[flang-commits] [clang] [flang] [llvm] [lld] [AMDGPU] Introduce GFX9/10.1/10.3/11 Generic Targets (PR #76955)

Pierre van Houtryve via flang-commits flang-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jan 18 04:28:31 PST 2024

@@ -4135,6 +4283,33 @@ Code object V5 metadata is the same as
      ====================== ============== ========= ================================
+.. _amdgpu-amdhsa-code-object-metadata-v6:
+Code Object V6 Metadata
+.. warning::
+  Code object V6 is not the default code object version emitted by this version
+  of LLVM.
+Code object V6 metadata is the same as
+:ref:`amdgpu-amdhsa-code-object-metadata-v5` with the changes defined in table
+  .. table:: AMDHSA Code Object V6 Metadata Map Changes
+     :name: amdgpu-amdhsa-code-object-metadata-map-table-v6
+     ================= ============== ========= =======================================
+     String Key        Value Type     Required? Description
+     ================= ============== ========= =======================================
+     "amdhsa.version"  sequence of    Required  - The first integer is the major
Pierre-vh wrote:

I anticipate that we'll want to add some more V6-only metadata at some point, that's why I just started a new  table so it's easier to follow up. I don't mind merging it with the V5 table if you really prefer


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