[flang-commits] [flang] [flang] Add parsing of DO CONCURRENT REDUCE clause (PR #92518)

Peter Klausler via flang-commits flang-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri May 17 10:15:31 PDT 2024

@@ -252,13 +252,23 @@ TYPE_PARSER(parenthesized(construct<ConcurrentHeader>(
 TYPE_PARSER(construct<ConcurrentControl>(name / "=", scalarIntExpr / ":",
     scalarIntExpr, maybe(":" >> scalarIntExpr)))
+// F'2023 R1131 reduce-operation ->
+//                + | * | .AND. | .OR. | .EQV. | .NEQV. |
+//                MAX | MIN | IAND | IOR | IEOR
+TYPE_PARSER(construct<ReduceOperation>(Parser<DefinedOperator>{}) ||
+    construct<ReduceOperation>(Parser<ProcedureDesignator>{}))
 // R1130 locality-spec ->
 //         LOCAL ( variable-name-list ) | LOCAL_INIT ( variable-name-list ) |
+//         REDUCE ( reduce-operation : variable-name-list ) |
 //         SHARED ( variable-name-list ) | DEFAULT ( NONE )
                 "LOCAL" >> parenthesized(listOfNames))) ||
         "LOCAL_INIT"_sptok >> parenthesized(listOfNames))) ||
+    construct<LocalitySpec>(construct<LocalitySpec::Reduce>(
+        "REDUCE"_sptok >> "("_tok >> Parser<ReduceOperation>{} / ":",
klausler wrote:

`"REDUCE (" >> Parser<ReduceOperation>{} / ":", listOfNames / ")"`


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