[flang-dev] Rewriting f18's history for inclusion in llvm monorepo (third attempt, C rewrite)

Peter Waller via flang-dev flang-dev at lists.llvm.org
Tue Dec 17 13:32:24 PST 2019

I've sent a message to the llvm-dev mailing list explaining that we 
intend to merge in the near future, all being well.

Link: http://lists.llvm.org/pipermail/llvm-dev/2019-December/137661.html

On 17/12/2019 20:52, Peter Waller via flang-dev wrote:
> Hi All,
> A third attempt, following feedback and study.
> There were issues with the shell script leading to surprising trees and
> generating the Original-commit trailer which I found easier to
> workaround by using the lower-level C api provided by libgit2. If you
> want to see the script please take a look at the pull request:
> https://github.com/flang-compiler/f18/pull/854 - I warn you, it's ugly!
> The old quote, "I wanted to write a shorter program, but I didn't have
> the time" comes to mind :).
> Now there is a linear history, keeping the empty merge commits. The
> commits rewrite the content under the flang/ directory and take the
> current llvm-project master branch as the parent for (what was) the root
> commit. This is something that can in principle be pushed to
> llvm-project, assuming everyone (and llvm-dev) are all happy.
> === Key links:
> * Tree, merged with LLVM:
> https://github.com/peterwaller-arm/f18/tree/rewritten-history-v2-llvm-project-merge
> * Rewritten history:
> https://github.com/peterwaller-arm/f18/commits/rewritten-history-v2-llvm-project-merge
> * Rewritten history without llvm merge:
> https://github.com/peterwaller-arm/f18/commits/rewritten-history-v2
> * Link to the program pull request:
> https://github.com/flang-compiler/f18/pull/854
> === Next steps:
> * I understand that the flang community would like to push this into
> upstream before the llvm-10 branch in mid-January.
> * I'll email llvm-dev to solicit feedback with the intent that we would
> like to do this in the near future.
> * Modulo any feedback from this email or llvm-dev, I believe it's ready
> to go. It just requires someone to follow the steps, run the script, and
> push the resulting branch onto llvm-project.
> * When we're ready to pull the trigger, I think we should:
>     * permanently stop accepting commits on flang-compiler/f18, and
> redirect those commits to llvm-project.
>     * run the rewrite script
>     * verify the rewrite (which should be fairly easily)
>     * push the new history into llvm-project.
> ===
> More detail follows for anyone interested.
> === Features:
> * Commits are now prefixed with [flang-compiler/f18#PRNUMBER] to
> indicate the pull request, if available, the commit was merged in.
> * Issue/PR references are rewritten as flang-compiler/f18#NUMBER,
> according to github's convention for cross-repository references.
> * Empty merge commits are now kept, so that the pull request commit
> message (which usually includes the pull request title) is present in
> the lineage.
> * Original-commit: trailer header shows the pre-rewrite commit sha.
> * Reviewed-on: trailer links to flang-compiler/f18 pull request for the
> merge commit which pulled the merge in.
> * Manual rebases can be taken from branches named rebase-{12 digit merge
> sha}, if they are present.
> * If the remote branch llvm-project/master is available, then it also
> rewrites the commits under the flang/ directory with the latest
> llvm-project master as the parent of the first flang commit.
> * If you want to run it yourself, it takes 3 seconds to compile and 3
> seconds to run.
> The program generates links and references to commit shas in
> https://github.com/flang-compiler/f18 under the assumption that it will
> continue to exist, or get renamed, and if it were renamed that github's
> rename functionality with do the right thing assuming that the f18 name
> is not reused for a different repository.
> === Result:
> * I've pushed a sample rewritten history with the rewrite up to my
> personal github repository. At time of writing it contains 2,721 commits.
> * I believe the resulting history is suitable to be pushed onto
> llvm-project.
> * I've done a best-effort sanity check that there are no significant
> differences introduced in the rewriting. There may be some minor
> differences on branch commits (and some branch commits may not compile
> anymore where they once did), but I have high confidence that the merge
> commits are equivalent.
> * I've done the easy manual rebases on a best-effort basis. There are
> only 3 rebases left which weren't "easy". This results in some commits
> which don't have the same checkout (and therefore may not compile for
> example), but the script ensures that by the time of the merge commit,
> there are no differences. Many on-branch commits are "the same", if no
> other commits happened on the master branch during the feature branch.
> * 110 commits have been dropped from history: 45 now-empty
> feature-branch merges, and 27 got squashed, and 38 discarded.
> * Please note that because patches have been rebased, they aren't what
> authors originally published, especially if it required a manual rebase.
> Any mistake made during the rebase looks as though it is attributed to
> the author. Hopefully the Original-commit provides a clear reference to
> the ground-truth of what the author originally did.
> === Validation:
> I've done the best I can to ensure the history is as faithful as it can
> be. Please take a look for yourself and see what it looks like. I
> believe with a reasonable amount of confidence that the checkouts are
> the same at the merge commits, which is the key promise.
> * Feature branch patch deltas: There is a shell script included in the
> comment at the top of the program which enables looking at the
> diff-to-patches (yes, diffs-of-diffs) from the rebase. To use, set
> use_original_message = true. Mostly I see context changes, and a little
> bit of fall out from the rebasing which doesn't look too concerning to me.
> * The merge-commit promise: If you do `git log --format="%T %s"`
> --reverse --first-parent origin/master > A && git log --format="%T %s"
> rewritten-history-v2 > B` and run `git diff --word-diff --no-index A B`
> to compare the two, you can see that all merge commits have identical
> trees, which is the key promise. You can also get a feel for how often
> commits end up being the same before and after rewrite.
> * I've verified that my name does not appear on any commits (and not as
> the committer) as a consequence of history rewriting.
> === Other hints:
> If anyone wants to have a go at doing the remaining 3 rebases, run one
> of these lines, do the rebase, and verify that at the end of the rebase
> "git diff $M" is empty. Then push the branch somewhere and let me know
> about it.
>     M=d341464e7ffd; git checkout -B rebase-${M} ${M}^2; git rebase ${M}^1
> # PR #137, 6 commits, author hsuauthai
>     M=a24701e31301; git checkout -B rebase-${M} ${M}^2; git rebase ${M}^1
> # PR #539, 13 commits, author Tim Keithe new root committh
>     M=24856b82387a; git checkout -B rebase-${M} ${M}^2; git rebase ${M}^1
> # PR #544, 8 commits, author jeanPerier
> The following link showshow those merge commits appear (squashed) in the
> history, if that doesn't happen:
> https://gist.github.com/peterwaller-arm/e7920634ccd0e0b440824663e28b4aa7.
> Rebasing is a grungy thing to do, but at least we know that the
> checkouts are the same at the merge commits. The only alternative I'm
> aware of is to squash the second-parent history of the merge commit.
> If you want to reproduce the same rewritten history as I've published
> it, you'll need to add my fork as a remote, fetch my rebase branches,
> and and create them with something like `for ref in $(git for-each-ref
> --format='%(refname)' 'refs/remotes/peterwaller-arm/rebase-*' | xargs
> -n1 basename); do checkout $ref; done`. If you try to reproduce and fail
> let me know. The script should be reproducible. If the rebase branches
> make someone unhappy, it is easy enough to fall back to simply squashing.
> Regards,
> - Peter
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