[flang-commits] [flang] [flang] Warn when F128 is unsupported (PR #102147)

Tom Eccles via flang-commits flang-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Sep 11 02:18:30 PDT 2024

tblah wrote:

> @tblah This PR caused some regressions in our in-house test run.
> ```
>     DOUBLE PRECISION, ALLOCATABLE :: doubleArrAlloc( :,: )
>     doubleArrAlloc = RESHAPE([ (((REAL(j, 16) / REAL(i, 16)),&
>                                     j = 1, 10), i = 1, 10) ], [ 10,10 ])
> ```
> The above code is supposed to compile successfully, but Flang now failed with
> ```
> error: Semantic errors in a.f
> ./a.f:2:35: error: too many actual arguments for intrinsic 'real'
>       doubleArrAlloc = RESHAPE([ (((REAL(j, 16) / REAL(i, 16)),&
>                                     ^^^^^^^^^^^
> ./a.f:2:49: error: too many actual arguments for intrinsic 'real'
>       doubleArrAlloc = RESHAPE([ (((REAL(j, 16) / REAL(i, 16)),&
>                                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^
> ```

Hi Daniel. That error message is probably incorrect. I think it is failing because REAL(kind=16) is not supported on your system. Have you tried the steps listed in https://flang.llvm.org/docs/Real16MathSupport.html?


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