[flang-commits] [flang] fe8b323 - [flang][OpenMP] Semantic checks for context selectors (#123243)
via flang-commits
flang-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Feb 3 07:48:07 PST 2025
Author: Krzysztof Parzyszek
Date: 2025-02-03T09:48:04-06:00
New Revision: fe8b323f598393d5a7cf468865c4f60d39cb0718
URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/fe8b323f598393d5a7cf468865c4f60d39cb0718
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/fe8b323f598393d5a7cf468865c4f60d39cb0718.diff
LOG: [flang][OpenMP] Semantic checks for context selectors (#123243)
This implements checks of the validity of context set selectors and
trait selectors, plus the types of trait properties. Clause properties
are also validated, but not name or extension properties.
Co-authored-by: Tom Eccles <tom.eccles at arm.com>
diff --git a/flang/include/flang/Parser/parse-tree.h b/flang/include/flang/Parser/parse-tree.h
index be3b1fbde8c3cd..57b9cdb008b32e 100644
--- a/flang/include/flang/Parser/parse-tree.h
+++ b/flang/include/flang/Parser/parse-tree.h
@@ -3572,6 +3572,7 @@ struct OmpTraitProperty {
// Trait-set-selectors:
// [D]evice, [T]arget_device, [C]onstruct, [I]mplementation, [U]ser.
struct OmpTraitSelectorName {
+ std::string ToString() const;
CharBlock source;
ENUM_CLASS(Value, Arch, Atomic_Default_Mem_Order, Condition, Device_Num,
@@ -3596,6 +3597,7 @@ struct OmpTraitSelector {
// TARGET_DEVICE // since 5.1
struct OmpTraitSetSelectorName {
+ std::string ToString() const;
CharBlock source;
ENUM_CLASS(Value, Construct, Device, Implementation, Target_Device, User)
WRAPPER_CLASS_BOILERPLATE(OmpTraitSetSelectorName, Value);
diff --git a/flang/include/flang/Semantics/openmp-modifiers.h b/flang/include/flang/Semantics/openmp-modifiers.h
index 5d5c5e97faf413..7cdbf65adebe1c 100644
--- a/flang/include/flang/Semantics/openmp-modifiers.h
+++ b/flang/include/flang/Semantics/openmp-modifiers.h
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ DECLARE_DESCRIPTOR(parser::OmpAlignModifier);
diff --git a/flang/lib/Parser/parse-tree.cpp b/flang/lib/Parser/parse-tree.cpp
index a414f226058e3e..251b6919cf52fe 100644
--- a/flang/lib/Parser/parse-tree.cpp
+++ b/flang/lib/Parser/parse-tree.cpp
@@ -281,6 +281,26 @@ OmpTaskDependenceType::Value OmpDependClause::TaskDep::GetTaskDepType() const {
+std::string OmpTraitSelectorName::ToString() const {
+ return common::visit( //
+ common::visitors{
+ [&](Value v) { //
+ return std::string(EnumToString(v));
+ },
+ [&](llvm::omp::Directive d) {
+ return llvm::omp::getOpenMPDirectiveName(d).str();
+ },
+ [&](const std::string &s) { //
+ return s;
+ },
+ },
+ u);
+std::string OmpTraitSetSelectorName::ToString() const {
+ return std::string(EnumToString(v));
} // namespace Fortran::parser
template <typename C> static llvm::omp::Clause getClauseIdForClass(C &&) {
diff --git a/flang/lib/Semantics/check-omp-structure.cpp b/flang/lib/Semantics/check-omp-structure.cpp
index 035064ecf3a46e..3a59809a0262af 100644
--- a/flang/lib/Semantics/check-omp-structure.cpp
+++ b/flang/lib/Semantics/check-omp-structure.cpp
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
#include "check-omp-structure.h"
#include "definable.h"
#include "flang/Evaluate/check-expression.h"
+#include "flang/Evaluate/expression.h"
+#include "flang/Evaluate/type.h"
#include "flang/Parser/parse-tree.h"
#include "flang/Semantics/expression.h"
#include "flang/Semantics/openmp-modifiers.h"
@@ -2985,7 +2987,6 @@ CHECK_SIMPLE_CLAUSE(Severity, OMPC_severity)
CHECK_SIMPLE_CLAUSE(Otherwise, OMPC_otherwise)
CHECK_SIMPLE_CLAUSE(AdjustArgs, OMPC_adjust_args)
CHECK_SIMPLE_CLAUSE(AppendArgs, OMPC_append_args)
CHECK_SIMPLE_CLAUSE(MemoryOrder, OMPC_memory_order)
@@ -4537,14 +4538,513 @@ void OmpStructureChecker::Enter(const parser::OmpClause::OmpxBare &x) {
-void OmpStructureChecker::Enter(const parser::OmpContextSelector &ctxSel) {
+void OmpStructureChecker::Enter(const parser::OmpClause::When &x) {
+ CheckAllowedClause(llvm::omp::Clause::OMPC_when);
+ OmpVerifyModifiers(
+ x.v, llvm::omp::OMPC_when, GetContext().clauseSource, context_);
+void OmpStructureChecker::Enter(const parser::OmpContextSelector &ctx) {
+ using SetName = parser::OmpTraitSetSelectorName;
+ std::map<SetName::Value, const SetName *> visited;
+ for (const parser::OmpTraitSetSelector &traitSet : ctx.v) {
+ auto &name{std::get<SetName>(traitSet.t)};
+ auto [prev, unique]{visited.insert(std::make_pair(name.v, &name))};
+ if (!unique) {
+ std::string showName{parser::ToUpperCaseLetters(name.ToString())};
+ parser::MessageFormattedText txt(
+ "Repeated trait set name %s in a context specifier"_err_en_US,
+ showName);
+ parser::Message message(name.source, txt);
+ message.Attach(prev->second->source,
+ "Previous trait set %s provided here"_en_US, showName);
+ context_.Say(std::move(message));
+ }
+ CheckTraitSetSelector(traitSet);
+ }
void OmpStructureChecker::Leave(const parser::OmpContextSelector &) {
+std::optional<evaluate::DynamicType> OmpStructureChecker::GetDynamicType(
+ const common::Indirection<parser::Expr> &parserExpr) {
+ // Indirection<parser::Expr> parserExpr
+ // `- parser::Expr ^.value()
+ const parser::TypedExpr &typedExpr{parserExpr.value().typedExpr};
+ // ForwardOwningPointer typedExpr
+ // `- GenericExprWrapper ^.get()
+ // `- std::optional<Expr> ^->v
+ if (auto maybeExpr{typedExpr.get()->v}) {
+ return maybeExpr->GetType();
+ } else {
+ return std::nullopt;
+ }
+const std::list<parser::OmpTraitProperty> &
+ const parser::OmpTraitSelector &trait) {
+ static const std::list<parser::OmpTraitProperty> empty{};
+ auto &[_, maybeProps]{trait.t};
+ if (maybeProps) {
+ using PropertyList = std::list<parser::OmpTraitProperty>;
+ return std::get<PropertyList>(maybeProps->t);
+ } else {
+ return empty;
+ }
+std::optional<llvm::omp::Clause> OmpStructureChecker::GetClauseFromProperty(
+ const parser::OmpTraitProperty &property) {
+ using MaybeClause = std::optional<llvm::omp::Clause>;
+ // The parser for OmpClause will only succeed if the clause was
+ // given with all required arguments.
+ // If this is a string or complex extension with a clause name,
+ // treat it as a clause and let the trait checker deal with it.
+ auto getClauseFromString{[&](const std::string &s) -> MaybeClause {
+ auto id{llvm::omp::getOpenMPClauseKind(parser::ToLowerCaseLetters(s))};
+ if (id != llvm::omp::Clause::OMPC_unknown) {
+ return id;
+ } else {
+ return std::nullopt;
+ }
+ }};
+ return common::visit( //
+ common::visitors{
+ [&](const parser::OmpTraitPropertyName &x) -> MaybeClause {
+ return getClauseFromString(x.v);
+ },
+ [&](const common::Indirection<parser::OmpClause> &x) -> MaybeClause {
+ return x.value().Id();
+ },
+ [&](const parser::ScalarExpr &x) -> MaybeClause {
+ return std::nullopt;
+ },
+ [&](const parser::OmpTraitPropertyExtension &x) -> MaybeClause {
+ using ExtProperty = parser::OmpTraitPropertyExtension;
+ if (auto *name{std::get_if<parser::OmpTraitPropertyName>(&x.u)}) {
+ return getClauseFromString(name->v);
+ } else if (auto *cpx{std::get_if<ExtProperty::Complex>(&x.u)}) {
+ return getClauseFromString(
+ std::get<parser::OmpTraitPropertyName>(cpx->t).v);
+ }
+ return std::nullopt;
+ },
+ },
+ property.u);
+void OmpStructureChecker::CheckTraitSelectorList(
+ const std::list<parser::OmpTraitSelector> &traits) {
+ // [6.0:322:20]
+ // Each trait-selector-name may only be specified once in a trait selector
+ // set.
+ // Cannot store OmpTraitSelectorName directly, because it's not copyable.
+ using TraitName = parser::OmpTraitSelectorName;
+ using BareName = decltype(TraitName::u);
+ std::map<BareName, const TraitName *> visited;
+ for (const parser::OmpTraitSelector &trait : traits) {
+ auto &name{std::get<TraitName>(trait.t)};
+ auto [prev, unique]{visited.insert(std::make_pair(name.u, &name))};
+ if (!unique) {
+ std::string showName{parser::ToUpperCaseLetters(name.ToString())};
+ parser::MessageFormattedText txt(
+ "Repeated trait name %s in a trait set"_err_en_US, showName);
+ parser::Message message(name.source, txt);
+ message.Attach(prev->second->source,
+ "Previous trait %s provided here"_en_US, showName);
+ context_.Say(std::move(message));
+ }
+ }
+void OmpStructureChecker::CheckTraitSetSelector(
+ const parser::OmpTraitSetSelector &traitSet) {
+ // Trait Set | Allowed traits | D-traits | X-traits | Score |
+ //
+ // Construct | Simd, directive-name | Yes | No | No |
+ // Device | Arch, Isa, Kind | No | Yes | No |
+ // Implementation | Atomic_Default_Mem_Order | No | Yes | Yes |
+ // | Extension, Requires | | | |
+ // | Vendor | | | |
+ // Target_Device | Arch, Device_Num, Isa | No | Yes | No |
+ // | Kind, Uid | | | |
+ // User | Condition | No | No | Yes |
+ struct TraitSetConfig {
+ std::set<parser::OmpTraitSelectorName::Value> allowed;
+ bool allowsDirectiveTraits;
+ bool allowsExtensionTraits;
+ bool allowsScore;
+ };
+ using SName = parser::OmpTraitSetSelectorName::Value;
+ using TName = parser::OmpTraitSelectorName::Value;
+ static const std::map<SName, TraitSetConfig> configs{
+ {SName::Construct, //
+ {{TName::Simd}, true, false, false}},
+ {SName::Device, //
+ {{TName::Arch, TName::Isa, TName::Kind}, false, true, false}},
+ {SName::Implementation, //
+ {{TName::Atomic_Default_Mem_Order, TName::Extension, TName::Requires,
+ TName::Vendor},
+ false, true, true}},
+ {SName::Target_Device, //
+ {{TName::Arch, TName::Device_Num, TName::Isa, TName::Kind,
+ TName::Uid},
+ false, true, false}},
+ {SName::User, //
+ {{TName::Condition}, false, false, true}},
+ };
+ auto checkTraitSet{[&](const TraitSetConfig &config) {
+ auto &[setName, traits]{traitSet.t};
+ auto usn{parser::ToUpperCaseLetters(setName.ToString())};
+ // Check if there are any duplicate traits.
+ CheckTraitSelectorList(traits);
+ for (const parser::OmpTraitSelector &trait : traits) {
+ auto &[traitName, maybeProps]{trait.t};
+ // Check allowed traits
+ common::visit( //
+ common::visitors{
+ [&](parser::OmpTraitSelectorName::Value v) {
+ if (!config.allowed.count(v)) {
+ context_.Say(traitName.source,
+ "%s is not a valid trait for %s trait set"_err_en_US,
+ parser::ToUpperCaseLetters(traitName.ToString()), usn);
+ }
+ },
+ [&](llvm::omp::Directive) {
+ if (!config.allowsDirectiveTraits) {
+ context_.Say(traitName.source,
+ "Directive name is not a valid trait for %s trait set"_err_en_US,
+ usn);
+ }
+ },
+ [&](const std::string &) {
+ if (!config.allowsExtensionTraits) {
+ context_.Say(traitName.source,
+ "Extension traits are not valid for %s trait set"_err_en_US,
+ usn);
+ }
+ },
+ },
+ traitName.u);
+ // Check score
+ if (maybeProps) {
+ auto &[maybeScore, _]{maybeProps->t};
+ if (maybeScore) {
+ CheckTraitScore(*maybeScore);
+ }
+ }
+ // Check the properties of the individual traits
+ CheckTraitSelector(traitSet, trait);
+ }
+ }};
+ checkTraitSet(
+ configs.at(std::get<parser::OmpTraitSetSelectorName>(traitSet.t).v));
+void OmpStructureChecker::CheckTraitScore(const parser::OmpTraitScore &score) {
+ // [6.0:322:23]
+ // A score-expression must be a non-negative constant integer expression.
+ if (auto value{GetIntValue(score)}; !value || value <= 0) {
+ context_.Say(score.source,
+ "SCORE expression must be a non-negative constant integer expression"_err_en_US);
+ }
+bool OmpStructureChecker::VerifyTraitPropertyLists(
+ const parser::OmpTraitSetSelector &traitSet,
+ const parser::OmpTraitSelector &trait) {
+ using TraitName = parser::OmpTraitSelectorName;
+ using PropertyList = std::list<parser::OmpTraitProperty>;
+ auto &[traitName, maybeProps]{trait.t};
+ auto checkPropertyList{[&](const PropertyList &properties, auto isValid,
+ const std::string &message) {
+ bool foundInvalid{false};
+ for (const parser::OmpTraitProperty &prop : properties) {
+ if (!isValid(prop)) {
+ if (foundInvalid) {
+ context_.Say(
+ prop.source, "More invalid properties are present"_err_en_US);
+ break;
+ }
+ context_.Say(prop.source, "%s"_err_en_US, message);
+ foundInvalid = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return !foundInvalid;
+ }};
+ bool invalid{false};
+ if (std::holds_alternative<llvm::omp::Directive>(traitName.u)) {
+ // Directive-name traits don't have properties.
+ if (maybeProps) {
+ context_.Say(trait.source,
+ "Directive-name traits cannot have properties"_err_en_US);
+ invalid = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Ignore properties on extension traits.
+ // See `TraitSelectorParser` in openmp-parser.cpp
+ if (auto *v{std::get_if<TraitName::Value>(&traitName.u)}) {
+ switch (*v) {
+ // name-list properties
+ case parser::OmpTraitSelectorName::Value::Arch:
+ case parser::OmpTraitSelectorName::Value::Extension:
+ case parser::OmpTraitSelectorName::Value::Isa:
+ case parser::OmpTraitSelectorName::Value::Kind:
+ case parser::OmpTraitSelectorName::Value::Uid:
+ case parser::OmpTraitSelectorName::Value::Vendor:
+ if (maybeProps) {
+ auto isName{[](const parser::OmpTraitProperty &prop) {
+ return std::holds_alternative<parser::OmpTraitPropertyName>(prop.u);
+ }};
+ invalid = !checkPropertyList(std::get<PropertyList>(maybeProps->t),
+ isName, "Trait property should be a name");
+ }
+ break;
+ // clause-list
+ case parser::OmpTraitSelectorName::Value::Atomic_Default_Mem_Order:
+ case parser::OmpTraitSelectorName::Value::Requires:
+ case parser::OmpTraitSelectorName::Value::Simd:
+ if (maybeProps) {
+ auto isClause{[&](const parser::OmpTraitProperty &prop) {
+ return GetClauseFromProperty(prop).has_value();
+ }};
+ invalid = !checkPropertyList(std::get<PropertyList>(maybeProps->t),
+ isClause, "Trait property should be a clause");
+ }
+ break;
+ // expr-list
+ case parser::OmpTraitSelectorName::Value::Condition:
+ case parser::OmpTraitSelectorName::Value::Device_Num:
+ if (maybeProps) {
+ auto isExpr{[](const parser::OmpTraitProperty &prop) {
+ return std::holds_alternative<parser::ScalarExpr>(prop.u);
+ }};
+ invalid = !checkPropertyList(std::get<PropertyList>(maybeProps->t),
+ isExpr, "Trait property should be a scalar expression");
+ }
+ break;
+ } // switch
+ }
+ return !invalid;
+void OmpStructureChecker::CheckTraitSelector(
+ const parser::OmpTraitSetSelector &traitSet,
+ const parser::OmpTraitSelector &trait) {
+ using TraitName = parser::OmpTraitSelectorName;
+ auto &[traitName, maybeProps]{trait.t};
+ // Only do the detailed checks if the property lists are valid.
+ if (VerifyTraitPropertyLists(traitSet, trait)) {
+ if (std::holds_alternative<llvm::omp::Directive>(traitName.u) ||
+ std::holds_alternative<std::string>(traitName.u)) {
+ // No properties here: directives don't have properties, and
+ // we don't implement any extension traits now.
+ return;
+ }
+ // Specific traits we want to check.
+ // Limitations:
+ // (1) The properties for these traits are defined in "Additional
+ // Definitions for the OpenMP API Specification". It's not clear how
+ // to define them in a portable way, and how to verify their validity,
+ // especially if they get replaced by their integer values (in case
+ // they are defined as enums).
+ // (2) These are entirely implementation-defined, and at the moment
+ // there is no known schema to validate these values.
+ auto v{std::get<TraitName::Value>(traitName.u)};
+ switch (v) {
+ case TraitName::Value::Arch:
+ // Unchecked, TBD(1)
+ break;
+ case TraitName::Value::Atomic_Default_Mem_Order:
+ CheckTraitADMO(traitSet, trait);
+ break;
+ case TraitName::Value::Condition:
+ CheckTraitCondition(traitSet, trait);
+ break;
+ case TraitName::Value::Device_Num:
+ CheckTraitDeviceNum(traitSet, trait);
+ break;
+ case TraitName::Value::Extension:
+ // Ignore
+ break;
+ case TraitName::Value::Isa:
+ // Unchecked, TBD(1)
+ break;
+ case TraitName::Value::Kind:
+ // Unchecked, TBD(1)
+ break;
+ case TraitName::Value::Requires:
+ CheckTraitRequires(traitSet, trait);
+ break;
+ case TraitName::Value::Simd:
+ CheckTraitSimd(traitSet, trait);
+ break;
+ case TraitName::Value::Uid:
+ // Unchecked, TBD(2)
+ break;
+ case TraitName::Value::Vendor:
+ // Unchecked, TBD(1)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void OmpStructureChecker::CheckTraitADMO(
+ const parser::OmpTraitSetSelector &traitSet,
+ const parser::OmpTraitSelector &trait) {
+ auto &traitName{std::get<parser::OmpTraitSelectorName>(trait.t)};
+ auto &properties{GetTraitPropertyList(trait)};
+ if (properties.size() != 1) {
+ context_.Say(trait.source,
+ "%s trait requires a single clause property"_err_en_US,
+ parser::ToUpperCaseLetters(traitName.ToString()));
+ } else {
+ const parser::OmpTraitProperty &property{properties.front()};
+ auto clauseId{*GetClauseFromProperty(property)};
+ // Check that the clause belongs to the memory-order clause-set.
+ // Clause sets will hopefully be autogenerated at some point.
+ switch (clauseId) {
+ case llvm::omp::Clause::OMPC_acq_rel:
+ case llvm::omp::Clause::OMPC_acquire:
+ case llvm::omp::Clause::OMPC_relaxed:
+ case llvm::omp::Clause::OMPC_release:
+ case llvm::omp::Clause::OMPC_seq_cst:
+ break;
+ default:
+ context_.Say(property.source,
+ "%s trait requires a clause from the memory-order clause set"_err_en_US,
+ parser::ToUpperCaseLetters(traitName.ToString()));
+ }
+ using ClauseProperty = common::Indirection<parser::OmpClause>;
+ if (!std::holds_alternative<ClauseProperty>(property.u)) {
+ context_.Say(property.source,
+ "Invalid clause specification for %s"_err_en_US,
+ parser::ToUpperCaseLetters(getClauseName(clauseId)));
+ }
+ }
+void OmpStructureChecker::CheckTraitCondition(
+ const parser::OmpTraitSetSelector &traitSet,
+ const parser::OmpTraitSelector &trait) {
+ auto &traitName{std::get<parser::OmpTraitSelectorName>(trait.t)};
+ auto &properties{GetTraitPropertyList(trait)};
+ if (properties.size() != 1) {
+ context_.Say(trait.source,
+ "%s trait requires a single expression property"_err_en_US,
+ parser::ToUpperCaseLetters(traitName.ToString()));
+ } else {
+ const parser::OmpTraitProperty &property{properties.front()};
+ auto &scalarExpr{std::get<parser::ScalarExpr>(property.u)};
+ auto maybeType{GetDynamicType(scalarExpr.thing)};
+ if (!maybeType || maybeType->category() != TypeCategory::Logical) {
+ context_.Say(property.source,
+ "%s trait requires a single LOGICAL expression"_err_en_US,
+ parser::ToUpperCaseLetters(traitName.ToString()));
+ }
+ }
+void OmpStructureChecker::CheckTraitDeviceNum(
+ const parser::OmpTraitSetSelector &traitSet,
+ const parser::OmpTraitSelector &trait) {
+ auto &traitName{std::get<parser::OmpTraitSelectorName>(trait.t)};
+ auto &properties{GetTraitPropertyList(trait)};
+ if (properties.size() != 1) {
+ context_.Say(trait.source,
+ "%s trait requires a single expression property"_err_en_US,
+ parser::ToUpperCaseLetters(traitName.ToString()));
+ }
+ // No other checks at the moment.
+void OmpStructureChecker::CheckTraitRequires(
+ const parser::OmpTraitSetSelector &traitSet,
+ const parser::OmpTraitSelector &trait) {
+ unsigned version{context_.langOptions().OpenMPVersion};
+ auto &traitName{std::get<parser::OmpTraitSelectorName>(trait.t)};
+ auto &properties{GetTraitPropertyList(trait)};
+ for (const parser::OmpTraitProperty &property : properties) {
+ auto clauseId{*GetClauseFromProperty(property)};
+ if (!llvm::omp::isAllowedClauseForDirective(
+ llvm::omp::OMPD_requires, clauseId, version)) {
+ context_.Say(property.source,
+ "%s trait requires a clause from the requirement clause set"_err_en_US,
+ parser::ToUpperCaseLetters(traitName.ToString()));
+ }
+ using ClauseProperty = common::Indirection<parser::OmpClause>;
+ if (!std::holds_alternative<ClauseProperty>(property.u)) {
+ context_.Say(property.source,
+ "Invalid clause specification for %s"_err_en_US,
+ parser::ToUpperCaseLetters(getClauseName(clauseId)));
+ }
+ }
+void OmpStructureChecker::CheckTraitSimd(
+ const parser::OmpTraitSetSelector &traitSet,
+ const parser::OmpTraitSelector &trait) {
+ unsigned version{context_.langOptions().OpenMPVersion};
+ auto &traitName{std::get<parser::OmpTraitSelectorName>(trait.t)};
+ auto &properties{GetTraitPropertyList(trait)};
+ for (const parser::OmpTraitProperty &property : properties) {
+ auto clauseId{*GetClauseFromProperty(property)};
+ if (!llvm::omp::isAllowedClauseForDirective(
+ llvm::omp::OMPD_declare_simd, clauseId, version)) {
+ context_.Say(property.source,
+ "%s trait requires a clause that is allowed on the %s directive"_err_en_US,
+ parser::ToUpperCaseLetters(traitName.ToString()),
+ parser::ToUpperCaseLetters(
+ getDirectiveName(llvm::omp::OMPD_declare_simd)));
+ }
+ using ClauseProperty = common::Indirection<parser::OmpClause>;
+ if (!std::holds_alternative<ClauseProperty>(property.u)) {
+ context_.Say(property.source,
+ "Invalid clause specification for %s"_err_en_US,
+ parser::ToUpperCaseLetters(getClauseName(clauseId)));
+ }
+ }
llvm::StringRef OmpStructureChecker::getClauseName(llvm::omp::Clause clause) {
return llvm::omp::getOpenMPClauseName(clause);
diff --git a/flang/lib/Semantics/check-omp-structure.h b/flang/lib/Semantics/check-omp-structure.h
index 7412a2071d492f..a9ac93a9149d40 100644
--- a/flang/lib/Semantics/check-omp-structure.h
+++ b/flang/lib/Semantics/check-omp-structure.h
@@ -184,6 +184,32 @@ class OmpStructureChecker
// specific clause related
void CheckAllowedMapTypes(const parser::OmpMapType::Value &,
const std::list<parser::OmpMapType::Value> &);
+ std::optional<evaluate::DynamicType> GetDynamicType(
+ const common::Indirection<parser::Expr> &);
+ const std::list<parser::OmpTraitProperty> &GetTraitPropertyList(
+ const parser::OmpTraitSelector &);
+ std::optional<llvm::omp::Clause> GetClauseFromProperty(
+ const parser::OmpTraitProperty &);
+ void CheckTraitSelectorList(const std::list<parser::OmpTraitSelector> &);
+ void CheckTraitSetSelector(const parser::OmpTraitSetSelector &);
+ void CheckTraitScore(const parser::OmpTraitScore &);
+ bool VerifyTraitPropertyLists(
+ const parser::OmpTraitSetSelector &, const parser::OmpTraitSelector &);
+ void CheckTraitSelector(
+ const parser::OmpTraitSetSelector &, const parser::OmpTraitSelector &);
+ void CheckTraitADMO(
+ const parser::OmpTraitSetSelector &, const parser::OmpTraitSelector &);
+ void CheckTraitCondition(
+ const parser::OmpTraitSetSelector &, const parser::OmpTraitSelector &);
+ void CheckTraitDeviceNum(
+ const parser::OmpTraitSetSelector &, const parser::OmpTraitSelector &);
+ void CheckTraitRequires(
+ const parser::OmpTraitSetSelector &, const parser::OmpTraitSelector &);
+ void CheckTraitSimd(
+ const parser::OmpTraitSetSelector &, const parser::OmpTraitSelector &);
llvm::StringRef getClauseName(llvm::omp::Clause clause) override;
llvm::StringRef getDirectiveName(llvm::omp::Directive directive) override;
diff --git a/flang/lib/Semantics/openmp-modifiers.cpp b/flang/lib/Semantics/openmp-modifiers.cpp
index 9f2896229bb7ff..73ad7751ee5174 100644
--- a/flang/lib/Semantics/openmp-modifiers.cpp
+++ b/flang/lib/Semantics/openmp-modifiers.cpp
@@ -156,6 +156,23 @@ const OmpModifierDescriptor &OmpGetDescriptor<parser::OmpChunkModifier>() {
return desc;
+template <>
+const OmpModifierDescriptor &OmpGetDescriptor<parser::OmpContextSelector>() {
+ static const OmpModifierDescriptor desc{
+ /*name=*/"context-selector",
+ /*props=*/
+ {
+ {50, {OmpProperty::Required, OmpProperty::Unique}},
+ },
+ /*clauses=*/
+ {
+ // The MATCH clause takes a selector as an argument, not modifier.
+ {50, {Clause::OMPC_when}},
+ },
+ };
+ return desc;
template <>
const OmpModifierDescriptor &OmpGetDescriptor<parser::OmpDependenceType>() {
static const OmpModifierDescriptor desc{
diff --git a/flang/test/Parser/OpenMP/metadirective.f90 b/flang/test/Parser/OpenMP/metadirective.f90
index af6c3bbefacf24..359f0d8be7a65e 100644
--- a/flang/test/Parser/OpenMP/metadirective.f90
+++ b/flang/test/Parser/OpenMP/metadirective.f90
@@ -22,17 +22,17 @@ subroutine f00
!PARSE-TREE: | | | OmpClauseList ->
subroutine f01
- !$omp metadirective when(device={kind(host), device_num(1)}: nothing)
+ !$omp metadirective when(target_device={kind(host), device_num(1)}: nothing)
!PARSE-TREE: ExecutionPartConstruct -> ExecutableConstruct -> OpenMPConstruct -> OpenMPStandaloneConstruct -> OmpMetadirectiveDirective
!PARSE-TREE: | OmpClauseList -> OmpClause -> When -> OmpWhenClause
!PARSE-TREE: | | Modifier -> OmpContextSelectorSpecification -> OmpTraitSetSelector
-!PARSE-TREE: | | | OmpTraitSetSelectorName -> Value = Device
+!PARSE-TREE: | | | OmpTraitSetSelectorName -> Value = Target_Device
!PARSE-TREE: | | | OmpTraitSelector
!PARSE-TREE: | | | | OmpTraitSelectorName -> Value = Kind
!PARSE-TREE: | | | | Properties
@@ -95,12 +95,12 @@ subroutine f03
subroutine f04
!$omp metadirective &
- !$omp & when(implementation={extension(haha(1), foo(baz, "bar"(1)))}: nothing)
+ !$omp when(implementation={extension_trait(haha(1), foo(baz, "bar"(1)))}: nothing)
+!UNPARSE: !$OMP METADIRECTIVE WHEN(IMPLEMENTATION={extension_trait(haha(1_4), foo(baz,bar(1_4&
!PARSE-TREE: ExecutionPartConstruct -> ExecutableConstruct -> OpenMPConstruct -> OpenMPStandaloneConstruct -> OmpMetadirectiveDirective
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ subroutine f04
!PARSE-TREE: | | Modifier -> OmpContextSelectorSpecification -> OmpTraitSetSelector
!PARSE-TREE: | | | OmpTraitSetSelectorName -> Value = Implementation
!PARSE-TREE: | | | OmpTraitSelector
-!PARSE-TREE: | | | | OmpTraitSelectorName -> Value = Extension
+!PARSE-TREE: | | | | OmpTraitSelectorName -> string = 'extension_trait'
!PARSE-TREE: | | | | Properties
!PARSE-TREE: | | | | | OmpTraitProperty -> OmpTraitPropertyExtension -> Complex
!PARSE-TREE: | | | | | | OmpTraitPropertyName -> string = 'haha'
diff --git a/flang/test/Semantics/OpenMP/metadirective-common.f90 b/flang/test/Semantics/OpenMP/metadirective-common.f90
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..4988fae9e8edca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flang/test/Semantics/OpenMP/metadirective-common.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+!RUN: %python %S/../test_errors.py %s %flang -fopenmp -fopenmp-version=52
+! Common context selector tests
+subroutine f00
+ !$omp metadirective &
+ !$omp & when(implementation={vendor("this")}, &
+!ERROR: Repeated trait set name IMPLEMENTATION in a context specifier
+ !$omp & implementation={requires(unified_shared_memory)}: nothing)
+subroutine f01
+ !$omp metadirective &
+!ERROR: Repeated trait name ISA in a trait set
+ !$omp & when(device={isa("this"), isa("that")}: nothing)
+subroutine f02
+ !$omp metadirective &
+!ERROR: SCORE expression must be a non-negative constant integer expression
+ !$omp & when(user={condition(score(-2): .true.)}: nothing)
+subroutine f03(x)
+ integer :: x
+ !$omp metadirective &
+!ERROR: SCORE expression must be a non-negative constant integer expression
+ !$omp & when(user={condition(score(x): .true.)}: nothing)
+subroutine f04
+ !$omp metadirective &
+!ERROR: Trait property should be a scalar expression
+!ERROR: More invalid properties are present
+ !$omp & when(target_device={device_num("device", "foo"(1))}: nothing)
diff --git a/flang/test/Semantics/OpenMP/metadirective-construct.f90 b/flang/test/Semantics/OpenMP/metadirective-construct.f90
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..1dd23b1dca67b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flang/test/Semantics/OpenMP/metadirective-construct.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+!RUN: %python %S/../test_errors.py %s %flang -fopenmp -fopenmp-version=52
+! The CONSTRUCT trait set
+subroutine f00
+ !$omp metadirective &
+!ERROR: CONDITION is not a valid trait for CONSTRUCT trait set
+ !$omp & when(construct={condition(.true.)}: nothing)
+subroutine f01
+ !$omp metadirective &
+!ERROR: Directive-name traits cannot have properties
+ !$omp & when(construct={parallel(nowait), simd}: nothing)
+subroutine f02
+ !$omp metadirective &
+!ERROR: SIMD trait requires a clause that is allowed on the DECLARE SIMD directive
+ !$omp & when(construct={simd(nowait)}: nothing)
+subroutine f03
+ !$omp metadirective &
+!ERROR: Extension traits are not valid for CONSTRUCT trait set
+ !$omp & when(construct={fred(1)}: nothing)
+subroutine f04
+ !$omp metadirective &
+!This is ok
+ !$omp & when(construct={parallel, simd(simdlen(32), notinbranch)}: nothing)
diff --git a/flang/test/Semantics/OpenMP/metadirective-device.f90 b/flang/test/Semantics/OpenMP/metadirective-device.f90
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..fb114990662477
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flang/test/Semantics/OpenMP/metadirective-device.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+!RUN: %python %S/../test_errors.py %s %flang -fopenmp -fopenmp-version=52
+! The DEVICE and TARGET_DEVICE trait sets
+subroutine f00
+ !$omp metadirective &
+!ERROR: DEVICE_NUM is not a valid trait for DEVICE trait set
+ !$omp & when(device={device_num(10)}: nothing)
+subroutine f01
+ !$omp metadirective &
+!This is ok: all traits are valid
+ !$omp & when(device={arch("some-arch"), isa("some-isa"), kind("some-kind")}:&
+ !$omp & nothing)
+subroutine f02
+ !$omp metadirective &
+!This is ok: all traits are valid
+ !$omp & when(target_device={arch("some-arch"), device_num(10), &
+ !$omp & isa("some-isa"), kind("some-kind"), uid("some-uid")}: nothing)
+subroutine f03
+ !$omp metadirective &
+!This is ok: extension traits are allowed
+ !$omp & when(device={some_new_trait}: nothing)
+subroutine f04
+ !$omp metadirective &
+!This is ok: extension traits are allowed
+ !$omp & when(target_device={another_new_trait(12, 21)}: nothing)
diff --git a/flang/test/Semantics/OpenMP/metadirective-implementation.f90 b/flang/test/Semantics/OpenMP/metadirective-implementation.f90
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..7a7642158fc29f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flang/test/Semantics/OpenMP/metadirective-implementation.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+!RUN: %python %S/../test_errors.py %s %flang -fopenmp -fopenmp-version=52
+! The IMPLEMENTATION trait set
+subroutine f00
+ !$omp metadirective &
+!ERROR: Trait property should be a clause
+ !$omp & when(implementation={atomic_default_mem_order(0)}: nothing)
+subroutine f01
+ !$omp metadirective &
+!ERROR: ATOMIC_DEFAULT_MEM_ORDER trait requires a clause from the memory-order clause set
+ !$omp & when(implementation={atomic_default_mem_order(nowait)}: nothing)
+subroutine f02
+ !$omp metadirective &
+!ERROR: REQUIRES trait requires a clause from the requirement clause set
+!ERROR: Invalid clause specification for SHARED
+ !$omp & when(implementation={requires(shared)}: nothing)
+subroutine f03
+ !$omp metadirective &
+!This is ok
+ !$omp & when(implementation={ &
+ !$omp & atomic_default_mem_order(relaxed), &
+ !$omp & extension("foo"), &
+ !$omp & requires(unified_address),
+ !$omp & vendor(some_vendor) &
+ !$omp & }: nothing)
diff --git a/flang/test/Semantics/OpenMP/metadirective-user.f90 b/flang/test/Semantics/OpenMP/metadirective-user.f90
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..c4f037d57a9d94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flang/test/Semantics/OpenMP/metadirective-user.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+!RUN: %python %S/../test_errors.py %s %flang -fopenmp -fopenmp-version=52
+! The USER trait set
+subroutine f00(x)
+ integer :: x
+ !$omp metadirective &
+!ERROR: CONDITION trait requires a single LOGICAL expression
+ !$omp & when(user={condition(score(2): x)}: nothing)
+subroutine f01
+ !$omp metadirective &
+!ERROR: CONDITION trait requires a single expression property
+ !$omp & when(user={condition(.true., .false.)}: nothing)
+subroutine f02
+ !$omp metadirective &
+!ERROR: Extension traits are not valid for USER trait set
+ !$omp & when(user={fred}: nothing)
+subroutine f03(x)
+ integer :: x
+ !$omp metadirective &
+!This is ok
+ !$omp & when(user={condition(x > 0)}: nothing)
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