits] [libc] [libc][stdlib] Add freelist class (PR #95041)

via libc-commits libc-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Jun 10 14:26:10 PDT 2024

@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+//===-- Interface for freelist_malloc -------------------------------------===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+#include "src/__support/CPP/array.h"
+#include "src/__support/CPP/cstddef.h"
+#include "src/__support/CPP/span.h"
+#include "src/__support/fixedvector.h"
+namespace LIBC_NAMESPACE {
+using cpp::span;
+/// Basic [freelist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_list) implementation
+/// for an allocator. This implementation buckets by chunk size, with a list
+/// of user-provided buckets. Each bucket is a linked list of storage chunks.
+/// Because this freelist uses the added chunks themselves as list nodes, there
+/// is a lower bound of `sizeof(FreeList.FreeListNode)` bytes for chunks which
+/// can be added to this freelist. There is also an implicit bucket for
+/// "everything else", for chunks which do not fit into a bucket.
+/// Each added chunk will be added to the smallest bucket under which it fits.
+/// If it does not fit into any user-provided bucket, it will be added to the
+/// default bucket.
+/// As an example, assume that the `FreeList` is configured with buckets of
+/// sizes {64, 128, 256, and 512} bytes. The internal state may look like the
+/// following:
+/// @code{.unparsed}
+/// bucket[0] (64B) --> chunk[12B] --> chunk[42B] --> chunk[64B] --> NULL
+/// bucket[1] (128B) --> chunk[65B] --> chunk[72B] --> NULL
+/// bucket[2] (256B) --> NULL
+/// bucket[3] (512B) --> chunk[312B] --> chunk[512B] --> chunk[416B] --> NULL
+/// bucket[4] (implicit) --> chunk[1024B] --> chunk[513B] --> NULL
+/// @endcode
+/// Note that added chunks should be aligned to a 4-byte boundary.
+template <size_t NUM_BUCKETS = 6> class FreeList {
+  // Remove copy/move ctors
+  FreeList(const FreeList &other) = delete;
+  FreeList(FreeList &&other) = delete;
+  FreeList &operator=(const FreeList &other) = delete;
+  FreeList &operator=(FreeList &&other) = delete;
+  /// Adds a chunk to this freelist.
+  bool add_chunk(cpp::span<cpp::byte> chunk);
+  /// Finds an eligible chunk for an allocation of size `size`.
+  ///
+  /// @note This returns the first allocation possible within a given bucket;
+  /// It does not currently optimize for finding the smallest chunk.
+  ///
+  /// @returns
+  /// * On success - A span representing the chunk.
+  /// * On failure (e.g. there were no chunks available for that allocation) -
+  ///   A span with a size of 0.
+  cpp::span<cpp::byte> find_chunk(size_t size) const;
+  /// Removes a chunk from this freelist.
+  bool remove_chunk(cpp::span<cpp::byte> chunk);
+  // For a given size, find which index into chunks_ the node should be written
+  // to.
+  unsigned short find_chunk_ptr_for_size(size_t size, bool non_null) const;
+  struct FreeListNode {
+    FreeListNode *next;
+    size_t size;
+  };
+  explicit FreeList(cpp::array<size_t, NUM_BUCKETS> sizes)
+      : chunks_(NUM_BUCKETS + 1, 0), sizes_(sizes.begin(), sizes.end()) {}
+  FixedVector<FreeList::FreeListNode *, NUM_BUCKETS + 1> chunks_;
+  FixedVector<size_t, NUM_BUCKETS> sizes_;
+template <size_t NUM_BUCKETS>
+bool FreeList<NUM_BUCKETS>::add_chunk(span<cpp::byte> chunk) {
+  // Check that the size is enough to actually store what we need
+  if (chunk.size() < sizeof(FreeListNode))
+    return false;
+  union {
+    FreeListNode *node;
+    cpp::byte *bytes;
+  } aliased;
+  aliased.bytes = chunk.data();
+  unsigned short chunk_ptr = find_chunk_ptr_for_size(chunk.size(), false);
+  // Add it to the correct list.
+  aliased.node->size = chunk.size();
+  aliased.node->next = chunks_[chunk_ptr];
+  chunks_[chunk_ptr] = aliased.node;
+  return true;
+template <size_t NUM_BUCKETS>
+span<cpp::byte> FreeList<NUM_BUCKETS>::find_chunk(size_t size) const {
+  if (size == 0)
+    return span<cpp::byte>();
+  unsigned short chunk_ptr = find_chunk_ptr_for_size(size, true);
+  // Check that there's data. This catches the case where we run off the
+  // end of the array
+  if (chunks_[chunk_ptr] == nullptr)
+    return span<cpp::byte>();
+  // Now iterate up the buckets, walking each list to find a good candidate
+  for (size_t i = chunk_ptr; i < chunks_.size(); i++) {
+    union {
+      FreeListNode *node;
+      cpp::byte *data;
+    } aliased;
+    aliased.node = chunks_[static_cast<unsigned short>(i)];
+    while (aliased.node != nullptr) {
+      if (aliased.node->size >= size)
+        return span<cpp::byte>(aliased.data, aliased.node->size);
+      aliased.node = aliased.node->next;
+    }
+  }
+  // If we get here, we've checked every block in every bucket. There's
+  // nothing that can support this allocation.
+  return span<cpp::byte>();
+template <size_t NUM_BUCKETS>
+bool FreeList<NUM_BUCKETS>::remove_chunk(span<cpp::byte> chunk) {
+  unsigned short chunk_ptr = find_chunk_ptr_for_size(chunk.size(), true);
+  // Walk that list, finding the chunk.
+  union {
+    FreeListNode *node;
+    cpp::byte *data;
+  } aliased, aliased_next;
+  // Check head first.
+  if (chunks_[chunk_ptr] == nullptr)
+    return false;
+  aliased.node = chunks_[chunk_ptr];
+  if (aliased.data == chunk.data()) {
+    chunks_[chunk_ptr] = aliased.node->next;
+    return true;
+  }
+  // No? Walk the nodes.
+  aliased.node = chunks_[chunk_ptr];
+  while (aliased.node->next != nullptr) {
+    aliased_next.node = aliased.node->next;
+    if (aliased_next.data == chunk.data()) {
+      // Found it, remove this node out of the chain
+      aliased.node->next = aliased_next.node->next;
+      return true;
+    }
+    aliased.node = aliased.node->next;
+  }
+  return false;
+template <size_t NUM_BUCKETS>
+unsigned short
+FreeList<NUM_BUCKETS>::find_chunk_ptr_for_size(size_t size,
+                                               bool non_null) const {
+  unsigned short chunk_ptr = 0;
lntue wrote:

`sizes_.size()` is of `size_t`.  Maybe it is safer to change `chunk_ptr` and `find_chunk_ptr_for_size` to return `size_t` instead of `unsigned short`.


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