[libc-commits] [libc] [libc][docs] adds macro handling, POSIX status, and validation to docgen (PR #89421)

Nick Desaulniers via libc-commits libc-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Apr 22 12:57:45 PDT 2024

@@ -9,61 +9,160 @@
 # ==-------------------------------------------------------------------------==#
 from argparse import ArgumentParser, Namespace
 from pathlib import Path
-from typing import Dict
+from typing import Dict, Generator
 import sys
 import json
-def load_api(hname: str) -> Dict:
-    p = Path(__file__).parent / Path(hname).with_suffix(".json")
-    api = p.read_text(encoding="utf-8")
-    return json.loads(api)
+class DocgenAPIFormatError(Exception):
+    """Raised on fatal formatting errors with a description of a formatting error"""
-# TODO: we may need to get more sophisticated for less generic implementations.
-# Does libc/src/{hname minus .h suffix}/{fname}.cpp exist?
-def is_implemented(hname: str, fname: str) -> bool:
-    path = Path(
-        Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent,
-        "src",
-        hname.rstrip(".h")
-    )
+class Header:
+    """
+    Maintains implementation information about a standard header file:
+    * where does its implementation dir live
+    * where is its macros file
+    * where is its docgen json file
-    if not path.exists():
-        raise FileNotFoundError(f"implementation dir does not exist: {path}")
+    By convention, the macro-only part of a header file is in a header-specific
+    file somewhere in the directory tree with root at
+    ``$LLVM_PROJECT_ROOT/libc/include/llvm-libc-macros``.  Docgen expects that
+    if a macro is implemented, that it appears in a string
+    ``#define MACRO_NAME`` in some ``*-macros.h`` file in the directory tree..
+    Docgen searches for this string in the file to set the implementation status
+    shown in the generated rst docs rendered as html for display at
+    <libc.llvm.org>.
-    if not path.is_dir():
-        raise NotADirectoryError(f"implementation dir is not a dir: {path}")
+    By convention, each function for a header is implemented in a function-specific
+    cpp file somewhere in the directory tree with root at, e.g,
+    ``$LLVM_PROJECT_ROOT/libc/src/fenv``. Some headers have architecture-specific
+    implementations, like ``math``, and some don't, like ``fenv``. Docgen uses the
+    presence of this function-specific cpp file to set the implementation status
+    shown in the generated rst docs rendered as html for display at
+    <libc.llvm.org>.
+    """
-    # Recursively search for the target source file in the subdirectories under
-    # libc/src/{hname}.
-    for _ in path.glob("**/" + fname + ".cpp"):
-        return True
+    def __init__(self, header_name: str):
+        """
+        :param header_name: e.g., ``"threads.h"`` or ``"signal.h"``
+        """
+        self.name = header_name
+        self.stem = header_name.rstrip(".h")
+        self.libc_root = Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent
+        self.docgen_root = Path(__file__).parent
+        self.docgen_json = self.docgen_root / Path(header_name).with_suffix(".json")
+        self.fns_dir = Path(self.libc_root, "src", self.stem)
+        self.macros_dir = Path(self.libc_root, "include", "llvm-libc-macros")
-    return False
+    def macro_file_exists(self) -> bool:
+        for _ in self.__get_macro_files():
+            return True
+        return False
-def print_functions(header: str, functions: Dict):
-    for key in sorted(functions.keys()):
-        print(f"  * - {key}")
+    def fns_dir_exists(self) -> bool:
+        return self.fns_dir.exists() and self.fns_dir.is_dir()
-        if is_implemented(header, key):
-            print("    - |check|")
-        else:
-            print("    -")
+    def implements_fn(self, fn_name: str) -> bool:
+        for _ in self.fns_dir.glob(f"**/{fn_name}.cpp"):
+            return True
-        # defined is optional. Having any content is optional.
-        if functions[key] is not None and "defined" in functions[key]:
-            print(f'    - {functions[key]["defined"]}')
-        else:
-            print("    -")
+        return False
+    def implements_macro(self, m_name: str) -> bool:
+        """
+        Some macro files are in, e.g.,
+        ``$LLVM_PROJECT_ROOT/libc/include/llvm-libc-macros/fenv-macros.h``,
+        but others are in subdirectories, e.g., ``signal.h`` has the macro
+        definitions in
+        ``$LLVM_PROJECT_ROOT/libc/include/llvm-libc-macros/linux/signal-macros.h``.
-def print_header(header: str, api: Dict):
-    print(".. include:: check.rst\n")
-    fns = f"{header} Functions"
-    print(fns)
-    print("=" * (len(fns)))
+        :param m_name: name of macro, e.g., ``FE_ALL_EXCEPT``
+        """
+        for f in self.__get_macro_files():
+            if f"#define {m_name}" in f.read_text():
+                return True
+        return False
+    def __get_macro_files(self) -> Generator[Path, None, None]:
+        return self.macros_dir.glob(f"**/{self.stem}-macros.h")
+def check_api(header: Header, api: Dict):
+    """
+    Checks that docgen json files are properly formatted. If there are any
+    fatal formatting errors, raises exceptions with error messages useful for
+    fixing formatting. Warnings are printed to stderr on non-fatal formatting
+    errors. The code that runs after ``check_api(api)`` is called expects that
+    ``check_api`` executed without raising formatting exceptions so the json
+    matches the formatting specified here.
+    The json file may contain:
+    * an optional macros object
+    * an optional functions object
+    Formatting of ``macros`` and ``functions`` objects
+    ==================================================
+    If a macros or functions object is present, then it may contain nested
+    objects. Each of these nested objects should have a name matching a macro
+    or function's name, and each nested object must have the property:
+    ``"c-definition"`` or ``"posix-definition"``.
+    Description of properties
+    =========================
+    The defined property is intended to be a reference to a part of the
+    standard that defines the function or macro. For the ``"c-definition"`` property,
+    this should be a C standard section number. For the ``"posix-definition"`` property,
+    this should be a link to the definition.
+    :param api: docgen json file contents parsed into a dict
+    """
+    errors = []
+    cdef = "c-definition"
+    pdef = "posix-definition"
+    # Validate macros
+    if "macros" in api:
+        if not header.macro_file_exists():
+            print(
+                f"warning: Macro definitions are listed for {header.name}, but no macro file can be found in the directory tree rooted at {header.macros_dir}. All macros will be listed as not implemented.",
+                file=sys.stderr,
+            )
+        macros = api["macros"]
+        for name, obj in macros.items():
+            if not (cdef in obj or pdef in obj):
+                err = f'error: Macro {name} does not contain at least one required property: "{cdef}" or "{pdef}"'
+                errors.append(err)
+    # Validate functions
+    if "functions" in api:
+        if not header.fns_dir_exists():
+            print(
+                f"warning: Function definitions are listed for {header.name}, but no function implementation directory exists at {header.fns_dir}. All functions will be listed as not implemented.",
nickdesaulniers wrote:

So this would trigger if someone adds documentation for foo.h but there's no libc/src/foo/ ?  I think that should be ok and we should not diagnose that.  That way, documentation can proceed orthogonal to implementation.


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