[flang-commits] [flang] [flang][OpenMP] Reland Fix copyprivate semantic checks (#95799) (PR #101009)

Pete Steinfeld via flang-commits flang-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Aug 2 12:56:16 PDT 2024

psteinfeld wrote:

@luporl, after this change, we started failing some internal tests.  Here's a reproducer:
$cat bug.f90
subroutine sub(arg)
  integer,optional :: arg(:)
  !$omp parallel shared(arg) num_threads(1)
  if (present(arg)) print *, "present"
  !$omp end parallel
end subroutine

$flang-new -c -fopenmp bug.f90
error: Semantic errors in bug.f90
./bug.f90:4:15: error: Argument of PRESENT() must be the name of a whole OPTIONAL dummy argument
    if (present(arg)) print *, "present"
The semantic error did not appear before your change.

Can you please take a look?


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