[flang-commits] [flang] [flang] Inherit target specific code for BIND(C) types on Windows (PR #129579)

Markus Mützel via flang-commits flang-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Mar 6 07:51:15 PST 2025

mmuetzel wrote:

Thank you very much.

Would it be ok to include the diff (with the TODO comments) in this PR? Maybe listing you as the author?
I'll be away from a keyboard for a week. So, I won't be very responsive in that time. So, please take over if that is ok for you.
I could help testing on Windows after that. But I'm by far no Windows ABI expert.

I hope it is ok if I ping @mstorsjo because I think he might be able to answer your questions regarding argument passing.


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