[flang-commits] [flang] a9b2e31 - [flang] Define CO_REDUCE intrinsic procedure (#125115)

via flang-commits flang-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Mar 3 11:53:30 PST 2025

Author: Jean-Didier PAILLEUX
Date: 2025-03-03T20:50:02+01:00
New Revision: a9b2e31fb0fbb6ce3cbc4ae2b77301c95647b617

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/a9b2e31fb0fbb6ce3cbc4ae2b77301c95647b617
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/a9b2e31fb0fbb6ce3cbc4ae2b77301c95647b617.diff

LOG: [flang] Define CO_REDUCE intrinsic procedure (#125115)

Define the intrinsic `CO_REDUCE` and add semantic checks.
A test was already present but was at `XFAIL`. It has been modified to
take new messages into the output.




diff  --git a/flang/lib/Evaluate/intrinsics.cpp b/flang/lib/Evaluate/intrinsics.cpp
index e55a22dce8e99..cdc49e89a978c 100644
--- a/flang/lib/Evaluate/intrinsics.cpp
+++ b/flang/lib/Evaluate/intrinsics.cpp
@@ -1440,6 +1440,17 @@ static const IntrinsicInterface intrinsicSubroutine[]{
             {"errmsg", DefaultChar, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional,
         {}, Rank::elemental, IntrinsicClass::collectiveSubroutine},
+    {"co_reduce",
+        {{"a", AnyData, Rank::known, Optionality::required,
+             common::Intent::InOut},
+            {"operation", SameType, Rank::reduceOperation},
+            {"result_image", AnyInt, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional,
+                common::Intent::In},
+            {"stat", AnyInt, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional,
+                common::Intent::Out},
+            {"errmsg", DefaultChar, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional,
+                common::Intent::InOut}},
+        {}, Rank::elemental, IntrinsicClass::collectiveSubroutine},
         {{"a", AnyNumeric, Rank::anyOrAssumedRank, Optionality::required,
@@ -1598,8 +1609,6 @@ static const IntrinsicInterface intrinsicSubroutine[]{
         {}, Rank::elemental, IntrinsicClass::impureSubroutine},
-// TODO: Collective intrinsic subroutines: co_reduce
 // Finds a built-in derived type and returns it as a DynamicType.
 static DynamicType GetBuiltinDerivedType(
     const semantics::Scope *builtinsScope, const char *which) {

diff  --git a/flang/lib/Semantics/check-call.cpp b/flang/lib/Semantics/check-call.cpp
index 4042d7504396c..35ce3a430a830 100644
--- a/flang/lib/Semantics/check-call.cpp
+++ b/flang/lib/Semantics/check-call.cpp
@@ -1632,6 +1632,99 @@ static void CheckAssociated(evaluate::ActualArguments &arguments,
+// CO_REDUCE (F'2023 16.9.49)
+static void CheckCoReduce(
+    evaluate::ActualArguments &arguments, evaluate::FoldingContext &context) {
+  parser::ContextualMessages &messages{context.messages()};
+  evaluate::CheckForCoindexedObject(
+      context.messages(), arguments[0], "co_reduce", "a");
+  evaluate::CheckForCoindexedObject(
+      context.messages(), arguments[2], "co_reduce", "stat");
+  evaluate::CheckForCoindexedObject(
+      context.messages(), arguments[3], "co_reduce", "errmsg");
+  std::optional<evaluate::DynamicType> aType;
+  if (const auto &a{arguments[0]}) {
+    aType = a->GetType();
+  }
+  std::optional<characteristics::Procedure> procChars;
+  if (const auto &operation{arguments[1]}) {
+    if (const auto *expr{operation->UnwrapExpr()}) {
+      if (const auto *designator{
+              std::get_if<evaluate::ProcedureDesignator>(&expr->u)}) {
+        procChars = characteristics::Procedure::Characterize(
+            *designator, context, /*emitError=*/true);
+      } else if (const auto *ref{
+                     std::get_if<evaluate::ProcedureRef>(&expr->u)}) {
+        procChars = characteristics::Procedure::Characterize(*ref, context);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  static constexpr characteristics::DummyDataObject::Attrs notAllowedArgAttrs{
+      characteristics::DummyDataObject::Attr::Optional,
+      characteristics::DummyDataObject::Attr::Allocatable,
+      characteristics::DummyDataObject::Attr::Pointer,
+  };
+  static constexpr characteristics::FunctionResult::Attrs
+      notAllowedFuncResAttrs{
+          characteristics::FunctionResult::Attr::Allocatable,
+          characteristics::FunctionResult::Attr::Pointer,
+      };
+  const auto *result{
+      procChars ? procChars->functionResult->GetTypeAndShape() : nullptr};
+  if (!procChars || !procChars->IsPure() ||
+      procChars->dummyArguments.size() != 2 || !procChars->functionResult) {
+    messages.Say(
+        "OPERATION= argument of CO_REDUCE() must be a pure function of two data arguments"_err_en_US);
+  } else if (procChars->attrs.test(characteristics::Procedure::Attr::BindC)) {
+    messages.Say(
+        "A BIND(C) OPERATION= argument of CO_REDUCE() is not supported"_err_en_US);
+  } else if (!result || result->Rank() != 0) {
+    messages.Say(
+        "OPERATION= argument of CO_REDUCE() must be a scalar function"_err_en_US);
+  } else if (result->type().IsPolymorphic() ||
+      (aType && !aType->IsTkLenCompatibleWith(result->type()))) {
+    messages.Say(
+        "OPERATION= argument of CO_REDUCE() must have the same type as A="_err_en_US);
+  } else if (((procChars->functionResult->attrs & notAllowedFuncResAttrs) !=
+                 characteristics::FunctionResult::Attrs{}) ||
+      procChars->functionResult->GetTypeAndShape()->type().IsPolymorphic()) {
+    messages.Say(
+        "Result of OPERATION= procedure of CO_REDUCE() must be scalar and neither allocatable, pointer, nor polymorphic"_err_en_US);
+  } else {
+    const characteristics::DummyDataObject *data[2]{};
+    for (int j{0}; j < 2; ++j) {
+      const auto &dummy{procChars->dummyArguments.at(j)};
+      data[j] = std::get_if<characteristics::DummyDataObject>(&dummy.u);
+    }
+    if (!data[0] || !data[1]) {
+      messages.Say(
+          "OPERATION= argument of CO_REDUCE() may not have dummy procedure arguments"_err_en_US);
+    } else {
+      for (int j{0}; j < 2; ++j) {
+        if (((data[j]->attrs & notAllowedArgAttrs) !=
+                characteristics::DummyDataObject::Attrs{}) ||
+            data[j]->type.Rank() != 0 || data[j]->type.type().IsPolymorphic() ||
+            (aType && !data[j]->type.type().IsTkCompatibleWith(*aType))) {
+          messages.Say(
+              "Arguments of OPERATION= procedure of CO_REDUCE() must be both scalar of the same type as A=, and neither allocatable, pointer, polymorphic, nor optional"_err_en_US);
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      static constexpr characteristics::DummyDataObject::Attrs attrs{
+          characteristics::DummyDataObject::Attr::Asynchronous,
+          characteristics::DummyDataObject::Attr::Target,
+          characteristics::DummyDataObject::Attr::Value,
+      };
+      if ((data[0]->attrs & attrs) != (data[1]->attrs & attrs)) {
+        messages.Say(
+            "If either argument of the OPERATION= procedure of CO_REDUCE() has the ASYNCHRONOUS, TARGET, or VALUE attribute, both must have that attribute"_err_en_US);
+      }
+    }
+  }
 // EVENT_QUERY (F'2023 16.9.82)
 static void CheckEvent_Query(evaluate::ActualArguments &arguments,
     evaluate::FoldingContext &foldingContext) {
@@ -1998,6 +2091,8 @@ static void CheckSpecificIntrinsic(const characteristics::Procedure &proc,
     const Scope *scope, const evaluate::SpecificIntrinsic &intrinsic) {
   if (intrinsic.name == "associated") {
     CheckAssociated(arguments, context, scope);
+  } else if (intrinsic.name == "co_reduce") {
+    CheckCoReduce(arguments, context.foldingContext());
   } else if (intrinsic.name == "event_query") {
     CheckEvent_Query(arguments, context.foldingContext());
   } else if (intrinsic.name == "image_index") {

diff  --git a/flang/test/Semantics/collectives05.f90 b/flang/test/Semantics/collectives05.f90
index bf8cfeff8a33b..0dea7e6fcff08 100644
--- a/flang/test/Semantics/collectives05.f90
+++ b/flang/test/Semantics/collectives05.f90
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 ! RUN: %python %S/test_errors.py %s %flang_fc1
-! XFAIL: *
 ! This test checks for semantic errors in co_reduce subroutine calls based on
 ! the co_reduce interface defined in section 16.9.49 of the Fortran 2018 standard.
 ! To Do: add co_reduce to the list of intrinsics
@@ -63,119 +62,122 @@ program main
   ! executing in multiple images is not.
   ! argument 'a' cannot be polymorphic
-  !ERROR: to be determined
+  !ERROR: No explicit type declared for 'derived_type_op'
   call co_reduce(polymorphic, derived_type_op)
   ! argument 'a' cannot be coindexed
-  !ERROR: (message to be determined)
+  !ERROR: 'a' argument to 'co_reduce' may not be a coindexed object
   call co_reduce(coindexed[1], int_op)
   ! argument 'a' is intent(inout)
-  !ERROR: (message to be determined)
+  !ERROR: Actual argument associated with INTENT(IN OUT) dummy argument 'a=' is not definable
+  !ERROR: 'i+1_4' is not a variable or pointer
   call co_reduce(i + 1, int_op)
   ! operation must be a pure function
-  !ERROR: (message to be determined)
+  !ERROR: OPERATION= argument of CO_REDUCE() must be a pure function of two data arguments
   call co_reduce(i, operation=not_pure)
   ! operation must have exactly two arguments
-  !ERROR: (message to be determined)
+  !ERROR: OPERATION= argument of CO_REDUCE() must be a pure function of two data arguments
   call co_reduce(i, too_many_args)
   ! operation result must be a scalar
-  !ERROR: (message to be determined)
+  !ERROR: OPERATION= argument of CO_REDUCE() must be a scalar function
   call co_reduce(i, array_result)
   ! operation result must be non-allocatable
-  !ERROR: (message to be determined)
+  !ERROR: Result of OPERATION= procedure of CO_REDUCE() must be scalar and neither allocatable, pointer, nor polymorphic
   call co_reduce(i, allocatable_result)
   ! operation result must be non-pointer
-  !ERROR: (message to be determined)
+  !ERROR: Result of OPERATION= procedure of CO_REDUCE() must be scalar and neither allocatable, pointer, nor polymorphic
   call co_reduce(i, pointer_result)
   ! operation's arguments must be scalars
-  !ERROR: (message to be determined)
+  !ERROR: Arguments of OPERATION= procedure of CO_REDUCE() must be both scalar of the same type as A=, and neither allocatable, pointer, polymorphic, nor optional
   call co_reduce(i, array_args)
   ! operation arguments must be non-allocatable
-  !ERROR: (message to be determined)
+  !ERROR: Arguments of OPERATION= procedure of CO_REDUCE() must be both scalar of the same type as A=, and neither allocatable, pointer, polymorphic, nor optional
   call co_reduce(i, allocatable_args)
   ! operation arguments must be non-pointer
-  !ERROR: (message to be determined)
+  !ERROR: Arguments of OPERATION= procedure of CO_REDUCE() must be both scalar of the same type as A=, and neither allocatable, pointer, polymorphic, nor optional
   call co_reduce(i, pointer_args)
   ! operation arguments must be non-polymorphic
-  !ERROR: (message to be determined)
+  !ERROR: OPERATION= argument of CO_REDUCE() must have the same type as A=
   call co_reduce(i, polymorphic_args)
   ! operation: type of 'operation' result and arguments must match type of argument 'a'
-  !ERROR: (message to be determined)
+  !ERROR: OPERATION= argument of CO_REDUCE() must have the same type as A=
   call co_reduce(i, real_op)
   ! operation: kind type parameter of 'operation' result and arguments must match kind type parameter of argument 'a'
-  !ERROR: (message to be determined)
+  !ERROR: OPERATION= argument of CO_REDUCE() must have the same type as A=
   call co_reduce(x, double_precision_op)
   ! arguments must be non-optional
-  !ERROR: (message to be determined)
+  !ERROR: Arguments of OPERATION= procedure of CO_REDUCE() must be both scalar of the same type as A=, and neither allocatable, pointer, polymorphic, nor optional
   call co_reduce(i, optional_args)
   ! if one argument is asynchronous, the other must be also
-  !ERROR: (message to be determined)
+  !ERROR: If either argument of the OPERATION= procedure of CO_REDUCE() has the ASYNCHRONOUS, TARGET, or VALUE attribute, both must have that attribute
   call co_reduce(i, asynchronous_mismatch)
   ! if one argument is a target, the other must be also
-  !ERROR: (message to be determined)
+  !ERROR: If either argument of the OPERATION= procedure of CO_REDUCE() has the ASYNCHRONOUS, TARGET, or VALUE attribute, both must have that attribute
   call co_reduce(i, target_mismatch)
   ! if one argument has the value attribute, the other must have it also
-  !ERROR: (message to be determined)
+  !ERROR: If either argument of the OPERATION= procedure of CO_REDUCE() has the ASYNCHRONOUS, TARGET, or VALUE attribute, both must have that attribute
   call co_reduce(i, value_mismatch)
   ! result_image argument must be an integer scalar
-  !ERROR: to be determined
+  !ERROR: 'result_image=' argument has unacceptable rank 1
   call co_reduce(i, int_op, result_image=integer_array)
   ! result_image argument must be an integer
-  !ERROR: to be determined
+  !ERROR: Actual argument for 'result_image=' has bad type 'LOGICAL(4)'
   call co_reduce(i, int_op, result_image=bool)
   ! stat not allowed to be coindexed
-  !ERROR: to be determined
+  !ERROR: 'errmsg' argument to 'co_reduce' may not be a coindexed object
   call co_reduce(i, int_op, stat=coindexed[1])
   ! stat argument must be an integer scalar
-  !ERROR: to be determined
+  !ERROR: 'stat=' argument has unacceptable rank 1
   call co_reduce(i, int_op, result_image=1, stat=integer_array)
   ! stat argument has incorrect type
   !ERROR: Actual argument for 'stat=' has bad type 'CHARACTER(KIND=1,LEN=1_8)'
-  call co_reduce(i, int_op, result_image=1, string)
+  call co_reduce(i, int_op, result_image=1, stat=string)
   ! stat argument is intent(out)
-  !ERROR: to be determined
+  !ERROR: Actual argument associated with INTENT(OUT) dummy argument 'stat=' is not definable
+  !ERROR: '2_4' is not a variable or pointer
   call co_reduce(i, int_op, result_image=1, stat=1+1)
   ! errmsg argument must not be coindexed
-  !ERROR: to be determined
+  !ERROR: No explicit type declared for 'conindexed_string'
   call co_reduce(i, int_op, result_image=1, stat=status, errmsg=conindexed_string[1])
   ! errmsg argument must be a character scalar
-  !ERROR: to be determined
+  !ERROR: 'errmsg=' argument has unacceptable rank 1
   call co_reduce(i, int_op, result_image=1, stat=status, errmsg=character_array)
   ! errmsg argument must be a character
-  !ERROR: to be determined
+  !ERROR: Actual argument for 'errmsg=' has bad type 'INTEGER(4)'
   call co_reduce(i, int_op, result_image=1, stat=status, errmsg=i)
   ! errmsg argument is intent(inout)
-  !ERROR: to be determined
+  !ERROR: Actual argument associated with INTENT(IN OUT) dummy argument 'errmsg=' is not definable
+  !ERROR: '"literal constant"' is not a variable or pointer
   call co_reduce(i, int_op, result_image=1, stat=status, errmsg="literal constant")
   ! too many arguments to the co_reduce() call
-  !ERROR: too many actual arguments for intrinsic 'co_reduce'
+  !ERROR: actual argument #6 without a keyword may not follow an actual argument with a keyword
   call co_reduce(i, int_op, result_image=1, stat=status, errmsg=message, 3.4)
   ! non-existent keyword argument


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