[libc-commits] [libc] 72c1eff - [libc] Add a status page for math functions.

Tue Ly via libc-commits libc-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jun 16 14:42:03 PDT 2022

Author: Tue Ly
Date: 2022-06-16T17:41:46-04:00
New Revision: 72c1effb34aa9ae1994f6e1e6b6e6e67ef37b5c8

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/72c1effb34aa9ae1994f6e1e6b6e6e67ef37b5c8
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/72c1effb34aa9ae1994f6e1e6b6e6e67ef37b5c8.diff

LOG: [libc] Add a status page for math functions.

Add a status page for math functions.

Reviewed By: sivachandra

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D127920




diff  --git a/libc/docs/index.rst b/libc/docs/index.rst
index 81e546bbf825f..e67ef77b1027a 100644
--- a/libc/docs/index.rst
+++ b/libc/docs/index.rst
@@ -66,3 +66,4 @@ Other Interesting Documentation
+    math

diff  --git a/libc/docs/math.rst b/libc/docs/math.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..d530156935e1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libc/docs/math.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+Math Functions in LLVM-libc
+.. role::  raw-html(raw)
+    :format: html
+.. |check| replace:: :raw-html:`&#x2705`
+.. contents:: Table of Contents
+  :depth: 4
+  :local:
+* This document tracks the status of the implementation of math functions in
+  LLVM libc.
+Implementation Requirements / Goals
+* The highest priority is to be as accurate as possible, according to the C and
+  IEEE 754 standards.  By default, we will aim to be correctly rounded for `all rounding modes <https://en.cppreference.com/w/c/numeric/fenv/FE_round>`_.
+  The current rounding mode of the floating point environment is used to perform
+  computations and produce the final results.
+  - To test for correctness, we compare the outputs with other correctly rounded
+    multiple-precision math libraries such as the `GNU MPFR library <https://www.mpfr.org/>_`
+    or the `CORE-MATH library <https://core-math.gitlabpages.inria.fr/>`_.
+* Our next requirement is that the outputs are consistent across all platforms.
+  Notice that the consistency requirement will be satisfied automatically if the
+  implementation is correctly rounded.
+* Our last requirement for the implementations is to have good and predicable
+  performance:
+  - The average performance should be comparable to other ``libc``
+    implementations.
+  - The worst case performance should be within 10X-20X of the average.
+  - Platform-specific implementations or instructions could be added whenever it
+    makes sense and provides significant performance boost.
+* For other use cases that have strict requirements on the code size, memory
+  footprint, or latency, such as embedded systems, we will aim to be as accurate
+  as possible within the memory or latency budgets, and consistent across all
+  platforms.
+Source Locations
+- The main source is located at: `libc/src/math <https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/tree/main/libc/src/math>`_.
+- The tests are located at: `libc/test/src/math <https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/tree/main/libc/test/src/math>`_.
+- The floating point utilities are located at: `libc/src/__support/FPUtil <https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/tree/main/libc/src/__support/FPUtil>`_.
+Add a new math function to LLVM libc
+* To add a new math function, follow the steps at: `libc/src/math/docs/add_math_function.md <https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/tree/main/libc/src/math/docs/add_math_function.md>`_.
+Implementation Status
+Basic Operations
+============== ================ =============== ======================
+<Func>         <Func_f> (float) <Func> (double) <Func_l> (long double)
+============== ================ =============== ======================
+ceil           |check|          |check|         |check|  
+copysign       |check|          |check|         |check|  
+fabs           |check|          |check|         |check|  
+fdim           |check|          |check|         |check|  
+floor          |check|          |check|         |check|  
+fmax           |check|          |check|         |check|  
+fmin           |check|          |check|         |check|  
+frexp          |check|          |check|         |check|  
+ilogb          |check|          |check|         |check|  
+ldexp          |check|          |check|         |check|  
+llrint         |check|          |check|         |check|  
+llround        |check|          |check|         |check|  
+logb           |check|          |check|         |check|  
+lrint          |check|          |check|         |check|  
+lround         |check|          |check|         |check|  
+modf           |check|          |check|         |check|  
+nearbyint      |check|          |check|         |check|  
+nextafter      |check|          |check|         |check|  
+remainder      |check|          |check|         |check|  
+remquo         |check|          |check|         |check|  
+rint           |check|          |check|         |check|  
+round          |check|          |check|         |check|  
+trunc          |check|          |check|         |check|  
+============== ================ =============== ======================
+Higher Math Functions
+============== ================ =============== ======================
+<Func>         <Func_f> (float) <Func> (double) <Func_l> (long double)
+============== ================ =============== ======================
+cos            |check|          |check|
+exp            |check|
+exp2           |check|
+expm1          |check|
+fma            |check|          |check|
+hypot          |check|          |check|
+log            |check|
+log10          |check|
+log1p          |check|
+log2           |check|
+sin            |check|          |check|
+sincos         |check|          |check|
+sqrt           |check|          |check|         |check|
+============== ================ =============== ======================
+Accuracy of Higher Math Functions
+============== ================ =============== ======================
+<Func>         <Func_f> (float) <Func> (double) <Func_l> (long double)
+============== ================ =============== ======================
+cos            0.776 ULPs       large
+exp            |check|
+exp2           |check|
+expm1          |check|
+fma            |check|          |check|
+hypot          |check|          |check|
+log            |check|
+log10          |check|
+log1p          |check|
+log2           |check|
+sin            0.561 ULPs       large
+sincos         0.776 ULPs       large
+sqrt           |check|          |check|         |check|
+============== ================ =============== ======================
+* |check|: correctly rounded for all 4 rounding modes.
+* CR: correctly rounded for the default rounding mode (round-to-the-nearest,
+  tie-to-even).
+* x ULPs: largest errors recorded.
+  TODO(lntue): Add a new page to discuss about the algorithms used in the
+  implementations and include the link here.
+* Simple performance testings are located at: `libc/test/src/math/
diff erential_testing <https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/tree/main/libc/test/src/math/
diff erential_testing>`_.
+* We also use the *perf* tool from the `CORE-MATH <https://core-math.gitlabpages.inria.fr/>`_
+  project: `link <https://gitlab.inria.fr/core-math/core-math/-/tree/master>`_.
+  The performance results from the CORE-MATH's perf tool is reported in the
+  table below, using the system library as reference (such as the `GNU C library <https://www.gnu.org/software/libc/>`_
+  on Linux).
+| <Func>       | Reciprocal throughput (ns)    | Latency (ns)                  | Testing ranges                      | Testing configuration                                               |
+|              +-----------+-------------------+-----------+-------------------+                                     +------------+-------------------------+--------------+---------------+
+|              | LLVM libc | Reference (glibc) | LLVM libc | Reference (glibc) |                                     | CPU        | OS                      | Compiler     | Special flags |
+| cosf         |        37 |                32 |        73 |                72 | :math:`[0, 2\pi]`                   | Ryzen 1700 | Ubuntu 20.04 LTS x86_64 | Clang 12.0.0 |               |
+| expf         |        14 |                 9 |        58 |                42 | :math:`[-10, 10]`                   | Ryzen 1700 | Ubuntu 20.04 LTS x86_64 | Clang 12.0.0 | FMA           |
+| exp2f        |        25 |                 8 |        81 |                37 | :math:`[-10, 10]`                   | Ryzen 1700 | Ubuntu 20.04 LTS x86_64 | Clang 12.0.0 | FMA           |
+| expm1f       |        14 |                53 |        59 |               146 | :math:`[-10, 10]`                   | Ryzen 1700 | Ubuntu 20.04 LTS x86_64 | Clang 12.0.0 | FMA           |
+| hypotf       |        25 |                15 |        64 |                49 | :math:`[-10, 10] \times [-10, 10]`  | Ryzen 1700 | Ubuntu 20.04 LTS x86_64 | Clang 12.0.0 |               |
+| logf         |        12 |                10 |        56 |                46 | :math:`[e^{-1}, e]`                 | Ryzen 1700 | Ubuntu 20.04 LTS x86_64 | Clang 12.0.0 | FMA           |
+| log10f       |        13 |                25 |        57 |                72 | :math:`[e^{-1}, e]`                 | Ryzen 1700 | Ubuntu 20.04 LTS x86_64 | Clang 12.0.0 | FMA           |
+| log1pf       |        16 |                33 |        61 |                97 | :math:`[e^{-0.5} - 1, e^{0.5} - 1]` | Ryzen 1700 | Ubuntu 20.04 LTS x86_64 | Clang 12.0.0 | FMA           |
+| log2f        |        13 |                10 |        57 |                46 | :math:`[e^{-1}, e]`                 | Ryzen 1700 | Ubuntu 20.04 LTS x86_64 | Clang 12.0.0 | FMA           |
+| sinf         |        36 |                31 |        72 |                71 | :math:`[-\pi, \pi]`                 | Ryzen 1700 | Ubuntu 20.04 LTS x86_64 | Clang 12.0.0 |               |
+* `CRLIBM <https://hal-ens-lyon.archives-ouvertes.fr/ensl-01529804/file/crlibm.pdf>`_.
+* `RLIBM <https://people.cs.rutgers.edu/~sn349/rlibm/>`_.
+* `Sollya <https://www.sollya.org/>`_.
+* `The CORE-MATH Project <https://core-math.gitlabpages.inria.fr/>`_.
+* `The GNU C Library (glibc) <https://www.gnu.org/software/libc/>`_.
+* `The GNU MPFR Library <https://www.mpfr.org/>`_.


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