[flang-commits] [flang] [flang] Add parsing of DO CONCURRENT REDUCE clause (PR #92518)

via flang-commits flang-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon May 20 12:22:24 PDT 2024

https://github.com/khaki3 updated https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/92518

>From 6116f8ac841eec714903379615f21b656655c293 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kazuaki Matsumura <kmatsumura at nvidia.com>
Date: Fri, 17 May 2024 03:41:29 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] [flang] Add parsing of DO CONCURRENT REDUCE clause

 flang/examples/FeatureList/FeatureList.cpp   |   2 +
 flang/include/flang/Parser/dump-parse-tree.h |   2 +
 flang/include/flang/Parser/parse-tree.h      |  29 ++++--
 flang/include/flang/Semantics/symbol.h       |   1 +
 flang/lib/Parser/executable-parsers.cpp      |  10 ++
 flang/lib/Parser/unparse.cpp                 |   4 +
 flang/lib/Semantics/check-do-forall.cpp      |  89 ++++++++++++++++
 flang/lib/Semantics/resolve-names.cpp        | 103 +++++++++++++------
 flang/test/Semantics/resolve123.f90          |  79 ++++++++++++++
 flang/test/Semantics/resolve124.f90          |  89 ++++++++++++++++
 flang/test/Semantics/resolve55.f90           |  19 ++--
 11 files changed, 382 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 flang/test/Semantics/resolve123.f90
 create mode 100644 flang/test/Semantics/resolve124.f90

diff --git a/flang/examples/FeatureList/FeatureList.cpp b/flang/examples/FeatureList/FeatureList.cpp
index 3ca92da4f6467..28689b5d3c4b0 100644
--- a/flang/examples/FeatureList/FeatureList.cpp
+++ b/flang/examples/FeatureList/FeatureList.cpp
@@ -410,10 +410,12 @@ struct NodeVisitor {
+  READ_FEATURE(ReduceOperation)
+  READ_FEATURE(LocalitySpec::Reduce)
diff --git a/flang/include/flang/Parser/dump-parse-tree.h b/flang/include/flang/Parser/dump-parse-tree.h
index 68ae50c312cde..15948bb073664 100644
--- a/flang/include/flang/Parser/dump-parse-tree.h
+++ b/flang/include/flang/Parser/dump-parse-tree.h
@@ -436,10 +436,12 @@ class ParseTreeDumper {
   NODE(parser, LetterSpec)
   NODE(parser, LiteralConstant)
   NODE(parser, IntLiteralConstant)
+  NODE(parser, ReduceOperation)
   NODE(parser, LocalitySpec)
   NODE(LocalitySpec, DefaultNone)
   NODE(LocalitySpec, Local)
   NODE(LocalitySpec, LocalInit)
+  NODE(LocalitySpec, Reduce)
   NODE(LocalitySpec, Shared)
   NODE(parser, LockStmt)
   NODE(LockStmt, LockStat)
diff --git a/flang/include/flang/Parser/parse-tree.h b/flang/include/flang/Parser/parse-tree.h
index 0a40aa8b8f616..68a4319a85047 100644
--- a/flang/include/flang/Parser/parse-tree.h
+++ b/flang/include/flang/Parser/parse-tree.h
@@ -1870,6 +1870,13 @@ struct ProcComponentRef {
   WRAPPER_CLASS_BOILERPLATE(ProcComponentRef, Scalar<StructureComponent>);
+// R1522 procedure-designator ->
+//         procedure-name | proc-component-ref | data-ref % binding-name
+struct ProcedureDesignator {
+  UNION_CLASS_BOILERPLATE(ProcedureDesignator);
+  std::variant<Name, ProcComponentRef> u;
 // R914 coindexed-named-object -> data-ref
 struct CoindexedNamedObject {
@@ -2236,16 +2243,29 @@ struct ConcurrentHeader {
+// F'2023 R1131 reduce-operation ->
+//                + | * | .AND. | .OR. | .EQV. | .NEQV. |
+//                MAX | MIN | IAND | IOR | IEOR
+struct ReduceOperation {
+  std::variant<DefinedOperator, ProcedureDesignator> u;
 // R1130 locality-spec ->
 //         LOCAL ( variable-name-list ) | LOCAL_INIT ( variable-name-list ) |
+//         REDUCE ( reduce-operation : variable-name-list ) |
 //         SHARED ( variable-name-list ) | DEFAULT ( NONE )
 struct LocalitySpec {
   WRAPPER_CLASS(Local, std::list<Name>);
   WRAPPER_CLASS(LocalInit, std::list<Name>);
+  struct Reduce {
+    std::tuple<ReduceOperation, std::list<Name>> t;
+  };
   WRAPPER_CLASS(Shared, std::list<Name>);
-  std::variant<Local, LocalInit, Shared, DefaultNone> u;
+  std::variant<Local, LocalInit, Reduce, Shared, DefaultNone> u;
 // R1123 loop-control ->
@@ -3180,13 +3200,6 @@ WRAPPER_CLASS(ExternalStmt, std::list<Name>);
 // R1519 intrinsic-stmt -> INTRINSIC [::] intrinsic-procedure-name-list
 WRAPPER_CLASS(IntrinsicStmt, std::list<Name>);
-// R1522 procedure-designator ->
-//         procedure-name | proc-component-ref | data-ref % binding-name
-struct ProcedureDesignator {
-  UNION_CLASS_BOILERPLATE(ProcedureDesignator);
-  std::variant<Name, ProcComponentRef> u;
 // R1525 alt-return-spec -> * label
 WRAPPER_CLASS(AltReturnSpec, Label);
diff --git a/flang/include/flang/Semantics/symbol.h b/flang/include/flang/Semantics/symbol.h
index 50f7b68d80cb1..8ccf93c803845 100644
--- a/flang/include/flang/Semantics/symbol.h
+++ b/flang/include/flang/Semantics/symbol.h
@@ -714,6 +714,7 @@ class Symbol {
       CrayPointer, CrayPointee,
       LocalityLocal, // named in LOCAL locality-spec
       LocalityLocalInit, // named in LOCAL_INIT locality-spec
+      LocalityReduce, // named in REDUCE locality-spec
       LocalityShared, // named in SHARED locality-spec
       InDataStmt, // initialized in a DATA statement, =>object, or /init/
       InNamelist, // in a Namelist group
diff --git a/flang/lib/Parser/executable-parsers.cpp b/flang/lib/Parser/executable-parsers.cpp
index 382a593416872..6bacdb34f8c70 100644
--- a/flang/lib/Parser/executable-parsers.cpp
+++ b/flang/lib/Parser/executable-parsers.cpp
@@ -252,13 +252,23 @@ TYPE_PARSER(parenthesized(construct<ConcurrentHeader>(
 TYPE_PARSER(construct<ConcurrentControl>(name / "=", scalarIntExpr / ":",
     scalarIntExpr, maybe(":" >> scalarIntExpr)))
+// F'2023 R1131 reduce-operation ->
+//                + | * | .AND. | .OR. | .EQV. | .NEQV. |
+//                MAX | MIN | IAND | IOR | IEOR
+TYPE_PARSER(construct<ReduceOperation>(Parser<DefinedOperator>{}) ||
+    construct<ReduceOperation>(Parser<ProcedureDesignator>{}))
 // R1130 locality-spec ->
 //         LOCAL ( variable-name-list ) | LOCAL_INIT ( variable-name-list ) |
+//         REDUCE ( reduce-operation : variable-name-list ) |
 //         SHARED ( variable-name-list ) | DEFAULT ( NONE )
                 "LOCAL" >> parenthesized(listOfNames))) ||
         "LOCAL_INIT"_sptok >> parenthesized(listOfNames))) ||
+    construct<LocalitySpec>(construct<LocalitySpec::Reduce>(
+        "REDUCE"_sptok >> "("_tok >> Parser<ReduceOperation>{} / ":",
+        listOfNames / ")")) ||
         "SHARED" >> parenthesized(listOfNames))) ||
diff --git a/flang/lib/Parser/unparse.cpp b/flang/lib/Parser/unparse.cpp
index 1639e900903fe..969b9c3a3802b 100644
--- a/flang/lib/Parser/unparse.cpp
+++ b/flang/lib/Parser/unparse.cpp
@@ -1038,6 +1038,10 @@ class UnparseVisitor {
   void Unparse(const LocalitySpec::LocalInit &x) {
     Word("LOCAL_INIT("), Walk(x.v, ", "), Put(')');
+  void Unparse(const LocalitySpec::Reduce &x) {
+    Word("REDUCE("), Walk(std::get<parser::ReduceOperation>(x.t)), Put(':');
+    Walk(std::get<std::list<parser::Name>>(x.t), ", "), Put(')');
+  }
   void Unparse(const LocalitySpec::Shared &x) {
     Word("SHARED("), Walk(x.v, ", "), Put(')');
diff --git a/flang/lib/Semantics/check-do-forall.cpp b/flang/lib/Semantics/check-do-forall.cpp
index c1eab090a4bb1..450a6ccda172b 100644
--- a/flang/lib/Semantics/check-do-forall.cpp
+++ b/flang/lib/Semantics/check-do-forall.cpp
@@ -683,6 +683,89 @@ class DoContext {
+  void CheckReduce(
+      const parser::LocalitySpec::Reduce &reduce) const {
+    const parser::ReduceOperation &reduceOperation =
+        std::get<parser::ReduceOperation>(reduce.t);
+    // F'2023 C1132, reduction variables should have suitable intrinsic type
+    bool supported_identifier = true;
+    common::visit(
+        common::visitors{
+            [&](const parser::DefinedOperator &dOpr) {
+              const auto &intrinsicOp{
+                std::get<parser::DefinedOperator::IntrinsicOperator>(dOpr.u)
+              };
+              for (const Fortran::parser::Name &x :
+                       std::get<std::list<Fortran::parser::Name>>(reduce.t)) {
+                const auto *type{x.symbol->GetType()};
+                bool suitable_type = false;
+                switch (intrinsicOp) {
+                case parser::DefinedOperator::IntrinsicOperator::Add:
+                case parser::DefinedOperator::IntrinsicOperator::Multiply:
+                  if (type->IsNumeric(TypeCategory::Integer) ||
+                      type->IsNumeric(TypeCategory::Real) ||
+                      type->IsNumeric(TypeCategory::Complex)) {
+                    // TODO: check composite type.
+                    suitable_type = true;
+                  }
+                  break;
+                case parser::DefinedOperator::IntrinsicOperator::AND:
+                case parser::DefinedOperator::IntrinsicOperator::OR:
+                case parser::DefinedOperator::IntrinsicOperator::EQV:
+                case parser::DefinedOperator::IntrinsicOperator::NEQV:
+                  if (type->category() == DeclTypeSpec::Category::Logical) {
+                    suitable_type = true;
+                  }
+                  break;
+                default:
+                  supported_identifier = false;
+                  return;
+                }
+                if (!suitable_type) {
+                  context_.Say(currentStatementSourcePosition_,
+                               "Reduction variable '%s' does not have a "
+                               "suitable type."_err_en_US, x.symbol->name());
+                }
+              }
+            },
+            [&](const parser::ProcedureDesignator &procD) {
+              const parser::Name *name{std::get_if<parser::Name>(&procD.u)};
+              if (!(name && name->symbol)) {
+                supported_identifier = false;
+                return;
+              }
+              const SourceName &realName{name->symbol->GetUltimate().name()};
+              for (const Fortran::parser::Name &x : std::get<std::list<
+                       Fortran::parser::Name>>(reduce.t)) {
+                const auto *type{x.symbol->GetType()};
+                bool suitable_type = false;
+                if (realName == "max" || realName == "min") {
+                  if (type->IsNumeric(TypeCategory::Integer) ||
+                      type->IsNumeric(TypeCategory::Real))
+                    suitable_type = true;
+                } else if (realName == "iand" || realName == "ior" ||
+                           realName == "ieor") {
+                  if (type->IsNumeric(TypeCategory::Integer))
+                    suitable_type = true;
+                } else {
+                  supported_identifier = false;
+                  return;
+                }
+                if (!suitable_type) {
+                  context_.Say(currentStatementSourcePosition_,
+                      "Reduction variable '%s' does not have a "
+                      "suitable type."_err_en_US, x.symbol->name());
+                }
+              }
+            }
+        },
+        reduceOperation.u);
+    if (!supported_identifier) {
+      context_.Say(currentStatementSourcePosition_,
+          "Invalid reduction identifier in REDUCE clause."_err_en_US);
+    }
+  }
   // C1123, concurrent limit or step expressions can't reference index-names
   void CheckConcurrentHeader(const parser::ConcurrentHeader &header) const {
     if (const auto &mask{
@@ -737,6 +820,12 @@ class DoContext {
               std::get<std::optional<parser::ScalarLogicalExpr>>(header.t)}) {
         CheckMaskDoesNotReferenceLocal(*mask, localVars);
+      for (auto &ls : localitySpecs) {
+        if (const auto *reduce{
+                std::get_if<parser::LocalitySpec::Reduce>(&ls.u)}) {
+          CheckReduce(*reduce);
+        }
+      }
       CheckDefaultNoneImpliesExplicitLocality(localitySpecs, block);
diff --git a/flang/lib/Semantics/resolve-names.cpp b/flang/lib/Semantics/resolve-names.cpp
index 40eee89de131a..61f0811982feb 100644
--- a/flang/lib/Semantics/resolve-names.cpp
+++ b/flang/lib/Semantics/resolve-names.cpp
@@ -537,7 +537,9 @@ class ScopeHandler : public ImplicitRulesVisitor {
   void SayAlreadyDeclared(const SourceName &, const SourceName &);
   void SayWithReason(
       const parser::Name &, Symbol &, MessageFixedText &&, Message &&);
-  void SayWithDecl(const parser::Name &, Symbol &, MessageFixedText &&);
+  template <typename... A>
+  void SayWithDecl(const parser::Name &, Symbol &, MessageFixedText &&,
+                   A &&...args);
   void SayLocalMustBeVariable(const parser::Name &, Symbol &);
   void SayDerivedType(const SourceName &, MessageFixedText &&, const Scope &);
   void Say2(const SourceName &, MessageFixedText &&, const SourceName &,
@@ -1041,10 +1043,10 @@ class DeclarationVisitor : public ArraySpecVisitor,
   Symbol &DeclareObjectEntity(const parser::Name &, Attrs = Attrs{});
   // Make sure that there's an entity in an enclosing scope called Name
   Symbol &FindOrDeclareEnclosingEntity(const parser::Name &);
-  // Declare a LOCAL/LOCAL_INIT entity. If there isn't a type specified
+  // Declare a LOCAL/LOCAL_INIT/REDUCE entity. If there isn't a type specified
   // it comes from the entity in the containing scope, or implicit rules.
   // Return pointer to the new symbol, or nullptr on error.
-  Symbol *DeclareLocalEntity(const parser::Name &);
+  Symbol *DeclareLocalEntity(const parser::Name &, Symbol::Flag);
   // Declare a statement entity (i.e., an implied DO loop index for
   // a DATA statement or an array constructor).  If there isn't an explict
   // type specified, implicit rules apply. Return pointer to the new symbol,
@@ -1145,7 +1147,8 @@ class DeclarationVisitor : public ArraySpecVisitor,
   const parser::Name *FindComponent(const parser::Name *, const parser::Name &);
   void Initialization(const parser::Name &, const parser::Initialization &,
       bool inComponentDecl);
-  bool PassesLocalityChecks(const parser::Name &name, Symbol &symbol);
+  bool PassesLocalityChecks(const parser::Name &name, Symbol &symbol,
+      Symbol::Flag flag);
   bool CheckForHostAssociatedImplicit(const parser::Name &);
   // Declare an object or procedure entity.
@@ -1214,6 +1217,7 @@ class ConstructVisitor : public virtual DeclarationVisitor {
   bool Pre(const parser::ConcurrentHeader &);
   bool Pre(const parser::LocalitySpec::Local &);
   bool Pre(const parser::LocalitySpec::LocalInit &);
+  bool Pre(const parser::LocalitySpec::Reduce &);
   bool Pre(const parser::LocalitySpec::Shared &);
   bool Pre(const parser::AcSpec &);
   bool Pre(const parser::AcImpliedDo &);
@@ -1573,6 +1577,7 @@ class ResolveNamesVisitor : public virtual ScopeHandler,
   void Post(const parser::ProcComponentRef &);
+  bool Pre(const parser::ReduceOperation &);
   bool Pre(const parser::FunctionReference &);
   bool Pre(const parser::CallStmt &);
   bool Pre(const parser::ImportStmt &);
@@ -2254,9 +2259,11 @@ void ScopeHandler::SayWithReason(const parser::Name &name, Symbol &symbol,
   context().SetError(symbol, isFatal);
-void ScopeHandler::SayWithDecl(
-    const parser::Name &name, Symbol &symbol, MessageFixedText &&msg) {
-  auto &message{Say(name, std::move(msg), symbol.name())
+template <typename... A> void ScopeHandler::SayWithDecl(
+    const parser::Name &name, Symbol &symbol, MessageFixedText &&msg,
+    A &&...args) {
+  auto &message{Say(name.source, std::move(msg), symbol.name(),
+                    std::forward<A>(args)...)
                             ? "Implicit declaration of '%s'"_en_US
@@ -6458,44 +6465,60 @@ bool DeclarationVisitor::PassesSharedLocalityChecks(
   return true;
-// Checks for locality-specs LOCAL and LOCAL_INIT
+// Checks for locality-specs LOCAL, LOCAL_INIT, and REDUCE
 bool DeclarationVisitor::PassesLocalityChecks(
-    const parser::Name &name, Symbol &symbol) {
-  if (IsAllocatable(symbol)) { // C1128
-    SayWithDecl(name, symbol,
-        "ALLOCATABLE variable '%s' not allowed in a locality-spec"_err_en_US);
+    const parser::Name &name, Symbol &symbol, Symbol::Flag flag) {
+  bool isReduce = flag == Symbol::Flag::LocalityReduce;
+  if (IsAllocatable(symbol) && !isReduce) { // C1128, F'2023 C1130
+    SayWithDecl(name, symbol, "ALLOCATABLE variable '%s' not allowed in a "
+        "LOCAL%s locality-spec"_err_en_US,
+        (flag == Symbol::Flag::LocalityLocalInit) ? "_INIT" : "");
     return false;
-  if (IsOptional(symbol)) { // C1128
+  if (IsOptional(symbol)) { // C1128, F'2023 C1130-C1131
     SayWithDecl(name, symbol,
         "OPTIONAL argument '%s' not allowed in a locality-spec"_err_en_US);
     return false;
-  if (IsIntentIn(symbol)) { // C1128
+  if (IsIntentIn(symbol)) { // C1128, F'2023 C1130-C1131
     SayWithDecl(name, symbol,
         "INTENT IN argument '%s' not allowed in a locality-spec"_err_en_US);
     return false;
-  if (IsFinalizable(symbol)) { // C1128
-    SayWithDecl(name, symbol,
-        "Finalizable variable '%s' not allowed in a locality-spec"_err_en_US);
+  if (IsFinalizable(symbol) && !isReduce) { // C1128, F'2023 C1130
+    SayWithDecl(name, symbol, "Finalizable variable '%s' not allowed in a "
+        "LOCAL%s locality-spec"_err_en_US,
+        (flag == Symbol::Flag::LocalityLocalInit) ? "_INIT" : "");
     return false;
-  if (evaluate::IsCoarray(symbol)) { // C1128
-    SayWithDecl(
-        name, symbol, "Coarray '%s' not allowed in a locality-spec"_err_en_US);
+  if (evaluate::IsCoarray(symbol) && !isReduce) { // C1128, F'2023 C1130
+    SayWithDecl(name, symbol, "Coarray '%s' not allowed in a "
+        "LOCAL%s locality-spec"_err_en_US,
+        (flag == Symbol::Flag::LocalityLocalInit) ? "_INIT" : "");
     return false;
   if (const DeclTypeSpec * type{symbol.GetType()}) {
     if (type->IsPolymorphic() && IsDummy(symbol) &&
-        !IsPointer(symbol)) { // C1128
-      SayWithDecl(name, symbol,
-          "Nonpointer polymorphic argument '%s' not allowed in a "
-          "locality-spec"_err_en_US);
+        !IsPointer(symbol) && !isReduce) { // C1128, F'2023 C1130
+      SayWithDecl(name, symbol, "Nonpointer polymorphic argument '%s' not "
+          "allowed in a LOCAL%s locality-spec"_err_en_US,
+          (flag == Symbol::Flag::LocalityLocalInit) ? "_INIT" : "");
       return false;
-  if (IsAssumedSizeArray(symbol)) { // C1128
+  if (symbol.attrs().test(Attr::ASYNCHRONOUS) && isReduce) { // F'2023 C1131
+    SayWithDecl(name, symbol,
+        "ASYNCHRONOUS variable '%s' not allowed in a "
+        "REDUCE locality-spec"_err_en_US);
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (symbol.attrs().test(Attr::VOLATILE) && isReduce) { // F'2023 C1131
+    SayWithDecl(name, symbol,
+        "VOLATILE variable '%s' not allowed in a "
+        "REDUCE locality-spec"_err_en_US);
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (IsAssumedSizeArray(symbol)) { // C1128, F'2023 C1130-C1131
     SayWithDecl(name, symbol,
         "Assumed size array '%s' not allowed in a locality-spec"_err_en_US);
     return false;
@@ -6524,9 +6547,10 @@ Symbol &DeclarationVisitor::FindOrDeclareEnclosingEntity(
   return *prev;
-Symbol *DeclarationVisitor::DeclareLocalEntity(const parser::Name &name) {
+Symbol *DeclarationVisitor::DeclareLocalEntity(
+    const parser::Name &name, Symbol::Flag flag) {
   Symbol &prev{FindOrDeclareEnclosingEntity(name)};
-  if (!PassesLocalityChecks(name, prev)) {
+  if (!PassesLocalityChecks(name, prev, flag)) {
     return nullptr;
   return &MakeHostAssocSymbol(name, prev);
@@ -6866,7 +6890,7 @@ bool ConstructVisitor::Pre(const parser::ConcurrentHeader &header) {
 bool ConstructVisitor::Pre(const parser::LocalitySpec::Local &x) {
   for (auto &name : x.v) {
-    if (auto *symbol{DeclareLocalEntity(name)}) {
+    if (auto *symbol{DeclareLocalEntity(name, Symbol::Flag::LocalityLocal)}) {
@@ -6875,13 +6899,25 @@ bool ConstructVisitor::Pre(const parser::LocalitySpec::Local &x) {
 bool ConstructVisitor::Pre(const parser::LocalitySpec::LocalInit &x) {
   for (auto &name : x.v) {
-    if (auto *symbol{DeclareLocalEntity(name)}) {
+    if (auto *symbol{
+        DeclareLocalEntity(name, Symbol::Flag::LocalityLocalInit)}) {
   return false;
+bool ConstructVisitor::Pre(const parser::LocalitySpec::Reduce &x) {
+  Walk(std::get<parser::ReduceOperation>(x.t));
+  for (auto &name : std::get<std::list<parser::Name>>(x.t)) {
+    if (auto *symbol{
+        DeclareLocalEntity(name, Symbol::Flag::LocalityReduce)}) {
+      symbol->set(Symbol::Flag::LocalityReduce);
+    }
+  }
+  return false;
 bool ConstructVisitor::Pre(const parser::LocalitySpec::Shared &x) {
   for (const auto &name : x.v) {
     if (!FindSymbol(name)) {
@@ -8216,6 +8252,15 @@ void ResolveNamesVisitor::HandleProcedureName(
+bool ResolveNamesVisitor::Pre(const parser::ReduceOperation &x) {
+  if (const auto *procD{parser::Unwrap<parser::ProcedureDesignator>(x.u)}) {
+    if (const auto *name{parser::Unwrap<parser::Name>(procD->u)}) {
+      HandleProcedureName(Symbol::Flag::Function, *name);
+    }
+  }
+  return false;
 bool ResolveNamesVisitor::CheckImplicitNoneExternal(
     const SourceName &name, const Symbol &symbol) {
   if (symbol.has<ProcEntityDetails>() && isImplicitNoneExternal() &&
diff --git a/flang/test/Semantics/resolve123.f90 b/flang/test/Semantics/resolve123.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..1b2c4613f2fef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flang/test/Semantics/resolve123.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+! RUN: %python %S/test_errors.py %s %flang_fc1
+! Tests for F'2023 C1131:
+! A variable-name that appears in a REDUCE locality-spec shall not have the
+! ASYNCHRONOUS, INTENT (IN), OPTIONAL, or VOLATILE attribute, shall not be
+! coindexed, and shall not be an assumed-size array. A variable-name that is not
+! permitted to appear in a variable definition context shall not appear in a
+! REDUCE locality-spec.
+subroutine s1()
+! Cannot have ASYNCHRONOUS variable in a REDUCE locality spec
+  integer, asynchronous :: k
+!ERROR: ASYNCHRONOUS variable 'k' not allowed in a REDUCE locality-spec
+  do concurrent(i=1:5) reduce(+:k)
+     k = k + i
+  end do
+end subroutine s1
+subroutine s2(arg)
+! Cannot have a dummy OPTIONAL in a REDUCE locality spec
+  integer, optional :: arg
+!ERROR: OPTIONAL argument 'arg' not allowed in a locality-spec
+  do concurrent(i=1:5) reduce(*:arg)
+     arg = arg * 1
+  end do
+end subroutine s2
+subroutine s3(arg)
+! This is OK
+  real :: arg
+  integer :: reduce, reduce2, reduce3
+  do concurrent(i=1:5) reduce(max:arg,reduce) reduce(iand:reduce2,reduce3)
+     arg = max(arg, i)
+     reduce = max(reduce, i)
+     reduce3 = iand(reduce3, i)
+  end do
+end subroutine s3
+subroutine s4(arg)
+! Cannot have a dummy INTENT(IN) in a REDUCE locality spec
+  real, intent(in) :: arg
+!ERROR: INTENT IN argument 'arg' not allowed in a locality-spec
+  do concurrent(i=1:5) reduce(min:arg)
+!ERROR: Left-hand side of assignment is not definable
+!ERROR: 'arg' is an INTENT(IN) dummy argument
+     arg = min(arg, i)
+  end do
+end subroutine s4
+module m
+  subroutine s5()
+    ! Cannot have VOLATILE variable in a REDUCE locality spec
+    integer, volatile :: var
+    !ERROR: VOLATILE variable 'var' not allowed in a REDUCE locality-spec
+    do concurrent(i=1:5) reduce(ieor:var)
+       var = ieor(var, i)
+    end do
+  end subroutine s5
+  subroutine f(x)
+    integer :: x
+  end subroutine f
+end module m
+subroutine s8(arg)
+! Cannot have an assumed size array
+  integer, dimension(*) :: arg
+!ERROR: Assumed size array 'arg' not allowed in a locality-spec
+  do concurrent(i=1:5) reduce(ior:arg)
+     arg(i) = ior(arg(i), i)
+  end do
+end subroutine s8
+subroutine s9()
+! Reduction variable should not appear in a variable definition context
+  integer :: i
+!ERROR: 'i' is already declared in this scoping unit
+  do concurrent(i=1:5) reduce(+:i)
+  end do
+end subroutine s9
diff --git a/flang/test/Semantics/resolve124.f90 b/flang/test/Semantics/resolve124.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..efb920c6f5d7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flang/test/Semantics/resolve124.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+! RUN: %python %S/test_errors.py %s %flang_fc1
+! Tests for F'2023 C1132:
+! A variable-name that appears in a REDUCE locality-spec shall be of intrinsic
+! type suitable for the intrinsic operation or function specified by its
+! reduce-operation.
+subroutine s1(n)
+! This is OK
+  integer :: i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, n
+  real(8) :: r1, r2, r3, r4
+  complex :: c1, c2
+  logical :: l1, l2, l3(n,n), l4(n)
+  do concurrent(i=1:5) &
+       & reduce(+:i1,r1,c1) reduce(*:i2,r2,c2) reduce(iand:i3) reduce(ieor:i4) &
+       & reduce(ior:i5) reduce(max:i6,r3) reduce(min:i7,r4) reduce(.and.:l1) &
+       & reduce(.or.:l2) reduce(.eqv.:l3) reduce(.neqv.:l4)
+  end do
+end subroutine s1
+subroutine s2()
+! Cannot apply logical operations to integer variables
+  integer :: i1, i2, i3, i4
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'i1' does not have a suitable type.
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'i2' does not have a suitable type.
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'i3' does not have a suitable type.
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'i4' does not have a suitable type.
+  do concurrent(i=1:5) &
+       & reduce(.and.:i1) reduce(.or.:i2) reduce(.eqv.:i3) reduce(.neqv.:i4)
+  end do
+end subroutine s2
+subroutine s3()
+! Cannot apply integer/logical operations to real variables
+  real :: r1, r2, r3, r4
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'r1' does not have a suitable type.
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'r2' does not have a suitable type.
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'r3' does not have a suitable type.
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'r4' does not have a suitable type.
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'r5' does not have a suitable type.
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'r6' does not have a suitable type.
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'r7' does not have a suitable type.
+  do concurrent(i=1:5) &
+       & reduce(iand:r1) reduce(ieor:r2) reduce(ior:r3) reduce(.and.:r4) &
+       & reduce(.or.:r5) reduce(.eqv.:r6) reduce(.neqv.:r7)
+  end do
+end subroutine s3
+subroutine s4()
+! Cannot apply integer/logical operations to complex variables
+  complex :: c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'c1' does not have a suitable type.
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'c2' does not have a suitable type.
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'c3' does not have a suitable type.
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'c4' does not have a suitable type.
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'c5' does not have a suitable type.
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'c6' does not have a suitable type.
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'c7' does not have a suitable type.
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'c8' does not have a suitable type.
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'c9' does not have a suitable type.
+  do concurrent(i=1:5) &
+       & reduce(iand:c1) reduce(ieor:c2) reduce(ior:c3) reduce(max:c4) &
+       & reduce(min:c5) reduce(.and.:c6) reduce(.or.:c7) reduce(.eqv.:c8) &
+       & reduce(.neqv.:c9)
+  end do
+end subroutine s4
+subroutine s5()
+! Cannot apply integer operations to logical variables
+  logical :: l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6, l7
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'l1' does not have a suitable type.
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'l2' does not have a suitable type.
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'l3' does not have a suitable type.
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'l4' does not have a suitable type.
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'l5' does not have a suitable type.
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'l6' does not have a suitable type.
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'l7' does not have a suitable type.
+  do concurrent(i=1:5) &
+       & reduce(+:l1) reduce(*:l2) reduce(iand:l3) reduce(ieor:l4) &
+       & reduce(ior:l5) reduce(max:l6) reduce(min:l7)
+  end do
+end subroutine s5
+subroutine s6()
+! Cannot reduce a character
+  character ch
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'ch' does not have a suitable type.
+  do concurrent(i=1:5) reduce(+:ch)
+  end do
+end subroutine s6
diff --git a/flang/test/Semantics/resolve55.f90 b/flang/test/Semantics/resolve55.f90
index 1133e791fa389..54ecb341a82e4 100644
--- a/flang/test/Semantics/resolve55.f90
+++ b/flang/test/Semantics/resolve55.f90
@@ -1,16 +1,19 @@
 ! RUN: %python %S/test_errors.py %s %flang_fc1
-! Tests for C1128:
+! Tests for C1128 and F'2023 C1130:
 ! A variable-name that appears in a LOCAL or LOCAL_INIT locality-spec shall not
 ! have the ALLOCATABLE; INTENT (IN); or OPTIONAL attribute; shall not be of
 ! finalizable type; shall not be a nonpointer polymorphic dummy argument; and
 ! shall not be a coarray or an assumed-size array.
 subroutine s1()
-! Cannot have ALLOCATABLE variable in a locality spec
+! Cannot have ALLOCATABLE variable in a LOCAL/LOCAL_INIT locality spec
   integer, allocatable :: k
-!ERROR: ALLOCATABLE variable 'k' not allowed in a locality-spec
+!ERROR: ALLOCATABLE variable 'k' not allowed in a LOCAL locality-spec
   do concurrent(i=1:5) local(k)
   end do
+!ERROR: ALLOCATABLE variable 'k' not allowed in a LOCAL_INIT locality-spec
+  do concurrent(i=1:5) local_init(k)
+  end do
 end subroutine s1
 subroutine s2(arg)
@@ -37,7 +40,7 @@ subroutine s4(arg)
 end subroutine s4
 module m
-! Cannot have a variable of a finalizable type in a locality spec
+! Cannot have a variable of a finalizable type in a LOCAL locality spec
   type t1
     integer :: i
@@ -46,7 +49,7 @@ module m
   subroutine s5()
     type(t1) :: var
-    !ERROR: Finalizable variable 'var' not allowed in a locality-spec
+    !ERROR: Finalizable variable 'var' not allowed in a LOCAL locality-spec
     do concurrent(i=1:5) local(var)
     end do
   end subroutine s5
@@ -56,7 +59,7 @@ end subroutine f
 end module m
 subroutine s6
-! Cannot have a nonpointer polymorphic dummy argument in a locality spec
+! Cannot have a nonpointer polymorphic dummy argument in a LOCAL locality spec
   type :: t
     integer :: field
   end type t
@@ -70,7 +73,7 @@ subroutine s(x, y)
     end do
 ! This is not allowed
-!ERROR: Nonpointer polymorphic argument 'y' not allowed in a locality-spec
+!ERROR: Nonpointer polymorphic argument 'y' not allowed in a LOCAL locality-spec
     do concurrent(i=1:5) local(y)
     end do
   end subroutine s
@@ -79,7 +82,7 @@ end subroutine s6
 subroutine s7()
 ! Cannot have a coarray
   integer, codimension[*] :: coarray_var
-!ERROR: Coarray 'coarray_var' not allowed in a locality-spec
+!ERROR: Coarray 'coarray_var' not allowed in a LOCAL locality-spec
   do concurrent(i=1:5) local(coarray_var)
   end do
 end subroutine s7

>From 86a29a20ee0dfb40bfcf678ea0cc5a52ac66345c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kazuaki Matsumura <kmatsumura at nvidia.com>
Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 12:21:42 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] [flang] Rename AccReductionOperator to ReductionOperator
 for the reuse in DO CONCURRENT REDUCE parsing

 flang/examples/FeatureList/FeatureList.cpp   |   5 +-
 flang/include/flang/Parser/dump-parse-tree.h |   5 +-
 flang/include/flang/Parser/parse-tree.h      |  30 ++--
 flang/lib/Lower/OpenACC.cpp                  |  26 ++--
 flang/lib/Parser/executable-parsers.cpp      |   8 +-
 flang/lib/Parser/openacc-parsers.cpp         |  26 ++--
 flang/lib/Parser/unparse.cpp                 |  22 +--
 flang/lib/Semantics/check-acc-structure.cpp  |  40 +++---
 flang/lib/Semantics/check-cuda.cpp           |  22 +--
 flang/lib/Semantics/check-do-forall.cpp      | 137 ++++++++-----------
 flang/lib/Semantics/resolve-names.cpp        | 137 +++++++++----------
 flang/test/Semantics/resolve124.f90          |  56 ++++----
 12 files changed, 230 insertions(+), 284 deletions(-)

diff --git a/flang/examples/FeatureList/FeatureList.cpp b/flang/examples/FeatureList/FeatureList.cpp
index 28689b5d3c4b0..8fd0236608a66 100644
--- a/flang/examples/FeatureList/FeatureList.cpp
+++ b/flang/examples/FeatureList/FeatureList.cpp
@@ -86,8 +86,6 @@ struct NodeVisitor {
-  READ_FEATURE(AccReductionOperator)
-  READ_FEATURE(AccReductionOperator::Operator)
@@ -410,7 +408,8 @@ struct NodeVisitor {
-  READ_FEATURE(ReduceOperation)
+  READ_FEATURE(ReductionOperator)
+  READ_FEATURE(ReductionOperator::Operator)
diff --git a/flang/include/flang/Parser/dump-parse-tree.h b/flang/include/flang/Parser/dump-parse-tree.h
index 15948bb073664..4232e85a6e595 100644
--- a/flang/include/flang/Parser/dump-parse-tree.h
+++ b/flang/include/flang/Parser/dump-parse-tree.h
@@ -95,8 +95,6 @@ class ParseTreeDumper {
   NODE(parser, AccObjectList)
   NODE(parser, AccObjectListWithModifier)
   NODE(parser, AccObjectListWithReduction)
-  NODE(parser, AccReductionOperator)
-  NODE_ENUM(parser::AccReductionOperator, Operator)
   NODE(parser, AccSizeExpr)
   NODE(parser, AccSizeExprList)
   NODE(parser, AccSelfClause)
@@ -436,7 +434,8 @@ class ParseTreeDumper {
   NODE(parser, LetterSpec)
   NODE(parser, LiteralConstant)
   NODE(parser, IntLiteralConstant)
-  NODE(parser, ReduceOperation)
+  NODE(parser, ReductionOperator)
+  NODE_ENUM(parser::ReductionOperator, Operator)
   NODE(parser, LocalitySpec)
   NODE(LocalitySpec, DefaultNone)
   NODE(LocalitySpec, Local)
diff --git a/flang/include/flang/Parser/parse-tree.h b/flang/include/flang/Parser/parse-tree.h
index 68a4319a85047..fd60f99bac1f6 100644
--- a/flang/include/flang/Parser/parse-tree.h
+++ b/flang/include/flang/Parser/parse-tree.h
@@ -2243,17 +2243,18 @@ struct ConcurrentHeader {
-// F'2023 R1131 reduce-operation ->
-//                + | * | .AND. | .OR. | .EQV. | .NEQV. |
-//                MAX | MIN | IAND | IOR | IEOR
-struct ReduceOperation {
-  std::variant<DefinedOperator, ProcedureDesignator> u;
+// OpenACC 3.2
+// 2.5.15: + | * | max | min | iand | ior | ieor | .and. | .or. | .eqv. | .neqv.
+struct ReductionOperator {
+      Operator, Plus, Multiply, Max, Min, Iand, Ior, Ieor, And, Or, Eqv, Neqv)
+  WRAPPER_CLASS_BOILERPLATE(ReductionOperator, Operator);
+  CharBlock source;
 // R1130 locality-spec ->
 //         LOCAL ( variable-name-list ) | LOCAL_INIT ( variable-name-list ) |
-//         REDUCE ( reduce-operation : variable-name-list ) |
+//         REDUCE ( acc-reduction-op : variable-name-list ) |
 //         SHARED ( variable-name-list ) | DEFAULT ( NONE )
 struct LocalitySpec {
@@ -2261,7 +2262,8 @@ struct LocalitySpec {
   WRAPPER_CLASS(LocalInit, std::list<Name>);
   struct Reduce {
-    std::tuple<ReduceOperation, std::list<Name>> t;
+    using Operator = ReductionOperator;
+    std::tuple<Operator, std::list<Name>> t;
   WRAPPER_CLASS(Shared, std::list<Name>);
@@ -4079,17 +4081,9 @@ struct AccObjectListWithModifier {
   std::tuple<std::optional<AccDataModifier>, AccObjectList> t;
-// 2.5.15: + | * | max | min | iand | ior | ieor | .and. | .or. | .eqv. | .neqv.
-struct AccReductionOperator {
-      Operator, Plus, Multiply, Max, Min, Iand, Ior, Ieor, And, Or, Eqv, Neqv)
-  WRAPPER_CLASS_BOILERPLATE(AccReductionOperator, Operator);
-  CharBlock source;
 struct AccObjectListWithReduction {
-  std::tuple<AccReductionOperator, AccObjectList> t;
+  std::tuple<ReductionOperator, AccObjectList> t;
 struct AccWaitArgument {
@@ -4329,7 +4323,7 @@ struct OpenACCConstruct {
 struct CUFReduction {
-  using Operator = AccReductionOperator;
+  using Operator = ReductionOperator;
   std::tuple<Operator, std::list<Scalar<Variable>>> t;
diff --git a/flang/lib/Lower/OpenACC.cpp b/flang/lib/Lower/OpenACC.cpp
index b02e7be75d20f..c104eb6230169 100644
--- a/flang/lib/Lower/OpenACC.cpp
+++ b/flang/lib/Lower/OpenACC.cpp
@@ -829,29 +829,29 @@ genPrivatizations(const Fortran::parser::AccObjectList &objectList,
 /// Return the corresponding enum value for the mlir::acc::ReductionOperator
 /// from the parser representation.
 static mlir::acc::ReductionOperator
-getReductionOperator(const Fortran::parser::AccReductionOperator &op) {
+getReductionOperator(const Fortran::parser::ReductionOperator &op) {
   switch (op.v) {
-  case Fortran::parser::AccReductionOperator::Operator::Plus:
+  case Fortran::parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Plus:
     return mlir::acc::ReductionOperator::AccAdd;
-  case Fortran::parser::AccReductionOperator::Operator::Multiply:
+  case Fortran::parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Multiply:
     return mlir::acc::ReductionOperator::AccMul;
-  case Fortran::parser::AccReductionOperator::Operator::Max:
+  case Fortran::parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Max:
     return mlir::acc::ReductionOperator::AccMax;
-  case Fortran::parser::AccReductionOperator::Operator::Min:
+  case Fortran::parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Min:
     return mlir::acc::ReductionOperator::AccMin;
-  case Fortran::parser::AccReductionOperator::Operator::Iand:
+  case Fortran::parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Iand:
     return mlir::acc::ReductionOperator::AccIand;
-  case Fortran::parser::AccReductionOperator::Operator::Ior:
+  case Fortran::parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Ior:
     return mlir::acc::ReductionOperator::AccIor;
-  case Fortran::parser::AccReductionOperator::Operator::Ieor:
+  case Fortran::parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Ieor:
     return mlir::acc::ReductionOperator::AccXor;
-  case Fortran::parser::AccReductionOperator::Operator::And:
+  case Fortran::parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::And:
     return mlir::acc::ReductionOperator::AccLand;
-  case Fortran::parser::AccReductionOperator::Operator::Or:
+  case Fortran::parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Or:
     return mlir::acc::ReductionOperator::AccLor;
-  case Fortran::parser::AccReductionOperator::Operator::Eqv:
+  case Fortran::parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Eqv:
     return mlir::acc::ReductionOperator::AccEqv;
-  case Fortran::parser::AccReductionOperator::Operator::Neqv:
+  case Fortran::parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Neqv:
     return mlir::acc::ReductionOperator::AccNeqv;
   llvm_unreachable("unexpected reduction operator");
@@ -1357,7 +1357,7 @@ genReductions(const Fortran::parser::AccObjectListWithReduction &objectList,
   fir::FirOpBuilder &builder = converter.getFirOpBuilder();
   const auto &objects = std::get<Fortran::parser::AccObjectList>(objectList.t);
   const auto &op =
-      std::get<Fortran::parser::AccReductionOperator>(objectList.t);
+      std::get<Fortran::parser::ReductionOperator>(objectList.t);
   mlir::acc::ReductionOperator mlirOp = getReductionOperator(op);
   Fortran::evaluate::ExpressionAnalyzer ea{semanticsContext};
   for (const auto &accObject : objects.v) {
diff --git a/flang/lib/Parser/executable-parsers.cpp b/flang/lib/Parser/executable-parsers.cpp
index 6bacdb34f8c70..f703e09612d54 100644
--- a/flang/lib/Parser/executable-parsers.cpp
+++ b/flang/lib/Parser/executable-parsers.cpp
@@ -252,12 +252,6 @@ TYPE_PARSER(parenthesized(construct<ConcurrentHeader>(
 TYPE_PARSER(construct<ConcurrentControl>(name / "=", scalarIntExpr / ":",
     scalarIntExpr, maybe(":" >> scalarIntExpr)))
-// F'2023 R1131 reduce-operation ->
-//                + | * | .AND. | .OR. | .EQV. | .NEQV. |
-//                MAX | MIN | IAND | IOR | IEOR
-TYPE_PARSER(construct<ReduceOperation>(Parser<DefinedOperator>{}) ||
-    construct<ReduceOperation>(Parser<ProcedureDesignator>{}))
 // R1130 locality-spec ->
 //         LOCAL ( variable-name-list ) | LOCAL_INIT ( variable-name-list ) |
 //         REDUCE ( reduce-operation : variable-name-list ) |
@@ -267,7 +261,7 @@ TYPE_PARSER(construct<LocalitySpec>(construct<LocalitySpec::Local>(
         "LOCAL_INIT"_sptok >> parenthesized(listOfNames))) ||
-        "REDUCE"_sptok >> "("_tok >> Parser<ReduceOperation>{} / ":",
+        "REDUCE (" >> Parser<LocalitySpec::Reduce::Operator>{} / ":",
         listOfNames / ")")) ||
         "SHARED" >> parenthesized(listOfNames))) ||
diff --git a/flang/lib/Parser/openacc-parsers.cpp b/flang/lib/Parser/openacc-parsers.cpp
index 3d919e29a2482..c2e79835b916e 100644
--- a/flang/lib/Parser/openacc-parsers.cpp
+++ b/flang/lib/Parser/openacc-parsers.cpp
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ TYPE_PARSER(construct<AccObjectListWithModifier>(
     maybe(Parser<AccDataModifier>{}), Parser<AccObjectList>{}))
-    Parser<AccReductionOperator>{} / ":", Parser<AccObjectList>{}))
+    Parser<ReductionOperator>{} / ":", Parser<AccObjectList>{}))
 // 2.16 (3249) wait-argument is:
 //   [devnum : int-expr :] [queues :] int-expr-list
@@ -94,18 +94,18 @@ TYPE_PARSER(construct<AccCollapseArg>(
 // 2.5.15 Reduction
 // Operator for reduction
-    first("+" >> pure(AccReductionOperator::Operator::Plus),
-        "*" >> pure(AccReductionOperator::Operator::Multiply),
-        "MAX" >> pure(AccReductionOperator::Operator::Max),
-        "MIN" >> pure(AccReductionOperator::Operator::Min),
-        "IAND" >> pure(AccReductionOperator::Operator::Iand),
-        "IOR" >> pure(AccReductionOperator::Operator::Ior),
-        "IEOR" >> pure(AccReductionOperator::Operator::Ieor),
-        ".AND." >> pure(AccReductionOperator::Operator::And),
-        ".OR." >> pure(AccReductionOperator::Operator::Or),
-        ".EQV." >> pure(AccReductionOperator::Operator::Eqv),
-        ".NEQV." >> pure(AccReductionOperator::Operator::Neqv)))))
+    first("+" >> pure(ReductionOperator::Operator::Plus),
+        "*" >> pure(ReductionOperator::Operator::Multiply),
+        "MAX" >> pure(ReductionOperator::Operator::Max),
+        "MIN" >> pure(ReductionOperator::Operator::Min),
+        "IAND" >> pure(ReductionOperator::Operator::Iand),
+        "IOR" >> pure(ReductionOperator::Operator::Ior),
+        "IEOR" >> pure(ReductionOperator::Operator::Ieor),
+        ".AND." >> pure(ReductionOperator::Operator::And),
+        ".OR." >> pure(ReductionOperator::Operator::Or),
+        ".EQV." >> pure(ReductionOperator::Operator::Eqv),
+        ".NEQV." >> pure(ReductionOperator::Operator::Neqv)))))
 // 2.15.1 Bind clause
 TYPE_PARSER(sourced(construct<AccBindClause>(name)) ||
diff --git a/flang/lib/Parser/unparse.cpp b/flang/lib/Parser/unparse.cpp
index 969b9c3a3802b..ff452e5db0302 100644
--- a/flang/lib/Parser/unparse.cpp
+++ b/flang/lib/Parser/unparse.cpp
@@ -1039,8 +1039,8 @@ class UnparseVisitor {
     Word("LOCAL_INIT("), Walk(x.v, ", "), Put(')');
   void Unparse(const LocalitySpec::Reduce &x) {
-    Word("REDUCE("), Walk(std::get<parser::ReduceOperation>(x.t)), Put(':');
-    Walk(std::get<std::list<parser::Name>>(x.t), ", "), Put(')');
+    Word("REDUCE("), Walk(std::get<parser::ReductionOperator>(x.t));
+    Walk(":", std::get<std::list<parser::Name>>(x.t), ",", ")");
   void Unparse(const LocalitySpec::Shared &x) {
     Word("SHARED("), Walk(x.v, ", "), Put(')');
@@ -2022,7 +2022,7 @@ class UnparseVisitor {
   void Unparse(const AccObjectList &x) { Walk(x.v, ","); }
   void Unparse(const AccObjectListWithReduction &x) {
-    Walk(std::get<AccReductionOperator>(x.t));
+    Walk(std::get<ReductionOperator>(x.t));
@@ -2739,28 +2739,28 @@ class UnparseVisitor {
   WALK_NESTED_ENUM(OmpOrderClause, Type) // OMP order-type
   WALK_NESTED_ENUM(OmpOrderModifier, Kind) // OMP order-modifier
-  void Unparse(const AccReductionOperator::Operator x) {
+  void Unparse(const ReductionOperator::Operator x) {
     switch (x) {
-    case AccReductionOperator::Operator::Plus:
+    case ReductionOperator::Operator::Plus:
-    case AccReductionOperator::Operator::Multiply:
+    case ReductionOperator::Operator::Multiply:
-    case AccReductionOperator::Operator::And:
+    case ReductionOperator::Operator::And:
-    case AccReductionOperator::Operator::Or:
+    case ReductionOperator::Operator::Or:
-    case AccReductionOperator::Operator::Eqv:
+    case ReductionOperator::Operator::Eqv:
-    case AccReductionOperator::Operator::Neqv:
+    case ReductionOperator::Operator::Neqv:
-      Word(AccReductionOperator::EnumToString(x));
+      Word(ReductionOperator::EnumToString(x));
diff --git a/flang/lib/Semantics/check-acc-structure.cpp b/flang/lib/Semantics/check-acc-structure.cpp
index 18704b53c66f1..69b9fe17e6a88 100644
--- a/flang/lib/Semantics/check-acc-structure.cpp
+++ b/flang/lib/Semantics/check-acc-structure.cpp
@@ -22,33 +22,33 @@
 using ReductionOpsSet =
-    Fortran::common::EnumSet<Fortran::parser::AccReductionOperator::Operator,
-        Fortran::parser::AccReductionOperator::Operator_enumSize>;
+    Fortran::common::EnumSet<Fortran::parser::ReductionOperator::Operator,
+        Fortran::parser::ReductionOperator::Operator_enumSize>;
 static ReductionOpsSet reductionIntegerSet{
-    Fortran::parser::AccReductionOperator::Operator::Plus,
-    Fortran::parser::AccReductionOperator::Operator::Multiply,
-    Fortran::parser::AccReductionOperator::Operator::Max,
-    Fortran::parser::AccReductionOperator::Operator::Min,
-    Fortran::parser::AccReductionOperator::Operator::Iand,
-    Fortran::parser::AccReductionOperator::Operator::Ior,
-    Fortran::parser::AccReductionOperator::Operator::Ieor};
+    Fortran::parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Plus,
+    Fortran::parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Multiply,
+    Fortran::parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Max,
+    Fortran::parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Min,
+    Fortran::parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Iand,
+    Fortran::parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Ior,
+    Fortran::parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Ieor};
 static ReductionOpsSet reductionRealSet{
-    Fortran::parser::AccReductionOperator::Operator::Plus,
-    Fortran::parser::AccReductionOperator::Operator::Multiply,
-    Fortran::parser::AccReductionOperator::Operator::Max,
-    Fortran::parser::AccReductionOperator::Operator::Min};
+    Fortran::parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Plus,
+    Fortran::parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Multiply,
+    Fortran::parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Max,
+    Fortran::parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Min};
 static ReductionOpsSet reductionComplexSet{
-    Fortran::parser::AccReductionOperator::Operator::Plus,
-    Fortran::parser::AccReductionOperator::Operator::Multiply};
+    Fortran::parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Plus,
+    Fortran::parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Multiply};
 static ReductionOpsSet reductionLogicalSet{
-    Fortran::parser::AccReductionOperator::Operator::And,
-    Fortran::parser::AccReductionOperator::Operator::Or,
-    Fortran::parser::AccReductionOperator::Operator::Eqv,
-    Fortran::parser::AccReductionOperator::Operator::Neqv};
+    Fortran::parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::And,
+    Fortran::parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Or,
+    Fortran::parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Eqv,
+    Fortran::parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Neqv};
 namespace Fortran::semantics {
@@ -670,7 +670,7 @@ void AccStructureChecker::Enter(const parser::AccClause::Reduction &reduction) {
   // The following check that the reduction operator is supported with the given
   // type.
   const parser::AccObjectListWithReduction &list{reduction.v};
-  const auto &op{std::get<parser::AccReductionOperator>(list.t)};
+  const auto &op{std::get<parser::ReductionOperator>(list.t)};
   const auto &objects{std::get<parser::AccObjectList>(list.t)};
   for (const auto &object : objects.v) {
diff --git a/flang/lib/Semantics/check-cuda.cpp b/flang/lib/Semantics/check-cuda.cpp
index 45217ed2e3ccd..8af50cac8ef56 100644
--- a/flang/lib/Semantics/check-cuda.cpp
+++ b/flang/lib/Semantics/check-cuda.cpp
@@ -475,21 +475,21 @@ static void CheckReduce(
         auto cat{type->category()};
         bool isOk{false};
         switch (op) {
-        case parser::AccReductionOperator::Operator::Plus:
-        case parser::AccReductionOperator::Operator::Multiply:
-        case parser::AccReductionOperator::Operator::Max:
-        case parser::AccReductionOperator::Operator::Min:
+        case parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Plus:
+        case parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Multiply:
+        case parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Max:
+        case parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Min:
           isOk = cat == TypeCategory::Integer || cat == TypeCategory::Real;
-        case parser::AccReductionOperator::Operator::Iand:
-        case parser::AccReductionOperator::Operator::Ior:
-        case parser::AccReductionOperator::Operator::Ieor:
+        case parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Iand:
+        case parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Ior:
+        case parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Ieor:
           isOk = cat == TypeCategory::Integer;
-        case parser::AccReductionOperator::Operator::And:
-        case parser::AccReductionOperator::Operator::Or:
-        case parser::AccReductionOperator::Operator::Eqv:
-        case parser::AccReductionOperator::Operator::Neqv:
+        case parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::And:
+        case parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Or:
+        case parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Eqv:
+        case parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Neqv:
           isOk = cat == TypeCategory::Logical;
diff --git a/flang/lib/Semantics/check-do-forall.cpp b/flang/lib/Semantics/check-do-forall.cpp
index 450a6ccda172b..37ca306d6812c 100644
--- a/flang/lib/Semantics/check-do-forall.cpp
+++ b/flang/lib/Semantics/check-do-forall.cpp
@@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ class DoConcurrentBodyEnforce {
       SemanticsContext &context, parser::CharBlock doConcurrentSourcePosition)
-      : context_{context}, doConcurrentSourcePosition_{
-                               doConcurrentSourcePosition} {}
+      : context_{context},
+        doConcurrentSourcePosition_{doConcurrentSourcePosition} {}
   std::set<parser::Label> labels() { return labels_; }
   template <typename T> bool Pre(const T &x) {
     if (const auto *expr{GetExpr(context_, x)}) {
@@ -683,86 +683,61 @@ class DoContext {
-  void CheckReduce(
-      const parser::LocalitySpec::Reduce &reduce) const {
-    const parser::ReduceOperation &reduceOperation =
-        std::get<parser::ReduceOperation>(reduce.t);
+  void CheckReduce(const parser::LocalitySpec::Reduce &reduce) const {
+    const parser::ReductionOperator &reductionOperator{
+        std::get<parser::ReductionOperator>(reduce.t)};
     // F'2023 C1132, reduction variables should have suitable intrinsic type
-    bool supported_identifier = true;
-    common::visit(
-        common::visitors{
-            [&](const parser::DefinedOperator &dOpr) {
-              const auto &intrinsicOp{
-                std::get<parser::DefinedOperator::IntrinsicOperator>(dOpr.u)
-              };
-              for (const Fortran::parser::Name &x :
-                       std::get<std::list<Fortran::parser::Name>>(reduce.t)) {
-                const auto *type{x.symbol->GetType()};
-                bool suitable_type = false;
-                switch (intrinsicOp) {
-                case parser::DefinedOperator::IntrinsicOperator::Add:
-                case parser::DefinedOperator::IntrinsicOperator::Multiply:
-                  if (type->IsNumeric(TypeCategory::Integer) ||
-                      type->IsNumeric(TypeCategory::Real) ||
-                      type->IsNumeric(TypeCategory::Complex)) {
-                    // TODO: check composite type.
-                    suitable_type = true;
-                  }
-                  break;
-                case parser::DefinedOperator::IntrinsicOperator::AND:
-                case parser::DefinedOperator::IntrinsicOperator::OR:
-                case parser::DefinedOperator::IntrinsicOperator::EQV:
-                case parser::DefinedOperator::IntrinsicOperator::NEQV:
-                  if (type->category() == DeclTypeSpec::Category::Logical) {
-                    suitable_type = true;
-                  }
-                  break;
-                default:
-                  supported_identifier = false;
-                  return;
-                }
-                if (!suitable_type) {
-                  context_.Say(currentStatementSourcePosition_,
-                               "Reduction variable '%s' does not have a "
-                               "suitable type."_err_en_US, x.symbol->name());
-                }
-              }
-            },
-            [&](const parser::ProcedureDesignator &procD) {
-              const parser::Name *name{std::get_if<parser::Name>(&procD.u)};
-              if (!(name && name->symbol)) {
-                supported_identifier = false;
-                return;
-              }
-              const SourceName &realName{name->symbol->GetUltimate().name()};
-              for (const Fortran::parser::Name &x : std::get<std::list<
-                       Fortran::parser::Name>>(reduce.t)) {
-                const auto *type{x.symbol->GetType()};
-                bool suitable_type = false;
-                if (realName == "max" || realName == "min") {
-                  if (type->IsNumeric(TypeCategory::Integer) ||
-                      type->IsNumeric(TypeCategory::Real))
-                    suitable_type = true;
-                } else if (realName == "iand" || realName == "ior" ||
-                           realName == "ieor") {
-                  if (type->IsNumeric(TypeCategory::Integer))
-                    suitable_type = true;
-                } else {
-                  supported_identifier = false;
-                  return;
-                }
-                if (!suitable_type) {
-                  context_.Say(currentStatementSourcePosition_,
-                      "Reduction variable '%s' does not have a "
-                      "suitable type."_err_en_US, x.symbol->name());
-                }
-              }
-            }
-        },
-        reduceOperation.u);
-    if (!supported_identifier) {
-      context_.Say(currentStatementSourcePosition_,
-          "Invalid reduction identifier in REDUCE clause."_err_en_US);
+    for (const parser::Name &x : std::get<std::list<parser::Name>>(reduce.t)) {
+      bool supported_identifier{false};
+      if (x.symbol && x.symbol->GetType()) {
+        const auto *type{x.symbol->GetType()};
+        auto type_mismatch = [&](const char *suitable_types) {
+          context_.Say(currentStatementSourcePosition_,
+              "Reduction variable '%s' ('%s') does not have a "
+              "suitable type ('%s')."_err_en_US,
+              x.symbol->name(), type->AsFortran(), suitable_types);
+        };
+        supported_identifier = true;
+        switch (reductionOperator.v) {
+        case parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Plus:
+        case parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Multiply:
+          if (!(type->IsNumeric(TypeCategory::Complex) ||
+                  type->IsNumeric(TypeCategory::Integer) ||
+                  type->IsNumeric(TypeCategory::Real))) {
+            type_mismatch("COMPLEX', 'INTEGER', 'REAL");
+          }
+          break;
+        case parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::And:
+        case parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Or:
+        case parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Eqv:
+        case parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Neqv:
+          if (type->category() != DeclTypeSpec::Category::Logical) {
+            type_mismatch("LOGICAL");
+          }
+          break;
+        case parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Max:
+        case parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Min:
+          if (!(type->IsNumeric(TypeCategory::Integer) ||
+                  type->IsNumeric(TypeCategory::Real))) {
+            type_mismatch("INTEGER', 'REAL");
+          }
+          break;
+        case parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Iand:
+        case parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Ior:
+        case parser::ReductionOperator::Operator::Ieor:
+          if (!type->IsNumeric(TypeCategory::Integer)) {
+            type_mismatch("INTEGER");
+          }
+          break;
+        default:
+          supported_identifier = false;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      if (!supported_identifier) {
+        context_.Say(currentStatementSourcePosition_,
+            "Invalid identifier in REDUCE clause."_err_en_US);
+      }
diff --git a/flang/lib/Semantics/resolve-names.cpp b/flang/lib/Semantics/resolve-names.cpp
index 61f0811982feb..62965cf8931c3 100644
--- a/flang/lib/Semantics/resolve-names.cpp
+++ b/flang/lib/Semantics/resolve-names.cpp
@@ -538,8 +538,8 @@ class ScopeHandler : public ImplicitRulesVisitor {
   void SayWithReason(
       const parser::Name &, Symbol &, MessageFixedText &&, Message &&);
   template <typename... A>
-  void SayWithDecl(const parser::Name &, Symbol &, MessageFixedText &&,
-                   A &&...args);
+  void SayWithDecl(
+      const parser::Name &, Symbol &, MessageFixedText &&, A &&...args);
   void SayLocalMustBeVariable(const parser::Name &, Symbol &);
   void SayDerivedType(const SourceName &, MessageFixedText &&, const Scope &);
   void Say2(const SourceName &, MessageFixedText &&, const SourceName &,
@@ -1043,10 +1043,10 @@ class DeclarationVisitor : public ArraySpecVisitor,
   Symbol &DeclareObjectEntity(const parser::Name &, Attrs = Attrs{});
   // Make sure that there's an entity in an enclosing scope called Name
   Symbol &FindOrDeclareEnclosingEntity(const parser::Name &);
-  // Declare a LOCAL/LOCAL_INIT/REDUCE entity. If there isn't a type specified
-  // it comes from the entity in the containing scope, or implicit rules.
-  // Return pointer to the new symbol, or nullptr on error.
-  Symbol *DeclareLocalEntity(const parser::Name &, Symbol::Flag);
+  // Declare a LOCAL/LOCAL_INIT/REDUCE entity while setting a locality flag. If
+  // there isn't a type specified it comes from the entity in the containing
+  // scope, or implicit rules.
+  void DeclareLocalEntity(const parser::Name &, Symbol::Flag);
   // Declare a statement entity (i.e., an implied DO loop index for
   // a DATA statement or an array constructor).  If there isn't an explict
   // type specified, implicit rules apply. Return pointer to the new symbol,
@@ -1147,8 +1147,8 @@ class DeclarationVisitor : public ArraySpecVisitor,
   const parser::Name *FindComponent(const parser::Name *, const parser::Name &);
   void Initialization(const parser::Name &, const parser::Initialization &,
       bool inComponentDecl);
-  bool PassesLocalityChecks(const parser::Name &name, Symbol &symbol,
-      Symbol::Flag flag);
+  bool PassesLocalityChecks(
+      const parser::Name &name, Symbol &symbol, Symbol::Flag flag);
   bool CheckForHostAssociatedImplicit(const parser::Name &);
   // Declare an object or procedure entity.
@@ -1577,7 +1577,6 @@ class ResolveNamesVisitor : public virtual ScopeHandler,
   void Post(const parser::ProcComponentRef &);
-  bool Pre(const parser::ReduceOperation &);
   bool Pre(const parser::FunctionReference &);
   bool Pre(const parser::CallStmt &);
   bool Pre(const parser::ImportStmt &);
@@ -2259,16 +2258,16 @@ void ScopeHandler::SayWithReason(const parser::Name &name, Symbol &symbol,
   context().SetError(symbol, isFatal);
-template <typename... A> void ScopeHandler::SayWithDecl(
-    const parser::Name &name, Symbol &symbol, MessageFixedText &&msg,
-    A &&...args) {
-  auto &message{Say(name.source, std::move(msg), symbol.name(),
-                    std::forward<A>(args)...)
-                    .Attach(Message{symbol.name(),
-                        symbol.test(Symbol::Flag::Implicit)
-                            ? "Implicit declaration of '%s'"_en_US
-                            : "Declaration of '%s'"_en_US,
-                        name.source})};
+template <typename... A>
+void ScopeHandler::SayWithDecl(const parser::Name &name, Symbol &symbol,
+    MessageFixedText &&msg, A &&...args) {
+  auto &message{
+      Say(name.source, std::move(msg), symbol.name(), std::forward<A>(args)...)
+          .Attach(Message{symbol.name(),
+              symbol.test(Symbol::Flag::Implicit)
+                  ? "Implicit declaration of '%s'"_en_US
+                  : "Declaration of '%s'"_en_US,
+              name.source})};
   if (const auto *proc{symbol.detailsIf<ProcEntityDetails>()}) {
     if (auto usedAsProc{proc->usedAsProcedureHere()}) {
       if (usedAsProc->begin() != symbol.name().begin()) {
@@ -5501,7 +5500,7 @@ void DeclarationVisitor::Post(const parser::DerivedTypeStmt &x) {
   std::optional<DerivedTypeSpec> extendsType{
       ResolveExtendsType(name, extendsName)};
   DerivedTypeDetails derivedTypeDetails;
-  if (Symbol *typeSymbol{FindInScope(currScope(), name)}; typeSymbol &&
+  if (Symbol * typeSymbol{FindInScope(currScope(), name)}; typeSymbol &&
       typeSymbol->has<DerivedTypeDetails>() &&
       typeSymbol->get<DerivedTypeDetails>().isForwardReferenced()) {
@@ -6468,39 +6467,43 @@ bool DeclarationVisitor::PassesSharedLocalityChecks(
 // Checks for locality-specs LOCAL, LOCAL_INIT, and REDUCE
 bool DeclarationVisitor::PassesLocalityChecks(
     const parser::Name &name, Symbol &symbol, Symbol::Flag flag) {
-  bool isReduce = flag == Symbol::Flag::LocalityReduce;
-  if (IsAllocatable(symbol) && !isReduce) { // C1128, F'2023 C1130
-    SayWithDecl(name, symbol, "ALLOCATABLE variable '%s' not allowed in a "
+  bool isReduce{flag == Symbol::Flag::LocalityReduce};
+  if (IsAllocatable(symbol) && !isReduce) { // F'2023 C1130
+    SayWithDecl(name, symbol,
+        "ALLOCATABLE variable '%s' not allowed in a "
         "LOCAL%s locality-spec"_err_en_US,
-        (flag == Symbol::Flag::LocalityLocalInit) ? "_INIT" : "");
+        flag == Symbol::Flag::LocalityLocalInit ? "_INIT" : "");
     return false;
-  if (IsOptional(symbol)) { // C1128, F'2023 C1130-C1131
+  if (IsOptional(symbol)) { // F'2023 C1130-C1131
     SayWithDecl(name, symbol,
         "OPTIONAL argument '%s' not allowed in a locality-spec"_err_en_US);
     return false;
-  if (IsIntentIn(symbol)) { // C1128, F'2023 C1130-C1131
+  if (IsIntentIn(symbol)) { // F'2023 C1130-C1131
     SayWithDecl(name, symbol,
         "INTENT IN argument '%s' not allowed in a locality-spec"_err_en_US);
     return false;
-  if (IsFinalizable(symbol) && !isReduce) { // C1128, F'2023 C1130
-    SayWithDecl(name, symbol, "Finalizable variable '%s' not allowed in a "
+  if (IsFinalizable(symbol) && !isReduce) { // F'2023 C1130
+    SayWithDecl(name, symbol,
+        "Finalizable variable '%s' not allowed in a "
         "LOCAL%s locality-spec"_err_en_US,
         (flag == Symbol::Flag::LocalityLocalInit) ? "_INIT" : "");
     return false;
-  if (evaluate::IsCoarray(symbol) && !isReduce) { // C1128, F'2023 C1130
-    SayWithDecl(name, symbol, "Coarray '%s' not allowed in a "
+  if (evaluate::IsCoarray(symbol) && !isReduce) { // F'2023 C1130
+    SayWithDecl(name, symbol,
+        "Coarray '%s' not allowed in a "
         "LOCAL%s locality-spec"_err_en_US,
         (flag == Symbol::Flag::LocalityLocalInit) ? "_INIT" : "");
     return false;
   if (const DeclTypeSpec * type{symbol.GetType()}) {
-    if (type->IsPolymorphic() && IsDummy(symbol) &&
-        !IsPointer(symbol) && !isReduce) { // C1128, F'2023 C1130
-      SayWithDecl(name, symbol, "Nonpointer polymorphic argument '%s' not "
+    if (type->IsPolymorphic() && IsDummy(symbol) && !IsPointer(symbol) &&
+        !isReduce) { // F'2023 C1130
+      SayWithDecl(name, symbol,
+          "Nonpointer polymorphic argument '%s' not "
           "allowed in a LOCAL%s locality-spec"_err_en_US,
           (flag == Symbol::Flag::LocalityLocalInit) ? "_INIT" : "");
       return false;
@@ -6518,7 +6521,7 @@ bool DeclarationVisitor::PassesLocalityChecks(
         "REDUCE locality-spec"_err_en_US);
     return false;
-  if (IsAssumedSizeArray(symbol)) { // C1128, F'2023 C1130-C1131
+  if (IsAssumedSizeArray(symbol)) { // F'2023 C1130-C1131
     SayWithDecl(name, symbol,
         "Assumed size array '%s' not allowed in a locality-spec"_err_en_US);
     return false;
@@ -6547,13 +6550,14 @@ Symbol &DeclarationVisitor::FindOrDeclareEnclosingEntity(
   return *prev;
-Symbol *DeclarationVisitor::DeclareLocalEntity(
+void DeclarationVisitor::DeclareLocalEntity(
     const parser::Name &name, Symbol::Flag flag) {
   Symbol &prev{FindOrDeclareEnclosingEntity(name)};
-  if (!PassesLocalityChecks(name, prev, flag)) {
-    return nullptr;
+  if (PassesLocalityChecks(name, prev, flag)) {
+    if (auto *symbol{&MakeHostAssocSymbol(name, prev)}) {
+      symbol->set(flag);
+    }
-  return &MakeHostAssocSymbol(name, prev);
 Symbol *DeclarationVisitor::DeclareStatementEntity(
@@ -6890,30 +6894,21 @@ bool ConstructVisitor::Pre(const parser::ConcurrentHeader &header) {
 bool ConstructVisitor::Pre(const parser::LocalitySpec::Local &x) {
   for (auto &name : x.v) {
-    if (auto *symbol{DeclareLocalEntity(name, Symbol::Flag::LocalityLocal)}) {
-      symbol->set(Symbol::Flag::LocalityLocal);
-    }
+    DeclareLocalEntity(name, Symbol::Flag::LocalityLocal);
   return false;
 bool ConstructVisitor::Pre(const parser::LocalitySpec::LocalInit &x) {
   for (auto &name : x.v) {
-    if (auto *symbol{
-        DeclareLocalEntity(name, Symbol::Flag::LocalityLocalInit)}) {
-      symbol->set(Symbol::Flag::LocalityLocalInit);
-    }
+    DeclareLocalEntity(name, Symbol::Flag::LocalityLocalInit);
   return false;
 bool ConstructVisitor::Pre(const parser::LocalitySpec::Reduce &x) {
-  Walk(std::get<parser::ReduceOperation>(x.t));
   for (auto &name : std::get<std::list<parser::Name>>(x.t)) {
-    if (auto *symbol{
-        DeclareLocalEntity(name, Symbol::Flag::LocalityReduce)}) {
-      symbol->set(Symbol::Flag::LocalityReduce);
-    }
+    DeclareLocalEntity(name, Symbol::Flag::LocalityReduce);
   return false;
@@ -7012,23 +7007,22 @@ bool ConstructVisitor::Pre(const parser::DataStmtObject &x) {
   // When a name first appears as an object in a DATA statement, it should
   // be implicitly declared locally as if it had been assigned.
   auto flagRestorer{common::ScopedSet(inSpecificationPart_, false)};
-  common::visit(common::visitors{
-                    [&](const Indirection<parser::Variable> &y) {
-                      auto restorer{
-                          common::ScopedSet(deferImplicitTyping_, true)};
-                      Walk(y.value());
-                      const parser::Name &first{
-                          parser::GetFirstName(y.value())};
-                      if (first.symbol) {
-                        first.symbol->set(Symbol::Flag::InDataStmt);
-                      }
-                    },
-                    [&](const parser::DataImpliedDo &y) {
-                      PushScope(Scope::Kind::ImpliedDos, nullptr);
-                      Walk(y);
-                      PopScope();
-                    },
-                },
+  common::visit(
+      common::visitors{
+          [&](const Indirection<parser::Variable> &y) {
+            auto restorer{common::ScopedSet(deferImplicitTyping_, true)};
+            Walk(y.value());
+            const parser::Name &first{parser::GetFirstName(y.value())};
+            if (first.symbol) {
+              first.symbol->set(Symbol::Flag::InDataStmt);
+            }
+          },
+          [&](const parser::DataImpliedDo &y) {
+            PushScope(Scope::Kind::ImpliedDos, nullptr);
+            Walk(y);
+            PopScope();
+          },
+      },
   return false;
@@ -8252,15 +8246,6 @@ void ResolveNamesVisitor::HandleProcedureName(
-bool ResolveNamesVisitor::Pre(const parser::ReduceOperation &x) {
-  if (const auto *procD{parser::Unwrap<parser::ProcedureDesignator>(x.u)}) {
-    if (const auto *name{parser::Unwrap<parser::Name>(procD->u)}) {
-      HandleProcedureName(Symbol::Flag::Function, *name);
-    }
-  }
-  return false;
 bool ResolveNamesVisitor::CheckImplicitNoneExternal(
     const SourceName &name, const Symbol &symbol) {
   if (symbol.has<ProcEntityDetails>() && isImplicitNoneExternal() &&
diff --git a/flang/test/Semantics/resolve124.f90 b/flang/test/Semantics/resolve124.f90
index efb920c6f5d7f..e8ac56eb6826f 100644
--- a/flang/test/Semantics/resolve124.f90
+++ b/flang/test/Semantics/resolve124.f90
@@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ end subroutine s1
 subroutine s2()
 ! Cannot apply logical operations to integer variables
   integer :: i1, i2, i3, i4
-!ERROR: Reduction variable 'i1' does not have a suitable type.
-!ERROR: Reduction variable 'i2' does not have a suitable type.
-!ERROR: Reduction variable 'i3' does not have a suitable type.
-!ERROR: Reduction variable 'i4' does not have a suitable type.
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'i1' ('INTEGER(4)') does not have a suitable type ('LOGICAL').
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'i2' ('INTEGER(4)') does not have a suitable type ('LOGICAL').
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'i3' ('INTEGER(4)') does not have a suitable type ('LOGICAL').
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'i4' ('INTEGER(4)') does not have a suitable type ('LOGICAL').
   do concurrent(i=1:5) &
        & reduce(.and.:i1) reduce(.or.:i2) reduce(.eqv.:i3) reduce(.neqv.:i4)
   end do
@@ -32,13 +32,13 @@ end subroutine s2
 subroutine s3()
 ! Cannot apply integer/logical operations to real variables
   real :: r1, r2, r3, r4
-!ERROR: Reduction variable 'r1' does not have a suitable type.
-!ERROR: Reduction variable 'r2' does not have a suitable type.
-!ERROR: Reduction variable 'r3' does not have a suitable type.
-!ERROR: Reduction variable 'r4' does not have a suitable type.
-!ERROR: Reduction variable 'r5' does not have a suitable type.
-!ERROR: Reduction variable 'r6' does not have a suitable type.
-!ERROR: Reduction variable 'r7' does not have a suitable type.
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'r1' ('REAL(4)') does not have a suitable type ('INTEGER').
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'r2' ('REAL(4)') does not have a suitable type ('INTEGER').
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'r3' ('REAL(4)') does not have a suitable type ('INTEGER').
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'r4' ('REAL(4)') does not have a suitable type ('LOGICAL').
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'r5' ('REAL(4)') does not have a suitable type ('LOGICAL').
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'r6' ('REAL(4)') does not have a suitable type ('LOGICAL').
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'r7' ('REAL(4)') does not have a suitable type ('LOGICAL').
   do concurrent(i=1:5) &
        & reduce(iand:r1) reduce(ieor:r2) reduce(ior:r3) reduce(.and.:r4) &
        & reduce(.or.:r5) reduce(.eqv.:r6) reduce(.neqv.:r7)
@@ -48,15 +48,15 @@ end subroutine s3
 subroutine s4()
 ! Cannot apply integer/logical operations to complex variables
   complex :: c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9
-!ERROR: Reduction variable 'c1' does not have a suitable type.
-!ERROR: Reduction variable 'c2' does not have a suitable type.
-!ERROR: Reduction variable 'c3' does not have a suitable type.
-!ERROR: Reduction variable 'c4' does not have a suitable type.
-!ERROR: Reduction variable 'c5' does not have a suitable type.
-!ERROR: Reduction variable 'c6' does not have a suitable type.
-!ERROR: Reduction variable 'c7' does not have a suitable type.
-!ERROR: Reduction variable 'c8' does not have a suitable type.
-!ERROR: Reduction variable 'c9' does not have a suitable type.
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'c1' ('COMPLEX(4)') does not have a suitable type ('INTEGER').
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'c2' ('COMPLEX(4)') does not have a suitable type ('INTEGER').
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'c3' ('COMPLEX(4)') does not have a suitable type ('INTEGER').
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'c4' ('COMPLEX(4)') does not have a suitable type ('INTEGER', 'REAL').
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'c5' ('COMPLEX(4)') does not have a suitable type ('INTEGER', 'REAL').
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'c6' ('COMPLEX(4)') does not have a suitable type ('LOGICAL').
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'c7' ('COMPLEX(4)') does not have a suitable type ('LOGICAL').
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'c8' ('COMPLEX(4)') does not have a suitable type ('LOGICAL').
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'c9' ('COMPLEX(4)') does not have a suitable type ('LOGICAL').
   do concurrent(i=1:5) &
        & reduce(iand:c1) reduce(ieor:c2) reduce(ior:c3) reduce(max:c4) &
        & reduce(min:c5) reduce(.and.:c6) reduce(.or.:c7) reduce(.eqv.:c8) &
@@ -67,13 +67,13 @@ end subroutine s4
 subroutine s5()
 ! Cannot apply integer operations to logical variables
   logical :: l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6, l7
-!ERROR: Reduction variable 'l1' does not have a suitable type.
-!ERROR: Reduction variable 'l2' does not have a suitable type.
-!ERROR: Reduction variable 'l3' does not have a suitable type.
-!ERROR: Reduction variable 'l4' does not have a suitable type.
-!ERROR: Reduction variable 'l5' does not have a suitable type.
-!ERROR: Reduction variable 'l6' does not have a suitable type.
-!ERROR: Reduction variable 'l7' does not have a suitable type.
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'l1' ('LOGICAL(4)') does not have a suitable type ('COMPLEX', 'INTEGER', 'REAL').
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'l2' ('LOGICAL(4)') does not have a suitable type ('COMPLEX', 'INTEGER', 'REAL').
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'l3' ('LOGICAL(4)') does not have a suitable type ('INTEGER').
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'l4' ('LOGICAL(4)') does not have a suitable type ('INTEGER').
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'l5' ('LOGICAL(4)') does not have a suitable type ('INTEGER').
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'l6' ('LOGICAL(4)') does not have a suitable type ('INTEGER', 'REAL').
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'l7' ('LOGICAL(4)') does not have a suitable type ('INTEGER', 'REAL').
   do concurrent(i=1:5) &
        & reduce(+:l1) reduce(*:l2) reduce(iand:l3) reduce(ieor:l4) &
        & reduce(ior:l5) reduce(max:l6) reduce(min:l7)
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ end subroutine s5
 subroutine s6()
 ! Cannot reduce a character
   character ch
-!ERROR: Reduction variable 'ch' does not have a suitable type.
+!ERROR: Reduction variable 'ch' ('CHARACTER(1_8,1)') does not have a suitable type ('COMPLEX', 'INTEGER', 'REAL').
   do concurrent(i=1:5) reduce(+:ch)
   end do
 end subroutine s6

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