[libc-commits] [PATCH] D145584: [libc] Add support for setjmp and longjmp in riscv

Mikhail Ramalho via Phabricator via libc-commits libc-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Mar 14 08:25:07 PDT 2023

mikhail.ramalho added a comment.

Hi Siva, let me try to explain all the comments at once (I'll add it to the commit message too):

I've added the `__attribute__((naked))` because both clang and GCC will add a function prologue and epilogue to these functions without it.

The consequence of using the naked attribute is that clang doesn't allow us to reference arguments in the function body:

  /home/mgadelha/llvm-project/libc/src/setjmp/setjmp.cpp:75:52: error: parameter references not allowed in naked functions
    LIBC_INLINE_ASM("sd %0, %1\n\t" : "=r"(ra) : "m"(buf->__pc) :);

This is not a problem for GCC, but clang refuses to compile the code.

So, we either use the naked attribute to reduce the size of setjmp/longjm (which forces us to use a0 and a1, only because of clang), or we don't use the attribute and generate a huge setjmp/longjmp. I've decided to go with the former...

setjmp with the naked attribute:

  0000000000000000 <_ZN11__llvm_libc6setjmpEP9__jmp_buf>:
     0:	00153023          	sd	ra,0(a0)
     4:	e500                	sd	s0,8(a0)
     6:	e904                	sd	s1,16(a0)
     8:	01253c23          	sd	s2,24(a0)
     c:	03353023          	sd	s3,32(a0)
    10:	03453423          	sd	s4,40(a0)
    14:	03553823          	sd	s5,48(a0)
    18:	03653c23          	sd	s6,56(a0)
    1c:	05753023          	sd	s7,64(a0)
    20:	05853423          	sd	s8,72(a0)
    24:	05953823          	sd	s9,80(a0)
    28:	05a53c23          	sd	s10,88(a0)
    2c:	07b53023          	sd	s11,96(a0)
    30:	06253423          	sd	sp,104(a0)
    34:	b920                	fsd	fs0,112(a0)
    36:	bd24                	fsd	fs1,120(a0)
    38:	09253027          	fsd	fs2,128(a0)
    3c:	09353427          	fsd	fs3,136(a0)
    40:	09453827          	fsd	fs4,144(a0)
    44:	09553c27          	fsd	fs5,152(a0)
    48:	0b653027          	fsd	fs6,160(a0)
    4c:	0b753427          	fsd	fs7,168(a0)
    50:	0b853827          	fsd	fs8,176(a0)
    54:	0b953c27          	fsd	fs9,184(a0)
    58:	0da53027          	fsd	fs10,192(a0)
    5c:	0db53427          	fsd	fs11,200(a0)
    60:	4501                	li	a0,0
  0000000000000062 <.LVL1>:
    62:	8082                	ret

without the naked attribute:

  0000000000000000 <_ZN11__llvm_libc6setjmpEP9__jmp_buf>:
     0:	7155                	add	sp,sp,-208
     2:	e586                	sd	ra,200(sp)
     4:	e1a2                	sd	s0,192(sp)
     6:	fd26                	sd	s1,184(sp)
     8:	f94a                	sd	s2,176(sp)
     a:	f54e                	sd	s3,168(sp)
     c:	f152                	sd	s4,160(sp)
     e:	ed56                	sd	s5,152(sp)
    10:	e95a                	sd	s6,144(sp)
    12:	e55e                	sd	s7,136(sp)
    14:	e162                	sd	s8,128(sp)
    16:	fce6                	sd	s9,120(sp)
    18:	f8ea                	sd	s10,112(sp)
    1a:	f4ee                	sd	s11,104(sp)
    1c:	b0a2                	fsd	fs0,96(sp)
    1e:	aca6                	fsd	fs1,88(sp)
    20:	a8ca                	fsd	fs2,80(sp)
    22:	a4ce                	fsd	fs3,72(sp)
    24:	a0d2                	fsd	fs4,64(sp)
    26:	bc56                	fsd	fs5,56(sp)
    28:	b85a                	fsd	fs6,48(sp)
    2a:	b45e                	fsd	fs7,40(sp)
    2c:	b062                	fsd	fs8,32(sp)
    2e:	ac66                	fsd	fs9,24(sp)
    30:	a86a                	fsd	fs10,16(sp)
    32:	a46e                	fsd	fs11,8(sp)
    34:	00153023          	sd	ra,0(a0)
    38:	00850593          	add	a1,a0,8
    3c:	e180                	sd	s0,0(a1)
    3e:	01050593          	add	a1,a0,16
    42:	e184                	sd	s1,0(a1)
    44:	01850593          	add	a1,a0,24
    48:	0125b023          	sd	s2,0(a1)
    4c:	02050593          	add	a1,a0,32
    50:	0135b023          	sd	s3,0(a1)
    54:	02850593          	add	a1,a0,40
    58:	0145b023          	sd	s4,0(a1)
    5c:	03050593          	add	a1,a0,48
    60:	0155b023          	sd	s5,0(a1)
    64:	03850593          	add	a1,a0,56
    68:	0165b023          	sd	s6,0(a1)
    6c:	04050593          	add	a1,a0,64
    70:	0175b023          	sd	s7,0(a1)
    74:	04850593          	add	a1,a0,72
    78:	0185b023          	sd	s8,0(a1)
    7c:	05050593          	add	a1,a0,80
    80:	0195b023          	sd	s9,0(a1)
    84:	05850593          	add	a1,a0,88
    88:	01a5b023          	sd	s10,0(a1)
    8c:	06050593          	add	a1,a0,96
    90:	01b5b023          	sd	s11,0(a1)
    94:	06850593          	add	a1,a0,104
    98:	0025b023          	sd	sp,0(a1)
    9c:	07050593          	add	a1,a0,112
    a0:	a180                	fsd	fs0,0(a1)
    a2:	07850593          	add	a1,a0,120
    a6:	a184                	fsd	fs1,0(a1)
    a8:	08050593          	add	a1,a0,128
    ac:	0125b027          	fsd	fs2,0(a1)
    b0:	08850593          	add	a1,a0,136
    b4:	0135b027          	fsd	fs3,0(a1)
    b8:	09050593          	add	a1,a0,144
    bc:	0145b027          	fsd	fs4,0(a1)
    c0:	09850593          	add	a1,a0,152
    c4:	0155b027          	fsd	fs5,0(a1)
    c8:	0a050593          	add	a1,a0,160
    cc:	0165b027          	fsd	fs6,0(a1)
    d0:	0a850593          	add	a1,a0,168
    d4:	0175b027          	fsd	fs7,0(a1)
    d8:	0b050593          	add	a1,a0,176
    dc:	0185b027          	fsd	fs8,0(a1)
    e0:	0b850593          	add	a1,a0,184
    e4:	0195b027          	fsd	fs9,0(a1)
    e8:	0c050593          	add	a1,a0,192
    ec:	01a5b027          	fsd	fs10,0(a1)
    f0:	0c850513          	add	a0,a0,200
    f4:	01b53027          	fsd	fs11,0(a0)
    f8:	4501                	li	a0,0
    fa:	60ae                	ld	ra,200(sp)
    fc:	640e                	ld	s0,192(sp)
    fe:	74ea                	ld	s1,184(sp)
   100:	794a                	ld	s2,176(sp)
   102:	79aa                	ld	s3,168(sp)
   104:	7a0a                	ld	s4,160(sp)
   106:	6aea                	ld	s5,152(sp)
   108:	6b4a                	ld	s6,144(sp)
   10a:	6baa                	ld	s7,136(sp)
   10c:	6c0a                	ld	s8,128(sp)
   10e:	7ce6                	ld	s9,120(sp)
   110:	7d46                	ld	s10,112(sp)
   112:	7da6                	ld	s11,104(sp)
   114:	3406                	fld	fs0,96(sp)
   116:	24e6                	fld	fs1,88(sp)
   118:	2946                	fld	fs2,80(sp)
   11a:	29a6                	fld	fs3,72(sp)
   11c:	2a06                	fld	fs4,64(sp)
   11e:	3ae2                	fld	fs5,56(sp)
   120:	3b42                	fld	fs6,48(sp)
   122:	3ba2                	fld	fs7,40(sp)
   124:	3c02                	fld	fs8,32(sp)
   126:	2ce2                	fld	fs9,24(sp)
   128:	2d42                	fld	fs10,16(sp)
   12a:	2da2                	fld	fs11,8(sp)
   12c:	6169                	add	sp,sp,208
   12e:	8082                	ret

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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