[flang-commits] [PATCH] D144102: [flang][hlfir] Array constructor lowering [part 1/4]

Valentin Clement via Phabricator via flang-commits flang-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Feb 15 11:52:35 PST 2023

clementval added a comment.


Comment at: flang/lib/Lower/ConvertArrayConstructor.cpp:37
+//   of the ac-value are scalars (at least for now).
+//   A temporary is allocated inline in one go, and a index pointing at the
+//   current ac-value position in the array constructor element sequence is

Comment at: flang/lib/Lower/ConvertArrayConstructor.cpp:106
+    // TODO: "copy" would probably be better than assign to ensure there are no
+    // side effects (user assignments, temp, lhs finalization) ?
+    // This only makes a difference for derived types, so for now derived types

Comment at: flang/lib/Lower/ConvertArrayConstructor.cpp:114
+  /// the loop induction variable that is the ac-do-variable value.
+  /// Only usable if the counter is able to track the position though loops.
+  mlir::Value startImpliedDo(mlir::Location loc, fir::FirOpBuilder &builder,

Comment at: flang/lib/Lower/ConvertArrayConstructor.cpp:392-393
+/// Core function that pre-lowers the extent and length parameters of
+/// and array constructor if it can, runs the ac-value analysis and
+/// select the lowering strategy accordingly.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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