[flang-commits] [flang] [flang] Update printing values in dump-parse-tree (PR #112709)

Krzysztof Parzyszek via flang-commits flang-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Oct 17 08:47:23 PDT 2024

kparzysz wrote:

subroutine foo()
  real, allocatable :: z(:)

Tree before:
Program -> ProgramUnit -> SubroutineSubprogram
| SubroutineStmt
| | Name = 'foo'
| SpecificationPart
| | ImplicitPart ->
| | DeclarationConstruct -> SpecificationConstruct -> TypeDeclarationStmt
| | | DeclarationTypeSpec -> IntrinsicTypeSpec -> Real
| | | AttrSpec -> Allocatable
| | | EntityDecl
| | | | Name = 'z'
| | | | ArraySpec -> DeferredShapeSpecList -> int
| ExecutionPart -> Block
| EndSubroutineStmt ->

Tree after (compare the 3rd line from the bottom):
Program -> ProgramUnit -> SubroutineSubprogram
| SubroutineStmt
| | Name = 'foo'
| SpecificationPart
| | ImplicitPart ->
| | DeclarationConstruct -> SpecificationConstruct -> TypeDeclarationStmt
| | | DeclarationTypeSpec -> IntrinsicTypeSpec -> Real
| | | AttrSpec -> Allocatable
| | | EntityDecl
| | | | Name = 'z'
| | | | ArraySpec -> DeferredShapeSpecList -> int = '1'
| ExecutionPart -> Block
| EndSubroutineStmt ->


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