[flang-commits] [flang] [flang] AliasAnalysis: Handle fir.load on hlfir.designate (PR #127107)

Renaud Kauffmann via flang-commits flang-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Feb 13 18:37:41 PST 2025

Renaud-K wrote:

Actually, there are a lot of TODOs.
You are getting identical source because of the reassignment of v and defOp in
            else if (auto allocOp =
                         def.template getDefiningOp<fir::AllocaOp>()) {
              v = def;
              defOp = v.getDefiningOp();
              type = SourceKind::Allocate;
which makes the aggregate the source. Would you not be getting better results commenting these 2 lines out?
            else if (auto allocOp =
                         def.template getDefiningOp<fir::AllocaOp>()) {
              //v = def;
              //defOp = v.getDefiningOp();
              type = SourceKind::Allocate;


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