[libc-commits] [libc] [libc] Allow BigInt class to use base word types other than uint64_t. (PR #81634)

via libc-commits libc-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Feb 13 09:08:11 PST 2024

llvmbot wrote:



Author: None (lntue)


This will allow DyadicFloat class to replace NormalFloat class.


Patch is 54.02 KiB, truncated to 20.00 KiB below, full version: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/81634.diff

4 Files Affected:

- (modified) libc/src/__support/FPUtil/dyadic_float.h (+3-3) 
- (modified) libc/src/__support/UInt.h (+389-344) 
- (modified) libc/src/__support/float_to_string.h (+12-10) 
- (modified) libc/test/src/__support/uint_test.cpp (+16-1) 

diff --git a/libc/src/__support/FPUtil/dyadic_float.h b/libc/src/__support/FPUtil/dyadic_float.h
index 888d7ffec241ea..a8b3ad7a16d3bb 100644
--- a/libc/src/__support/FPUtil/dyadic_float.h
+++ b/libc/src/__support/FPUtil/dyadic_float.h
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ constexpr DyadicFloat<Bits> quick_add(DyadicFloat<Bits> a,
     if (result.mantissa.add(b.mantissa)) {
       // Mantissa addition overflow.
-      result.mantissa.val[DyadicFloat<Bits>::MantissaType::WORDCOUNT - 1] |=
+      result.mantissa.val[DyadicFloat<Bits>::MantissaType::WORD_COUNT - 1] |=
           (uint64_t(1) << 63);
     // Result is already normalized.
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ constexpr DyadicFloat<Bits> quick_add(DyadicFloat<Bits> a,
 //   result.mantissa = quick_mul_hi(a.mantissa + b.mantissa)
 //                   ~ (full product a.mantissa * b.mantissa) >> Bits.
 // The errors compared to the mathematical product is bounded by:
-//   2 * errors of quick_mul_hi = 2 * (UInt<Bits>::WORDCOUNT - 1) in ULPs.
+//   2 * errors of quick_mul_hi = 2 * (UInt<Bits>::WORD_COUNT - 1) in ULPs.
 // Assume inputs are normalized (by constructors or other functions) so that we
 // don't need to normalize the inputs again in this function.  If the inputs are
 // not normalized, the results might lose precision significantly.
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ constexpr DyadicFloat<Bits> quick_mul(DyadicFloat<Bits> a,
     result.mantissa = a.mantissa.quick_mul_hi(b.mantissa);
     // Check the leading bit directly, should be faster than using clz in
     // normalize().
-    if (result.mantissa.val[DyadicFloat<Bits>::MantissaType::WORDCOUNT - 1] >>
+    if (result.mantissa.val[DyadicFloat<Bits>::MantissaType::WORD_COUNT - 1] >>
             63 ==
diff --git a/libc/src/__support/UInt.h b/libc/src/__support/UInt.h
index 7726b6d88f0d21..5a60ea0e6d8135 100644
--- a/libc/src/__support/UInt.h
+++ b/libc/src/__support/UInt.h
@@ -25,35 +25,30 @@
 namespace LIBC_NAMESPACE::cpp {
-template <size_t Bits, bool Signed> struct BigInt {
+template <size_t Bits, bool Signed, typename WordType = uint64_t>
+struct BigInt {
+  static_assert(is_integral_v<WordType> && is_unsigned_v<WordType>,
+                "WordType must be unsigned integer.");
-  // This being hardcoded as 64 is okay because we're using uint64_t as our
-  // internal type which will always be 64 bits.
-  using word_type = uint64_t;
-  LIBC_INLINE_VAR static constexpr size_t WORD_SIZE =
-      sizeof(word_type) * CHAR_BIT;
+  static constexpr size_t WORD_SIZE = sizeof(WordType) * CHAR_BIT;
-  // TODO: Replace references to 64 with WORD_SIZE, and uint64_t with word_type.
-  static_assert(Bits > 0 && Bits % 64 == 0,
-                "Number of bits in BigInt should be a multiple of 64.");
-  LIBC_INLINE_VAR static constexpr size_t WORDCOUNT = Bits / 64;
-  cpp::array<word_type, WORDCOUNT> val{};
+  static_assert(Bits > 0 && Bits % WORD_SIZE == 0,
+                "Number of bits in BigInt should be a multiple of WORD_SIZE.");
-  LIBC_INLINE_VAR static constexpr uint64_t MASK32 = 0xFFFFFFFFu;
-  LIBC_INLINE static constexpr uint64_t low(uint64_t v) { return v & MASK32; }
-  LIBC_INLINE static constexpr uint64_t high(uint64_t v) {
-    return (v >> 32) & MASK32;
-  }
+  LIBC_INLINE_VAR static constexpr size_t WORD_COUNT = Bits / WORD_SIZE;
+  cpp::array<WordType, WORD_COUNT> val{};
   LIBC_INLINE constexpr BigInt() = default;
-  LIBC_INLINE constexpr BigInt(const BigInt<Bits, Signed> &other) = default;
+  LIBC_INLINE constexpr BigInt(const BigInt<Bits, Signed, WordType> &other) =
+      default;
   template <size_t OtherBits, bool OtherSigned>
-  LIBC_INLINE constexpr BigInt(const BigInt<OtherBits, OtherSigned> &other) {
+  LIBC_INLINE constexpr BigInt(
+      const BigInt<OtherBits, OtherSigned, WordType> &other) {
     if (OtherBits >= Bits) {
-      for (size_t i = 0; i < WORDCOUNT; ++i)
+      for (size_t i = 0; i < WORD_COUNT; ++i)
         val[i] = other[i];
     } else {
       size_t i = 0;
@@ -64,49 +59,57 @@ template <size_t Bits, bool Signed> struct BigInt {
         sign = static_cast<uint64_t>(
             -static_cast<int64_t>(other[OtherBits / 64 - 1] >> 63));
-      for (; i < WORDCOUNT; ++i)
+      for (; i < WORD_COUNT; ++i)
         val[i] = sign;
   // Construct a BigInt from a C array.
-  template <size_t N, enable_if_t<N <= WORDCOUNT, int> = 0>
-  LIBC_INLINE constexpr BigInt(const uint64_t (&nums)[N]) {
-    size_t min_wordcount = N < WORDCOUNT ? N : WORDCOUNT;
+  template <size_t N, enable_if_t<N <= WORD_COUNT, int> = 0>
+  LIBC_INLINE constexpr BigInt(const WordType (&nums)[N]) {
+    size_t min_wordcount = N < WORD_COUNT ? N : WORD_COUNT;
     size_t i = 0;
     for (; i < min_wordcount; ++i)
       val[i] = nums[i];
     // If nums doesn't completely fill val, then fill the rest with zeroes.
-    for (; i < WORDCOUNT; ++i)
+    for (; i < WORD_COUNT; ++i)
       val[i] = 0;
   // Initialize the first word to |v| and the rest to 0.
-  template <typename T,
-            typename = cpp::enable_if_t<is_integral_v<T> && sizeof(T) <= 16>>
+  template <typename T, typename = cpp::enable_if_t<is_integral_v<T>>>
   LIBC_INLINE constexpr BigInt(T v) {
-    val[0] = static_cast<uint64_t>(v);
+    val[0] = static_cast<WordType>(v);
-    if constexpr (Bits == 64)
+    if constexpr (WORD_COUNT == 1)
-    // Bits is at least 128.
-    size_t i = 1;
-    if constexpr (sizeof(T) == 16) {
-      val[1] = static_cast<uint64_t>(v >> 64);
-      i = 2;
+    if constexpr (Bits < sizeof(T) * CHAR_BIT) {
+      for (int i = 1; i < WORD_COUNT; ++i) {
+        v >>= WORD_SIZE;
+        val[i] = static_cast<WordType>(v);
+      }
+      return;
-    uint64_t sign = (Signed && (v < 0)) ? 0xffff'ffff'ffff'ffff : 0;
-    for (; i < WORDCOUNT; ++i) {
+    size_t i = 1;
+    if constexpr (WORD_SIZE < sizeof(T) * CHAR_BIT)
+      for (; i < sizeof(T) * CHAR_BIT / WORD_SIZE; ++i) {
+        v >>= WORD_SIZE;
+        val[i] = static_cast<WordType>(v);
+      }
+    WordType sign = (Signed && (v < 0)) ? ~WordType(0) : WordType(0);
+    for (; i < WORD_COUNT; ++i) {
       val[i] = sign;
   LIBC_INLINE constexpr explicit BigInt(
-      const cpp::array<uint64_t, WORDCOUNT> &words) {
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < WORDCOUNT; ++i)
+      const cpp::array<WordType, WORD_COUNT> &words) {
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < WORD_COUNT; ++i)
       val[i] = words[i];
@@ -116,36 +119,37 @@ template <size_t Bits, bool Signed> struct BigInt {
   template <typename T>
   LIBC_INLINE constexpr cpp::enable_if_t<
-      cpp::is_integral_v<T> && sizeof(T) <= 8 && !cpp::is_same_v<T, bool>, T>
+      cpp::is_integral_v<T> && !cpp::is_same_v<T, bool>, T>
   to() const {
-    return static_cast<T>(val[0]);
-  }
-  template <typename T>
-  LIBC_INLINE constexpr cpp::enable_if_t<
-      cpp::is_integral_v<T> && sizeof(T) == 16, T>
-  to() const {
-    // T is 128-bit.
     T lo = static_cast<T>(val[0]);
-    if constexpr (Bits == 64) {
-      if constexpr (Signed) {
-        // Extend sign for negative numbers.
-        return (val[0] >> 63) ? ((T(-1) << 64) + lo) : lo;
-      } else {
-        return lo;
-      }
-    } else {
-      return static_cast<T>((static_cast<T>(val[1]) << 64) + lo);
+    constexpr size_t T_BITS = sizeof(T) * CHAR_BIT;
+    if constexpr (T_BITS <= WORD_SIZE)
+      return lo;
+    constexpr size_t MAX_COUNT =
+        T_BITS > Bits ? WORD_COUNT : T_BITS / WORD_SIZE;
+    for (size_t i = 1; i < MAX_COUNT; ++i)
+      lo += static_cast<T>(val[i]) << (WORD_SIZE * i);
+    if constexpr (Signed && (T_BITS > Bits)) {
+      // Extend sign for negative numbers.
+      constexpr T MASK = (~T(0) << Bits);
+      if (val[WORD_COUNT - 1] >> (WORD_SIZE - 1))
+        lo |= MASK;
+    return lo;
   LIBC_INLINE constexpr explicit operator bool() const { return !is_zero(); }
-  LIBC_INLINE BigInt<Bits, Signed> &
-  operator=(const BigInt<Bits, Signed> &other) = default;
+  LIBC_INLINE BigInt<Bits, Signed, WordType> &
+  operator=(const BigInt<Bits, Signed, WordType> &other) = default;
   LIBC_INLINE constexpr bool is_zero() const {
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < WORDCOUNT; ++i) {
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < WORD_COUNT; ++i) {
       if (val[i] != 0)
         return false;
@@ -154,20 +158,20 @@ template <size_t Bits, bool Signed> struct BigInt {
   // Add x to this number and store the result in this number.
   // Returns the carry value produced by the addition operation.
-  LIBC_INLINE constexpr uint64_t add(const BigInt<Bits, Signed> &x) {
-    SumCarry<uint64_t> s{0, 0};
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < WORDCOUNT; ++i) {
+  LIBC_INLINE constexpr WordType add(const BigInt<Bits, Signed, WordType> &x) {
+    SumCarry<WordType> s{0, 0};
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < WORD_COUNT; ++i) {
       s = add_with_carry_const(val[i], x.val[i], s.carry);
       val[i] = s.sum;
     return s.carry;
-  LIBC_INLINE constexpr BigInt<Bits, Signed>
-  operator+(const BigInt<Bits, Signed> &other) const {
-    BigInt<Bits, Signed> result;
-    SumCarry<uint64_t> s{0, 0};
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < WORDCOUNT; ++i) {
+  LIBC_INLINE constexpr BigInt<Bits, Signed, WordType>
+  operator+(const BigInt<Bits, Signed, WordType> &other) const {
+    BigInt<Bits, Signed, WordType> result;
+    SumCarry<WordType> s{0, 0};
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < WORD_COUNT; ++i) {
       s = add_with_carry(val[i], other.val[i], s.carry);
       result.val[i] = s.sum;
@@ -176,58 +180,58 @@ template <size_t Bits, bool Signed> struct BigInt {
   // This will only apply when initializing a variable from constant values, so
   // it will always use the constexpr version of add_with_carry.
-  LIBC_INLINE constexpr BigInt<Bits, Signed>
-  operator+(BigInt<Bits, Signed> &&other) const {
-    BigInt<Bits, Signed> result;
-    SumCarry<uint64_t> s{0, 0};
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < WORDCOUNT; ++i) {
+  LIBC_INLINE constexpr BigInt<Bits, Signed, WordType>
+  operator+(BigInt<Bits, Signed, WordType> &&other) const {
+    BigInt<Bits, Signed, WordType> result;
+    SumCarry<WordType> s{0, 0};
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < WORD_COUNT; ++i) {
       s = add_with_carry_const(val[i], other.val[i], s.carry);
       result.val[i] = s.sum;
     return result;
-  LIBC_INLINE constexpr BigInt<Bits, Signed> &
-  operator+=(const BigInt<Bits, Signed> &other) {
+  LIBC_INLINE constexpr BigInt<Bits, Signed, WordType> &
+  operator+=(const BigInt<Bits, Signed, WordType> &other) {
     add(other); // Returned carry value is ignored.
     return *this;
   // Subtract x to this number and store the result in this number.
   // Returns the carry value produced by the subtraction operation.
-  LIBC_INLINE constexpr uint64_t sub(const BigInt<Bits, Signed> &x) {
-    DiffBorrow<uint64_t> d{0, 0};
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < WORDCOUNT; ++i) {
+  LIBC_INLINE constexpr WordType sub(const BigInt<Bits, Signed, WordType> &x) {
+    DiffBorrow<WordType> d{0, 0};
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < WORD_COUNT; ++i) {
       d = sub_with_borrow_const(val[i], x.val[i], d.borrow);
       val[i] = d.diff;
     return d.borrow;
-  LIBC_INLINE constexpr BigInt<Bits, Signed>
-  operator-(const BigInt<Bits, Signed> &other) const {
-    BigInt<Bits, Signed> result;
-    DiffBorrow<uint64_t> d{0, 0};
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < WORDCOUNT; ++i) {
+  LIBC_INLINE constexpr BigInt<Bits, Signed, WordType>
+  operator-(const BigInt<Bits, Signed, WordType> &other) const {
+    BigInt<Bits, Signed, WordType> result;
+    DiffBorrow<WordType> d{0, 0};
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < WORD_COUNT; ++i) {
       d = sub_with_borrow(val[i], other.val[i], d.borrow);
       result.val[i] = d.diff;
     return result;
-  LIBC_INLINE constexpr BigInt<Bits, Signed>
-  operator-(BigInt<Bits, Signed> &&other) const {
-    BigInt<Bits, Signed> result;
-    DiffBorrow<uint64_t> d{0, 0};
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < WORDCOUNT; ++i) {
+  LIBC_INLINE constexpr BigInt<Bits, Signed, WordType>
+  operator-(BigInt<Bits, Signed, WordType> &&other) const {
+    BigInt<Bits, Signed, WordType> result;
+    DiffBorrow<WordType> d{0, 0};
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < WORD_COUNT; ++i) {
       d = sub_with_borrow_const(val[i], other.val[i], d.borrow);
       result.val[i] = d.diff;
     return result;
-  LIBC_INLINE constexpr BigInt<Bits, Signed> &
-  operator-=(const BigInt<Bits, Signed> &other) {
+  LIBC_INLINE constexpr BigInt<Bits, Signed, WordType> &
+  operator-=(const BigInt<Bits, Signed, WordType> &other) {
     // TODO(lntue): Set overflow flag / errno when carry is true.
     return *this;
@@ -239,12 +243,12 @@ template <size_t Bits, bool Signed> struct BigInt {
   // the operations using 64-bit numbers. This ensures that we don't lose the
   // carry bits.
   // Returns the carry value produced by the multiplication operation.
-  LIBC_INLINE constexpr uint64_t mul(uint64_t x) {
-    BigInt<128, Signed> partial_sum(0);
-    uint64_t carry = 0;
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < WORDCOUNT; ++i) {
-      NumberPair<uint64_t> prod = full_mul(val[i], x);
-      BigInt<128, Signed> tmp({prod.lo, prod.hi});
+  LIBC_INLINE constexpr WordType mul(WordType x) {
+    BigInt<2 * WORD_SIZE, Signed, WordType> partial_sum(0);
+    WordType carry = 0;
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < WORD_COUNT; ++i) {
+      NumberPair<WordType> prod = full_mul(val[i], x);
+      BigInt<2 * WORD_SIZE, Signed, WordType> tmp({prod.lo, prod.hi});
       carry += partial_sum.add(tmp);
       val[i] = partial_sum.val[0];
       partial_sum.val[0] = partial_sum.val[1];
@@ -254,33 +258,33 @@ template <size_t Bits, bool Signed> struct BigInt {
     return partial_sum.val[1];
-  LIBC_INLINE constexpr BigInt<Bits, Signed>
-  operator*(const BigInt<Bits, Signed> &other) const {
+  LIBC_INLINE constexpr BigInt<Bits, Signed, WordType>
+  operator*(const BigInt<Bits, Signed, WordType> &other) const {
     if constexpr (Signed) {
-      BigInt<Bits, false> a(*this);
-      BigInt<Bits, false> b(other);
-      bool a_neg = (a.val[WORDCOUNT - 1] >> 63);
-      bool b_neg = (b.val[WORDCOUNT - 1] >> 63);
+      BigInt<Bits, false, WordType> a(*this);
+      BigInt<Bits, false, WordType> b(other);
+      bool a_neg = (a.val[WORD_COUNT - 1] >> (WORD_SIZE - 1));
+      bool b_neg = (b.val[WORD_COUNT - 1] >> (WORD_SIZE - 1));
       if (a_neg)
         a = -a;
       if (b_neg)
         b = -b;
-      BigInt<Bits, false> prod = a * b;
+      BigInt<Bits, false, WordType> prod = a * b;
       if (a_neg != b_neg)
         prod = -prod;
-      return static_cast<BigInt<Bits, true>>(prod);
+      return static_cast<BigInt<Bits, true, WordType>>(prod);
     } else {
-      if constexpr (WORDCOUNT == 1) {
+      if constexpr (WORD_COUNT == 1) {
         return {val[0] * other.val[0]};
       } else {
-        BigInt<Bits, Signed> result(0);
-        BigInt<128, Signed> partial_sum(0);
-        uint64_t carry = 0;
-        for (size_t i = 0; i < WORDCOUNT; ++i) {
+        BigInt<Bits, Signed, WordType> result(0);
+        BigInt<2 * WORD_SIZE, Signed, WordType> partial_sum(0);
+        WordType carry = 0;
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < WORD_COUNT; ++i) {
           for (size_t j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
-            NumberPair<uint64_t> prod = full_mul(val[j], other.val[i - j]);
-            BigInt<128, Signed> tmp({prod.lo, prod.hi});
+            NumberPair<WordType> prod = full_mul(val[j], other.val[i - j]);
+            BigInt<2 * WORD_SIZE, Signed, WordType> tmp({prod.lo, prod.hi});
             carry += partial_sum.add(tmp);
           result.val[i] = partial_sum.val[0];
@@ -295,19 +299,20 @@ template <size_t Bits, bool Signed> struct BigInt {
   // Return the full product, only unsigned for now.
   template <size_t OtherBits>
-  LIBC_INLINE constexpr BigInt<Bits + OtherBits, Signed>
-  ful_mul(const BigInt<OtherBits, Signed> &other) const {
-    BigInt<Bits + OtherBits, Signed> result(0);
-    BigInt<128, Signed> partial_sum(0);
-    uint64_t carry = 0;
-    constexpr size_t OTHER_WORDCOUNT = BigInt<OtherBits, Signed>::WORDCOUNT;
-    for (size_t i = 0; i <= WORDCOUNT + OTHER_WORDCOUNT - 2; ++i) {
+  LIBC_INLINE constexpr BigInt<Bits + OtherBits, Signed, WordType>
+  ful_mul(const BigInt<OtherBits, Signed, WordType> &other) const {
+    BigInt<Bits + OtherBits, Signed, WordType> result(0);
+    BigInt<2 * WORD_SIZE, Signed, WordType> partial_sum(0);
+    WordType carry = 0;
+    constexpr size_t OTHER_WORDCOUNT =
+        BigInt<OtherBits, Signed, WordType>::WORD_COUNT;
+    for (size_t i = 0; i <= WORD_COUNT + OTHER_WORDCOUNT - 2; ++i) {
       const size_t lower_idx =
           i < OTHER_WORDCOUNT ? 0 : i - OTHER_WORDCOUNT + 1;
-      const size_t upper_idx = i < WORDCOUNT ? i : WORDCOUNT - 1;
+      const size_t upper_idx = i < WORD_COUNT ? i : WORD_COUNT - 1;
       for (size_t j = lower_idx; j <= upper_idx; ++j) {
-        NumberPair<uint64_t> prod = full_mul(val[j], other.val[i - j]);
-        BigInt<128, Signed> tmp({prod.lo, prod.hi});
+        NumberPair<WordType> prod = full_mul(val[j], other.val[i - j]);
+        BigInt<2 * WORD_SIZE, Signed, WordType> tmp({prod.lo, prod.hi});
         carry += partial_sum.add(tmp);
       result.val[i] = partial_sum.val[0];
@@ -315,7 +320,7 @@ template <size_t Bits, bool Signed> struct BigInt {
       partial_sum.val[1] = carry;
       carry = 0;
-    result.val[WORDCOUNT + OTHER_WORDCOUNT - 1] = partial_sum.val[0];
+    result.val[WORD_COUNT + OTHER_WORDCOUNT - 1] = partial_sum.val[0];
     return result;
@@ -323,7 +328,7 @@ template <size_t Bits, bool Signed> struct BigInt {
   // `Bits` least significant bits of the full product, while this function will
   // approximate `Bits` most significant bits of the full product with errors
   // bounded by:
-  //   0 <= (a.full_mul(b) >> Bits) - a.quick_mul_hi(b)) <= WORDCOUNT - 1.
+  //   0 <= (a.full_mul(b) >> Bits) - a.quick_mul_hi(b)) <= WORD_COUNT - 1.
   // An example usage of this is to quickly (but less accurately) compute the
   // product of (normalized) mantissas of floating point numbers:
@@ -335,44 +340,44 @@ template <size_t Bits, bool Signed> struct BigInt {
   // Performance summary:
   //   Number of 64-bit x 64-bit -> 128-bit multiplications performed.
-  //   Bits  WORDCOUNT  ful_mul  quick_mul_hi  Error bound
+  //   Bits  WORD_COUNT  ful_mul  quick_mul_hi  Error bound
   //    128      2         4           3            1
   //    196      3         9           6            2
   //    256      4        16          10            3
   //    512      8        64          36            7
-  LIBC_INLINE constexpr BigInt<Bits, Signed>
-  quick_mul_hi(const BigInt<Bits, Signed> &other) const {
-    BigInt<Bits, Signed> result(0);
-    BigInt<128, Signed> partial_sum(0);
-    uint64_t carry = 0;
-    // First round of accumulation for those at WORDCOUNT - 1 in the full
+  LIBC_INLINE constexpr BigInt<Bits, Signed, WordType>
+  quick_mul_hi(const BigInt<Bits, Signed, WordType> &other) const {
+    BigInt<Bits, Signed, WordType> result(0);
+    BigInt<2 * WORD_SIZE, Signed, WordType> partial_sum(0);
+    WordType carry = 0;
+    // First round of accumulation for those at WORD_COUNT - 1 in the full
     // product.
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < WORDCOUNT; ++i) {
-      NumberPair<uint64_t> prod =
-          full_mul(val[i], other.val[WORDCOUNT - 1 - i]);
-      BigInt<128, Signed> tmp({prod.lo, prod.hi});
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < WORD_COUNT; ++i) {
+      NumberPair<WordType> prod =
+          full_mul(val[i], other.val[WORD_COUNT - 1 - i]);
+      BigInt<2 * WORD_SIZE, Signed, WordType> tmp({prod.lo, prod.hi});
       carry += partial_sum.add(tmp);
-    for (size_t i = WORDCOUNT; i < 2 * WORDCOUNT - 1; ++i) {
+    for (size_t i = WORD_COUNT; i < 2 * WORD_COUNT - 1; ++i) {
       partial_sum.val[0] = partial_sum.val[1];
       partial_sum.val[1] = carry;
       carry = 0;
-      for (size_t j = i - WORDCOUNT + 1; j < WORDCOUNT; ++j) {
-        NumberPair<uint64_t> prod = full_mul(val[j], other.val[i - j]);
-        BigInt<128, Signed> tmp({prod.lo, prod.hi});
+      for (size_t j = i - WORD_COUNT + 1; j < WORD_COUNT; ++j) {
+        NumberPair<WordType> prod = full_mul(val[j], other.val[i - j]);
+        BigInt<2 * WORD_SIZE, Signed, WordType> tmp({pro...




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