[flang-commits] [flang] [flang][OpenMP] Implement `CheckReductionObjects` for all reduction c… (PR #118689)

Krzysztof Parzyszek via flang-commits flang-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Dec 6 06:04:36 PST 2024

@@ -2963,6 +3000,69 @@ bool OmpStructureChecker::CheckIntrinsicOperator(
   return false;
+/// Check restrictions on objects that are common to all reduction clauses.
+void OmpStructureChecker::CheckReductionObjects(
+    const parser::OmpObjectList &objects, llvm::omp::Clause clauseId) {
+  unsigned version{context_.langOptions().OpenMPVersion};
+  SymbolSourceMap symbols;
+  GetSymbolsInObjectList(objects, symbols);
+  // Array sections must be a contiguous storage, have non-zero length.
+  for (const parser::OmpObject &object : objects.v) {
+    CheckIfContiguous(object);
+  }
+  CheckReductionArraySection(objects);
+  // An object must be definable.
+  CheckDefinableObjects(symbols, clauseId);
+  // Procedure pointers are not allowed.
+  CheckProcedurePointer(symbols, clauseId);
+  // Pointers must not have INTENT(IN).
+  CheckIntentInPointer(symbols, clauseId);
+  // Disallow common blocks.
+  // Iterate on objects because `GetSymbolsInObjectList` expands common block
+  // names into the lists of their members.
+  for (const parser::OmpObject &object : objects.v) {
+    auto *symbol{GetObjectSymbol(object)};
+    assert(symbol && "Expecting a symbol for object");
+    if (IsCommonBlock(*symbol)) {
+      auto source{GetObjectSource(object)};
+      context_.Say(source ? *source : GetContext().clauseSource,
+          "Common block names are not allowed in %s clause"_err_en_US,
+          parser::ToUpperCaseLetters(getClauseName(clauseId).str()));
+    }
+  }
+  if (version >= 50) {
+    // Object cannot be a part of another object (except array elements)
+    CheckStructureComponent(objects, clauseId);
+    // If object is an array section or element, the base expression must be
+    // a language identifier.
+    for (const parser::OmpObject &object : objects.v) {
+      if (auto *elem{GetArrayElementFromObj(object)}) {
+        const parser::DataRef &base = elem->base;
+        if (!std::holds_alternative<parser::Name>(base.u)) {
+          auto source{GetObjectSource(object)};
+          context_.Say(source ? *source : GetContext().clauseSource,
+              "The base expression of an array element in %s clause must be an identifier"_err_en_US,
kparzysz wrote:

Yes, I'll add one.


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