[flang-commits] [flang] [mlir] [flang][OpenMP] Implement HAS_DEVICE_ADDR clause (PR #128568)

via flang-commits flang-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Feb 28 05:55:17 PST 2025

https://github.com/agozillon approved this pull request.

This LGTM! Thank you for implementing this, and adding the always map type to the descriptor like it is downstream (or coming up with the same thought I did, and adding more credence to it!), will cut down my other PR set a bit :-)

However, worth mentioning it does in certain cases, cause issues (primarily some cases in UMT) for map, which I'll try to address in some future PRs in some manner, but not a problem for you to worry about! I would however ask you to add one or two runtime tests to the offload/test/offloading/fortran, mainly just so that I am aware if any changes I (or anyone else make) break something runtime wise!


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