[flang-commits] [flang] 76347ee - [flang][debug] Improve handling of dummy character arguments. (#108283)

via flang-commits flang-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Sep 18 05:52:26 PDT 2024

Author: Abid Qadeer
Date: 2024-09-18T13:52:23+01:00
New Revision: 76347ee9584bfcdaceb4ee48d39441c29aeb2124

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/76347ee9584bfcdaceb4ee48d39441c29aeb2124
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/76347ee9584bfcdaceb4ee48d39441c29aeb2124.diff

LOG: [flang][debug] Improve handling of dummy character arguments. (#108283)

As described in #107998, we were not handling the case well when length
of the character is not part of the type. This PR handles one of the
case when the length can be calculated by looking at the result of
corresponding `fir.unboxchar`.

The DIStringTypeAttr have a `stringLength` field that can be a variable.
We create an artificial variable that will hold the length and used as
value of `stringLength` field. The variable is then attached with
a `DbgValueOp`.

Fixes #107998.




diff  --git a/flang/lib/Optimizer/Transforms/DebugTypeGenerator.cpp b/flang/lib/Optimizer/Transforms/DebugTypeGenerator.cpp
index 82c6a6618e0ed8..1390fae062b934 100644
--- a/flang/lib/Optimizer/Transforms/DebugTypeGenerator.cpp
+++ b/flang/lib/Optimizer/Transforms/DebugTypeGenerator.cpp
@@ -271,6 +271,7 @@ mlir::LLVM::DITypeAttr DebugTypeGenerator::convertCharacterType(
   uint64_t sizeInBits = 0;
   mlir::LLVM::DIExpressionAttr lenExpr = nullptr;
   mlir::LLVM::DIExpressionAttr locExpr = nullptr;
+  mlir::LLVM::DIVariableAttr varAttr = nullptr;
   if (hasDescriptor) {
     llvm::SmallVector<mlir::LLVM::DIExpressionElemAttr> ops;
@@ -289,7 +290,29 @@ mlir::LLVM::DITypeAttr DebugTypeGenerator::convertCharacterType(
     sizeInBits =
         charTy.getLen() * kindMapping.getCharacterBitsize(charTy.getFKind());
   } else {
-    return genPlaceholderType(context);
+    // In assumed length string, the len of the character is not part of the
+    // type but can be found at the runtime. Here we create an artificial
+    // variable that will contain that length. This variable is used as
+    // 'stringLength' in DIStringTypeAttr.
+    if (declOp && !declOp.getTypeparams().empty()) {
+      mlir::Operation *op = declOp.getTypeparams()[0].getDefiningOp();
+      if (auto unbox = mlir::dyn_cast_or_null<fir::UnboxCharOp>(op)) {
+        auto name =
+            mlir::StringAttr::get(context, "." + declOp.getUniqName().str());
+        mlir::OpBuilder builder(context);
+        builder.setInsertionPoint(declOp);
+        mlir::Type i64Ty = builder.getIntegerType(64);
+        auto convOp = builder.create<fir::ConvertOp>(unbox.getLoc(), i64Ty,
+                                                     unbox.getResult(1));
+        mlir::LLVM::DITypeAttr Ty = convertType(i64Ty, fileAttr, scope, declOp);
+        auto lvAttr = mlir::LLVM::DILocalVariableAttr::get(
+            context, scope, name, fileAttr, /*line=*/0, /*argNo=*/0,
+            /*alignInBits=*/0, Ty, mlir::LLVM::DIFlags::Artificial);
+        builder.create<mlir::LLVM::DbgValueOp>(convOp.getLoc(), convOp, lvAttr,
+                                               nullptr);
+        varAttr = mlir::cast<mlir::LLVM::DIVariableAttr>(lvAttr);
+      }
+    }
   // FIXME: Currently the DIStringType in llvm does not have the option to set
@@ -299,7 +322,7 @@ mlir::LLVM::DITypeAttr DebugTypeGenerator::convertCharacterType(
   return mlir::LLVM::DIStringTypeAttr::get(
       context, llvm::dwarf::DW_TAG_string_type,
       mlir::StringAttr::get(context, ""), sizeInBits, /*alignInBits=*/0,
-      /*stringLength=*/nullptr, lenExpr, locExpr, encoding);
+      /*stringLength=*/varAttr, lenExpr, locExpr, encoding);
 mlir::LLVM::DITypeAttr DebugTypeGenerator::convertPointerLikeType(

diff  --git a/flang/test/Transforms/debug-107988.fir b/flang/test/Transforms/debug-107988.fir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..308f78a865120c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flang/test/Transforms/debug-107988.fir
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// RUN: fir-opt --add-debug-info --mlir-print-debuginfo %s -o - | FileCheck %s
+module attributes {dlti.dl_spec = #dlti.dl_spec<>} {
+  func.func @test(%arg0: !fir.ref<!fir.char<1,?>> {fir.bindc_name = "str"}, %arg1: i64) {
+    %0 = fir.emboxchar %arg0, %arg1 : (!fir.ref<!fir.char<1,?>>, i64) -> !fir.boxchar<1>
+    %1 = fir.undefined !fir.dscope
+    %2:2 = fir.unboxchar %0 : (!fir.boxchar<1>) -> (!fir.ref<!fir.char<1,?>>, index)  loc(#loc1)
+    %3 = fircg.ext_declare %2#0 typeparams %2#1 dummy_scope %1 {uniq_name = "_QFtestEstr"} : (!fir.ref<!fir.char<1,?>>, index, !fir.dscope) -> !fir.ref<!fir.char<1,?>> loc(#loc1)
+    return
+  } loc(#loc2)
+#loc1 = loc("test.f90":5:1)
+#loc2 = loc("test.f90":15:1)
+// CHECK: #[[VAR:.*]] = #llvm.di_local_variable<{{.*}}name = "._QFtestEstr"{{.*}}flags = Artificial>
+// CHECK: func.func @test
+// CHECK: %[[V1:.*]]:2 = fir.unboxchar{{.*}}
+// CHECK: %[[V2:.*]] = fir.convert %[[V1]]#1 : (index) -> i64
+// CHECK: llvm.intr.dbg.value #di_local_variable = %[[V2]] : i64
+// CHECK: #[[STR_TY:.*]] = #llvm.di_string_type<tag = DW_TAG_string_type, name = "", stringLength = #[[VAR]], encoding = DW_ATE_ASCII>
+// CHECK: #llvm.di_local_variable<{{.*}}name = "str"{{.*}}type = #[[STR_TY]]>


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