[flang-commits] [flang] [llvm] [Proof-of-Concept][flang][OpenMP] Implicitely map allocatable record fields (PR #117867)

via flang-commits flang-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Nov 27 09:43:49 PST 2024

@@ -485,6 +492,153 @@ class MapInfoFinalizationPass
       // clear all local allocations we made for any boxes in any prior
       // iterations from previous function scopes.
+      func->walk([&](mlir::omp::MapInfoOp op) {
+        mlir::Type underlyingType =
+            fir::unwrapRefType(op.getVarPtr().getType());
+        if (!fir::isRecordWithAllocatableMember(underlyingType))
+          return mlir::WalkResult::advance();
+        mlir::omp::TargetOp target =
+            mlir::dyn_cast_if_present<mlir::omp::TargetOp>(
+                getFirstTargetUser(op));
+        if (!target)
+          return mlir::WalkResult::advance();
+        auto mapClauseOwner =
+            llvm::dyn_cast<mlir::omp::MapClauseOwningOpInterface>(*target);
+        // TODO Add as a method to MapClauseOwningOpInterface.
+        unsigned mapVarIdx = 0;
+        for (auto [idx, mapOp] : llvm::enumerate(mapClauseOwner.getMapVars())) {
+          if (mapOp == op) {
+            mapVarIdx = idx;
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+        auto argIface =
+            llvm::dyn_cast<mlir::omp::BlockArgOpenMPOpInterface>(*target);
+        mlir::BlockArgument opBlockArg = argIface.getMapBlockArgs()[mapVarIdx];
+        llvm::SetVector<mlir::Operation *> mapVarForwardSlice;
+        mlir::getForwardSlice(opBlockArg, &mapVarForwardSlice);
+        mapVarForwardSlice.remove_if([&](mlir::Operation *sliceOp) {
+          // TODO Support coordinate_of ops.
+          //
+          // TODO Support call ops by recursively examining the forward slice of
+          // the corresponding paramemter to the field.
+          return !mlir::isa<hlfir::DesignateOp>(sliceOp);
+        });
+        auto recordType = mlir::cast<fir::RecordType>(underlyingType);
+        llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> newMapOpsForFields;
+        llvm::SmallVector<int64_t> fieldIdices;
+        for (auto fieldMemTyPair : recordType.getTypeList()) {
+          auto &field = fieldMemTyPair.first;
+          auto memTy = fieldMemTyPair.second;
+          bool shouldMapField =
+              llvm::find_if(mapVarForwardSlice, [&](mlir::Operation *sliceOp) {
+                if (!fir::isAllocatableType(memTy))
+                  return false;
+                auto designateOp = mlir::dyn_cast<hlfir::DesignateOp>(sliceOp);
+                if (!designateOp)
+                  return false;
+                return designateOp.getComponent() &&
+                       designateOp.getComponent()->strref() == field;
+              }) != mapVarForwardSlice.end();
+          // TODO Handle recursive record types.
+          if (!shouldMapField)
+            continue;
+          int64_t fieldIdx = recordType.getFieldIndex(field);
+          bool alreadyMapped = false;
+          if (op.getMembersIndexAttr())
+            for (auto indexList : op.getMembersIndexAttr()) {
+              auto indexListAttr = mlir::cast<mlir::ArrayAttr>(indexList);
+              if (indexListAttr.size() == 1 &&
+                  mlir::cast<mlir::IntegerAttr>(indexListAttr[0]).getInt() ==
+                      fieldIdx)
+                alreadyMapped = true;
+            }
+          if (alreadyMapped)
+            continue;
+          builder.setInsertionPoint(op);
+          mlir::Value fieldIdxVal = builder.createIntegerConstant(
+              op.getLoc(), mlir::IndexType::get(builder.getContext()),
+              fieldIdx);
+          auto fieldCoord = builder.create<fir::CoordinateOp>(
+              op.getLoc(), builder.getRefType(memTy), op.getVarPtr(),
+              fieldIdxVal);
+          Fortran::lower::AddrAndBoundsInfo info =
+              Fortran::lower::getDataOperandBaseAddr(
+                  builder, fieldCoord, /*isOptional=*/false, op.getLoc());
+          llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> bounds =
+              Fortran::lower::genImplicitBoundsOps<mlir::omp::MapBoundsOp,
+                                                   mlir::omp::MapBoundsType>(
+                  builder, info,
+                  hlfir::translateToExtendedValue(op.getLoc(), builder,
+                                                  hlfir::Entity{fieldCoord})
+                      .first,
+                  /*dataExvIsAssumedSize=*/false, op.getLoc());
+          mlir::omp::MapInfoOp fieldMapOp =
+              builder.create<mlir::omp::MapInfoOp>(
+                  op.getLoc(), fieldCoord.getResult().getType(),
+                  fieldCoord.getResult(),
+                  mlir::TypeAttr::get(
+                      fir::unwrapRefType(fieldCoord.getResult().getType())),
+                  /*varPtrPtr=*/mlir::Value{},
+                  /*members=*/mlir::ValueRange{},
+                  /*members_index=*/mlir::ArrayAttr{},
+                  /*bounds=*/bounds, op.getMapTypeAttr(),
+                  builder.getAttr<mlir::omp::VariableCaptureKindAttr>(
+                      mlir::omp::VariableCaptureKind::ByRef),
+                  builder.getStringAttr(op.getNameAttr().strref() + "." +
+                                        field + ".implicit_map"),
+                  /*partial_map=*/builder.getBoolAttr(false));
+          newMapOpsForFields.emplace_back(fieldMapOp);
+          fieldIdices.emplace_back(fieldIdx);
+        }
+        if (!newMapOpsForFields.empty()) {
agozillon wrote:

It's worth noting that even implicit maps that aren't directly utilised in the TargetOp's region get inserted into the BlockArgument list of TargetOp, so please do make sure that's still occurring to maintain consistency (especially as I believe the BlockArgInterface is somewhat sensitive to it, could be incorrect however). For TargetDataOp that's not currently the case, which makes things a little weird as they'd ideally work the same way :-) Perhaps one day soon. 

Would love to see a test showcasing the pre/post MapInfoFinalization pass FIR/HLFIR in the final PR when it's ready, similar to the other tests for this pass! I'll leave it up to you if you'd prefer to include it in the same test file as the rest or another, as the current test file is verifying slightly different behavior :-) 


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