[flang-commits] [flang] [mlir] [flang][OpenMP] Enable delayed privatization by default `omp.wsloop` (PR #125732)

Kareem Ergawy via flang-commits flang-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sun Feb 9 23:55:48 PST 2025

ergawy wrote:

> @ergawy I noticed this tonight. It's late here so I haven't had a chance to isolate to a commit so I'm just guessing.
> ```
> % cat foo.f90
> program p
> character(2),allocatable :: c
> c = 'xx'
> !$omp parallel do private(c)
> do i = 1,10
> end do
> !$omp end parallel do
> end program
> ```
> ```
> % flang -fopenmp foo.f90
> flang-21: warning: OpenMP support in flang is still experimental [-Wexperimental-option]
> error: loc("/local/home/sscalpone/tests/nag/run/omp30/foo.f90":2:29): 'fir.embox' op CHARACTER already has static LEN
> error: verification of lowering to FIR failed
> ```

I will take a look ....


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