[flang-commits] [flang] [flang] Expand SUM(DIM=CONSTANT) into an hlfir.elemental. (PR #118556)
via flang-commits
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Thu Dec 5 00:39:27 PST 2024
@@ -90,13 +91,198 @@ class TransposeAsElementalConversion
+// Expand the SUM(DIM=CONSTANT) operation into .
+class SumAsElementalConversion : public mlir::OpRewritePattern<hlfir::SumOp> {
+ using mlir::OpRewritePattern<hlfir::SumOp>::OpRewritePattern;
+ llvm::LogicalResult
+ matchAndRewrite(hlfir::SumOp sum,
+ mlir::PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
+ mlir::Location loc = sum.getLoc();
+ fir::FirOpBuilder builder{rewriter, sum.getOperation()};
+ hlfir::ExprType expr = mlir::dyn_cast<hlfir::ExprType>(sum.getType());
+ assert(expr && "expected an expression type for the result of hlfir.sum");
+ mlir::Type elementType = expr.getElementType();
+ hlfir::Entity array = hlfir::Entity{sum.getArray()};
+ mlir::Value mask = sum.getMask();
+ mlir::Value dim = sum.getDim();
+ int64_t dimVal = fir::getIntIfConstant(dim).value_or(0);
+ assert(dimVal > 0 && "DIM must be present and a positive constant");
+ mlir::Value resultShape, dimExtent;
+ std::tie(resultShape, dimExtent) =
+ genResultShape(loc, builder, array, dimVal);
+ auto genKernel = [&](mlir::Location loc, fir::FirOpBuilder &builder,
+ mlir::ValueRange inputIndices) -> hlfir::Entity {
+ // Loop over all indices in the DIM dimension, and reduce all values.
+ // We do not need to create the reduction loop always: if we can
+ // slice the input array given the inputIndices, then we can
+ // just apply a new SUM operation (total reduction) to the slice.
+ // For the time being, generate the explicit loop because the slicing
+ // requires generating an elemental operation for the input array
+ // (and the mask, if present).
+ // TODO: produce the slices and new SUM after adding a pattern
+ // for expanding total reduction SUM case.
+ mlir::Type indexType = builder.getIndexType();
+ auto one = builder.createIntegerConstant(loc, indexType, 1);
+ auto ub = builder.createConvert(loc, indexType, dimExtent);
+ // Initial value for the reduction.
+ mlir::Value initValue = genInitValue(loc, builder, elementType);
+ // The reduction loop may be unordered if FastMathFlags::reassoc
+ // transformations are allowed. The integer reduction is always
+ // unordered.
+ bool isUnordered = mlir::isa<mlir::IntegerType>(elementType) ||
+ static_cast<bool>(sum.getFastmath() &
+ mlir::arith::FastMathFlags::reassoc);
+ // If the mask is present and is a scalar, then we'd better load its value
+ // outside of the reduction loop making the loop unswitching easier.
+ // Maybe it is worth hoisting it from the elemental operation as well.
+ if (mask) {
+ hlfir::Entity maskValue{mask};
+ if (maskValue.isScalar())
+ mask = hlfir::loadTrivialScalar(loc, builder, maskValue);
+ }
+ // NOTE: the outer elemental operation may be lowered into
+ // omp.workshare.loop_wrapper/omp.loop_nest later, so the reduction
+ // loop may appear disjoint from the workshare loop nest.
+ // Moreover, the inner loop is not strictly nested (due to the reduction
+ // starting value initialization), and the above omp dialect operations
+ // cannot produce results.
+ // It is unclear what we should do about it yet.
+ auto doLoop = builder.create<fir::DoLoopOp>(
+ loc, one, ub, one, isUnordered, /*finalCountValue=*/false,
+ mlir::ValueRange{initValue});
+ // Address the input array using the reduction loop's IV
+ // for the DIM dimension.
+ mlir::Value iv = doLoop.getInductionVar();
+ llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> indices{inputIndices};
+ indices.insert(indices.begin() + dimVal - 1, iv);
+ mlir::OpBuilder::InsertionGuard guard(builder);
+ builder.setInsertionPointToStart(doLoop.getBody());
+ mlir::Value reductionValue = doLoop.getRegionIterArgs()[0];
+ fir::IfOp ifOp;
+ if (mask) {
+ // Make the reduction value update conditional on the value
+ // of the mask.
+ hlfir::Entity maskValue{mask};
+ if (!maskValue.isScalar()) {
+ // If the mask is an array, use the elemental and the loop indices
+ // to address the proper mask element.
+ maskValue = hlfir::getElementAt(loc, builder, maskValue, indices);
+ maskValue = hlfir::loadTrivialScalar(loc, builder, maskValue);
+ }
+ mlir::Value isUnmasked =
+ builder.create<fir::ConvertOp>(loc, builder.getI1Type(), maskValue);
+ ifOp = builder.create<fir::IfOp>(loc, elementType, isUnmasked,
+ /*withElseRegion=*/true);
+ // In the 'else' block return the current reduction value.
+ builder.setInsertionPointToStart(&ifOp.getElseRegion().front());
+ builder.create<fir::ResultOp>(loc, reductionValue);
+ // In the 'then' block do the actual addition.
+ builder.setInsertionPointToStart(&ifOp.getThenRegion().front());
+ }
+ hlfir::Entity element = hlfir::getElementAt(loc, builder, array, indices);
+ hlfir::Entity elementValue =
+ hlfir::loadTrivialScalar(loc, builder, element);
+ // NOTE: we can use "Kahan summation" same way as the runtime
+ // (e.g. when fast-math is not allowed), but let's start with
+ // the simple version.
+ reductionValue = genScalarAdd(loc, builder, reductionValue, elementValue);
+ builder.create<fir::ResultOp>(loc, reductionValue);
+ if (ifOp) {
+ builder.setInsertionPointAfter(ifOp);
+ builder.create<fir::ResultOp>(loc, ifOp.getResult(0));
+ }
+ return hlfir::Entity{doLoop.getResult(0)};
+ };
+ hlfir::ElementalOp elementalOp = hlfir::genElementalOp(
+ loc, builder, elementType, resultShape, {}, genKernel,
+ /*isUnordered=*/true, /*polymorphicMold=*/nullptr,
+ sum.getResult().getType());
+ // it wouldn't be safe to replace block arguments with a different
+ // hlfir.expr type. Types can differ due to differing amounts of shape
+ // information
+ assert(elementalOp.getResult().getType() == sum.getResult().getType());
+ rewriter.replaceOp(sum, elementalOp);
+ return mlir::success();
+ }
+ // Return fir.shape specifying the shape of the result
+ // of a SUM reduction with DIM=dimVal. The second return value
+ // is the extent of the DIM dimension.
+ static std::tuple<mlir::Value, mlir::Value>
+ genResultShape(mlir::Location loc, fir::FirOpBuilder &builder,
+ hlfir::Entity array, int64_t dimVal) {
+ mlir::Value inShape = hlfir::genShape(loc, builder, array);
+ llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> inExtents =
+ hlfir::getExplicitExtentsFromShape(inShape, builder);
+ if (inShape.getUses().empty())
+ inShape.getDefiningOp()->erase();
+ mlir::Value dimExtent = inExtents[dimVal - 1];
+ inExtents.erase(inExtents.begin() + dimVal - 1);
+ return {builder.create<fir::ShapeOp>(loc, inExtents), dimExtent};
+ }
+ // Generate the initial value for a SUM reduction with the given
+ // data type.
+ static mlir::Value genInitValue(mlir::Location loc,
+ fir::FirOpBuilder &builder,
+ mlir::Type elementType) {
+ if (auto ty = mlir::dyn_cast<mlir::FloatType>(elementType)) {
+ const llvm::fltSemantics &sem = ty.getFloatSemantics();
+ return builder.createRealConstant(loc, elementType,
+ llvm::APFloat::getZero(sem));
+ } else if (auto ty = mlir::dyn_cast<mlir::ComplexType>(elementType)) {
+ mlir::Value initValue = genInitValue(loc, builder, ty.getElementType());
+ return fir::factory::Complex{builder, loc}.createComplex(ty, initValue,
+ initValue);
+ } else if (mlir::isa<mlir::IntegerType>(elementType)) {
+ return builder.createIntegerConstant(loc, elementType, 0);
+ }
+ llvm_unreachable("unsupported SUM reduction type");
+ }
+ // Generate scalar addition of the two values (of the same data type).
+ static mlir::Value genScalarAdd(mlir::Location loc,
+ fir::FirOpBuilder &builder,
+ mlir::Value value1, mlir::Value value2) {
+ mlir::Type ty = value1.getType();
+ assert(ty == value2.getType() && "reduction values' types do not match");
+ if (mlir::isa<mlir::FloatType>(ty))
+ return builder.create<mlir::arith::AddFOp>(loc, value1, value2);
jeanPerier wrote:
Oh I see now, the builder ctor did take the flags from the SumOp if any, neat.
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