[flang-commits] [flang] 0b80491 - [flang] Support non-index shape/shift/slice for CG box operations. (#124625)

via flang-commits flang-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Jan 28 09:38:36 PST 2025

Author: Slava Zakharin
Date: 2025-01-28T09:38:33-08:00
New Revision: 0b80491cd5e7dcb6d5432727d0a2c746a9a9438e

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/0b80491cd5e7dcb6d5432727d0a2c746a9a9438e
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/0b80491cd5e7dcb6d5432727d0a2c746a9a9438e.diff

LOG: [flang] Support non-index shape/shift/slice for CG box operations. (#124625)

That is another problem uncovered during hlfir.reshape inlining,
where the shape bits could be any integer type.
This patch adds explicit convertions to `index` type where needed.




diff  --git a/flang/lib/Optimizer/CodeGen/CodeGen.cpp b/flang/lib/Optimizer/CodeGen/CodeGen.cpp
index f19646f7bd334f..1b078be7bb1c75 100644
--- a/flang/lib/Optimizer/CodeGen/CodeGen.cpp
+++ b/flang/lib/Optimizer/CodeGen/CodeGen.cpp
@@ -1675,22 +1675,26 @@ struct EmboxCommonConversion : public fir::FIROpConversion<OP> {
     this->attachTBAATag(storeOp, boxTy, boxTy, nullptr);
     return storage;
-/// Compute the extent of a triplet slice (lb:ub:step).
-static mlir::Value
-computeTripletExtent(mlir::ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter,
-                     mlir::Location loc, mlir::Value lb, mlir::Value ub,
-                     mlir::Value step, mlir::Value zero, mlir::Type type) {
-  mlir::Value extent = rewriter.create<mlir::LLVM::SubOp>(loc, type, ub, lb);
-  extent = rewriter.create<mlir::LLVM::AddOp>(loc, type, extent, step);
-  extent = rewriter.create<mlir::LLVM::SDivOp>(loc, type, extent, step);
-  // If the resulting extent is negative (`ub-lb` and `step` have 
diff erent
-  // signs), zero must be returned instead.
-  auto cmp = rewriter.create<mlir::LLVM::ICmpOp>(
-      loc, mlir::LLVM::ICmpPredicate::sgt, extent, zero);
-  return rewriter.create<mlir::LLVM::SelectOp>(loc, cmp, extent, zero);
+  /// Compute the extent of a triplet slice (lb:ub:step).
+  mlir::Value computeTripletExtent(mlir::ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter,
+                                   mlir::Location loc, mlir::Value lb,
+                                   mlir::Value ub, mlir::Value step,
+                                   mlir::Value zero, mlir::Type type) const {
+    lb = this->integerCast(loc, rewriter, type, lb);
+    ub = this->integerCast(loc, rewriter, type, ub);
+    step = this->integerCast(loc, rewriter, type, step);
+    zero = this->integerCast(loc, rewriter, type, zero);
+    mlir::Value extent = rewriter.create<mlir::LLVM::SubOp>(loc, type, ub, lb);
+    extent = rewriter.create<mlir::LLVM::AddOp>(loc, type, extent, step);
+    extent = rewriter.create<mlir::LLVM::SDivOp>(loc, type, extent, step);
+    // If the resulting extent is negative (`ub-lb` and `step` have 
diff erent
+    // signs), zero must be returned instead.
+    auto cmp = rewriter.create<mlir::LLVM::ICmpOp>(
+        loc, mlir::LLVM::ICmpPredicate::sgt, extent, zero);
+    return rewriter.create<mlir::LLVM::SelectOp>(loc, cmp, extent, zero);
+  }
 /// Create a generic box on a memory reference. This conversions lowers the
 /// abstract box to the appropriate, initialized descriptor.
@@ -1851,14 +1855,16 @@ struct XEmboxOpConversion : public EmboxCommonConversion<fir::cg::XEmboxOp> {
     // translating everything to values in the descriptor wherever the entity
     // has a dynamic array dimension.
     for (unsigned di = 0, descIdx = 0; di < rank; ++di) {
-      mlir::Value extent = operands[shapeOffset];
+      mlir::Value extent =
+          integerCast(loc, rewriter, i64Ty, operands[shapeOffset]);
       mlir::Value outerExtent = extent;
       bool skipNext = false;
       if (hasSlice) {
-        mlir::Value off = operands[sliceOffset];
+        mlir::Value off =
+            integerCast(loc, rewriter, i64Ty, operands[sliceOffset]);
         mlir::Value adj = one;
         if (hasShift)
-          adj = operands[shiftOffset];
+          adj = integerCast(loc, rewriter, i64Ty, operands[shiftOffset]);
         auto ao = rewriter.create<mlir::LLVM::SubOp>(loc, i64Ty, off, adj);
         if (constRows > 0) {
@@ -1895,7 +1901,7 @@ struct XEmboxOpConversion : public EmboxCommonConversion<fir::cg::XEmboxOp> {
         // the lower bound.
         if (hasShift && !(hasSlice || hasSubcomp || hasSubstr) &&
             (isaPointerOrAllocatable || !normalizedLowerBound(xbox))) {
-          lb = operands[shiftOffset];
+          lb = integerCast(loc, rewriter, i64Ty, operands[shiftOffset]);
           auto extentIsEmpty = rewriter.create<mlir::LLVM::ICmpOp>(
               loc, mlir::LLVM::ICmpPredicate::eq, extent, zero);
           lb = rewriter.create<mlir::LLVM::SelectOp>(loc, extentIsEmpty, one,
@@ -1907,9 +1913,12 @@ struct XEmboxOpConversion : public EmboxCommonConversion<fir::cg::XEmboxOp> {
         // store step (scaled by shaped extent)
         mlir::Value step = prevDimByteStride;
-        if (hasSlice)
-          step = rewriter.create<mlir::LLVM::MulOp>(loc, i64Ty, step,
-                                                    operands[sliceOffset + 2]);
+        if (hasSlice) {
+          mlir::Value sliceStep =
+              integerCast(loc, rewriter, i64Ty, operands[sliceOffset + 2]);
+          step =
+              rewriter.create<mlir::LLVM::MulOp>(loc, i64Ty, step, sliceStep);
+        }
         dest = insertStride(rewriter, loc, dest, descIdx, step);

diff  --git a/flang/test/Fir/convert-to-llvm.fir b/flang/test/Fir/convert-to-llvm.fir
index 4c9f965e1241a0..6d7a4a09918e5a 100644
--- a/flang/test/Fir/convert-to-llvm.fir
+++ b/flang/test/Fir/convert-to-llvm.fir
@@ -1909,6 +1909,67 @@ func.func @xembox0(%arg0: !fir.ref<!fir.array<?xi32>>) {
 // CHECK:         %[[BOX10:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[BASE_PTR]], %[[BOX9]][0] : !llvm.struct<(ptr, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, array<1 x array<3 x i64>>)>
 // CHECK:         llvm.store %[[BOX10]], %[[ALLOCA]] : !llvm.struct<(ptr, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, array<1 x array<3 x i64>>)>, !llvm.ptr
+// Test i32 shape/shift/slice:
+func.func @xembox0_i32(%arg0: !fir.ref<!fir.array<?xi32>>) {
+  %c0 = arith.constant 0 : i32
+  %c0_i64 = arith.constant 0 : i64
+  %0 = fircg.ext_embox %arg0(%c0) origin %c0[%c0, %c0, %c0] : (!fir.ref<!fir.array<?xi32>>, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32) -> !fir.box<!fir.array<?xi32>>
+  return
+// CHECK-LABEL: llvm.func @xembox0_i32(
+// CHECK-SAME:                     %[[ARG0:.*]]: !llvm.ptr
+// CHECK:         %[[ALLOCA_SIZE:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(1 : i32) : i32
+// GENERIC:       %[[ALLOCA:.*]] = llvm.alloca %[[ALLOCA_SIZE]] x !llvm.struct<(ptr, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, array<1 x array<3 x i64>>)> {alignment = 8 : i64} : (i32) -> !llvm.ptr
+// AMDGPU:        %[[AA:.*]] = llvm.alloca %[[ALLOCA_SIZE]] x !llvm.struct<(ptr, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, array<1 x array<3 x i64>>)> {alignment = 8 : i64} : (i32) -> !llvm.ptr<5>
+// AMDGPU:        %[[ALLOCA:.*]] = llvm.addrspacecast %[[AA]] : !llvm.ptr<5> to !llvm.ptr
+// CHECK:         %[[C0_I32:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(0 : i32) : i32
+// CHECK:         %[[C0:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(0 : i64) : i64
+// CHECK:         %[[TYPE:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(9 : i32) : i32
+// CHECK:         %[[NULL:.*]] = llvm.mlir.zero : !llvm.ptr
+// CHECK:         %[[GEP:.*]] = llvm.getelementptr %[[NULL]][1]
+// CHECK:         %[[ELEM_LEN_I64:.*]] = llvm.ptrtoint %[[GEP]] : !llvm.ptr to i64
+// CHECK:         %[[BOX0:.*]] = llvm.mlir.undef : !llvm.struct<(ptr, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, array<1 x array<3 x i64>>)>
+// CHECK:         %[[BOX1:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[ELEM_LEN_I64]], %[[BOX0]][1] : !llvm.struct<(ptr, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, array<1 x array<3 x i64>>)>
+// CHECK:         %[[VERSION:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(20240719 : i32) : i32
+// CHECK:         %[[BOX2:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[VERSION]], %[[BOX1]][2] : !llvm.struct<(ptr, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, array<1 x array<3 x i64>>)>
+// CHECK:         %[[RANK:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(1 : i32) : i32
+// CHECK:         %[[RANK_I8:.*]] = llvm.trunc %[[RANK]] : i32 to i8
+// CHECK:         %[[BOX3:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[RANK_I8]], %[[BOX2]][3] : !llvm.struct<(ptr, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, array<1 x array<3 x i64>>)>
+// CHECK:         %[[TYPE_I8:.*]] = llvm.trunc %[[TYPE]] : i32 to i8
+// CHECK:         %[[BOX4:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[TYPE_I8]], %[[BOX3]][4] : !llvm.struct<(ptr, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, array<1 x array<3 x i64>>)>
+// CHECK:         %[[ATTR:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(0 : i32) : i32
+// CHECK:         %[[ATTR_I8:.*]] = llvm.trunc %[[ATTR]] : i32 to i8
+// CHECK:         %[[BOX5:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[ATTR_I8]], %[[BOX4]][5] : !llvm.struct<(ptr, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, array<1 x array<3 x i64>>)>
+// CHECK:         %[[F18ADDENDUM:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(0 : i32) : i32
+// CHECK:         %[[F18ADDENDUM_I8:.*]] = llvm.trunc %[[F18ADDENDUM]] : i32 to i8
+// CHECK:         %[[BOX6:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[F18ADDENDUM_I8]], %[[BOX5]][6] : !llvm.struct<(ptr, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, array<1 x array<3 x i64>>)>
+// CHECK:         %[[ZERO:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(0 : i64) : i64
+// CHECK:         %[[ONE:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(1 : i64) : i64
+// CHECK:         %[[C0_1:.*]] = llvm.sext %[[C0_I32]] : i32 to i64
+// CHECK:         %[[C0_2:.*]] = llvm.sext %[[C0_I32]] : i32 to i64
+// CHECK:         %[[C0_3:.*]] = llvm.sext %[[C0_I32]] : i32 to i64
+// CHECK:         %[[ADJUSTED_OFFSET:.*]] = llvm.sub %[[C0_2]], %[[C0_3]]  : i64
+// CHECK:         %[[DIM_OFFSET:.*]] = llvm.mul %[[ADJUSTED_OFFSET]], %[[ONE]]  : i64
+// CHECK:         %[[PTR_OFFSET:.*]] = llvm.add %[[DIM_OFFSET]], %[[ZERO]]  : i64
+// CHECK:         %[[C0_4:.*]] = llvm.sext %[[C0_I32]] : i32 to i64
+// CHECK:         %[[C0_5:.*]] = llvm.sext %[[C0_I32]] : i32 to i64
+// CHECK:         %[[C0_6:.*]] = llvm.sext %[[C0_I32]] : i32 to i64
+// CHECK:         %[[EXTENT0:.*]] = llvm.sub %[[C0_5]], %[[C0_4]]  : i64
+// CHECK:         %[[EXTENT1:.*]] = llvm.add %[[EXTENT0]], %[[C0_6]]  : i64
+// CHECK:         %[[EXTENT2:.*]] = llvm.sdiv %[[EXTENT1]], %[[C0_6]]  : i64
+// CHECK:         %[[EXTENT_CMP:.*]] = llvm.icmp "sgt" %[[EXTENT2]], %[[ZERO]] : i64
+// CHECK:         %[[EXTENT:.*]] = llvm.select %[[EXTENT_CMP]], %[[EXTENT2]], %[[ZERO]] : i1, i64
+// CHECK:         %[[BOX7:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[ONE]], %[[BOX6]][7, 0, 0] : !llvm.struct<(ptr, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, array<1 x array<3 x i64>>)>
+// CHECK:         %[[BOX8:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[EXTENT]], %[[BOX7]][7, 0, 1] : !llvm.struct<(ptr, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, array<1 x array<3 x i64>>)>
+// CHECK:         %[[C0_7:.*]] = llvm.sext %[[C0_I32]] : i32 to i64
+// CHECK:         %[[STRIDE:.*]] = llvm.mul %[[ELEM_LEN_I64]], %[[C0_7]]  : i64
+// CHECK:         %[[BOX9:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[STRIDE]], %[[BOX8]][7, 0, 2] : !llvm.struct<(ptr, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, array<1 x array<3 x i64>>)>
+// CHECK:         %[[PREV_DIM:.*]] = llvm.mul %[[ELEM_LEN_I64]], %[[C0_1]]  : i64
+// CHECK:         %[[PREV_PTROFF:.*]] = llvm.mul %[[ONE]], %[[C0_1]]  : i64
+// CHECK:         %[[BASE_PTR:.*]] = llvm.getelementptr %[[ARG0]][%[[PTR_OFFSET]]] : (!llvm.ptr, i64) -> !llvm.ptr, i32
+// CHECK:         %[[BOX10:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[BASE_PTR]], %[[BOX9]][0] : !llvm.struct<(ptr, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, array<1 x array<3 x i64>>)>
+// CHECK:         llvm.store %[[BOX10]], %[[ALLOCA]] : !llvm.struct<(ptr, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, i{{.*}}, array<1 x array<3 x i64>>)>, !llvm.ptr
 // Check adjustment of element scaling factor.
 func.func @xembox1(%arg0: !fir.ref<!fir.array<?x!fir.char<1, 10>>>) {


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