[flang-commits] [flang] [flang] AliasAnalysis: Handle fir.load on hlfir.designate (PR #127107)

Renaud Kauffmann via flang-commits flang-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Feb 13 13:18:40 PST 2025

Renaud-K wrote:

It is further motivation for using getSource but I would be ok to have this change first. 

It is also further motivation to introduce a SourceKind::Emboxed because the SourceKind of the aggregate has probably nothing to do with the SourceKind of the data. 
SourceKind::Emboxed would be an indirect source kind for which we are comfortable relying on attributes to determine aliasing. 

I don't believe we can meet this guaranty for low level FIR or compiler generated FIR with non-emboxed pointers.  Meaning for instance, that some FIR could introduce aliasing without the `!fir.ptr` type. @jeanPerier , would this be accurate?

I will approve but please wait for Jean's approval as well.


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